The value of time and comfort in bicycle appraisal A stated preference research into the cyclists’ valuation of travel time reductions and comfort improvements in the Netherlands Jeroen van Ginkel University of Twente Faculty of Engineering Technology Civil Engineering & Management City Region Arnhem Nijmegen Nijmegen, 9 December 2014 Examination Committee: Prof. Dr. Ing. Karst Geurs Dr. Ing. Lissy La Paix Sjors van Duren MSc. Title: THE VALUE OF TIME AND COMFORT IN BICYCLE APPRAISAL Subtitle: A stated preference research into the cyclists’ valuation of travel time reductions and comfort improvements in the Netherlands Status: Master thesis, final report Data: December 9, 2014 Pages: 90 pages (excluding appendices) Author: Jeroen van Ginkel
[email protected] +31681149316 Educational institution: University of Twente Faculty of Engineering Technology (CTW) Centre for Transport Studies (CTS) Organization: City Region Arnhem Nijmegen Mobility department President supervising committee: Prof. Dr. Ing. K.T. Geurs Daily supervisor University of Twente: Dr. Ing. L.C. La Paix Puello Supervisor City Region Arnhem Nijmegen: S. van Duren Msc II Master Thesis The value of time and comfort in bicycle appraisal Executive Summary Due to the recent attention from the government in reducing congestion by investing in cycling infrastructure, there is a growing need for knowledge on cycling and assessment tools. A cost- benefit analysis tool is available to assess cycling infrastructure investments, but important key figures such as the value of time are missing. The aim of this research is to fill one of the gaps in bicycle appraisal by setting the following research objective: “The objective of this research is to estimate the valuation of travel time savings and comfort improvements for cycling.” The cyclists’ value of time and comfort were not estimated before in the Netherlands.