International Society Bibliography of Woolf Studies Published in 2006 (includes addenda for previous years)

Please send additions to Celia Marshik, Historian/Bibliographer [email protected]

BOOKS Briggs, Julia. Reading Virginia Woolf. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2006. Castle, Gregory. Reading the Modernist Bildungsroman. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2006. Caws, Mary Ann. Surprised in Translation. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2006. [See chapter 5, “Woolf in Translation”] Cuddy-Keane, Melba. Virginia Woolf, the Intellectual, and the Public Sphere. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003. (paperback 2006) DiPietro, Cary. Shakespeare and Modernism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006. [See chapter 5, “How Many Children had Virginia Woolf?”] Fernald, Anne E. Virginia Woolf: Feminism and the Reader. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. de Gay, Jane. Virginia Woolf’s Novels and the Literary Past. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2006. Glendinning, Victoria. : A Biography. London: Free Press, 2006. Hall, Sarah M. Before Leonard: The Early Suitors of Virginia Woolf. Chester Springs, PA; London, England: Dufour; Owen, 2006. Humm, Maggie. Snapshots of Bloomsbury: The Private Lives of Virginia Woolf and . New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2006. Landon, Lana Hartman, Laurel Smith, and Mary M. Brown. Early Works by Modern Women Writers: Woolf, Bowen, Mansfield, Cather, and Stein. Lewiston, N.Y.: Mellen, 2006. Laurence, Patricia. Julian Bell: The Violent Pacifist. London: Cecil Woolf, 2006. Leavesley, Jim. Mere Mortals—Diseases of the Famous: Diagnosing Historical Maladies from the Present Day. Sydney: ABC Books, 2006. Manson, Janet M., and Wayne K. Chapman. An Annotated Guide to the Writings and Papers of Leonard Woolf. 2nd edition. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. Marshik, Celia. British Modernism and Censorship. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006. [See chapter 3, “Virginia Woolf and the Gender of Censorship”] Oldfield, Sybil. The Child of Two Atheists: Virginia Woolf’s Humanism. Southport, England: Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain, 2006. Parsons, Debora. Theorists of the Modernist Novel: James Joyce, Dorothy Richardson and Virginia Woolf. New York: Routledge, 2006. Pecora, Vincent P. Secularization and Cultural Criticism: Religion, Nation, & Modernity. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2006. [See chapter 5, “The Modernist Moment: Virginia Woolf Voyages Out”] Richardson, LeeAnne M. New Woman and Colonial Adventure Fiction in Victorian Britain: Gender, Genre, and Empire. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2006. 2

Rubio, Jesus. Virginia Woolf (Mujeres En La Historia Series). Edimat Libros, 2006. [In Spanish] Southworth, Helen, and Elisa Kay Sparks, eds. Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. Sproles, Karyn Z. Desiring Women: The Partnership of Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2006. Szasz, Thomas. My Madness Saved Me: The Madness and Marriage of Virginia Woolf. Somerset, NJ: Transaction, 2006. Weinstein, Arnold. Recovering Your Story: Proust, Joyce, Woolf, Faulkner, Morrison. New York: Random House, 2006. Zunshine, Lisa. Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2006. [See chapters 1 and 7-9, which discuss Mrs. Dalloway]

ARTICLES, BOOK CHAPTERS & NOTES Albrinck, Meg. “Lily the Ethnographer: Discovering Self in .” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 196-203. Alley, Henry. “Mrs. Dalloway and Three of Its Contemporary Children.” Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 42 (2006): 401-19. Alt, Christina. “Virginia Woolf and the ‘Naturalist Novelist.’” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 65-71. Alwes, Karla, and Bernard Schweizer. “Virginia Woolf and the Modern Epic.” Approaches to the Anglo and American Female Epic, 1621-1982. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006. 55-68. Andres, Isabel M. “Is It in His Feet? The Role of Cripple and Dismemberment in Jacob’s Room.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 26-27. Andringa, Els. “‘For God’s and Virginia’s Sake Why a Translation?’ Virginia Woolf’s Transfer to the Low Countries.” Critical Comparative Literature 3 (2006): 201- 26. - - - . “Penetrating the Dutch Polysystem: The Reception of Virginia Woolf, 1920-2000.” Poetics Today 27 (2006): 501-68. Baldt, Erika. “Abjection as Deviance in Mrs. Dalloway.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 13-15. Barkway, Stephen. “The ‘Dreadnought’ Hoax: The Aftermath for ‘Prince Sanganya’ and ‘His’ Cousins.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 20-27. - - - . “Mr John G. Wilson.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 45-46. - - - . Note. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 4. - - - . “Seventh Annual Virginia Woolf Birthday Lecture, by Sybil Oldfield” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 64. - - - . “Virginia Woolf Today.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 38-41. 3

