Private Rreccr Abroad n On Hurling On the Walter Winchell Broadway E. V. Side

mermans will float the white hair to match exactly the color Sleep gently, gently beneath courage displayed by the per- brown eyed honey blonde had Walter Winchell, now on diaper again. of that of her latest *uitor. foreign nkie* formers was wonderful. We all started him ttnging torch songs. • • • inkling vacation, will return Sept. 2. Sophie Tucker, vacationing in That Here never meant for were particularly impressed by The first he had that In the meantime, , Auburn, N. Y., is prostrated p LORI A VANDERBILT STO- you. this honey blonde was not still yea girl. the effort* of Marlene Dietrich. his wha* w for many re one of over her financial tragedy. All U 1- ¦ new Slit /» gently, gently among sweetheart hen he KOWSJd given Amine a'e Mott colorful her professional life, she sent The white haired maestro- atrauyi [lnner*, She cannot be too much received an invitation to her newspaper men, will keep 21-year-old wedding to another fellow. her savings to her brother, in bridegroom of the I utd the angel* gnu, credit. A hraxer, kinder and space make filled. her into < are to this Hart lord, Conn, for investment, heiress has transformed .S' /< ; ff, ntl't, grnt'y tin art- «*JOHNManhattan dynamo, breezed all tied u|> as jjart of hi* scarlet toenails protruding from dug \Mthat "longest bar in the ment. has been instructed to book, smoking through immediately into and stole the big- •estate." ironically, her loud wedgies, M’kfu ui'll hate that belated world ’ argument, a recent entry engage in research Hays." cigaret as long as to to gest real estate in "Some of These which a holder as an i enrle 1» on*. is the bar of the nowlybutlt l'. S. the l>est way handle deal Ameri- type history the go-getter* came out about the time her alpenstock, her hair upon her Officers' Club on the island of Ihts ol female. can from died, under —(jei t rude M. K mg. Any there, sale brother told how fortunate head with a tall holster it. Samar in the Philippines. This information from any lie handled the of 37f) the for Mar- she was in placing her money as swigging highball.- with Bat Di l\ho\(* uio written by Mr**. bat is feet long. subscriber who has succeeded in Merchandise Mart • -he did, insunng tier old age when it was illegal to King In of husband • • taming a brow n eyed honey shall Field & Co . tor $19,000.- Cicco mrmorv against want worry. her. minor. blonde will he appreciated. fxMi. then manipulated a mort- and serve a who was killed In nation In Orr* I ) by. \SSING Katharine • • • • • * she sits in an inconspic- gage on it lor some $11,000,000 Now KMii| ini Man »• M, 1§45 | 1 lady the proskr coj»- box at her husband s con- Cornell. First of kk mot < of the uous Or she the \\'H.\T have the stargazers and never takes an eye off \fANY let 11 s to theater. is second? Lucky i» about ted tip Monthrabana has closed his deal certs i objecting to say about an AriP* Strike - mitr shr- spctK first name the Bev- clothe* «!<¦ girlith Please with longhair* and vvill star for a cabaret case in him. Her Framr SmaTnTs rritr isrii with two A's. Miss Cornell was man marrying a Capricorn erly-Wltshliv Beverly TT i 11« nn«ly made, but exquisitely of the I SO camp shows that .loan Fdtvards on its Hit T'a- r »•. horn in Berlin, Germany, of woman?" asks a Baltimorean to the simple. Her raven hair is parted Ihr I t t I toured Euro|w tiejng J .Mil Hotel. It is be called are re- American parents whose The stargazers say Room will pre- flat on her shapely young head. “Pardon me, Colonel, ! think you’re being overheard!” ceiveoth. C 'pi Hanussak of the hand have separate apartments She thinks everything anybody. How he faithfully every day Si'.sie Ov Smith Jerry Waiter f ifth Armored Division, oxei that the Briskin family has or- don't interest V. S. hut in the same house This ar- carefully and is usually a This youngster who has come : very ganized to bust it up has changed' Arun rangement seems to he working smart girl. some $4,000 000 to call her \ Betty Liable told Harry Ami, oh yes. 1 must—-I have into "So The nice found cause out couple years own has undergone a metamor- fine as in a of So a Capricorn woman mighl James that if he didn't quit the to tell you. for complaint with the (SO the MrClintics will celebrate act as a good check on im- drama- phosis. shows, an hand business a* a performer, A Hollywood star who camp f fought with