Notes for AFR show 06-14-2014

* Tom Wallace Shahram Hadian Fortress of Faith The TIL Project, Resisting Islam LLC Rescuing Muslims Speaking the "Truth In Reviving America Love" Tel: 425.772.8222 Tel: 800-616-0082

LISTEN NOW TO TODAY'S BROADCAST CLICK HERE SEGMENT ONE Those who follow Fortress of Faith are familiar with Walid Shoebat. He is an ex-Muslim terrorist. He has written a great article on this issue. Among other things, he tells us the meaning of the “Bismillah” or the “Basmallah” which was spoken by 's father. Is what the father said just a simple statement of praise for Allah, or is it something deeper? It is a Muslim victory call. Why would he have made this statement unless he has perhaps converted to Islam? The father said “Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficent.” in the Rose Garden with the President. This is like a Muslim standing there and saying, “in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Those watching, especially Muslims, would conclude that he had converted to Christianity. There are three statements or slogans used by Muslims to express their faith in Allah. They are, "Allahu Akbar," "Allah , the most merciful, the most beneficent," and "I declare that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his mdssenger." Then you see this man, Bowe Bergdahl's father, with and elongated beard and a trimmed moustache reciting one of them. Every Muslim knows what that means. This is not a bum, biker, or a Santa Clause fan. When one gives the basmallah, trims his moustache and elongates his beard, its the first sign of a convert to Islam, just as that an ex-Muslim putting on a cross and saying, “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” is evidence enough of conversion to Christianity. But there is much more we obtained on this stealth jihadist. The beard and the moustache alone are not conclusive, but when you add the saying of the bismillah it becomes conclusive. This gives us very good reason to believe that he has converted to Islam and is now a Muslim. The father's subscriptions on YouTube are another indication of where his loyalties lie. You can look at these subscriptions by going to Walid Shobat's article. On one of the videos Bergdahl subscribes to a Jihadi message titled, “Duaa (prayer).” But prayer for what? His son’s release only? Hardly, its for the release of the terrorists in American captivity. O Allah, release our prisoners, the Muslim prisoners, and send them back to our families in peace!

If you think that Bergdahl does not understand what is said in Arabic? Think again, he comments himself stating: “Al-Hamdu Lillah, Ameen, Ameen May the duas of the ummah be heard and may Allah ” عب سس عم ا عيل ت ال يتر سح مت عن ال يتر عحي عم عإ يتياتك نت سعبن ند تو عإ يتياتك نت سس ت ععي نن !free my son from captivity

English: Praise be to Allah, Amen, Amen, my prayers for all the Muslim Nation (ummah) be heard and may Allah free my son from captivity. In the name of Allah most merciful most beneficient, it is thee whom I worship, it is thee whom I seek refuge.

He types perfect Arabic and announces he is Muslim, “thee [Allah] I worship …” Bob. Sgt. Bergdahl’s father was also in direct communications with one of the top three spokespersons named Abdulqader Balkhi. Was he planning to smoke a Hukkah? Drink Afghan tea? No He had tweeted this top Taliban spokesperson a message for future victories: I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every afghan child, amen!

This tweet has since been deleted, but it does show where the sympathies of Bob Bergdahl lie. It should be obvious to all who want to see the truth that Bowe Bergdahl's father was working with the Taliban. The video of the Rose Garden speech by the father has something interesting in it. Watch it with your eye on Presdent Obama and see if you notice something. Did you notice when the President smiled? It was when Mr. Bergdahl started praising Allah. Does that tell you anything? Remember, the President speaks Arabic and he knew what was being said and what it meant. When you remember that the actions of Bowe Bergdahl resulted in the deaths of American soldiers it adds significance to this event. So far we have been talking about Bowe Bergdahl's father. Let's change our focus to the son. The first question that must be asked is, Did Bowe Bergdahl serve honorably, or was he a deserter? Let's look at the evidence: We also learn from emails reported by the late Michael Hastings in Rolling Stone in 2012 that Bergdahl’s fellow infantrymen found out within days that Bowe no longer supported the U.S. effort in . Bowe himself said: The future is too good to waste on lies… And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be American. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting.

