MOZAMBIQUE Humanitarian Situation Report © UNICEF/MOZA2019- 0750/Karel Prinsloo. A child fills a jerrycan full of water from UNICEF tap at the Mandruzi Resettlement Site in Dondo, Sofala

Cyclones Idai and Kenneth Situation Report #11: 01-10 June 2019 SITUATION IN NUMBERS*

Highlights 1.85 million ighlights -- Suggest 3 key messages covering e.g.: People affected by the cyclone in need of • At least 60,000 people are displaced and hosted in 58 sites in assistance by HRP 2019 Sofala, Manica, Zambezia, Tete and Cabo Delgado, with 3,000 1 million people still waiting to be resettled. Children affected by the cyclone in need of • As of 10 June, no cholera cases were reported in Sofala, Manica. assistance In Cabo Delgado 42 new cases were registered over the past 500,000 two weeks. Children targeted by UNICEF • Since the start of the cyclone, UNICEF has provided access to 1 million People targeted by UNICEF WASH 161 Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) to more than 70,000 children in cyclone affected areas. Funding Status • More than 13,500 children participated in UNICEF supported psychosocial support activities through UNICEF supported 61 Funds received child friendly spaces (CFS) in Sofala, Manica and Cabo Delgado 2019 funding Funding gap $26.6 m requirement $7 m provinces. $102.6 m

Funds received Funding gap

1 2 UNICEF’s Response with Partners Cluster Cluster Target UNICEF UNICEF Target

target Result achieved target Result achieved WASH # of people provided with access to safe Idai 1,435,000 1,563,714 109% 965,000 1,150,669 119% water (7.5-15L per person per day)** Kenn 540,000 515,329 95% 460,000 371,035 81% Health Idai 330,890 # of children under-fifteen years vaccinated 500,000 197% 656,300 (OCV/Measles) Kenn 120,000 104,009 87% Nutrition # of children under 5 years screened for Idai 328,000 651,1783 199% 328,000 648,968 198% acute malnutrition Kenn 60,000 6,537 11% 45,000 6,537 15% Education Children aged 6-15 years old in Idai 500,000 150,568 30% 380,000 67,795 18% humanitarian situations accessing education Kenn 40,000 3,389 8% 15,000 3,389 23% Child Protection Idai 147,000 25,411 17% 20,000 13,625 68%

1 Please see footnotes in ANNEX I: UNICEF Table of results. 2 UNICEF will revise its HAC shortly to reflect its response plans to the Cyclone Kenneth and revise the Idai targets in light of the food and nutrition security assessment and the crop assessment, which will be available soon. UNICEF MOZAMBIQUE SITUATION REPORT – 10 June 2019 Children receiving psychosocial support Kenn * 2,000 207 10% through Safe Spaces Communications for Development Number of people reached with key Idai 700,000 871,814 124% lifesaving and behavior change messages on health, nutrition and safe and appropriate Kenn 175,000 103,320 59% sanitation and hygiene practices.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

Cyclone Idai The humanitarian community continues with the provision of basic services in resettlement areas as well as in the rural communities affected by the cyclone. In Sofala, Manica, Zambezia and Tete provinces, at least 60,000 people are in 58 resettlement sites. The top five priority needs in the resettlement sites are food, shelter, health, water and agricultural inputs. In , 22,000 people are in 16 resettlement sites and 3,000 people are still in four accommodation/transit centres (DTM3 and government data) in Beira and Buzi. During the reporting period, resettlement was put on hold for few days to create minimum conditions at the sites. As the resettlement process resumes in the districts of Beira and Dondo, the emphasis of the humanitarian community is shifting to the most remote resettlement sites in , where the provision of basic services is lagging behind. In , most of the 26 resettlement sites, hosting more than 23,000 people, are spontaneous and are currently being formalized. The provincial government and humanitarian community have resumed coordination to accelerate the support to resettlement sites and avoid families moving back to areas at risk. In the epidemiological week 22 (as of 10 June 2019), no cholera cases were reported in Sofala, Manica, advancing towards the 21 days of no cases required to declare an end to an outbreak. Final confirmation will be made by MOH in coordination with the National Institute of Health. In Sofala and Manica, malaria, diarrhoea, and pneumonia are the most common illnesses. While the numberof reported malaria cases remains within the level seen in previous years, efforts to control the cases continues.

