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WOMEN AND THE WAR WANAMAKER’S. I WANAMAKER’S Win Press. I ------>^| Great Sale Pimm , Monday, May 90,1891 NOT ALL OF THE GENTLER SEX ARE Bargain atlartio oourtv. rMimoai paper op FOR PEACE. # PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS. HUGH OOLLINS. Proprietor. The Humber-Continental- Some Women For Whom Nation* Have at Q. H. JENNESS. Editor. Society Women Are Moved MENDEL’S ONE PRICE Fought—Why STORE to EnlUt a* Bed Crow Norse*—The Lit- is NO. E WEST WASHINGTON AVENUE. An Important Decision “Where to buy the Best HI* Dram. tle Boy gnd Goods for the Least and we ask to reserve PLEAS AN TVILLE. N. J. Monarch Club Money,” you [Copyright, 1898, by American Press Asso- until have seen our line and noted the Subscription Rates: yours you great A WHEEL NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY Mrs. Theodore W. Low Prices of the same. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Birndy, president of the mothers’ in It is the purpose and duty of the Wanamaker stores to serve the congress Washington, SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS. made a speech in opening that assem- Men’s and and The demands—we There is a de- Boys Spring public. public comply. popular blage which bids fair to Bet the Ameri- Summer at the very mand for an economical ana of purchasing wheels oan women wild with indignation. Mrs. Clothing Rates on Application. satisfactory system Advertising given that the Amerioan small o west Cash Prices. See the on easy payments. Our relations to the wheel manufacturers have Birney says is np because the All communication*! should be addressed to boy badly brought Huuh Collins, Proprietor. small boy’s hankering after toy drams following prices and mnskets and tin and flags trumpets Men’8 Suit8.at $3.50, worth $5.00 Entered at the Pleasantville Poet office ne second is ministered unto by the American Men’s Wool Suite...at *• clue matter. woman. ••IRwHi 4.50, 6.00 “The most recent development of JONES Men’s ...at 5.00, 6.75 this "has illnstrated “ “ “ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1898. \rar, says lady, Men’s ...at 6.50, S.25 the wonderful that rests in a 5UITJ[I power “ “ 'common cause.’ Every paper ooutaius fop b°Y> Men’8 -at 8-20* 10 00 an account of some outburst of enthusi- irT;addili°ri Men’s “ “ -at 0.75, « 13.50 asm, while the sight or mention of the Boys Suits.from $1.00 up, to suit all. flag brings a sparkle to the eye, oolor to t? having'’ the cheek and cheers to the lip. We are Men’s Pants.from 75e. up to $7.00 * J&m bg bnt children after all, pleased with a The Latest of symbol, and often mistaking vanity for s€hf^ublelkneBi[<3n$ Styles Hats, patriotism, emotion and false sentiment CldStiC«Y/iai5tband»PI\ Caps and Gent’s Furnishing for Strang pnrpose and high resolve. Let us eliminate from childhood the swords and guns and caps, the toy can- non and other destrnetive emblems of war. Let ns educate our children away from false ideas of patriotism. War, ai cqendeii’s with its attendant horrors, is as false a god as any Juggernaut to which fauatio ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE. mothers ever threw their infant ohil- 1625 ATLANTIC AVE., ***• ATLANTIC CITY. It Is the'reTofh TooTish 1o that "If say gtaittoaftai ELLWOOD ADAMS. Wm. Z. ADAMS. GEO. U. ADAMS. women had any say” there would be no wars. When war becomes so fearful enabled us to take this in the interest of our Our con- step public. that it means mutual annihilation, then E. & ferences with the manufacturers whose wheels we handle in our stores wars may cease, but so long as they flDflJVIS BHOS., have not reached that the have resulted in their consenting to allow us to distribute A LIMITED perfection nations will go on fighting and little -DEALERS IN- wheels on the that has so NUMBER of their system proven satisfactory boys will like their toy drums and Pennsylvania in the Wanamaker Century and History Cl.ubs. trumpets. Caroline Wetherell. 