![1913-01-04 [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
' xy.*'- ' - v ' v • t TMESrEEPtTBUCJAH', MA] (HALLTOWX, IOWA, JXNTTABT 4 181 ' W,' • launcftedetlWohlske flurafcts STWHl coos(; heavy l^ss^of life In M»xl*» _ , MlMissippl and KISMi ot Houston, fax., osUsed a lop ot Ilea. H. It. DuflUld, vetsraa guns and 24 entailer iMepea . Railroad Acctdiht} 1> *UM aas f £> uk vmiw causing heevy loss of llfs and prop $1090.000 If and Bpanlsh-Amenean Obituary' Arthur Lumley, old time art* juied in a head-on collision oaf iko erty. 80. Cuba: Uprising of negroes la Cuba. ttolt. tot, at'Mount Vernon, N. Y.; aged *. Seaboard Air ll|W south of nishmsndi OMms Mh 'lf 17. Mexico: Jusrex, Mexico, captured Mr . Convention: Bono of the Anortoan Rev­ . _ a voto of W to » the Unit­ Aviation Disasters: Three aviators, In­ va. :, ' jMsit Thst H» -Amns Insurgents against Madero's goverg- olution met in Boston. ed Stales senate declared that William cluding two United States army air Convention; American Olvle association ment. • &. Personal: Mra Emmellne Penkhurst men, killed In flight, making total mot in Baltimore.' — i newed Hl* Ufh .• v... .ra.j.r.n -m and other suffragists convicted of con­ Lorlmer of-minola had not beea duly MARCH. elected to that body. deaths In the air to date 19. tL Convention: National Woman Buffraao "r spiracy In London. 14 Railroad Accident: 18 killed in a colli­ M. Sporting: Matt McGrath made a new association mot In Philadelphia. The phystohm had obos heea a dys> . L WSr in Tripoli: ltsllan war depart­ H. Cuba: United Ststes marines ordered world'e record by throwing a 10 pound 33. Fire: Putnam, Conn... suffered a loso io sion on the Chicago, Burlington and iptio, sour and *BM#QSfc; hot hi* ' ment announced thst the loss from Cuba to protect American residents Qulncy railroad at Westsrn Springs, hammer a record distance of 191 feet • of K00.000 by fire In tho business dis­ Italian troops in the war with Turkey against ths rebellious negroes. IU. Inches; former record ISO feet 1 Inch, trict K ootor was BOW ruddy snd- elear, his Marine: Hamburg-American Uner Ins- was SCO. 14. Sporting; K. K. McArthur of South (ft. Personal: The Pulitzer school of Jour- 88. Sporting: Harvard defeated Yalo In lplrlts light, and his health osoeJlenL English Coat Strike: Striks of 1.0MMN* perator, largest vessel in the world, nalliAn at Columbia university opsnsd tho annual football game at Now Ha­ launched at Hamburg with Emperor Africa won ths Olympic Marathon at Death bread," he-said,, "laid bo British miners in a dispute aver wages. Stockholm. in Now York. ven, 8 to 0. Chicago defeated Mlnno> >tMFLKTK RECORD OF HAPPEN- I. obituary: Annie Feamans. well knows William as sponsor. Obituary: Tho Rsv. Augustus Orlebar, low. Death bread kept s*e a dyspep­ Convention: International congress of 11. Sporting: America won the track and •ota, 7 to 0k at Chicago. actress, in Now Tork city; aged 78. field meet at Stockholm with 128 points ah English vicar, who Was tho original M. Labor Dispute: Tho board of arbitra­ tic for ten long, t»d years. And lite •• IN Oft FROM JANUARY TO 4 Personal: Marconi, pioneer of wirelsss navigation met at Philadelphia. Tdin Brown In "Tom Brown's School tors In tho railway engineers' dsmand bread has made me my own bnoyaSt, % Fire: Historic old Eutaw House burned to Sweden's 104 and England's 96. telegraphy, made a life member of the Thorpe, the Indian, won the decathlon. Days." at Wllltngton. England for increased pay decided In favor of healthy, happy self again. I DECEMBER. Italian senate. In Baltimore. Sporting: Jerome D. Travsrs defended 15. Storm cloudburst at Denver caused OCTOBER. tho engineers. What do I mean by death brsadT |.| f.';!J'; •" 7. South Pole Search > Amundsen, the ex­ $1,000,000 damsge. S. Obituary: United Statee Senator Isldor plorer, announced that he reached the his t|tle of champion by defeating Os­ L Dynamiters: Trial of tho dynamite Rayner of Maryland, in Washington; I mean ordinary b*ead. Why do.1 call wald Klrkby at the Metropolitan Golf 17. Obituary: Henri Polncare. the world south pole on DSc. 17, 1911. famoufc mathematician, In Paris; aged plotters at Los Angeles Oct. 1,1910, was aged tt it death bread? '9ecause It is alive ' IOTABLE OCCURRENCES M>. China; Yuan Shlh Kai inaugurated pro­ association tournament at Short Hills. begun In Indianapolis. J 5S. Personal: Rev. Anna Howard Shaw re­ with putrefactive gefms—becauie. by ; < visional president of China. N. J. t Obltupry: Rear Admiral Lucien Toung, elected presldsnt of ths Nations! Wom­ Cuba: Revolt spreading In Cuba; United 19. Italian V^ar: 8 Italian torpedo boSte U. S. N-, in New York city; aged 60. more than one authority, the yesst AND NAMES ON DEATH ROLL 13. Lawrence Strike: End of the strike of tried to ryn the Dardanelles and were an Suffrage association at Philadelphia. mill operatives at Lawrence, Mass., States battleship ordered to sail south. Sporting: Ralph De Palma won the Van- Balkan War: Balkan and Turkish peace cells In It are said, to be Identical M. Obituary; Jan Blockx. composer and driyen back by the Are of Turkish - derbllt auto cup on the Wauwatoea which began Jan. 11. 