Cyclone Kenneth In nearly 1,000 people are in two transit sites in Metuge and Pemba districts. The provision of basic services has already started in the site that the Government identified for resettlement in Metuge. The identification of the resettlement site in Pemba district is still pending. Access by road is improving in all districts. However, security concerns heavily constrain the delivery of humanitarian aid in the most affected districts located north of Pemba. For example, in about half of the population lives in inaccessible communities. Aid in these areas continues to be delivered mainly by air and only in the largest villages (sedes of the postos). Forty-two new cholera cases were registered over the past two weeks, bringing the total number of cases to 267 in the districts of Metuge, Mecufi and Pemba, with no deaths reported. The trend indicates that the cholera outbreak is coming under control. A second round of Oral Cholera Vaccination (OCV) campaign will start next week, with primary financial support from GAVI and technical support from WHO, UNICEF, and Save the Children. Malaria cases are a concern in districts affected by Cyclone Kenneth with rates of infection nearly double in the rate in Sofala districts, particularly in the coastal areas. However, there has not been a significant rise in cases, as malaria is a large burden year-round. UNICEF will support the provincial government in an upcoming blanket distribution of insecticide treated bed-nets (LLINs). Over the last 10 days the nnutritional screenings of 2,490 children under five in Macomia, Metuge and Mecufi districts identified 128 MAM cases and 23 SAM cases, with a rate of 6.1 per cent. The situation is particularly worrying in Mecufi district, which reported64 MAM cases and 14 SAM cases.

Humanitarian leadership and coordination OCHA is reducing its presence in all provinces and will hand over the provincial coordination leadership to other agencies. The HCT is defining the agencies that will assume the role of HCT Provincial Focal Points. National and provincial cluster coordination remains active. At provincial level, clusters are meeting regularly in Sofala, Manica and

3 Displacement Tracking Matrix, Daily Site tracking and Interactive Dashboard. UNICEF MOZAMBIQUE SITUATION REPORT – 10 June 2019 Cabo Delgado, with UNICEF and the government co-leading the WASH, Education, Nutrition and Child Protection cluster/sub-clusters. A provincial WASH cluster is also active in Zambezia, and district WASH clusters in Buzi and Nhamatanda (Sofala province) and Sussundenga in Manica province. UNICEF is also actively participating in the Health and Protection clusters and co-chairs with COSACA the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Network both at national and sub-national levels.

The Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) supports the leadership of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). In Sofala province, UNICEF also participates actively in the ‘Leadership’ Group (integrated by the team leaders of the main humanitarian agencies), in the Return, Relocation and Resettlement Working Group and, in the Disability Working Group. Both at national and local levels, UNICEF is using its close relationship with central and local government to strengthen the Government of Mozambique’s leadership of the sectoral coordination system. In Manica province, UNICEF played a key role in advocating for stronger coordination among the humanitarian partners and with the government, in particular to address the gaps in serving the resettlement sites. As a result, a new Early Recovery and Resettlement Group led by the Provincial Government was established, and the provincial inter-agency Leadership Group reactivated.

Humanitarian Strategy UNICEF provides coordination, technical assistance, financial and in-kind resources to Government agencies, as primary providers of services and duty bearers, and non-governmental organizations in the following priority areas: a. Cholera prevention and treatment, with a multisectoral response in Health, WASH and Communication; b. Restoration of provisional basic services and reduction of vulnerability of children in o Transit/accommodation centers o Return, relocation and resettlement sites (RRR) o Isolated areas; c. Reconstruction of permanent, resilient services and systems (build back better).

UNICEF is working to: • Strengthen the Government’s coordination and response capacity, including information management systems; • Address the specific needs of children with disabilities and other vulnerable groups; • Ensure an environment free of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA); • Enhance accountability to the affected population.

UNICEF and its partners work together to meet the needs of the affected children as they move from accommodation centres to their areas of return and resettlement.

In July WFP and UNICEF will start a joint multi-purpose value voucher programme using a vulnerability-based targeting mechanism to address household food and NFI (primarily hygiene) needs, in areas with functional markets. The district selection is being discussed with the government. UNICEF and WFP are also working with the World Bank on ensuring that the most vulnerable families will transition into various government-run social protection programmes.

