W '' jnmvi For knowing how to The oldest and best. i. Advertise to profit Reliable and newy. Consult the patrons of Uniformly leads. The The Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin does

Vol. V. No. Oil. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1808. Pkioe 5 Cents. Poor Blood SONS OF THE REVOLUTION TALK FROM THE PRESIDENT IN THE HALLS OF JUSTICE TO CHEER THE SICK ONES ON CHINESE IMMIGRATION Nervous Prostration Found in the Flourishing Condition at Thinks Congress Will Decide Annexation Justice Stanley Decides Against R. W. Progress of Work by Red Cross Senate Disposes of Two Bills Cover- Annnal Meeting This Day Noon. Before Our Legislature Expires. Wilcox in Ejectment Case. Society. ing This Subject. Tested and tried for 35 years In all parts of the world. Such l 11m tMllinnny of Mrs. E. Tl. Cliop-pcl- l, List of New Officers-Mem- orial of Dead Hem Answers Queries on Supposed Cases The Kewalo Tract Controversy Submission ol Hospital Fast Being Filled Up Ho Money President Dole Signs Another Bill SenaU ot Ut.ucll,Victuila, Australia. 8I10 sujs: bers Committee to Entertain or Disease Concurs House to Bill ;v Question Protection Against Dispute to Supreme Court -- The Holts Yet Expended Now $1000 In Amendments Boys In Blue. from the Orient. Want J. S. Walker as Guardian. on Hand. Regarding Private Streets. i Tho anuunl mooting of tbo Sons Occasion having arisen for a 0. S. Desky by his attorneys, Tbo ladios of the Red Cross So In tho Senate this morning a of tlio American Bovolutton took Bulletin representative to seo W. R. Castle aud P. L. Weaver, cioly havo boon vory busy in;gej-tin- g communication from tho'Mioister p'neo at 12 o'olock this noon, at President Dole about a matter lins filoil an answer to tho com-pla- iut ready for Iho work that tuoy of tbo Intorior aunounced that tho rooms of tho Hawaiian Safo not horo reported, opporlunily of of Mrs. Victoria Ward will do in behalf of the sick and President Dole had bigued Act Deposit building. the audieneo kindly granted was against himself and others. It ailing among tho troops who pass 42, amonding a ntuuber of Seo-lio- Reports of the Secretary, Tiens taken to question tho Executive avors at length that tbo plaintiff through hero to and from Mauila. of the Land Act. uror and Registrar were received. on other things. does not possess vested rights in In all tboir efforts they havo Senator Schmidt presoutod tbo 1 Secretary W. 0. Atwator ro "I do not think thero will bo and upon land at Kowalo which beon moat genorously assisted by report of tbo Finance Committeo l-)- Jry ported 07 members enrolled, and necessity for an extra session of this plaintiff has transgressed. tho businoas Iiousob of the town on tho office of the Soorotury of 11 tbo tbo Board of "It Is with great pleasure that I record had died or gono out of tho Legislature to deal further John D. and Jas. R. Holt havo donating goods, and many privato Education, which my cxperlonco ns a mine fnr thirty-fiv- e years with the wonderful curative, edects ot country, leaving at present a total with annexation," tho President filed their cousout to tho resigna- individuals who have responded was read aud filed. momberehip of CG in good stand- said. "It looks as if the matter tion of Chas. Huetaco Jr. sb most liberally to tho call. The Passed Bills Committeo re- ing. Tbo doatbs havo been Ghailes wero to bo decided ono way or an guardian of their estates, nlong Tho hospital at tho. Child ported that Senator Scbmidt'8 bill AVER'S Webster Day, J. A. Martin, W. 0. other in Washington before tho with a petition for the appoint Garden is alranat complete. relating to tbe manufacture of Hammond and 0. H. "Wot more. extended time of this Legislature ment of John S. Walkor .in his Fourtoen bedshovobeou equipped wiuo from Hawaiian grapes hud'; I Treasurer W. J. Forbes report-- j elapses." Btead. excepting tbo mopquito nettings, been prosontfd to tho President Sarsaparilla ed a balance on band of S18.G8. Replying to a romark as to tho Judge Stanley has docidod in liight more are necessary. The Tlio Senate concurred iu tho Registrar W. D. Alexander possibility of tho opposition in favor of John Hapa in a suit kitchen needs cooking utensils. A Hout--e amendments to the bill re- nnd I)r. Avcr's rills, llntli of those havo I I com- -I Congress being enough against R W. Wilcox for eject stove has been pref-onte- likewise gulating tho opening of b roots used in different!! parts ot the world, includ- stated that h'hftd nearly inveterate a ing Australia, (or myself and my p.itlents, pleted a register containing a full to put up n timo killing tight to ment ot defendant from laud at refrigerator. (Jrockery otitis aud through privato laudB in Honolu- In of nervous Mood, casi'i prostration, loor dosirod-dishe- s, lu. Houhu skill diseases nnd nil complaints from weak- j information regarding tbo revolu defeat tlio scheme, President Uoanalua, containing more than ends aro tumblers 'Ihe amends tho bill ness peculiar to women.' 1 most lienrllly tionary pedigree of ouch tho and a half. Instead of bowls. A tont for battling by extending its provisions to the these preparations to all sulTiTJrs member Dole admitted existence an acre and from liny of tlio nbovo named distressing of tbo Bocioty. Ho suggested that ofi such a possibility. With tho $200 damages claimed, the purpooos will bo orected in 'the towu of Hilo. complaints." another year book be printed ns regard to the suppositious con Court, allocs but $25, with ,the rear of tho building. Senator Baldwin submitted tho I For ronitlpatlon tnVo Pr. Ajer's rill. They promptly rellcTo nml surety cure. Take litem soon as possible after tbo annexa- tingency of an orgument b'ing restitution of tho land. Johnson Tbo ladios bo far hove not spent report of the Cunmitlea on l)r. Aycr'a SauaparllUt one with aids the other. tion of.this Republic to tho Unit- used against annexation, regard- and Kahookauo for plaiutiff ; Rosa a dime for anything and aro Foreign Relations on Senate Bills ' 32 and 40, which was adopted. Co., ed Slates. ing the necrSsities of the Ameri- for dof end ant. proud of tho fact. Hollister Drug Ltd., A committee was appointed by can invasion and occupation of A Btibmis-dn- without action They havo about $1000 on bond Senate Bill 32 is laid ou tho table, Solo Agents for tlio Hopublio of Ilawnll. tbo president to draft a memorial the uamrly, that the has beou tiled in the Supreme and with tno proceods of tho its provisions being incorporated i of tho dead for tho past yeir, tbo Hawaiian Islands might be used Court, entitled, Jonah Kalamana-ol- o projected will have a in Senate Bill 40. Tbo latter pro- with. vides fin the Introduction of Cbi-ntB- O H. L. GEAR, 0.D.QEAR, committee being Prof. Aloxiuder as a base of op rations, without and David Kawououakoa vs. very good sum to wotk and S. M. Bollou. annexing th'in, so long a the Walter M. Giffard, treasurer Wui m m labor iu two ways, cither by Ml Sansorae St., 8. fr. 310 King St., II I An amotidmont to Act 5' of tho United States undertook to pro monalo Sugar Co. Tho facts YOUTllfUL THIEF CM OUT. permits from the Board ot Immi Constitution was proposod. tect from any consequouces, and agreed upon are briefly these. gration with tlio approval of tho Executivo Council ? in pro-oen- t GEAR & GEAR A committeo was appointed to as the United States is now in fict Princes Jonah aud David claim to Una Uern Stealing From Otllcoa In the tho provide for the entertainment of using them, tbo President shook be owners of fifteen shares of Wai SpmckeU lllock. law, or .on threo years portni'B issued by tbo soldiers to arrive his bead emphatically, replying: manalo Btock, by virtue of a deed ten-nan- LAWYERS. For Botno three months the ts Otlicers for tbo ensuing year "That argument would not be from Queen Dowager Kapiolaui. Minister of Foreign Affairs on the " d - of the.. Sprockets block on fioiiolulu worn otected'ns folio wb:" tenable atrull: Soolia condition" Thoy"adlc-ftlnGiffnr- ns secretary- tiling, of a boivt in the sum of I aiFranciaco'aud ' Presiilnut, A. F. Judd. of affairs would uover do. You to cancel the BUarcs and issuonew tho second floor havo beou miss $10.1 thf.t tho immigrant Having ofllcert In St Franolfco and Vice President, W. F. Allen. see our relations with other gov ones in their own names therefor. ing small sums of money from wilt eugnco in nX'"r labor .thnn Honolulu w are prepared to attorn) Registrar, W. D. Alexandor. ernments must bo tnkou into cou Mr. Gilford refuses to do eo, on 015 (Uur' plauintious to the offics. nuii iici. or promptly to all matters eutrutoil Secretary, V. O. Atwator. sideration. Yes," bo to the ground that tho certificato of mills or (liiniotic Undor us iu fit tier of tfuld plaues. Detective WAS put ou the ervice. Treasurer, W. J. Forbes. a remark that there might be too snares in question is not en- Kapa he pnsont Bysteii tbo Chinese Board of Managers P. 0. other wars. dorsed by Kapiolaui. What tbo case and day beforo yesterday immigrant ban to deposit $1 50 tlAUAILtN Jones, W. R. Oastlo, F. J. Low-re- y. Speaking of tho arrival of tho Court is Hsk d to decide is whether cap'ured a boy StJphou Kahele por m on tU iu tho Postal Savings with skoloton key iu posses- Peru aud tlio cause of that stonm-er- 's the secretary could be cumpellod his Bank to secure return pat-SHg- .r . hi' Mercantile Agency Thero wore 18 members present, deteutiou, PresidoutDjloaaid in a proper action todo that whL-- sion in ono of tho offices. Ho hud money. This Ims resulted in over r. u. Jones, retiring prosiaont, m in stibitauce: the plaintiff request of him. taken some niatked coin whioh 7000 Rccouutfl, amounting to about tbo chair. was found in his poHsension. For 210 King street. '"It might yet bo doemed neces August Ahrens, guardian of the $105,000, ou wliicha.tho govern- sary for ns to suspend all irami minor children of A. K. Hapai some timo he hud been assisting ment is compolled to pay interest Oaliu Itallroad Election, gratiou from filed nn vouched tbo janitor in swoeping out. Judge and for whit Speclaltj and Japin has account, for hit bus no use. To Oifflcult Collections a Tho regular annunl mooting of owing to tho plague. As yet it as correct by iuib. Harah Hapai, Wilcox Bent him to tbo reform obviate tbis tbe now law provides school for four years as he pload of tbo Stockholders of tho Onbu d 03 not seem to bo a necessity. showing rocoipts from Aucust 1, that the plauter who introduces D. GEAR, "This country has proteo'ion in 1893, to Nov. 7, 1894, of 1941.57, guilty to tbo charges. He is Chineso laborers shall give a bond Railway and Land Co. was bold years old. the timo of voyogo from Kobo to and a balance pf $1455.07 on hand thirteen of $50 for each to tecure hiB ro-tu- rn tin's morning. Yokohama, and from Yokohama tho first of 1898. in place of tho monthly de- LAWYER. The annual reports of tho to Honolulu. Tbo plague Odd Frllona Hoipltable. posits in tho bank. President, Treasurer and General develops quickly, and a csbb The Odd Follows of this juris- ,. This bill passed second reodiug Mouogor wero read and ordered brought aboard at Kobe would From General Hehoflelil. as. amended by the of King ntvl Kethel Htruotf, diction will have open house when committee. Corner printed. mamtest itself bofore arrival at Goneral J. M. Sohofield, an old Third reading sot fur Monday. Second Floor. The election of officers the next coutingotit of boys iu for the Yokohama. In tho earae way, friond and civil war comrade of Adjourned at 11 a. m. ,' onBtiingyear resulted as follows; tho eight to ten days from Yoko blue Brrivo. Their headquarters CHARLES F. PETERSON, Dr. J. 8. McGrew has written the for dispensing wolcomiug smiles -, President S. 0. Allen hama to this port'would bring Captain Cnniibll'a Trip. t- out any latent case of tho disease ooctor thanking him for his patrio and rolishing pabulum will be 1st Vieo President. J. It. Athorton Captain Campbell of tho Intor-Isla- nd bofore roaobiug here. Besides, tic offer of services for the present Excelsior lodge hull in Fort street. A.ttor.ney at Law and 2nd Vice Pro3idont...W.F. Alien war. rue ueuerol says: "The From tho roputatiou the threo Steam Navigation Com- Secretary , . . . our ndvices ore tint tbo malady is W. G. Ashley spirit of tbe times is to allow the linkod fraternity havo gained here pany leaves on tho Peru tonight iNotavy Public. Treasurer .M. P. Robinson doeroasing at both Kobe and ....". Yokohama. veterans to romaiu on tho rotired for putting up good things, it may for a trip to the Coast, whore his Auditor W. M. Graham lint and give tho bovs a ohauco. safely bo put down that both the wife now is. The genial Kaahumanu Street. . "Ob, yes, the groat thing for us csptam The associate directors are, H. here is to maintaiu good sanitary I hopo tho dav is not far distant Junithan, and tho Rebokabs will expects to bo gone about six William A. Henshall, M. von Holt, J. G. Sponcer J. B. conditions. This cannot bo done when you will bo under the stars acquit thorabolves proudly iu this weoks, and is tiguriug on a couple Castle. effectively until wo got sew- aud stripes and that too without instance. of w. eka' stay at Lake Taboo erage. Work on the proposed oroSsmg tho ocean," nnd vicinity. Cnptuiu Campbell Hecretnry Taylor William Henry will not take the ysii in will begin rb coon as w Tourliitf. expPcled to pet away on the Cop- tic but fun ii' I ut Ibis attorney at Law plac of James A. Low, resigned get tho appropriation. There is Files of tbo Sau Francisco Wroy Taj lor, ftcretary of the morning on account of private- business, as enough money being appropriat- Board of Immigration, doparted that her berths were all tnkou. dailies will bo hero on tlio bark m m jailor of Onhu prison ed to provide sewerage 113 Kaatwmanu. Btreot. Tele. 00,'t. until tho lht for the Mohican which Bailed from San in tho Mauua Loa for Maui aud or most Activity in sto-- July. dangerous sections of the Francisco on tho 5th inst. . Firbt ho goes to Wailu-k- u Oaliu sales city, and that will be done havo brought up "g- - in. W. S. EDINGS, without to investigate troubloB report- any avoidable delay." ed thero with Mouohuriau planta- m Royal makes tbe food pure, tion laborers. If that matter be Awarded Bicycle Repairs Mlnlitrr (June. wholesome and dcllcleo. Oounsollor at- - Law Klnu'a eatinfaetotily diaposod of iu time, Highest Honors World's Fair. Rumors havebeon persistent for Mr. Taylor will take tho Kiuau dold Medal, Midwinter Fair. S'oat at Corner Bethel and King Simula, Spring Posts with KollorlJeariiigN, some days Ibat Minister J. A. on Tuesday night Ma'ilaoaBay, lf 'ittinjiorou uonos, iui( uups, landing from at Honolulu, H. r. axios and King will resign the that vetsel Piau Hproukots, 17 to 2li; CIi.iIiih, (Jour Cusoh, Interior lmu for a tour of inspection Crunk; Npoelul I'lccon nnd Korgings In portfolio on account of his health so mo of tho Humakua Htock or iniido to ordor lit the old rolln-bi- o among A C. WALL, D. D. S., and privato businocis. A member plantations. of the Legislators has declared it O.E.WALL, D.D.S., as fact. An inquiry in the pro- SI Japaiivse Dinner. The Honolulu Cyclery per quartor elicits the reply that DENTISTS. the matter has not reached n dot! Mr. M. Mnrioka, tho President a CREAM Vow Ijove'a Building, Fort Street. nito stago of tho Morioka Japanese Iramigra 231 King Street. tion Co., gavo a farowell dinner CELEPnnNK 434 Co. B boys find thoy will be to his frioudd last night at the Ha to BAKING whoio pimnpt attention will bo given to unable extend courtesies to tho POWDER waiiau hotel. Among those pro-se- nt GILBERT F. LITTLE, nil ro 1.1 ix. ' formor competitors of tho Cali AbioiutclPuro wore M Morioka, 8 Kiraura, "llal-loy'- Oil jour blko frequently with H foruia Natiouol Guard. Co. A S Ch S Host Hloyulo Oil" and mvo half Ozaki, 8 Hirai, Niikuui, ATTORNEY ST LAW your heavy pushing. has been ordered to Alcatraz Sakou, K Iuone, T Masudu, T lMnblisliod IMC' on tlw basin of island and will not como on tho MaBuda, J Ishizuka, Dr J Uchida, A Pnre Orape Cream of Tartar Powder. IIILO, HAWAII l BOVAt MkINO POWOf H "GOOD WOHK." transports. BO., WfW VQW. H Mi.uno. 40 YEAPS THE STANDARD. TR "y ?m$nT fwopflr THE EVENING BULLETIN'. HONOLULU, H. I., JUNE 17, 1898.

