W '' jnmvi For knowing how to The oldest and best. i. Advertise to profit Reliable and newy. Consult the patrons of Uniformly leads. The The Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin does Vol. V. No. Oil. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1808. Pkioe 5 Cents. Poor Blood SONS OF THE REVOLUTION TALK FROM THE PRESIDENT IN THE HALLS OF JUSTICE TO CHEER THE SICK ONES ON CHINESE IMMIGRATION Nervous Prostration Found in the Flourishing Condition at Thinks Congress Will Decide Annexation Justice Stanley Decides Against R. W. Progress of Work by Red Cross Senate Disposes of Two Bills Cover- Annnal Meeting This Day Noon. Before Our Legislature Expires. Wilcox in Ejectment Case. Society. ing This Subject. Tested and tried for 35 years In all parts of the world. Such l 11m tMllinnny of Mrs. E. Tl. Cliop-pcl- l, List of New Officers-Mem- orial of Dead Hem Answers Queries on Supposed Cases The Kewalo Tract Controversy Submission ol Hospital Fast Being Filled Up Ho Money President Dole Signs Another Bill SenaU ot Ut.ucll,Victuila, Australia. 8I10 sujs: bers Committee to Entertain or Disease Concurs House to Bill ;v Question Protection Against Dispute to Supreme Court -- The Holts Yet Expended Now $1000 In Amendments Boys In Blue. from the Orient. Want J. S. Walker as Guardian. on Hand. Regarding Private Streets. i Tho anuunl mooting of tbo Sons Occasion having arisen for a 0. S. Desky by his attorneys, Tbo ladios of the Red Cross So In tho Senate this morning a of tlio American Bovolutton took Bulletin representative to seo W. R. Castle aud P. L. Weaver, cioly havo boon vory busy in;gej-tin- g communication from tho'Mioister p'neo at 12 o'olock this noon, at President Dole about a matter lins filoil an answer to tho com-pla- iut ready for Iho work that tuoy of tbo Intorior aunounced that tho rooms of tho Hawaiian Safo not horo reported, opporlunily of of Mrs. Victoria Ward will do in behalf of the sick and President Dole had bigued Act Deposit building. the audieneo kindly granted was against himself and others. It ailing among tho troops who pass 42, amonding a ntuuber of Seo-lio- Reports of the Secretary, Tiens taken to question tho Executive avors at length that tbo plaintiff through hero to and from Mauila. of the Land Act. uror and Registrar were received. on other things. does not possess vested rights in In all tboir efforts they havo Senator Schmidt presoutod tbo 1 Secretary W. 0. Atwator ro "I do not think thero will bo and upon land at Kowalo which beon moat genorously assisted by report of tbo Finance Committeo l-)- Jry ported 07 members enrolled, and necessity for an extra session of this plaintiff has transgressed. tho businoas Iiousob of the town on tho office of the Soorotury of 11 tbo tbo Board of "It Is with great pleasure that I record had died or gono out of tho Legislature to deal further John D. and Jas. R. Holt havo donating goods, and many privato Education, which my cxperlonco ns a mine fnr thirty-fiv- e years with the wonderful curative, edects ot country, leaving at present a total with annexation," tho President filed their cousout to tho resigna- individuals who have responded was read aud filed. momberehip of CG in good stand- said. "It looks as if the matter tion of Chas. Huetaco Jr. sb most liberally to tho call. The Passed Bills Committeo re- ing. Tbo doatbs havo been Ghailes wero to bo decided ono way or an guardian of their estates, nlong Tho hospital at tho. Child ported that Senator Scbmidt'8 bill AVER'S Webster Day, J. A. Martin, W. 0. other in Washington before tho with a petition for the appoint Garden is alranat complete. relating to tbe manufacture of Hammond and 0. H. "Wot more. extended time of this Legislature ment of John S. Walkor .in his Fourtoen bedshovobeou equipped wiuo from Hawaiian grapes hud'; I Treasurer W. J. Forbes report-- j elapses." Btead. excepting tbo mopquito nettings, been prosontfd to tho President Sarsaparilla ed a balance on band of S18.G8. Replying to a romark as to tho Judge Stanley has docidod in liight more are necessary. The Tlio Senate concurred iu tho Registrar W. D. Alexander possibility of tho opposition in favor of John Hapa in a suit kitchen needs cooking utensils. A Hout--e amendments to the bill re- nnd I)r. Avcr's rills, llntli of those havo I I com- -I Congress being enough against R W. Wilcox for eject stove has been pref-onte- likewise gulating tho opening of b roots used in different!! parts ot the world, includ- stated that h'hftd nearly inveterate a ing Australia, (or myself and my p.itlents, pleted a register containing a full to put up n timo killing tight to ment ot defendant from laud at refrigerator. (Jrockery otitis aud through privato laudB in Honolu- In of nervous Mood, casi'i prostration, loor dosirod-dishe- s, lu. Houhu skill diseases nnd nil complaints from weak- j information regarding tbo revolu defeat tlio scheme, President Uoanalua, containing more than ends aro tumblers 'Ihe amends tho bill ness peculiar to women.' 