- - - . “Virginia Woolf Today.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 39-41. - - - . “Virginia Woolf Today .” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 53-56. - - - . “Virginia Woolf’s ‘Scrolloping.’” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 30-31. - - - . “‘Vita from Virginia’: A Sale at Sotheby’s, London, 13 July 2006” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 72-73. Baxter, Dinah. “Cleeve House.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 8-16. Bellamy, Suzanne, and Thomas R. Smith. “Addressing Virginia Woolf after 9/11.” Lifewriting Annual: Biographical and Autobiographical Students. New York: AMS, 2006. 249-53. Benziman, Galia. “‘Dispersed Are We’: Mirroring and National Identity in Virginia Woolf’s .” Journal of Narrative Theory 36 (2006): 53-71. Blume, Donald. “Confessions of an Archive Addict.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 5-6. Bond, Trevor James. “Loves, Languages, and Lives: An Exhibit from the Library of Leonard and Virginia Woolf.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 33- 37. Bourgeois, Suzanne. “Virginia Woolf and Drugs.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 48-49. Callan, Stephanie. “Exploring the Confluence of Primitive Ritual and Modern Longing in Between the Acts.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 225-231. Chapman, Wayne K. “Last Respects: The Posthumous Editing of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath.” The South Carolina Review 38 (Spring 2006): 65-71. Chatman, Seymour, and Dorothy J. Hale. “Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film.” The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory, 1900-2000. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2006. 219-28. Clarke, Stuart N. Editorial. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 3. - - - . Editorial. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 3. - - - . Editorial. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 3. - - - . “The Femina–Vie Heureuse Prize.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 42-45. - - - . “‘Yet letters are venerable; and the telephone valiant.’” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 46-47. Clemens, J. “The Last Word Even as a Member of a Distinctive Literary Club, Virginia Woolf Broke New Ground All by Herself.” Writers Digest 86 (2006): 112. Cohen, R. “Leonard Woolf’s Writing Life.” New Yorker 13 (November 2006): 92-97. Crawford, Nicholas. “Orientalizing Elizabeth: Empire and Deviancy in Mrs. Dalloway.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 20, 25-26. Cuddy-Keane, Melba. Introduction. “Are Too Many Books Written and Published?” By Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf. PMLA: 121 (2006): 235-39. Curtis, Vanessa. “Stella Duckworth in 1897.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 17- 19. - - - , and Lynne Newland. “Virginia in Wiltshire” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 64-71. 4

- - - . “Virginia Woolf Photographed at Garsington.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 34-38. Dalgarno, Emily. “Virginia Woolf: Translation and Iterability.” The Yearbook of English Studies 36 (2006): 145-56. D’Amore, Alice. “Autobiographical Ruptures: Rhoda’s Traumatic Displacement.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 44-50. Daugherty, Beth Rigel. “‘You See You Kind of Belong to Us, and What You Do Matters Enormously’: Letters from Readers to Virginia Woolf.” Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 1-12. - - - , ed. “Letters from Readers to Virginia Woolf.” Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 13-212. Davison, Sarah. “Catching Mrs. Brown: Max Beerbohm’s Influence on Virginia Woolf’s ‘Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Brown.’” Notes and Queries 53 (2006): 353-55. DiBattista, Maria. “Woolf ‘s Sense of Adventure.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006. 27-29. Dickinson, Renée. “Extinguishing the Lady with the Lamp: Florence Nightingale and the Work of Empire in the Interludes of .” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 186-196. Diemert, Brian. “Out of the Water: The Presence of Virginia Woolf in Alice Munro’s Lives of Girls and Women.” Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction 6 (2006): 120-30. Donovan, Judy. “A Transatlantic Discovery.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 51-52. Doyle, Laura. “Transnational History at Our Backs: A Long View of Larsen, Woolf, and Queer Racial Subjectivity in Atlantic Modernism.” Modernism/modernity 13 (2006): 531-59. Esty, Jed. “Unseasonable Youth, or Woolf ‘s Alternative Modernity.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 29-30. Evans, Elizabeth F. “Woolf ‘s Exploration of ‘The Outer and the Inner’: A Spatial Analysis of .” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 112-122. Fagan, Thomas. “An Author’s Endorsement: Jane Smiley.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 4. Fluet, Lisa, Douglas Mao, and Rebecca L. Walkowitz. “Hit-Man Modernism.” Bad Modernisms. Durham: Duke UP, 2006. 269-97. Froula, Christine. “On French and British Freedoms: Early Bloomsbury and the Brothels of Modernism.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the 5

Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 30-31. Fukushima, Asako. “Woolf and Journalism: ‘The Vision Must Be Perpetually Remade.’” Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 19-30. [In Japanese] Gerzina, Gretchen Holbrook. “Bushmen and Blackface: Bloomsbury and Race.” The South Carolina Review 38.2 (Spring 2006): 46-64. Gillespie, Diane F. “Godiva Still Rides: Virginia Woolf, Divestiture, and .” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 2-26. Godfrey, Mollie. “Discovering the Readerly Mind: Woolf’s Modernist Reinvention of the National Poet.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 177-186. Grant, Joanna. “They Came to Baghdad: Woolf and Sackville-West’s Levant.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 150-160. Grierson, Wendy. “Summer Study Day: To the Lighthouse” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 80-81. Griffiths, Ian. “Eric Hobsbawm Remembers Leonard Woolf.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 28-29. - - - . “Gabriel García Márquez and Virginia Woolf.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 45-50. - - - . “Walking with Virginia in Andalusia.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006):10- 17. Gross, J. “‘Mr. Virginia Woolf’ The Central Drama of Leonard Woolf’s Life Was His Marriage to a Woman Who, among Other Things, Did Not Like Jews.” Commentary 122 (2006): 47-51. Guiguet, Jean. Response to Suzette Henke’s article: “Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and ‘The Prime Minister’: Amnesias and Genealogies.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 42-43. Hall, Sarah M. “Conference on Leonard Woolf’s The Village in the Jungle” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 79-82. - - - . “Reading Group Meeting: The Complete Shorter Fiction, 1922–25 Section” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 66-70. - - - . “Reading Group Meeting: The Complete Shorter Fiction, 1926–41 Section (1)” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 70-74. - - - . “Reading Group Meeting: The Complete Shorter Fiction, 1926–41 Section (2)” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 74-76. - - - . “Reading Group Meeting: The Waves” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 77-79. Hancock, Kami A. “Deviant Snapshots: Re-visiting Jacob’s Room.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 10-11. 6

Harris, Jocelyn, Lisa Zunshine, and Jocelyn Harris. “Clarissa Lives! Reading Richardson through Rewritings.” Approaches to Teaching the Novels of Samuel Richardson. New York: Modern Language Association, 2006. 140-46. Harvey, Benjamin. “The Twentieth Part: Word and Image in Woolf ‘s Reading Room.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 103-112. Hayot, Eric. “Bertrand Russell’s Chinese Eyes.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 18 (2006): 120-54. Hirota, Sonoko. “Clarissa Dalloway as Mediator between and Persuasion: The Other Side of ‘An Exquisite, Quaint, Sprightly, and Slightly Ridiculous World.” Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 1-17. [In Japanese] Hsieh, Lili. “The Other Side of the Picture: The Politics of Affect in Virginia Woolf’s Three Guineas.” Journal of Narrative Theory 36 (2006): 20-52. Humm, M. “Beauty and Woolf.” Feminist Theory 7 (2006): 237-254. Jacobsen, Sally A. “Between the Acts: Ottoline Morrell and Mrs. Manresa, D. H. Lawrence and Giles Oliver.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 50- 57. Jump, Harriet Devine, et al. “‘One Cry for Justice’: Virginia Woolf Reads Mary Wollstonecraft.” The Monstrous Debt: Modalities of Romantic Influence in Twentieth-Century Literature. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2006. 41-60. Kelley, Joyce. “‘Nooks and Corners Which I Enjoy Exploring’: Investigating the Relationship Between Vita Sackville-West’s Travel Narratives and Woolf’s Writing.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 140-150. King-Leeder, Jasmyne. “A House We Love” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 77-78. Kirimura, Kazumi. “Modernism and the Politics of Race: Orientalism in Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.” Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 52-63. [In Japanese] König-Filip, Ulrike. “A Rediscovery.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 35-37. Koppen, Randi. “Sartorial Adventures: Woolf and the (Other-) Worldliness of Dress.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 212-220. Krouse, Tonya. “Sexual Deviancy in Mrs. Dalloway: The Case of Septimus Smith.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 15-16. Ksiezopolska, Irena. “The Fabulous Creatures: Metaphors of Monsters in Woolf’s Fiction.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 34-44. Kubota, Noriko. “‘Japanism’ in Jacob’s Room.” Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 96- 110. [In Japanese] Lackey, Michael. “Modernist Anti-Philosophicalism and Virginia Woolf’s Critique of Philosophy.” Journal of Modern Literature 29 (2006): 76-98. 7

