A History of Astronomy, 139 Adhafera

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A History of Astronomy, 139 Adhafera Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72170-7 - Stephen James O’Meara’s Observing the Night Sky with Binoculars: A Simple Guide to the Heavens Stephen James O’Meara Index More information Index A History of Astronomy, 139 Big Dipper, ix, 1, 18, 32, 40, 115, 119 stars in:Almach (␥ Andromedae), Adhafera (␨ Leonis), 22 how to find, 2–3 102; Alpheratz (␣ Aesculapius, 57 mythology of, 1 Andromedae), 99; Mirach (␤ Agenor, King, 110 Pointer Stars, 3 Andromedae), 101;Nu(␯) Albireo (␤ Cygni), 9 sky measures and, 4, 7 Andromedae, 102;R Alcock, George, 139, 140 binoculars, ix Andromedae, 102;S Alcor (80 Ursae Majoris), 6–7 black holes, Andromedae (extragalactic Alessi, Bruno, 83, 84, 99 Cygnus X-1, 74–75 supernova), 101, 102 Algedi (␣ Capricorni), 82 Book of Fixed Stars, The, 80, 101 Aquarius (the Water Bearer), 84–86 Algieba (␥ Leonis), 21 Book of the Dead, 59 mythology of, 84 Alkaid (␩ Ursae Majoris), 6, 8 Brahe, Tycho, 94 stars in: 14 Aquarii, 85: Henry Allegheny Observatory, 40 Brocchi, Dalmiro, 80 Draper (HD) 210277 Aquarii, Almach (␥ Andromedae), 102 Bryant, William Cullen, 47 planet orbiting, 86; Sadalmelik Alphard (␣ Hydrae), 24–25 Burnham, Robert, 95 (␣ Aquarii), 85; Sadalsuud (␤ Alpheratz (␣ Andromedae), 99 Aquarii), 85; Water Jar in, 85 Al-Sufi, 80, 101 caduceus, 57–58 Aquila (the Eagle) American Association of Variable Star Callisto, 1, 40 mythology of, 73, 78, 84 Observers (AAVSO), 11, 140 Calvary, 27 stars in:Altair (␣ Aquilae), 68; Ancient Egypt, 91, 92 Capella (␣ Aurigae), 115, 126, 127 Gamma (␥ Aquilae), 78 Antares (␣ Scorpii), 48, 53, 54 Capuchin, De Rheita, 28 Argo (the Ship), 131 Anubis, 70 Carroll, Lewis, 61 Aries (the Ram), 103–104 apex of the Sun’s way (see solar apex) Catholic Encyclopedia, 127 First Point of, 104 Aphrodite, 29 Celestial Handbook, 95 mythology of, 104 Apollo, 57, 62, 69 Century of Progress Exposition, 40 stars in: Hamal (␣ Arietis), Arachne’s Web, 29 Cepheus OB2 Association, 88 104 Aratus, 20, 27, 51, 112, 113 Cerberus, 50, 51 Auriga (the Charioteer), 126–129 Arcas (Arctos), 1, 40 Ceres (god), 36, 103 as Christ, 127 Archinal, Brent, 15, 83 Chara (␤ Canum Venaticorum), 33 Kids, the, 126 Arecibo Observatory, 48–50 Charles I of England, 32 mythology of, 126–127 and search for extraterrestrial Charles II of England, 32 stars in:Capella (␣ Aurigae), 115, intelligence, 48–50 Charlotte’s Web (asterism), 29 126, 127; Epsilon (ε Aurigae), Ariadne, 43 Chertan (␪ Leonis), 22 127; Menlalinan (␤ Aurigae), Artemis (see Diana) Christ’s Crib (asterism), 27 127 Arctos (see Arcas) Clayton, Geoffrey C., 44 Bootes (the Herdsman), 40–43 Arcturus (␣ Bootes), 40, 48 coalsacks, 74 mythology of, 40, 42–43 Arion, 76 Coathanger (asterism), 80 stars in:Arcturus (␣ Bootis), 40, Aselli (asterism), 27 Cogswell, Bill, 82 48; Izar (ε Bootis), 43; Astraea (goddess of justice), 56 Collinder 367, 65 Muphrid (␩ Bootis), 43;R Astronomy with an Opera-Glass (1888), 30, Collins, Peter, 140 Bootis, 43; Seginus (␥ Bootis), 54 Columbian Exposition, 40 43; W Bootis, 43 Atlantis (god), 110 Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, 21 Cancer (the Crab), 26–28 