FUNERAL OF J, I. DOWSETT At tho entrance of Nuuanu comotory the procession was met and escortod inside tho gates by u A CO.' platoon of polico and the govern- GEAR, LANSING Our Shoes Talk Is Attended by Great Concourse of ment band. "Earth to oartu" was tho honor- Foreigners and Natives. soon accomplished, and ed citizen was left to his last sleop. TELEPHONE 256. They will uppeul to you now as thoy Has Features of State Funeral From House to Nuuanu Cemetery The Religious

novor liavo before. Xo matter what the Services. h: Pate De price you pay, our SHOES aro ecpial to it. AVe do not advocate buying cheap footwear, The funeral of tho lato Hon. J. took 3 o'clock Foie Gras INSURANCE inside the prices quoted wo can gua- I Dowsett plnco at REAL ESTATE and AGENTS but yesterday afternoon. Religious rantee complete satisfaction in tit, wear and rites of tho Anglican church wore A delicacy nought after by conno- appearance. hold at the house and the grave isseurs In all parts of tho world; It by the llov. Alex. Mackintosh, is rich and delicate, and Is used at by tho mom-ber- s assisted organist and banquets and for lunches at even- STOCK AND BOND of tho Second congregation's ing parti os. choir, There was a great concourse of To sorvo Pato do Folo Grits Is to bo peoplo assembled at tho family ultra fashionable. homo at Palama. Among the Xo houso In Honolulu carries any- A. E. MURPHY & CO. were in BROKERS! number representatives thing liko tlio variety In thin lino overy caso tho hond of &3KKESBB333L almost that wo do. Ourassortnioiitls vory 205 Hotel St., Arlington Block. all the old commercial houses in Honolulu. Many oldorly people largo and compMo. of native and foreign races wore in tho assemblage. Tho delega- Just Received Ex "Mauna Ala." tions from tho Legislature stood PIM-8LA- S in tho lanai betwoen the main CITY PROPERTY. COFFEE PLANTATIONS parlor in tho old house, wherein the body lay, and the dining room STOCK OE plmlontos, A XEW in the now addition built a fow aro olives Mulled with FOR SALE: - years ogo. Thoy woro Ihus con- a swoot Spanish Popper. FOR RENT: stituted: Kvon tlio brlno tastes good. OLAA LANDS. Senators Lyman, Wil- Sobmidt, MAKIKI Houso of 0 rooms). Kloctrlc Hay, Bran, Barley, cox, Brown and Kepoikai; Thoy aro a rich morsel, delighting A lino Coiroo Ranch of 118 acres lease- lights comploto. Lot 125x200. Hot hold. 20 ncros cleaned and Koprepontatives Loebenstein, houso, stablo, cnrrlngo houso, nor-- under tho palato and assisting digestion. cultivation planted with 1 year old Kauaulolio, Iseuborg, L. L. Mo vants qiunors and chicken house eofloo trees. Surprise Oats, Wheat, An olive fork froo with each bottlo. Fruit nnd ornamental trees. CondlosB and Speaker Kaulukou. Excellent bargain In n Cofloo Plantation Befoio tho services began an of 100 ncros, Feo simple 70 acres planted In coflfeo trees from 2 Middlings and Cracked Corn. opportunity was given to view tbo NUUANU VALLUY Houso of 7 rooms. to3 fnco of years old. Flno dwelling houso and tho dead. It was remarked Lewis & Co. Good stable nnd sorvantsquartors. outbuildings. as 1 M ncros of land, will lenso for a being natural, looking like A 00 ncro Collco We have also received a fresh supply of sleep. Next to tho cold clay of torm nt n low rental. Ranch In fco simplo, the facing on tho Volcano Road. 16 mourned ono in striking interest LABOR SAVED ncros In coffee J) months advanced. room wero his A 30 CofToo within tho portrait, THREE NEW COTTAGES on King ncro Farm, leasehold pro- perty. J acres painted when in the zenith of his Mreei, near waiKiKi road. nro plantod with Gosta and Flours. prime, and that of his previously your old collco trees and 18 acres Port Starr departed wifo. Thoy aro works with 2 year old trees. Tho owner will clear and plant 2 ncres addi- of high art and spoaking like- tional freo of charge for tho pur- nesses. MOM SAVED. chaser. Sin co tho lying in state of the 280 acres of unimproved eofleo land Just FOR SALE: back of tho Volcano Road. 30 foot last king thero hassuroly uotheon road loading to tho such a display of floral tributes land. A Coflco Plantation of 64 than in this of mourning. ncres only 0 California Feed Company house MAKIKI Itouso of 0 Urgo rooms. Hath, miles from IIIlo. 20 ncres planted In eofloo. Piled high on tho coffin and or kltehon nnd pantry; largo hall, A houso and linprovo-nion- ts ranged in every available apace Have your Rubber veranda on 2 sldos. Eloctrlc lights on proportv. Telephone Queen Street. about the room were massive complote. 200 aeros foo simplo. 50 aeros uudor 121. wreaths, crosses, anchors, pillows, stamps m ado by cultivation. au.OOO lioarlng trees. Good rosldoneo, stablo and laborers etc., tho material being of endless MAKIKI Building lot 75x103. quarters. species tlio and infinite variegation. Hawaiian 255 ucros feo simple. 30 oeres culti At tho lust moment was carried vated. LATE ARRIVALS News Co., PROSPECT STREET llullding lot in a sloop with all sail Lt'd., 75x160. set, done in separate colore and obtain tho KONA LANDS. U frescoing every part. This hud 175x200 Valimblo lot 42 acres in Ilolualoa. 12 Kx "Belsrfc" boon received tho evouing In fashlonnblo acres In coiroo S.S. before lowest prices in rosldoneo portion of tho city. Palms, - io J years old. Lnboiors houso, and carefully preserved for the fruit nnd ornamental troes. A dosl-rnbl- o wator tank, otc., on sumo. last sad offices. It was the gift of town. Satisfac- lot fornnyono contemplation 8 acres on now Government building. road. All Bonj. F. Dillingham and the com- piamoil in eolloo fiom.'lto 1 years position of Mrs. Amy L. King. tion guaranteed. old. Laborers houso. Situated In Kajmlaal.ica, North Koun. Whon tho minister came, the HERETANIA STREET-Impro- vod -- Cigars Call and examine pro-ort- 50 acres a portion cultivated. 2 story members of the family on toted the Lot 200x290 through to Kl-na- u U..1I1U UlYUllJIlg, parlor and the sorvices proceeded. street. Two flno residences, 3000 acres feo simplo. our now lino of btablos nnd sorvnnts 1000 aeros tho Mr. quarters. doh or collco lands. DO Regularly by Mackintosh pronounced the Grounds woll covorod with aeros under IJeceiving Every Steamer words of " shndo cultivation. 5 laborers houses and the ritual in slow nnd UNIVERSAL trees, plants nnd Honors. storo tender cadences. "Just as I am" houso nt landing. nnd "Hock of Ages" wore the Stamp Holders." Havana, American and Manila Cigars, hymns sung, Mr. Taylor playing tho accompaniment on the piano. Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Ho also at tbo close, whtlo prep- arations wero being made to re- Finest Cotfee Plantation on the Islands. in 240 Acres Fee Simple. 30,000 -- move the coffin, in tolling style Trees in Pipes and Smokers' Articles. played touching old refrains, end- 'J Bearing, present crop estimated at 20 tons. Pulping with "Home Sweot Home." ing Plant andLaborers Quarters. Never Failing Spring Tho active pall bearers were: jMorcliant Street. "bf Messrs G P "Wilder, 0 W Macfar-lan- o, Water. One Mile from Landing. iT H Wodehoufe. Hurry HOLLISTER & CO., Whitney, S K KanP. Sam 0 Cliicta Tunics Corner & Merchant Streets. DwigJit, 0 KAi and John De Mr Port )i ries. The honorary ballboarerd wore: MADE IN HONOLULU LATEST STYLES JEWELRY Hon A S Oleghorn and Rev and Boardman & Masuda Hun J Kiuhane, legislative col- of BY A FIRST-CLAS- S MEXICAN ARTIST By last steamer leagues the dead in old times; Business Agency. from the CoaBt. Messrs Thns Cuminine, Horace Q House for Kent. Crabbe, Johu Rohh, J A Hussing-e- r, AT Ileal Kutttto Agents. THE REGULAR THING AVm Auld nud Bruce Cart-wright- . Brokers In Japanese Goods. Greenwich Fire Insurance Company Employment Agents, The Elite Icj Gream Parlors. of proceshinn was ar Collections Made. At my store, where the The order ranged by Hon. Geo. W. Macfar-la- ue 108 HOTEL 8TRKET. 027-t- f Legal nhil oilier documents trans-lute- d Mr. Goo. Allon, and with OF Into tiny language. and BEST CUSTOM WORK . tho utmost minimum of confusion. Just arrived per Zcalaudla Agents tor Japan Emigration Company, A large lot opposite the house was JAI'ANKSE LABORERS: Is done repairing and new work used to contain tho carriages, and Whole Wheat Flour ooui. fins, rings, bracelet", watch- they came out ono by ono as re- 1TE"W f rosic making, etc. in 10 50 Also Shaman & Co., Muticliurian or quired. In the front of the cor- Graham, and umnesc innorers. tege drovo tho horn rary pall lb sacks ORGANIZED 1834 Room No. 1, Spreekels Block. Tele H. B1ART, phone 017. 921-- tf G. - 404 Fort St. bearers, next comiugthe officiat- Rolled Wheat ing clergyman preceding the Rolled Oats, in 7 lb sks Notice. Monuments and Headstones, hearse. Immediately next the hearse was a cniriago containing And ul I sorts of meal Htull. old The following Drafts Issued by tho four native men who had grown Portuguese Mutual Uenellt Society of The undersigned Is prepared to do as workers on lauds of the depart with dates as hereunder hav- CHMKTKRY WORK od. took eight carriHgoi to con- Hawaii OP ALL KINDS, It LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF payment of such drafts IIEAD-8TONI2- NEW YORK ing been lout, and supply MONUMKNTS and 3 vey tho chief mourners, aftor them Washington fflDDPa has been stopped. The public are hereby warned not to negotiate the of which ho has a groat va- being a carriage with David Ka tame: riety of tho latest and Most Artlstlo hanu, a most intimate native friend, Draft No. (153, dated Dec. 13,1807, Doslgns, and will also supply Stono Cop once a business partner of Mr Co., L'd $l-.f- ConMatei Ma later EHMETT HAY, Superintendent favor of Manuel Xiiiiuh, 0. ing separately for surrounding ceme Dowsett. Chief Justice Judd and urgencies. (104, dated Dec. 1.1, 1897, Draft No. tery lots. wifo wero first in tho official sec- favor of Jose Lulss, $41.25. Esplanade, Draft No. (16!), dated Dee. 13, 1897, B Ksti mutes given In Marhlo, Gra tion, followed by Minister Damon 812.W1. Allen & Fort Stt., Honolulu favor of J K. Spit olu. nito, Hawaiian Stone, etc. and Smith togi'ther. Wngouettes Corner 210 KING ST., HONOLULU. - P. O. BOX 101 AUOUriTO C. PESTANA, U00 tf FRKI). HARRISON. with the legislative delegations Secretary B. 1). next, of Portuguese M. II. Society of Hawaii. camo and then a long lino HOLLISTER & CO., Agents. M OM-- Evening Bulletin 75c per month. carriages with privato citizens. hi pw

feyfciifej itotoiMr i:idtftikrimt& :&? 4frx mho-i- i - mm.imT w THE EVENING BULLETIN : HONOLULU, H. I., JUNE 17, 1898.

