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AUTHOR Davis, Ben TITLE. Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids. A Parents' Guide for Improving School Environmental Health. INSTITUTION Public Interest Research Group, Montpelier. SPONS AGENCY Environmental Protection Agency, , MA. New England Regional Office. PUB DATE 2001-08-00 NOTE 68p. AVAILABLE FROM Vermont Public Interest Research Group, 141 Main St., Suite 6, Montpelier, VT 05602. Tel: 802-223-5221. For full text: downloads/Healthy_Schools.PDF. PUB TYPE Guides Non-Classroom (055) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Air Pollution; Educational Facilities Improvement; Environmental Standards; Hazardous Materials; Indoor Air Pollution; Parent Materials; *School Buildings; Ventilation IDENTIFIERS *Environmental Health; Vermont

ABSTRACT Asserting that few people recognize that concentrations of toxic pollutants are often many times higher inside buildings than outdoors, this guide offers advice on improving school environmental health in Vermont. Its chapters are: (1) "Indoor Air Pollution is a National Problem"; (2) "School Environmental Health in Vermont"; (3) "Act 125: The School Environmental Health Bill"; (4) "Health Implications of School Indoor Air"; (5) "The Precautionary Approach to School Environmental Health"; (6) "Getting the School Community Involved"; (7) "Basics of Indoor Air Quality and School Environmental Health";(8) "Evaluating Products for Health and Environmental Impacts";(9) "Pesticides"; and (10) "General Guidelines." (Appendices contains the School Environmental Health Act, an environmental health audit form, and the draft school diesel idling policy for Vermont schools. Contains 82 references.) (EV)

Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids

AParents' Guide. to Improving School Environmental Health

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EST COPY MAMA LE 2 Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids Organize and involve the and particulates at the building perimeter, whole community in the healthi while reducing dusting and mopping needs in the building interior. :-offhe-school 0 Save future dusting by using triple walled Clean and healthy school buildings are a vacuum cleaner bags. shared community responsibility. Get 0 Vacuum carpets thoroughly at least three people talking and working together to times per week. ensure a healthy learning space for children 0 Examine all chemical maintenance prod- in your community. See page 23, Getting the ucts, assemble and review MSDS sheets, School Community Involved. and implement a process to identify and phase in least-toxic supplies. Do a School Environmental 0 Replace aerosols with cleansers dispensed Health Audit out of lower cost trigger sprayers. 0 Eliminate bleach from cleaning applica- Take a walk through the school as the tions. While bleach is a powerful and first of many regular environmental health inexpensive sanitizer, it is a poor cleaner audits of school buildings. Participants and a highly dangerous and irritating should include custodians, teachers, admin- product. istrators, the school nurse, parents and Initiate a process for purchase, use and students. Look for ways to make the build- disposal of chemicals, art and lab supplies. ing and grounds more child-health friendly. Material Safety Data Sheets should be re- Keep the community informed. Involve viewed. Clear plans should be made to students. return or dispose of unwanted, waste, or -A -few easy to implement pre- excess materials. cautionary steps that can make Make use of the Internet to access up-to- date information. Extensive links to school a big difference for children: environmental health websites can be ac- cessed through and from the 0 Define walkways to keep students on Vermont Department of Health's new Act concrete and off bare dirt prior to entry in125 School Environmental Health Web Site the school. at www.state_v_t_us/health and from the U.S.

1:1 Install outdoor grates to catch snow and Environmental Protection Agency Tools for mud. Schools Program: Indoor Air Quality (IA0) 0 Increase the use and vacuuming of walk- Tools for Schools Kit at off mats in all entryways to catch soils earthlr6/ bpd/ toolsforschools/ tools4u htm

2 Vermont Public interest ResearchGrotnp

3 Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids

A Parents' Guide to Improving School Environmental Health

Vermont Public Interest Research Group 141 Main Street, Suite 6 Montpelier, VT 05602 802.223.5221 [email protected]


Healthy Schools for Healthy Kidswas written by Ben Davis, VPIRG Environmental Health Organizer. Mark Floegel, StacyHeuer, Jim Higgins, SarahO'Brien and Anthony Pollina provided contributions and editing.Special thanks to Stephen P. Ashkin of Seventh Generation and Board member ofthe Healthy Schools Network fortraining in how -to conduct school environmental healthaudits. About VPIRG The Vermont Public Interest Research Group is Vermont's largest environmental and consumer organization. VPIRG engages in research, community organizing and policy making in the public interestfrom health care to the electric utility industry, from environmental toxics to suburban sprawl, from accountable government to deformed frogs. Founded in PIRG 1972, VPIRG has grown to include 20,000 membersacross Vermont and other states. VPIRG relies on the generosity of individuals for two-thirds of its budget. For informationabout membershipor VPIRG's other work, contact the VPIRG office at 141 Main Street, Suite6 Montpelier, VT 05602 (802) 223- 5221. Tax deductible donationscan be made to the Vermont Public Interest Research and Education Fund at thesame address. Information is availableat VPIRG's website: Funding for the VPIRG's Healthy Schoolsfor Healthy Kidswas provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencythrough an Environmental JusticeGrant administered by USEPA Region 1 Boston,MA.


4 Vermovd- PtAblic alterest Research GI,o(Ap TABLE OF CONTENTS Helpful Hints 2 Preface 6 Chapter 1. Indoor Air Pollution is a National Problem 7 Chapter 2. School Environmental Health in Vermont 9 Chapter 3. Act 125. The School Environmental Health Bill 12 Chapter 4. Health Implications of School Indoor Air 14 Chapter 5. The Precautionary Approach to School Environmental Health 20 Chapter 6. Getting the School Community Involved 23 Chapter 7. Basics of Indoor Air Quality and School Environmental Health26 Chapter 8. Evaluating Products for Health and Environmental Impacts36 Chapter 9. Pesticides 40 Chapter 10. General Guidelines 46 Chapter 11. Conclusion 49 Glossary 50 Information resources 53 Appendix A. Act 125, The School Environmental Health Act 58 Appendix B. Environmental Health Audit Form 61 Appendix C. Draft School Diesel Idling Policy for Vermont Schools 64 References 65

-leclIthy Schools for Kids 5

6 Preface Keeping our school environment healthy As a nation, we have been slow to and clean is the key to a productive learningrecognize how our children's health is affected space where children can reach their fullbythisdailyexposureto common potential. Poor indoor air quality underminescontaminants. And Vermont lags behind other the most engaging curriculum and the beststates in developing a systematic approach to efforts of teachers and staff. It causes kids tothe problem. We do know that every day of lose concentration and often to miss schoolinaction means even greater expense for clean altogether. up and repair. We also know that a community Our children, along with the whole schoolresponse can be both positive and effective. populationcustodians, staff, bus drivers,North Country Union High School, in teachers and administratorsare exposed allNewport, Vermont confronted harmful day, every day to a wide array of hidden, andchemical exposures throughout the 1990's. not so hidden hazards. National experts admitNow, after an exhaustive but energizing that schools are one of our most hazardousprocess, the school is an example for other indoor environments. And, Vermont schools. though we work hard to What about the rest of Vermont's schools? combat pollution in our Most are trying, some are succeeding, and all outdoor environment, we do can do more. Act 125, the new Vermont littletoclean upthe Healthy Schools legislation, will help. It environment in which our directs the Health Department to set up a web kids spend most of the time. based information clearinghouse making the And every day students, teachers and staff dolatest information available to every Vermont miss school or are less productive becauseschool. But, many communities can't and their health is affected by exposure toshouldn't wait. Excellent resources, like the contaminants in the school environment.EPA's Tools for Schools, are well tested and Exposures like: effective. Other states have useful resources for improving school environmental health Carcinogenic diesel fumes penetratingand there is much you can learn from the school buildings experience of others. Water, snow, mud and dust tracked in, Ultimately, every Vermont child deserves bringing petroleum, lead, pesticides anda healthy, clean school environment. And, moisture while the process of getting there will vary Molds and bacteria breeding in carpets,school to school, the best response comes ceilings and walls when the whole community works together. Fumes from toxic chemicals in art supplies, VPIRG' s school environmental health chemistry labs and cleaning materials action guide can help you get startedtoday. Neurotoxic pesticides used inside and outside the school Anthony Ponina, School renovations, often happening duringVermont Institute for Environmental Health school hours, spreading noise, dust andConsultant, Vermont Public Interest fumes Research Group And poor, and sometimes no, ventilation December, 2000 limiting fresh air, circulating contaminants and worsening school environmental health problems.

6 VermontPtAblic interest Research Group

BEST COPY AVAILABLE Chapter 1. Indoor Air Pollution is a National Problem For years people have recognized HVAC (heating, ventilation, air damage to health can occur as a result of conditioning) systems are the single pollutants pumped into the sky, and many building feature most frequently reported as laws have aimed to stem outdoor air needing repair.6 The U.S. General pollution. Now, Americans spend most of Accounting Office (GAO) reports schools their time indoors, yet few recognize that typically have four times as many people in concentrations of toxic pollutants are often a given amount of space as office buildings. many times higher inside buildings than Federal air quality standards for schools (or outdoors. Indoor air pollution is among the any other non-industrial indoor highest environmental risks to people of all environment) are still being developed, and ages.1 industrial standards are not reasonably Tight buildings trap pollutants, applicable to a school environment.' increasing concentrations Solving the school environmental health The World Health Organization (WHO) problem can be costly estimates 30 percent of newly constructed or The GAO estimates it remodeled buildings have problems with will ultimately cost billions indoor air quality.' Because newer and of dollars to restore air renovated buildings tend to be "tighter" (i.e. quality in America's have less ventilation) than older buildings, schools. In many Vermont contaminants can more easily concentrate to towns, school levels where occupant health is affected. A improvements necessitated 1989 report blamed indoor by air quality problems will air pollutants for half of all illnesses and a continue to require passage of bond votes subsequent study by the National Institute upwards into the millions of dollars in of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)larger schools.8 found inadequate ventilation in over half of Cure costs less than the disease America's buildings. Not addressing indoor air pollution is Exposure to indoor pollutants can be 100even more costly. The National Academy of times higher than outdoors Sciences estimates health costs associated Studies by the U.S. Environmental with indoor air pollution are $15 to $100 Protection Agency (EPA) have shown billion each year.9 Health magazine exposure to indoor air pollutants is reported in 1990 that sick-building normally two to five times higher than syndrome results in 150 million lost exposure to the same pollutants outdoors workdays each year. Fuel costs saved in and can be as much as 100 times higher. energy-efficient buildings with poor air Also, new and renovated buildings trap quality is wasted several times over in volatile gases coming from paint, carpets absenteeism.1° and furniture.' 4 By law, children must be safe from Poor air quality in schools is widespread environmental health dangers in school The U.S. General Accounting Office School administrators not only have an (GAO) reports 46 percent of American ethical obligation to protect children from schools have problems with indoor air health hazards in school buildings, but a quality or ventilation systems.5 It found legal one. In 1992, the U.S. Court of Appeals

-Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids 7

8 for the fifth circuit ruled compulsory- Handicapped Children Act (20 USC, #1401 attendance laws place children into the et seq.), school districts are also required to "functional custody" of school officials recognize environmental illness as a while school is in session and therefore handicap and make arrangements for administrators "have a duty to protect afflicted students to receive instruction in an schoolchildren from hazards of which the environment free of debilitating school officials know or should know." contaminants.'" Under the federal Education for All


Brought in from the outside every day Sources of poor indoor air quality include outside sources Tracked in dust and pesticides. Industrial emissions. Building exhaust fans are often close or upwind of fresh air intakes. Automobile and school buses idle close to buildings, and fumesare drawn inside as doors open and shut. Released from inside every day Many rooms and buildings are poorly ventilated resulting in CO, levels from breathing high enough to impair concentration and alertness. Other sources of indoor pollution include: Dust and dirt in heating and ventilation systems. Venting of furnace gases into air ducts. Dust and gases from photocopiers, computers, and printerscan concen- trate in poorly ventilated spaces. Maintenance productsdisinfectants, cleansers, pesticides, solvents, fragrances, paint, caulk or carpet gluesrelease volatile organicvapors into the breathing zone. New furniture and floorings off-gas volatile components for months after installation. Molds and spores thrive in water-damaged furniture and carpets. Occupants of the building are a source of communicable diseases, chemical fragrances, emissions from assorted trash tossed in trashcans and pet dander from pets at home.12

8 VeemovvF PLAblic DM-eves-I- Research GrotAp BEST COPY AVAILABLE 9 Chapter 2. School Environmental Health in Vermont A. 1995 U.S. General Accounting Office Throughout Vermont, schools (GAO) study found over 25% of the grapple with environmental responding schools in Vermont had poor health indoor air quality and over 32% had inadequate ventilation systems.13 During the 1970s and 80s, many Vermont school districts were suffering from indoor Mike Rogers of the Environmental air and environmental health complaints. A Protection Agency, after two years on loan federal survey of Vermont schools found to the Vermont Department of Health helping schools address indoor air quality half of the respondents with problems. A problems, said, "I worked with dozens of sample: Vermont schools on indoor air quality Barnet Elementary School problems. Some were very bad, some were An odor problem that closed the Barnet minor, but every school, without exception, school in 1998 was traced to a school wide had room for significant improvement." rodent infestation. As many as 800 rodents Vermont report confirms Federal findingswere estimated to be living in the wall and and recommends improvements ceiling insulation. Their presence, coupled with faulty ventilation in the five-year-old The 1999 report of the Vermont building led to extensive renovation to Committee on Indoor Air Quality in Schools found "in virtually all of the schools visited correct the problem. some problems were discovered that Blue Mountain Union School reasonably could be linked to adverse health In response to complaints by students effects." Poor school air quality was linked and staff, air testing at Blue Mountain found to old buildings with inadequate ventilationhigh levels of CO2, and health complaints systems, buildings built to meet funding stemming from water damage to ceilings limits rather than functional requirements, and carpets. In January 1994, Anderson deferred maintenance, excessive attempts atLaboratories of Dedham, MA reported that energy cost savings, construction and ventilation in the school was inadequate, a renovation, and harmful emissions from variety of air contaminants were affecting new building materials and maintenance occupants, and air in several sections of the chemicals.14 building was "seriously polluted". Vermont children are missing school due In the summer of 1998, a $4.8 million to school air related illness bond was passed to renovate the school. Over 10,000 Vermont children have Three-quarters of the school was gutted and asthma and many reconstructed. A wood chip hot water heat- have difficulty ing system was installed. Two air handlers breathing while in were put in, and rooftop air conditioners school. According towere installed for the offices and library. The the Vermont entire system is monitored and adjusted Chapter of the from a single console. There is plenty of air American Lung moving throughout the building now. Association, asthma Other innovations to improve indoor is the leading cause environmental health: The air handling unit of absenteeism for Vermont students. is programmed to shut down when school

-Healthy Schools for 11-ledlthy Kids 9 10 buses arrive and restart 1/2 hour after they North Country Union High School have left. In addition buses shut off motors In the 1990s, following harmful chemical while waiting for kids. Carpeting in the exposure to staff and an incident in which a school has been reduced to 20% of floor student was carried from the building due space. 18' walk-off mats are standard at to school induced chemical sensitivity, every entrance into buildings North Country Union High School in New- Hartland Elementary port went through an exhausting and divi- sive fight to improve air quality conditions Staff at Hartland Elementary reported repeated headaches, nausea and dizziness. in the school. After two staff members prevailed in a "sick building syndrome" An inspection of the school found sewer gas being drawn into the building. lawsuit against the school, the community approved a bond issue to improve ventila- Middlebury Union High School tion. The process ultimately energized the The community and Rutland Daily brought about Herald re- school-wide air ported in the quality im- fall of 1992, provements. Middlebury North County Union High Union now School was leads Vermont forced to close schools in two classrooms awareness, when a leaking action and roof led to a school policies mold outbreak. related to im- At the same proving school time, voters environmental rejected a bond proposal to renovate the health. building.15 By the fall of 1997, the school Shelburne Community School was improving its ventilation system and In 1999, VPIRG was approached by a installing a pitched roof. parent volunteer in the school to look for Missisquoi Valley Union High School ways to reduce potential harmful exposures Poor ventilation, a leaking roof and too following complaints by teachers about few windows led two teachers who could carpet cleaning chemicals. With full support no longer physically tolerate air conditions of school administration, VPIRG undertook in the building to resign. The schools princi-a school environmental health audit of the pal reported he could stay in his office for school and presented findings to staff and no more than 15 minutes due to poor air the school board. A number of steps were quality." implemented and a process begun to ensure environmental health issues be considered as part of all building management decisions.