3AmH0A&. We are accordingly prepared to deliver to members of the Wana- WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE RAILROAD. THE NEW WOMAN. Club these on the terms— PROTECTED THROUGHOUT WITH will soon be maker Wheel wheels, following Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton, that View a BRIGADIER-GENERALSbo plenty around Washington 1100 HUMBERS, 1898 MODEL, AT $73 One Preacher's of Woman as me Block Signal system end inienocKing switcti Qnide. a stick without Time-table In effect May 28, 1898. you can’t throw bittiDg ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $10 BACON, HAMS, &c. A blatherskite preacher says, "Under LAMB, one. Arrive man • • 1898 MODEL, AT $40 woman's guidance sinks 2200 CONTINENTALS, incompre- lawve Philadelphia. hensibly low.” Undoubtedly the blath- Allan- B’d 8t. WOULD be the height of foolishness ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $5 WEF.K-DAYS. erskite preacher judges all women by ticCity. S’n.vlaM’kSt GMINED GOODS GN0CE«\ES, IT the United States not to take the Del.Itv. Wharf. (k\lD for 1898 MODEL, AT $50 his own but he has no 300 MONARCHS, wife and mother, Bridge. islands when can be had come when no Hawaiian they ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $8.33 dren, and the time will right to do it. If, however, woman de- FRUITS, VEGETABLES, EGGS. POULTRY AND GAME. for the asking. civilized nation or mother will glorify sires to reach the very loftiest pinnacle 6 25am i ceom.(via Haddonfl’d) 8 40am heretofore established for brake and mud- 7 00 Express. 8 15 • * The extra charges in such sacrifice of banian life, bat of moral and purity superiority to baser 7 10 : Accom (via Newfleld). 9 36 will is better served 7 40 "Parlor Car”. 8 60 as for it is con- will be continued in effect. say humanity by passions, we know that all she has to -Exp. MANUFACTURERS OF CO FAR being hung guards 9 00 10 20 arbitration and by peace.” do is to submit herself toman’s ‘Express. cerned, murder seems to be about An initial fee of $5 will be to cover book-keeping and entirely 10 26 ‘Express.1157am.... required the women Now, Mrs. Birney and will and guidance. How low women 2 60pm \ccom.(via Newfleld). 5 20pm ALL KINDS OF, safest that a can on the 8 00 " the occupation person other of the club. On of this amount, and so this well [tExpress. 4 20 expenses payment who applauded rapturously would sink, to be sure, if did net 06 " they 3 Accom.(via Haddonfl’d). 6 10 -----.—-— in Atlantic County. the themselves " pursue of satisfactory references as conditions of membership, sounding oratory may flatter have men to keep them up to the high * 55 ‘Express. 5 27pm. • • furnishing 5 30 8 □ ifExpress.... the to that they are preaching the gospel of mark of goodness and purity! 50pm wheel will be immediately delivered, monthly payments begin a our ol IS evident, from recent appoint- peace; instead they are merely the SUNDAYS. We make specialty of strictly high grades in club. IT some our soldiers are after enrolling of the new ments, that of thirty days prophets sentimentality. The new constitution of Louisiana Butter, Lard and Cheese. All orders receive at- as 8 60am Accom. (via Newfleld). 9 20am prompt men with The number of wheels is and fixed above Doubtless they have forgotten the phi- confers on women in going to be led by moremoney definitely irrevocably suffrage taxpaying 7 10 Ac. (via Haddonfleld)... 9 20 " tention. Goods Delivered free of imo-m who said it is “war which all matters to the 10 25 ‘Express.11 57am charge. than brains or military knowledge. cannot be increased. losopher pertaining levying and 3 30pm tExpress. 4 makes peace possible.” They may have of taxes. Once more the sun do move. 50pm • • but are the 3 65 ‘Express. 5 27pm. The wheels are not for this Club, were not for " prepared especially forgotten, too, that if it 3 45 Accom.(via Newfleld). 6 20pm seems to take delight, just 4 00 " " $100 $50 Continentals and $60 Monarchs heretofore women wars would go out of fashion. Miss Edith J. Griswold, a successful Accom.(via Haddonfl’d). 6 20 she has the regular Humbers, 5 30 (Express “Parlor Car”. 6 50 ENGLANDnow, in knowing that Women have made more wars than ev- solicitor of has & are covered our in patent oity, 8 00 Express. 