Glaus Wm. 0. Ibwih. FAMILIES FOR HAWAII The Remington Typewriter Southern California Farmers Hope to BANKERS. Settle Here. IONOI,UIU H. I. &in fVanci Agent Tarn NkvidiBankof Ask Your Doctor HAS BEEN AWARDED A t Sam Fbahoibco. Await Annexation Interested In Small 4 effect i' draw ixonAnaB on what alum has upon the stomach. Then Farming Who Some ot fyut Fiunoisco Tho Nevada Bank ol San make ite Francisco. up your mind whether you will put any Them Are. Union c low-pri- London The Bank of London, Ltd. moi-- ce baking powder into your husband's Diploma Exchange Honor New Tors American National of Bank. children's food. CntOAOO Merchant National Bank. or Letters recoivod yesterday indi- Paris Comitolr National d'Escompt de AT Paris. Schilling's Best is pure cream of tartar and cate tho events to follow quickly Bbrlin Drcadner Banki HONQKONO AND T0K01UMA Hongkong A soda. Nothing else. M upon Annexation. Already a party Banking Corporation. of families of Southern California Niw Zealand and Australia Bank ol New Zealand. have mado arrangements to como BRUSSELS EXPOSITION OF 1897. Victoria and Vancouver Bank o! British North America. here and settle. Hawaii is lookod upon as tho Trassact a neneral Banting anl Excbange Business is tlio Highest PossiuiiB Award, ranking Depolsts Received. Loans made on Ap-- land of promiso and hundreds of UTlris roved Security. Commercial and Travelers abovo a Gold Modal. families aro making ready to 5 8rcdlts Issued. Bills of Exchango bought Art Portraits Steamship Go's A and sold. Hers establish thomsolves hero as soon i Promptlt For. Collections Accounted as tho country is taken into tho Chesney W. Ewinjr, a leading por- TIME TABLE. ; ! Kstabllshed 1868 trait painter of San Francisco, Is fold. H. HACKFE1D & CO., LTD now In Honolulu and connected with These pooplo aro nearly all cSc our studio. His work here la already 0. h. WIGHT, Pres. S. B. HOSE, Beo. :bzs33:o2P oo. Copt. J. A. KING, 1'oitSupt. interested in horticulture, and tbo Sole Dealers. BANKERS. dovelopment of tho soil of tho io-l- On Exhibition anclH apart from sugar and coffeo Banking Stmr. and will begin at an early dato. Transact a General KINAU, Aroonc thoso expected soon are see It. Oceanic Steamship Company. ,)4nd Exchange Business. and admired by all who CLARKE, Commander, A. "W. Eamos ofj California a Traveler's Water color and Crayon portraiture Commercial and from llfeslzo to miniatures. A spe- Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching at wellknown fruit grower. Editor Letters of Credit issued, avail- cialty Is made of painting on Ivory Lahaina, Maalaea Bay and Makena the Thomas, formerly of tho Califor- i and porcelain. Got your same day; Mahnkona. Kawaihae and Lau nia Cultivator, B. U. Lnngloy at able in all the principal cities the following TIME pahoehoe day, arriving at TABLE. Hilo the same evoning. ono time in Walla Walla now-largel- of the world. interested in tho fruit in- Tho Fine Passongor Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive at anil after July Sweetheart's Picture Leave This Pbrt as Horoundor. Intorost allowed liavxs Honoiuiu. abbivis noHoiuiu. dustry in California and It. Q. 1, 1898, on fixed, deposits 3 Kellogg brother-in-la- w of Byron Tuesday.. June 21 Friday. Juno 17 From San Francisco: For San Franoisco: G on your watch dial, or that of any 1 O. Clark. months 3 per cont., months Friday TuevJay-.Jui- ie 28 by the-lates- t July loved one. Photographing Tuesday... 12 ZEALANDIA Juno 8 ZEALANDIA Juno 14 2 per cent., 12 months 4 science, with special regard to July Friday July 8 Friday July 22 Tuetxlny ....July 10 MOANA...... Juno 22 ALAMEDA Juno- - SB M ' pov cont. posing and grouping, still makes Drntlia In Honolulu. i ,rj ours the Betuming, will leave Hilo at 1 o'olook 5 dato. r. m., touching at Lanpahoehoe, Mahn- June to gpecie Bank; In connection with the sailing of the above steamers, tho AcenU Tjje Yokohama kona and Kawaihae saute day; Makena, Kaugichi .Kotayama, Japaneso intending I Best Place. Maalaea Bay and Lahaina the following aro proparod to issue, to passengers, coupon through LIUITKDa day; arriving at Honolulu the m, 'J y, accident. tiokots from San Capital Yen 12,000,000 afternoon! by any railroad Francisco, to all points in the Subscribed of Tuesday and Fridays. Ah Lau, Ohineso f, 15 y, diph United States, and from New York by any Btoamship Paid Op Capital Yen 7,600,000 Will call at lino to all Yen 5,40,5OO At the old stand In Fort street. Pohoiki, Pnnai thorin. Beservo Fund VNb Freight will bo rooeivod aftei Europoan ports. ' i 'a. m. on day of sailing. Mika Suzuki, Japanoso f, 29 y, HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. J. J. WILLIAMS. malariaLfever. For further particulars apply to Loo Ohaw, Chinese m, 62 y, 'i URANOHES AND AGENCIES. New York, . . . Stmr. CLAUDINE, cancer. Kobe, London, Lyons, The E. M. Kahooknno, Hawaiian f, Gr. & Co., San. Francisco, Shanghai, Wm. Irwin Limited, Hong Kong, CAMERON, Commander, 31 y, Bright'e disease. Bombay, Oconnic ' Banking and Ex- Hawaiian Electric JUono General Agents S. S. Co. TranWta a General Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6 p.m., Juis. oilva, Hawaiian f, lb change Business. touching at Kahnlni, Hana, Hamoaand y, tuberculosis. Agenoy Yokohama Spetie Bank Company, Klpahuln, Maui. Returning arrives at Upunui, Hawaiian m, 71 y, old SOLE AGENTS FOR Honolulu Sunday mornings. WE ARE Bulling. King St, Honolulu. ago. 1 Hew Ill Halekauwila Sts. Will call at Nun, Kanpo, on seoond trie Mlc Cor. Alakea & ot eaoh month. lam eo, (Jhineso f, 31 y, fover. .H Hub large assortment of WNo Freight will be received aftei Omaha, Hawaiian m, 03 y, Building and a 4-- Pioneer m. on day of Bailing. sonilo debility. TamMi4 v WAf It! Loan Association. Elec- linmonulii, Hawaiian m, 1G y, Ohandellers and This Company will reserves the right U. consumption. Assets July, 1897, $118,768.25. make changes in the time of departure and trical Goods arrival of Its steamers without notice ani" James Knli, Hawaiian m, 20 y, It will not be Money Loaned on Approvod Security. Constantly on hand. responsible for any conse- cau-- not stated. to Monthly Deposits. quences arising therefrom. A Savinoa Bauk for Consignees must be at Makuhonu, Hawaiian f, 80 y, old on the Monthly Installment houBo wir-n- g the Landings to Houses Built Estimates given for receive their Freight; this Company will age. Flan. plants. not hold itself responsible Series ol Stook now open. and Electrical for freight aflei Toraa Fujii, Japanese f, 1 m, 4Tltteonth It has been landed. meningitis. For further particulars apply to Marine Wiring a Bpeoiolty. Live Stock only at owner's risk. A. V. GEAR, Secretary. This Company will not be responsibli Lum Wa Shin, Chinese m, 4 y, for Monoy Booms. or Valuables ot passenger rover. Chamber ol Commeroo HOFFMANN, unless placed in thn care of Parsers. 12830--1 :S P.M. 373-t- f THEO. Y. Nishimura, Japanoso m, 4'y, Offloe hours. Manager. Packagos containing porsonnl oflocta, d wliotlior shipped as bangngo or freight, pnoumonia. WALKER, If tho eontonts thoroof oxcood $100.00 in Emit B. Borgor, German, Ha- J. S. acoi-don- ISLANDS. valuo, must liavo tho value thoroof waiian born, in, 20y 8 m, t. GBNERAL AOBNT TOR tlAWAHAM plainly statod and markod, tho Yee Sing Tie and A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING- - WATER Boyal Insuranoo Company. Company will not hold Itsolf llablo for Infant of Ah Man, Ohineso m, Aiii.nAA AnatirADoa ComDanv. Large any loss or dainago In oxcesn of this Alilanoe Marine and General Assuranoe sum o.xcopt tho goods be shippod undor Buuoorn. for Indigestion, Livor Complaint, Diseases of tho Kidney Wioket aspoclal contract. Maiohe, Hawaiian f, 49 y, con- and Bladdor, Skin Eruptions, Etc, Etc Sun life Assuranoe Company of Canada. All omployoos of tho Company aro sumption. Com- - Chairs , Wilhelmaof Madgeburg Insuranoo fOrbiddou to rocolvo freight without Iufantof Hawaiian a shipping recolpt therefor In Eawaimaka, & Co., Scottish Union and National Insurance of the tho form proscribed by the Company t, A u, luamtion. Benson, Smith Company. Latest and which may bo soon by shippers Carlos Dias, Portuguoso m, 13 Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Block, nonolnln, H.L upon nppur-nuo- to tno pursors or tno m, convulsions. Boom 13 Bpreckels Styles Company's Steamers. Shippers are notiflod freight is to ..Aim.. that if Since We Must Eat Live, Let's Have the 'Best. BRUCE CARTWRIGHT, shippod without such recolpt, it will bo and Nrrrouintts. solely at tho risk; of tho shjppor. Wknen ot Furniture HoodVSar-saparill- General Manager Paosengors are requested to purchase "I havo been taking a OiDened TJp an Of all kinds. ticket! before embarking. Those failing to for weakness of tho spine Jnst The Equitable Life Assurance Society do so will lie snbjeot to an additional . . oharge of twenty-liv- e per cent. and norvousnees,.and in a short Invoice of " Fort Street, opp. Club Stables Of the United States for the Hawaiian time it had done mo a great deal Islands. of good. I caunot rocommoud Hood's too OmoAi Merohant street, Honolulu i Sarsaparilla highly. I Ivory Ware 0?13 have novor boon troubled as much TTTT" V TTrV with weakness- - niuce taking CON8ISTINO OV Lacquer Ware uoou's." Mary Hi. Liowih, i!i. University Avoi, Guthrie, Okla. Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also, Uia AND NDTJANU 8TBKT8, Silver Ware Hood's Pills aro the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsuparilla. SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER. celebrated Enterprise t; --c: enimm : Easy and yet ellioieut. Tbe Crockery Ware .? - Give them a trial. Money baok if yon don't like them. Also, Jtut reoelred on Draught and in ?t 5 g o O S3- k. (fN. 1 Beer Creamery Bottles. . V. H. H. Mtiiiiiilnock. Comlnir. Choice Block Butter, Kits Butter, t ? 5S "S. it Bacon, Mains, Crackers and Cakes, & Go. Frank B. McStocker has re- Fidelity Brand Wing WoTai lsi Mild CheeBe, Smoked Beef, H. CO., ceive! a letter from his brother-in-la- w MY 214 Nuuanu Street. Commander Whiting of Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc Wholesale and Retail Groceries. the U. S. S. Monadnock, dated To My Patrons and the Public. "At Sea" Juno 2d and continues 615 & 617 Fort St., Honolulu "Am on tho way to 8an Frnnoihco Chas. Hustace, from my re- for slight repairs before leaving - Having recovered 212 King street, next to tho Arlington. Telephoner 22 P.O. Box 470 cent illuess, I am again prepared for the Philippines." Tho Mo- to do all kinds of Tinsmith and nadnock is a and a com. GONSALVES & CO., Ltd Plumbing work as heretofore. parativoly fast voshcI and may bo -- KL.KPIIONB -- e. O. HOX MS Thanking you for paBt favors, 1 ii i "lis 5 . 1 hero inside a fortnight. It is not respectfully Bolicit a continuance n oxpected that Mrs. Whiting nee H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AN1 Afong will accompany as sbo of tho same. him IMP0BTER8 AND DEALERS IN WINE, MERCHANTS, lis g B 3 will nrobably remain in San JAS. NOTT, Jr. ?s Francisco. street, Honolnla, H, I, Groceries, Provisions and Feed. 225 Queen WS Tel. 844. a a - J Pianos. o New Goods BeoeWed by Every Faoket from the Eastern BUtes and Europe WO COMPANY. GRIEVE. Chickering, Kimball and HOP ROBERT fif w Krooger pianos for sale, for yilEBH CALIFORNIA PEODUOE BY EVERY 8TEAMEB Tulaco Square. l& soS" cp King Stroot, Job i!F siit cash or on tho instalment All Order! UlthfoUy attended to and Goods Delivered to any Book and Printer Fart ot the Oity FBEE Bflferohant Tailor. ffi plan. Old instruments exchanged Yferohant Street, Honolulu, H. I. for new ones. Pianos rented, Agonts for tho Sanitarium Brand or Hoalth Foods r,..i. Ti..Mr nnd Linon Suits mado to """ tuned and ropaired. Tolophone General of now and latest erdor. Fine ussortmont Over Hawaiian News Gompany'a 821. Bergstrom Musio Co., Ltd., (ojutd Owdmm BouonxD, . BAtimotioii QutMummt Perfect Fit fluar-antoo- d. Just arrived. my IB, Evening Bulletin 76e per month Progress Block, Fort stroot. EAST 0OOHEU VOBT AND EINO STBEETfl. Lowost Tricon. Book Btoie. (