LeBlanc, Michael. “Melancholic Arrangements Music, Queer Melodrama, and the Seeds of Transformation in .” Camera Obscura: A Journal of Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 61 (2006): 104-45. Lee, John. “Leonard Woolf: A Personal Recollection.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 27-29. Lilienfeld, Jane. “‘To Have the Reader Work with the Author’: The Circulation of Knowledge in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Toni Morrison’s Jazz.” MFS: Studies 52 (2006): 42-65. Lorentzen, Eric G. “Foucault’s Normalizing Judgment, Deviancy, and Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 11-12. Lowe, Gill. “Hyde Park Gate News.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 38- 44. Macnamara, Katie. “Reflections on a Solitary Potato: The New Collective Essay and the Exploring Modern ‘I.’” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 78-86. Mao, Douglas. “‘Strange Necessities.’” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 31- 33. Mares, Cheryl. “The Making of Virginia Woolf’s America.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 131-140. Masaki, Miki. “‘Literature as the Nation-Based Production’: Englishness in Orlando.” Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 31-41. [In Japanese] Matsumoto, Hogara. “Feminist Criticism in the Age of (Post) suffragism: Modernity, Nancy Cunard, and The Waves.” Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 65-81. [In Japanese] McNees, Eleanor. “The English Tourist In/On America: vs. Virginia Woolf.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 122-131. McQuade, M. “Outgoing Mail: Dear Virginia Woolf.” Booklist 102 (2006): 39-40. McQuade, Molly. “Woolf’s Verb Impersonators (and Other Deviants).” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 6. Mills, Jean. “The Unbounded Whole: Harrisonian Ritual Structures in Virginia Woolf’s Night and Day.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 6-7. Muneuchi, Ayako. “Hotel Narrative and the Birth of Virginia Woolf’s Modernism.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 169-177. Neel, Alexandra. “The Photography of Antarctica: Virginia Woolf’s Letters of Discovery.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth 8

International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 203-212. Newman, Hilary. “Narrative Techniques in Leonard Woolf’s Stories of the East.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 18-26. Okumura, Sayaka. “Autumn Study Day: A Room of One’s Own and Three Guineas” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 73-76. Parrott, Jennifer. “‘Slaves of the Imagination’: Sir Walter Scott in the Works of Virginia Woolf.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 32-34. Plate, L. “Walking in Virginia Woolf’s Footsteps: Performing Cultural Memory.” European Journal of Cultural Studies 9 (2006): 101-120. Pollack, Susan. “Looking for Virginia in Westminster Abbey.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 30-34. Porter, Ryan. “Symbols of the Nation in Mrs. Dalloway.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 18-20. Reginio, Robert. “Virginia Woolf and the Technologies of Exploration: Jacob’s Room as Counter-Monument.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 86-95. Roe, Sue. “Mrs Cameron and Mrs. Dalloway: Virginia Woolf, Photography and the ‘Photographic’ Image.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 9-26. Rosen, Jody R. “Deviation and Acceleration: Time in the Story and Narrative of Orlando.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 29-30. Rumbarger, Lee. “Housekeeping: Women Modernists’ Writings on War and Home.” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 35 (2006): 1-15. Sakamoto, Tadanobu. “‘Where has she gone?’ Mrs Ramsay’s Survival in To the Lighthouse.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 27-33. Salinger Ferrante, Allyson. “The Feminist Fantastic: Uncovering What Was Hidden Within.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 27-28. Sanchez Cuervo, Margarita Esther. “Split Thought: Masculine vs. Feminine in Woolf’s Essays.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 6-8. Schroder, L. K. “`The Lovely Wreckage of the Past’: Virginia Woolf and the English Country House.” English 55 (2006): 255-280. Semino, E. “Blending and Characters’ Mental Functioning in Virginia Woolf’s `Lappin and Lapinova.’” Language and Literature 15 (2006): 55-72. Shail, Andrew. “She Looks Just Like One of We-All: British Cinema Culture and the Origins of Woolf’s Orlando.” Critical Quarterly 48 (2006): 45-76. Simpson, Kathryn. “Short Change: Economies Explored in Woolf ‘s Short Fiction.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 58-65. Smith, Amy. “Bad Religion: The Irrational in Mrs. Dalloway.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 17-18. Smith, Victoria L. “‘Ransacking the Language’: Finding the Missing Goods in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando.” Journal of Modern Literature 29 (2006): 57-75. Southworth, Helen and Elisa Kay Sparks. “Common Ground.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on 9

Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. ix-xiii. Sullivan, Melissa. “‘All Art, All Waifs & Strays,’ and the English Great House in Between the Acts.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 8, 13. Sultzbach, Kelly. “The Fertile Potential of Virginia Woolf ‘s Environmental Ethic.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 71-78. Taylor, Chloë. “Kristevan Themes in Virginia Woolf’s the Waves.” Journal of Modern Literature 29.3 (2006): 57-77. Udal, John. “Memories of Richard Kennedy.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 58-59. Utell. Janine. “Leaving Her Father’s House: Sackville-West’s St. Joan of Arc and Woolf’s Three Guineas.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 7-8. Uzundemir, Ozlem. “Challenging Gender Roles Through Narrative Techniques: Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 8-10. Veyu, Ernest L. “Estrangement and Non-Conformism: The Case of Lily Briscoe.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 12-13. Villa, Sara. “Woolf’s Deviant Canon.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 34-35. Walkowitz, Rebecca L., and Douglas Mao. “Virginia Woolf’s Evasion: Critical Cosmopolitanism and British Modernism.” Bad Modernisms. Durham: Duke UP, 2006. 119-44. Wallis, John. ‘Exploring the Sound of Music: Virginia Woolf and the Impressionists” [report]. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 83. Walmsley, Vincent. “Virginia Woolf in My Life.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 32-33. Weille, Karin de. “Terra Incognita of the Soul: Woolf ‘s Challenge to the Imperialist’s Concept of Space.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 95-103. Weisser, Susan Ostrov. “Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, and the Meaning of Love.” Bronte Studies 31 (2006): 93-100. Westling, L. “Darwin in Arcadia: Brute Being and the Human Animal Dance from Gilgamesh to Virginia Woolf.” Anglia 124 (2006): 11-43. Westman, Karin E. “‘For Her Generation the Newspaper Was a Book’: Media, Mediation, and Oscillation in Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts.” Journal of Modern Literature 29 (2006): 1-18. Wittman Emily O. “The Decline and Fall of Rachel Vinrace: Reading Gibbon in Virginia Woolf’s The Voyage Out.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 160-169. Yaguchi, Akemi. “‘A Novel is an Impression not an Argument’: Virginia Woolf and James Sully.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. 220-225. 10

- - - . “Towards Historicization of Cultural Studies in Modern England: Stefan Collini, Francis Mulhern and Anna Snaith.” Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 82-95. [In Japanese] Yates, Andrea L. “Deviancy as a Way of Life: The Years as Critique.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 30-32. Yoshino, Ayako. “City, Spectacle and the Global: and Exhibitions.” Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 42-51. [In Japanese] Zimring, Rishona. “Trespassing.” Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks. Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2006. vii- iix.

REVIEWS Albrinck, Meg. Rev. of Authors in Context: Virginia Woolf, by Michael Whitworth (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 37-38. Amano, Natsumi. Rev. of The Oxford English Literary History Volume 10. 1910-1940: The Modern Movement, by Chris Baldick (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004). Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 127-130. [In Japanese] Barkway, Stephen. Rev. of Orlando: A Biography, by Virginia Woolf (San Francisco: Arion P, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 42-45. Berman, Jessica. Rev. of How to Make It as a Woman: Collective Biographical History from Victoria to the Present, by Alison Booth (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2004). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 38-39. Briggs, Marlene. Rev. of Ritual Unbound: Reading Sacrifice in Modernist Fiction, by Thomas J. Cousineau (Newark: U of Delaware P, 2004). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 41. Bruzelius, Margaret. Rev. of A Desire for Women: Relational Psychoanalysis, Writing, and Relationships Between Women, by Suzanne Juhasz (New Brunswick and London: Rutgers UP, 2003). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 282-85. Cecil, H. Rev. of Leonard Woolf: A Biography, by Victoria Glendinning (London: Free Press, 2006). Spectator 9296 (2006): 46. Clarke, Stuart N. Rev. of Reminiscences of Leonard Woolf, by Roberta Rubenstein (London: Cecil Woolf, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 61-63. - - - . Rev. of Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, ed. Karen V. Kukil (Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006):63-66. - - - . Rev. of Woolf in Ceylon: An Imperial Journey in the Shadow of Leonard Woolf, 1904-1911, by Christopher Ondaatje (Toronto: Harper Collins, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 66-68. Czarnecki, Kristin. Rev. of Matricide in Language: Writing Theory in Kristeva and Woolf, by Miglena Nikolchina (New York: Oxford UP, 2004). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 254-58. Dahl, E. K. Rev. of Virginia Woolf: On Becoming a Writer, by Katherine Dalsimer (New Haven: Yale UP, 2001). Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 54 (2006): 679-85. 11

