Ilowisyijljle Democrat. Volume Xv

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Ilowisyijljle Democrat. Volume Xv T ILOWISYIJLJLE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XV. KENTUCKY, LOUISVILLE, SATURDAY MORNING, NOV. 20, 1858. NUMBER 108. ILLINOIS DEMOCRACY ! otljer by antagonistic principles, yet a3itkens LIQUOIu5. DMY OEMOCRIT. of a common Republic we all revere the glo RESTAURANTS. MISCELLANEOUS. AUCTION BALKS. LeiusvilJc and ries of our past history, and we wi.l trust that Nashville, and . JUST RECEIVED A FRESH LOT :b 5V WftsTEKS STE.I11 2rj our posterity will share a common destiny iu tf of U. V". Siui a Pitist,,,, x R!j K,.,lrtt Al-t- , CALIjIOPIj CAKKUT AVCTIOX SiLZ. BY T. POWXLL. tba bldtstngs of the government in all time to t J. li. i;iii:uKi it .s. Rli&TAllRAXTr LEBANON BRANCH RAILROADS. ni9 J . M . M U O It K Jk T WILL SELL, come. Applause. This Uniou, by the Con- ?w't,iti. c o. THIS. SATURDAY. CELEBRATION A Mrklnr, Xoveutlar 3o(b. cvuimni in at nj stitution, has con! erred upon it tho greatest pEACU BUaNDY. 4 DHLS MEW 1 o clock, as auortotcBt of e ajxl vcoad SiukI Parai- - I tura, v legacy tint Divina Providence has ever con- IVach brahity i n U,r, aiJ f r sl T at aoom. No. Mrkrl .treet, )!..w "1 t.t:-t- . Fourth, of Be.taiaa.ia, M people. hear.1 J. .tiUN'KS, JUio r.awiief ttiiWMes. foair WINTER Al!UAX(iEMENTS.!."C;. AT CHIOAGO! ferred upon a free Hear, Let TH!a, I'wit 5l.rt, Far or Stor. liurai.. fr-a- Walt4taiiia '"arp,n ; ckilH-iui- that Constitution be administered as our fathers RliLS FINE OLD BOURRON U. E. HAILEY, Proprietor, ad aio aa aaaortmaut of r. AND Iry tiotaia. Boots, tiaves. Jc. AFTER THURSDAY, 7TII TRIUMPH OF DOUGLAS! made it; iet that bond of union which binds 20 liUkv. 3 rears uld: Soii: T. ON da-r- , vt 3u btU liuu Buiirbuu WliUVy, Least turner Haueoek anJ Green Sis. FOWtLL. all! rn as f.,'lwr: these States together forever, ea.:b uld four years olJ: - iutiKi.wr. M.'U IL1.L FiPliLisS ItAlii Uaily leave! the continue depot A . right?, ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT kt at .. st'Tpinr al 1 TOBCE-LIGHT- ! B31T-FISE- State retaining its sovereign deposing THE CO. Uii!l PE02TSS10N S ' i-- ia ,w up. 1 enrp:. BY S O. ft Mm tin 1iih! i:iiU'tbt, u. aud allo.L.r own affairs, aud regulating its Of par Whisky oiia year old; n ;i, an will b. d'a:itl with SI5ST r,-uia-r of its internal the the IkW.,ii, when 4 Kb a flag, arriving GUHS ! MUSIC ! thriv L.i lua.k.'t a!lrds, bo.h ealabit driuk- - Large Special Cash Sale of Gold Watcbee POINTED AND Pl'BLISUKD BY own- domestic institutions to suit itself toi " i tiitatloii " in tort, itnd f r Pule hy aJ and WoNK-P- , 3 i, Tag pnbli.: s licitetl ft Jtwelry, ! BANNERS ! Cheers. Let that great principle of popular J. llain aie to five tpk a trial. n ,Utu at Aucticn. put t ii t Louiiviiieit i HdmGy, Huglics & Co. TR&NSFABENCIES ! sovereignty, which underlies our republican in MONDAY MORNING, NOV. 22, V 3 1-- i ON LI n.lMi umiiwti daily i&nndavs I stitutions, be carried out in good faith in the J E ET 11A LAOA W I N E: 10 0 soda ;r 10 o'.Uik Aj atM.a. we will I at Auction j Charles' 4 ftfWj at Juiw.l.u Willi tue baehti.le fsrem at and Territories Cheers. Let hl.iil itt 5Irt1uM4 Witr ill Rt..., aril l,v Edcn.J RMna. s lariro u.l 4"od .unk .f A. Id Wairltea aud SENATOR DOUGLAS' states alike. for! 1 .t. k i,i part of tho (..ilowiu1 : SPEECH! J. iUUNK.S.a.a. Maiu n. Nto.!jv Jeanrv. KKADIXC .MATTKIi () EVKIiV PAGK Illinois regul.ttw her own affairs, and model her Third street, bet. Market and Jeu'erson, Opes Lial aa.t Uuoun cm Watt, Ovid and ( an.uo. torcine lesra at i:i, i....iuk at same ! From the Cliiiagj Tiujuii, of the Kill innt.2 own wishes, and nilAMPAONE ANI) M Mic. t,olJt. ue. Lata, k I' rutne. Jet, rVar l,.r-seta- institutions according to her CLARET. I S AGENT FOR CI?LE- - M Faiut-e- riaoi, ariinntal JiiHtiou, aud cuiioriin wuLj 15 J. FARRO'S i'oral Srtta; Caisev. aak', UoldirtoM. t - Hurrah for the Democracy! celebration V cud Cnl. in. t ! Nhr.lle Hprr,- trhiu to