Abd Ar-Rahman III 188 Abhayagiri Monastery 335 Abraham 357
Index Abd ar-Rahman III 188 Baghdad 189, 192, 291, 294, 299, 354, 360 Abhayagiri monastery 335 Bahāʾal-Dīn ibn Shaddād 3 Abraham 357 Baoyu 90 Abraham ibn Ezra 194–197, 198 n. 33 Baraz, Daniel 211 Abu Zayd 307–308 Basse-Loire 208 Acre 303 Baudri of Dol 300 Adam 122–123, 130 Baumgarten, Elisheva 56 Aelred of Rievaulx, 141 Beaulieu 214 Aggabodhi V 337 n. 48 Beauvais 222–223, 227 Al-Andalus (Andalusia) 4, 11, 185, 192–198, Bede the Venerable 120–122, 124–126, 128 304 Belgium 208 Al-Azmeh, Aziz 9, 13–14, 16, 348–366 Benedict of Aniane 219 Al-Basāsīrī 360 Berlin 1 Al-Bukhārī 354 Berry 217 Alcuin of York 135–136, 219, 223 Bischoff, Bernhard 227 Alexandria 308 n. 38 Bley, Matthias 11, 16, 203–239 Alfonso, Esperanza 189, 193 Blois 217 Al-Ghazālī 362 Bombay see Mumbai Allony, Nehemia 187 Bonn 59 Al-Malik al-Kāmil 315 Bretfeld, Sven 13, 16, 320–347 Alphonse III of Asturias 226, 227 n. 106 Bristol 58 Althusser, Louis 350 Brittany 208 Amalar of Metz 135, 137 Brunettin, Giordano 313 Andalusia see al-Andalus Bruno of Asti 129–130 Andernach 58 Buddhabhadra 174 Angelo Clareno 313–316 Buddhaghosa 14, 320, 322–326, 328–335, Angelo di Castro 4, 5 344 Angenendt, Arnold 25–27, 30, 36, 118–119, 142 Calderoli, Roberto 1 Angers 210–211, 217 Cao Xueqin 102, 105 Anselm of Canterbury 139 Carrithers, Michael 330 Anselm of Laon 140 Cecilia of Spello 304 Anthony of Padua 304 Chablis 217 Antiochus IV Epiphanes 206, 278 Chanah 278 Anurādhapura 331 n.
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