Summary Analysis of Programme Response WASH

Cyclone Idai Response In Sofala province, UNICEF supported the Fund for the water supply service for Mozambique’s largest cities (FIPAG) to extend the existing water supply system to Mutua and Madruzi resettlement sites in benefiting 3,133 people. On sanitation, partners are providing communal latrines in the resettlement sites, followed by community- based promotion of family latrines. In the first week of June, a multisectoral assessment was conducted in resettlement sites in Buzi district, finding that partners from WASH and other sectors have limited presence in the more inaccessible sites. As a result, the WASH cluster and UNICEF implementing partners are refocussing their efforts to cover these areas. UNICEF MOZAMBIQUE SITUATION REPORT – 10 June 2019 In Manica province, the WASH response has reached 20,000 people with temporary provision of safe water in accommodation centres and resettlement sites, and 25,000 people with access to safe sanitation, hygiene education and point of use water treatment products. The current focus is on the rehabilitation of water points and implementation of total sanitation approaches in resettlement camps. UNCEF’s implementing partner DORCAS started hand-drilling in hard to reach areas in Dombe (), aiming to reach at least 3,300 people.

Cyclone Kenneth Response UNICEF continued to deliver lifesaving WASH NFIs through its cluster partners as part of inter-sectoral distributions carried out by road and air in the most affected districts of Macomia, Quissanga and Ibo. As of 9 June, UNICEF delivered 230,000 bottles of Certeza, 28,000 bars of soap, 860 hygiene and dignity kits. UNICEF’s hygiene promotion activities through partners have reached approximately 100,000 people. UNICEF is also working with the local authorities in re-establishing safe water supply in urban and rural areas, some of them in hard to reach rural communities. Currently, in collaboration with the Provincial Directorate of Public Worksh, Housing and Water Resources (DPOPHRH), UNICEF is supporting the rehabilitation of two water systems in , 35 handpumps and one water system in and around Mucojo (Macomia district), one water system in Meluco, and six handpumps in Metuge, and the water system in Pemba. In total, this support will bring safe water to approximately 200,000 people. In Pemba city, Metuge and Mecufi districts, UNICEF is supporting cholera prevention and response with four Rapid Response Teams that target the households of affected people, as well as the surrounding households, with disinfection, intensive hygiene promotion, distribution of Certeza and water quality monitoring. UNICEF has also worked with the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and the Water Authority (Conselho Regulador da Agua-CRA) in establishing a water monitoring system to analyse the quantity of residual chlorine at consumer points and reservoirs in the Pemba water supply system.


Cyclone Idai UNICEF continues supporting the Provincial Health Authority (DPS) in Sofala and Manica provinces to improve access to primary healthcare services in resettlement sites and in hard to reach areas with focus on five priority districts, now including, for UNICEF, alongside Buzi, Nhamatanda, Buzi and Dondo in Sofala province and Sussundenga in Manica province. As part of this support, UNICEF provided technical assistance for the development of outreach micro-plans, and financial and in-kind assistance to increase the number and strengthen mobile outreach health teams, including the recruitment of additional staff, payment of allowances, procurement of medicines and nutrition supplies and rental of motorbikes. Mobile brigades are critical to reach remote communities that are far from health centers. Contracts for rehabilitation of 10 health facilities damaged by Idai cyclone in Sofala were signed with five local contractors to install construction materials supplied by UNICEF. Following the initial installation of 22 cold fridges, a detailed assessment is being finalized. To address low retention to HIV treatment, UNICEF is working with partners to systematize the use of BP5 biscuits as an incentive for pregnant and lactating women with HIV to seek regular consultation during/after pregnancy and adhere to treatment. Trainings with MCH and HIV staff in each of the targeted districts is ongoing, to be completed later in June.

Cyclone Kenneth Response UNICEF assisted the DPS in systematizing the deployment of health outreach teams. Composed of four health staff the outreach teams provide basic curative care, extended programme of immunization (EPI), screening and treatment for acute malnutritional, and health promotion amongst priority services. With UNICEF support, outreach teams are now working in Meluco, Mecufi and Macomia districts. Additional teams are planned for Metuge and Quissanga districts for the coming weeks. UNICEF staff has recently carried out joint assessments and monitoring visits with DPS and WHO in several locations affected by cyclone Kenneth, among them Matemo and Ibo islands, Metuge and Mecufi, and supported the DPS in finalizing its provincial emergency response plan for the next 3 months.