Afcfc't. Wt-tmvmiiitt- i THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. 1., JUNE 17, 1898. h ) r Evening Bulletin, ing of tlio Poodlp. Our compli- TWELFTH ANNUAL MEETING 'l ments brethren. If tlio report of --of Tii-r- OLD Buy Well. tlioicorainitteo was the result of nu Jlmely Jopie I'uHUhfJ Lery Day, cxcerl Sunjjy, at no King attempt to "do up" Mr. Howell, lrctt, Honolulu, II I , by the Do not conclude ' tlio Bttttudo of tho Poodle is iu-hi- iuo GLORY . BUUXTIN PUBLISHING CO.WPANY. Kahului, on tho iirs't thing you see. favoritism. Tlio public wants Last week we drew your at- At SprccUls' Riik, is i.. :...... (:.... 1...1: - facts, not ncouBntioDS. tention to the good qualities of --ON- jiicoiioiny ' iiMuniiiiy ,iu- ? W. K. EJItor the Aermotor Steel Windmill ciously your timo or money.""", DANIEL LOGAN .... CliyUllor MONDAY, JULY 4, 1898. is ji sight OPIUM 1111,1, MIT 1VANTi:i, but did not mention the fact DR. C. A. I'DThKON Business ManiKir flint glnddons that although the Aermotor tho heart. Tho Evening Bulletin may bo Official, Program. Your Time F sul( rlplKm lliiti'nt will pump more water than is tho a put down as unalterably opposed mill, It Per month, ,inliere In Ha ll.in lilanJt $ 75 any other even with a Rices to commence at to o'clock a. m , sharp. ombleni of ' to tho of opium bill l,ercar, " " 8 oo enactment the will poor pump, still even it -U- ICYCLE PACE In woll spout if yon need' IVrjear.pojtralJ.tuAmerlci CamJi 10 oo rirt liberty orWxlc now before the Houso of Repro One Mile Dash for all Maul Cyclists oo not do its best work unless lne Per) ear, ponpalJ uilicr furelgn ccmnltles ij tlrst I'rlie. $j (jolJ McJal, SeconJ I'rlie, $10 liberty of thought, anything for your house, or sentatives. In the first place, it is Lntrance iPPa)able Invarhbly In aJvancc attached to a good pump. lee $5. liborfcy of speech; mighty bad political policy for - Second PUNNINR PACT. for a presont, and you inves- we Keep in stock- to go Ilal!-m- ll Dash Itm lor all Ponies 14 hanis or snuvll wonder TrlrplioiK'KI tho people who made such a pow with our 16ft. geared mills the under. Purse, Sjo. tigate tho Business Offioe 'J.".t. Editorial Rooms, I till. ThlrJ -R- UNNING RACL. wo honor its wow over the opium measuro of One Mile Dash Free all Purse, $100 lor teachings. Putuflice Box 404 tho lato to turn Tourlh TROTTING AND PACING TO HARNESS K monarchy around One Mile Heats, best a In j Wee lor all Purse, i. and advocate a measure by which Gould $100. The People's Store. Triple -R- 17, 1898. Hllh UNNING RACE FKIDAY, JUNE tho government ontors directly One Hall Mile and Repeat Tree lor all Maul iutn opium business. bred horses Purse, J75. We'll talk dusters tho Sixth -R- UNNING RACE (Handicap). I Hawai- today. We arc offering a special following from Sponker We nre told that tbo opium ol it Mile Dash ree lor all The Acting Pump, ian bred horses 14H hands or under. Horses 14 tbo hands or under to carry toolhs., horses 14 1 hands to discount of ten per cent, off Heed's oigiu, the Portland measure did not bring about carry notVs , horf.ee 14 a hands to carry laotbs. may give some revolution of '93. In same Purse, J60 regular Plain l?iguro Prices (Mnino) Prtus, the Seventh -T-ROTTING AND PACING TO HAR- idea of Mr. Reed's views: way wo oro told that the destruc- Which will furnish from 8000 NESS of certain lines, this month, One Mile Heats, best 1 In J 30 class Purse, to tion of Maiuo did not bring on to 10,000 gals, per hour. 5 and you can certainly "It no louger being possible -R- "The RACE. lash,'" Eighth UNNING RACE. CORINTHIAN work what may bo called the tho war with Spain. For some For our smaller mills we One Mile Dash lor all horses that have never won a race. Member ol the Association to Euglaud nearo find the Jnpnn unaccountable reason however tho have a pump which is manu- ride Purse, 40 Gold Medal presented by the 9 Hotel Street : : WaYeHey BlOCl scaie on behalf of the aunexation public soes tho question in a dif- factured by the Secretary of a now ecaro has boon Ninth -R- UNNING RACE. MULE RACE Save Money Uawaii ferent light. is woll known One Hall Mile Dish. Catch wetchts. Free lor Agents for Dr. Deimol'a Linen-Me- al to. has just been dis- It all Purse, $40 and $10 addeJ by L. C, A Parish. resorted It Total $50. Underwear. Scud for Catalogue. covered Unit Germany is likely to that men now sit in tbo Legisla Co. Tenth -R- UNNING RACE. MAIDEN RACE. Aermotor Three-lourl- I insist that Hawaii declare neutral ture who bavo always favored nn Itself h ol a Mile Dash ree lor all At the People's Store. ity which would greatly ombnr opium licouse. Their opinions Maidens. Purse, $75. We Make Shirts to Order. Eleventh -R- UNNING RACr rasa our operations in tho Pacific. Hro to bo respected, but the fact and is just the thing for those h Mile Dash I ree lor all. Purse, $15. Uufortuuatily for the annexation TeKeth -- POST ENTRIES RUNNING RACE. still remains that forco of circum who want a pump that is One Mile Dash Free lor all, Portuguese, Japa- FOR ONE MONTH ONLY ists they luvo shouted wolf too nese or Chinese to ride. Entries close tj minutes be- stances, if not word of cheap and, at the same time, fore race. Entrance, f 2 fo. Purse, Sas donated by much in tho past. Everybody G M. Iloote, President M. R. A. W, W. Dimond & Co,, "has got on to them" now and re- mouth, placed tho present regiruo the best of its kind. All entries are to be made llh the Secretary before ta o'clock noon on Friday, June 34th, 1808. Entrance For Cash LIMITED. fuses to bo scared." as irrevocably opposed to the lees to be 10 per cent ol the Purse, unless otherwise specllied. (he opium traffic in any form. Sup All Races to be run or trolled under the rules ol the After all what Press says Maul Racing Association. King Street. porters of this government may All Horses are expected to start unless withdrawn WE WILL MAKE OUR nbout "scares" is abcut right. As by tio'clock noon on July and, r898. question is, haggle as Ihoy please, but they General Admission : : : 50 cents. It etiuda today tho THE Grand Stand (extra) . . 50 cents and St. cannot got away from tho fact Quarter Stretch Uadges : : i : I5 $7,00 Pants for $5.00. Whether it is tt proppr business Per order ol Executive Committee that a flop on tho opium question Hawaiian Hardware Co, GLO HONS. We Have It! U"nM States Secretary Maul Racine Association. .00 for $18.00. proposition for tho is Suits problem nothing raoro or less than rank LIMITED, to annex Hawaii. Tlio political heresy. bo fronted from a coo), calm, JflPR will Corruption has beon tho cry tTO. 307 FORT STREET, Tills Is no humbug. Come and commercial aud diplomatic stand l hikeI"your pick. .""Ctainst all prohibitory Opposite Spreckele' Bank. iili&phfiS point. Tlio chances are in Ha- raised it yot rerauins to bo waii's favor at presont. measures bu High School Congest, prtivod that of evils lessens MEDEIROS & DECKER 'mtmy liceno MATURED AND BOTTLED IN bi'.U BOND WOItKH KKPOKT. conuption. The now before BY AUTKOEITI. Tonight, June 17, 1898. PU1ILIC No. 11 Hotel Street. Pige strength. to restric' and the Legislature seeks iuarATtee4wi Tho evening Wha"gdoodlo and the tale and use of tbo drug. Benefit Red Cross Society. Sealed. Tenders. .GoVERNMEb the morning Poodle exchango This is supposed to mean that not Lichee Nut Trees courtesies over the report of tho B-AXi- ! all those who dr.sire opium mil PROGRAMME: E of FOR &To. committee on tho Publio works Will be received at tho Office the PART I. bo furnished with it, Iu other until TUES- HONOLULU. DISTRIBUTORS department. As usual tbo Poodle Minister of tho Interior Overture Enchantment Hermann words, tho proposed law will either DAY, June 28, 1698, at 12 o'clock noon Just received, the finest lotjever im- . f J with the Orchestra. variety. wallows in its own bdo, bvm practise, free opium or the for the purchase of surplus timber In Tableau Salute of tho Lels ported. A choice rodult that Mr. Howell may well tho forest on tho rldgo below Tantalus Forty Young Ladles. The Old Government restiiclions will bo so strict that Piano Solo Tho Last Itoso of Sum- Over Two Old ask that In be delivered from his smuggling will bo profitable. Heights. mer Sydney Smith Years so per friends. Bids will bo received at much Miss A. Gert7. bear In from 18 to 24 Since annexation is considered to Dawn of Day .. ..S. Reay B.Will is tho old story of narrow cord on the stump. Trees be cut as Chorus The months. Inquire at Whiskey. It to be so closo at hand, the opium designated by tho Forester and tho High School. has al- Mandolin Solo Lu Palonia Yradicr miuded, that measuro might just as well be brush disposed of under his super- Co., Mr. Ernest Kaal Kwong Hip Lung Bottled Under Supervision V ways characterized tbo Poodle. laid away, nnd tbo Republic of vision. Illustrated Poem Tho Lotus Eaters Tennyson 035 401 Hotel Street. lin It is all rijiht to talk wise aiid Hawaii bo saved tbo misfortuuo Particulars may bo learned upon application to tho Office of tho Com. Misses Itlce, GIrviu and Stewart. theorize on what should be done of inconsistent action. Chorus Song of tho Vlklngs...Fanlng DR. P. E. CLARK, OF TIIE for tho glory and fame of this missloiier and Secretary of the Board Higli School. of Commissioners of Agriculture nation e'c. etc., but when some and PART II. vhiti:l,vv iikid's sentiments. Forestry, Judiciary Building. Charming most men stop on the Overture Prince h man or Tlio Minister of the Interior does t Eiienbcrg DKNTlaT. U.S. Government toes of a beloved member of a Otviivr of Nv York Tribune Ulves not bind himself to accept the lowest Orchestra. Opinion on Annexutlon. Chorus Tho Heavens are Telling... eeloct ring, thou an attempt is or any bid. Haydn in ado to make the fur ily. The Dr. J. S. McGrew received by Tenders must be endorsed. "IMita High School. 13-- 14 l'rogross Mock, cornor ISoretaula for Cutting Timber." Solo Souvenir De Posen and Port Stroots, Honolulu. of tho Poodle this morn- tho last steamor an iuterebting Violin FOR SALE BY refusal COOPER, Wlenlawski from McGrew in HENRY E. l ing to difcuss any evidence givn letter Mrs. of tlio Interior. Dr. Ormond E. Wall. Minister Reading Mlco at Play Nlel Forest A. R. ROWAT, committee's lots the which an account is given 0l0-- 3t in tho report Interior Office, Juno 10, U03. Miss LnulMjMsoanlinaii. W. C. & CO. light of day into the whole busi- of her entenainment at the Mandolin Duet Hello of Cleveland Veterinary Surgeon. 510 Fort Street PEACOCK magniGcient country homo of Corporation. Valse Tipaldl Limited ness. Wbou the Poodlo is pleas Hon. Whitelaw Reid at While Notice to Messrs. Kaal and Marques. TELEPHONE 785. od it was its editoiial tail aud Plain, N. Y. In answer to the Illustrated Poem Konuuico of tlio Solo Agents. In conformity with Section 1441 of tho Ganges Mrs. Ilrownlng left at Club or Pantheon says sweot thiims. When the fur qiiPHtiou whethor he was an an Young Ladles. Orders CiHCodo, nil Corporations nro lioroby Seven Stanlea will be recelvetl and promptly , . around its collar U rubbed tho uexatioiiist Mr. Reid repliol: Chorus Good Night, Farewell.. Lesllo speeialty. el. 40 Merchant Street. notlllod to innko a full and acouruto ex- attended. Dlseaseaof dogsa wrong way, it snaps, yaps, barks, "Most certainly I am. Hawaii High School. has received very bad treatment at hibition of tholr nffiilrs to tlio Interior screeches and gni's through the 8"Tickot, $1.00, 75o. and 50c., the bauds of tho United States Dopartmont on orboforo tho 31st day of may be had at Wall, Nichols Co.'s most idiotic antics imaginable The opoosition to annexation July next, tho saino boiug for tho year store. 111." It goto one idea, uses big typo so comes from the Sugar Trust and uiiillngJuly 1,1808. MCms wtw llhinkH purpose will bo - that tho publio will bo sure to tlmso people who believe tho for this upon application to tlio Interior know thpro is an idea somewhere United States should not eook territory beyond its presout Ollko. in tbo mesi, aud all this pasces bounds. They figure it would bf Upon fill In ro of any Corporation to rP 'This Successful for "moulding publio opinion too expoiiBive to hold Hawaii." presout tho exhibit, within tlio timo along tho lines of high moral It will bo remembered tbut Mr. tlio Minister of tho Interior will, Reid was candiduto for vice presi oltlior himself or by ouo or moro Com- i i principle." Wo have received and havo for dont when Harri-o- u was defeated missioners appointed by him, call for Just G d preserve tho public from sale SUPPLY of tho above. by Cleveland. He owns the New t'io piodnttion of tho books and psipors a FRESH is the Rubber n uttiiill nfunMi an lnnvH high mural principle if is 0111-(o- ftttliv rtiinntttv this an Yoik Tribune which since the of tlio Corponitlon nnd ox.tiuiuo its rs otnmple last campaign has stood steadfast- touching Its ullulis under oath. your orders early and often. legis- i:. cooper, We have yet to know tho ly for annexation. hi:nuy Only lative fommitteo that does not Minister of tho Interior, ml Interim. Henry May & Co., Tire Forty-fou- r shares of Ewa plan Interior Olllco, Juno 15, 1898. it havo tho right to ranke such a re 010 STiinirr. lw tation Co. were s ld at 333 today. OKI .'It fort ku port as it thinks best. Wo have JOrSNTED, yot id know of tho ponton connect Auction Sales by Jas. F. Morgan. On Eaclaitoition.. ed with a govornmeut department Card of Thanks. In It, K. KIiIoib & Co. 'h window will bo . found MnipleH of Held In Place liy Two Electrically Weiaefl Wires who has not had the opportunity The family of James I. Dnwsett de AUCTION SALE OF WQEK of clearing up tbo charges made sire to expresi their appreciation and hM NEEELE - gratitude tho many - njjaiuBt him. Mr. ltowcll a for kindness anil as dono by Mm. Arlulgh, Into of 1'lilla- 45000: Sets- Used If hs expressions of sympathy extended to (lolplilu, (.liiRvoN aro Doing lormou at in Tiin lot of CHr.ls up his sleovc in tho ini'in ny incur menus, in meir HORSES? II. V. i;lilors & Co.'h, wuoro applications form of explanatiooH by whioh ho 041 lit for scholars w ill bo ro ol vod. -:-- On SATURDAY, Juno 18, lin MILS. L, AULKffill. UNITED can "see" tho committeo and go STATES Elegant Residence To Let. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, them one hotter neither ho or his Wo invito'Inspection Goods on Exhibition At tho StnbleH of Jun, I. Quoon Wanted. AT THE friends need worry over the Tlio Property ow nod by Kimuul I'.ir-k- Dousott, situated on King uticot, unjoining street, 1 will Roll at Publio Auction, "horrors" oieatod by Messrs. Loo-bonat- oin, losldonco of Hawaiian Cairiage Manufacturing Co.'s Faotory J. 8. Walker, 1. Tlio About 25 Head of Horses, Mares and A situation by a Young Man who Paris, ot als. Tho pub-- 1 Buildings nro boiug put in good ordor has had much experience in olllco and rojulr. For full particulars, apply Colts. work; also in Kcueral clerking. Out- o is willing to await an cxplana ut tbo ofllco of door work preferred. Best of Coast Wilson & tion from Mr.' Rowoll, but there is CKCIL I1ROWN, and local referenced. Address Whitehouse Morcliant street. JAS. f. morgan, "O. 44" universal dicgust over tho snarl- - June 17, 1898. 841 lw 010 2t Auctioneer. 010-- Jt UUU.KTJN Ollice. Solo Licensees for Hawaiian Islands.

a !WJfW"IWW?


