The Clamor and Concern Over the COVID Vaccine

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The Clamor and Concern Over the COVID Vaccine WEEK 8, 2021 THESKAMAN306/SHUTTERSTOCK CONAN MILNER resident Joe Biden recently announced his “wartime” strategy to confront CO- VID-19. His weapon: vaccines. The battle plan builds on former President The Clamor and Donald Trump’s arsenal of 400 million Pvaccines, with a purchase of an additional 200 million more shots so all Americans can get both their recommended doses faster. Concern Over the To date, more than 60 million vaccine doses have been distributed in the United States and more than 10 million people have received their first of two doses. COVID Vaccine Priority favors health care workers and those most at risk from infection, but people at the back of the vaccine line worry their turn for a jab won’t come While some wait with bated breath, others worry fast enough. Biden’s purchase aims to alleviate sup- ply concerns by providing enough doses for all 300 about the unprecedented nature of the vaccine million Americans by the end of summer 2021. While some wait with But how many doses may go unclaimed? Health officials urge everyone to get vaccinated for CO- VID-19, but some are not so sure they want it. bated breath, others worry This wary cohort is a sizable segment of the population. According to the latest COVID-19 about the unprecedented Some Vaccine Monitor by the Kaiser Family Founda- 51 percent of tion, 51 percent of Americans are either hesitant nature of the vaccine Americans are or opposed to the vaccine. Most of this group is either hesitant or taking a wait-and-see approach and watching opposed to the for any problems that emerge in those who get vaccine. the shot first. One in five U.S. adults draw a deeper line in the sand, saying they will either “definitely not” get the new vaccine, or they will concede “only if required” for work, school, or other activities. In California and Ohio, about half of frontline workers in hospitals and nursing homes are re- fusing the vaccine. And the U.S. Department of Defense reports that many service members are also refusing the shot, but won’t say how many are opting out. Even some seniors are either on the fence about the shot or simply refuse it altogether. A survey of people 65 and older found that 16 percent of seniors are unsure they want it, and 6 percent say they definitely won’t get it. For those eager to get their shot, the people who reject it are puzzling, because the push to take the vaccine is so well-publicized and the pitch so compelling. This government-endorsed medical intervention promises protection from a virus linked to millions of deaths, and health officials warn that restrictive social measures could last forever without it. However, the reasons for refusing the vaccine have compelling features of their own. New Kind of Shot The Kaiser survey breaks down those for and against the COVID-19 vaccine by race, age, and political identity. These demographic divisions This new technology invite speculation and reveal some curious pat- influences our terns. But for other groups, the line is crystal clear. For example, those suspicious of vaccines in gen- immune mechanism eral will obviously be suspicious of this one. But the shot designed for the COVID-19 virus at the genetic level. (also known as SARS-CoV2) has features that give even those who are otherwise supportive of vac- cines cause for concern. Continued on Page 4 Why a Small-Town Lifestyle Can Make You Happier ANDY NewTON/UNSPLASH JAY HARRINGTON was hiding in plain sight from us. It’s best known as the “cherry capital” of the Almost every time my wife, Heather, and United States. While the town swells with Trade the I used to go on vacation, we’d spend time hundreds of thousands of tourists dur- rat race for a during the car or plane ride home going ing peak summer months, Traverse City’s back and forth about how nice it would be full-time population is only around 17,000 slower pace to live full-time in the destination we had residents. just visited. By the time we got home, we Traverse City is located on the shores of with more inevitably talked ourselves out of the idea. Lake Michigan, at the base of two penin- nature and Too hot. Too cold. Too expensive. Too sulas that are filled with vineyards and isolated. Too big. Too small. Too ... what- cherry orchards. In my opinion, it’s one of kinder people ever. No matter the destination, we came the most beautiful places on earth, with up with a reason why it wasn’t realistic. endless white sandy beaches, lush fields, That is, until we visited Traverse City, towering forests, and sparkling blue lakes Michigan. all around. Despite being Michigan residents and Small towns are places where people connect—with each other, lifelong Midwesterners, Traverse City Continued on Page 6 with nature, with themselves. 