
Local Daycare Recommendations

Haverford does not endorse a particular company or provider, nor is the College in partnership with the businesses listed below for a financial discount. and staff are encouraged to do their own research and use a company's service that best fits their needs. The list below includes businesses that faculty and staff have used in the past but it is not inclusive and the College does not provide official endorsement.

Day Care Location/Distance from Campus Ages Schedule Website Cambridge Day Ardmore (.9 miles from campus) 2 yrs - 7am - 6pm http://www.thecambridgeschools.com/home.html Children's Ark Ardmore (2 miles from campus) 6 wks to 6 yrs 52 weeks/year, 6:30am to 6pm http://www.childrensarkonline.org/ Friends Central Lower http://www.friendscentral.org/admission/applying/nursery- Wynnewood (3.5 miles from campus) 2 yrs - kindergarten "offers full day care" School prek-k Harcum College Bryn Mawr- Montgomery ave (1.8 miles from http://www.kindercare.com/our-centers/center- 6 wks + 7am - 6pm (Kindercare) campus) details/000096/ Haverford Friends School Haverford - Buck Lane (.6 miles from campus) 2 yrs 7 months please contact for details http://friendshaverford.org/our-program/lower-school/ Haverford School http://www.haverford.org/academics/childcare- Haverford (.1 miles from campus) 6 wks to 4 yrs 7:30am to 6pm (daycare) center/index.aspx KenCrest Rosemont (1.8 miles from campus) 6 wks + 7am - 6pm http://www.kencrestchildcare.org/ Narberth - N Woodbine Ave (2.5 miles from Kid's Korner 6 wks to 6 yrs M-F 7am - 6pm http://kidskornernarberth.com/index.html campus) 18 months to 3 yrs Lane Montessori School Wayne - S Wayne Ave (5.5 miles from campus) (toddler); 3-6yrs please contact for details http://mainlineparent.com/profiles/lane-montessori-school/ (preschool, includes k) MELC Narberth - Sabine Ave (2.3 miles from campus) 6 wks to 5 yrs 7am - 6pm https://melc.org/ toddler: 1.5-2 hrs, 1-3 2-3 yrs (toddler); days/week; : half-day preschool programs for Phebe Anna Thorne School Bryn Mawr Campus (1.8 miles from campus) program 2, 3 or 5 days/week OR http://www.brynmawr.edu/thorne/programs/index.html 3yo + programs for 4yo; morning and afternoon programs kindergarten combined 2, 3 or 5 days/week 6:30am - 6pm (can schedule 10 Play and Learn Ardmore or Bryn Mawr (1.8 miles from campus) 6 wks + http://playandlearn.com/about.html hours/day) begins at 10 am; No First Day Radnor Friends Radnor - Conestoga Rd (3.9 miles from campus) Pre-kindergarten + http://radnorquakers.org/welcome/childrens-programs/ School in summer, just childcare 9am - 11:30 am weekdays (with Ardmore - Argyle Rd United Methodist Preschool Toddler to 4yrs extended hrs to 2 pm for 'potty http://www.ardmorechurch.com/812080 (.9 miles from campus) trained' children)