Bergdahl also wrote in one email: I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.

A former member of Bergdahl’s squad, who goes by “Cody,” shared that local village children in Afghanistan said that Bowe came by their area and “Wanted to meet with Taliban.” Former Pfc. Jose Baggett, 27, who was in Blackfoot Company, said he was close to two men “killed because of his (Bergdahl’s) actions.” Baggett also said: He walked off…He left his guard post. Nobody knows if he defected or he’s a traitor or he was kidnapped. What I do know is he was there to protect us and instead he decided to defer from America and go and do his own thing. I don’t know why he decided to do that, but we spend so much of our resources and some of those resources were soldiers’ lives.

Bowe obviously was a mule who was being used by the Taliban to help them ambush American soldiers who were looking for him. Cody revealed: A huge thing in country is not building patterns. Well when you are looking for a person everyday that creates a pattern. While searching for him, ambushes and IEDs picked up tremendously. Enemy knew we would be coming. IEDs started being placed more effectively in the coming weeks. Ambushes were more calculated, cover and concealment was used

Loyal soldiers infuriated because of Bowe’s actions since it led to the deaths of American troops. One soldier said: It was unbelievable… All because of the selfish act of one person. The amount of animosity (toward him) is nothing like you’ve ever seen before. …I don’t understand why we’re trading prisoners at Gitmo for somebody who deserted during a time of war, which is an act of treason

There is the evidence. You can decide for yourself what to think about Bowe Bergdahl and his father. Special Package Understanding Islam Only $15 plus S&H ORDER HERE

SEGMENT TWO I believe we are in a day when the leadership in this nation, for the most part, no longer fears God. There are consequences for this. We need to pray for our leaders, our President and those in Congress. Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Proverbs 29:2

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. James 1:5

God can even give wisdom to the unsaved. Of course they must ask for it themselves, but I believe that if we pray for our leaders God will influence them to righteousness. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

On our broadcast today we have two former Muslims, Shahram Hadian and Walid Shoebat, who are giving us insight from the Muslim point of view. Shahram is from Iran and speaks Farsi and Walid is an Arab speaker. We must remember that Islam has declared war on us. It is part of the religion of Islam and we must acknowledge this fact. If we don't we will lose the battle. We have been talking about the father, Robert Bergdahl, now let's talk about the son, Bowe Bergdahl. As we have already seen, the fellow soldiers of Bowe have come out telling us some very interesting things about him. We learned that Bowe had expressed the desire to meet with the Taliban. They even called him a deserter. We know that Bowe walked off from his guard post, leaving his weapon behind. He was there to protect us and instead he decided to defere from America and do his own thing. After Bowe's departure ambushes and IEDs increased and were more accurate. In the weeks following Bowe's leaving ambushes were more calculated. The enemy knew where our soldiers would be. A great indicator of Bowe's loyalties are seen in the statements he made like, “I am ashamed to even be American.” This doesn't leave much doubt concerning what was on his mind. Our government's reaction to this situation is appauling. Remember the Fort Hood shooting? Our government called this “work place violence” instead of an act of terrorism. This meant that the families of those killed were denied benefits that are rightfully theirs. In this case, someone who deserted his post, which resulted in 6 of our men being killed, was promoted from PFC to Sargent.What is wrong with this administration’s thinking? In any other era we would call this treason. This administration has called Bowe Bergdahl a soldier who served with honor. I guess that their idea of honor is different from mine. Let's move our focus to those who were released from Gitmo in exchange for this diserter. These were top Taliban members. Remember that Robert Bergdahl was negotiating with top Taliban leaders, not for the release of his son, but for the release of the Taliban leadrs in Gitmo. He had tweeted this top Taliban spokesperson a message for future victories: I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every afghan child, amen!