Locisi iiit- at S r. m . The mind her own business, permitting every other i'liiiiipvu; r Baltimore OYSTKKjt, and f'ais U..U1 Fiua and i'r.'P. Fiu :l HATITPriAV U, la-i- Z ll.Mizy .tl ahiih at . Miatiaa Louisville by ! I IUV. IRjfl. t hanketi do, pin!: the at-- Kil.Ma hi iu ike Uet muh4 train at nght of the splendid Uiumph of Democ State to do same and 3,1 Ke!t mirket price. hi 6 ft' fp Slidt. Lrklt. thaist. Kinif, fa. V.r i the thing cheers, there di tin du, yiiarn; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MAN- - and kaiua. Stoda, OoKI racy and its great champion o T. rt ia'iaid fpua. fenciia, Jc, NAMiVII.LE R j in Illinois wad will then be concord and fraternal feeling it A. V. pints: tiftci'irrr of Thin tork it jnit ; all frat, and AM FliLTGIIT 4 ! ( BRSArsrrFTS. ami desirabla ThAIN, No. I, leave Loiiirvme daily (Suu.iavs grander and more successful than afl'air iu un.rt In FM":l it. ui Tw.lau auii Maiu te;r aod I be of Demccratic Meeting. aDy of among the different States of the Union. Re- Ni (Mrs Clamt CHARLIE'S EXCHANGE. oraar atraM, and 'l. iaa lucttuiiMdi'D ornii.ic tale. leptedi at ..ifi r. m.. ktufpivgat fcliepwernsi ilie J lroui J ii t t:2 par Wall :,.!. Trrm at ale. S. U. II IS K i F.itrjtta-tht'.w.- the kind ever before witnessed in Western ' to.. tsoS. and other Democrats the newed cheering J. H. Tlll.MS AuctiKiMwra. s'atioua. 'e.opt! The of the Third and Fourth AM ".' ciiii'wn, vorai B'.aw, ana A noeis n , tit u . i. States We must discard forever that fatal heresy he Old IJln. H0,Mt.. a. will hold a oq - uuiwm i) iia. ni iuc at Paeon reek 7:45 r. k Wards meeting tLl even- And It was a celebration by the Democracy which preaches Union, divided Into WOOD ST S. 0. H02I ft CO. i.n tt.e, .eatte j...u i irt :. .S a. , etopp I.K t that this rERk SUPERIOR OLD LIQUORS. CARVIIVG! No. 92 mm- t, V. It at seven o'clock, at Deubard's. corner of the Western States, in fact; for though it T 5 wThird street, bet- Market and Jefl'erson. Two Days Cash Sale, oa Tuesday and Wed- nirml.Nill,ni'l'ft II ids. free cud sla. e States, as our fathers made it, caskioll Piuot A Ct.; w trt a was gotten up by the party in Chicago, ami 4 o ! t:.i d .V o. nesday, November 2T1J and of First atiJ Jeffersoo streets The Democrat cannot endure, that false treachery which says 4 d; T AM PREPARED TO SUPPLY at Auctioa thou.-iar.d- I". H. OodHrd THE tiORY & participated by of good an 1 tl.i; &ittrir3 - MURRAY Rooms, Jj'Lt in true ft ruMi.r tho W two th it these States mus. all become free, or all OHkj lintd C'lidf HUvt ilo; '' nith LI' il'ORS, IX , .?., tu U urgently to 1 i:i I I men in the various sections of Illinois, there pip-nr- Suuthaidrt itdi-ir- lie iiKrkrt. am hUo nrvru...! tr Kir up Ulr". become tlave that they must become all one Wire; 01 ( A 9 iU I i jujoi.l .u 1o; STKlis, i(Kr KK. and LARGE AND SPLENDID a';-- " tteDd be the here I.onJ othr relish wuln. ;:t dlestcfl to were other thousands from the various for- 1 1 to i RESPECTFULLY INFORM OF .TJirt;t. pptej thing, or all the other, should be forgotten p:p4 DutT Uordtin hh.-ri- bnuklul ni triea-- and tfcc pnt li.- f r THEM k nf r.ire'tzi, auJ v.ninlu; U mi.i rr puh;:c 1 ..mi-ti- ne i d.; th . that tliry ar9 pr. to V at jjnetoti. tii Convention, to be held in Frabkfort.on the fuh States west of the Aileghanies. Lit one ssn ever applause; and the great piinciple of pop- 4 Sainii ni'ic'ti Pui t du; lilvril iHiforMK-- hTptoftr vti i:i, 1 pa'r xei;uti ail!' rut' and Lxdien' luier t.lotra and i. fmnm-Ktf- r . t!'u!:T ui avra iu to no i..u'' &a.tivi:l alJ Iran t L.utetiile ti merit pervaded the masses, white the late 1 p p t:iu').Jluiir- - il.;i.nid i..u; ?esti aulicit a Oout iunaiicr of tlifn.. iin. .5I, HooieH aud lnriii' L utlerwear aud ,. l aiel s m ' u- - OI ular boverigiity, of and sov- 1 lo al hi .ariiktua1 last I'a'iird train iu Lt j jaDU&rj Leil State rights State p vinld Ir fill Whisky; alo Jtf t'IMKlKS IPIX. PAwTJJJl'i't' XLl M.VXI.V.;. BLOCk o.)a rr Si I m br.iiaa.
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