Nutrition UNICEF MOZAMBIQUE SITUATION REPORT – 10 June 2019 Cyclone Idai Response In Sofala province, the MoH and partners with UNICEF support identified a total of 4,197 children under five years with acute malnutrition, of which 469 were severe (SAM) and 3,728 were moderate (MAM). All cases were referred for treatment to government facilities. In Manica province, mass nutritional screening is ongoing in areas with resettlement centers in Dombe (Sussundenga district) and affected communities in the districts of Macate, Gondola, Chimoio, Mossurize and Vanduzi. 3,268 children under five years of age were screened, 81 with MAM and 27 with SAM. All cases were treated providing nutrition supplements (RUSF and RUTF) and therapeutic treatment. The results of the population-based study of food security and nutritional status will be available within the next two weeks. In the four most affected districts of Sofala province, where UNICEF is providing direct technical support to the PRN (Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme), at least 818 malnourished children have received therapeutic care so far4. At least 3,936 pregnant/lactating women (PLW) have received IYCF counselling services & 851 HIV positive PLW received BP5 energy biscuits to encourage retention and follow-up care to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV. Regarding the service delivery in resettlement camps and hard-to-reach areas, integrated nutrition and health services are provided through mobile brigades/clinics with UNICEF and other partners like Save the Children and World Vision International. UNICEF supported the distribution of nutrition commodities including 1,650 cartoons of RUTF, 180 cartoons of F100 therapeutic milks, and equipment for nutrition assessment in 14 districts, while WFP distributed therapeutic foods, including RUSF and CSB (corn/ soy blend) in six districts. Nutrition reporting is now included in the weekly Early Warning, Alert and Response System (EWARS) of the National Health Institute (INS) and reported in a bulletin with WHO/UNICEF support.

In Manica, UNICEF supported 44 individual counselling sessions for pregnant and lactating women on Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling (IYCF), the distribution of 83 boxes of BP5 fortified biscuits for approximately 300 PLWs with HIV. Sixteen child maternal health nurses also received mentoring on antenatal consultations and child risk consultations.

Cyclone Kenneth Response The outreach teams are now carrying out IYCF counselling. A total of 560 mothers of children under-five received counselling in two of the three districts during the first nine days of activities, specifically, 440 mothers in Macomia and 120 in . UNICEF nutrition team conducted surveillance visits to Mecufi, Metuge and Ibo districts, identifying the need for a refresher training for those treating acute malnutrition, which is planned for late June. The visits also showed a shortage of RUTF and a total lack of F75 and F100 at district level. Therefore, UNICEF is assisting the MoH in the management of stocks and preparation of distribution plans to ensure that the districts have access to a sufficient quantity of supplies. Education

Cyclone Idai Response So far, in Sofala province, UNICEF provided access to 147 Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) to 50,080 children aged 6-15 years and 3,045 children aged 3-5 years, and trained 665 teachers in providing psychosocial support and hygiene promotion. During the reporting period, six TLCs were established in Mutua, Mandrusi and Savane resettlement sites of Dondo District, which will receive teaching and learning supplies once teachers are deployed by the Government. A UNICEF mission to Muanza district revealed that affected schools hardly received any support. UNICEF provided seven School-in-a Box (SiB) to the Provincial Directorate of Education and Human Development (DPEDH) for further distribution to the schools. In Manica province, with UNICEF support 17,715 children aged 6-15 years and 712 children aged 3-5 years have access to 44 TLCs and education materials. Child protection and education partners with relevant line ministries are coordinating and planning training and distribution of ECD kits to CFS in affected areas of Sussundenga and Gondola districts. UNICEF began the distribution of Learners Kits and SiB supporting seven schools in hard-to-reach areas,

4 Based on Sofala DPS monthly reports. Data on number of cases receiving treatment is available for the four most affected districts in Sofala. UNICEF is (1) working to strengthen government reporting systems so that the actual number of cases being treated can be better monitored, and (2) supporting outreach through mobile brigades to ensure that all identified malnutrition cases get treatment. UNICEF MOZAMBIQUE SITUATION REPORT – 10 June 2019 reaching 871 children (467 boys and 404 girls). During the reporting period, cluster partners trained 64 teachers in Sussundenga district (49 males and 15 females) on education in emergencies and psychosocial support. UNICEF is still discovering unvisited schools affected by the cyclone that are not on the DPEDH list and in need of basic education in emergency (EiE) support.