the their 25th wedding anniversary. pulsive Aries man. She Stoky* giaatest orches- - she'd quit him He'll give in tizes her personal cardiac con- s fifth Armored Division from On other hand, she intensely her tration. the may The Lev i \Vm Morris! Zim- volutions lias died Nomiandv to the Kibe. \|| that S. Marine sergeant in- nol ger a time chance. until the war ended we \U.forms me he has been given The stargazers say Aries mer were ne\er out of the sound of the brushnff by a brown r\rd are not inclined to take advici lleinie artillery, buzz bomb* or honey blonde. from their wives Maiiy Bwvoimrs Mail planes. let, no matter bow Thai Is the firs* time I have It is ahn said both Aries mer firing fighting, dose tin- or the heard of a I' S Marine being and Capricorn women want tc 1 SO camp shows alwa>s went given the by be Jim and I too . ihat into con- ofT the reefs, you must start hrushoff a female boss of the family. DFJAR MARY HAWORTH: on. Me thought the shows were of any sideration and wr can still see your married 1 ifapart from type. This might make married life good and enjoyed AM engaged to a wonderful happiness ahead Jim's mother—because her rude them Im- Also had a communication between such a combination mensely. They certainly did a I young man who loves rne My is a .slow, steady hostility to you. if unleashed at last week fiom U. S. Army somewhat tempestuous. fiance Diftrlbuttd by very much in spite of the fart thinker and he naturally doesn't close range, could do irreparable much for our morale. The private first class who said a Kuig Kfaturr* fcjrxt-jjno that 1 am crippled but not too want to hurt hi.s mother in any damage in very short time. badly to make him as good a way. Thus, elopement would be OCTffOr«!#TIMES wife as any. But he vows if he can't have di.vaitrous if it brought Jim He has a good job now and is me be will "go to the dogs hack to her home even tempo- At Your Service Answers to Veterans saving his money regularly Because of his mother's at- rarily, with you in tow. 1 plan to get a job very soon titude we may even eloj»e be- In general, when a man's ready —Does the Army Office of on is —l* person • and do the same fore either of us is for mother opposed to the ship restricted. On Q a who ha* is hatefully I)e|>endency Benefits at medical discharge from IT Our idea was to wait at least marriage. his wife, and the man sheepishly duty in this country and over- the Newark, \. -1., take care of all S. Navy subject to the draftl a year Wefoie rnai t ying and in We would-rather not do this, indulgent his s views seas chaplains make every pos- miserable of mother family allowances for all men J. D. R but she is making life - the meantime, be very happy even when recognizing their effort to him by nag- In the army? I hav#* a friend sible answer questions A—ls he meets the physic a planning for the future for her continual ugly uniairness—the union is who »ay* she get* check from persons concerned about Induction requirements, Jims mother is one of ging. siurnng remarks. N. C. doomed, no matter how much it her and thl But • • • from a the welfare of relatives or other may those chronic worriers who is New Vnrk office. conditions he hi may have in its favor otherwise friends in the service. - C. : the time MRS. A. R .1. drafted. worrying herself and us crazy DFAR N. When On the brighter side. Jim is a A All chocks are by —M hat of bv thi even to the jaunt of suicide comes to set up* housekeeping, a '-low, steady thinker, you say, issued Q type ship money bank the Newark office Massey DD-77H? B. -L L threats on her part. backlog of in the to judge from sunshiny for depen- Any r.h.S. And the army Questions? S She ha« nothing against me wdi contribute much to mutual of letter, dents of personnel, ex- DETROIT TIMES A—The US Massey DT> tone your I am sure f»»troll linn j>eaee of honeymoon —Th* 1 cept if the serviceman or 77R is a dest rover. except the fact that 1 am mind and he find- you a fountain of hoj*e, THEmail* personal answer* woman is officially reported as to —How did the M gel ci ipjilod harmony gaiety and courage a*- different I'm keeping m\ life uncomplicated this summer—l'm question* about the needs CJ \VKS But helievp me when 1 say Also to keep the j>ai tncrshij) only missing, missing in action, be- their name? MISS R. T. K. from his mother as day is frfwn in love with seven men!” leaguered, captured and welfare, rights and privi- night, which probably accounts besieged, or lege* A The popular nami by the enemy, the allowances of servicemen and “WAVES" was coined from the his soul-felt need of your women, veterans and their for and allotments of such p>ersons initial letters of the officia life mmjwinionship to their dependents dependent*. phrase, So hope that bis phleg- One Word Led to Another are handled ‘‘Women Accepted sot Betteii Health let us by the Office of Special Settle- Many answers are printed Voluntary Emergency Service.’ matic nature and your bright dally hut ment Pine, In this rolumn, ALL Q—Will who are still Bv Bundesen spirit, together may • By Arthur “Bugs” Baer Accounts at 27 New questions will answered men ii Dr. Herman teamed 1 York 5. N. Y. be the armed force* when the victoriously deflect her children directly by mail. wai that Babe Herman away ti—What kind of a ship is the with Japan end* receive mu* so many irritation continues and to-e«»me tantrums and keep any rift If they ever want to keep Address questions this way: lIHTH men and I’.S.S. Alexander E. Anderson? tering-out pay If they are thei ** following from developing during the com- to take that old cat away AT VOI K SI R VICE BIREAC, women employed in in- back the day for ob- from Brooklyn they will have Where is its port? If I write Detroit timis, discharged from the service? dustry, to the eyes, of ing year while you work, save TIM!s sqi XKI, injuries treatment. , to the chaplain of the ship servation and in a . B. L course, with and plan, as previously agreed. sack. DETROIT SI. MICHIGAN. C. occur greater fre- eye may could he gi\e me some informa- Surely your A—Yes. if otherwise eligible before. Redness of the mean The roming year will be test- I much about the return of Peter Grimm. include name quency now than ever don’t know tion on a certain person? N\ W. a —ln writing to Veter that an injury bav occurred, or ing and addrea* and ttlfad- Q the Therefore, it is moM imj*r>rtant period. — But grimmer than Babe's third or fourth in- A The U S.S. Alexander is a dreaaed, atamped envelope. an*’ Administration about i injuries an inflammation In that tune, you will discover it was no that such be promptly that theie is transport \essel. Information pending claim, what Inform* treated course, the first the lining of the whether you- have the inner vasion of Gowanus. Of of membrane tfon should the individual giv« exami- conjunctivitis stamina, as individuals, and the step should be a careful eyeball known a» from the Pacific about himself and his service*. of the eye by the doc- Inflammation high degree of rapport and mu- The Babe proceeded on forced draft nation of the colored Iht B. K. L. tor. in good light, the eye known as intis tual loyalty that will be re- good time we suspect he has ter with projier part of Coast League and made such give invtrumcnts, including a mag- may tedness of the quired to establish, defend and Ita.wo> IIr\vn\ |;f A—He should his ful al-o cause a private tunnel under the Rockies. name, grade organizatior mtyirg glass Antiseptics mu w t eye theie is a inerea.«e good companionship in and and rendition to which he was last attached be available to deaden the sen- a* glaucoma in which spite of her fearsome objections. He is now 42 years of the realm and has slowed up kVew* struggled to they met in the street one day. number, date entrance sation in the eve, so that the "the prr^*l4 l of lh< fluid within If -he contrives in the year to audience serial of like a mule on a towline. As a fielder they say the Babe service, discharge may hr earned out. the eye is increased, plant dissension, you \NStamford. Conn., recently, "Maybe you're right,” said into date of examination that will seed* of used his head. As a batter he was between Willie Keeler date birth, has a dull instru- of the eye. should renounce Jim in sell de- when word got around that 1o when, they and place of and al- The doctor cause redness Walker Leonard ways his (claim* number ment as a '-jßid for these aie allowed len-c and another famous Herman Babe Ruth. Congresswoman Clare Boothe "C" known re- If disorders met in the street one day, • going to take a crack Q —ls a man In the servici moving Objects from the rye to continue they may au-e se- You have a iea! talent for Keeler hit them where they ain’t. Babe Ruth hit Luce was "Maybe you're right," said material the rye to Con- unless at play acting in Shaws “Can- allowed to pay the premium* Any bit of in nou* damage the vision happiness and Jim has them- where they never were going to be. Babe Herman Benny tranquilly. should be removed rarefully, junctivitis will i.