2C2 | MIND & BODY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARYWeek 17,8, 20212021 WEDNESDAY,Week 8, 2021 FEBRUARY 17, 2021 MIND & BODY |C3 3 CHINESE WISDOM FOR SEASONAL LIVING Long-Haul COVID Cases Cast New Light Perfect Timing to Lose Weight and on Chronic Fatigue Su erers Detox With Ease Lingering symptoms plague some post-COVID patients but may reduce stigma around chronic fatigue KEVIN COOL age of people don’t recover,” said Leonard Such a course of treatment wouldn’t be viral infection, perhaps they won’t be dis- Jason, a researcher at DePaul University. applicable in a typical case, Rowe said, believed, Rowe said. After all, their illness Exploring Solar Terms: our weeks after San Diego pe- Scientists are trying to gure out the “but it does emphasize the potential for “starts as a ‘real’ illness.’’ diatric nurse Jennifer Minhas mechanisms of the disease and why it patients to get a substantial improvement Long haulers may also help researchers ‘Rain Water’ fell ill with COVID-19 in March develops in certain people and not oth- in their CFS symptoms if we address the better understand the onset of the illness 2020, her cough and fever had re- ers. According to the Centers for Disease orthostatic intolerance.” because they are being studied as their (Feb. 19–March 4) solved, but new symptoms had Control and Prevention, ME/CFS shares Beginning in the 1980s, many doctors symptoms emerge, while ME/CFS patients Femerged: chest pain, an elevated heart rate, certain characteristics with autoimmune treating ME/CFS prescribed a combina- often aren’t seen until they’ve been ill for MOREEN LIAO and crushing fatigue. Her primary care diseases, in which the immune system at- tion of cognitive behavioral therapy and two or more years, he said. Now is a great physician told her she was just anxious, and tacks healthy tissue in the body. Multiple an exercise regimen based on a now-dis- time to eat root A solar term is a period of about vegetables, that none of her other COVID-19 patients studies are underway to explore this and credited assertion that the illness had no two weeks and is based on the beans and their had those issues. other potential causes. biomedical origin. at approach proved sun’s position in the zodiac. Solar sprouts, and “ at wasn’t what I needed to hear,” Doctors who specialize in treating ME/ ine ective—patients often got demon- terms form the traditional Chinese any deep green Minhas said. CFS are beginning to pivot to long-COV- strably worse after pushing beyond their Doctors who specialize in calendar system. e calendar follows vegetables. At times, she’s been too exhausted to ID-19 patients. Dr. Peter Rowe, whose clinic physical limits. It also contributed to a be- the ancient Chinese belief that living hold up her head. “I was kind of a zombie at Johns Hopkins is one of the country’s lief within the medical establishment that treating chronic fatique in accordance with nature will enable for months, shu ing around unable to do leading centers for ME, has so far seen four ME/CFS was all in your head, a narrative are beginning to pivot to one to live a harmonious life. is ar- to awaken your senses and strengthen much of anything.” long haulers at his practice. “All of them that largely has been refuted. ticle series explores each of the year’s 24 your muscles. e clinical term for the attening fa- meet the criteria for ME/CFS,” he said. “ME/CFS was never a mostly behavioral long-COVID- patients. solar terms, o ering guidance on how Gentle but regular exercise is strongly tigue Minhas describes is “post-exertional Despite years of research, there is no problem, although it has been cast as that,” to best navigate the season. recommended for anyone in any age malaise.” It’s a common symptom among biomarker for ME/CFS, so blood tests are Rowe said. group. It kicks start a good routine and patients who haven’t recovered from CO- ine ective as a diagnostic tool. Rowe’s ap- Answers have been slow to arrive, but “ ere’s no question that this legitimizes Solar Term: ‘Rain Water’ corresponds perfectly with the hor- VID-19. It’s also consistent with a standard proach is to tease apart which symptoms attitudes about the illness are beginning in many ways the experience of people mone and mood changes happening feature of another chronic illness: myalgic may have identi able causes and treat- to change. Advocates of patients point to a with ME/CFS who have felt they weren’t 2021 Dates: Feb.
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