1912. forts. delegates met for conference near Con­ with the diseased . cells of pus-^-snd, .. 14. Obituary: Henry Bacon, noted Ameri­ authority on Flemish music and folk­ course. Wisconsin; time, 4 hours 20 song. at Antwerp. Belgium; aged 00. Storm: Ths mining towns of Maxuma minutes 11.45 seconds: distance about stantinople. therefore, are a poison. 7 [n* Turkish-Italian and Turkish- can artist, at Cairo, Egypt; aged 71 and Seventroughs.- Nev., were nearly 37. storm: Snowstorms prevailed in the 13. Shipwreck: American Ashing schooner 27. Sporting: Abel R.. Klviat made a new SCO miles. The Australian team won lake and Mississippi valley states. "Yeast, In fact, Is as unhealthy as > liaUtan Wa re—Items of Mltcell*- rccord by running the 1,500 meter race wiped out by a cloudburst; many per­ the international cricket match by a Patrician wrecked off Cape Sable; cap­ sons killed. Bxscutlvs Clemency: Governor J. A. Dlx Its sipkly smell and musty, slimy con­ aaoui Interest*, Accidents, Fires, tain and 9 of the crew drowned. In 3 minutes 69 1-5 seconds at New York. margin of 192 runs In New York. pardoned A. T. Patrick, under life Politicai: President Taft Informed the 90. Fire: A $2,000,000 fire In Vsncouvsr, 4. Marine Accident: The British B-2 sub­ sistency would , Md -you' to believe. ^Tracks and Floods—Games and Storm: The South Atlantic coast stStee B. C. sentence 'for the murder of William swept by a hurricane; many deaths; Cuban government that the United marine cut in two by an ocean liner In It Is a mass of llytsg germs—and ; . Chronological Review. States would not intervene in Cuba. Obituary: Andrew Lang, English poet, the English channel; 18 drowned. Marsh Bice in 1100. along with these. ire' > mingled putrt- traffic paralyzed. critic and novelist, at Banchory. Scot­ ST. Obituary: J. P. Jones, former United 16. Shipwreck: 10 lives lost by the slnklhg 18. Fire Disaster: 103 lives lost in a thea­ Convention: The Army of the Tennessee faetive germs. Yeast is a*very hand- ^ ter fire at Villa Real. Spain. land; aged 68. hold its annual convehtlon at Peoria, States senator from Nevada, at los ?:• JANUARY. of the Oriental liner Oceana after col­ 22. Sporting: Oiytnplo games ended. Swe­ Angeles, Cal.; aged 83. fill thing. It makes- bread a very .-'i;1 L Jfeilttoal: Dr. Sun Tat Sen took the lision in the English channel. 80. Obituary: Wilbur Wright, aviator and 111. aeroplane Inventor, at Dayton, O.; den Won with a total of 133 points; Balkan War: Hostilities between tho m. Obituary: CoL James Gordon, noted harmful thing. All bread made with f : B. 'okth Si provisional president of China The Maine tVreck: The hulk of the bat­ United States, 129; England, 76. Uhited sx-Confederate, at Okolona, Miss.; tleship Maine was' sunk with imposing aged 46. Balkan states and Turkey were begun yeast Is death bread. l^Hankins. , a States led in firsts with 25; Sweden aged 79. • Ik hpdrtiog: Koblemainen of Finland ceremonies off the coast of Cuba. by a clash on the frontier north of Sporting: Ad Wolgast defeated by Willie Life bread—that Is what I eat. I * 1 JUNE. second with 23. Adrianople. " i*h Marathon and championship of 17. Obituary: Rear Admiral G. W. Mel­ I. Aviation Disaster: Philip O. Parmalee, 24. Fire: A 1400,000 oil fire at Marcus Hook, Ritchie for the lightweight champion* make It myself. I take wheat of tbe KIM, world at Edinburgh; time. 2 hours ville, noted naval veteran of the civil i. Sporting: Miss Margaret Curtis of Bos­ ship at Daly City. Cal., In 16 rounds. killed in aviation'flight at North Yaki­ Pa. ton won the national woman's golf finest quality, ungronnd, anjl I roast :: it aonutes Mtt seconds. Barney ReiUy war and later an arctic explorer, at ma, Wash. Obituary: Fannie Denham Rouse, prob­ Pennsylvania defeated Cornell at foot* fi broke the record of the Stoughton Philadelphia; aged 72. championship at Manchsster, Mass. by ball, 7 to Z. at Philadelphia. It over a hot Are in a thick Iron sauce­ 2. Sporting: James N. Duncan made a ably the oldest actress In America, at a sc'ore of 3 up and 2 to play. aUde (ekl) at Milwaukee with a 137 foot Sportins: Arthur Postle, famous profes­ new record with the discus—146 feet Ohtovllle, N.
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