Cyclone Kenneth Response UNICEF, in collaboration with local civil society organizations, is supporting DPEDH Cabo Delgado with the assessment of infrastructural damages in schools, as well as coordination of data collection and analysis regarding children returning to school, especially in hard-to-reach areas. This will improve data sharing and flow of information between the education authorities at district and provincial level and with the partners. UNICEF established 14 TLCs in Ibo, Macomia, Quissanga and Ancuabe districts providing education materials (SiBs and Learners Kits) benefitting 3,389 students and 25 teachers. UNICEF, together with IOM and local partners, is distributing this week SiBs, recreation kits, chalkboards and Learner Kits in hard-to-reach areas of Mucojo in Macomia district, one of the most affected areas by the cyclone and also by the ongoing armed attacks. Child Protection

Cyclone Idai Response In Sofala, 4,168 children (2,105 girls and 2,063 boys) participated in psychosocial support activities through UNICEF- supported CFS. Meanwhile, ten separated and unaccompanied children have been reunified with their primary caregivers by UNICEF’s implementing partner, Save the Children. Efforts to locate the 36 registered unaccompanied children who could not be found during the joint Provincial Directorate of Gender Children and Social Welfare (DPGCAS) and Save the Children verification exercise (14—17 May) are ongoing. This has been complicated by the constant population movements, and the uncoordinated relocation and resettlement process. From the 3 to 7 June, 25 Child Protection Cluster partners from 13 agencies participated in a joint training on case management, facilitated by UNICEF implementing partners, Save the Children and ICDP, together with four other Child Protection Cluster partners. In Manica, 9,350 children (5,056 girls and 4294 boys) participated in UNICEF-supported psychosocial support activities through 24 UNICEF-supported CFS. Through the provincial directorate of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs , 2,557 people received birth certificates during the birth registration campaign supported by UNICEF, in Vanduzi, Chimoio, Mossurize, Sussundenga, Gondola and Macate districts. In both regions, through the Child Protection Cluster and its implementing partners, UNICEF will continue to strengthen the national case management system byfunding additional case workers at local level (Localidade and posto); providing technical and institutional support to the district authorities and social workers; enhancing holistic case management through creation of an inter-departmental case management mechanism comprising other state institutions, local authorities and civil society partners; and introducing the humanitarian and government statutory systems (CPIMS/Primeiro to harmonise) to migrate child protection cases from child protection partners to District health, women and social action services (SDSMAS in Portuguese).

Cyclone Kenneth Response In Cabo Delgado, 207 children (93 girls /and 114 boys) participated in psychosocial support (PPS) activities via three CFS, supported by Child Protection Cluster members. The child protection response is hampered by the weak presence of organizations with experience in conducting child protection activities, especially in humanitarian settings. A joint UNICEF and OCHA visit to Ibo and Macomia, some of the most affected districts, revealed that while traditional CFS are no longer required, there is a strong need for activities to strengthen child resilience and life skills, develop the case management system, and strengthen community-based mechanisms to combat the endemic rates of child marriage and growing child trafficking. UNICEF conducted training for 10 CFS animators of the Taratara transition center in Metuge district. Additionally, UNICEF facilitated training on child protection mainstreaming to members of the WASH, food security, NFI, Shelter and other Clusters. UNICEF and UNFPA designed joint referral pathways for Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and child protection cases, which were endorsed by DPGCAS and are ready for dissemination. Complementing the referral pathways, protection messages were developed on PSEA, SGBV, Child UNICEF MOZAMBIQUE SITUATION REPORT – 10 June 2019 Protection, and Vulnerabilities in emergencies; these have been validated by the Protection Cluster and are also ready to be disseminated. Communication for Development (C4D)