LOCAL AND GENERAL, Dnnto will givo an ontiroohargo of bill tomorrow night. Tho Hawaii Horald intimates M.S. SACHS DRY GOODS GO, Ltd. Tho Peru snils nt 5 p. m. that tho racer J. It. may bo sold in Honolulu. Cecil Biown olTcrfl mognifi-cen- t V the s Aro tho largest purchasers f High-Gla- ss The to Purker residence for rent. rumor tho effect that the -:- - Moana had beon burned is donicd War News Articles of Dress for Ladies' and Children's Wear, lioing Piclurcs rnnke oxcollont wol-di- Dg by W. G. Irwin & Co. proHonts. Eiug Bros., 110 in this enviable position, we offer the very iincat goods ut Hotel street. n Hitchcook and Smith is tho lat- ;J est legal firm of Everybody the vory lowest possiblo margin of profit. ' Tbo of tbo delay Hilo. Mr. Smith 2 cniiso Peru's is a Chicago law graduate. Should Sttbscribo x was nino dnys1 .detentiou at Kobo While tho collection of Fashionable NOVELTIES ir in quarantiuo. There was no quorum for tho For Either tho is unrivaled, wo aro displaying, THIS WEEK, a choice Com annual meeting of the British f The Hawaiian Hardwnro Bonevolont Socioty pnny has an interesting talk on last night. lot of SILK and COTTON DKESS GOODS, bongkt direct pumps in this issue. Tho Coptio'u passonger accom Oa.ll, Kvory smiimer many of our jico'plo modations havo beon ovorflouod visit nt tlio viirlous nprlti;s throughout from tho iiiuko s, giving our customers tho very yalues two weeks HtntoM wi Within or three "290" by bookings at U. Hackfold & Olironiole or tho United In search of lost health. hack stand will bavo rubber tiroa Co.'s. 0lng to tho heavy oxpenw Incurred by over ofl'ored. Wo only ask you to look, feeling convinced on all their carriages. Examiner, tinio eoiiNumctl in mnklnir tlicsolour- - For a nico clean shavo or an noys, ninny nro compelled to rcumln nt that tho qualities and colorings, together yrft the low Nicely furnished roomH at the Homo In coiiHcqiionco. ar'istichaircutdroD in tothoElito to got price, will do the rest. Popular House, 154 Fort street, B rbor Shop, King street, noar In order I from SI .00 per weok up. AidKea. " All the Umws 4 Co. D will hold an olection for Tho Coptio was to sail from Bartlett captain this uiaht wcpk, tbo com Kobo about 40 hours J after tho of Hergstrom "tier careful Mtudy and thorough i mission Olaf Poru, and will bo duo hero to- an to tho most effective . S. Sachs Dry Goods Co., Ltd ing. morrow. ONLY $1.00 A MONTH wators for the nllmonts most common to Charles Wilcox is not yet well Minister Damon made a full our jicoplo, wo llnd that llAllTM-TT- 520 Port Street, Honolulu. although reported im- .Sl'UIXaS WATKUIsbyfar superior to enough, answer this morning to Souator At the local agency nil others. Many prominent reslclonts proving, to return to hi eoutaiial de- Brown's queies about the tax of Hawaii lmo visited tho springs nnd Tklim'iioni: 755. P. O. Box 4. duties at tbo Health offico. partment. nil tillko ngreo that It lias no equal In curative qualities. FOE. SiiJLE Captain Goo. "V. Coffin, U. 8. Mrs. O. B. Cooper and Miss C. WALL, NICHOLS CO. Opening Announcement. N., (retired) fntraerly of tho U. S Clymor will as-- in tho chorus of tho con- S. Olmlostou, is a passenger ou singing High School PalamaCo-operatiY- e Grocery Co. the Poru en routo to San Fran- - cert tonight. Springs California Horses I ?i cieco. About a hundred High school from LIMITED. boys and girls occupied the Opera Dircct Ing Tho lending physicians of California Pearson & Hobron aro agents o. Ii Houbo this' morning prescribe It, many consider It for the Soaroh Light Bicycle for rehearsal For stomach and kidney The Company Store is Now Open for Matched Teams, Lamp which is generally conceded of tonight's concort. troubles It In especially recommended. .Call nnd recoivo n the Transaction of Business. to bo bicycle lamp in ex- O. M. Cooko and his two sons, We have received circular containing Family, , tho best Brush, testimonials of people who nro well ami Hack and istence. Richard and George, loft on tho Double and Single Frame and favorably known. iri. Mauna Loa this morning for a And wo shall bo pleased to wnlt Saddle Horses! new boys DOOR MATS. gene- Smithies hWout a in business trip to Pabala. Skeleton . upon our old customers who so blue budge, and says it is selling rously patronized tho former Pnlania portrait of Reserved scats for tbo concert Grocery. New patrons will also bo like hot cakes. A tki-Ac- s ' Water ofluicd ovcry Inducement to place tST Ordors takon for nil f Dewey is ovor'the legend, "Wola tonight can bo obtained by ox dorses. changing' 'tiokots for their Orders with us. Orders by tele- ka Hao." reserved Razors, Wo nro carrying In stock this valu-abl- o phone or through tho mails will re- checks at Wall, Nichols Co. for- btables: King single wicket prao Pruning and BuddingKnives, wutor In quantities to suit nt tho coivo prompt attention. Don't St., oppo. Singer's Bakery A quiet little Mr. Wm. F. J. Dalo and Miss following prices: get our motto was and always will be tiso match will be held Saturday Pocket Knives, ttiat "A nimble six pence Is better Bessie Orhell wore married at St. of B0 9.50 afternoon on British Comraiesion Farriers' Knives. For Caso Quarts J than n hi.y half crown. at Andrew's Cathedral yesterday by For Caso of 50 Flnts O.hO j.a. er Kenny's private pitch the tho Rev. Alexander Mackintosh. For Doz Quarts 2.50 H. CANNON, Mcdonald Legation. For Dor, Pint 1.00 IP. George J. Robs is very low to- O. Box 4SS givo a special mati Open and Twisted Muimgor l'nlama Oro 851 tf Dante will day. Drs. Minor and Sloggett are Do-po- t, afternoon for Indie? Link Trace Chains. eery, Ltd., Opposite Railway tioa Inmnrrnn attonding him, but a complication King street. To . and cbildron, commencing at 2 of troubles thus far baffles rolief. Honolulu, May 10, 1S0S. 015-t- f Let. o'clock. uliUuronwiii uoaummea Co. Photographer Williams has Hollister Drug N, FERNANDEZ. 25 Winsor & Newton's Colors, Bere-tun- for cents. mado some excellent photographs Tho Cottage ou tho eomer of ia Color Boxes, NOTARY PUBLIC and TYPEWR1TEB and Klulmrds streets, opposite An acoteylono gas burnorof 108 in connect wiih tho flag presenta- .A-gent- s the C'entr 1 Union Church, at prewnt caudlo power ha been placed in tion on the Chaileston. Oup is Artists' Canvas, Sole Office: 208 Merchant street. Camp- occupied by tho Hotel. Pomemlon tho lichthoase. It is there for of the flag flying from the stern of Academy Board, For the Hawaiian Islands. bell Mock, rear of J. O. Carter's office. given on tho 1st of June. Apply to P. 104. 006-t- f trinl and bo far has given great Charleston; tho other is of tho flag Palettes, O. Box Dlt. JNO. 8. McGItliW. satisfaction. draped back of tho koa bowl and Vouga's Studies. Mrs. Geo. Allen and her Aunt memorial. who left here on the Diamond Tho accommodations for the feeding of the boys in bluo on ) Head hate arrived Bafely in tho the Pacific Hardware Co,, i1"" East. Mrs. Allen's health is great grounds of tho Executive building um,i ly improved. are nearing completion. Tho ta- E. W. bles will allow 3000 mon to be Fort Stroot. JORDAN The engagement is announced served comfortably at one time. IO of Win. Mackay chief master at Over the tables a awning of palm M No. Fort Street. arms of the Pennington to MifB leaves is being made as a protec- Sarah Lycett daughter of Mr. and tion against sun or rain. Bv to Mis. Jhb. Lycett of this city. morrow night everything will bo LANDED s A dollar saved is a dollar earn ready tor the receptiou of troops, Dante JUST ed. You can save a good many a dollars by buying your grocories IlAI.VKAI.l4 KOH MAY. WILL GIVE A . , 1 of J. Hutohinys, 027 Fort street. P.O. box 402. Telephone 358. Average! for All the Iilnnds that Pur. A Beautiful Line of Silks 1 4 va A number of intending pas iilshetl Reports to Weather Dureau. snngors by tho Coptio, due on the According to the roeord of O. J. Bargain Matinee 18th, secured passage on the Poru, Lyons, chief of Weathor Bureau, For Shirt Waists nnd Costumes. Now Shades as the latter vessel brought word the rainfall for May avoragod 5.54 tbo whole of v that tbo Coptic's accommodations inches on island wero all tukou. Hawaii, reports being received from 31 stations. The highest ! Prettiest Plaids and Fancy Patterns. The Officers Club have been TOMORROW A . , SB extremely neat invita- was 15 58 at Kallmann, 1250 feet sending out lowest 0 50 tions and "guest" badges in the levatiou; the at Hiloa, entitling 310 feet. Honuapo, 15 feet eleva- BLACK SILKS IN Is last few days" the holder . . .1. . . . .50 Cents t,. 4fr,t v m of the Club to July tion, bad no rain. Adults. to the freedom has report 25 2d. Maui eight stations Ohildken Cents ing, with an averago of 2.82 in loaves on tho Peru John Ena chos. The highest wbb Puuoma Triumph, Surah and Brocade tonight to meet his daughters lei, 1400 foot elevation, 5.32. MisROs Mabol and Mary in San and Olowalu report Saturday Night ' f t.it&M Franoisco, who have beon attend- cipher dry, and Haleakala ranch at Pa., for the Black and Colored Satin. "" ing school Easton, tbo smallest fall, 1.55, at 2000 feet past year. elevation . Change Next weok Ewa plantation will Mapulebu, Molokai, 70 foet, Entire if bavo ioe from its own factory. A had 2.23 inches. of Bill-- rofriRoratiog room has also beon Oahu, at 17 stations, had an E1BB0NS EIBBONS constructed and porishablo goods averago of 2 05 inches. Tho high ' '"'' "M belonging to tho plantation store est whs Luakaha, 850 feet eleva- Get Seats at Wall, Nichols will be placed there. I, tion, 9a30; the lowest, Kapiolani Co. In all Widths Stripes, Plaids, Plain, Col 10, Ewa plantation, GO Park, and "'' ""$ " "" ; Tho tables not undor tho shade feet elevation, trying each other at ors, Grossgrain, in Ism of trees, for tho banquet of tbo 0.22 inches. aro being sheltered L coming troops, Five stations on Kauai give an -- LJ.tj L hj undor palm leaf pavilions. Care averago of 8.39 inches. Kilauea, Satin, Silk, Taffeta and Moire Taffeta taker R J. Greene is supervising 325 feet, was highest at 4.4G in- the trimming of palms in the Exe- ches, and Hanamaulu, 200 foot, 3000 Pies Wanted I cutive building yard for tho pur- lowest at 1.73 inches. Horn an pose. ron THE Stripes and Plaids in All of tho old Legislature hall Ctilneie Arrived. ( Com- is not to be ocoupied oy the so Chinese I and tho Not many paBsengors Boys in Blue missioner of Agriculture arrived in tho Poru as had been permanent agricultural oxbibition. oxpected. Thero wero ninoty-thr- oo -- A half partition has been erected all told, classified as follows: of floor :.' dividing off a moioty tbo sojourn on six month permits, DONATIO NS Sash To Ribbons of Sharp t for headquarters tho 53; Minors. 9; Upon return per- Toward tlio above nro earnestly shooters. mits, 13; Women, 14; Nataralizod solicited by -- A. SIRS. A. KULLKIt, Specialty. The Diamond brought a great Hawaiian, 1; Hawaiian born, 3. many now things for Miss Kil W. a. ASHLKV, CoiurTiIssary Committee ' lean's Mirror of Fashbn, which Sale. ? Como early and got first choico, at aro now ready for inspoctjon, For are Sailor Hats right among them Mules from New York, and all tbo latest 70 Head of Fine Large PIE, millinery novelties. Tho dross PIE,. E. W. JORDAN'S, In u fow days from department has also ro-cei- To nrrlvo f miking California. The Evening Bulletin, 75 els. per JEPort a lot of now trimmings and No. IO Street. findings. 0.14 lw ii. l'. Mccuu.ouair. month.

