1913-01-04 [P ]
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' xy.*'- ' - v ' v • t TMESrEEPtTBUCJAH', MA] (HALLTOWX, IOWA, JXNTTABT 4 181 ' W,' • launcftedetlWohlske flurafcts STWHl coos(; heavy l^ss^of life In M»xl*» _ , MlMissippl and KISMi ot Houston, fax., osUsed a lop ot Ilea. H. It. DuflUld, vetsraa guns and 24 entailer iMepea . Railroad Acctdiht} 1> *UM aas f £> uk vmiw causing heevy loss of llfs and prop $1090.000 If and Bpanlsh-Amenean Obituary' Arthur Lumley, old time art* juied in a head-on collision oaf iko erty. 80. Cuba: Uprising of negroes la Cuba. ttolt. tot, at'Mount Vernon, N. Y.; aged *. Seaboard Air ll|W south of nishmsndi OMms Mh 'lf 17. Mexico: Jusrex, Mexico, captured Mr . Convention: Bono of the Anortoan Rev . _ a voto of W to » the Unit Aviation Disasters: Three aviators, In va. :, ' jMsit Thst H» -Amns Insurgents against Madero's goverg- olution met in Boston. ed Stales senate declared that William cluding two United States army air Convention; American Olvle association ment. • &. Personal: Mra Emmellne Penkhurst men, killed In flight, making total mot in Baltimore.' — i newed Hl* Ufh .• v... .ra.j.r.n -m and other suffragists convicted of con Lorlmer of-minola had not beea duly MARCH. elected to that body. deaths In the air to date 19. tL Convention: National Woman Buffraao "r spiracy In London. 14 Railroad Accident: 18 killed in a colli M. Sporting: Matt McGrath made a new association mot In Philadelphia. The phystohm had obos heea a dys> . L WSr in Tripoli: ltsllan war depart H. Cuba: United Ststes marines ordered world'e record by throwing a 10 pound 33. Fire: Putnam, Conn... suffered a loso io sion on the Chicago, Burlington and iptio, sour and *BM#QSfc; hot hi* ' ment announced thst the loss from Cuba to protect American residents Qulncy railroad at Westsrn Springs, hammer a record distance of 191 feet • of K00.000 by fire In tho business dis Italian troops in the war with Turkey against ths rebellious negroes. IU. Inches; former record ISO feet 1 Inch, trict K ootor was BOW ruddy snd- elear, his Marine: Hamburg-American Uner Ins- was SCO. 14. Sporting; K. K. McArthur of South (ft. Personal: The Pulitzer school of Jour- 88. Sporting: Harvard defeated Yalo In lplrlts light, and his health osoeJlenL English Coat Strike: Striks of 1.0MMN* perator, largest vessel in the world, nalliAn at Columbia university opsnsd tho annual football game at Now Ha launched at Hamburg with Emperor Africa won ths Olympic Marathon at Death bread," he-said,, "laid bo British miners in a dispute aver wages. Stockholm. in Now York. ven, 8 to 0. Chicago defeated Mlnno> >tMFLKTK RECORD OF HAPPEN- I. obituary: Annie Feamans. well knows William as sponsor. Obituary: Tho Rsv. Augustus Orlebar, low. Death bread kept s*e a dyspep Convention: International congress of 11. Sporting: America won the track and •ota, 7 to 0k at Chicago. actress, in Now Tork city; aged 78. field meet at Stockholm with 128 points ah English vicar, who Was tho original M. Labor Dispute: Tho board of arbitra tic for ten long, t»d years. And lite •• IN Oft FROM JANUARY TO 4 Personal: Marconi, pioneer of wirelsss navigation met at Philadelphia. Tdin Brown In "Tom Brown's School tors In tho railway engineers' dsmand bread has made me my own bnoyaSt, % Fire: Historic old Eutaw House burned to Sweden's 104 and England's 96. telegraphy, made a life member of the Thorpe, the Indian, won the decathlon. Days." at Wllltngton. England for increased pay decided In favor of healthy, happy self again. I DECEMBER. Italian senate. In Baltimore. Sporting: Jerome D. Travsrs defended 15. Storm cloudburst at Denver caused OCTOBER. tho engineers. What do I mean by death brsadT |.| f.';!J'; •" 7. South Pole Search > Amundsen, the ex $1,000,000 damsge. S. Obituary: United Statee Senator Isldor plorer, announced that he reached the his t|tle of champion by defeating Os L Dynamiters: Trial of tho dynamite Rayner of Maryland, in Washington; I mean ordinary b*ead. Why do.1 call wald Klrkby at the Metropolitan Golf 17. Obituary: Henri Polncare. the world south pole on DSc. 17, 1911. famoufc mathematician, In Paris; aged plotters at Los Angeles Oct. 1,1910, was aged tt it death bread? '9ecause It is alive ' IOTABLE OCCURRENCES M>. China; Yuan Shlh Kai inaugurated pro association tournament at Short Hills. begun In Indianapolis. J 5S. Personal: Rev. Anna Howard Shaw re with putrefactive gefms—becauie. by ; < visional president of China. N. J. t Obltupry: Rear Admiral Lucien Toung, elected presldsnt of ths Nations! Wom Cuba: Revolt spreading In Cuba; United 19. Italian V^ar: 8 Italian torpedo boSte U. S. N-, in New York city; aged 60. more than one authority, the yesst AND NAMES ON DEATH ROLL 13. Lawrence Strike: End of the strike of tried to ryn the Dardanelles and were an Suffrage association at Philadelphia. mill operatives at Lawrence, Mass., States battleship ordered to sail south. Sporting: Ralph De Palma won the Van- Balkan War: Balkan and Turkish peace cells In It are said, to be Identical M. Obituary; Jan Blockx. composer and driyen back by the Are of Turkish - derbllt auto cup on the Wauwatoea which began Jan. 11. 