Cyclone Idai Response In Sofala province, in the last two weeks, UNICEF reached 10,671 people in transit centers, resettlement areas and affected communities through mobile media units and community engagement sessions, with an active participation of mainly adolescents and youth, on essential health, WASH and nutrition practices. Under the partnership with Red Cross, more than 200 volunteers started door to door social mobilization activities in Beira and Dondo districts, reaching more than 8,500 people with cholera and malaria prevention, exclusive breastfeeding and PSEA information and actions to take. With UNICEF’s support, Radio Mozambique recorded three new episodes of the “Ouro Negro” radio program in Guara Guara resettlement area (Buzi district), focusing on cholera, malaria, and early marriage prevention, and promoting and encouraging feedback from the affected population. A radio program made by and for children, combined with a training on life-saving and back to school messages, as well as promotion of children’s rights, was also recorded in a child-friendly space in the same resettlement area. To address PSEA and Accountability towards Affected Population (AAP), UNICEF conducted focus groups discussions and individual interviews in resettlement areas and accommodation centers in Dondo and Buzi districts. The conclusions were presented to both the Community Engagement Working Group (CEWG) and the PSEA Network, guiding the next steps to improve communities’ access to information and feedback and complains mechanisms. Linha Verde hotline managed by WFP is the main feedback communication system that is being promoted as part of AAP and PSEA activities. In Manica province, a C4D Integrated Strategy for Emergencies and Resilience was developed with the participation of children, adolescents and families for the recovery phase.

Cyclone Kenneth Response In Cabo Delgado province, UNICEF is now co-chairing the Community Engagement Working Group (CEWG) together with the Institute for Social Communication (ICS). CEWG partner are harmonizing their materials, messages, training and tools. In preparation for the second round of the OVC Campaign, radio spots were produced, translated in four languages and disseminated through local community radios, Radio Mozambique FM channel and ICS mobile media units in Metugi, Mecufi and Pemba districts. UNICEF is also supporting advocacy meetings with religious and community leaders, and the training of social mobilizers. Under a joint training with the WASH Cluster, 78 social mobilizers and supervisors from national and international organizations were trained on community engagement and hygiene promotion in emergencies in Pemba and Ibo Island. In , UNICEF supported the assessment of activities women and young people’s preferred communication channels to inform the CEWG’s communication and outreach efforts and strengthen (AAP.

Supply and Logistics

During the reporting period, a total of US$2.4 Million, 275 metric tons of multi-sectoral supplies was dispatched from UNICEF warehouses in , Beira, Chimoio and Pemba. Since 28 March, 203 trucks were dispatched carrying multi-sectoral supplies to the areas of Beira, Chimoio and Pemba as part of the Logistics Cluster’s humanitarian convoy, and through UNICEF’s ownmode of transport. In Pemba and Chimoio, UNICEF continues to work with \different programme sections and the private sector. Once supplies are received, they are swiftly being reloaded and delivered to various locations, including using helicopter to difficult accessible areas such as Ibo and Matemo islands in Pemba.


UNICEF MOZAMBIQUE SITUATION REPORT – 10 June 2019 Based on the initial assessments and needs, UNICEF requested US$102.6 million to meet the humanitarian needs of people affected by Cyclone Idai and Kenneth as well as to support the recovery phase of the response; UNICEF’s appeal covers March to December 2019. To initiate its response, the UNICEF Mozambique used US$1 million from its contingency reserve of regular resources and accessed US$ 8 million emergency loan from HQ (EPF). In terms of funds received, to date, UNICEF Mozambique has received more than US$26.6 million from CERF (WASH, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Education), Canada, DFID, Ireland, Japan, Sweden, Germany, World Bank, ECHO, USAID and several National Committees, including the German National Committee. UNICEF Mozambique is grateful to those donors who provided thematic funding as this has allowed the Country Office to be more agile and adaptive in its response. Currently, the Office has US$2.9m of unallocated thematic funds available to use for allocation.

UNICEF Mozambique Humanitarian Action for Children Funds available Funding gap (HAC) Requirements for IDAI cyclone response Funds received Appeal Sector Requirements (US$) US$ % current year (US$) Water, sanitation and hygiene 30,000,000 12,066,864 17,933,136 60% Nutrition 6,000,000 203,490 5,796,510 97% Health 11,000,000 4,958,082 6,041,918 55% Child protection 4,000,000 2,108,811 1,891,189 47% Education 20,000,000 3,220,776 16,779,224 84% Comm 4 Dev 1,600,000 1,049,510 550,490 34% Logistics and Operations 15,000,000 2,647,337 12,352,663 82% Resilience and Recovery 15,000,000 371,900 14,628,100 98% Total 102,600,000 26,626,769 75,973,231 74%

Next SitRep: 26 June 2019

UNICEF Mozambique: http://www.unicef.org.mz/ UNICEF Mozambique: http://www.facebook.com/unicef.mozambique UNICEF Mozambique: http://www.twitter.com/UNICEF_Moz UNICEF Mozambique: http://www.youtube.com/UnicefMozambique