i:-k.jM&4mMiv'iK- tt JiLLd TKNNIS COUIITH. Wood, algaroba (not less than 0 In. m autuohitl thick), 3 cords er month. Doparturo Day, 1 ton month, SON CO. Kiclllwr Uiuari Ilrliitf Plnyrd liy I.ocnl Coal, ier LMMNCE Tulriit. Tenders for Supplies. Tenders for the Purchase of Hides I OP -:- - CANADA. As tlio teuuis tournamout goes is hoiDg awakoned Trophy on, interest Omci: op tiik IloAitn opIIk.vltii, and Tallow. Gold Paint: Summary o the Annual Report for 1897. amonu the volarics of the game. Honolulu, Juno 13, 1803. crowded Yostoulay iho courts woro Toudors will bo recoUcd at this omco oi" IkiAiui ok Hkai.th, Now litfo Applications re- Ofiick thk Which Is a substitute forirold Do- until 12 o'clock noon, WEDNESDAY, Juno 1.1, 1893 ceived illirlllK 181)7.- .- $in,'2U2,764 02 Baking with spec ntors most of them Honolulu, leaf, and will LAST. Inijri)iK.ruV(fr 18'lfl n,lS2,40U 7.1 ing Indies. Tho piny was Juno 22, 1808, for furnishing tlio Iluroau Tcndors for jiurchnso of Hides nlid Gflilncmii' for j ear sl of Health with supplies specified in tho Health for J Tho most brilliaut Tallow from tho Bureau of Dec, 1HH7.... 2,2J8,8U 7 following schodulos, for tlio poriod of Inom.is.) IROfi :t52,01fl 74 Powder tho period of six months, ending Decem otor match of the nfterunon was b six months ending December 31, 1893. AnieLi at 3It Deeomltor, twecn Wutorhouso nud E. ber 31, 1893,illl bo recoiled nt this ohlco Enamel: IH'I7 7,122,171 41 Hnrry Illds for Itoms of each schedulo must bo 11. until 12 o'clock noon, WEDNESDAY, Incrvfh oor 18WI it 1 1,22(1 78 Adams which wns won liy ihn mado sopnratoly, ond each tondor should 0-- G-- Juno 22, 1808. Rowirvo for Security of A latter by a scoro of 1, 2. bo endorsed: "Tonders for .Supplies I'ollryholdorN fi,S,10,7."i2 OS Tho tonders must 1k for tho price por For imparting a hard and glassy Wilder Wiudit and Willio llt.tli Hoard I of Health." surface to any material. (Aconiiliiu t Tm. I'ciiir Scientific played a remarkably fast game. pound for Hides and forTallow dolivored pjr cvnL.Tiihlo ) Tho Hoard does not bind Itself to ac- on tho wharf, Honolulu, on weights ap I Ml(l. . Il2l,r,ri2 50 They nn both juniors and it is fiicrii'iMi iiur cept tlio lowest or any bid. proved bv nn Ajront of tlio Board of Surji'iis hII LlaMli- - Combination doubtful if many of tho seniors ifr WILLIAM O. SMITH, bo In lltH, "HOpt Capital .111,220 1.1 could keopup with them. Itoth won Health, raynionts aro to mado Bath-tu- b President of tlio Hoard of Health. Gold Coin, Immediately de- Enamel: (AiiMnliiiK to llm. I'oiir of 5 7, (5 2, ( 4. U. S. after p--r Taltlo.) emit. S. G. Wildor defeated Ghnrl-- y livery of goods. tfurplui over nil Liabili- SCIIKDULLVA." The Board does not bind Itself to ac For porcelnln .finish ties and Capll il Mock 6S1.271 OS Cream Athi-rlo- after n hard fought on tubs cept tho highest or nny bid. lower note. etc. Not aflected OuwrdiiiK to Caii.iilliin game. It was remnrknblo in that Materials and Suppllos for uso of tho by cold or hot water. Gov't iimdnnl, llm. Hi tho were so ovonly match Bureau of Health nud tlio Lojior Settlo- - WILLIAM O. SMITH, cunt.) Tartar playcis Ttr Molokal, to lxi dolivored In quan President of tho Board of Health. Surplus over nil Liabili- ed. Tho day previous Ihoy wore niont, tities ordered by Agonts )f tlio Board of fl.11) At ties, oxi-op- l Capital.. 1108,272 00 and stopped by darkness the scoro being Varnish Stains: (Aii'Otilliif; tit Canadian 10-1- 0. Yoslerdny tlioy ployed Health f. o. b. island stcamors or any Gov't .Standard, 4'-- i ur Knrlfl In nbout oven but Wilder won two other plnio Honolulu. For furniture, boskets, etc. Cut.) when CIiIiim Paid IluriiiK 1MI7 nn, 117 17 games straight the score was III'IMlIMi MATi:ilIALS. 10-- 10 and it gavo him tbo match. III iSTFull directions for uso. Try them. Liiinlwr, N. W., Bough, SHIM Score, 16 18. ixirM. & NO OTHER INGREDIENTS. Bishop Co, Bankers, Tho other gameB wero as fol Luinhur, T. G., N. W., 1x0, por M. Iowh: Clarence Cook, PTC Lumber, Surfaced, It. W., por M. Having tiikoii stock Lewers & Agents. Souior, vs Harold Dillingham, P .Shlnglos. B. W., iierM. Cooke. HONOLULU, ILL 'n n t.,..: ...... i,., nn,n .:!. Hilton, Jix.l, It. W., K)rM. and reduced all a seoro of 0 1, G 2; G V Dickey, Kciko I'osts, It. W., oach. prices now offer m. PORTEOTJS, O, Doors, UxOxll, In., each. J. P T O, vs J Cooke, P T won by i styles of 7-- G, Window Sash, 10x12, and 10x14, por the latest John Nott, 1 Cooko with a scoro of 4 0, 020 111 Inspector. Importers and Dealers in The Club Stables c-- :i pair. The games on the Boretania Nails, Iron Cut, lOd basis, por keg. Limited. courts wore ns follows: EAMott Nails, (Jalv., 3d and 8d, por keg. FANCY PRINTS! O. IJhllina, Manager. Smith, B T O, vh Arthur Mackin Hollod Oil, Hubbuck's, po,r gal. Molt-Smi- Wliilo Lead, Hubbuck's, Oonulno, 03 ICING STIIEET. tosh, Valley Club, won by th FORT STREET, with a scorn of 0; per lb. At 5 cents a yard Chns C Turpontlno, por gal. ' Manaqbu. Bergor, P T Junior, vs illiiu Telephone 477 Donald Ross, B T 0, won by Llino, ior bbl. AND OTHER GOODS IN PRO-- 6-- (I, I Ross with a scoro of 6 3, 1; 1) Gnlv. Iron BooAng, 7, 8 and 0 ft. PORTION & Sale Stables HOL.ESALE AND RETAIL Livery, Boarding H Hitchcock defaulted to S G lengths, por lb. Wilder. Also ox "Zoalandia" Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts. 1'IIOVISIONS AND SUITLII.S. BUTCHERS TodnyB games will bo played as a fmo assortment of Safe Drivers. follows: Bread, S. V. Calif, or Am., up to 60 Steel Iron Pacific and Ranges, Wo nro especially onulpped to enter to court at 4 Dm D casos, por lb. ShiitikH, B your tnulo. Fair dealing and good Ho- T 0, vs E R Adams, P Broad Medium, samplos to bo fur- STOVES, AGATEWARE. i 'iT"t7 CoatractorSt race Is what wo depend upon to got it. T C; J P Cooke vs S G Wilder. nished, up to 800 cases. FISH NET CURTAIN! Wo liavo for salo Family Carriage nml lsoreton'ft courts at 4:30 p ni E Drhlutr Homos, hIiirIo or doublo teams. Hiking Powder, Boyal or Schilling's DIMOND BLOCK. A Mott-Rmii- h, B O Tlioy nro In good condition mid bo T 0, vs H Best, 4 07. tins, up to 30 gross. 121 & will . 123 King Street. Keingerated Poultry sold on faomblo tonus. Cooke, P T C; 5 p m Donald Ross, Bacon, por lb,, up to 30 sldos of 8 lbs. iTl Dr. Item at Is always In attoudanco nt UPC, vs Willio Roth, PTC each (glo brand). -- tlio Stables. B.W AVD Junior. Bran, ltho, por ton, up to 30 tons. mm 1 & Bran, Who.it, per ton, up to 10 tons. UHSl Ciuli Stables Hackstand King Street, Von Ilolt Block. m Fresh Salmon A New Departure. Crackors, Soda, up to 30 casos, por lb. groon up to 12 Cor. Union A Hotel Sts. Wo are very anxiouB to show Colleo, Kona, sacks, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. (Old Towor). por STOCK, BOND lloll tho public what a co oporative lb. i CAltO'ULL AND WHLL INFORMED Charcoal, guaia, up to 300 bags, por NEW BOOKS - j . r i :m storo can no in tho way of suddIv v-s- DltlVKILS. bag. ANDt d Cfo. FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES. iDg tho table with fresh imported Metropolitan IVfeafi HACKS AT ALL HOURS. groceries. So ploase don't forpet Coal, Dopirturo Hay, short ton (In Orders forSurroys, Waconottos, Shmlo that tho Palama Co - oporative sacks), up to 20 tons. Al . Money or Doublo Teams nt a tuoinont's notlco. Flour, (1. G., U sacks, up to 400 bbls. Brokers urocoiy Uo.'s store is now op-- n Telephone 45. Hack Nos. 12.ri, 183, 100, 70, 77. long up to 300 gross. for businoss. First shipment of Matches, card, Stocks and Bonds Boughtand C. Iir.LLINA, Mgr. Milk, condonsod, M. M. brand, up to goods arrived por Mariposa from Sold on Commission. ! 10 casos. The Golden Rule Bazaar Fine Tailoring the coast. Among tho maDy good por lb., up to 12 cratos. 1 have it new cutter of great skill things she brought are fresh fro Onions, an t i' perionce, and can guarantee zon oysters, dolicious smoked Oil, Korosono, up to 300 casos. kimmI iIih at very low prices. The AN DRWisFM&t? Potatoes, Island, up to 10 sacks. Loans Negotiated Litest suiting" are kept In halibut, plate corn beef, 6 lb kiU Just received ox stock, up to 15 10-l- boxes. a beautiful liluu sorgo for salt mackerel, smoked beef hams, Pruuos, drlod, S. S. Zcalandia simmer wear. 1 k 1 lb blocks creamery butter, and Bico, No. 1, up to GOO bags. Sugar, Baw No. 1, up to 200 Dags. Real Estate ! many olher choice articles. This Uevr Goods to 120 bbls. storo has always enioved tho Salmon, host rod, up AND- - Fluent and freshest Dry Goods Soap, brown (100 lb, boxes), 2 lb, bars, NEW STATIONERY in stock. J lave just received reputution for low prices, but now up to 200 boxes. flue (Irass (Moth, Pongee Silk, cm-br.- il under tho co operative plan wo 'OFFICE Insurance Klllc por ton, to 500 bags. SUPPLIES Agents lercil lltindkeruhtefx, etc. aro better able than ever to com- Salt, coarso, up A' best of White and Colored Mat- pete with Starch, Lily Gloss, 1 lb. pkgs,, up to ting. Daiiilrufl'will not euro Itself. To even our celestial com SCHOOL GOODS Rents collected. Complete charge of Ityou No 20 rasos. ! must troat jour petitors. harm in giving us a of Property for to 50 -- absentees. Fancy Things hair and scalp with soniorouiody trial. Telophono 755 till new is Tobieco, Golden Cupid, up HAWAII'S STORY Financial Agents iu any capa- The latest S. S. duello brought sue ot book. Ooods doliverod to boxes. (By Lllluokalaul) city, as Trustees, Assignee-,- , Adminis- Btutlioo Chairs and Lounges, Cam- all Tobacco, blondcd stock, up to 50 trators or Executors. '! phor Trunks with alarm bell locks, Our Dandruff Killer ptrts of city and suburbs. PALAMA CO OPEUATIVE GllOOEllY boxes. , elo., alio New Crop Tea. ISLAND VIEWS AND 1 CURIOS! Agenoy My prices in all lines meet the propnrort and sold only by us Is Co., Ltd.! Wheat, up to 20 sacks of derceit com petition. Old Btsnd, opposite Railway SCHEDULE " B." Warranted to Cure ! Depot, King street. Greenwich GOO KIM, .Hay nnd Grain to bo dolivored at tlio rtero'.i.iut Tailor and General Dealer, Paoheco & Garbago Stablos, noar cornor of South 1 Nuuanu, near Hotel street. Pernandes, Arlington Block, Hotol Street. KullhLwitena Hcltool Concert. and Queen streots. Tho tondor must bo J. M. WEBB The concert last night in aid of for wolght dolivored nt tho Stables. 210 KING Hay, boat or Oat, up to 150 bales. STREET, - BASEBALL tho Library Fund was 316, Fort Street. Beaver Lunch a grand llr.m, wheat, up to 150 bags. success artistically and financially. HONOLULU, H. I. At, Oats, up to 150 bags. Tuore woto over two hundrpd ROOMS. SCHEDULE " C." U present in iho audienco. Princi- J.R. Shaw.D.V.S. The H. J. NOIiTE, Proprietor Association Grounds! pal Edwards and his assistants Suppllos for tho Insano Asylum to bo Hawaiian" should feel very proud of tin dollered In quantities roqulrod and creditublo performance given by subjoct to Inspection and approval of -- A. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Weekly '" tuo oiumrou. Tho cboruse3 werp tho Modlcal Suporlutondont. r Lunch in Town 3:30 O'CLOCK. 3STe-ws;pa.;pe- Vilest remarkably well suug. The bell lleof, ouo r, rumps nnd ringiug by tbo Fort street school rounds, por lb,, about 150 lbs, por day. Honolulu vs. 1st. Regt. boys wbb very plowing and was Bcof Stoak (loin), nbout 4 lbs. por day. Devoted to tlio Agricultural Tea and Coffee encored loudly. Tho Cantata Bread, fresh, 1 lb. loaf, about 30 loavos At ALL IlOUns. and Horticultural De- 90(5 --,1m "The Wreath of Love" wub very por day. well givon. 1 casos TUE FINEST BltANDB OF Miss Minorva Fernan Bread, medium, por lb,, about velopment of tho Ha- Mules For Sale. dez took the part of Eva. There por mouth. M tfmJpL I l2l B wero nbout sixty voices in the Beans, bayo, por lb., about 100 lbs. waiian Islands. Cigars and Tobacco chorus. por mouth. Office and Infirmary, 863 King St. ALWAYS ON HAND. Baking Powder, Iloyal or Schilling's Issued Saturdays. A choice lot of Missouri ami 8 1 700. Califor- Your photos will soon be spoil- Best, oz. tin, doz. per month. TELEPHONE nia Mules Hrooius, Steamboat or Mill, 1 doz. por THE "ARLINGTON" ed if exposed without glass over . i Modorn and Humano Treatment. thorn. King Bros, have struck a mouth. SUBSOUirTION RATES: J-ias- t Coilbo, groon Kona, obout 100 lbs. por A FAMILY HOTEL. very neat and inexpensive way of One Year. Arrived month. HONOLULU 2 0 1. . EZroujoo, 3Prop doing up photos which is giving One Yoar(Forolgnpostago paid)... 2 51 ... Hour, G. C. or Crown, 1 bbl. por Per Day 777771 9 2.00 Now for sale ut low terms. En- - groat satisfaction. 110 Hotel month. Carriage Six Months (Domestic) "".'"." 1 0 qulro of street. Manufactory Slnglo Onions, 1 crato por month. Copies , ok The Boat of Attendance, the Beat Situs-tio-n , O. SOHUMAN, Singers lend tho world. Over 10 bags per month. 613 to 621 Fort Street. and the Finest Meals in this Citj 005-t- f Potatoes, Island, CluhJJahles. 18,000,000'made nnd sold. High-es- t Port, oxtra cloar, bbl. por month. i Advertising Rates on ap- TAS. F. MORGAN, O. G. awards at tho World's Colum Bico, Hawaiian No. 1, 7 bags prr Carriage Builder TRAPHAGEN, bian Exposition for oxcellonoo of month. plication to Office. AND BBFAinSB. Business .lUOTtilNRKK AND STOCK UIIOKEK construction, regularity of motion, Salmon, liost red, 2 bbls, por mouth. oase of motion, great speed, ad No. 1 Haw, 4 bags por mouth. AEOHITEOT Sugar, Blaolcsmiibing in All Us Branches. "The Hawaiian," No. 9 Queen Street 223 MBrchant St Honolulu, instability, durability, ease of Tea, China Pouchong, 1 chest por learning and convomonco of ar- month. - P.i n Appraisement Between Fort and Alakea, W. 210 King Street, rangement. B. Borgorson, ngent, Tomatoes, canned, por doz. 3 cases W. WUIUllT, Proprietor. ij&tfito andFurniture. : : : 784 10 Jjetuoi stroot. por month. (Suoooasor to O. West) Honolulu, H. I. ??"$. k "wratA " y i ipsi,R spitf, linn THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. 1. JUNE 17, 1898. 'p'iiffKnifvffiiiiiiijKi W. G. Irwin & Go. Just Like Gold Coin. DANT1S TIIR MY8TIF1EO. Limited. The Wonderful Younir MntMcInn AjjhIii ART Kntlirals Ileliolilers. Thoro wero otl or pebbles on tbo Agents for For morn Minn fifrw na ontortainment beach last night, has Western Sugar Kofinery Co. of Ban PERRY DAVIS' PAIN IN and Danto tno prestidigitateur did Francisco. KILLER stood tho test not buve tban half a houso. Baldwin Looomotlve Works of Phila- inoro delphia, Fenn.. U. 8. A. against all romedios prepared It was noteworthy, however, that Nowoll Universal Mill Co. (National w eradicate pain, and today many wboBO hair he. like Gator- - Dane Shredder), New York, U.8. A. PRINTING! N.Ohlandt & Go's Chemical Fertilizers. stands at the head of r.ho liaf. felto of our grandfathers' days, Alex Cross & Sons, high grado fertil- among tho medicines to izers for Cane and Coffee. that aro mado stand on end the first Eoeds Stenm i'lpo Covering so essential to keep at hand in night wero thoro again seoking, if STEE,L ltl vain, fnr tho annrnfa tt.nir PLOWS. the homo. any old "good it Also Is thing bewilderment. It is not a now fanglo remedy enough for you 1 nor do Without a materially altered the MMsHsssl. Offer for Sale the proprietors lay nrocram. the wiznrrl kpnt tlm claim to any wonderful revela- people in Parofflne Go's & 11 Or do keen attention through Palat T Paints and you want your r Papers) Lucol and Linseed tion of tho ingredients en-- out, anu nor, n net part oils, raw that i single or ,.i- - and boiled. r into the manufacture of of act failed to mako a hit. The , Indurino. (a cold water paint) In white universal verdict is Hint im nntn n V1j and colors. this over popular remedy. Filter Pross Cloths, quite new bib and tuckor on the A Cement, Llmo and It is n rfectlv hnrmlcaa vnn TI'O following linos worn gottun up ospcclally S Urloks. out magic, ana mat ho is tho most for tho Island truilo, unit a i need have no fear of becoming Stationery lightning sleight of iiotaniii foattiro on which wo have toxtlmonlals Is their Good Scouring (timlltlcn. , hand artist and light draught. habitually inclined to its use. tver seen in this town. --For Colic, Cramps'', Dysen- Mr. iMnta will nnnnnr nnnin Saturday tery, Colds, and all painful evening, besides giving CTJESESOXr, : AND OTJ IKK a maiiueo me snmo alternoon, THE affections, a few doses will cer- , SIos 0,8 and 10 Inches. .