9 20 ROSER, on sale and strong guarantee addition,to EDOUARDS to make some by us, by and swords written for The Alumnae News an ad- ability obstreperously- er toy drums and trumpets Parlor cars on the manufacturer. an express trains. inclined European nations behave them- that given by are likely to stir. It was Pascal, cynic- mirable article on "Women as Patent •Via Haddonfleld. (Via Newfleld. selves. al old fellow, was it not, who said that Solicitors.” She thinks this department For Pittsburg (via Delaware River Bridge, all rail route) 10 25 a m and 3 55 p m daily. • • “if nose had been longer of work is one which offers success and Cleopatra’s FOR NEW YORK. she the whole face of the world would have to women, and she OLD maid, in Boston, says encouragement gives Express leaving Atlantic City 9 16 a m week- Horseshoeing, Blaeksmithiog, JOHN WANAMAKER days has Through Buffet Parlor Car and Com- AN be struck been different.” some excellent advice on how to learn “would rather by light- bined Coach, arriving New York, West 23rd St. Hel- a Zenobia, Semiramis, Cleopatra, the business and gain foothold in it. Station 12 45. p. m., Desbrossee and Courtlaud CARRIAGE ning than sit in a man’s lap.” Any man THE WOJSDKKS OF SCIENCE.' WORK, HINTS FOR OMELETS. en of Troy, Brunhild, Maria Theresa, Stre'ts 12 33 p. m. of the name would rather be Via Philadelphia or Camden, 7 9 am worthy of Elizabeth of A of a young man in the 40, 00, -AND ALL KINDS OF- Catherine Russia, Eng- snip 3 UO and 5 SO p m weekdays, 3 30 6 30 and struck in the LnnK Troubles and Consumption Bow to Make So as to Be Tender and of by lightning every day land, Mary of Scotland, Catherine de’ legislature, that, too, the son of a good 8 00 p m Sundays. Costardlike Via Delaware River week than to have such a woman Can be Cured. Appearanee. Vittoria the Bridge Route, 10 26 am and Medici, Colonua, Marguerite equal rights champion, martyred 3 55 pm daily. of his Many careful and really dainty cooks President had the to rise within a gunshot lap. The distinguished chemist, T. A. de Valois, Jeanne d’Aro and Eugenie of Garfield, gall FOR LONGPORT. Iron and WorR. • • Slocum, of , demonstrat- never send a tender omelet to table. France have inspired battles. It was and say that women should not have Cars leave Atlantic City (Tennceeee Avenue) for Longport and intermediate 5 were stations, 53, 6 33 no ing his discovery of a reliable cure for Perfect in form and color and little Cisne- suffrage because they “too inex- am is still in session, but very ap- poor, unhappy Evangelina week-days, and 7 50,8 60, 9 20, 9 66,1026, 11 00 PLEASANTVILLE N. J. Consumptiou (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), to look npon, it proves too sub- ros who by her beauty and misfortune perienced in publio matters to be in- 11 35 a m, 12 96, 12 40, 1 10, 1 50, 2 15, 3 00, 3 20 CONGRESSone seems to realize it. War and petizing 4 10. 4 35. 5 15. 6 15, 9 00, and 10 30 bronchial, lung and chest troubles, stub- the whole American trusted with votes.” Great P. M. daily stantial almost to melt in the month, aroused people’s heavens, Sundays only, 6 00 and 7 30 am. its attendant excitement has completely born catarrhal affections, gen- coughs, for Cuba and as much as but this is deliciousl Returning, leave Longport, 6 24 and 7 04 am as it should. A certain family had ban- sympathies the votes and of eral decline and weakness, loss of flesh, week-days, and 8 21, 9 21, 9 51, 10 20, 10 58, 11 31 a. overshadowed speeches enlisted them as the enemies and Horses For Sale. will ished this standby from their board, anything m ., 12 OS, 12 36, 1 11, 1 41, 2 21, 2 46, 3 31, 3 51, 4 41, Carriages men. will have their and all conditions of wasting away, Some one has said that the saddest our They 5 06,5 46,6 46, 9 81 and 1101 m. public FREE all dif- but have now welcomed it baok as if it of Spain. The youthful Moses, David, p. daily, Sun- send THREE BOTTLES) 6 32 and 8 01 am. after the war, when issues thing on earth is a childless woman. days only, CARRIAGE PAINTING, LETTERING AND SIGN PAINT- innings again of his New Discoveries to any were a discovered dish, so differ- Cyrus, Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, FOR PLEASANTVILLE. ferent) newly what so women’s will be for dis- and Grant were like- Considering many Leave Atlantic 6 7 7 8 of mighty importance up afflicted reader of this paper writing for ent is the flaky ooncootion now served Washington very City 10, 10, 50. 30, 10 26 ING IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. and children are, I doubt the statement very a in, 12 25, 2 16. 2 50, 3 20, 4 26, 6 15, 6 16 and 10 00 cussion and settlement. them. to the horror of So sim- ly fond of military toys got them, m. leathery yore. much. p week-days. Sundays, 6 60, 7 30. 