10 Vermont Putb lic JvAtel,est Research Gvot,,p i A CASE STUDY-UNION-32, EAST MONTPELIER, VT Union 32 Junior-Senior High School wassystem. The bond initiative failed. -created in the early:1970s by:combining five area Slow journey to improvement school districts. Despite design and construction as an "open classroom" school, walls to separate The U=32 School Board continued to address the classrooms were going;.up within a decade.the building's air quality problems with the Program needs proceeded without air qualityresources at its disposal. In 1996-97, an engineering considerations. Ventilation and air contaminantassessment of environmental problems and problems became widely recognized by staff andpotential remedies concluded serious problems students. Administrators, although concerned,remained unresolved. tended to isolate complaints and incidents of Voters approved a $12.6 million bond issue in exposure, slowing a reckoning of air quality complaints.the spring of 1997. Extensive rehabilitation work Overcrowding contributed to air quality problemstook place during breaks and summer vacation. Expansion, ventilation system overhaul, and Overcrowding was a serious contributor toimproved natural lighting means nearly a increased exposure to poor air. Designed for seventhousand students, parents and staff have a hundred students, the building bulged with 200healthy learning place. extra students by the 1990s. Classrooms were overcrowded and poorly ventilated. Converted closetsRenew U-32: a model on the road to improvement and the bus garage were pressed into classroom use. Dubbed Renew 11-32, the bond improvement Remodeling led to new air quality complaintsprocess creates a model other Vermont schools can learn from: In the summer of 1992, substantial remodeling 0 Continual student, parental and community was begun. Two large open classrooms were involvement brought out local expertise and divided into three rooms each and two corridors meant ongoing community support for built to access them. Students arrived in the fall improvements. , as carpet was beingi laid and paint was still wet on the walls. Off-gas fumes were strong and0 Carpets were removed and replaced with students and staff suffered headaches and felt ill. linoleum and tile. 0 Maintenance products have been selected to Students took the initiative to document be environmentally low impact. problems, resulting in improvements 0 Full spectrum lighting is installed in enclosed In 1992 Dr. Craig Scharf and advanced biology spaces. students collected information on air quality and0 The ventilation system is controlled from a documented an array of concerns. With single console and instantly adjusted to meet unanimous support by school staff, the students ventilation needs of shifting student presented findings to the school board in the populations during the day. spring of 1993. A subsequent report by a0 A no-idling policy for diesel delivery vehicles professional firm hired to assess the school echoed is in effect. the U-32 student report. Small rehabilitation0 School buses pick up and discharge students projects were begun, such as opening windows away from the building to minimize and removing small areas of carpet, and emissions entering the building. complaints decreased. 0 The flexibility to move students around as Limited resources led to limited success in needed has reduced crowding, despite a solving U-32's problems student population of 850 and a staff of 100, Despite improvements, cost cutting on and hundreds of parents. maintenance allowed continued deterioration of0 Recognition that a healthy school is the best air quality. Serious ongoing problems with the learning environment for kids has underlain heating and ventilation system led to a bond issue all community efforts to improve to enlarge the school and overhaul the ventilation environmental health in U-32. -1-leolthy Schools for flealthy Kids 11

BEST COPY AVARABLE 12 Chapter 3. Act 125. The School Environmental Health Bill The 1999 Vermont School Air Quality information on: report made many recommendations about O A model school environmental health how Vermont schools could improve air policy and management plan developed by quality. A mechanism to implement im- the statewide Act 125 advisory panel. provements everywhere in Vermont passed O Up-to-date information on environ- from growing awareness to legislative mental health issues related to indoor air. action with the introduction and passage of the Healthy Schools Bill. This information will be aimed at schools but be available to day care centers, Act 125. An Act Relating to Toxic Materialsnursing homes, public facilities and to the and Indoor Air Quality in Vermont Public public at large. Schools passed the Vermont Legislature and O Methods to reduce or eliminate expo- was signed into law on May 17th, 2000. sure to potentially hazardous substances in schools, including information on: Act 125 sets the stage for cleaner schools Potential health problems associated with Act 125 will assist towns as they work these materials, with specific reference to toward providing health friendly buildings children's vulnerability. and grounds. Act 125 puts towns in control Integrated pest management and alterna- of their own school air. Vermont school tives to chemical pest control. districts and towns will have equal access to Materials and practices in common use in up-to-date information on resolving school school operations and construction that health related dilemmas. Department of Health may compromise indoor air quality or personnel will expand efforts to help schools negatively impact human health. resolve school environmental health dilemmas. Preventive management options, such as ventilation, equipment upkeep, design School Environmental Health Information strategies, and performance standards. Clearinghouse Purchasing nontoxic or least-toxic office Now operational, the school environ- and classroom supplies, maintenance and mental health clearinghouse on the Depart- cleaning chemicals, building equipment, ment of Health's Internet site includes and materials and furnishings. Environmental health criteria that schools may use as a decision-making tool when determining what materials to purchase or use in school construction or operations. Other features of Act 125 include: Charging the Vermont Health Department to work with the public, and the Department of Education, and the Department of Buildings Students thank legislators for voting the Healthy Schools and General Services to de- Bill out of the House Education Committee (Spring 2000). velop a model school environ-

12 Vermont Public JP11-evest 1Resectvck Group

13 mental health policy and a model school and community members around the state environmental health management plan. need to make sure the new information All information will be available through system is developed to its full potential. The the information clearinghouse for schools best way to do this is to make use of the to adapt to their own circumstances as system and provide feedback to your school they move toward creating a healthier and the health department. school environment. Whether just tracking your child's physi- School environmental health training cal reaction to the school environment or workshops for school environmental coming to meetings to discuss concerns, health coordinators and school adminis- serving on a school environmental health trators, as well as annual training for committee, doing a school audit, checking in school maintenance and custodial staff. on the school environmental health website Providing information and referrals to or actively engaging the Vermont Depart- members of school communities who ment of Health, the role of parents is pivotal contact the school environmental health to improving children's breathing space in clearinghouse with hazardous exposure school. and indoor air concerns. Helping elementary and secondary Good air quality in schools is a schools in Vermont to establish community responsibility comprehensive school environmental The activity of each building occupant health programs to address indoor air andhas an impact on the indoor environment. hazardous exposure issues. Maintaining a healthy environment requires participation of everyone using the build- ' ing. Where it has worked, students, staff, . parents and visitors have worked together To improve school conditions and pro- to ensure participation in a process of tect our children's health, concerned parents"shared responsibility".

.1NTRODUCTION TO EPA's TOOLS FOR SCHOOLS EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Kitis helping to reduce health risks from harmful exposures at many schools across the country. The Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for Schools Kit EPA's updated action kit includes checklists for all school employees, a flexible step-by- step guide for coordinating the checklists, and Indoor Air Quality Problem Solving Wheel, a fact-sheet on indoor air pollution issues, and sample policies and memos. For more information seehtth:// The IAQ Tools for Schools Kit, individual IAQ Problem Solving Wheels, and Taking Action and Ventilation Basics Videos are available free of charge and can be obtained by calling 1-800-438-4318. Information available at ' a III Taking Action & Ventilation Basics Video[EPA 402- V- 98 -001J Taking Action and Ventilation Basics Videos are available free of charge and can be obtained by calling 1-800-438-4318.

-Healthy Schools for -1-tealthy Kids 13

14 Chapter 4. Health Implications of School Indoor Air Children are most at risk from Lungs are often the first place affected poor air quality by poor air quality Some airborne toxics attach themselves During their school years, children's to membranes in the respiratory tract. Con- nervous, immune, reproductive and respira-stant exposure to toxic chemicals in youth tory systems all grow and develop signifi- leads to diminished lung capacity and cantly. In the nervous system, connections function, accelerated aging of the lungs, between regions of the brain are formed higher rates of chronic lung disease (bron- during these years. A child's normal growthchitis and emphysema) and lung cancer. pattern can be altered and/or the growth of Since particulate standards were last revised unwanted cells can be stimulated by expo- in 1996, over 500 new scientific studies on sure to chemicals. Studies of a wide variety of particulates alone confirm the relationship chemicals found in indoor environments indicatebetween particulate air pollution and illness, that future learning ability may be compromised hospitalization and death." from hazardous exposures at schoo1.17 Adolescent health and the school Children are not little adults environment "The health risk from air pollution is as Exposure to toxic materials can result in much as six times greater for children than a wide variety of effects depending on the for adults," said Robert Phalem, director of dose and the time in the child's life span the University of California's Air Pollution when exposure occurs. Because of the dis- Effects Laboratory.18 A child's metabolic tinctive biology of adolescence, multiple system is often unable to break down and complex exposures open windows for excrete many toxic substances, increasing unique effects of harmful substances:22 the likelihood of immune system impair- Maturation of a number of organ systems ment, neurobiological problems and cancer. occurs during this period, including not Children are more inclined to engage in only the reproductive system but also the hand-to-mouth activity, lie on carpets or roll respiratory, skeletal, immune, and central in the grass, increasing their chance of being nervous systems. exposed to toxic chemicals." While children Adolescence is a time of increased risk for have the same multiple exposures as adults infectious disease and accidental injury, through food, water and air, they have making the effects of toxicants on the fewer pounds of body weight with which to immune and central nervous systems process the pollutants they ingest. particularly harmful. Early exposures can mean a lifetime of Increased food intake associated with weakened immune response rapid adolescent growth raises exposure Exposure to chemicals that disrupt to food contaminants, such as pesticide hormone function can lead to a lifetime of residues. including suppressed immune responses.2° When Voluntary drug consumption children's immature immune systems are drinking, smoking, substance abuse, and exposed to years-long exposure to toxics at the use of off-the-shelf, prescription, and increases. school they may be cumulatively affected to performance-enhancing drugs the point that immune response becomes At the same time, many adolescents are introduced to toxicants in the workplace. compromised.

14 Vermont Public Ordev'est Research Group dude presence of mold, viruses, cigarette Asthma smoke, allergens, cat dander, outdoor as well as indoor air pollution, cooking fumes, Asthma is an immune system disease diesel school bus emissions and cockroach affecting the lungs and other insect droppings.28 Asthma, or reactive airway disease, is a Once sensitized, asthma attacks are chronic disease of the immune system easily triggered characterized by increased sensitivity in the airway, sporadic attacks of shortness of Once a person develops asthma, a severe breath, wheezing and coughing. In an coughing attack can be triggered by any one asthma attack, the immune system overre- of a number of pollutants or irritants in the acts to the presence of an external agent. Theair, including compounds not previously bronchial tubes (connecting the throat and irritating. Asthma attack triggers include lungs) become inflamed, produce excess dust mites, molds, tobacco and wood mucus, and may constrict by muscular smoke, chemical fumes, aerosols, perfumes spasm. The asthmatic feels as if he or she is and pets.29 drowning for lack of air, which is in fact the Increase in outdoor and indoor pollut- case.23 ants tied to increase in asthma Asthma can develop after a reaction to a The increase in asthma in industrialized specific agent (allergen) and may cause a nations may be due to increasing pollutant life-threatening situation within a very shortlevels in both outdoor and indoor environ- period of exposure. It can also develop afterments, triggering stronger reactions from a long-term exposure to irritating agents our immune systems. The human immune that cause an inflammation in the airways insystem may respond to a new presence in the absence of an allergen. the environment and then overreact to Asthma is the leading cause of missed common substances like dust or perfume.3° school days Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Asthma is on the rise in the United States and is increasing in many countries around Chemical exposure results in a variety of the world. From 1982-96, prevalence of health effects asthma increased in the U.S. by 49%. For Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a children under 18, the rise was 78.6%. syndrome triggered by exposure to chemi- Deaths from asthma increased by 31% cals, and experienced as a wide range of between 1970-80.24 In 1990, asthma killed physical and mental symptoms. MCS can 4,000 people in the US and cost $6.2 billion involve both acute (short-term) and chronic in time lost from work and schoo1.25 In inner(long-term) health problems. Typical symp- cities, asthma is the leading cause of hospi- toms include prolonged fatigue, memory talization among children ages 5 to 15.26 difficulties, dizziness, lightheadedness, Asthma is the leading cause of school absen-difficulty concentrating, depression, leth- teeism nationwide and in Vermont.27 argy or grogginess, loss of motivation, tense Everyday exposures can be asthma triggers or nervous feelings, shortness of breath, Many environmental agents have been irritability, muscle aches, joint pain, head- shown to be associated with the increased aches, head fullness or pressure, chest pains, incidence of childhood asthma. They in- difficulty focusing eyes, and nausea.31 -I-real-thy Schools for 4-lenli-hy Kids 15 MCS is recognized as a disability stung by a bee goes into anaphylactic shock. The National Research Council has now Sensitivity to synthetic chemicals is accepted that "sick building syndrome" is a widespread real phenomenon, producing MCS-like MCS has been recognized by its symp- symptoms. The Americans with Disabilities toms for 50 years because MCS sufferers in Act also recognizes MCS as a disabling many geographical areas, researchers study- health syndrome and requires workplace ing them and doctors treating them, have accommodations for its sufferers. reported a consistent picture of disease. In MCS: Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerancevarious surveys, 15% to 30% of Americans Researchers Nicholas Ashford and (37 to 75 million people) report they are Claudia Miller have suggested MCS is not unusually sensitive or allergic to certain the best name for this family of ailments common chemicals such as detergents, because it fails to reflect the importance of perfumes, solvents, pesticides, pharmaceuti- the initiating chemical exposure. They cals, foods, or even the smell of dry-cleaned suggest Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance clothes. An estimated 5% (13 million people) (TILT) better describes the true nature of thehave been diagnosed as being especially illness(es) initiated by a toxic exposure sensitive. Many of these people react so which leads to the loss of tolerance for strongly that they can become disabled from common chemicals.32 Different initiating very low exposures to common substances. events may give rise to somewhat different Chemical exposure and learning ailments, all of which cause sensitivity to chemicals just as different infectious dis- disabilities eases can all cause a fever. Many chemicals widely used by industry Following sensitization, symptoms are and commonly found at home and in school triggered by minute chemical exposures are harmful to the developing brain and can cause developmental disabilities including MCS seems to be a disease (or family ofbehavioral and learning disabilities, hyper- diseases) occurring in two stages. Initiation activity, attention deficit, lower IQ and of MCS is associated with a high exposure motor skill impairment.34 (for example, a chemical fire, or spill) or by repeated moderate exposure to pesticide Epidemic of learning disabilities residues, household cleaners, glues and An epidemic of developmental, learning emissions from carbonless copy paper, and behavioral disabilities has become solvents or other strong chemicals such as evident among children. those found in chemical dumps or used in An increase in attention deficit hyperac- remodeling homes or offices, (including newtivity disorder can be measured by the carpeting). explosive prescription rate of the drug After the initiating exposure, symptoms Ritalin even accounting for the possibility are then triggered by extremely low expo- of over prescription (the number of children sure to many different chemicals, often out taking Ritalin has roughly doubled every 4 of proportion to the size of the stimulus.33 to 7 years since 1971). Examples of triggers include fragrances, Animal and human studies demonstrate carpet off gassing, tobacco smoke, pharma- that many chemicals commonly encountered ceuticals or foods. Not everyone exposed to in industry and the home are developmental chemicals gets MCS, just as not everyone neurotoxicants that can contribute to develop- 16 Vermont "PEAL,' ic altevest Research Group mental, learning, and behavioral disabilities.EPA, reduced cognitive ability from lead Children are not exposed to chemical exposure as measured by IQ scores and contaminants one at a time. Hundreds of valued in terms of foregone earnings, is thousands of chemicals are circulating in theestimated to be about $9600 per IQ point environmentmost are poorly understood, lost. and many readily combine with other harm-Solvents ful compounds to exert unknown effects on the developing brain. Many solvents used in adhesives, paints, resins, plastics, dying and printing materi- Estimates of Children Likely Affected als, such as inks act as depressants of the The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that central12 nervous system which can result in million U.S. children (17% of all children) headaches, nausea, dizziness drowsiness, suffer from one or more developmental, memory impairment, and muscular weak- learning, or behavioral disabilities. The ness, any of which can interfere with con- National Academy of Sciences recently centration and learning. Elimination or estimated that about 3% of developmental substitution of solvents with something less and neurological defects in children are harmful is the first priority. Cleaning sol- caused by exposure to known toxic sub- vents can often be replaced with simple stancesincluding drugs, cigarette smoke, water and detergent solutions. Water-based and known developmental and neurologicalpaints can be used in place of solvent-based toxins like lead, PCBs, and mercury. This paints and vegetable-based inks in place of means that 360,000 U.S. children (1 in every solvent-based inks39 200 U.S. children) suffer from developmen- tal or neurological deficits caused by expo- Sick Building Syndrome sure to known toxic substances.35 Sick building syndrome (SBS) refers to Pesticide exposure health complaints by building inhabitants relating to indoor pollutants. Symptoms are In addition to the well-understood highly variable and may include eye, skin, effects of neurotoxic insecticides on the and upper airway irritation, headaches, child's growing nervous system, other fatigue, dizziness, runny nose, sore throat, pesticides, such as herbicides and fungicidesallergies, asthma, dry skin, depression and can play havoc with still developing im- other complaints. Dust and common aller- mune and endocrine systems, preventing gens may be a significant factor in SBS.4° children from reaching their full potential. Symptoms typically resolve when affected Lead exposure individuals leave the building.41 Exposure to lead has been associated Biological Air Pollutants with an array of permanent neurodevelopmental effects, including mold, pollen, viruses attention deficits, decreased IQ scores, hyperactivity, juvenile delinquency and Mold crime.36" Research has also shown an Health implications of mold association between slightly elevated blood In humans, some of the fungi normally lead levels in children at the age of 24 present on, or in, our bodies only cause a months and lower general cognitive func- problem when the bodily defenses that tion at 5 years of age.38 According to the US control them are weakened or damaged.

fledlthy Schools for 1-leolthy Kids 17 When inhaled, mold spores or pieces of highest. Increased vacuuming of carpets mold may cause allergic reactions in the during high pollen months may also help nose, throat and eyes. Because they are reduce the number of complaints.45 small, mold spores may reach the lungs and Viruses bring on asthma-like symptoms. Viruses move in and out of schools with Buildup of mucus, wheezing and diffi- every student and staff member. Although culty in breathing may result.42 exposure to common viruses is a normal In extreme cases, biological indoor air part of childhood immune system develop- pollution can lead to life threatening respira-ment, our modern transportation systems tory diseases, such as Legionnaires disease, make it easy for new viruses to spread hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and less- quickly throughout the world. Overcrowd- severe lung infections. These have all been ing and poor ventilation combine with linked to occupancy in damp buildings or children's less-than-adequate sanitary habits homes with mold growth on water-dam- to facilitate viral transmission in schools. aged carpets, walls and furnishings or Although less of a factor than direct trans- standing water in ventilators and humidifiers.43mission in infection cycles, long-lived and High mold levels can affect school dormant viral particles may persist in carpet performance dust for months.