Who to Marcoluigi Corsi Michel Le Pechoux Claudio Julaia Representative, Deputy Representative, Emergency/DRR Specialist, contact for Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique further Tel: +258 21 48 11 11 Tel: +258 21 48 11 04 Tel: +258 21 481 150 Mobile: +258 82 305 1900 Mobile : +258 82 314 8100 Mobile: +258 82 333 9250 information: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Who to Michel Le Pechoux contact for Deputy Representative, further Marcoluigi Corsi Mozambique Claudio Julaia Representative, Tel: +258 21 48 11 04 Emergency/DRR Specialist, information: Mozambique Mobile : +258 82 314 8100 Mozambique Tel: +258 21 48 11 11 Email: [email protected] Tel: +258 21 481 150 Mobile: +258 82 305 1900 Mobile: +258 82 333 9250 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] [email protected]

UNICEF MOZAMBIQUE SITUATION REPORT – 10 June 2019 ANNEX I: UNICEF targets Cluster/sector UNICEF Cluster Cluster Change UNICEF Change Target Results since last UNICEF Results since last report▲ Target report▲▼ WASH5 ▼ Idai 1,435,000 1,563,714 ▲147,401 965,000 1,150,669 ▲24,390 People provided with access to safe water (7.5-15L per person per day) Kenn. 540,000 515,329 ▲104,782 460,000 371,035 ▲59,263

Idai People benefiting from sanitation, 435,000 901,263 ▲81,933 267,500 628,045 ▲14,793 hygiene promotion activities, Kenn. including point-of-use water 180,000 259,226 ▲23,566 100,000 166,411 ▲15,128 treatment safe practices** Health Idai 330,8906 No change 500,000 7 Children aged 6 months to 15 years 656,300 No change vaccinated (OCV/Measles) Kenn. 120,000 104,009 No change

Children under-five receiving a Idai 229,500 57,454 ▲376 consultation Kenn. 14,000 * NA Nutrition

Children under five years of age Idai 328,000 651,178 ▲3,743 328,000 648,968 ▲4,085 screened for acute malnutrition Kenn. 60,000 6,537 ▲1,176 45,000 6,537 ▲1,176 Pregnant and lactating women Idai 100,000 84,699 ▲ 2,090 100,000 82,822 ▲1,822 reached with IYCF services Kenn. 35,000 10,375 ▲560 15,000 10,375 ▲560 Education Children aged 6-15 years old in Idai 500,000 150,568 ▲41,168 380,000 67,795 ▲ 4,871 humanitarian situations accessing Kenn. 40,000 3,389 ▲ 3,389 15,000 3,389 ▲ 3,389 education Children aged 3-5 years old in Idai No 100,000 3,757 76,000 3,757 No change humanitarian situations accessing change play-based learning Kenn. 5,000 * * 2,500 * * Child Protection Children receiving psychosocial Idai 147,000 31,336 ▲12,026 20,000 13,625 ▲ 6,131 support through Safe Spaces Kenn. * * * 2,000 207 ▲30 Separated and unaccompanied Idai 100% children are identified and are in target on 10 ▲ 2 400 10 ▲2 family-based care or an alternative UASC care identified Number of people (re) issued with Kenn. 10,000 * NA birth registration documents8 Communications for Development Number of people reached with key Idai 700,000 871,814 ▲ 19,171 lifesaving and behavior change messages on health, nutrition and Kenn. safe and appropriate sanitation and 175,000 103,320 NA hygiene practices. *Results are not yet available as information management systems are being set up

5 WASH results are calculated by adding the number of people reached with different interventions over time, such as emergency water supply and sanitation at accommodation centres, cholera prevention and response, provision of emergency WASH services in resettlement areas, and provision of permanent WASH services. In some cases the same person has received different services. 6 The total number of people vaccinated against cholera with UNICEF support is nearly 900,000. Children aged 1-14 yrs are estimated to be 41.2% of the population. This proportion was used to calculate the result achieved. 7 Includes the number of children under-5 vaccinated with Measles – Rubella vaccine during the Health Week (SSRE) in 20 affected districts of cyclone Idai and flood 8 Correction on the previous Sitrep that indicate 2,877 people (re) issued with birth registration in Cyclone Kenneth response. The people reached should is for Cyclone Idai in Manica and Zambezia provinces.