9 00, 10 10, 4-28-07- His “New Scientific Treatment” has be a 1115 a m, 12 2 3 3 * * ple are the means that brought about but it would very thoughtless per- 15,1 45, 60, 35, 45, 5 15, 6 15 and its 10 00 pm. cured thousands permanently by son who would say that were whereabouts of the fleet this change that they are given for the they Prances Willard proved her truly en- Returning, leave Pleasantville 6 27, 7 20, 816, I. G. ADAMS. C. J. ADAMS. Spanish timely use, and he considers it a simple benefit of onr readers. brought up by foolish women. and ideas leav- 10 30,1043 am, 12 42, 2 32, 3 00, 3 58, 5 02, 5 26, 6 04, THEcontinues to be as much of a mystery to lightened progressive by and 7 38 professional duty suffering humanity The trouble with most of us In this pm, week-days. Sundays, 7 47, 9 17, The “tender discovery” this omelet directions that her should be 10 27,10 48, 1132 am, 12 3 4 ISRAEL G. ADAMS eg CO. as ever. have been iu a to donate a trial of his infallible cure. ing body 32, 143, 07, 20, 5 03, They reported is that we lack red blood in 6 32, 7 07. and 7 38 m. Science new is now dubbed, and here is its history: age good oremated. After a time all the world p dozen different localities, but nobody daily develops wonders, FOR SOMERS’ POINT. The women folk of the had the our veins and good wholesome thoughts will see that oremation is as ortho- and this great chemist, patiently experi- family truly Leave Atlantic City 6 10, 7 60, 8 30, 10 26, am, seems to know where they are. in onr brains. If there was more 12 2 15. 3 4 5 6 exactly menting for years, has produced results oozy, oheerful kitohen, as nsnal, to fight- dox a way of disposing of dead bodies 25, 20, 25, 15, 15, and 10 00 p m week- days. 8nndays 7 30, 9 00, 10 10, 1115 12 could not have been more t Act- as beneficial to as can be and a on, there would be fewer anae- am, 15, Insurance They humanity themselves on ing going as besides the san- Estate and Sunday evening, any other, being only 146, 2 60, 3 35, 5 15, 6 15 and 10 00 in. Heal p Agents, modern His men and women mak- ually concea led if the earth had opened claimed by any genius. hot relish had been begged for by the mic, introspective itary method. What a horror this pure, Returning, leave Somers’ Point 6 0”, 7 00, 7 45, assertion that troubles and con- 10 15 a. m, 1216, 2 06, 2 36. 3 30, 4 35, 5 35 and 7 10 long was turn a of the degenerate. The and swallowed them up. pater, It Becky’s to preside ing specialty sweet earth would be if we were to m. 7 8 10 U are cnrable in climate is p Sundays, 20, 50, 20. 05 am, 12 05, Real Estate and Law No 1421 Atlantic Ave. sumption any to Elizabethan era, in which war was the I 15, 2 49, 3 60. 4 6 05 and 7 10 m. Building, * * over the range, and she resolved ap- make it one huge charnel house I 35, p proven by “heartfelt letters of grati- FOR ATLANTIC CITY. some common sense bints she had fashion, resulted in more that was en- UTCHER” advocates the filed in his American and Euro- ply Leave Broad Street Station via Delaware Weyler tude,” to the human heart and mind It is not known that Smith Fire and Marine Insurance to amount. First-class laboratories in thousands from found in some such oolnmn as this. nobling generally River Bridge, Express, 9 20 ain end 7 06 pm, daily. placed any companies repreented invasion of the United States by pean Leave Market Street Wharf, 5 9 00 in of the world. She dared not “omelet. She than any other period brought to the college for women was founded by a Express, 00, those cured all parts whisper a m, (1 00 Saturdays only), 2 00, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00 -MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE.-- troops, and intimates that he race. The Miss Smith. Spanish The dread Consumption, uninterrupt- might as well have suggested fried sole Anglo-Saxon greatest things woman, pm. Sundays, 8 00, 8 45, 9 45 a m. the enter- Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 8 20 a 3 4 30 could be persuaded to lead ed, means speedy and certain death. (leather). in art and literature and music have m, 20, p m. week-days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 16 a m, 4 30 and M. a on the There is no need for women to be prise. A pair of horses couldn’t haul the Simply write to T. A. Slocum, C. To make an omelet tender, she had been in way dependent expres- 6 00 p m, Commissioners of Deeds for Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. 