GRIDIRON 2017: The high school football season preview section inside D1-D6 USA TODAY Vehicle rampage in Spain kills 13, wounds 100s C1 FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 2017 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents Trustees take action on 2 items Board authorizes issuing bond for capital projects, considers revising purchasing policies BY BRUCE MILLS lution is the most-common mecha- be borrowed. That total is basically the The procurement audit was the dis-
[email protected] nism for school districts in the state to same amount that the district bor- trict’s first since Sumter School Dis- annually fund capital projects and rowed last year, Griner said. tricts 2 and 17 consolidated in 2011. In addition to clarifying its settle- then pay back the money, according to Also, on Monday the board unani- According to officials, the consolidat- ment agreement with former Superin- Sumter School District Chief Finan- mously approved a motion to consider ed district had a two-year grace period tendent Frank Baker, Sumter School cial Officer Chris Griner. The district recommendations — or suggestions — before a procurement audit was neces- District’s Board of Trustees took ac- is expected to enter a pool with other from its advisory finance committee sary. The procurement audit that was tion on two items after returning from school districts in the state to draw for potential revisions to its procure- completed represented the three-year executive session behind closed doors down the interest rate on the short- ment, or purchasing, policies. The fi- period of 2013-16. The finance commit- Monday at its regular monthly meet- term borrowing.