" tainly give L'' I relief. You cannot Ttvo Cni'irnra for Honolulu. afford to bo without a bottle Tho W H D'imond is discharg- JA01SrjTELCTZ3Cf THE 12 LliPK and JFIRE in the house. Printing Sizes and M Inches. Matters ing much needed cargo of Your iirp1 hr forefathers if merchandise at Allon street. and found It it beneficial. includes the following: Wo tarry also it comploto lino of extras for tho above. Why 2825 bbla experiment with some flour, 217 pkga machinery, 29 Wo am furnish you alio with BOAI) Up-To-Dat- e? SCltAPKns, UIMUMIIT !UliI.S, AGENTS FOR .. remedy that is new and its effect bales dry goods, 202 cs soap, 9591 KKKI) SCHAl'KHS. U on the system unknown? lbs onions, 24,455 lbs potatoes, New England mutual life In- And in tho Household Dopartmcnt a now lot, Just received, of It has manv rivala but. n 9701 lbs beans, 19,900 lbi Lard, surance Co. of Boston. equal. 7920 lbs rolled barloy. 140 eks bran, 50 sks shorts, 250 lbs OOOOANUT DOOK. MATS, f- Tho questions aro un- buttor, iETNA Fire Insurance Company Isi- Tho now 35c. size con- 3 cs and 73 bbls And another ear load of fznecessary. You can get salmon, 435 cs OF HARTFORD. tains over double the quantity canned goods, 8514 lbs ham and of tho 25c. size. tho best at tho bacon, 2210 lbs cheese, 100 bbls lime, 15 cs boots aud shoes, 112 cs Garland Stoves and Ranges. Wm. G. Irwin & Co. hardware, 10 cs groceries and provisions, G84 bales hay, 13 bales ' (limited). -:- - Hollister Drug cioimnc, u cs nuts ana enps, tsU'JO Wm. G. Irwin, - Frosident and Manager Hl BULLETIN lbs codfish, CGG8 lbs meal, 14,157 Olaus Bpreokels, - - Vice-Presid- Company, lbs broad, GOO lbs hops, 59 ctis W. M. Giffard, - Secretary and Treasurer corn, 1194 lbs driod fruit, 50 (! Theo. 0. Portor, - - - Auditor Bole Agents for the Islands. middlings, G3 mules, 71 ctlswliext, JOB 1514 ctls barley, 125 bbls fish, 215 Sugaa? Factors A GOOD THING pkps doors and windows, 1000 His AND 4 a sugar, 45 cs paints and oiln, 3 u c horses, 2200 gals wine, 73 Ohia, Algeroba and Pine bales mgy Commission Agents. Firewooo Printing House paper, 1308 gals whiskey, 93 ctls Out and Split (ready for the Stove). oats, 17 A.QENT8 OF TUB bales leather. Also, Tho bark S. O. Allen's cargo & 210 OOBANIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY STOVE, STEAM BLACKSMITH COAL King St., Honolulu, H.I. from San Francisco consist of tho following: 188 bbl- flour, 51 cs OF SAN F1UN0IB0O. OAL. WHITE AND BLACK SAND RECEIVED electrical goods, 48 102 JUST At Lowest Prices, delivered to any part ot coils ropo, the City. Bargains in Real Estate cs hardware, 29 ctls barloy, 150 0. BREWER & COMPANY, LIMITED, lbs TELEPHONE i i i 1 dried fruit, 178 pkgs fresh x.X Queen street, Honolulu, H.l. fruitn, 11 rolls loather, 2G19 lbs HUSTACE & CO., cheese, 5000 lbs meal, 1988 lbs AGENTS FOR 31 Queen Street. hams and bacon, 27.14G ft lumber, Hswsllsn AKtlculturml Company, OnomM Soeu 3310 lbs beans, 19,948 lbs rolled Company, Honomu Sugar Company, Walluko Fine BUILDING LOTS At Company, WalhM Sugar Company. Make. barley, 155 ctls corn, 153 lbs The City Furniture Store . 8I , ato&ii&n 23 ".-.- r iT www. T&,.n,l.ro. cheese, cs and 93 bbls Balmon, M'.,u'.""Kinrn.w. r mien uiut riT d a. r fin nf-- - Riitnn t rmCKCia, I.OM. wcwsi wv. - - ""T " 3310 lbs codfish, G92 cs canned Packets. Agents Boston ooaru diuduui.i.i Sea View, Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. COMPANY goods, 55 pkgs groceries and Another lot of those provisions, 51 72G4 usr or omoEnst Is proparod to furnish ctls oats, lbs Punahou, and 313 cs broad, 30,423 lbs pota- P 0 Jones, President! George H Bobertson, Nltrato of Soda, Bono Meal, raw or $2 Treasurer and toes, 12.290 lbs lard, 17,910 lbs Manager; E F Bishop, dissolved Florida and Lady Elliot Island Artistic Reed Chairs, Col. W F Allen, Auditor; 0 M Cooke, Prospect Street, sodB, 1810 lbs buttor, GOO sks H Watcrhouse, A W Carter, Directors. Guano, Sulphate of Ammonia, Muriato bran, 100 bbls lime, 20 reels barb and Sulphate of Potash and Kalnlto, Co wire, 69 bales dry goods, 1G8 ctls Rockers, Tables, Etc., ral Llmo Stono and Manures. quanti- In Kalihi . wheat, 1410 lbs and 8 cs manu- ties to suit. 29 Just received In tlniitrnrtheHollily at the orTYFURNITURBrtTJ RE. Building Lots! factured tobacco, cs hats and Love Building, 634 aud 636 Fort 9G Htrot A. F. COOKE, Manager, --A.3STJD caps, cs drugs, 72 cs paints and Call aud inspect them before It Is too late. oils, 2 cs 5G tW on oar line and on PA soap, cs boots and At WAIKIK1 shoes, 712 gals LAMA ROAD near .fertilizing King gin. WILLIAMS, Manager. Plant. David Dayton, St, near ffalHla Boaa H. U. Offioe816 i : TELEPHONES .: : Residknom R4. These Lota are Very Cheap and Sold "There Are Other Pebliles." on Easy Terms. Real Estate Broker. But do not for a moment Hiiuk city and that tho A'johor Saloon is Desirable Acre Tracts near the 209 Merchant Street. TWO ACRES just other Properties for sale. like thorn. Liquid refreshmonte, of Important proporty to bo BRUCE, WAKING & CO., FOB SALE. In central part of refreshing, require a cortain Honolulu Undertaking Co. city Dealers in Lota and Lands, 12 Chinese Granite Hitching Posts; $6 limits. dash of skill aud experience in the 312 Fort Street, near King each. mixing. Carlylo and Andrews 4 B21. Desirable residence proporty, nico cot- Tg,HQNK607. P. O. Box 1 Surrey in fine order; prloa 9200. mako a great success in this de- House and Lot, 76x165 7) tages and woll Improved grounds, King ft., on No. partment and staud ready to satis- ED. A. WILLIAMS, 1, : : : CO., Koung street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchen street, Young streot, Punahou and South 1 W. C. ACHI & dining-roo- eto. Slope of Punchbowl. fy patrons in tho mattor of Seattle beer on draught, ns well as all the The Only Fully Equipped, Complete and .1 Brokers & Dealers best brands of whisky, viz: John EXCLUSIVELY F. H. REDWARD, Gear, Lansing & Co. Dewar's Scotch, O. P. S., etc, and UNDERTAKING Establishment on the Islands Evory-- ' from a, full lino of othor liquors thing Now and of the Latest and Most Improved Styles. Contractor and Builder. and wines cannot fail to fill even SIO King, Street., the most exacting aud varied REALJSTATE Offices and Stores fitted up and 11111111 Estimates given on demand. y We will Buy or Sell Beal Estate in L TmlinlTninrT parte of the group. ! all Stamped As m. Knke. A Speoialty No Bungling! No Failures! EjT We will Bell Properties on Beason. ALL KINDS OF WORK. sbleCommlssions; Tho Now York Herald's corres- Near Honolulu. pondent a Hongkong denounces NOTE: Mr. Ed. Williams is a Graduate of Clark's Sohool i King rgr Office and Bbop: No. 019 Fort street, Perfect Embalming by which proooss the body retains uutiirBl OFFICE. 10 West Street adjoining W. W. Wright's Carriage Shop. ns a fako the story about the Ger- its nppoarunoe for years. 7ft & CO., Ltd man Consul at Manila threatening H. HACKFELD Real Estate Transactions. Short Distanco from tho Rail- to employ two German warships HSr Office and Parlors: 514 and 516 Fort St., neur Hotel road Stations. to force tho blockado for the ad- Telephone 179. 'Residence and Night Telophnno 8lrt Subscribers are furnished with from five mission of a Gorman vessel re- BENEM COMMISSION AGEHTS to six lists ner week, giving an accurate fused entrance by Admiral record of all deeds, mortgages, leases, re- Dewey. leases, powers et attorney, etc, etc, which are placed on record. Magnificent Facilities for Honolulu A "White" Itliler. Messenger Service Oor. Fort and Qnoen Streets, Honolulu. Obtaining Labor. Subscription Price, 92.00 per Month, A "White" ridor on a "White" ' KING AND ALAKEA. & CO., bicycle, with rojord. CORNER ST8., M. PHILLIPS a "White" HONOLULU, 11. I. A. V. GEAR, Such is tho standing of Tom Jobbers of Long Term Leaseholds from 35 to 40 Cooper, Wholesale Importers and 210 King St, Honolulu. ono of tho fastest and beet years can bo obtained in tracts of any known National Circuit chasers. Messages ami Packages DELIVERED TO ALL Goods number of nores desired, on the most Watch ho does on Hnropean and American Dry The Elito Ice Cream what the White PARTS OF THE CITY Parlors favorable conditions. this year. Paoifio Cycle and Ma- 108 HOTEt STREETS, nufacturing agdntn. Fort and Queen Streets. Tho special attention Is called of Co., PROMPT SERVICE AND those with small capital wishing to REASONABLE CHARGES Cakes and Candies, go Into this very prolltablo Industry. ltuldly HUapiwarlnir. ALLEN ROBINSON. Office Open Until 12 O'clock P. . M. TELIU'IIONB 378 For particulars, apply to Tho Bupply of tho justly cele- Fine Ice Cream. brated Seattle Bock Beer is rap- D. G-- . CAMARINOS, Manager. Doalora in Lumber and Coal idly disappearing in town. Lov- Materials of all and Building Our Establishment is the Finest Besort Gar, Lansing &' Co., ers of this nutritious spring bev kinds. in the City. Oall and see ns. Open till 11 erage can obtain it for a limited Qnoen Street, Honolulu, o'clock r. u. 210 KING OTBEKT. lime at tbo Criterion baloon. " Bulletin, 75c. Per Month '"'j' THE EVENING BULLETIN! HONOLULU. H. I., JUNE 17, 1898 Hr l ITEMS FROM HARBOR FRONT From Hawaii and Maui per Btrar VIRTUE! REWARD! O Kinau: Volcano: E Miller, "Vlrtuo lins its own Master I Miller, E N Uutt. Way ronardl" ports: Mrs W W Goodalo, Miss Hood's Hear Adiulrnl lilm-so- lf Delayed Peru at Last Arrives After a Miss Dowoy lins dono Cathorino Goodalo, E F proud in tlio I i Bird child, Plillllpplnos and earn-o- d Spioer,Mrs AWnllnnd Mis Favorite Japan Quarantine. for himself tlio dcsorvlna tltlo of H Roiuhardt, R J Lyman, W "Koar.Adinlral." Cathartic Drasch, Chatig Siug, J 11 Collins, This storo is also anxious to onrn a Pills tltlo from tlio public; a titlo O K Hydo, A Moore, wife, 2 of Is easy to purge, Is morlt, that carrlos with It it ! It but that not what Mauna Loa for Kona and Kau Hllo Liner children and servant, Mrs A tlio namo of la wanted. A mild but sure and undls-turbln- g having morltorloiis goods at ixipular Deuanux, Northrup, prices. catbartlo will set Nature to go- Klnau la Port Steamer MokollI Senator F Cages In ordorto do tills It Is ing, and relievo tho head, tho stomach, Senator H L Holstciu, D Forbes, necessary to bo with Lanal Sheep. wifo and Lilin Nabuia, moro tlinn careful In tlm nln.tu,na nt tho liver and all tho organs of tho body child, Mub goods l)o caiillous O Miss G knowing what tho F Day, E T Sedarholm, public tastes aro wo liavo used tho Garnet, Miss A Olappeiton, Y Ku Import only Urst-cla- quail-tlo- s The bark S O Allen is at Irm-gar- d linai, JAM Ozoris, Mrs L A In doslgns and nnuorliils hupIi as aro Von-tempsk- salable In Wo uro still in the Bird Ougo business, wharf. Parish nud 2 children, L y, tho host markets of tlio world. CURE Nodcad stock Is wanted or bought by noico, W Cornwell, A us, received a now lot of from tho many and dangerous a Tho Peru sails for Son Fran II no inattor what tlio Inducements. iind by tho "Mariposa" evils of W Still clogged corporeal drainage. cisco at 6 o'clock. Carter, 0 W Sublfiffflr, J S goods will sometimes accuniuliito faster anything head-ach- e, La-lmin- and 82 deck pas than anticipated tlioy must bo disposed Onges. We can furnish you with Hood's Pills CURE Liver Ills, sick Tho steamer Kauai sails for a McCaudless of ovon at a sacrlneo that's what wo aro biliousness, constipation, aftor-noo- n. songers. you want; a big Parrot Cage, Breeding Cage, without nt 1 o'clock tomorrow doing now sacrlllclng a fow dollars purging, without pain, without violence. PASSENOEItS DEPAIIT. you dorh-- tlio bonollt. and any style of either cheap painted or brass is 13,000 bags of sugar at Hnwaii, slmr Don't fall to visit this storo during tlio Thero For per Mauna ronoviitlon mlo you will agroo with us cages. Wo can tit your bird out with a homo liealiH and H5UU biius ot suuar nt Loa G B Schnder and wife, T that It pay you to do so. Liver Kekalm awaiting ahipnifni. Forbc, A Co,kburu. N Akoua, Ills V Just to $10. V Geo Rev O arrived, latost stylos Iu for anywhere from $1.60 Hood's Pills arc tho only pills to take Tho vaoht Holeuo with Q Rodick, Kaeo and White with Hood's Sarsaparllla. Sold by all Irwiu aud a parly of fiionds lolt wife, Geo McDougall Sr, W A and Colored Organdies, Dimities, Miss V druggists. 26c. Sent by mall on receipt this aftoruooti for a cruise oulsido. Grenwoll, Wright, Mr E Flno lino of of price, by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. Tho tower ou tho now pilot's Dunn, Rev G W Wamu. R-- v AV N V WHITE AND COLORED SWISSES, offico is jumping skyward and by Lono, F J Dale, Mrs Decato, 0 M Cooke, Goo Cooko, Rich FRENCH MUSLINS. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. tho ond of next Week tho pilots E. O. HALL & SON, Limited- - will move. Cooke, L P Liucoln. Rv A P.ili, Latest patterns in Miss J Kammer, F B Lyons, Chiffons, Muslin du Sua, Valenciennes The steamer Keauhou afbr Wrny Taylor, S Ohilliugworth, - Diamond Head Signal Station, June F Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, in Plaids 1 being laid up over three weeks for F'orf, and Kin- Streets. 17, pin Weather clear, wind freili W A Hardy, Mi-- s M Sylva, and Stripes. Corner N K. repairs came out of tho bono yard H Poters. Rev W M TIDKS. today aud will resume her trips Kalaiwaa, Miss A Hornor, Dr next week. Atoherly, W Kalaiwaa.