98 of one another in in LEAVE scoundrel out of but if Pine street, New York, giving post- it must be oooked like a sion of the free and fearless spirit of a jealous competing PHILADELPHIA. cowardly Spain, read, slowly, [BBOAD STREET office and express address, and the free free and fearless to back the industrial field. If each does her STATION], Notaries Public. Also Agents for South Atlantic City they could, and he could be induced to custard, and the eggs not whipped sep- people, ready II Daily. fi Week-days, (Except Saturday. medicine will be sent direct own task as well as it can be that THE promptly or even until bnt a their word of mouth with the eterner done, FOB WEST. undertake the invasion of this from bis arately, frothy, only 8.30 a m, country laboratory. the sword. is enough. Sbe has no need to fear any- daily, Pittsburg, Chicago, , Telephone No. 71. Lock Box 53. 12-2-96. few strokes to render them smooth and argument of Louisville and St Lonis, he would soon acquire some practiced Sufferers should take instant advan- To be of the advancement [Dining Car.] not Two omelets of four Until all little boys are as good as the body. jealous 10 26 a m, daily Jor Pittsburg and Chicago, [No tage of his generous proposition. stringy. eggs coaches to knowledge that be stands in need of. little who “won’t back” the of another is to confess ywr own inferi- Pittsbnrg.] Please tell the Doctor that you saw each, cooked on small pans, were ad- boy slap 12 20 p m, daily, "L mited,” Pittsburg, Chicago, « * is have the old of ority. Give a generous hand and help- this in the Press. 8-11-97. vised for a good sized family rather world going to story Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati, Louisville and ful word to sister woman can. St. Lonis. leading Democrats of South Jer- a one so she the and the Moral every you [Dining Car.] than large of eight eggs; tyrant oppressor. 12 25 It will be returned to a hundred- p m, daily, Pittsburg and Cleveland. LAKE & R IS THE are to hold a conference in Cam- a it is to be does not you 4 30 LEY, sey To Cure Constipation Forever. put two frying pans about the size of suasion, regretted, p m, daily, Pittsburg, Nashville fold. Eliza Archard Conner. Chicago, den to Take Cascorets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c dinner to get very hot while she count for muoh either with small ur- [via Cincinnati,] ami St. Louis. [Dining Car.] West R. R. to-morrow, (Thursday), evening plate 8 50 p m daily, Pittsburg, and (Near Jersey Station.) If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. ohins or cations. Chicago Cleveland; counsel with each other iu to the was whipping the eggs, adding to eaoh and Toledo, except Saturday. regard A Portable Bookcase. 10 27 fonr a half of salt, Ever since prehistoric man, clad in p in, daily, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, and St. coming State campaign. With turkey teaspoonful pepper LouIb. PLEASANTVILLE. N. J. BIRMINGHAM AND MEMPHIS. an aurocb’s went forth to to taste and a of milk: Hold- skin, conquer A bookcase that is invaluable to per II 20 m, and to aid them they teacupful p daily, Pittsburg and Chicago; Cleve- champagne expect to heat or be women have eons who want their books about them land, except Saturday. Offered by ing the pan to her cheek test the oonquered worshiped to out a ticket. The weak Unsurpassed Service Niagara, Rochester, Buffalo, and Kane DEALERS IN map winning and it she in a the “waving banners and the plumes of in was invented finding “sizzling,” pnt temporary lodgings by express... §8 30 am at Trenton and tbe Southern Railway. war.” It is an instinct and was Elmira and Itenova legislature republican teaspoonful of butter, and when this design- a Methodist clergyman who looked upon express.... 512 25 p m Lock Haven express. ( 4 30 a m blunders, all around the board, has given Broad Street Station, Phil- had been over the a ed for a wise purpose. Nations that do all his habitations as The Leaving spread pan by temporary. Williamsp Tt express. || 4 30 p m success at 6,55 m. the “South- not to war muoh are weak and nam- are Rochester, Buflalo and Erie 8 50 Lime, Cement, in books m Doors, some of November. p. daily, of one go for in Goal, Windows, them hope adelphia, twirl of the handle the contents packed transportation express,... t p Lumber, Rochester and Buffalo western Limited”, carrying a dining car and suffer as express, (Satur- MOULDINGS AND FINISHINGS OF ALL KINDS~ • • of the bowls was stirred up and poured by pamby quite painfully days and the most luxurious Pullman draw- only)...... 