Apart from respiratory symptoms, I studies demonstrate that the presence of high mold levels induces general symptoms A recent preliminary study by Anderson including fatigue, headache, and effects on Labs found that mice exposed to emissions the central nervous system.44 These health from complaint carpets showed severe impacts interfere with students' day-to-day health problems and in some cases the mice learning ability. died from exposure to carpet fumes.46 Symptoms of irritation due to carpet emis- Pollen sions include eye, nose and throat irritation, Allergy symptoms from pollen result headaches, skin irritation and fatigue. Some from an immune system reaction that occurspeople experience shortness of breath or only in people sensitized to pollen, and not coughing.47 in others. Pollen in the air is inhaled. Pollen A recent report titled, Allergic Diseases grains landing in the lining of the nose or and the Indoor Environment, says carpets are the lining of the bronchial tubes trigger cellsactually the biggest reservoir for allergy- in the nose or in the lower airway to pro- causing dust mite and allergens in the home, duce a number of inflammatory com- and are a prime culprit in allergic diseases. pounds. These compounds cause the inflam-Up to 100,000 mites can live in one square mation and the allergic reaction. meter of carpet, and their droppings build People with pollen allergies often de- up steadily as the carpet gets older.48 velop sensitivities to other allergy trouble- makers that are present all year, such as dust mites. For these allergy sufferers, the sneez- School buses use diesel engines for ing season extends all year. Filter changes reasons of fuel efficiency and durability. Yet, on the ventilation system can be structured diesel engines are increasingly being recog- around the months when pollen counts are nized as a serious threat to public health.49

18 Vevmont PLAblic interest ResecuAck Group Diesel exhaust is unhealthy 90% of particles emitted by diesel vehicles Despite being lower in hydrocarbons, are less than 1 micron in diameter. These carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide than particles are not easily exhaled, and stay gasoline engines, diesel emissions contain inside the lungs for long periods of time, over 40 substances listed by the Environ- corroding cells and ultimately leading to mental Protection Agency as Hazardous Airtumor growth. Pollutants. The list includes benzene, ar- Low levels of diesel exhaust pose health senic, dioxins, formaldehyde and toluene. risks to students Diesel exhaust also contains high levels of EPA has found that exposure to diesel nitrogen oxides and ozone, both of which exhaust, even at low levels, is likely to pose are injurious by themselves and combine a risk of lung cancer, as well as other respi- with other pollutants to create ground level ratory risks, such as asthma, to children and smog.5° adults." School children are exposed every Small Particulate Matter, or soot, lodges day to diesel emissions, while riding on the in the lungs bus and as they get on and off the school Diesel exhaust contains high levels of bus. Children are additionally exposed fine soot, known as Small Particulate Matter,when diesel engines are allowed to idle or SPM. The microscopic soot is easily outside school buildings. Exhaust fumes inhaled deep into the lungs. The worst SPM enter the building through doors, windows, are particles less than 3.5 microns in diameter. or nearby ventilation intakes.

ACTION STEP: ADOPT A SCHOOL DIESEL IDLING POLICY To limit student exposure to diesel emissions, work to have your school adopt a diesel idling policy. Components include: Have buses warm up away from the school building so exhaust is not drawn into the building before morning and afternoon pick-up. Have buses shut off engines when arriving at the school to discharge or pick up students. Have delivery trucks shut off engines when making deliveries, or schedule deliveries when school is not in session. Keep school buses tuned up for optimum performance. See Appendix C. Draft School Diesel Idling Policy proposed for Vermont Schools. Some Vermont schools take the extra precautions of turning off air intakes before buses arrive, and waiting for the air to clear before re-opening intakes. Other schools have buses load and unload away from the school building. This cursory review indicates that many different health symptoms can result from exposure to contaminants in school indoor air. In the next chapters we will look at ways to prevent such exposure and prevent the associated risks to school children.

-1-lealthy Schools for -1-lealthyKids 19 BEST COPYAVAILABLE 4..0 Chapter 5. The Precautionary Approach to School Environmental Health Widespread Exposure Ordinarily, we assume that someone in We are widely exposed every day to the governmentenvironmental regulators, substances that have been associated with public health officialsis making sure that health damage, but until significant num- substances in common products are safe for bers of us fall ill, we have no way to prevent us to use. Unfortunately, the current system such exposure. In public settings such as actually does little to protect us against schools, stores, hospitals and office build- health damage arising from environmental ings we may well encounter significant exposures. It is only by taking preventive chemical exposures that we cannot antici- action to limit such exposures that we can pate or prevent. The net effect of the current truly protect our children from potential system is to run an uncontrolled experiment harm. with the general human population serving Uncertainties about health effects of as guinea pigs. exposures Reasons for concern The nature of the scientific method, the Because we are exposed to so many multiple ways in which response to chemi- potentially hazardous substances every day, cal exposures can manifest themselves and it is extremely difficult to link a single expo- the chemically-based nature of our economy sure to a specific health effect. The weight of make it very difficult to definitively link evidence in multiple peer-reviewed studies particular chemical exposures and specific linking chemical exposures to chronic health health symptoms in a cause and effect effects, however, indicates strong cause for relationship. Corporate claims about prod- concern about the impact of specific and uct safety rely on uncertainties, not proof. cumulative exposures on public health. The fact that a chemical is allowed into Rising rates of chemical sensitivity, learning commerce says more about the US system of and behavioral difficulties, reproductive regulation than it does about evidence that problems and cancer are consistent with the specific products do no harm. kinds of problems such studies would Our current system: safe until proven guilty predict. Our current product registration system Dangerous loopholes is based on the premise that if no positive Contrary to common assumptions, there proof of obvious harm is detected, any is little reason to believe that children are chemical can be released to the marketplace. adequately protected by the current regula- Only if harm is detected after the fact (as tory system. thousands of people report health impacts Less than 1% of the more than 80,000 related to a certain substance) can a chemi- synthetic chemicals in commercial use cal be withdrawn from the marketplace, and today have been adequately tested for years of legal, scientific and political wran- human toxicity. And only a small percent gling can pass before the withdrawal is of those chemicals have ever been tested complete. Significantly for children, most for developmental neurotoxicity, or other chemicals released to the market lack any impacts on developing bodies. proof that they do not cause harm to devel- Testing and regulation of toxicity is based oping nervous systems and brains." on healthy adult males, not on children, females or other individuals who might

20 Veornova PtAblic JP-xi-crest Research Group

21 be more sensitive to specific exposures. action to protect against its potential risks Typically in the US, products linked to before it is widely used, rather than waiting health impacts are only adequately tested,to restrict its use after we find that harm has and removed from the market after they been done. We should take precautions to have done significant harm. protect against risk wherever possible rather Children are most at risk than waiting to deal with problems in future. Children take in far more environmental Common sense risk reduction contaminants per pound of body weight Though this sounds complicated, it is than do adults. Their developing bodies arereally the guiding principle for any number less able to excrete, detoxify, and metabolizeof activities we undertake in our daily lives pollutants. and in our social regulation. Looking both Environmental contaminants can enter ways before we cross the street, buckling up, children's body through inhalation, inges- wearing bike helmets, putting food in the tion or absorption through the skin. refrigerator, keeping hazards out of the reach of children, such as by locking the Children breathe more air, ingest more medicine cabinet all are simple preventive food and liquids per body weight than actions we implement in the absence of adults, and their behavior (playing on floor, immediate danger. hand-to-mouth contact, rolling on ground, etc.) exposes them to more and different Precautions to prevent harm concentrations of environmental contami- By removing possible sources of chemi- nants than does adult behavior. cal or biological health impacts, schools can Hazardous materials can remain in the prevent health problems among students air or settle onto desks, play areas, floors and staff rather than having to deal with and other areas where they are readily them after the fact. Pro-active measures to available for absorption, inhalation or inges-reduce risks to children's health in schools tion. Multitudes of hormonally governed involve reducing or eliminating harmful processes regulate children's growth and compounds or exposures and ensuring that development. Increasingly, evidence indi- conditions do not exist to foster growth of cates that toxic substances work by disrupt- biological contaminants. Such measures are ing hormonal function. Children are often simple and inexpensive, whereas uniquely vulnerable to this type of interfer- solutions to environmentally induced ill- ence at specific moments of development. nesses can be highly complex and cost significant sums. A simple example would A precautionary approach be the installation of walk off mats to pre- Given scientific evidence of potential vent carpet damage, instead of replacing harm, and the troubling trends that seem moldy carpets after students develop respi- consistent with that research, policymakers ratory problems. worldwide are turning to an alternative See also Chapter 8, Evaluating School model for regulating potentially harmful Products for Health and Environmental substances. This approach suggests that Impacts for examples of preventive measures. since we can never know with 100% cer- tainty if a particular substance is dangerous,What does this mean for schools? we should look at the weight of evidence Preventing risk and harm to children is a associated with that substance and take daily goal of Vermont schools. Yet general

4-leolthy Schools for 4-lecdthy Kids 21

`12 awareness of the risks related to poor indoorand aggravation, and lead to early resolution air in schools is very low. Children may of school environmental health problems. encounter many hazardous substances Vermont schools have gone down a throughout the day just taking part in their variety of paths to achieving better indoor routine activities. Products used on school air. Where communication has been poor, grounds that contain or generate potentiallydenial of parents concerns by school boards hazardous chemical compounds include and administrators has been compounded pesticides, paints, glues, building materials, by highly charged parental outrage. Anger school office supplies, maintenance prod- levels stay high, and improvements can be ucts and office equipment. delayed, often for years. In some cases, Because children's bodies are growing litigation has been the only method of and developing, exposure can have long- resolving differences, at great monetary and term health effects as well as day-to-day emotional cost to the entire school community. effects. Yet while school administrators Where communication has been open, would never allow a very young student to and administrators have honestly addressed use an inappropriately sharp knife, they issues raised by parents and staff, resolution may not understand the repercussions of has often been both pro-active and problem that same small child using a glue or solventfree. related to potentially severe health impacts, or of allowing that child to be exposed to For this reason, VPIRG advocates that parents make every effort to work with harsh cleaning chemicals, pesticide residues school administrators and school boards in a or mold spores from wet carpets. non-confrontational manner even when Open Communication the key concern levels are high. Conversely, to rapid resolution of school addressing emotional issues brought by concerned parents requires that environmental health problems administrators promote open dialogue, and School environmental health is a com- involve parents throughout problem solving munity affair and open communication is efforts. the key to successfully working together. The most successful and lasting efforts to Although many school environmental effect change will be those cooperatively health problems are unnerving and very fewmanaged and promoted by representatives are actually life threatening, serious health of all school constituencies. Participants will problems for students and staff do arise. acknowledge and try to accommodate the Dealing with any problem responsibly needs of all parties, including financial involves setting realistic goals and time- planning constraints experienced by tables that everyone can agree on. administrators, while attempting to Where truly hazardous situations are eliminate potential exposure hazards as discovered, every effort should be made to quickly and fully as possible. deal with them quickly. Parents should be notified as soon as possible and school officials should seek outside assistance from the Vermont Department of Health. Communicating early and often about risks and concerns can save everyone time 22 Vermont "RAblic al-I-crest Resenock Group 23 Chapter 6. Getting the School Community Involved Act 125, Vermont's new School Audit participants Environmental Health Law Participants in planning and implement- Act 125 sets up a web-based informationing the audit(s) typically include combina- clearinghouse at the Vermont Department oftions of the head custodian, the school nurse, Health to help schools identify and elimi- a representative of the school administration, nate potential hazards arising from the use a concerned parent, a teacher, and a student. of cleaning materials, art, science and shop A checklist is essential supplies, construction and furnishing mate- rials. The bill also establishes a process to Itis essential that you have a checklist to develop model policies and procedures (by review and make notes on as you proceed. summer 2001) that schools can adapt to their Tools for Schools contains a number of own circumstances to resolve and prevent useful checklists. VPIRG has used and school environmental health problems. recommends the Green Building House- Parents' role is the key to implementing keeping and Maintenance Checklist, by Stephen Ashkin. Information is also avail- Act 125 able from the Vermont Department of Because the legislation created no man- Health, other states, and national and local date for school districts to undertake spe- organizations specializing in school indoor cific environmental health improvements, itair quality and via the Internet. will take pressure from concerned parents, staff, teachers and other members of school Key things to look for in any school audit communities to ensure that individual Moisture entering the school or condens- schools make use of the new information ing on cool surfaces, such as floors. based system to protect students and staff. Sources of dirt and dust. Parental involvement is key to driving the Adequate ventilation for each room. officially recognized information dissemina- Special consideration is given to bath- tion process. rooms, supply closets, science lab storage, How to do an Environmental shop material storage and work area, and rooms housing photocopiers, printers, Health Audit of your school and computers. Under Act 125, Vermont's new healthy Inventory of all custodial maintenance schools law, all Vermont schools will even- supplies, including cleaning products, tually implement a routine yearly environ- disinfectants, and pesticides. mental health audit of each school building. Goals of the audit Don't delay! Get the ball rolling in your A close look at school practices related to school school environmental health You do not have to start out as an indoor Identify simple preventive steps to im- air quality expert to do an audit of your prove indoor living conditions school. Getting the process started just requires common sense and a little back- Identify uncertainties, raise questions, and ground. Audits can be done at several levels note follow-up needs. and in ongoing stages geared to the exper- Determining priorities and implementing tise of the participants. See Tools for Schools solutions to potential problems identified for practical advice on conducting an audit. naturally follows when an active committee or group is assembled to discuss next steps. -F-lealthy Schools for -lealthy Kids 23

24 10 STEPS TO FORMING A SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH COMMITTEE ANDEXPANDING COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION Forming an informal environmental health working group at your school will get the process started. Below is a basic guide to help such a group take steps to organize your school community to address the issue of health hazards posed by school products and practices. 1. Contact parents and staff Talk with concerned parents and school staff members to float the idea of establish- ing a working group to look at environmental health hazards at your school. Numbers are importanteven if people are just expressing support for the idea, count them (and their spouses) in your list of initial supporters. You can hold a living room meeting to discuss the issues with a small group and kick off your organizing effort. 2. Develop informational materials to share Working from the Vermont Department of Health healthy schools website, VPIRG's website and EPA materials, assemble some basic facts. Simple lists such as common problems, or health effects of common cleaning products are easy for people to grasp and give a sense of the issues involved. 3. Meet with the Parent Teacher Organization Get on the agenda of the parent teacher organization to discuss environmental health issues in school and elicit support. Few people will object to the concept of a health and safety: committee dedicated to ensuring a healthier learning environment. Some may actually join in the work. If possible, have the organization endorse your effort. 4. Meet with administration and staff Go in with several parents and one or two staff members if possible to begin an ongoing dialogue with school administrators. Ask them to support an environmental health improvement effort, and let them know how many people vou have talked with who support the idea. An early buy-in by school administrators speeds environmental health improvements. 5. Conduct a school environmental health audit With permission from the administration, arrange to conduct an audit with an ad- ministrator, a teacher, the head custodian, and at least one parent. Use a standard green building or school environmental health checklist. See Appendix B. (Contact VPIRG for information on how to conduct a school environmental health audit.) The initial audit does not have to be 100% complete. Often the audit is useful for identifying concerns in need of a more thorough follow-up. 6. Prepare preliminary recommendations Look for the actions that are easy to implement (e.g. replace toxic dry erase markers, clean out refrigerators, install walk-off grates, etc.). Create a rough list of more substan- tial actions needed, based on the audit and try to rank them in terms of importance. Go over the list of recommendations with administrators.

24 Vermont Public JPItev'est Research Group 25 BEST COPYAVAILABLE 7. 41ileet with the school board Arrange to be part of the agenda of a regular meeting. Give board members an overview of audit results and allow for questions. If you don't know the answers, stress that an environmental health committee is the appropriate group to investigate potential problems, look for answers, and help implement solutions. Invite Board participation. Let the school board know that the Vermont Department of Health can provide assistance and advice on lowest-cost ways to approach the issue. You can mention that the Vermont School Boards Association was one of the primary support- ers of the statewide Healthy Schools initiative. Report regularly to the school board to keep them involved. 8. Establish a formal working group for the implementation phase Ideally, this will consist of a stand-alone "School Environmental Health Committee" including students, parents, teachers, the school nurse, custodial staff and administration. Some schools may delegate the responsibility to an existing committee that deals with health issues or buildings and grounds. 9. Inform and involve the community Present your initial findings and recommendations to staff, students, PTA, and community. Information about changes in school practices and policies can be sent home with school newsletters, presented as part of regular school board meetings, as a -written report in the Town Annual Report or as articles in local papers. Informing community members about environmental health concerns and progress in the school ensures informed decision making if larger projects are needed. 10. Plan for an annual follow-up presentation to the community. Keeping the community informed of successes in an ongoing way can continue to build support for improvements. An information update will be useful to new parents, newcomers to town, and townspeople who may have been only casually interested at the outset.

I . S S I I . II

0 Introduce EPA's Tools for Schools, or an if any significant changes in purchasing or equivalent program approach as a way to other practices are involvedthe commit- begin to address the issues identified tee must be highly informed about alter- through the audit. natives to push for change. By making use 0 Plan on regular meetings (e.g. once a of the services of the Vermont Department month) to monitor progress and involve of Health and VPIRG and other organiza- more community members. tions, committee members can prepare a 0 Research and budgeting will be necessary persuasive case for their recommendations.

4-lealthy Schools for Healthy Kids 25

26 Chapter 7. Basics of Indoor Air Quality and School Environmental Health Sources of harniful chemical exposure in schools include:

Building Materials Students and staff can also suffer when Many building materials such as adhe- vapors from these products are trapped in sives, pressed-wood products, paints and indoor spaces. vinyl-coated wallpaper contain harmful Art and Science Classes chemical ingredients. A variety of solvents are used in roofing, painting and renovation Many of the materials used in art and that can cause skin dryness, respiratory science classes contain chemicals with both irritation, and with greater exposure, dizzi- acute and chronic health effects including ness or nausea. Contractors are often unfa- alcohols, petroleum distillates, oxidizing miliar with non-toxic construction materials,materials, dyes, metal pigments and sol- and hesitate to use them unless required to, vents. See Classroom ExposureArt Sup- making it difficult to protect occupants fromplies, page 31. the hazards of remodeling. Carpeting alone Wood, Industrial and Metal Shop Classes may release over 120 different harmful Sawing, machining, casting, welding, chemicals. See also, Building Materials, page 47. painting and cleaning can expose students Office Equipment and Supplies to hazardous air and contact contaminants. Photocopiers and other electrical office Though exposure levels in shop can be equipment may give off ozone, which irri- similar to levels found in industrial settings, tates the eyes and the respiratory tract, there are no uniform air quality or protec- causes headaches, and has been associated tive equipment guidelines for these activi- with adverse genetic effects. Ink toner in ties in schools. See Classroom Exposures, photocopying machines contains many Industrial Arts Classes, page 32. dangerous substances including methyl Pesticides alcohol, a solvent that can dry the skin, A number of Vermont schools still apply irritate the eyes, nose and throat and cause pesticides in and around buildings and on dizziness or even blindness. Many common playing fields. Pesticide droplets and fine office supplies are also hazardous, releasingparticles become airborne then settle on vapors and dusts that can cause a variety of walkways, grass, carpets, desks, tables and skin and respiratory problems. These in- toys. Once tracked indoors, residues may clude glue, rubber cement, inks, carbon remain biologically active for several days, paper, carbonless paper, typewriter ribbon, weeks or longer. Pesticide use performed by whiteboard cleaner and correction fluid. the calendar rather than in response to Cleaning Products actual pests subjects every building occu- Many commonly used custodial prod- pant to unnecessary pesticide exposures. ucts contain hazardous ingredients. Custo- Even where chemical pesticides are used dians bear the brunt of exposure to ammo- only in response to a pest problem, other nia-based cleaners, as well as disinfectants, much safer methods could better protect pesticides, furniture polish, window cleaners building occupants from undue risks. See and a variety of highly perfumed cleansers. Pesticides, page 40.