1912. forts. delegates met for conference near Con with the diseased . cells of pus-^-snd, .. 14. Obituary: Henry Bacon, noted Ameri authority on Flemish music and folk course. Wisconsin; time, 4 hours 20 song. at Antwerp. Belgium; aged 00. Storm: Ths mining towns of Maxuma minutes 11.45 seconds: distance about stantinople. therefore, are a poison. 7 [n* Turkish-Italian and Turkish- can artist, at Cairo, Egypt; aged 71 and Seventroughs.- Nev., were nearly 37. storm: Snowstorms prevailed in the 13. Shipwreck: American Ashing schooner 27. Sporting: Abel R.. Klviat made a new SCO miles. The Australian team won lake and Mississippi valley states. "Yeast, In fact, Is as unhealthy as > liaUtan Wa re—Items of Mltcell*- rccord by running the 1,500 meter race wiped out by a cloudburst; many per the international cricket match by a Patrician wrecked off Cape Sable; cap sons killed. Bxscutlvs Clemency: Governor J. A. Dlx Its sipkly smell and musty, slimy con aaoui Interest*, Accidents, Fires, tain and 9 of the crew drowned. In 3 minutes 69 1-5 seconds at New York. margin of 192 runs In New York. pardoned A. T. Patrick, under life Politicai: President Taft Informed the 90. Fire: A $2,000,000 fire In Vsncouvsr, 4. Marine Accident: The British B-2 sub sistency would , Md -you' to believe. ^Tracks and Floods—Games and Storm: The South Atlantic coast stStee B. C. sentence 'for the murder of William swept by a hurricane; many deaths; Cuban government that the United marine cut in two by an ocean liner In It Is a mass of llytsg germs—and ; . Chronological Review. States would not intervene in Cuba. Obituary: Andrew Lang, English poet, the English channel; 18 drowned. Marsh Bice in 1100. along with these. ire' > mingled putrt- traffic paralyzed. critic and novelist, at Banchory. Scot ST. Obituary: J. P. Jones, former United 16. Shipwreck: 10 lives lost by the slnklhg 18. Fire Disaster: 103 lives lost in a thea Convention: The Army of the Tennessee faetive germs. Yeast is a*very hand- ^ ter fire at Villa Real. Spain. land; aged 68. hold its annual convehtlon at Peoria, States senator from Nevada, at los ?:• JANUARY. of the Oriental liner Oceana after col 22. Sporting: Oiytnplo games ended. Swe Angeles, Cal.; aged 83. fill thing. It makes- bread a very .-'i;1 L Jfeilttoal: Dr. Sun Tat Sen took the lision in the English channel. 80. Obituary: Wilbur Wright, aviator and 111. aeroplane Inventor, at Dayton, O.; den Won with a total of 133 points; Balkan War: Hostilities between tho m. Obituary: CoL James Gordon, noted harmful thing. All bread made with f : B. 'okth Si provisional president of China The Maine tVreck: The hulk of the bat United States, 129; England, 76. Uhited sx-Confederate, at Okolona, Miss.; tleship Maine was' sunk with imposing aged 46. Balkan states and Turkey were begun yeast Is death bread. l^Hankins. , a States led in firsts with 25; Sweden aged 79. • Ik hpdrtiog: Koblemainen of Finland ceremonies off the coast of Cuba. by a clash on the frontier north of Sporting: Ad Wolgast defeated by Willie Life bread—that Is what I eat. I * 1 JUNE. second with 23. Adrianople. " i*h Marathon and championship of 17. Obituary: Rear Admiral G. W. Mel I. Aviation Disaster: Philip O. Parmalee, 24. Fire: A 1400,000 oil fire at Marcus Hook, Ritchie for the lightweight champion* make It myself. I take wheat of tbe KIM, world at Edinburgh; time. 2 hours ville, noted naval veteran of the civil i. Sporting: Miss Margaret Curtis of Bos ship at Daly City. Cal., In 16 rounds. killed in aviation'flight at North Yaki Pa. ton won the national woman's golf finest quality, ungronnd, anjl I roast :: it aonutes Mtt seconds. Barney ReiUy war and later an arctic explorer, at ma, Wash. Obituary: Fannie Denham Rouse, prob Pennsylvania defeated Cornell at foot* fi broke the record of the Stoughton Philadelphia; aged 72. championship at Manchsster, Mass. by ball, 7 to Z. at Philadelphia. It over a hot Are in a thick Iron sauce 2. Sporting: James N. Duncan made a ably the oldest actress In America, at a sc'ore of 3 up and 2 to play. aUde (ekl) at Milwaukee with a 137 foot Sportins: Arthur Postle, famous profes new record with the discus—146 feet Ohtovllle, N.