Dell, Marion. Rev. of Versions of Julia: Five Biographical Constructions of , by Gill Lowe (London: Cecil Woolf, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 56-58. - - - . Rev. of The Village in the Jungle: A Novel, by Leonard Woolf (London: Eland, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 60-63. DiBattista, Maria. Rev. of Virginia Woolf as Feminist, by Naomi Black (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2004). English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 49 (2006): 85-88. Doi, Yuko. Rev. of The Reception of Virginia Woolf in Europe, ed. Mary Ann Caws and Nicola Luckhurst (Continuum, 2002) and of Woolf Across Cultures, ed. Natalya Reinhold (New York: Pace UP, 2004). Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 111- 117. [In Japanese] Fisher, Jessica. Rev. of On the Horizon: A Poetics of the Sublime in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves, by Ida Klitgård (Bethesda, MD: Academia P, 2004). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 235-39. Foley, Mary Ellen. Rev. of Virginia Woolf’s Novels and the Literary Past, by Jane de Gay (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2006). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 60-63. Froula, Christine. Rev. of The Letters of Lytton Strachey, ed. Paul Levy (New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2005). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 39-40. Gosden, Margaret. Rev. of Letters to Virginia Woolf, by Lisa Williams (Lanham, MD: Hamilton, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 58-61. Gossin, P. Rev. of Virginia Woolf and the Discourse of Science: The Aesthetics of Astronomy, by Holly Henry (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003). Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 5 (2006): 107-112. Greene, Sally. Rev. of Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life, by Victoria Rosner (New York: Columbia UP, 2005). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 18. Hall, Sarah M. Rev. of Hyde Park Gate News: The Stephen Family Newspaper, ed. Gill Lowe (London: Hesperus, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 55-57. - - - . Rev. of Snapshots of Bloomsbury: The Private Lives of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell, by Maggie Humm (London: Tate Publishing, 2006). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 45-48. Hall, Sarah M. and Lynne Newland. Rev. of Bombay to Bloomsbury: A Biography of the Strachey Family, by Barbara Caine (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 54-56. Hussey, Mark. Rev. of Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Avant-Garde: War, Civilization, Modernity, by Christine Froula (New York: Columbia, 2005). MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 52 (2006): 742-45. Ichikawa, Midori. Rev. of The First World War and English Literature: The Loss of Heroism, ed. Kazuyoshi Shimizu and Shunnji Suzuki (Sekaishisosha, 2006). Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 118-121. [In Japanese] Ingram, Malcolm. Rev. of ‘My Madness Saved Me’: The Madness and Marriage of Virginia Woolf, by Thomas Szasz (New Brunswick: Transaction P, 2006). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 68-71. Jacobsen, Sally A. Rev. of Letters to Virginia Woolf, by Lisa Williams (Lanham, MD: Hamilton/Rowman & Littlefield, 2005). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006):42. 12