26 Vermont Pmbl ic JvItel,est Research

27 Biological Air Pollutants System components, such as humidifiers, cooling coils or condensation drip pans, if All school buildings, as well as other not regularly cleaned, may be a source of workplaces and offices have unavoidable fungal growth. While HVAC systems are levels of biological pollutants. Exposure to often treated with biocides to prevent mold mold, pollen and viruses is the inevitable contamination, this practice may pose an consequence of bringing people together. additional health risk to students if not Some level of biological contamination is properly managed. The safest way to pre- unavoidable. Keeping the effects of such vent contamination is to keep moisture out contamination to a minimum is the goal of of the system with proper construction and managing biological pollutants inside a school. maintenance. Mold grows anywhere nutrients and Improving ventilation and lowering humid- moisture are present ity is the solution to reducing mold levels Mold is a type of fungus. Local moisture Adequate volume of circulating air, from leaks, floods and perpetually damp especially air from outside the building, is carpet near outside doors creates conditionsthe best preventative for mold and mildew. conducive to the production of fungal Stopping drips, mopping up water spills, growth, referred to as mold. Mold, or mil- removing water damaged tiles and carpets dew is a mass of vegetative filaments and fruiting structures produced by various are essential to controlling mold growth. fungi. The seeds of mold are called spores. Remove continuously wet carpets Both mold and mildew fungi use plant or When molds become established, it is animal matter as sources of food for growthvery difficult to get them out. Wet carpets and reproduction and both require a rela- have square miles of surface area substrate tively high level of humidity to thrive.53 for mold growth. EPA recommends removing Common sources of mold contamination carpets if they remain wet for more than 24 hours.55 in schools54 See also Health Implications of School 0 Shower areas and damp gym clothing Indoor Air, Biological Pollutants, page 17. Water or snow from boots, or wet clothing 0 Storage areas for damp sneakers, boots 0 Leaky fountains, sinks, toilets Pollutants of many sorts settle onto 0 Books and papers stored in damp areas outdoor soil, and may become part of dust 0 Certain carpets, ceilings, walls (due to brought indoors. Once indoors, pesticides moisture from excess humidity) and other solvents attached to dust do not 0 Roof, basement, plumbing, or pipe leaks break down readily because they are pro- 0 Unclean refrigerator drain pans tected from sunlight and soil microbial 0 Metal window frames action. Lead, pesticides, road dust, mold, 0 Over-watered plants dust mites and other dust allergens and 0 Buildings located in poorly drained areas pollutants accumulate in nearly all floor cracks, rugs and carpets. Air intakes can be a source of mold If air intakes are near standing water on roofs or around buildings, ventilation systems can be sources of mold. Bird droppings or other organic debris can get into systems. 1--lealthy Schools fol,i-lenIthy Kids 27

28 What is dust? 60%) in carpets provides ideal habitat for Dust is a highly variable mixture of dust mites, molds, bacteria, and fungi to grow. many kinds of waste materials. Depending Rock salt tracked into buildings may be on building activities, furniture, carpets, irritating building materials, and composition of Salt dissolved in water becomes incorpo- tracked-in dirt, a speck of dust may contain rated with building dust as the water evapo- fabric fibers, human skin particles, micro- rates. This dust can be irritating to sensitive scopic mites, bacteria, viruses, mold spores, individuals. Sand is more likely to be caught food particles, heavy metals and pesticides. on walk-off mats than salt. In general, use Most common dust pollutants minimal rock salt to cut ice during the winter. Pesticides Any use of herbicides and pesticides Housekeeping tips around a building exterior can result in dust with pesticide residues being tracked into Dust keeping it out the building. Pentachlorophenol (PCP) Inside dirt and dust begins as outside wood preservatives outside the building dirt and dust result in high levels of PCP dust concentra- Dirt tracked into the building from tions inside for years after application.56 unpaved parking areas and muddy walk- Lead ways by entry doors contributes a signifi- Because lead does not degrade, over cant daily load of dust to the building. time lead accumulates in soil. Around old Step Onekeep dirt from penetrating the buildings, lead levels may be high from pastbuilding paint leaching, and flaking and scraping of Keeping dust out of the building is the old lead paint. Lead adhering to soil dust most effective strategy for reducing indoor particles can be tracked into the building. dust levels. Preventing dust from entering a Lead in carpet dust is nearly proportional to building is far easier than removing at- the level of lead found in the soil around a tached lead, pesticides, and polycyclic building foundation.57 aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) once they Road dust are in the building. Control of dust is recog- Road dust contains varying levels of nized as an affordable and effective way to toxic pollutants, including pesticides from reduce total pollutant exposure to building roadside spraying, arsenic, asbestos, cad- occupants.w Improved housekeeping strate- mium, chromium, lead, nickel, tars, PCBs, gies and practices can greatly reduce the and PAH compounds.58 Used motor oil is amount of dust and fine particulate matter found in road dust, and contains lead, inside a school building, as well as increase cadmium, PAHs, PCBs, chlorine and dioxins.59custodial efficiency. Dirt-laden snow under automobile fenders Identify areas of exposed dirt adjacent to dropping onto parking lots has high dust school entrances where students may be levels and contributes to hazardous track-inpicking up dirt on their shoes. These areas from parking lots. should be fenced off or screened with shrub- Dust mites, mold and other dust allergens bery. If students cross a dirt parking lot, a knock off grate should be installed just Presence of dust and moisture (over

28 Vevtv,oni- lic interest Research GvolAp

29 outside the door. paper bags (as opposed to single walled Keep walks and parking areas clean and bags). This significantly reduces the amount shoveled so shoes stay clean and dry. of fine particulates escaping from the vacu- ums. For optimum efficiency, bags should be Step twotrap dirt at the building perimeter discarded when half-filled. The second step is to trap dirt near the Remove carpets whenever possible perimeter of a building allowing custodians to focus efforts near school entrances, rather In addition to being ongoing sources of than chasing dirt throughout the building. biological contamination, carpets trap, hold Low cost techniques for trapping dirt at and release dust. Whenever carpets are the building perimeter: removed, replace with an impervious floor that can be mopped. CI Install a walk-off grate in front of each entranceway. Grates provide a visible Paving the parking lot keeps the building reminder for people to knock dirt off theircleaner boots prior to entering the building. Parking lot paving reduces track-in of 0 The grate serves the added function of dirt and contributes to custodial efficiency. reducing moisture buildup on the interior Price considerations of paving should take walk off mats during the winter by cuttingthis factor into account. Wherever parking the amount of snow tracked into the lots are unpaved the gradient in front of the building. building should be examined and adjusted - 0 II A " A S '" 4 as needed to reduce water accumulation in soil traps can be installed just inside each front of the building. door. Clean the recess frequently. 0 Increase the use and size of walk-off mats atallentrancas. This provides a barrier to The heavy metal lead is long recognized keep soils and particulate matter confined as a source of learning and developmental to the edge of the building. At a mini- disorders that may persist into adulthood." mum, mats should be sized to catch four Toxic effects of lead result from very low footfalls. Longer is better. levels of exposure.62 Vacuum the interior walk-off mats several The legacy of lead paint times during the day. Old paint is widely acknowledged as a Wherever the entranceway also serves as source of lead. Before 1978, many Vermont part of a main corridor for movement be- buildings, including schools, were painted tween parts of a building, such as two wings with lead paint. No one uses it anymore, but or two stories, dirt trapped on the walk-off the lead in the old paint doesn't go away. mats and on stair treads can be continuously High levels of lead in the skirt around the tracked further into the building interior school result from paint weathering and during the day. Providing staff with a light- lead washdown. Because lead does not weight backpack vacuum cleaner or equiva- decompose, it incorporates into the dust and lent allows relatively easy cleaning follow- dirt tracked into the school building. Where ing student arrival and again during the day students trek over carpets, lead accumulates as needed. in deep carpet dust, serving as a source of Triple walled vacuum cleaner bags work continuous exposure. best. Fit vacuum cleaners with triple walled

1-ledli-hy Schools for 1-leolthy Kids 29

30 Vermont children have elevated lead levels in their blood Information on lead monitoring and hazard abatement According to the Vermont Department of For general information from the VT Health, at least 9 percent of Vermont 2-year- III- olds overall, and at least 14 percent of the i- 1.15 . . -141 federal laws. educational materials about children on Medicaid, may have had el- ISel " DO -8 evated levels of lead in their blood. Recog- nizing that children are exposed to many classes. see sources of lead, the Health Department has health/lead.htm or call 1-800-439-8550 or increased awareness about how to prevent 802-865-7786 childhood lead poisoning and increased the For educational presentations about number of children tested. childhood lead poisoning prevention or HEPA vacuum rentals: VT Lead Safety Vermont's Lead Poisoning Prevention Act Project, tel. 802-453-5617 The Vermont legislature responded to For support and information for rental this health threat by enacting a law to help property owners: Apartment Owners, Inc., prevent children from becoming lead poi- tel. 888-LOW-RENT soned in older rental housing and day care." In addition, because of the health risk For support and information for ten- from improper renovation or removal of ants: Vermont Tenants, Inc., 802-864-0099 lead paint, all lead abatement contractors For general information for child care and workers must be trained and licensed. facility owners: VT Dept. of Social & Rehabilitation Services, 802-241-2158. Rules for lead abatement are clearly spelled out Owners of rental property and childcare Radon facilities built before 1978 are required to take steps to reduce hazards and protect Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless ^8 'II^q18 DO 011: .8 gas, which results from the radioactive Inspecting the condition of interior and decay of radium. Radon in turn breaks exterior paint on their properties and down into radon decay products called performing essential maintenance. short-lived radionuclides. These decay Signing an affidavit stating that essential products either as gases or attached to maintenance practices have been carried airborne particulates, are inhaled. In the out and filing it with their insurance lungs, further radioactive decay occurs, and carrier and the VT Department of Health. this process can initiate the process of Providing occupants with a pamphlet carcinogenesis. about lead poisoning prevention. Natural radioactive decay products Posting a notice asking people to report cause cancer chipping or damaged paint. Each radioactive element decays at a Making sure that anyone who performs very specific rate. The rate of decay is mea- essential maintenance work on the prop- sured in terms of the element "half-life", or erty does the work correctly and has the amount of time for one half of a given completed a lead abatement training amount of the element to decay. Uranium program or is supervised on-site by some-has a half-life of 4.4 billion years, so a 4.4- one who has completed the training program.billion- year -old rock has only half of the

30 Vert-11011fPublic3ntelAest 1Resecatch Group

31 BESTCOPYAVAILABLE uranium with which it started. The half-life can cause health problems when used by of radon is 3.8 days. In a jar filled with children include rubber cement, permanent radon, only half of the radon would be left felt tip markers, pottery glazes, enamels, in 3.8 days. But the newly made daughter spray fixatives, wheat wallpaper paste and products of radon would also be in the jar, many others. including polonium, bismuth, and lead. Health effects of school art supplies Polonium is also radioactiveit is this element, which is produced by radon in the Some chemicals in art supplies such as air and in people's lungs that can hurt lung epoxy glues and xylene in markers may tissue and cause lung cancer.64 trigger allergic sensitization in children and lead to a lifetime of allergic reactions. Sol- Radon enhances other carcinogens vents can trigger asthma and affect concen- Radon is estimated to cause many thou- tration and performance. Heavy metals may sands of deaths each year. Radon is the bio-accumulate and affect future learning second leading cause of lung cancer in the potential. United States today. Only smoking causes Criteria for selecting safe art supplies: more lung cancer deaths. Tobacco smoke in particular acts synergistically with radon,65 CI No dust or powders that may generate an as do other airborne pollutants. inhalation hazard. Examples include clay in dry form, powdered paints, glazes, Schools are a significant source of pigments, and wheat radon exposure paste. For school chil- CI No chemical dren and school See also the Vermont Department of solvents or solvent staff, school is likely Health Fact Sheet on Radon, available at containing powders. to be the major http:/ /www.state vt.usihealth/_hp/ Examples include exposure to radon. A radon / radon.htm #what rubber cement and nationwide radon its thinners, turpen- survey found over tine and other paint 19% of schools had occurrences of radon at thinners, and solvent-based markers and levels above which EPA recommends correc- marker cleaning solutions. tive action. EPA recommends frequent 0 No cold water dyes or commercial dyes. testing of all rooms in contact with the 0 No aerosol spray cans or airbrushes. ground.66 Mitigating radon problems can beCI No acids, alkalis, bleaches or other corro- costly, but mitigation efforts will have the sive chemicals. end result advantage of improving ventila- 0 No lead, cadmium or other metals. These tion and air quality in the school. can be found in paints, glazes, enamel, metal work, and or stained glass supplies. 11 Sy 0 No donated or found materials, unless Hazardous art supplies are common in ingredients are known. Vermont schools CI No old materials purchased before 1990. Art supplies emitting and containing Comprehensive list of art supplies for hazardous chemicals and heavy metals are children to avoid (from State of California) still found on school shelves and in the The California Office of Environmental hands of school children. Art supplies that Health Hazard Assessment maintains a

-I-teal-ily Schools for-1-leolthy Kids 31 32 ABOUTTHOSE FELTTIPMARKERS With the gradual replacement of chalk- Exposures have a cumulativeeffect boards with whiteboards, many teachers and students have complained about feeling Xylene, like many organic solvents, is fat-soluble. This means xylene builds up in ill or suffering respiratory effects when ina room where dry erase markers are used. human body fat. Repeated exposures add These markers may contain a number of up, and are added to children's daily expo- sure to other harmful vapors, emissions, solvents, including xylene, a known hazard. pesticides and dust. All of these exposures When children use these dry erase markers, solvents are released right into the child's work together to exert subtle cumulative health and behavioral effects on children. breathing space. The closer the child is to the marker and whiteboard, the greater the "Non-toxic" substitutes often contain inhalation danger. unknown ingredients Xylene is harmful at low doses Felt tip markers are not environmentally Like its close chemical relatives, benzenefriendly products, and may contain a wide and toluene, there is now considerable array of ingredients, including harmful solvents. Water-soluble markers may release evidence that xylene has toxic effects at fewer volatile chemical compounds, but extremely low levels. Xylene exerts it great- without labeling requirements, chemical est effect on the developing fetus, particu- ingredients may be highly variable and larly in the earliest stages of fetal develop- unknown. In general, reducing use of mark- ment. This makes the most at-risk popula- ers is recommended in a school setting. tion in schools from low dose xylene expo- :sure the unborn children of staff or students At a minimum, use only markers you who may be pregnant, and may not even yetknow to be xylene free. know it.

comprehensive list of art and craft materials and use of safety gear are the principal banned for purchase or use in Kindergarten means of reducing exposure in shop class. and grades one through six in California. Ventilation Contains useful guidelines. Download from The first rule for shop classrooms is that the Internet: http: / / ww w.oehh educa- tion/ art/ getart.htronl they must be well ventilated. Active air draw of 15 cfm per student as recommended I I by ASHRAE for enclosed spaces should be the minimum airflow. Inspect and change filters regularly. Use of individual hoods Industrial art classrooms hold potential vented to the outside is recommended for for student exposure to a variety of un- any activities involving solvents and other healthy compounds, ranging from sawdust VOCs. to solvents. High school shops typically conduct a range of activities such as wood- Sawdust collection and minimization working, gluing, painting and staining, A working sawdust collection system small engine repair, and welding. should be in place and properly maintained Adequate ventilation, choice of products,for all sawing and sanding operations.

32 Vermont Public 3nterest 'Research Group

33 Sawdust is a respiratory irritant, so every and liver cancer. Inhalation or ingestion may effort should be made to keep sawdust cause digestive disturbances, liver damage, levels to a minimum. Sawdust needs to be peripheral nervous system damage, and swept up daily, and surfaces wiped with kidney and blood damage. Acute ingestion, damp cloths. Students can do daily dusting although not likely in a school setting, may with a wet cloth as part of cleanup. be fatal. If CCA lumber has ever been milled Sawdust tracking into adjacent rooms in the shop room, a thorough clean out of can be minimized with use of a walk-off matthe room is recommended, including com- that is vacuumed between classes. plete vacuuming with a HEPA-filter equipped vacuum and wet dusting of all Pressure treated lumber surfaces. Pressure treated wood should never be Use of volatile chemicals in shop classes used by high school shop programs. Saw- dust from pressure treated lumber contains Highly volatile solvents, including CCA (chromium copper arsenate) and is gasoline, paint thinner, petroleum spirits, extremely toxic by inhalation and ingestion,petroleum based stains, and motor oil have and highly toxic by skin contact. It is a been traditionally used and stored in shop known human carcinogen and teratogen classes around the state. Often these materi- (birth defect inducer). Even casual skin als are stored in unvented cabinets which contact can cause skin irritation and aller- off-gas volatile compounds into the class- gies, skin thickening and loss of skin pig- room. These highly volatile substances not mentation, and repeated exposure can causeonly pose exposure risks; they also present a ulceration, and skin cancer. Inhalation can significant fire hazard. cause respiratory irritation, and skin, lung

ACTION STEPS FOR INDUSTRIAL ARTSCLASSES Clean out existing volatile chemical inventory Completely clean out the chemical storage cabinet and dispose of anypartially used solvents at a Solid Waste Management District Household HazardousWaste Collection. Cabinets should be thoroughly cleaned to remove tracesof VOCs Restock with least toxic chemicals Restocking supplies with low volatility water based solvents willsubstantially reduce harmful chemical exposure to students and staff, and help studentsunderstand that less toxic alternatives are available to them. Water based solventshave become the norm for industrial settings for health reasons and because ofthe difficulties in disposing of petroleum based solvents. Basic precautions for use of any chemicals in shop classes Providing a vented cabinet for storage of any volatile compounds isstandard procedure in industry. Even with low volatility chemicals an eve washstation should be installed in the room. Installation of a large vented work surface for useof any volatile chemicals provides the maximum protection for students andstaff.

