Wetwood of Elms
STATE OF ILLINOIS DwiGHT H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. Thompson, Director NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION Theodore H. Frison, Chief olume 23 BULLETIN Article 4 Wetwood of Elms J. CEDRIC CARTER Printed by Authority of tlic State of Illinois URBAN A, ILLINOIS August 1945 STATE OF ILLINOIS DwiGHT H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. Thompson, Director BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION Frank G. Thompson, Chairman William Trelease, D.Sc, LL.D., Biology* Arthur Cutts Willard, D.Eng., LL.D., Ezra J. Kraus, Ph.D., D.Sc, Forestry President of the University of Illinois L. R. HowsoN, B.S.C.E., C.E., Engineering Norman L. Bowen, Ph.D., Geology Roger Adams, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chemistry NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION Urbana, Illinois Scientific and Technical Staff Theodore H. Prison, Ph.D., Chief Florence A. Nyberg, Assistant to the Chief Section of Economic Entomology Section of Aquatic Biology George Bennett, Ph.D., Limnologist G. C. Decker, Ph.D., Entomolgist W. D. F. Hansen, Ph.D., Assistant Zoologist M. D. Farrar, Ph.D., Research Entomolo- Paul G. Barnickol, M.A., Ichthyologist gist Limbach, Special Re- H. Bigger, M.S., Associate Entomologist Bruno von M.S., J. search Assistant S. C. Chandler, B.S., Southern Field Ento- mologist Research and Management James W. Apple, M.S., Northern Field Section of Game Entomologist R. E. Yeatter, Ph.D., Game Specialist B. G. Berger, M.A., Assistant Entomologist Wildlife Experimental Areas John M. Wright, B.A., Assistant Ento- Section of mologist (on leave) Arthur S. Hawkins, M.S., Game Tech- H.
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