Atlantis (legend of), 25, 113 Comet Halley, 126 mythology of, 26 Atlas (god), 110, 112 Confucius, 46 stars in:55 Cancri, 28; 55 Cancri, Atlas der Himmelskunde, 101 Connaissance des Temps (1801), 112 solar system around, 28; Alpha Anubis (Egyptian deity), 134 Conon of Samos, 29 (␣) Cancri, 28; Beta (␤) averted vision, 7–8 constellations Cancri, 28; Gamma (␥) Cancri, boundaries defined, 34 27; Delta (␦) Cancri, 27; Iota Baba Yaga, 110–111 how to find, 2 (␫) Cancri, 28 Bacchus, 43 new ways to see, 40–42 Canes Venatici (the Hunting Dogs), Bailey, Solon, 140 zodiacal, 18 32–34 Balick, Bruce, 11 constellations (by name) mythology of, 32 Baum, Frank L., 106 Andromeda (the Chained Maiden), stars in:Chara (␤ Canum Bee Book, The, 27 99–103, 109 Venaticorum), 33; Cor Caroli Beehive Cluster, 27–28 as sepulcher, 118 (␣ Canum Venaticorum), 32;Y Betelgeuse (␣ Orionis), 123 mythology of, 87, 90–91 Canum Venaticorum, 33 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72170-7 - Stephen James O’Meara’s Observing the Night Sky with Binoculars: A Simple Guide to the Heavens Stephen James O’Meara Index More information Index 145 Canis Major (the Greater Dog), Corvus (the Crow), 39 Leonis), 19, 22, 28, 40;R 130–134 as the Sail, 39 Leonis, 23; Regulus (␣ Leonis), stars in:Aludra (␩ Canis Majoris), Crux (the Southern Cross), 74 18, 20–21, 28; Tau (␶) Leonis, 131; HR 2447 Canis Majoris, Cygnus (the Swan), 9, 73–76 23 planet orbiting, 130; Sirius (␣ as Egyptian ankh, 76 Lepus (the Hare), 120–122 Canis Majoris), 130;Tau(␶) as Northern Cross, 73 mythology of, 120–122 Canis Majoris, 131; Wezen (␦ mythology of, 73 stars in: R Leporis (Hind’s Canis Majoris), 130; Zeta (␨) stars in:Albireo (␤ Cygni), 9, 73, Crimson Star), 122 Canis Majoris, 130 75–76; Chi (␹ Cygni), 75; Libra (the Scales of Justice) Canis Minor (the Lesser Dog), Deneb (␣ Cygni), 68, 73, 76; mythology of, 56–57 134–135 Gamma (␥) Cygni, 74 stars in:Zubenelgenubi (␣ Librae), mythology of, 134 Delphinus (the Dolphin), 76–78 57; Zubeneschamali stars in:Gomeisa (␤ Canis as Job’s Coffin, 77–78 (␤ Librae), 57 Minoris), 134; Procyon (␣ mythology of, 76–77 Lyra (the Harp), 68–71 Canis Minoris), 134; S (15) stars in:Rotanev (␤ Delphini), 78; as dog, 68 Monocerotis, 135 Sualocin (␣ Delphini), 78 mythology of, 69–71 Capricornus (the Sea Goat), 81–84 Draco (the Dragon), 71–73 stars in:Delta (␦) Lyrae, 71; as B2 Stealth Bomber, 82 head of, 72 Epsilon1,2 ( 1,2) Lyrae, 71;R mythology of, 81–82, 97 mythology of, 51, 72 Lyrae, 71; Vega (␣ Lyrae), 48, stars in:Algedi (␣ Capricorni), stars in:Eltanin (␥ Draconis), 72; 68, 71; Zeta (␨) Lyrae, 71 82; Dabih (␤ Capricorni), 82; Nodus (␦ Draconis), 72;Nu Ophiuchus (the Serpent Bearer), Rho (␳) Capricorni, 82; Zeta (␯) Draconis, 72; Rastaban (␤ 57–61 (␨) Capricorni, 83 Draconis), 72; Thuban (␣ as solar disk, 59 Cassiopeia (the Queen), 90–96 Draconis), 46, 72 mythology of, 57, 59 as Mary Magdalene, 115–118 Eridanus (the River), 119 stars in: Rho (␳) Ophiuchi, 55 asWorM,90, 91, 92, 115 mythology of, 74, 119 Orion (the Hunter), 118, 120 mythology of, 87, 90–91 stars in:Cursa (␤ Eridani), Belt of, 123 stars in:Kappa (␬) Cassiopeiae, 119–120; Epsilon (ε Eridani), mythology of, 53, 110, 122–123 94; Rho (␳) Cassiopeiae, 94; 106, 119, 120; Epsilon, planets