Mozambique LINK-INFORM Epi Profile Report (2015) Eng
Mozambique: A profile of Malaria Control and Epidemiology ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 Mozambique: A profile of Malaria Control and Epidemiology 2 Mozambique: A profile of Malaria Control and Epidemiology We acknowledge all those who have generously assisted with collecting and collating information, providing access to unpublished data, and reviewing the products, especially: Albert Kilian, Alexandre Macedo De Oliveira, Allan Schapira, Astrid Knoblauch, Celine Gustavson, Chandana Mendis, Emilia Virginia Noormahomed, Eusébio Macete, Eva de Carvalho, Francisco Saute, Immo Kleinschmidt, James Colborn, Kate Brownlow, Mark Divall, Michael Coleman, Milka Owuor, Natalie Roschnik, Pedro Aide, Pedro Alonso, Rajendra Maharaj, Samuel Mabunda, Susana Nery. We give special acknowledgment to colleagues at the National Malaria Control Programme who assisted in assembling data and report writing: Baltazar Candrinho, Guideon Mathe, Elsa Nhantumbo, Mariana da Silva, Sérgio Tsabete, Sérgio Gomane, João Alemão, Dulcisária Jotamo, Maria Pondja, Albertina Chiale, Carlota Nhagumbe, Eunice Alfai, Silvia Pedro, Rosália Muthemba, Natércia Macamo, Francisco Matsinhe, Luis Ismael Ribeiro e David Manjate. In addition we acknowledge the support of the following institutions: President’s Malaria Initiative/USAID/CDC, World Health Organization, Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça, World Vision International, Malaria Consortium, Clinton Health Access Initiative, John Snow International, Popuation Services International, and Global Fund for AIDS, TB & Malaria (GFATM). The report was prepared by the LINK Programme Team at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (David Schellenberg, Sarah Saleheen, Debora Miranda, Abdisalan Noor and Caroline Lynch), the Information for Malaria (INFORM) team at the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust programme, Nairobi (Abdisalan Mohamed Noor, Robert Snow, Lukio Olweny, David Kyalo, Peter Macharia, Paul Ouma, Ezekiel Gogo, Joseph Maina, Stephen Oloo, Thomas Gachie and Fridah Karimi) who assembled the data and performed the analyses and modeling.
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