1-lealtky Schools for i-lealtky Kids 33

34 Small engine repair (perfluorooctane sulfanate) has recently Dismantling and rebuilding of two- been found widely in the human blood- stroke engines, such as chain saw and stream. lawnmower engines, is frequently under- Though no known health effects are taken in high school shop classes. The gen- associated with this persistent and perva- eral recommendation is to store chainsaws, sive chemical, its use is being phased out as motors, etc. outside in locked vented cabi- a precautionary measure due to concerns nets, along with any fuels and solvents that it may interfere with normal human needed to maintain them. Maintenance body chemistry. should be performed outdoors or under a The large surface area of carpets vented hood. Public health officials regard compounds indoor pollutant exposure indoor use and storage of gasoline and oil as highly dangerous. Compared to smooth linoleum floors, carpet fibers provide vast surface areas for thriving growth of bacteria, mites and fungi. Mold and mildew flourish in an environ- Carpets in schools became popular in the ment kept moist by basement condensation 1970's and 80's as a way to make classrooms and snow and water brought in on shoes warmer and quieter. Air quality complaints during winter months. The large surface are frequently linked to carpets, and school area of the carpet fibers and of the dust carpets are no exception. particles themselves increases the deposi- Carpet systems contain toxic components tion, storage, and release of gases and fine Carpet "systems" include carpet, pad- particles.69 ding and adhesiveall of which can emit Carpets are a catch-all for contaminants toxic fumes, primarily Volatile Organic Besides the emission of chemical fumes, Compounds (VOCs). Most notable among carpets act as a catch-all for contaminants in these is 4-phenylcyclohexene (4-PC), a by- the classroom. Food particles are ground product of styrene-butadiene latex (SB into carpets, providing nourishment for latex), used as backing on many carpets and microbes and small insects. Tracked-in dust associated with the strong odor of newly also builds up in carpets. Studies suggest up installed carpet. Other VOCs associated to two thirds of dust in buildings is tracked with carpets include (but are not limited to) in on occupants' feet.7° styrene, acetone, toluene, xylene and form- Common contaminants deposited by aldehyde. shoes onto carpets include: In a study of 19 types of carpet, all were 0 Oil and salt laden dust from parking lots found to off-gas styrene and 4-PC. In all, 69 0 Pesticides from roadsides and school chemical compounds were identified as off grounds gassing from the various carpet types.67 0 Lead from old paint dust in the soil In addition to the fibers, padding and around the building adhesive, carpet off gassing is related to 0 Solvents from cleaning agents used in carpet fiber dyes, topical treatments such as other areas of the school. anti-static and fire retarding agents, fungi- Carpet removal is the best long term cides and pesticides.68 A widely used carpet solution stain repellent called Scotchguard® Carpet cleaning efficiency is highly

34 VermontPublicJvd-erest Research Geotnp variable and seldom removes deep dust. In Paints addition, carpet-cleaning products can contain irritants and heavy perfume agents Freshly painted surfaces can release that can cause reactions in sensitive indi- large volumes of VOCs for weeks after viduals. application. Fortunately, interior and exte- Carpets continue to accumulate and rior paints with low VOCs are now offered release contaminants throughout their life. by major paint suppliers. For small interior Replacement of fitted carpets with low applications with limited ventilation or surface area flooring, such as linoleum, is where any VOC release is a concern, higher already being done by a number of Vermontpriced environmentally friendly paints can schools and should be considered in long- be used. See Information Resources for term maintenance and replacement plans examples of commercially available paints. for all carpeted areas. Use of oil-based paints should be In new constructionbypass carpets in avoided in the school setting. In addition to favor of impervious flooring long outgassing times, the cleanup of oil- based paints involves harmful solvents or Hard impervious floors that can be thinners, which may pose health risks to mopped are a better long-term investment applicators. for the school community, in terms of dura- bility, cleaning efficiencies, and health impli- Timing of paint applications should aim cations. Chlorine-free polymer floors are to minimize student and staff exposure to coming onto the market, allowing an alter- paint fumes. Summer vacation is optimal native to vinyl linoleum?' because the building can be completely ventilated during the painting operation. Because most off gassing occurs within the first week after application, a VERMONT SCHOOL LAB CHEMICAL lag time of one to two AND MERCURY CLEAN-OUT PROJECT weeks before occupancy should be planned for. Vermont schools are beginning to clean out mer- cury and unused science lab chemicals under a new program administered by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. To date more than 50 schools have participated in this project. Of the twenty-five (25) schools that have com- pleted chemical inventories and disposals, approxi- mately 250 pounds of mercury, 4000 pounds of haz- 'ardous chemicals and 2000 pounds of non-hazardous chemicals have been collected for proper disposal. http:/ dec/ ead / mercury / SchoolCleanout/ coup dates.htm

-1-1e.althy Schools for -1-ledlthy Kids 35 6 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Chapter 8. Evaluating Products for Health and Environmental Impacts A wide variety of chemical office and WARNING Any product that is mod- cleaning supplies are used every day in erately toxic orally, dermally, or through Vermont schools. From photocopier toner inhalation, or causes moderate eye and skin (fine dust) to bathroom disinfectants (fungi-irritation. Ingestion of these products can be cides and bleach) to carpet cleaners (fra- fatal. grances), school children breathe in a variety CAUTION Any product that is lightly of vapors and particles every day. toxic to relatively non-toxic orally, dermally, Whenever hazardous or potentially or through inhalation, or causes slight eye hazardous materials are used in a school and skin irritation. These products may be setting, its important that custodians be fatal if ingested in larger quantity. aware of the risks and how to avoid them to IrritatingCausing discomfort by burn- minimize student and staff exposure. Simi- ing, stinging, tickling, making the eyes larly, teachers should understand all labeled water, etc. products used in classrooms. When employ- ReactiveWill readily combine with ees know what materials are being used, other chemicals, often producing a new how to use them safely, and what to do if an hazardous chemical. emergency occurs, the school as a workplace Flammable/Combustible May ignite in can be kept much safer. the presence of a spark or open flame. Ultimately, every product used in a Corrosive Containing a strong acid or school should be scrutinized and least toxic strong base causing severe burns to the alternatives phased in. A first step is evalu- skin, mouth, stomach, etc. ating product safety using the label and ToxicExerting a harmful physiological Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS). effect to plants and animals. Materials labeled DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION are toxic. Container labels contain basic informa- tion on ingredients and how to use the Read the ingredients product safely. Information is often incom- Because some ingredients have complex plete. Some manufacturers offer paper chemical names, common names are some- copies of their labels that are easier to read. times substituted. Not sure what the com- The toxicity information on the label gener- pound is? Check the Internet for the Mate- ally applies to adult males, not vulnerable rial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). populations, such as children or pregnant Brand Names women. Each manufacturer has a brand name for Signal words on the label and what they its product. Different manufacturers may mean: use different brand names for the same DANGER Any product that is highly active ingredients. Because brand names toxic orally, dermally (through skin contact),may give little clue about the ingredients, through inhalation, or causes severe eye or products should never be selected on the skin burning. Products, which are deadly inbasis of brand name alone. small quantities with a DANGER rating, may also carry skull and crossbones with the word POISON.

36 Vermont PtAblic Ontefr.est Research Group

37 MSDS Material Safety Data Customer Service Sheet Use the manufacturer's 800 telephone number to request a current MSDS if you Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are did not get one when you purchased the on file for all custodial products used by the school over the past two years. Federal law product. Do the same thing if you have any MSDS that is over two years old or if you requires MSDS be maintained on site and be available for review. Ask the school to makecannot find what you need to know on the MSDS. For example, ask if the product you it a standard practice to request MSDS be are using contains any alkyl phenol included in all purchases. ethoxylate, a surfactant chemical that may MSDS provide a wealth of information damage human and animal hormone sys- A Material Safety Data Sheet is designedtems.72 If the service desk cannot answer to provide both workers and emergency your questions, then ask to talk to a chemist personnel with the proper procedures for in the manufacturer's research or produc- handling or working with that substance. tion departments. MSDS will include information such as State standards for MSDS vary physical data (melting point, boiling point, The State of New Jersey has the strongest flash point, etc.), toxicity, health effects, first requirements for information reporting on aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective MSDS. Therefore, when you call, ask for equipment, and spill/leak procedures. These product MSDS prepared for New Jersey. are of particular use if a spill or other acci- dent occurs. Ingredient Data Manufacturer MSDS generally tell only Some suppliers have very limited chemi- what is required cal information, particularly when their products are formulated and labeled in their Be wary of what you read. Although behalf by another firm. If the supplier can- OSHA specifies what information must not answer your questions about product appear, not all MSDS are complete nor are safety or environmental impacts, then con- they necessarily accurate. The information is sider researching the ingredients yourself, designed for use by custodians, not children. or choosing an alternate product. In addition, MSDS address issues of occupa- tional health and safety, not environmental For more information: impacts. Guidelines for Green Housekeeping and Maintenance, Stephen P. Ashkin, (:ManTMSDS are available on the web. from the City of Austin, Texas, Sus- hap] / msds/#Internet lists tainable Building Guidelines, Vol. III, February, 1998. 85 Internet MSDS search sites. Healthier Cleaning and Maintenance: http.// is a site used Practices and Products for Schools, by suppliers. Healthy Schools Network, Inc. 96 http:/ / South Swain St. Albany, NY 12210 ictcas,LthemicalciataltmInformation from (518) 462-0632 e-mail: Janitorial Products Pollution Prevention [email protected], Project website:

Healthy Schools fo Healthy Kids 37

33 Custodial supplies to avoid One study of air freshener effects found acute respiratory effects and neurotoxicity Aerosol Cans in mice. Toxicity data, chemical data, and Aerosol spray cans are devices that MSDS information suggest human exposure diffuse air-born chemicals into the breathinglikely results in a wide range of respiratory space. Along with other chemical diffusers and central nervous system impacts.73 such as anti-pest strips, ozone generators, Ammonia and plug-in air fresheners, aerosol sprays may be harmful to humans. Ammonia (NH3) is a colorless, pungent gas, which is often held in solution in clean- After use, no aerosol container can be ing products. It is the simplest stable com- considered truly empty of product and pound for hydrogen and nitrogen and is the propellant. Recycling such partially filled starting point for many nitrogen com- aerosol cans is expensive and requires pounds. Ammonia reacts when dissolved in specially handling by hazardous waste water to form ammonium hydroxide that technicians. Use of refillable pump bottles may burn eyes and skin and pose serious avoids problems of volatilization and con- inhalation risks. Cleaning products contain- tainer disposal. ing chlorine and ammonia should never be Although most aerosols are now CFC mixed, as the combination emits fumes that free, butane and propane have been substi- can be deadly if inhaled. tuted as carriers and propellants. Both are highly flammable, creating storage hazards. Scented cleaning products Fragrances used in scented cleaning Air Fresheners products contain a wide array of volatile There are no studies demonstrating organic compounds and solvents.74 Sensi- actual improvements to air quality from usetized people may react strongly to the pres- of air fresheners, and studies on adverse ence of fragrances. health effects of air fresheners are few. Many The EPA's Total Exposure Assessment newer versions of air fresheners act in part Methodology found fragrance concentra- by incapacitating olfactory nerves rather tions to be up to ten times more concen- than removing or masking offensive odors. trated in indoor than outdoor air.75

ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE CLEANERS AVAILABLE-TO VERMONT: SCHOOLS The Association of Vermont Recyclers (AVR) is helping schools switch to cleaning products that are healthier for students, staff and custodians. AVR is disseminating information about Vermont State government contracts awarded to vendors of Environmentally Preferable (EP) Cleaners. Three vendors have been selected. Schools are eligible to purchase these EP cleaners under state contracts. For information call AVR at 802-229-1833 or e-mail repLcle&soveratei or check

38 Vermont Public interest Research Group

39 Chlorine bleach other common cleaning products, such as Chlorine bleach is an aggressive disinfec- ammonia or phosphoric acid cleanser. tant appropriate for situations where imme- In a school setting, cleaning and sanitiz- diate and complete sterilization of an area ising must often take place while the children required. These are mostly emergency are present. No one would recommend that situations such as major blood spills, where school cafeterias be cleaned only at the close the danger of infection may be immediate of the school day. Yet given bleach's poten- and grave. This level of disinfection is not tial for injury to students, it is inadvisable to required for the day-to-day sanitization of use it when they are present. the school environment. To use bleach effectively as a disinfec- While bleach is a powerful and inexpensivetant, it must be applied to a surface and sanitizer, it is a poor cleaner and a highly remain wet for up to 10 minutes. This cre- dangerous product that has no place in ates a significant exposure opportunity to schools. negatively impact child and adult health. Exposure to bleach can give rise to In addition to its health effects, bleach serious health effects, particularly in chil- also damages carpets, fabrics and other dren. Health effects include: materials commonly found in schools. 0 Respiratory irritant that aggravates Replace bleach with a concentrated, pH asthma among other conditions neutral, EPA registered quaternary-based 0 Burns eyes and skin disinfectant or a hydrogen peroxide based 0 Produces deadly fumes when mixed with sanitizer.

CASE STUDY THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA, CA The City of Santa Monica, CA has developed specifications for janitorial products used by city contractors (including schools). Among their specifications: "No cleaners shall contain disinfectants. Because proper/adequate disinfection of a surface requires that the surface be cleaned prior to disinfecting, the City wishes to separate out the cleaning and disinfecting processes. Eliminating disinfectants from all- purpose, bathroom and floor cleaners will reduce the toxicity of these products and will reduce the amount of disinfectant chemicals used in City operations."

-1-lealthy Schools fov Healthy Kids 39

40 Chapter 9. Pesticides

Pesticidesare closely linked to acute and skin, or ingesting residues by hand to chronic illness and are not appropriate for mouth contact. Many children are exposed the school setting. The best policy a school to pesticides at home as well as at school, can adopt is to phase out the use of all leading to the potential for significant cu- synthetic pesticides and control pests by mulative exposure. And many pesticides are preventive management strategies. Over thepersistent compounds that are not readily years, thousands of American children and excreted from the human body. They slowly staff have reported illness from pesticide concentrate in a child's body fat and can exposures at school. Common symptoms of interfere with growth and development. exposure include headaches, dizziness, Pesticide health hazards respiratory distress, nausea, sore throats, and rashes and skin irritation. School pesti- Epidemiology has indicated striking cide exposures have also been linked to correlations between home and garden serious and life-threatening conditions pesticide use and childhood leukemia. Some including near-fatal acute poisoning, ana- studies indicate a link between certain phylactic reactions, asthma attacks, and indoor pesticides and brain cancer in chil- abnormal heart rhythms. Children and dren!' Dursban has been strongly associ- school staff have been made ill from pesti- ated with the onset of chemical sensitivity in cides even when they were applied legally thousands of people around the world. and according to label directions. Because ofRecent animal experiments with very low their strong potential to cause short and levels of commonly used herbicides and long-term health effects, pesticides are a nitrates indicate that combinations of these major area in which schools should take a substances can induce learning and behav- precautionary approach. ior problems at extremely low rates of exposure.77 Many Vermont schools use pesticides regularly Commonly used herbicides such as Roundup© can trigger severe health reac- A survey by VPIRG in 1998 found 75 tions in sensitive individuals. And pesti- percent of responding schools used pesti- cides are allowed into commerce based on cides monthly, most often on a preventive testing of their active ingredient alone, even rather than treatment basis. Such preventivethough close to 90% of pesticide products treatment douses school grounds and build-can consist of other ingredients. These so- ings with toxic chemicals without confirm- called "inerts" include solvents, emulsifiers ing pest problems first. Of Vermont schools and surfactants, many of which are regu- that use pesticides, most do so without lated as toxic contaminants under work- written policies, and frequently without place exposure laws but not regulated when notification. These findings suggest that included in pesticide formulas. school officials and staff are not cognizant of the potential health effects on children. Persistence increases childhood exposure Pesticides and their toxic breakdown Many routes of pesticide exposure for products can last for months, both indoors children and out. Pesticide and solvent vapors can Children can be exposed to pesticides in haunt indoor air for weeks or even years. many ways, including by breathing vapors Pesticide residues can contaminate indoor or dusts, absorbing residues through their surfaces, and can remain in carpets and dust

40 Vermont Public interest Resecirch Group

41 for months or years, slowly re-entering the implement. Phasing out pesticide use pre- child's space. Pesticides can also persist vents future exposures and does not rely on outdoors in soil for weeks or years. Pesticidespartial information and weak regulation to in some weed-killers commonly used at ensure safety. Children and parents expect schools can last from 1 to 5 years in the soil. and deserve an environmentally safe learn- The answerphase out pesticides ing space, and a no-pesticide policy is the only way to ensure that is what they get. Pesticide dangers are documented and known. Taking a preventive approach to the Alternatives to Pesticides For health issues raised by pesticide use requires Schools and Public Building phasing out pesticide use in schools. Pre- venting harm to children by actively seekingUse an integrated approach to reduce cleaner, child-health friendly schools is a and eliminate pesticides community obligation. Though notification Reducing dependence on pesticides programs and restricting pesticide use to offrequires an integrated approach using a hours are helpful in reducing risk, pesticidesvariety of physical, biological, and cultural will always have the potential to harm strategies and methods to manage, rather children's health. Many pesticide alterna- than eradicate pests. tives are available and cost effective to

"NERVE POISONS ARE CLEARLY BAD FOR YOUNG MINDS -,40.rganophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid pesticides are widely used nerve Sons related to poison gas developed for warfare. Exposure to nerve poisons at certain: critical stages ,of development can permanently affect brain development aid These widely used chemicals are strongly associated with behavioral changes, and can impair learning ability, motor and mental development, memory, emotion, and even sight and hearing. Dursban TM (chiorpyrifos) and diazinongradual phase-outs in the face of evidence of immediate and long lasting harm. ,-Chlorpyrifosand diazinon are two of approximately 40 widely used organo- 'phosphate insecticides, known neurotoxic chemicals that together can cause cumu- lative health effects on developing nervous systems. An agreement with manufac- turers allowing the slow phase out of school and homeowner uses puts the public atprolonged risk of exposure. Diazinon can be legally sold for use in schools until 2004. EPA's own studies clearly recognize the dangers posed to children, often put- ting risks associated with continued use at many times the acceptable margin of exposure.78 Manufacturers hail the slow phase out as a victory that allows them to use up existing stocks. In the absence of a recall by the EPA of Dursban and diazinon, schools should immediately discontinue use of all organophosphate insecticides, and implement least toxic integrated pest management.