King, John. Rev. of Fiction, Intuition, & Creativity: Studies in Brontë, James, Woolf & Lessing, by Angela Hague (Washington: Catholic U of America P, 2003). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 269-73. Laing, Kathryn. Rev. of The Intersecting Realities and Fictions of Virginia Woolf and Colette, by Helen Southworth (Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2004). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 286-89. Lynton, Norbert. Rev. of Snapshots of Bloomsbury: The Private Lives of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell, by Maggie Humm (New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2006). Art Book 13 (2006): 62-64. McIver, Mia L. Rev. of Death, Men, and Modernism: Trauma and Narrative in British Fiction from Hardy to Woolf, by Ariela Freedman (New York: Routledge, 2003) and Ritual Unbound: Reading Sacrifice in Modernist Fiction, by Thomas Cousineau (Newark: U of Delaware P, 2004). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 258-64. McVicker, Jeanette. Rev. of Matricide in Language: Writing Theory in Kristeva and Woolf, by Miglena Nikolchina (New York: Oxford UP, 2004). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 16-17. Messud, C. Rev. of Leonard Woolf: A Biography, by Victoria Glendinning (London: Free Press, 2006). New York Times Book Review 111 (2006): 16. Mills, Jean. Rev. of Virginia Woolf: The Will to Create As a Woman, by Ruth Gruber (New York: Carroll & Graf, 2005). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 14-15. Nakaue, M. Rev. of Violence and Modernism: Ibsen, Joyce, and Woolf, by William A. Johnsen. Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 39 (2006): 188- 189. Neverow, Vara. Rev. Virginia Woolf’s Illnesses, by Douglass W. Orr, ed. by Wayne Chapman (Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2004). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 17-18. Newland, Lynne. Rev. of A Son of Heaven: A Tragic Melodrama, by Lytton Strachey (London: Cecil Woolf, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 58-60. Powers, R. Rev. of Recovering Your Story: Proust, Joyce, Woolf, Faulkner, Morrison, by Arnold Weinstein (New York: Random House, 2006). New York Times Book Review 111 (2006): 30. Putzel, Steven. Rev. of Women, Modernism and Performance, by Penny Farfan (New York: Cambridge UP, 2004). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 15-16. Reed, Christopher. Rev. of Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life, by Victoria Rosner (New York: Columbia UP, 2005). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 231- 34. Sato, Motonori. Rev. of The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Literature, ed. Laura Marcus and Peter Nicholls (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004). Virginia Woolf Review 23 (2006): 122-126. [In Japanese] Sayers, J. Rev. of Matricide in Language: Writing Theory in Kristeva and Woolf, by Miglena Nikolchina (New York: Oxford UP, 2004). NWSA Journal 18 (2006): 226. Seshagiri, Urmila. Rev. of Virginia Woolf, by Michael Whitworth (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 278-82. 13

Sherman, David R. Rev. of Memory in Literature: From Rousseau to Neuroscience, by Suzanne Nalbantian (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 264-68. Simpson, Kathryn. Rev. of Trespassing Boundaries: Virginia Woolf’s Short Fiction, ed. Kathryn N. Benzel and Ruth Hoberman. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 273-78. Singleton, Julie. Rev. of Before Leonard: The Early Suitors of Virginia Woolf, by Sarah M. Hall (London: Peter Owen, 2006). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 51- 55. Skinner, Janfarie. Rev. of Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Avant-Garde, by Christine Froula (New York: Columbia UP, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 48-51. Southworth, Helen. Rev. of Virginia Woolf: An Inner Life, by Julia Briggs (Orlando: Harcourt, 2005). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 240-42. Staveley, Alice. Rev. of Wild Outbursts of Freedom: Reading Virginia Woolf’s Short Fiction, by Nena Škrbić (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 250-54. Stearns, Thaine. Rev. of Snapshots of Bloomsbury: The Private Lives of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell, by Maggie Humm (New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2006). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 38. Stoneman, Patsy. Rev. of The Child Writer from Austen to Woolf, ed. Christine Alexander and Juliet Mcmaster (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005). Review of English Studies 57 (2006): 393-95. Suh, Judy. Rev. of Virginia Woolf: The Will to Create as a Woman, by Ruth Gruber (New York: Carroll & Graf, 2005). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 242-46. Wilson, J.J. Rev. of Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, ed. Karen V. Kukil (Clemson, SC: Clemson U Digital P, 2005). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 36-37. Wineapple, B. Rev, of Leonard Woolf: A Biography, by Victoria Glendinning (London: Free Press, 2006). Nation 283 (2006): 49-52. Worley, Kathleen. Rev. of Women, Modernism & Performance, by Penny Farfan (New York: Cambridge UP, 2004). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 246-49. Wynne, Louis. Rev. of My Madness Saved Me: The Madness and Marriage of Virginia Woolf, by Thomas Szasz (Somerset, NJ: Transaction, 2006). Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry 8 (2006): 271-78. Youngkin, Molly. Rev. of Afterwords: Letters on the Death of Virginia Woolf, ed. Sybil Oldfield (New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2005). English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 49 (2006): 231-234. - - - . Rev. of Snapshots of Bloomsbury: The Private Lives of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell, by Maggie Humm (New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2006). English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 49 (2006): 475-478. Zemgulys, Andrea P. Rev. of The Artist, Society & Sexuality in Virginia Woolf’s Novels, by Ann Ronchetti (New York: Routledge, 2004). Woolf Studies Annual 12 (2006): 290-92. 14

Zigmond, Sally. Rev. of The Hidden Houses of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell, by Vanessa Curtis (London: Robert Hale, 2005). The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 50-54.