1120 pm therein. from ennui as from the aggressions of Cumberland Volley Railroad, 4 30, 8 30 a m, has become of all the ship-. ing room sleeping cars, reaches Birming- 12 25, 4 35 p m, weekdays, 11 20 X^THAT It was left on the hot part of the their neighbors. pm, except ” and ham the following night at 10,10, and Saturdays. Sundays. 4 30 a m 4 30,11 20 p m. destroyers army-annibilators shaken Bloodletting is a good thiug cow and SUM PIMING Wlil SCll SSWIHfi HD 111116. arrives at Memphis the next morning at stove, the pan being gently WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. that inventors have been telling us about and war has often itself a For Baltimore and 3 7 8 7.40. sleeping cars for Ashe- meanwhile, just long enough to make then, proved Washington, 50, 20, 32, Throngh 10 20 11 23 0 m. 12 09 [12 31 Dining 112, 3 12. for the last twenty years ? There has sure the bottom was a wholesome moral snrgeon. Everywhere Car] is the best all round extra ville, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, evenly browned, 4 41 [6 25, Congressional Limited, Dining Car.l w AV DREER'S "EUREKA" and at time there has been some 6 17.6 55 been enough of such infernal contrivances Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans are broad bladed knife thrust to the center every [Dining Cor,] 7 31 (Dining C r) p m, ¥ V I ¥T early Pea grown. Never fails to produce a crop. Pint, 15 and 12 05 fl also attached to this train. Pullman nation or man wiser and and night, week-days. Sundays 8 50, 7 20, 25 kill on the face of once to allow the hot butter to reaob strongor a II II cents; quart, cents; peck, fl. 25; bushel, f4.00 (by mail, invented to everybody 912, 11 23 m, 12 09, 1 12, 4 41, [5 20 Cougressiou »I reservations can be made in advance more than all the and Limited Dining 6 66 I LI 15 cents a quart extre). Try the three new Peas—Electric, the earth in hours, but so this sensitive middle spot, whiob other- progressive others, Car,] (Dining Car,) 7 31 p ^ twenty-four and all information obtained com- m, [Dining Cor] and 12 05 night. Ameer aud a of each free mail for 35 by wise would soorch before the whole was it is well for human progress that, as a X X*k X X Gradus; packet by in the have not The Union Trunsler Coiupuuy will call lor and far, present war, tb^y municating with Jno. M. Beall, District these and have been cents in stamps. brown. As the pan was hot, only the rule, men peoples check baggage from hotels and cottages to been out. Up to the present Passenger Agent, 823 Chestnut Street, destination. brought same time was allowed as would make able to stamp their individuality upon For farther information to Ticket Send 6 cents in stamps for our Gardeu Calendar for 1898—full of information. time old fashioned powder and Philadelphia. is apply Agent, good a pancake ready to torn. A cook who the weaker and less clear seeing. It 8. E. corner Atlantic and South Carolina Aves. seems to be relied to do the ball upon never trusts to guesswork, however, «f course unfortunate that to effect this J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WOOD. Row to Clean Lace. General Manager. General Pussenger Agt, business. may remove the pan Dear the light aud t few men have died, but— fl. 714 Chestnut Pa. Tbe following is a good method for HEJ1RY DREER, St.Pbila., • • lift the edges sufficiently to see if proper To every man upon this earth This soiled blond laoe. lace, it may be has taken Death cometh soon or late, President has called for browning place. can man seventy noted, demands mnch care in cleaning. And how die hotter “ROYAL READING ROUTE.” Upon the slow cooking at this stag* Than facing fearful odds THEfive thousand more volunteers, FirBt shake the lace gently, then' in an THE WANDERER’S BOOKCASE. depends the desired tenderness, so the For the ashes of his fathers Atlantic which be taken as an indication clean and vessel City Railroad. PAPER AGENTS t‘re 'kT. may absolutely greaseless was covered with a lid am And the temples of his gods? boxes of graduated widths, and when pan saucepan In effect ,1897. to do PLANTS AND SMALL FRUI1S to end boil it in water to cover, with a Sept. 27, Do you expect any papering? that the war is not expected very enough Women’s ideas of war influence