-1-lealthy Schools for i-lealthy Kids 41

BESTCOPYAVAILABLE 42 Typical Vermont school pests include: 0 Creating an inhospitable environment; Mice, rats, cockroaches, ants, flies, moths, 0 Removing some of the basic elements wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, spiders, required by pests; mold and microorganisms, termites, carpen-0 Blocking entry to buildings. ter ants, powder post beetles, etc. Most Pest management strategies: common Vermont pests can be readily managed without chemicals. 0 Perform regular site inspections to moni- tor pest populations before they reach The information provided below is only threshold population levels. a brief overview of pest control alternatives 0 Identify pests and specific habitat require- for schools. A wide variety of information ments. sources, including some written specifically 0 Pinpoint source of activity for use by those involved in day-to-day 0 Modify habitat by redesigning and repair- school maintenance, are now available to ing structures. school personnel for implementing alterna- 0 Improve sanitationprevention and tives to pesticide use in schools. See Re- reduction of pest infestations in schools sources, page 53. depends on students and staff cleaning up The following general information is foods, leftovers, food in lockers, gum patterned on U.S. Environmental Protection under desks, etc. Agency recommendations. 0 Evaluate results. If pesticides must be Benefits of reducing pesticides used, choose the least hazardous. Reducing and eliminating the use of Applying preventive measures to pesticides provides a number of benefits for prevent indoor pest problems schools: 0 Cost-effective methods of pest control. Entryways 0 A variety of pest management options. (Doorways, overhead doors, windows, 0 The ability to use deliberate control ac- holes in exterior walls, openings around tions, rather than reactive actions. pipes, electrical fixtures, and ducts.) 0 Reduction in risks to school inhabitants 0 Keep doors shut when not in use. by avoiding the use of chemicals. 0 Place weather stripping on doors. The downside of pesticide spraying 0 Caulk and seal openings in walls. 0 Pesticide spraying tends to be reactive. 0 Install or repair screens. 0 Pesticide use does not address the cause 0 Install air curtains. of pest infestations. 0 Keep vegetation, shrubs, and wood mulch 0 Pesticide resistance leads to cycles of at least one foot away from structures. application. Classrooms and offices 0 Costs of future risk and liability from (Classrooms, laboratories, administrative pesticide applications is a looming issue. offices, gymnasiums, and hallways) 0 Regulatory and reporting procedures can 0 Allow food and beverages only in desig- be complex and time consuming. nated areas. 0 If indoor plants are present, keep them Control pests without pesticides by: healthyremove diseased plants; remove 0 Understanding the needs of pests: infestations manually; do not over water. Pests seek habitats providing air, mois- 0 Keep areas as dry as possible by removing ture, food, and shelter; standing water and water damaged or

42 VermovAtPublicinterest Research Croup

43 wet materials. and grates. Seal pipe chases. 0 In science labs, store animal foods in 0 Keep areas dry. Avoid conditions that tightly sealed containers and regularly allow formation of condensation. Areas clean cages. In all areas remove dust and that never dry out allow mold and fungal debris promptly. growth. Increasing ventilation may be 0 Routinely clean lockers and desks. necessary. CI Frequently vacuum carpeted areas. 0 Store paper products or cardboard boxes Food preparation and serving areas away from moist areas and direct contact with the floor or the walls. (Dining room, main kitchen, teachers lounge, home economics kitchen, snack Maintenance areas area, vending machines, and food storage (Boiler room, mechanical room, janitorial- rooms.) housekeeping areas, and pipe chases.) CI Store food and wastes in containers that 0 After use, promptly clean mops and mop are inaccessible to pests. Containers must buckets. Dry mop buckets and hang mops have tight lids and be made of plastic, vertically on rack above floor drain. metal, or glass. Wastes should be removed0 Allow eating in designated eating areas at the end of each day. only. CI Place screens on vents, windows, and 0 Clean trash cans regularly, use plastic flood drains to prevent cockroaches and liners in trashcans, and use secure lids. other pests from using unscreened ducts CI Keep areas as clean and dry as possible, or vents as pathways. and remove debris. 0 Create inhospitable living conditions for Waste disposal and recycling areas pests by reducing food and water. Re- move food debris, sweep up all crumbs, 0 Empty garbage cans daily and secure fix dripping faucets and leaks, and dry dumpsters with heavy, tight fitting lids. out wet areas. CI Clean the outsides of dumpsters regularly. CI Improve cleaning practices, including 0 Store food wastes securely. promptly cleaning food preparation 0 Clean in, under and around recycling bins equipment after use and removing grease routinely. accumulation from vents, ovens, and 0 Remove recyclables frequently. stoves. Use caulk or paint to seal cracks Pest control strategies and crevices. Even with the best housekeeping prac- 0 Capture rodents by using mechanical or tices, it is possible pests will become a prob- glue traps. Check daily. Place in areas lem from time to time in schools. Non- inaccessible to children. chemical methods to manage pest problems Rooms and areas with extensive plumbing are widely available and include physical (Bathrooms, custodial rooms with sinks andtraps, vacuuming up (of roaches), boric acid drains, locker rooms, showers, dishwasher baits, light traps and habitat modification. rooms, home economics classrooms, science The Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC) labs, swimming pools, and greenhouses.) guide, IPM for Schools: A How-to manual CI Promptly repair leaks and correct other contains many suggestions (see Information plumbing problems to deny pests access Resources, page 53). to water. 0 Routinely clean floor drains, strainers,

-Healthy Schools for healthy Kids 43

44 Preamble safety and health of children and staff will Children are not just little adults. They be paramount. To accomplish these goals, breathe more air per pound of body weight the School District, or than adults do and they proportionally Supervisory Union will drink more water, and eat more. They may adopt a Least Toxic Integrated Pest Manage- also not recognize or be able to avoid toxic ment approach to pest prevention and exposures. They play or sit on or near the control. ground and engage in hand to mouth be- 1 Least Toxic Integrated Pest Management haviors. They also have developing organ (IPM) attempts to prevent pest problems systems that cannot excrete or detoxify whenever possible. IPM includes regular poisons as adults do. Moreover, toxic expo- pest inspections, sanitation and pest sures in childhood can lead to a lifetime of proofing measures, or modification of health or learning problems. environmental conditions leading to pest "Pesticides pose a risk for children... problems. Some pesticides can cause cancer, central 2 An IPM program will establish pest nervous system damage, or respiratory tolerance thresholds to indicate pest illness. Each year more than 100,000 chil- population levels at which control mea- dren accidentally ingest (eat) pesticides," sures will be undertaken. Thresholds will (US EPA Environmental Health Threats to not be set based on aesthetic criteria Children, 1996). Exposures to pesticides have alone. Control measures will not be un- been linked to certain cancers in children, dertaken if pest damage or populations including leukemia, brain tumors, sarcomas, are below threshold levels. and lymphomas. Exposure also affects the 3 When pests exceed tolerance thresholds, nervous system, is linked to birth defects, non-chemical pest control measures (e.g., and can alter the immune and endocrine sanitation, screening, physical barriers, systems (Mott, et al., Our Children at Risk, vacuuming, mulching, irrigation, fertiliza- The 5 Worst Threats to Their Health, NRDC, tion, manual weeding, insect nest re- Nov., 1997). moval, pest-resistant plant selection) will Pesticides are designed to kill living be used to reduce pest population below organisms. As such, they pose risks to threshold levels. human and environmental health, and 4 Pesticides will be used only as a last special risks to children. It is the goal of resort, if other pest prevention and non- School District to elimi- chemical control measures have failed to nate the use of synthetic pesticides wherever reduce pests below tolerance thresholds. possible and thus reduce exposure to chil- Cost or staffing considerations alone will dren, parents, and staff. not be adequate justification for the use of chemical control agents. When a pesticide Therefore: must be used, the smallest amount of the Pests will be controlled to maintain the least-toxic product that will meet pest integrity of school buildings and grounds, to management goals will be used. protect the health and safety of children and5 No routinely scheduled (e.g., seasonal, staff, and to maintain a productive learning monthly or weekly) pesticide applications environment. Pesticides will not be used to will be made. No pesticide fogging or control pests for aesthetic reasons alone. The space spraying will be done. Insecticides

44 VeN111011fPublicJ/Iterest ResearchGroup

45 will be used only if non-chemical means school operating hours. have failed to reduce pest populations 9 Parental and staff notification: Parents below threshold levels, and only in con- and staff will be notified one week prior tainerized baits, or for spot treatments to any planned use of pesticides. Neigh- targeted to insect nests or problem areas bors immediately adjacent to school where a minimal amount of material is property will be given one-week advance used. Rodent baits shall not be used notice of outdoor pesticide applications. unless in childproof bait boxes. Bait boxes 72 hours prior to applications, a written shall be inaccessible to children. notice will be distributed to parents re- 6 Ban on the Use of the Most Hazardous minding them of indoor or landscape PesticidesNo chemicals listed by US pesticide applications, with warnings to EPA as Toxicity I or II pesticides shall be remain out of posted and flagged areas used, nor any pesticide identified as a until signs are removed. known, probable, or suspected human 10 Posting: Signs will be posted on facility carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental doors and near site of planned applica- Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, tions 72 hours prior to pesticide use, and Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, or any at the time of application. Pre-application pesticide that is a neurotoxin. No high signs will include the name of pesticide to volatility formulations will be used. No be used, planned time of application, and restricted use pesticides will be used. Any information about availability of labels, pesticides used must be registered with MSDS and inert ingredients at the facility the VT Department of Agriculture, Food, office. Post-application signs will indicate and Markets. the material used, the time of application, 7 All pesticide applications will be done by warning or cautionary statements from certified pesticide applicators only. Pesti- product label, reentry information, and cides will be applied only when no build- contact phone number for those seeking ing occupants are present and only in a additional information. Outdoor applica- manner consistent with section 5 of this tions will be cordoned off and flagged. policy. Signs and flagging will be left in place for 8 Record keeping and public access to 7 days following application or until the records: School District reentry interval has elapsed, whichever is or Supervisory Union longer. will keep records of all pest control mea- 11 Identification and notification of sensi- sures, pesticides used, and amounts and tive individuals: Each facility will main- locations of treatments. Pesticide use and tain a registry of students, staff, or others pest control records, pesticide Material requesting special consideration in the Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), pesticide event of the use of pesticides. The facility product labels, and available manufac- will provide personal notification to these turer information about inert ingredients individuals two weeks prior to any will be on file in the facility. These records planned pesticide use, and will make an will be available for inspection by parents effort to address their concerns and spe- (and prospective parents) during normal cial needs relative to such pesticide appli- cations.

Sckools for -1-lealthy Kids 45

46 Chapter 10. General Guidelines for Improving the School Environment Ventilation basics should be checked after new construction.79 Ventilation - How much air is enough? What works: better ventilation plus con- There are currently no national stan- taminant removal dards for indoor air quality in schools ar- Adequate ventilation alone will not ticulated by any regulatory agency. The ensure good air quality in schools. There- ASHRAE standard for school buildings is fore, schools need to take steps to reduce thewidely accepted by the school environmen- level of contaminants in school buildings. tal health community. Recommendations from VT Committee onThe ASHRAE standard IAQ in Schools and State Buildings For most school spaces, such as class- In 1999, the Committee on Indoor Air rooms, libraries or the auditorium, ASHRAE Quality in Schools and State Buildings recommends 15 cubic feet of outdoor air per released its final report on air quality in minute (cfm) for each occupant. For 25 Vermont schools. Committee recommenda- students and a teacher in a classroom, the tions included: ventilation system should be capable of Separate ventilation for restrooms and delivering 390 cubic feet of outdoor air into janitorial cleaning supply rooms, with a the room every minute. Cafeterias, con- higher exhaust standard (50 cfm). ference rooms, office space and playing Office equipment (such as photo-copiers) floors should have 20 cfm per person (in should have separate ventilation which contrast, smoking lounges require 60 cfm exhausts outside the building with no re- per person.)8° circulation to the rest of the building. Carbon Dioxide Special consideration for science labs, Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless gas kitchens, and art rooms. present in the atmosphere. Since humans Special consideration be given to technical exhale carbon dioxide, overcrowded, under- education areassuch as direct venting ventilated rooms are a primary source of outside the building. Use higher standards CO2. According to ASHRAE 62-1989, CO2 consistent with Occupational Health and concentration is a useful indicator of general Safety Administration (OSHA) standards. ventilation rates. Evaluation of school ventilation system Drowsiness and inability to concentrate by HVAC company are initial indicators of CO2 concentrations According to American Society of Heat- above 5000 ppm. Headaches, irritability, ing, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning fatigue, difficulty in breathing, increase in Engineers (ASHRAE) 62-1989 Standard the breathing rate and/or pulse rate, sweat- "Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air ing, shortness of breath, and a feeling of Quality," a ventilation evaluation by the "stuffiness" are common symptoms of schools Heating, Ventilation, and Air Condi-breathing air with high CO2 levels. tion (HVAC) Company should include: Besides animal and plant respiration, Air quality monitoring for CO2, carbon com-bustion devices such as kilns and monoxide, other gases, and chemicals, and furnaces produce CO281 The Vermont particulates such as dust, molds, pollen, andSubcommittee on School Buildings advised bacteria. Total VOCs and formaldehyde that CO2 levels should be around 800 parts 46 Vermoht Ptiblic Jnterest Research Group 47 per million and no higher than 1,000 parts General guidelines for selecting per million for classrooms.82 green building products:85 Carbon monoxide Use durable products and materials: Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, Because manufacturing is very energy- odorless, toxic gas. The US Occupation intensive, a product that lasts longer or Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires less maintenance usually saves has set a limit of 35 parts per million (ppm) energy. Durable products also contribute for CO. The Vermont Subcommittee on less to our solid waste problems. School Buildings advised a level of no more Choose low-maintenance building materials: than 3 parts per million of CO in class- Where possible, select building materials rooms.83 The goal for CO is to maintain that will require little maintenance (paint- indoor levels equivalent to outdoor levels. ing, retreatment, waterproofing, etc.), or

Sources of CO whose maintenance will have minimal. Carbon monoxide is a product of incom- environmental impact. plete combustion of carbon-based com- Choose building materials with low em- pounds. CO is found in schools as a result ofbodied energy: improperly vented furnaces, kilns in art Heavily processed or manufactured classrooms and auto combustion in auto products and materials are usually more shops or bus garages. energy intensive. As long as durability and Effects of carbon monoxide exposure performance will not be sacrificed, choose low-embodied-energy materials. Health effects of CO range from flu-like Buy locally produced building materials: symptoms to death, dependent on length of Transportation is costly in both energy exposure and CO concentration. High levels use and pollution generation. Look for of CO can result in headache, drowsiness, locally produced materials. Local hard- fatigue, nausea, vomiting, weakness and woods, for example, are preferable to tropi- dizziness. Extreme exposure to CO can cal woods. result in permanent brain damage or death.84 Use building products made from recycled Building materials and materials: furnishing supplies Building products made from recycled materials reduce solid waste problems, cut During school construction or renova- energy consumption in manufacturing, and tion, exposure to hazardous ingredients in save on natural resource use. A few ex- building materials results from constructionamples of materials with recycled content dust and sawdust generation and off gas- are cellulose insulation, Homasote®, sing after installation. Careful selection of Thermo-ply®, floor tile made from ground building materials can reduce environmen- glass, and recycled plastic lumber. tal impacts of construction and lead to a Minimize packaging waste: healthier indoor environment as well as Avoid excessive packaging, such as reduce future costs associated with replace- plastic-wrapped plumbing fixtures or fas- ment. Selection of new school furnishings, teners that are not available in bulk. Tell such as furniture and carpets, should also beyour supplier why you are avoiding over- made with an eye to effects on school envi- packaged products. Keep in mind, however, ronmental health.

Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids 47

BEST COPY AVAILABLE 4.8 that some products must be carefully pack- ronmental health. Arsenic compounds and aged to prevent damage and resulting chromium compounds are recognized waste. human carcinogens, and persistent and Four building materials to avoid bioaccumulative toxic chemicals. Inorganic arsenic compounds also are associated with The Institute for Local Self Reliance86 birth defects, neurological damage, and recommends avoidance of four building numerous illnesses. Leaching from the materials: wood, the arsenic contaminates water run- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic off, soil, sawdust, and anything that touches Commonly called vinyl, PVC is the the wood including the hands and clothes of worst plastic for the environment and children. human health throughout its lifecycle. Likely the largest material source of dioxin to the global environment, it contains nu- merous toxins that are released during manufacture, use, and disposal. It is not effectively recycled and contaminates plas- tics recycling processes. Uses: flooring, wallpaper. Plywood and chipboards Plywood and chipboard (including particleboard, fiberboard, and oriented strand board) are often made from materials and methods that endanger the Earth's forests. The wood fiber in these products frequently comes from chip mills and pro- cesses, including clear cutting, that are among the most destructive operations currently used by the wood products indus- try. Uses: flooring, walls. Materials that off gas harmful pollutants Solvent-based finishes, paints, adhesives, carpeting, particleboard, and many other building products release formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. These chemicals can affect workers' and occupants' health as well as contribute to smog and ground-level ozone pollution outside. Pressure treated wood Pressure treated wood is saturated with chromium copper arsenate (CCA) and is extremely hazardous to human and envi-

48 Vermont PiAbiic alterest Research Group

4 9 Chapter 11. Conclusion Preventing risk and harmto children is Increase the use of walk-off mats in all a daily goal in Vermont schools. Yet general entryways. This provides a barrier to keep awareness of the risks related to poor indoor soils and particulates out of the building, air in schools remains low. Children may while reducing dusting and mopping encounter many hazardous substances needs farther into the building. throughout the day just taking part in their Use triple walled vacuums bags to signifi- routine activities. cantly reduce the amount of particulates Although many school environmental escaping from vacuum cleaners, improv- health problems are unnerving to parents, ing air quality and reducing mopping few are actually life threatening. Where needs. truly hazardous situations are discovered, Vacuum carpets every day by entrances. every effort should be made to deal with Vacuum walk-off mats right after rush them quickly. Parents should be notified as hour. soon as possible and school officials should Sit down with the Material Safety Data seek outside assistance from the Vermont Sheets for cleaning products used in the Department of Health. building. Find out what the school is using and look for least-toxic alternatives. Today's knowledge of the harmful ef- Stop using pesticides. Alternatives are fects of human made chemicals in the parts available and they work. per billion and parts per trillion makes Get volatile solvents out as soon as pos- keeping children healthy a large and seem- sible. Aerosols, VOC cleaning solvents, ingly overwhelming challenge. Yet there are and permanent markers should be the many small steps every school can take to first to go. VOCs can trigger asthma and make school a healthier place for every other respiratory problems in sensitive child. individuals. Replacement of aerosols with Forming an informal environmental cleansers dispensed out of a trigger health working group at your school will sprayer will perform equally well, at get the process started. Using an established reduced cost. indoor air quality improvement program, Replace bleach with a concentrated, pH such as EPA's Tools for School, gives the neutral, EPA registered, quaternary-based school a method for involving all school disinfectant or a hydrogen peroxide based personnel. sanitizer. While bleach is a powerful and Dealing with any environmental health inexpensive sanitizer, it is a poor cleaner problem responsibly involves setting realis- and a highly dangerous product that has tic goals and timetables that everyone can no place in schools. Bleach is a respir- agree on. Once you get the process started atory irritant, and when mixed uninten- every step creates an improvement. tionally with other cleaning products produces toxic fumes. There are many relatively easy and low- cost actions that make a big difference right It is well proven that when we control away, including: toxic exposures in the environment, human Define all walkways to keep students on health directly benefits. Direct actions to concrete and off bare dirt on their way control environmental health exposures do into the school. have results: for example, millions of homes Install outdoor grates for knocking off once burdened with lead-based paints are snow and mud. now safe for children. But, at the same time,

Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids 49

50 hundreds of thousands of children are still ing harm requires taking action. Every at high risk for lead poisoning. action is in itself an accomplishment. Hence the goal for lead poisoning pre- School environmental health is ulti- vention becomes targeting scarce resources mately a community affair. Successfully and efforts to identify hazardous properties working together to gain community sup- and make them safe before a child is poi- port and ownership of school environmental soned. health requires open communication and This is the same strategy for preventing recognition that a healthy learning environ- environmental exposures in school. Prevent-ment underlies academic success. Glossary See also EPA's Tools for Schools for Glos- CO2 Carbon dioxide, a colorless, odorless sary of Air Handling Unit terms gas, exhaled by animals and plants. High Acute exposure A single exposure to a CO2 levels indoors can lead to drowsiness toxic substance resulting in severe biologicalChronic exposureMultiple exposures harm. Acute exposures are characterized as over time resulting in adverse health effect generally lasting no more than a day, as in which symptoms recur frequently or opposed to longer, chronic exposures. develop slowly over a long period of time. Air particulatesTotal suspended particu- Corrosive poison A type of poison con- late matter found in the air as solid particlestaining a strong acid or strong base causing or liquid droplets. See also Small Particulatesevere burns to the skin, mouth, stomach, Matter. etc. AllergenIrritant that provokes an allergicDeep dustDust particles, including heavy reaction in a person sensitive to that particu-metals and viruses, lodged in carpets that lar material. are not removed by vacuuming, and often ASHRAE American Society of Heating, not removed by steam cleaning. Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engi- Dermal toxicity How poisonous a chemi- neers. cal is when absorbed through the skin. Asthma A chronic immune system disease,EPAUnited States Environmental Protec- characterized by sporadic attacks of short- tion Agency. ness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Endocrine disruptors Synthetic chemicals Body burden The total amount of a chemi-(and possibly some natural plant com- cal in the body. Some chemicals build up in pounds) that may affect the endocrine the body because they are stored in fat or systemthe chemical communication bone or because they are eliminated very system of glands, hormones, and cellular slowly. receptors that controls the body's internal CarcinogenAny substance that causes or functions. Many endocrine disruptors are aggravates cancer. linked to developmental, reproductive and Cfm Cubic feet per minute. The amount ofother health problems in wildlife, laboratory air, measured in cubic feet, which passes animals, and humans. through a given space in a minute. Environmental contaminants Any harm- Carbon monoxide (CO) A colorless, odor- ful compounds, including heavy metals, less, poisonous gas resulting from many solvents, VOCs, SPMs, PAHs, pesticides, combustion processes, including incompletepetroleum products, and other compounds combustion. associated with negative health effects. 50 Vermont Jvd-evest Resectech Group

51 ExposureContact with a chemical by IPM Integrated pest management. A swallowing, by breathing, or by direct mixture of control strategies aimed at alter- contact (such as through the skin or eyes). ing habitat, using least toxic methods, and Exposure may be short term (acute) or long using highly targeted pesticide applications term (chronic). only where other methods are ineffective. Flammable May readily ignite in the Irritating Causing discomfort by burning, presence of a spark or open flame. stinging, tickling, making the eyes water, etc. Fungi (singular: Fungus)Molds, mildews,Label The printed material attached to any yeasts, mushrooms and puffballs. A group pesticide or cleaning agent, as in "Always of non-photosynthetic organisms, usually read the label before you use the product." non-mobile, filamentous, and multi-cellular.The label may contain signal words: Many grow in soil; many flourish on damp DANGER...POISON, WARNING, or interior substrates, such as basement floor CAUTION. carpets. MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, a FungicidePesticides used to control, condition in which a person's body has deter, or destroy fungi. severe reactions to low-level environmental Hazardous substanceAny material pos- pollutants and irritants. ing a threat to human health and the envi- NIOSH National Institute for Occupa- ronment. Typical hazardous substances are tional Safety and Health toxic, corrosive, ignitable, explosive, or Off-gas, off gassing The emission of chemically reactive. fumes from building materials (paints, Heavy metalsElemental metals, includingcarpets) or furniture arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercuryOSHA Occupational Safety and Health and nickel. Ingestion is the major route of Administration. exposure. All are implicated in serious ParticleboardUsed as a building or furni- human health problems. ture material, these boards are formed by HerbicidePesticide used to kill unwantedpressing wood chips together with glues. plants. Particleboard is a major source of off-gas HVAC systemHeating, ventilation and fumes. air conditioning system. Parts per million (ppm)/ parts per billion IAQ Indoor air quality. (ppb)/ parts per trillion (ppt)Units com- Inert ingredients Pesticide components monly used to express contamination ratios such as solvents, carriers, dispersants, in water and air. Parts per million is often synergists, and surfactants that are not expressed as milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). active by themselves against the target pest.PesticideSubstances or mixtures intended Many inert ingredients are highly toxic. to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate a pest, IngestionSwallowing. Chemicals can get as well as plant defoliants, growth regula- on hands, food, drink, and utensils where tors, and desiccants. they can be ingested and subsequently PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. absorbed into the bloodstream. These molecules are highly carcinogenic and InhalationBreathing or gases, particles, orthey are also very common. PAHs are a droplets. Once deposited in the lungs, standard product of combustion from auto- contaminants can be taken into the blood. mobiles and airplanes and some (such as InsecticidePesticide compound specifi- benzo[a] pyrene) are present in charcoal cally used to kill or prevent the growth of broiled hamburgers. insects. Radon A colorless naturally occurring 1-ledlthy Schools for flealthy Kids 51

52 radioactive gas formed by radioactive decaymist, fumes, or smog found in air and ve- of radium atoms in soil and rocks. Radon hicle emissions. SPM is easily inhaled deep migrates through the soil and groundwater into the lungs. These particles are not easily and can enter buildings through cracks or exhaled, and stay inside the lungs for long other openings in the foundation. periods of time, corroding cells and ulti- ReactiveWill readily combine with other mately leading to tumor growth. chemicals, often producing a new hazardousSurfactantSubstance reducing surface chemical. tension of liquids. An agent such as a deter- Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)Refers to gent or a drug that reduces the surface health complaints by building inhabitants tension of liquids so that the liquid spreads relating to indoor pollutants. Symptoms areout, rather than collecting in droplets. highly variable and may include eye, skin, Synergy The action of two chemicals that and upper airway irritation, headaches, produces a greater cumulative effect when fatigue, dizziness, runny nose, sore throat, the chemicals are used together, than when allergies, asthma, dry skin, depression and they are used separately. other complaints. Symptoms frequently Teratogen Agent affecting the embryo or disappear as soon as sufferers leave the fetus, including chemicals such as xylene or building. Dust and common allergens, toluene, or viruses, or ionizing radiation, unvented office equipment, polluted intake that interrupts or alters the normal develop- air, and renovation fumes may be significantment of the fetus, with results that are evi- factors in SBS. Complaints may be localized dent at birth. or spread throughout the building. TILT Toxicant-induced loss of tolerance. SensitizationRefers to initial or repeated The term refers to toxic exposure resulting moderate exposure to compounds or agents,in the loss of tolerance for common chemi- resulting in subsequent triggering of im- cals. Another name for MCS. mune system response by low levels of ToxicPoisonous, deadly, injurious to similar agents, often out of proportion to plants and animals. actual exposure. Common sensitizers: fra- VOCs Volatile organic compounds: grances, mold, carpet fumes, tobacco smoke Chemicals containing carbon and different and food additives. proportions of other elements that readily Solvent A substance (usually liquid) vaporize (become gas) at room temperature. capable of dissolving or dispersing one or VOCs are commonly used as solvents (paint more other substances. thinners, lacquer thinners, degreasers, and SPM Small Particulate MatterFine dry cleaning fluids). Many VOCs are toxic liquid or solid particles such as soot, dust, and trigger allergic reactions.

52 Vel,vnolit Public interest Research Group

5 3 Information Resources

A wide variety of information is avail- 0 U.S - 11111 ' able via the Internet from federal and state http://www.epazov/pesticides/ government agencies and from local, state Blueprint for a Green School. Chase, and national organizations specializing in Jayni. Scholastic Leadership Policy Re- school indoor air quality. search. Scholastic, Inc. , NY. 1995.

. I Comprehensive primer on dealing with environmental safety issues in school: basic Vermont Public Interest Research facts, student and teacher suggested activi- Group: You can link to Internet sites below ties, curricula and information resources. from VPIRG's web site Ordering Information: ISBN 0-590-49830-4. Overview of the healthy schools bill and Call 1-800-325-6149. links to many indoor air quality resources. Child Proofing Our Communities State of Vermont Act 125 School Reducing Children's Environmental Health Environmental Health Site. Provides a Risks in Schools, Parks, Playgrounds, gateway to a wide range of informational Homes, Food and Water. 2000. Center for materials relevant to school environmental Health, Environment and Justice. P.O. Box health, including links to resources else- 6806, Falls Church, VA 22040. where on the Department of Health website The Healthy Schools Handbook. and to information offered by other govern- Norma Miller, Ed. 1995. National Education mental agencies, nonprofit organizations Association of the United States. NEA Pro- and professional societies http:// hp/airquality/ fessional Library. West Haven, CT. Stock No. 1863-X-00-C4. aci125, The Healthy Schools Network links U.S. Environmental Protection page to organizations involved in school Agency. Provides the latest Federally ap- environmental health issues. http:// proved information on children's health environmental hazards, including research, publications, health programs, news items, The Children's Environmental Health and links to over 50 organizations. http:// Network website provides information on www.epa.govichildreni the issue of children's environmental health, CI The EPA Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools and links to sources of information and for Schools Kit. Recently updated : in- resources in the field. http:/ / cludes an IAQ Coordinator's Guide and useful checklists for identifying and ghome.html. resolving indoor air quality problems. The American Lung Association http.//www epa gov/iaq/schools/ School Programs web page. http:/ / tools4s2.htral 13 U.S. EPA Indoor Air Facts No. 4 (revised) Building and construction materials Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) http:/ pubs/ sbs.html Building Materials: What Makes a Learn about chemicals around your home.Product Green? Environmental Building hap: / / www.epazov/ opptintr/ kids/ News. Vol. 9, No. 1 Jan. 2000. http:/ / hometour/index features/ gp/ green products.html

1-lealthy Schools for Healthy Kids 53

54 Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 2425is intended as an example of a commercially 18th Street, NW Washington, DC 20009-2096available environmentally friendly paint http:/ / source, and does not imply an endorsement Environmental Building News. from VPIRG. Product Reviews. Updated information on Cleaning and maintenance environmentally friendly construction and maintenance products. http:// supply safety products/ Chemicals in Classrooms: Pesticides and productslist.html Maintenance Chemicals in Vermont Schools. Best Paints, 5205 Ballard Ave., NW, Vermont Public Interest Research Group. Seattle, WA 98107, (206) 783-9938, Brochure Montpelier, VT. January 1999. Survey of of nontoxic paints and sealers. This site is pesticides and chemical cleaning supplies. intended as an example of a commercially Useful background information on pesti- available environmentally friendly paint cides and schools. VPIRG 802-223-5221. source, and does not imply an endorsement Cleaning Solutions For a Healthier from VPIRG. Environment Good example of a commer- Bioshield paints are made from cial provider of cleaning solutions for school natural products and are considered low- settings. 'HEALTHY CLEAN BUILDINGS'® allergenic. littp:/ / 4 Wilmington Drive Melville, NY 11747 This site is intended as an example of a http:/ / commercially available environmentally Custodial Products Bid Specifica- friendly paint source, and does not imply antions: City of Santa Monica, CA. Updated endorsement from VPIRG. the procurement process for custodial/ Chem-Safe Products, P.O. Box 33023, maintenance products allowing the City to San Antonio, TX 78265, Brochure of custom- better evaluate the overall worker health made, non-toxic, low-odor paints. This site and environmental impacts associated with is intended as an example of a commerciallytheir use. available environmentally friendly paint http:/ / environ- source, and does not imply an endorsementment/ policy/ purchasing/ bidspecs.him from VPIRG. Federal Supply Service: The GSA Green Paint and Chemical Ltd.,has Federal Supply Service offers a wide range developed an environmentally friendly of environmentally oriented products and process to produce paints that dramatically services. http:/ / environ/ reduces harmful pollutants released into the Finding Chemical Data about Janito- atmosphere and improving efficiency. rial Supplies Janitorial/tools/chemicaldata.htm This site is intended as an example of a Guidelines for Green Housekeeping commercially available environmentally and Maintenance, Stephen P. Ashkin, for the friendly paint source, and does not imply anCity of Austin, Texas, Sustainable Building endorsement from VPIRG. Guidelines, Vol. III, February, 1998. Compre- Specialized Paints are distributors of hensive checklists for healthier building for the premium quality, ecologically respon- use by facility directors and custodial staff. sible range of "Phoenix Paints" http:// Contact: Stephen P. Ashkin, Healthy House- This sitekeeping Solutions, 3644 Tamarron Dr., 54 VermontPud9licalteeest Research GrotAp

55 Bloomington, IN 47408. cians for Social Responsibility/Learning Green Seal is the independent, non- Disabilities Association of America http:// profit organization dedicated to protecting 1- I- 1...! II' SO ISIS the environment by promoting the manufac-cehfuture/ ture and sale of environmentally responsible Toxic Chemical Exposure in Schools: consumer products. It sets environmental Our Children at Risk. Vermont Public standards and awards a "Green Seal of Interest Research Group. Montpelier, VT. Approval" to products that cause less harm March 1998. Overview of chemically haz- to the environment than other similar prod- ardous products in use by schools. VPIRG ucts. 802-223-5221.http:/ / pubs/ Healthier Cleaning and Maintenance: background_reports.html Practices and Products for Schools, Healthy Vermont State Purchasing And Con- Schools Network, Inc. 96 South Swain St. tract Administration Division Resource Albany, NY 12210 (518) 462-0632. This Guide The Division maintains over 400 publication focuses on minimizing dirt and contracts for a wide range of items used by grime through the use of preventive mainte-schools, Towns, and State Agencies. A cur- nance practices, and purchasing healthier, rent list of widely used contracts is available safer cleaning products. A checklist is pro- on the Internet at vided for each of these topics. e-mail: [email protected], website: http:/ Association of Vermont Recyclers Janitorial Products Pollution Preven-homepage tion Project (1134") posts a series of fact Dusty Air. Judith Brown 1991 sheets on environmental, health, and safety Woodrow Wilson Biology Institute/ Accent issues. The fact sheets are meant to provide Excellence Activities Exchange http:// cleaning tips and health and safety AE/AEPC/ tion for individual janitorial workers. Facts WWC/1991/particulates.html sheets on: Toilet cleaning//Hard floor care/ K12 Curriculum Resources on the / Carpet care/ / Restroom cleaning/ / Glass Web. This web page is designed to help cleaning/ / Metal cleaning/ / Disinfectants. teachers locate curriculum material on the I III AA A" IIa. Oa. 411111 net. Massachusetts Environmentally Pref- k12curriculum.html. Product Information erable Products Life Sciences Curriculums on-line http:/ / osd/ enviro/ products/cleaning.htm browse/static/Natural^Science/index.html. Minnesota Buildings and General Services DepartmentEnvironmentally The Plain English Guide To the Preferable Purchasing (EPP) http:// Clean Air Act lc/ purchasing/ oaqps/peg caa/pegcaain.html. index.cfm The Air Currents ProjectA Model Polluting Our Future: Chemical Curriculum for Environmental Education. Pollution in the U.S. that Affects Child A Teachers Guide for Grades 6 through 12. Development and Learning A New ReportNESCAUM, 129 Portland St. Boston, MA by: National Environmental Trust/Physi- 02214. (617)367-8540. Contains wide variety i-lealthy Schools for -1--ledlthy Kids 55