DISSERTATIONS Bahun, Sanja. “Modernism and Melancholia: History as Mourning-work.” Diss. Rutgers U, 2006. [See chapter on “Virginia Woolf and the Search for Historical Patterns”] Burian, Cornelia. “Modernity’s Shock and Beauty: Trauma and the Vulnerable Body in D. H. Lawrence, Rainer Maria Rilke and Virginia Woolf.” Diss. U of Saskatchewan, 2006. Caruso, Jennifer Ann. “Towards an Aesthetics of Impotence: Proust, James, Woolf, Duras.” Diss. State U of New York, Buffalo, 2006. Dickinson, Renee. “The corporeum: Re-imagining body, land, nation and text in Virginia Woolf and Olive Moore.” Diss. University of Colorado at Boulder, 2006. Larabee, Mark D. “Front lines of modernism: Literary topographies of the First World War.” Diss. University of Washington, 2006. Meisner, Natalie. “Laughter ‘Between the Acts’: Feminist Theories in Virginia Woolf’s Theatrical Texts.” Diss. U of Calgary, 2006. Moffett, Alexander N. “The insistence of memory: Mnemonic transformations in the works of Thomas Hardy, Henry Adams, Willa Cather, and Virginia Woolf.” Diss. Northeastern University, 2006. Smith, Alexander. “The literary consequences of the Peace: T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and the Treaty of Versailles.” Diss. Columbia University, 2006.

CREATIVE WORKS INSPIRED BY WOOLF Blume, Don. “Masks.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 4. Clarke, Stuart N. “Between the Acts in Haiku.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 52. - - - . “To the Lighthouse in Haiku.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 9. - - - . “Virginia Woolf in Haiku.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 63. Eberly, David. “In Parenthesis.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 4. Howard, Denay. “To the Lighthouse in Haiku.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 9. König-Filip, Ulrike. “‘Solid Objects’ in Haiku.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 52. Reiss, Lenore A. “The Belle of Bloomsbury: Virginia Stephen Woolf.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 4. - - - . “Idyllic Summer at St. Ives (Cornwall).” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 69 (2006): 5. Wallis, John. “Between the Acts in Haiku.” The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 52. White, Melanie. “Suicide.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 70 (2006): 4-5.

TEXTS BY WOOLF Al Faro/ To the Lighthouse. Buenos Aires, AR: Alianza, 2006. [In Spanish] “Are Too Many Books Written and Published?” Ed. Melba Cuddy-Keane. PMLA: 121 (2006): 239-44. 15

Hyde Park Gate News: The Stephen Family Newspaper. Ed. Gill Lowe. London: Hesperus Press, 2006. Letter to Hugh Walpole. Ed. Stephen Barkway. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 21 (2006): 4-7. Letter to Miss Talbot. Ed. Stuart N. Clarke. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 4-7. The London Scene: Six Essays on London Life. New York: Harper Collins, 2006. “One of Our Great Men.” Ed. Sarah M. Hall. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 23 (2006): 4-7. Orlando: A Biography. Introduction and Annotations Maria DiBattista. Gen. Ed. Mark Hussey. New York: Harvest, 2006. Relatos Completos / The Complete Shorter Fiction. Buenos Aires, AR: Alianza, 2006. [In Spanish] Review of The Art of Thomas Hardy. Ed. Stuart N. Clarke. The Virginia Woolf Bulletin 22 (2006): 8-9. The Waves. Introduction and Annotations Molly Hite. Gen. Ed. Mark Hussey. New York: Harvest, 2006.

ADDENDA (2005) Froula, Christine. “On French and British Freedoms: Early Bloomsbury and the Brothels of Modernism.” Modernism/modernity 12 (2005): 552-80. Rogers, Anna Paige. “Shattering Identities: Agency and Desire in Winterson, Roy, and Woolf.” Diss. Georgia State U, 2005. Vincent, Timothy C. “Moments of Seeing: Woolf, Lewis, and Modernist Exteriority.” Diss. Duquesne U, 2005.

ADDENDA (previous to 2005) Nagel, Rebecca. “Virginia Woolf on Reading Greek.” Classical World 96.1 (2002): 61- 75. Schlosser, Lise Mae. “‘The Answer of the Oracle’: Reading Virginia Woolf’s Three Guineas in the context of Jane Ellen Harrison’s Scholarship.” In-Between: Essays & Studies in Literary Criticism 13.2 (2004): 151-62.