the have arrived at their destination a of put where it would only just keep hoi they WALLWe will s«*nd you free large selections OF ALL KINDS. trifle of bine added to it. Boil for one from 3c. roll all newcolor- soon. Those who expected to see it while the other omelet received it; modes of warfare. It is to the no unpacking follows. The lids have TRAINS LNATN PUANANTTULNi samples per up, BEST STOCK. BARGAIN PRICES. humanity tngB and novettios up to date. WE PAY honr and repeat tbe operation twice been screwed on them and are now sim- Vick’s Forest Hill Nurse ies ended in ten, twenty, or thirty days share of attention. Ten minutes frou of women that the more merciful prin- For Atlantic City, daily, 10.00, a. m. We waut an agent in every town, n»ij on FREIGHT. more; the last occasion, however, unscrewed and the boxes one to seTl ou commission front sample books. Newark, New and de- the time the eggs were broken suffice) ciples whioh govern the laws of civiliz- ply piled 3.16 (express), 6.21, 8.24 p. m. Sunday, large Jersey. GC0(I WCQCS POill were very poor prophets, No For samples or particulars, omitting the bine. Do not wring the on another. The screw holes can be a. m. and 6.40 capital required. ridicule which will be for the whole performance, while a ed warfare may be attributed. The Red 10.10,10.20, p. m. address serve all the heaped laoe when it from the water the For taking omelet- be in five. Cross is due to the of filled with putty, and then when a fresh Philadelphia, accommodation, S. WOLF them. There has been no reason tough may produced society humanity S. E. CROWjjtEY & upon third time, just gently press it between coat of stain is the boxes 8.25, Express 9.09 a. in., 4.14 p. m. 747-753 Ninth Ave..N. Y. City. Co., The ten minute variety do not toughen a woman- So have been all the great applied (after 3-2—9S-3m. to that Spain would yield until tbe bands. While still the Sunday accommodation 7.25 a. suppose damp pass when they cool aud are therefore excel movements whose object has been the i.re in position is the best way) the m, 4.24 m. 7,39 m. absolutely to. She still has a lace throngh weak gnm water with a iffeot is neat. A rod and cur- p. Express p. Estate. compelled lent for school sandwiches as a change alleviation of the miseries of soldiers. entirely Heal. and. Insurance, in such as it and little brandy and alnm, and iron gently tain are attached if desired. TRAINS NOB PLNABAN TT1LLE, large army Cuba, is, from meat. Women do not care to aim a musket or easily ESTABLISHED 1873. 1018 Atlantic At*., Atlantic Citt, N. J. wifi while damp. F. B. the leaders sacrifice it, if need be, to A celebrated French chef to whom level a cannon, but they have in cases Leave Atlantic City, 8.15, and 9.00 _A. Send stamp for map of Atlantic City hold. All a sent her cook of bitter a.m. and 4.10 m. 7.15 a. maintain, their the citiee in Bow to Make Oxford Sausage. lady to learn to make necessity proved that they Everybody Bays no. p. Sunday, in., 4.05 We Attend to all Business Promply. 12-2396 that are under control are this very dish insisted npon a custard- could do so when the honor of their p.m. Cuba Spanish Oxford sausages are made with a Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won- Leave SCUliIt’S like and we all was at stake. derful Philadelphia, accom., 8,00 a. far better able to resist an attack than each of appearance, know what country Women prefer medical discovery of the age, pleas- pound finely chopped veal, pork m., 2.00,5.00,6.30 p. m. accom- a crumbly horror is a baked enstard that men should do the fighting, and ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently Sunday, ever before, in consequence of the delay and beef suet. Mix throngh this a quart and positively on liver and bowels, modation, 8.00, a. m., 4.45 p. m. McCullough’s cooked too His idea was like them better for kidneys, bread of half a qniokly. pre- they being able to the entire colds, of the United States in knocking their of crumbs, grated peel cleansing system, dispel ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. the same as but will be do so and to When men cure habitual COTTAGE a a each cisely Becky’s, wishing fight. lieadaohe, fever, constipation to when war was lemon, grated nutmeg, sprig ^ QUICK LUNCH CAFE. fortifications pieces a new one to Record. A a class become and biliousness. Please buy and try a box Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Btareet wharf and of and sweet many.