-jtond quickly the strength to calmly override dida.” which she did. What hap- on his national service life In- further The next time they met was by authorizing especially w hrn it is imbedded to simple treatment with anti- his mother, it would be thrown combined the best features of both and hit them pened to the lady should not surance an al- in front of the Paiare where in the renter of the front |>ait septics in most instances. away in marriage to him. M. 11. than he missed them. happen to your ex-wife. lotment to be deducted Irons eyehal! known as the I did not witness the event, Benny was appearing and his service pay for this purpose? of the It was of the redoubtable if somewhat sluggish Sam Mickey said: cornea. hut nothing can convince me MRS. M. • • • Leslie that I wrote, “The ideal scoring team would be that could "You're a stinking actor! You A—Yes: this Is the method IS best, according to Doctor Washington do anything whatever as hadly can’t act a lick.” of payment recommended and Scene Sam batting for everybody and everybody running dukes,” ITJohn Osbum of Los An- as some of the critics said she "Put up your said it is the one followed by most N for Sam.” Benny. "1 you geles. that these jsittents be By George Dixon performed; though the critics’ don't care what men in the service. handled by an eye sjaKuah*!. You could fill that prescription for Herman with observations were practically in- say about my fighting but you Q—My son, who i* in the serv- FATHER onrr told mp he I cue** I didn t pay much at- since severe damage to the eye dulgent, I must concede, com- can't knock my acting." ice, supports me. hi* mother, MYwas ah aid mankinut into haven't been thing to rate with Bernhardts on the part of the critics to serviceman are counted. The "Men. no matter what able to get his of with Brooklyn—a team that has the faculty the eye and nothing i- done woids out my uncanny of best, would hern make the public believe other* determining factor is "parent- original do not haxe there have until the fooling in the ryr is Intention*. mind not even looking good when it Is winning. criticism of Mrs. Luce and as w ise. hood’’ rot "dependency.” sufficient mental and scared tune might deadened Then the object |v spiritual I'm silly it was apparently below that carefully removed. If the ma- balance to »*• jwrmlttrd direc- prove him to have Veen right; maik. she was moidered by tion oxer the force* of nature. that some genius carry terial i> on the surface of the evil will Laughs press and public. Indeed, it Let s Explore Voi .Mimi eyeball it often can be wiped •‘You mark my word*,” he the principle of. the atomic Best of is seemed to me that more alfalfa r off with a moist cotton appli- continued “One of these day* bomb one step further and blow was cast at Mrs. Luce's acting By Edward fe||ow Albert Wiggam, D.S. cator II it i- deeper i J must some witii a row of let- up the whole world. than an admittedly amateur—or • • • be with the spud. Then ter* after his name is going to at best ~ £ removed r vsemi-pro—adventure r y 1 DO 6CME CHiIORSN some antiseptic tv j»ut into the make a dl*co\erv which every pilF! BOYS have been strain- called for. RUIN THEiR LIVES 8V eye to help prevent infection one will acclaim so the henxen*. J ing thetnselve* for gags ever did ©*»ng too loyal *to i Why they land on her so • •? and a pad applied over the eye But thl* dl*ro\ery i* going to since the atomic bomb an- ungraciously ? Well. I will tell / THE'C PARENTS for several hour* The jwßlent* prove to he a thing of the de\|| nouncement L’p to date the you why. Mrs. Luce is one of must be instructed to irturn to that \x 111 hloxx up the whole output has been terrible. A few persons of whom it might ihe nhvsician nromotlv if the xx orld!” with which my ears have been he said, as was said of Kipling, bent: “the fairy sprites were drunk "MacXrthur’» nexv slogan:‘l p at his christening.’ And-hers, Cities By E. Simms Campbell j and atom”" too. She has had so much of "The world started with atom everything that it makes cer- and F.xe and will end with tain {icrsons very unhappy. As ' atom.” a matter of fact, 1 myself re- rejection ' > larger 11 HI I i d—— • • • r a sent those got-every thing people A v op DQAPTee* for Air Marshal Douglas at times. * ¥. \ pwvs4Cal uNPiTNi** • * * rT . . V NOW THAN IN BRITISHColyer sounded a very re- I r v 1916 assuring note at a dinner the AIRS. LIVE is wealthy and A V INDICATE A DECUN* evening, glamorous. I C,. IN HEALTH 0* VOVJN6 other think she is y "I have heard many eom- right purty, but that is a per- ¦y £jjP men? vesOnoD plaint* ahouf the number of sonal opinion. She has been a l Britisher* now in Washington.” successful playwright, has social \i jjj l he "It is true there are position, vast publicity, and a \ said. is Barring D'VORCC , WILL COIJPIE* ! more British In Washington member of Congress. Envious MARRiCD TODAY LIVE I_On6ER. i?sj !fTT Wmm thee* day* than In 1814. How- folks say to themselves, that is TOGETHER THAN dad and MOTHER | 1 ever, they haxe a mueh better enough for opr person, and Qip ? vg6 p no Q , grip on them*elve« noxv and I when she strikes out. they are may safely say they xxlll not trv tickled silly. Of course, you 1 Yes. live years longer than both menial and physical. The to burn down the < apltol again!" must add in many cases a hearty couples who were married even young men of today ate nearly dislike of Mrs. Luce for she is Lf<> yrar< ago. This is because an inch taller than their fathers Brain Game a most controversial lady. people now live longpr, and to werp at the time of World War Answers As to why she took to the some extent marry earlier on 1. Tlwre were nearly one-third stage, your guess is probably the average —at least in the re- more six footers among I—Jose Iturbi. -Ih* li«-tr..ii I imo these better than never cent war years. Statistics show young inen than among their 2—Two. ihc number 83 and “Help!” mine. I could 89 are prime numbers. understand why any one who that where the bride and fathers. Whereas the average 3 ta* False. It is 98-1 feet does not have to do things like groom are 25, they may expect height of selectees up to May, wells, least years 1‘443, was 68.15 inches high. The Empire State is Detroit Times Rationing acting, digging or other- at 37 of married in their 1,248 Timetable wise exerting themselves to life. If they are 40. they may stocking feet, it was 67.49 for ibt True. GASOLINE earn a livelihood should fn-rsist still expert 25 years together. the first million draftees in A < nupon It—• gallon* through - Valid stamps they are only 20, expec- 4 The boxv and arrow. -epl 21. mo in activity that is of no real If the 1917. 5 Tehaikovsky. a 7 ant C-T (mtnn»-X gallon! each. importance to them. tation is 41 years of marriage. K a ant C-S 1 napnna—X gallon! fach. fi k- So da>t. Mllear* ration record for BBHIfI IBflßfl ing >t con'alni 13 *ry*t cnaptara trim- ordinary photographs can as w as Benny Leonard happy life, and a home of their • he xpfctfied auto tnuat be pretented bv when mine Ith »««oopiei rtilM and prln-, made through it. anldier to local board where car t* SuaTTa3FT he was lightweight champion of own because of exaggerated rlplM of ronyyrtaflon wjyil by *»?-# tegutered. Curat ennr-rtationa’ut H>rorm «mt R—Less. It is less than « the whole world and was also sense of loyalty to their par- yourty’f fy»«* rt r.t oil w, Inclndrl art Tan of a 3,000 hoards 'as to over-posses- *—•d tomaiiationa:i«t aitii eumpi#ta 000. Ttr t S. 4 and through BSBBI 81888 treading the they say ents. especially inde S •—Valid Inf m*'i"n for answartnt 'hym Tl.i* au» Si. it at the Lamb* club) and refus- sive mothers. I know a boy who rtmarltabit youra 1 « bxikirt la for la frrtnd i 4*>- 4* aerlaa i —Valid Ihrougl) ran'a—lata than ac*ual Aug 31. cF,. ing to meet Mickey Walker in might have been a great artist. «M. To f*t Connolly Answers l»4d ¦BIBB BSBBB your copy addrra* Or A I 'Vitjam a bout that would have drawn t»ut his mother chained—rot car# of Th# Dyrolt • IIOAB |nr!ud» Tla-r* O' t -Tb» n-lrnlt ImM 2- a fortune stnnjs, MI'S a »t«rr;»d 1 —-it’s the first sensible hat I’ve s«'f»n you buy! \ie 'ht, 4 -la'. 5 tc>. Biattlc- Aug Jl "-Airplane stamp* 12 1 and 4 V I until now he is a disappointed, hor o. f> «a» (hi cubit; I.IUI OK indefinitely Loose *t» Tip* IX< ' a rpTfl ran put it on of the inch: landlord* muit reguter all TENANCY MVOU'RI blighted personality. top bridge table vv hen the Knnfc a X« • >.,|H let (di Kalian V» M *b CHANGES a-d rented for jotl«'n « THE DETROIT meter, furlong; "> all STACE ¦ You're a fighter," .I—No. it means todnv (il TIMES boys I poker!” Aug 1 ff>r 1 uuar‘ o' wci*k» It'ing we aieeptnr C-7 and play