Who are the terrorists that were releasec • - Taliban deputy minister of intelligence • Mullah Norullah Nori - Senior Taliban commander in the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif who commanded insurgents fighting U.S. forces in late 2001 • - Senior Taliban official believed to have ties to Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar, the Taliban's founder • Mohammed Nabi - A regional Chief of Security for the Taliban and eventual radio operator • Mohammed Fazl - Believed to have overseen the mass extermination of Shiite Muslims during the 2000 - 2001 war that saw the Taliban rise to power in Afghanistan. Congress says that President Obama broke the law by releasing these top ranking Taliban combattants. These leaders are very likely to return to the fight. At the very least there release is a major propaganda tool for the Taliban. We didn't get much in the exchange.One who left his post, apparently to join the other side, for five to the other side's leaders is not a great bargain. It is reported that Obama expected euphoria at the release of Bergdahl. It apparently took him by surprise when all of the facts came out showing the mistake that it was. Obama was expecting this to be good news that would distract everyone from all the bad news in the press. Instead it has actually highlighted the ineptitude of the administration. Some think that this is incompetence on the part of Obama. In the broadcast, Walid points out when you look at all of the facts it is not incompetence, it deliberate. Look at the Obama family and the associations of Obama with islamists and it sure seems that Obama is on the other side.

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SEGMENT THREE The association and the actions of President Obama seem to put him on the side of the Islamists. Let's look at the evidence and see where it leads. We know that Obama was raised, at least in his early years, as a Muslim. A Christian convert from Islam has a testimony. Obama has never declared the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and has no real testimony of converting to Christianity, as his pastor Jeremiah Wright stated: I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam There is no record of Obama ever making a statement critical of Islam. In an interview with the New Your Times he said that the most beautiful sound was the Muslim call to prayer. There are YouTube videos that clearly show Obama mocking the Bible. This video is, I believe, from Obama speaking in Jeremiah Wright's church. You will notice that he takes things out of context and twists their meanings. I seems to think that believing the Bible is inerrant is an extreme view of the Bible. I wonder if he would make a similar statment about the Islamic scriptures. Remember, this is just one of several videos showing Obama's disdain for Christian principles. Many think that Islam is just the religion of the Muslims. It doesn't take much research to see that Islam is much more than just a religion. Of course those of you who follow Fortress of Faith know this already. Islam intrudes into every part of a person's life, including how he goes to the bathroom. Just a quick search on Google will show that Islam is a violent ideology. This is not a new thing. Look at Islam's history and you will see that it starts with the messenger of Allah, Muhammad. Modern Islam is a religious conditioning by using illusion of misery and reflecting to the glory days of the past when Islam was triumphant. These are the things you see in their videos. Its purpose is to anger the masses and becoming pride filled remorseless killers willing to commit suicide for the advance of Islam. Another goal of Islam is to intimidate all non-muslims by deceit, and fear. Those who follow this ministry know that CAIR does this very well. The overall purpose of Islam is to create a theocratic world where Muslims are dominant and all non-Muslims are subservient. This is the purpose of jihad. Jihad is a tool of Islam, it is not Islam. Islam is the submission to Allah. The Muslim's goal is that he submits to Allah while you submit to him. This is after jihad is finished. The American mindset likes to say that jihad is part of Islam. Islam is what it is, an ideology of submission and suppression, by force if necessary. We need to understand that when we talk about resisting Islam we are talking about the President of the United States aiding and abetting our enemy in his behaviour and actions. We have talked about this in this ministry before. This is why we are calling upon Americans to turn back to the true God, the God of the Bible, the God upon whose principles this nation was founded. We need to understand the gravity of the situation and that our nation is in deep trouble. Every election my prayer is, God, don't give this nation what we deserve, give us what we need. God has been merciful and done this for a number of years, but I know see Him giving us what we deserve. It was one thing when Obama was first elected. People could say they didn't know what they were getting into. There was no excuse in the second election, we knew what Obama is all about. In my opinion Obama's re-election was an act of God. I believe it is part of God's judgment upon America for turning its back on Him. Islam, like Christianity, has obedient and disobedient followers. Those who are obedient will try to bring those who are disobedient back in line. Christianity uses reason and the Scriptures, Islam use coercion and the sword. Jihad is just as much a part of Islam as “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” Neither can be separated from what Islam is. Let's take a moment to look at what Jihad really is. The Reliance of the Traveller is the handbook on Islamic law. It defines jihad as follows: (O: Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion.