—Chicago weak, effeminate crea- Soath Time has enabled the savory, thyme marjoram of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 35. 50 cents. Mold and street wharf, for Atlantic City : Prices Moderate. IMI ATLAHTIO AVU. first declared. tures, then women, because do not and a tablespoonful of powdered sage they guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Week-days—Express. 9 00. a. ui„ 2 M, 4 00, 6 00, N. all to mount new and HoW to Gore Baldnen. believe in men’s or p m. Accom. 8 00 a ni, 636, pm. Pleasantville, J. Open ATLAHTIO OITT. H. J. 18-901J Spaniards gnns leaves. Make in cakeeand in a little courage ability to Sundays fry —Express, 9 66, 10 00 am, Accom. 8 00 a. m„ their forts and more men will want to do the Newly Set Plants. 45 m. strengthen very hot butter. An old time bnt good remedy to pre- proteot them, fighting 4 p. Leave on the and wiU be needed to vent the hair from The themselves. Nine cases out of ten the uucii that Atlantic City Depot; Weekdays—ex- the year. Situated ships capture falling out, says happens plants must be 7 9 a How to Make Omelet Souffle. press 35, 00, m, 3 30, 5 30, p. m. Accom. 8 15 would be amazon has been out a of a. F. them. Woman’s Home Companion, is a wash associated during period sunny weath- m„ 06 p m. Sundays—Express, 4 00, 7 30 JOHN RYON, An omelet soufflee is made whisk- with men or er. p m. Accom, 7 15 a m 4 15 m. by made 8 large onions in a sissy dudes or degenerates. They may be set at night, but are p main street. Overlooks the THE SHORE ROAD GROCER Dewey’s great victory in the Phillipiues by steeping Parlor Cars on all Express trains. the whites and of The woman sure ing yolks the eggs quart of or until the strength is whose father, brothers, hus- quite to wilt the next Groceries. Merchandise and Hardware. will require a large army to hold the rqm day. Orange apart, allowing one for each per- drawn from tjie Vegeta blee; and applying band and oousins and friends are great, Judd Farmer suggests: Get a lot and Atlantic advantages he gained, but it is a bay City. Shof« Homd and Park Av. son, adding powdered sugar in the pro- it to the scalp every second day. The strong armed, brave hearted fellows are of old pasteboard boxes at a dry goods and must be held cost of a to each never in the least 8-4-97 Ij I stupendous prize portion teaspoonful egg odor of the onion soon passes off, but If inclined to organize a store—they are glad to get them out of MONEY TO LOAN. Great sections of COC nnn TO I.OAN-On first what it may. territory and a little lemon jnice to tbe beaten found Iff drops of lavender regiment or don a uniform. If one reool- the way—and cut squares from the mortgage, in Bates: to |6 to $9 disagreeable top, 8nm8 of 2500, to $5,000; pay- $1 f>l.25 per day, and Cuba and Then beat in tbe well leots how women are anx- bottom and sides. cease after ten cannot be held, invaded, yolks. whipped oil and 10 grains of ambergris will many society Split pine pegs from ments years. Should death occur week. Special rates for permanent payments cease, mortgage is cancelled per armies defeated without whites. Pour into a shallow baking tin, ious to go to the front as Red Cross nurses a thin board and nail the and HOME boarders:' the Spanish overcome the scent. pasteboard FREE. Eli H. Chandler Union Bank Building FOR SALE. buttered, then heated. Bake in the will ac- to the ends Atlantic City. large armies to do the work. The generously .or any capacity country squares of the pegs with a NEAR POMONA, N. J. a It will rise in quick oven. very much, cept them, the troth of this will be seen. wire nail. These shades can be MRS. E. A. ch&noes are that all the troops called for put SCULL, Ten acres cleared land and boose costing $200, and when lightly broVrned on the The average society man oa a down dose to the and when Edacate Tour Rowels Wllk Casearets. with utensil*. Price for the whole only $600. more, top specimen plant, taken will be needed, and perhaps many cash-, balance may remain on la sufficiently done, ani must to served of American manhood does not as a role np after r ■*—raw constipation forever. 9360 mortgage. * UMfe.aS^hJ5ri!cA-??r? If & 0. C, before the war is ended. at onoa with a for fntnri tail, druggist ypfqadjipggy. iStSfi 4tkA IBUT. _ inficixe ctthtar cr adrqinihau tymuT Proprietress.