stars in:HR 1988; planets Shedir (␣ Cassiopeiae), 91, 92; orbiting, 120; Zaurak (␥ orbiting, 126; Betelgeuse (␣ Tycho’s (supernova 1572), 94 Eridani), 119 Orionis), 123; Lambda (␭ Cepheus (the King), 87–89 Gemini (the Twins), 135–137 Orionis), 125; Rigel (␤ mythology of, 87, 90 mythology of, 135 Orionis), 123 stars in:Alpha (␣) Cephei, 88; stars in:Castor (␣) Geminorum, Sword of, 125 Delta (␦) Cephei, 80, 88–89; 135; Pollux (␤) Geminorum, Pegasus (the Winged Horse), Errai (␥ Cephei), 87; Errai, 135; Zeta (␨) Geminorum, 137 96–97, 109 planet orbiting, 87–88;Mu(␮) Hercules (the Strongman), 48–51, as Grand Celestial Station, 97 Cephei, 88; Zeta (␨) Cephei, 88 53 Great Square of, 96, 99 Cetus (the Whale), 9, 104–108, Keystone of, 48 mythology of, 91, 92 109, 119 mythology of, 50–51 stars in:51 Pegasi, planet mythology of, 87, 90, 104–105 stars in:14 Herculis, planet orbiting, 97; Enif (ε Pegasi), stars in:94 Ceti, planet orbiting, orbiting, 52; Alpha (␣) 97; Markab (␣ Pegasi), 97; 107; Deneb Kaitos (␤ Ceti), Herculis, 51; g Herculis, 52; Scheat (␤ Pegasi), 97 105; Menkar (␣ Ceti), 105; Mu (␮) Herculis, 52; Rho (␳) Perseus (the Hero), 115–118 Mira (o Ceti), 108;Tau(␶) Herculis, 52 as St Paul, 118 Ceti, 106 Hydra (the Water Serpent), 24–26, mythology of, 90, 91 Coma Berenices (Berenice’s Hair), 34 Segment of, 115 28–32 head of, 26 stars in:Algol (␤ Persei), 116; as Arachne’s Web, 29 mythology of, 25–26, 50 Delta (␦) Persei, 116; Mirfak (␣ as flying witch, 32 stars in:Alphard (␣) Hydrae, Persei), 115; Sigma (␴) Persei, as Pyramid of Giza, 32 24–25; Epsilon (ε ) Hydrae, 26; 116 mythology of, 29 R Hydrae, 39; Sigma (␴) Pisces (the Fish), 97–99, 119 stars in:17 Comae Berenices, 30; Hydrae, 26; Zeta (␨) Hydrae, as symbol of Christ, 99 32 and 33 Comae Berenices, 31; 26 circlet of, 97 Diadem (␣ Comae Berenices), Leo (the Lion), 18–24, 28, 32, 39, Little Ladle (asterism), 99 31; Gamma (␥ Comae 48 mythology of, 97–99 Berenices), 30 as papillon, 19 Pisces Austrinus (the Southern Fish), Corona Borealis (the Northern as Sphinx, 19, 32 84 Crown), 43–44 mythology of, 19–20, 99 stars in: Fomalhaut (␣ Piscis mythology of, 43 Sickle of, 18, 22 Austrini), 84–85 stars in:Alphecca or Gemma (␣ stars in:35 Leonis, 22; 39 Leonis, Puppis (the Stern), 131 Coronae Borealis), 43;Nu(␯ 22; 40 Leonis, 21; Adhafera (␨ Sagitta (the Arrow), 78–80 Coronae Borealis), 43;R Leonis), 22; Algieba (␥ mythology of, 78 Coronae Borealis, 43, 44;T Leonis), 21; Chertan (␪ stars in:Alpha (␣) Sagittae, 79; Coronae Borealis, 43–44 Leonis), 22; Denebola (␤ Gamma (␥) Sagittae, 80 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72170-7 - Stephen James O’Meara’s Observing the Night Sky with Binoculars: A Simple Guide to the Heavens Stephen James O’Meara Index More information 146 Index constellations (by name) (cont.) Virgo (the Virgin), 34–39 M31 (Andromeda Galaxy), Sagittarius (the Archer), 62–66 as Ishtar, 37 99–102, 106 Little Milk Dipper in, 63 mythology of, 56 M32, in Andromeda, 101 mythology of, 62–63 stars in:70 Virginis, 39;70 M33 (Triangulum Galaxy), 103 stars in:Epsilon (ε ) Sagittarii, 63; Virginus, planet orbiting, 39; M51 (Whirlpool Galaxy), in Eta (␩) Sagittarii, 63; Gamma
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