1 most lienrllly tionary pedigree of ouch tho and a half. Instead of bowls. A tont for battling by extending its provisions to the these preparations to all sulTiTJrs member Dole admitted existence an acre and from liny of tlio nbovo named distressing of tbo Bocioty. Ho suggested that ofi such a possibility. With tho $200 damages claimed, the purpooos will bo orected in 'the towu of Hilo. complaints." another year book be printed ns regard to the suppositious con Court, allocs but $25, with ,the rear of tho building. Senator Baldwin submitted tho I For ronitlpatlon tnVo Pr. Ajer's rill. They promptly rellcTo nml surety cure. Take litem soon as possible after tbo annexa- tingency of an orgument b'ing restitution of tho land. Johnson Tbo ladios bo far hove not spent report of the Cunmitlea on l)r. Aycr'a SauaparllUt one with aids the other. tion of.this Republic to tho Unit- used against annexation, regard- and Kahookauo for plaiutiff ; Rosa a dime for anything and aro Foreign Relations on Senate Bills ' 32 and 40, which was adopted. Co., ed Slates. ing the necrSsities of the Ameri- for dof end ant. proud of tho fact. Hollister Drug Ltd., A committee was appointed by can invasion and occupation of A Btibmis-dn- without action They havo about $1000 on bond Senate Bill 32 is laid ou tho table, Solo Agents for tlio Hopublio of Ilawnll. tbo president to draft a memorial the Philippines uamrly, that the has beou tiled in the Supreme and with tno proceods of tho its provisions being incorporated i of tho dead for tho past yeir, tbo Hawaiian Islands might be used Court, entitled, Jonah Kalamana-ol- o projected will have a in Senate Bill 40. Tbo latter pro- with. vides fin the Introduction of Cbi-ntB- O H. L. GEAR, 0.D.QEAR, committee being Prof. Aloxiuder as a base of op rations, without and David Kawououakoa vs. very good sum to wotk and S. M. Bollou. annexing th'in, so long a the Walter M. Giffard, treasurer Wui m m labor iu two ways, cither by Ml Sansorae St., 8. fr. 310 King St., II I An amotidmont to Act 5' of tho United States undertook to pro monalo Sugar Co. Tho facts YOUTllfUL THIEF CM OUT. permits from the Board ot Immi Constitution was proposod. tect from any consequouces, and agreed upon are briefly these. gration with tlio approval of tho Executivo Council ? in pro-oen- t GEAR & GEAR A committeo was appointed to as the United States is now in fict Princes Jonah aud David claim to Una Uern Stealing From Otllcoa In the tho provide for the entertainment of using them, tbo President shook be owners of fifteen shares of Wai SpmckeU lllock. law, or .on threo years portni'B issued by tbo soldiers to arrive his bead emphatically, replying: manalo Btock, by virtue of a deed ten-nan- LAWYERS. For Botno three months the ts Otlicers for tbo ensuing year "That argument would not be from Queen Dowager Kapiolaui. Minister of Foreign Affairs on the " d - of the.. Sprockets block on fioiiolulu worn otected'ns folio wb:" tenable atrull: Soolia condition" Thoy"adlc-ftlnGiffnr- ns secretary- tiling, of a boivt in the sum of I aiFranciaco'aud ' Presiilnut, A. F. Judd. of affairs would uover do. You to cancel the BUarcs and issuonew tho second floor havo beou miss $10.1 thf.t tho immigrant Having ofllcert In St Franolfco and Vice President, W. F. Allen. see our relations with other gov ones in their own names therefor. ing small sums of money from wilt eugnco in nX'"r labor .thnn Honolulu w are prepared to attorn) Registrar, W. D. Alexandor. ernments must bo tnkou into cou Mr. Gilford refuses to do eo, on 015 (Uur' plauintious to the offics. nuii iici. or promptly to all matters eutrutoil Secretary, V. O. Atwator. sideration. Yes," bo to the ground that tho certificato of mills or (liiniotic Undor us iu fit tier of tfuld plaues. Detective WAS put ou the ervice. Treasurer, W. J. Forbes. a remark that there might be too snares in question is not en- Kapa he pnsont Bysteii tbo Chinese Board of Managers P. 0. other wars. dorsed by Kapiolaui. What tbo case and day beforo yesterday immigrant ban to deposit $1 50 tlAUAILtN Jones, W.
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