o9.8 The caliph (o25) makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians

“Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and who forbid not what Allah and His messenger have forbidden-who do not practice the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book-until they pay the poll tax out of hand and are humbled” (Koran 9.29)

You will notice that the fighting is against all unbelievers, not against those who fight Islam. A faithful Muslim is obligated to be involved in jihad in some way. Some do it by being on the front lines, some do it by working to overthrow the enemy from within, and some do it with financial help. All faithful Muslims are somehow involved. We are fortunate that most Muslims don't know what their religion teaches. Schedule A Meeting With Tom Call 1-800-616-0082 No church is too big or too small SEGMENT FOUR Islam is not a religion of peace. One of the strongest arguments against this is the fact the Islam has apostasy laws that require the killing of anyone how leaves Islam. One of the early Islamic leaders even said that were it not for these apostasy laws Islam would die out. When is the last time you heard from a Christian pulpit that those who leave Christianity are to be killed? You won't because this is not part of Christian doctrine. As a mater of fact, the only religion I know of that has such laws is Islam. The goal of Islam is a one world Islamic order. Jihad is a tool used to accomplish this goal. Those who say that jihad is merely a spiritual struggle have no idea what they are talking about. What part of the word “war” don't they understand? In Islam there are two realms, the house of Islam and the house of war. Europe is now considered to be in the house of Islam because Islam has such influence that it is now controlling much government policy. Where is America at this time? When the Bismillah is recited it must be remembered that this is an Islamic declaration. Islam equals jihad. Not all jihad is by the sword. When you do the “call to Islam” it is, itself, a form of jihad since it is a prayer to bring people to Islam. There is much Islamic propaganda in books, on websites, etc. and these are a from of jihad. What Robert Bergdahl said in the Rose Garden is called “jihad by the tongue.” The written forms of Islamic propaganda is “jihad by the pen.” Walid has written an article “How To Spot A Muslim Slick Willy” which every American should read. The Bergdahls and Obama say they hate violence. The evidence shows that what Bowe Bergdahl did increased the violence against our troops. Look at what Obama's foreign policy has done in the Middle East and North Africa. Is there more or less violence since he became president? Many of the nations that had tyrants for leaders, like Syria and Lybia, either have been, or are being taken over by Islamists. These leaders by have been tyrants, but we know how to deal with tyrants because they want to hold on to their power. When Reagan slapped Moammar Gadhafi he became very docile for a long time because he wanted to remain in power. These leaders don't want the jihadists because it will result in their loss of power. They know, as we should, that you can't deal with jihadists because for them to die is simply a guaranteed entrance into Paradise. Two answer the question of where America is today we need to remember that Islam has said that the Islamic flag will fly over the White House. To have the Bismillah recited on the grounds of the White House is a victory for Islam battle to reach that goal. If you look at the truth in Syria you will see that we are aiding the terrorists. There are terrorists in Iraq who cross over the border to Syria and become our allies. They still have the same goals, but now they are our friends. Do you see something wrong with this? This is not only a Democrat problem, it is also a Republican problem. Just look at John McCain and others. Saudi Arabia, who is supposed to be our friend, is one of the chief villains in this. They are financing the spread of all this Islamic ideology. We are in trouble. We must repent and come before our God with broken and contrite hearts if we hope to see and end to this . Islam has declared war on the world. It is an anti-christ system and only God can stop its advance. We will look at Islam in prophecy at another time. I remember hearing so many times that there is no place for America in end time prophecy and wondering how that could happen. How could America lose it lofty place in the world? Well, it is happening before our eyes. Not only can God bring judgment upon America, He already has. Islam is a patient enemy. They say the infidels in the west have all of the clocks, but we have the time. It is time to wake up before it is too late!