1.- Thero is 2500 baas of sugar J. EGAN, Don't 0- 5- KE0EIPT8 ISLAND PIIODUOE. J. -- U.. Waste Day. & awaiting shipment at Lrihuiu'i. SH' The woather is fiuo and at low Per Kinau: 3721 sks sucar.721 Fort Streor. 'rf T' ad pks Good Money tide there is shallow water along- potatoes, 1G7 sks coffee, 18 Bks side the wharf. hone", 42 sks corn, 1UU bdls hub s, p.m a.m. a.m. 25 head cattle, 10 head hogs and O. R. & L. "Co. Monday '1;! 0.40 5. 4 7.40 Tho Coptic duo tomorrow from up your old worn out car- 220 pkgs suudries. . KikIiir I ' a. in, for San Francisco is riage. You make money If you Yokohama fan Tuesday '14' 1.21 (I. ' 5.3!) 8.48 all ftill of passen- MEMOItANDA. (9i0 Imv Wo can sell toported ready unowoiif from u. AWWKT. Zl"'l(in.'' of n as will Stmr From Hongkong you .my kind vehicle Just "Wednesday.. .. IS 2. 1. 0.18 0.37 gers and thero he scant room Peru: Lrc.v, lie sold ISaga--i.- ki fit 'p us they ean possibly I tor any to leave hero in hor. May 19, Shanghai May 23, foi here. Yoko-hani- Thursday 10 2.40 1.58 0.50 10.1!) Tho U. S. S. Bonuinpton steam May 25, Kobe Juno 4, claw I ed out of tho channel for San Juno 7. THAINS. WE GUAltVNTEK TO GIVE YOU Friday 17 3.14 2.41 7.34 10.54 ' I Francisco at 8:30 o'clock Thurs- YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. A full lino of Saturday IS :t.4" 3.21 8. 011.21 day morning. Sho departed in n MK. COOPICK ahwi:hs. Sunday 11) 4.15, 4. 1 8.40 11.40 dead quiet and no band played on. STATIONS. Fine Double or Single Harness, Saddles, Whips, Lamps The bark Alden Besso took a Ciuestlons Put by 3Ir. Aclil -- Aiiiiroprl-ittloiis The Standard time whistloKouinlsat berth at Oooanic wharf where she In the lloufiv. (Outward). and Lap Robes. 12h. lliu. OS. (midnight), Greenwich will complete of time, which Is 111. 30m. p. in. of Ha- hor cargo Bugnr In tho House this morning waiian Standard time for Ban Francisco aud the ship Minister H. E. Cooper answered H-A-IST- --AJLW-YS 03ST Georne Curtis which occupied that of Representative A. M tho questions M dock 1ms anchored in the stream. Achi as follows: Honolulu 9! IJ MOVEMKNTH OF 8TEAMEKS. Clly 8 Na-ha- Pearl :o7 9K8 IW The pchooner Moi Wnliino sail "Tho balance duo on J. K lo FwaMlll.. 8: it 0:08 J G. SCHUMAN'S Steamer due mid to iail tomorrow Walanae. . 9! 3? lo ed for Paauilo with a small cat go road contract, amounting to ., and for the next six days are as fol- Waialua lows: wedueeclay nueruoon and will n S23(),was paid by dinft dated Doc. turn about the ond of next woek. 31, 1897, upon voiiolinr approved 2 & Harness House AIUUVE. Tho Carriage Ka Moi is duo next Monday from by Mr. Rowell, Superintendent of STATIONS. STS ?5 Steamkks. Fiiom. Dun. Mmnnkua aud will bo laid up in Public Works. Upolu Kohala 17 June Rowell informs us thnt ho (Inward). in MokollI 18 tlio stronm to await next beacon's 'Mr. s "Fort Molokal June money, rea- Ex Street, Coptic Yokohama June 10 sugar. is holding the for the Ono Door ubovo Club Stables. Clauillne Kuhulul Juno 10 Captain Harry Evan's schoonor son that the contract hits not boen V'Q Halt Knuul iune 10 fulfill, d. I' M. P. M. Telephone 205. Moana Waialua is regularly engaged in San Francisco iune 22 is customary for tho Super- .. Alameda Sydney 22 the Kauai rico trade and is pros "It Waialua... r-- June Walanae . . . io : W) Minimi intendent of Public Works to Cwa ., 1:55 l.oa Kona June 21 perous. Evaus has his eye on Mill T! 10: 5g 4 : M UI45 pay- Pearl Clly. 6 : 11 ; Klnau Hllo June 28 which was a draw nnd pay tho amounts is 8107 jt 4!SJ the Labrador crack Honolulu . 6 ' so 8:04! 11. 15 5 : yacht on tho coast aud can able on a contract, iu accordance DEPART. tun V. a ny from most of tho steamers with the terms, and upon the com C. Smith, Ocn'l Pass. A Ticket Stcajieus. Foit Sails. pletion of the work to draw aud Agent. Do You Know in these ports. Captain Haake of O. P. I)i:xiHt)v, .Siipcrliitoiident. That Coptic San Francisco June 10 nay whatever balance may bo MokollI Molokal the Labrador paid a compliment June 20 to the Waialua, which as tho Lena due." Mauna Lou Kona June 21 The Minister further answered Tho bust plaoo to buy is at tho store whore tho largest Klnau Hllo June 21 L he know formerly on the coast, Notice. tho questions of Ropresontativo business is dono 7 Tho big business insures not only Upolu Kohala June 21 by saying thnt she was a worthy WO Hull Kauai Iune 21 rival of tho Labrador in swift sail Achi that the goverumont intends Notlco Is hereby given that the economies of buying and selling but also fresh goods, Clauillne Knhului 21 June ing. to carry out the intent of Act N partnership heretofore existing be- tho latest and host. Millinory is not carried hero as a Moana Sydney luno "2 23 of h Session Liws of 189G tween C. F. Bchurmerhorn, A. Ii. Alameda San Frunclsso Juno 22 lVrna Delay. side line. providing for extending nud Morris and M. T. .Marshall, doing The Pacilk lail liner Porn iB business Iu Honolulu, H. I., as the widening certain Btieetsas soon as "People's Kxprcss Co.," I as this day AltUIVED "AT HONOLULU. at tho company's wharf with 200 fun ib are available. been dissolved. 1. K. tSclicrmcrhorn The Styles Are Entirely tons of frri'rht n d 3 cabin aud 03 Minister H E. Cooper reported and A. L. Morris being no longer con- Stmr Walalcttle, Parkor,13 hrs from and busi- Chino-- o 10 nected therewith, that the Hauaiuaulu. ai.d Japauose in tho that the President had signed Act ness of said partnership Iu future will Different from last year, and also difforont from what Stmr MokollI, Bennett, 13 hrs from stcerago for this port. Tho Pern 42 amending tho L md Act of 1895. be carried ou by tho said M. T. Mar- you will find in tho ordinary millinery store. The Molokal. was delayed by being quarantined Senate Bill 39, Mating to licon shall alone, who will nay and dis- Stmr Peru, Frlele, 10 days from at Kobe 9 days on account of a sing the manufacture of wine from charge all outstanding debts and lia- stocks of en-tir- o of variety is larger than tho combined the Yokohama, pass and mdse to II enso of plague iu ono of tho Chi grapes of Hawaiian growth, pass- bilities said late llrni, and who Hackfeld &, Co. alone Is entitled to receive and receipt citv could muster. uese steerago passougers who was ed third reading. moneys Stmr Klnau, Clarke, 30 hrs from for all payable to said late Hllo. taken nshoic at Kobe and finally Senate Bill 37, dofining eligibi- Unit, and nil persons having any died of claims against tho said i.Pcoplo'u Ex- Am lik S C Allen, Johnson. 10 (lavs the disease there and was lity of persons to hold public cremated. Clean bills of press Co. will ploa.--e present the same The Dressmaking Department from Sun Francisco, mdse to T II Pa- - hoalth othco, passed firBt reading nnd without delay to Attorney William vies & uo. weio had from both Hongkong was referred to the Judiciary Com A. Hcnshall, at his law olllces, UK and N;i'iHMiln and the case devel- Kauhumanu sticet, Honolulu. HAILED FIIOM HONOLULU. mittee. tho Department. op! d between the latter port and of Current Ac M. T. MARSHALL. Is mi keeping with Millinery Consideration 161)3. (M9 Stmr Peru, Frlole, for San Fran- Kobe. count Appropriation Bill was re- Dated Juno 16, A. D. 3t cisco. Guulen Itle Shliiplnj;. sumed. Items under the Tax Stmr Mauna Loa, Simersou,for Ko- Hureau, Department of Public na and Kau. The steamer "Waialealo which Miss M. B.Killean, at rived from Kimi last night re Instruction, Department of Into The Boys in Blue Stmr James Mukee, Tullett, for Kapau. ports frequent showers and light rior, Bureau of Survey, Buroiu of Stmr Wulnleule, Parker, for Kn- - trade winds on that const The Conveyances, Bureau of Immigra HOTEL STREET. A coinploto collection of Photographs luiku. H'l'iimor W G ILdl was loading Hon, Bureau of Water Work, Bureau of Public Works, Roads to bo soon at PAVIIY'S STl'DIO. Also, uVOOlrngsof biigar at Nawiliwili tho only pictures Liken of tho presenta- iioiin. and the Mikuhala was on tho way and Bridges, Hawaii, Roads aud tion of the Stars and Stripos to the U. from Kolou lo Mikawoli whoro Bridges, Maui, R ad's ,and H. H. "Cli.irloston." Portraits of tlm CHII SO HOON In ironnlulu .Tiiik. Bridges, hlghovt quality, and the most coinploto Hf.to the wife of Win. Chumr Hoon. sho would load 5500 bngs and ar- Bridges, Oahu,Roads nud KHuai, Electric Lighting, pissed artistic collection of Island Views upon u daughter. rive in Honolulu Saturday morn- Iridium, Platinum orSllvor Papers. ing. Tho following suunr is as in tho bill with following The Old Cominvrcliil. awaiting shipment on Kauai: Ko-knl- m amendments: Ropair, furniture and ndditions to Government i well-know- 3200, V Kuudsen 500, Mnku Dayey Photographic Co,, Ltd., asrs s This n plnco has beon from Show Your Colors placed woli 15,000 (before Mikabala buildings wns raised $14,000 uudor the management of to $15,000, on motion of Rop. Cornor Port and Hotel Stroots. L'. F. Ryan than whom no ono is loads), Gay it Robiuson 1000 and Kealia 11,435, total 31,135 bags. Gear to allow for changes in Audit And better luiowu us n dispom-e- r of Oilico. iquid rrffoshment. Tho Cora Che Waialoulo brought 2 horses Sale of Work and Fair .A-rrrv- W On motion of Rep. Robertson - Boys e mercial in tho oldert driukiug to H Bico from his ranch at Decorate for the to Lihuo. tho item for repairibg Pauoa road i.v (onni:i'pio wirn Tin: Just lauded at the place iu the fty. It hai been on-tiro- $900 was striokon out. renovated and is the coolfst On Speaker Sewing Society of St. Andrew's Cathedral most PASSENGERS AURIVED. motion of Knulu- - and enmfortnhlf Hiiloon in kou, who called Rep. Paris to tho -:- - town. Wiu-liin- d -:- - The celebrated John l'rom Hanamrtaju, per stmr chair for that purposo, a new itoin Saturday, June 18th, I. X. L. boor ou draught as us Geo noil Waialeale Cooke, Richard wftB inserted repairing Dosha all brands of nest wines IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM, A New Stock of Fireworks. the and Cooke." lauo, $500. and Stripes Decoration Hunting. liquors. Comer of Uorotania and Doors upon '1 to B:a0, 7 l)::lo. Stars From Yokohama, per stmr Peru On motion of Rop McOandles mid from to - American Shields. Nuuanti sheets. Telephone 323. For I'lowers, Faney, Toy, Sowing, PKKSIDHNT McKINLKY'ri PIGTUUKrf. Honolulu: Mr and Mrs a now itom was iusortod extending Tandy, i- Brierly, Mr. W A Peairs. Lemonade, lee Croiilil, t'olleo Ited, White and IHuo Kestooing. For Kukui street trom Nuunnu to 'Hibles Hunting, MeohauiuH Home. Hotel "'nn Francisco: E Adot, S2(i00. and lirab lto. Amcrlcuii ioni'i Mr and King btreet Kyi. The Pmoiald (Jiilututto Club in Muslin and Silk Kings, nil sles. aud Nuuauu airoets, lodging by Mrs B Noal, Capt Goo W Cof-li- u, Rep. McCandless to tho etc., J moved iu livening, nil) td Huttonholf Muttons, ctf. day, woek or month. Terms: 26 U S N, Mr Milton E Hatfield. creaso the Road Appr ipriition of and 60 cents per night. $1, and Mr F T R Feat, wife and family, Ewa nnd Waiauas from $1000 to The Eveniny Bulletjfil 75 cis. per SZ. -- Cor.Nuwanu and King Sts. $1.26 week. Mr S.W. LttlMHtR I nor Tasuko Takasu and sorvaut. $2000. Motion wbb lost. month. "i ir.

