St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 51, August 12, 1926

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St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 51, August 12, 1926 University of Central Florida STARS St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 8-12-1926 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 51, August 12, 1926 St. Cloud Tribune Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in St. Cloud Tribune by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 51, August 12, 1926" (1926). St. Cloud Tribune. 207. 1926 AUGUST 1926 ST. CLODS TK.MrRKATIIRK Sun. Mon. Ine. Wad. Thu. Fri 5»*r. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wuiiii.'.sihi.. Ungual I nm 7ti Ttiiti^alii!. Augual •"' m l'l 5 0 IO II 12 15 14 I'-riihiy. Hugos! 8 m Tl 15 16 17 lo 19 20 21 Sii I II filn.i. August 7 M H Sun,Ini. Aimllsl S 116 7(! 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 \ lay, August t B 29 30 31 Tuesday, August I'i '*,H TB Mil 1 Ml SKVKNTKKN ST. CLOUD, MOHU t m MV nu itsiiAV. AVatJS* U, 192« M MIIKK MKTV.IM' ST. CLOUD SCHOOL BONDS BRING PREMIUM ST. IMIIII POSTAI WB8TEBN I MON OfTICE CITY REPRESENTED AT ltl I KIITS l\t KKASi: MEMBERS CHAMBER OF County School Board Accepts Bid of 130,240.00 IM>KK NKW MANAGEMENT FORTY AND EIGHT A tabulation "f the receipts of the Blnca con,inir to St. Cloud ami Open COMMERCE ROYALLY I.aa nl jnesl a.lTlee lul' llle |,a,*l I..U For $130,000.00 Issue at Special Session Tuesday lug the Wi'st.i N Union aervlce Mrs SANFORD MEET yeurs HIIUIVS nu iiveriie;e yenrly ln- Oeratlle and hot buaband hara da ENTERTAINED erense of 15 |K't* eenl. 'I'lie Kreittest NUIIIX frionds wh,, rciirci thoir leaving iiiereiiHi' in nn.i une .viir nils ilini Of AtBOUf tflMM wim u I tended tht St. Cloud Speciul School Dlatrlcl Bonda, ruled Ity tin* i.ropnly for New Mo\ho gad wish than ran Siiii tlu- erawila ain* on the Ui- Qrnnd Promenade of La Bonleto #0 the lent* SOdlCg .Ilini' SU, IPL'lt. ul er Oaat M ,'icii' m*w In inn- creaea at tha Chamber of Commerce owners sonic weeks ngo in (lie su a i of f ! .'tO.OOO.OO. win- lold TllOO tnd 8 -it •nnford, hfonduj. Auguat Bth tin* yeni* pri-iinns. t',e paroentaga ba Tha many frienda oi tvea B*. CUefan •ii,d tints,., who made it their hush -es- trtrt iiif following local boys, Ohef do hm i:. per cent, tka figures Por !'-'-•' day for g pn-iiiiu:ii of $t40.00 above \*nr IIII u-.-rn, il iiilere-t. I'liis dorf win ba glad i" know hg bu ac to attend thia week, were royally en­ <<n\-v 1'HSM- i., iin\ Trickle and \'ey i in.i,. gl 1,867 S8 u iiih* Iter l!i-'n papted the peaitatog HM manager ot th. tertain, -d by the Florida Knlckerboch I16.432.S1 \viaii-. I99B waa _w to' is the first issur ,.! OChOOl Immls idling ;ilio\:' par ill this lection •MUM Milititin*. Holt A (Tn wtonl. Wosiirn I'n i.m office To (his com era through the courteaj of Will enlltil "" yenr lu Florida 11 Is Hnrrj M'K;I> and Henry i\ Oaterer reeently. in II II it.v Mr. DLefbndorf oeeda go in I'o-lt-r. Wbo is UOW in eh a rge o. t he , . hie,it thlli iti ODS plllee It, Ifllsl the I'lu boya I-I [-ni ;i very I'lijoynhlr Iiin­ t rodii.-lion. I\H he haw nent a HIUIIIH-I- dining room «'f tho St. cioud Betel, ,'lltl u*r Ihe s|K',-tll,Itii e hns ni'i Tlie bond issm is tu proviilr for a inw grammar grade tchooJ on il ii< I tlmi tbey esjvwially enjoyed thf of yeara here, being for aometlma where the orcbeetra is engaged t" play. 1 affected tbe growth of the agricultural Initiation ol N P th I KL OHO the west side nf (lit- eity for a siibsla n I ial addition to tlie Sl. (loud agent tor tho A. 0, L rullroad com All were deli j hi oil with the ron pjienr a*i'IHIIj**'iit Ies llhlell seelll tu little Isali i J tttt i'iii on I'.v llif ruinous .link Hi^li School and for an agricultural buildfof. pany. During the pggl year hn hna ance of "our" Vkl McConnell, who eald psnvllle Wracking <'row. going tllull'* tlliiilll Iheir hnsiui'ss With nan engaged In tin* ijunihinu buatnnan now that everything hns cooled down For tii.i Information of thoaa who do .1 • iiini,, growth Quits nm lii'il wiiii 't'ho Oounty Si-iiiMii Board ttti i" bond sale is iltn* Mr. W. ,1. Si,-i,l, at n-i everyone Jual "eetM down ami howl imi know wiliii iiii- orgnnlaalloii is a. in la, lerienl re|Hir,s front Hie Mori ll siHi-inl sfsslmi Tni-s, lay. Anpnst tOth, loriH-y tor tin* board, \*im with gupar- T1IIKI) IIK*; IN ONK WKKK which reminded htm of an old dog sit It'a III*«IH, oif.. iin* toUowligf will iimt "Florida is boated." A mv i~-t io confirm tha Hla at tbt one bun Lntendon! lam Brasuna? aanl ont pom- ting howling, win, \noi a nigger owner. office building will w required In the iinii aa<i thirty thonaand dollar *-\,w |.hhts itnttng tba financial itandlng |HOVI* llf iill, I' I Aboul three o'clock Inturda i at ter .\ white uian said. "Whni is the mat I.M So. ifi.* dot W Homines ci s i.a,ii future in si. riiuiii ia in many i.-ii *si. Oloud dlatrlcl s.-hooi bond laaue i ini i>raaenUng ganaral infonnatlou ter with dogr?" "Nnffln matter", was Chi'VHiix. thO Minn.• ol which || taken other .ities, the present quarter! i"* 'fin* joim I,id t.r Bran M Grammar .v rt ga rdlng t ba • Oonola aoun noon tin- fir, laddlaa hml Iho third , all tor thli week. Mr. B. Q. Black the reply. "Ia he ilcfcr "No. nh, in* ti.HN iin- wording on tho Pranch rail Ing altogether tun anail t'» aeeam* < '.rn 11 mnv , of W'itliilii. Kansas. ami ty rin-si- win- mailed to tin- bant iiuni. win. Urea :it tba corner of Ken ain't «ick, be 1« juet lazy." "Well what tiH4ihlte the prcMelil H'llllne uf Inlsi Mi Nour <v Company, <>f CJdoa#0| in, bond bouaae In tba country and re* ro;i,| 1MI\ Qgn which were umii t« tUcky a veu no nml Thirteenth »tr^ot. ,uke- huu bowl?" "Why lie is ao lu/.y trunapgfi troop, during the World • |.lt .1 \\'il li I his I,i,| was filed nttad in II number of \>ui--. hat) failed to turn nut tho nre in the oil he snl down on an nnt UOBl mnl he W'JII- awning i" man aod I lu H-ti I'lii-.u for HOOO, Tbo Md A ipednl meeting win be bald Won atove i..*fi.n* going to the Vetomn'a meet won't move." Let's don't howl until compoood t'\i'iiisiv.*i\ of arhtta mala NKW tilllJ*' t tll MB of 9180,884 on iin* out* hundred ind ta] iLugmg Mi ut ih.* court houae bo Ing at th,- H A I! Hall, amt was on we have something to howl about mem Iters In | I otandtng of UM MIK SI. t 1.111 II ihtri.v thonaand dollart bond laauo, t>«• determine which county banh li quail tbe platform belling of his recent rtall Mr. Met'onnell ^ii.| ihnt he is ink AIIH-I lean Legion wbo have porformed Ing iti«' hi^iM'^i i-iii. was looaptad ti fh'ii to i.ike i ;in- nt iha genei B , in company wilh hla BOO and wlfa to ing three month'i radio brondeneting oome valuable aerrloe lo tho American rhe plans now underway promise ihi-- prion, tui"]. tin- in,mi laaue fund, ami tin* his imndaon In Boeton, wbeu Ifti trip to Oh lea go, •'!'•.. and that people Legiou wiii. 11 iii tin- opinion of the llllll these, ll hO I'.l e I" [aim •_;,,11". ll ill Mu, ii credit for the aurcuo of tbla dlatrlcl innd. iiiarm \\.-i- soimtio'i The tni' anglni are ttOl loading ndvertisiug. hut thej Voltore I ocale ibonld entitle them to iiiiie ilie opportunity i" do su ti ruahinfl paal where Hie n Ung wns have i,, Ijsh-ii tO 11 i in when h, momberafclp in I.n Bocieto. I'll. llf the lIllIlllM'I* iif |ll'u- being beld, broke up the meetings nouncea a here be is from and the rest Tiif objects of I.n Bodote ara i" IHWcd lltea llllll hnve heen offered, tii" 1 When the crowd ruabed to the atreel of bia pi-ogr.-iiii which he and "Ma* bring .1 in mt grotttt barmou) and Gal ne*. nie III.U under consldera! Ion I mi Attorney Hack, Defending Tracey, tho SIHUKO. Wbich wa- vory blgcb ami .Mi-Coiuiell.
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