BESTCOPYAVAILABLE .5 6 of activities and excellent appendices. Re- I I quires temporary use of an air-monitoring machine. AIR Allergy Internet Resources. Allergy and Asthma resources on the Project Clean Air. Students investi- Internet gate air quality, learn how to monitor the air,allabc.html and learn how air quality is measured. This project serves as an example of the principle Allergens: There's something in the that global problems have local origins and air.(common household airborne that careful monitoring and study of the allergens)(The Allergy Report 1998 spon- local environment is the first step in being a sored supplement American Academy of global thinker. http: / / Allergy, Asthma and Immunology) Author: ahem trl html Thomas A. E. Platts-Mills Issue: March, 1998 Diesel Emissions n3_v19/ 20324756/ p1/ article.jhtml Definition of Asthma. The Children's Exhausted by Diesel How Americas Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri. Dependence on Diesel Engines Threatens Our Health By Gina M. Solomon, Todd R. Diagnos/Define.HTM Campbell, Tim Carmichael, Gail Ruderman Feuer and S. Hathaway. Natural Re- Chemical Exposures: Agency for Toxic sources Defense Council. April 1998. http://Substances and Disease Registry Medical air/ transportation/ ebd/ Management Guidelines for Acute Chemical ebdinx.asp Exposures: Frequently Asked Questions, Patient Information http:// American Lung Association of Metro- www.atsdr.cdcgov/mmg.html politan ChicagoDiesel Trucks and Environ- mental Health Available by calling 312 -649- Is This Your Childs World? Raap, 3355. Website at Doris J, MD. Bantam Books. New York, NY. chicago/programs.html 1996. Frank discussion of unexplained illnesses, behavioral problems, and learning Clean Air Trust The Dirty Truth About difficulties caused by sensitivity to sub- Big Trucks, stances commonly found in schools. trucks.dirtytruth.html. Managing asthma emergencies for the State of California. The Toxic Air school teacher...if a child in your school has Contaminant Identification ProcessToxic Air Contaminant Emissions from Diesel-Fueled asihma_llealatml Engines dieseltac/ factshtl .pdf. Pathfinders to Consumer Health Questions. Pathfinders are a time-honored U.S. Public Interest Research Group, tradition in public libraries. Diesel Trucks and Buses are Polluting Our Air HEALTHINFOQUEST pathfinders are http : / / /cleanairnow/ designed for public librarians and health fad.html information specialists. http: / / USPIRG. The Dangers of Diesel, by Angie Farleigh and Leah Kaplan. July, 2000. Carpets: AAL Reference Laboratories, Inc.,1715 E. Wilshire #715, Santa Ana, CA.

56 Vermont Public Jilteeest ResearchGI,c,t4p

57 Immunologic Tests in Illness From New Carpet Exposure: A Form of Indoor Air Pesticides Pollution. http:/ / Integrated Pest Management-An capetdoc.htm example of a commercial IPM service pro- The Chemical Injury Information vider Network (CIIN) is a tax-exempt, non-profit,sitemapiatm. charitable support and advocacy organiza- IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual. tion run by the chemically injured for the Drilk T, Ed. 1977. Bio-Integral Resource benefit of the chemically injured. It focuses Center. P.O. Box 7414 Berkeley, CA 94707. A primarily on education, credible research comprehensive, easy-to-use manual for into Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), implementing integrated pest management and the empowerment of the chemically in schools. Ordering information at. http:// injured bird/ IPM.htm. Harvard University Operations Ser- National Coalition Against the Mis- vicesGeneral Fact Sheet Library: use of Pesticides. The Schooling of State Biosafety/ /Fnvironmental Affairs/ /Indus- Pesticide T aws 2000 A review of State trial Hygiene//Radiation//Safety http:/ / pesticide laws and schools. http:// ehs_bottom_factsheet.html. Northwest Coalition Against Pesti- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: MCS cides: One of the best pesticide information Referral & ResourcesProfessional out- resources on the web. Link to Unthinkable reach, patient support, and public advocacy Risk: How Children Are Exposed and Harmed devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, accom- When Pesticides Are Used at School http:// modation, and prevention of Multiple environment/ Chemical Sensitivity Disorders schools96.htm1 #results. Researching Health Effects of Pesti- cides on the Web. Kay Rumsey, Librarian, Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, May 2000 http:// Pest Management at a Crossroads: Up to date information Integrated Pest Manage- ment

-1-leolthy Schools for i-lealthy Kids 57 Appendix AAct 125, The School Environmental Health Act NO. 125. AN ACT RELATING TO TOXIC MATERIALS AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY IN VERMONT PUBLIC SCHOOLS

(H.192) methods and appropriate maintenance It is hereby enacted by the General Assem- practices and standards is widely avail- bly of the State of Vermont: able through governmental agencies, Sec. 1. LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS, PUR- nonprofit organizations and professional POSE AND GOALS societies, but is not readily accessible through a single information source. (a) The General Assembly finds that: (b) It is the purpose of this act to direct the (1) There is significant evidence that department of health, in consultation with hazardous chemical exposure and poor other state agencies, to compile and make indoor air quality can negatively affect human health and productivity. available to all Vermont schools, information about materials and practices commonly used (2) Problems related to hazardous chemi- cal exposure ranging from complaints of in school operation and construction that may minor illness to death are documented in compromise indoor air quality or negatively medical, institutional and governmental impact human health. It is also the purpose of this act to encourage schools, with assistance studies. from the department of health, to develop (3) Children are particularly susceptible to adverse health effects from hazardous programs that will enable them to identify chemical exposure and poor indoor air and eliminate potentially hazardous materials, quality, as their bodies are undergoing isolate those hazardous materials that cannot rapid growth and development, their be eliminated, and adequately ventilate school immune systems are not fully functional buildings to exhaust any pollutants and contaminants. and they are likely to be in contact with (c) It is the goal of this act that at least 50 materials not encountered by adults. percent of Vermont schools qualify for an (4) A school environment, in which haz- environmental health certification by January ardous exposures are reduced and an adequate supply of fresh or filtered air is 2005. provided reduces viruses and allergens, Sec. 2. COMMISSIONERS OF HEALTH AND increases the likelihood that school stu- OF BUILDINGS AND GENERAL SERVICES; SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH dents and staff will be more alert and productive and may reduce risk of litiga- WEBSITE (a) The commissioners of health and of build- tion. ings and general services shall jointly create (5) Problems involving potentially haz- and jointly update as necessary an electronic ardous chemical exposure and poor school environmental health clearinghouse indoor air quality are associated with site on the health departments website, in- increased use of manufactured construc- cluding diagnostic checklists and searchable tion materials, energy conservation mea- databases. This website shall include: sures which have sealed school buildings (1) Information on materials and practices more tightly, inadequate air exchange in common use in school operations and which fails to eliminate pollutants from construction that may compromise indoor inside school buildings, and moisture air quality or negatively impact human problems that cause biological growth health; inside school buildings. (2) Information on potential health prob- (6) Information on least-toxic and non- lems associated with these materials, with toxic materials, nonchemical pest control

58 Vermont PLAblic Onteresf Research Group specific reference to children's vulnerability; certificates of training to participants who (3) Information on integrated pest man- successfully complete the workshops. agement and alternatives to chemical pest (4) Publicize the availability of informa- control; tion through the school environmental (4) Information on methods to reduce or health clearinghouse. eliminate exposure to potentially hazard- (5) Provide information and referrals to ous substances in schools, including the members of school communities who following: contact the school environmental health (A) a list of preventive management clearinghouse with hazardous exposure options, such as ventilation, equipment and indoor air concerns. upkeep, design strategies, and perfor- (6) Assist elementary and secondary mance standards; schools in Vermont to establish compre- (B) a list of nontoxic or least-toxic office hensive school environmental health and classroom supplies, maintenance programs, which have all or most of the and cleaning chemicals, building elements of the model policy developed equipment, and materials and furnish- pursuant to Sec. 3 of this act, to address ings; and indoor air and hazardous exposure issues. (C) a list of environmental health (7) Report annually to the house and criteria that schools may use as a senate committees on education on the decision-making tool when determin- extent of indoor air and hazardous expo- ing what materials to purchase or use sure problems in Vermont schools and on in school construction or operations; the percentage of Vermont schools that (5) The model school environmental have established a school environmental health policy and management plan health program or qualified for environ- developed pursuant to Sec. 3 of this act. mental health certification. (b) The commissioners of health and of build- (c) Any information provided shall be based ings and general services, education and on peer-reviewed published scientific material. health, with help from the secretary of the Sec. 3. COMMISSIONERS OF BUILDINGS agency of natural resources when appropriate,AND GENERAL SERVICES, EDUCATION shall: AND HEALTH; SCHOOL ENVIRONMEN- (1) Review the information on the school TAL HEALTH POLICY AND MANAGE- environmental health information clear- MENT PLAN; ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH inghouse at least twice yearly, and update CERTIFICATE it whenever significant developments (a) The commissioners of buildings and Occur. general services, education and health shall (2) At the request of school officials, assistwork with the secretary of the agency of school environmental health coordinators natural resources, as necessary, to carry out to identify potential sources of environ- the provisions of this section. mental pollution in the school, and make (b) On or before July 1, 2001, the commission- recommendations on how to alleviate anyers shall develop and distribute to each Ver- problems. mont school, a model school environmental (3) Annually, organize school environ- health policy to be implemented under the mental health training workshop for direction of the building administrator or his school environmental health coordinators or her designee, and which shall include, at a and school administrators, and an annual minimum, the following components: training for school maintenance and (1) The formation of a school environmen- custodial staff. The department shall issue tal health committee which may be an

Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids 59

60 existing safety or maintenance committee,environmental health certificate to be consisting of a cross-section of the school awarded to schools which have demonstrated community. exemplary progress in addressing indoor air (2) An annual school environmental quality and hazardous exposure issues be- health audit of the school building and yond adoption of the model policy and plan grounds which shall be reported to the described in this section. Criteria for deter- commissioner of health. mining such progress shall include but not be (3) The compilation of a recommended limited to: maintenance schedule and checklist for (1) nontoxic or least-toxic purchasing the school, summarizing when and how policies and practices for all school sup- maintenance of heating and ventilation plies; systems should occur. (2) minimization of pesticide risk and (4) The establishment of a school environ- exposure in school buildings and on mental health management plan consis- school grounds; and tent with the model policy and plan. (3) completion of a school environmental (c) The commissioner of education shall health workshop, sponsored or approved distribute to all Vermont public schools on or by the department of health, by one or before July 1, 2001, a model school environ- more members of the school administra- mental health management plan which: tion and one or more members of the (1) includes mechanisms to resolve haz- maintenance staff. ardous chemical exposure and indoor air Sec. 3a. BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION quality problems as they occur; MATERIALS (2) provides suggestions for communicat- This act does not authorize any prohibi- ing school environmental health status to tion on the use by schools of any materials, building occupants and parents; processes or products. (3) implements an integrated pest man- Sec. 4. APPROPRIATION agement and control program to mini- (a) One new limited service positionschool mize the risk of exposure in the school environmental health specialistis authorized building and on school grounds; in the Department of Health. (4) provides for physical isolation of those(b) The commissioner of health shall seek toxic materials that cannot be eliminated federal and other funds available to help from the school building or grounds; and implement the provisions of this act. (5) includes policies for emergency re- Sec. 5. EFFECTIVE DATE sponse, and incorporates methods to (a) Sec. 2(b) of this act shall be effective on evaluate plan effectiveness. July 1, 2001. (d) The commissioners shall appoint and (b) The remainder of this act shall take convene an advisory panel to consist of repre- effect on July 1, 2000. sentatives of superintendents, school boards, Approved: May 17, 2000 teachers, principals, parents, school nurses, school environmental health advocates, Vermont Public Interest Research Group, Associated General Contractors of Vermont, Vermont Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, and others to offer advice on the implementation of this act. (e) The commissioners shall establish an

60 Vermont Public JP1i-evestlResecwch Gp.ot,p

BESTCOPYAVAILABLE 61 Appendix B Environmental Health AuditForm II I LI 'e I Prepared by by Stephen P. Ashkin, Healthy HousekeepingSolutions, 3644 Tamarron Dr., Bloomington, IN 47408 Placea check mark in each area that has been evaluated and mark areas that need attention. Use "COMMENTS" for notes. Pay attention to your sensesparticularly to what you both see and smell. For the most favorable indoor environment, observe levels of gases, particles,and biopollutants. s . l - 1 1 1 1 -1 1 . 1 11 6 1 -els 1 - . 1 - 1 1-2


Changes in building usage

Construction, renovation or other structural changes

Construction, renovation or other changes affecting neighbors

Standing water on parking lots or grounds

Standing water on neighboring roofs, parking lots or grounds

Change in vehicular traffic patterns


Moisture or standing water

Evidence of biological contamination (molds, mildew)

Ineffective drainage or inoperable sumps

High level of dust or debris

Evidence of insects, rodents or other pests

Dirty or ineffective air filters. pumps, back draft dampers or fans

Sources of VOCs (e.g. stored chemicals)

Noticeable odors

Cracks in flooring or foundation

C. GARAGES, LOADING DOCKS AND SHOP AREAS Excessive dust, trash and debris

Materials (e.g. paints, chemicals, fuels are organized and VOCs are controlled through adequate ventilation (e.g. direct exhaust)

Floors are clean to prevent tracking and floor matting systerms are utilized and in good working order

Vehicular exhaust is NOT impacting fresh air intakes

Dumpster areas are clean and located away from fresh air intakes

Evidence of insects, rodents or other pests , D. STAIRS AND ELEVATORS Carpeting and flooring are clean and in good condition

Bright work and hand rails are clean and in good condition

Steps and landings are clean and free of trash and debris

4-lealthy Schools for -Healthy Kids 6.1


Entrance mats and floor grins are clean and in good working order. Furthermorethey cover enough to be effective (first 6 to 9 feet)

Waste receptacles are cleaned and emptied

Carpets are clean and in good condition

Hard floors are clean, dust free and in good condition

Glass doors, decorative surfaces, mirrors and bright work are clean and in goodcondition

Window coverings (e.g. draperies, curtains) are clean F. OFF CES, WORK SPACES, CLASSROOMS AND LIVING AREAS

Flooring and carpets are clean and in good condition

Dust levels minimal. Dusting performed with damp cloths

Office partitions (especially if fabric covered) are clean and dust free

Ceiling tiles exhibit evidence of water or moisture damage

Telephones, door knobs and light switches are clean and disinfected

Window and light fixtures are cleaned and operating properly

Draperies and blinds are clean and dust free

Trash receptacles are accessible and emptied

Plants, evidence of insect infestation, and surfaces under plants are clean

Evidence of mold, mildew or other biocontamination

Evidence of insects, rodents or other pests

Self contained heating and cooling unites are clean, free of biocontamination and operatingcorrectly G SPECIAL AREAS (e.g. SMOKING AREAS, POOLS, LABORATORIES

Chemicals are stored property and vented directly outdoors

Smoking areas are vented directly outdoors

Trash receptacles are accessible and emptied

Evidence of mold, mildew or other biocontamiretion

Dust levels are minimal. Dusting performed with damp cloths

Flooring and carpets are clean and in good condition H. FOOD PREPARATION AND EATING AREAS

Floors are dean, free of food scraps, debris or any signs of bloconiamination, and cleaned at leastor daily Floor drains are operating properly

Air vents are clean and operating property

All surfaces that come in contact with food preparation are clean, free of food scraps and debris, and cleaned after every meal or use

Tables (tops and undersides) and chairs are cleaned and sanitized after every mealor use

Washing areas and appliances, cooking and eating utensils are cleaned after every mealor use Trash receptacles are tightly covered and emptied daily

Evidence of insects, rodents or biocontamination

II I I I. II1,1 I '1.1 Prepared by Stephen P. Ashkin, Healthy Housekeeping Solutions, 3644 TamarronDr., Bloomington, IN 47408 62 Vermont 'Public anterest Researck Group


Floors, countertops. basins and toilets are disinfected daily

Floor drains are operating property

Noticeable odors or visible biocontamination (mold & mildew)

Shower heads, water faucets and toilets are operating properly

Soap dispensers are operating property

Vents are clean and operating properly with enough ventilation to keep areas dry

Waste containers are emptied daily J. MAIL, COPY AND COMPUTER ROOMS

Equipment is free of dust and debris

Floors are dean

Air vents dean and operating correctly

Waste containers cleaned and emptied daily

Light switches and door knobs are dean and free of inks and greases


Area is clean and products are neatly organized

Stored equipment is clean. Equipment is cleaned after every use

Vacuums fitted with HEPA or appropriate fitters

Mops in good condition

Observe cleaning and stored chemicals for DOT Hazard placards. if hazardous productsare stored, further review is necessary

Floors should be dean and free of debris

Drains and washbasins operating property

Exhaust fans/vents are working properly L. MECHANICAL, ATTICS, UPPER AREAS AND ROOFS

Evidence of water leaks or standing water of roof

Dust levels and debris are minimal

Evidence of birds, rodents, insects or biocontamination

Screens and barriers are in place to prevent pest entry

Citioor air makes are dean and away from sources of contamination (vet-ide exhaust, smoke stacks, etc.)

Air handlers and related equipment are routinely inspected and cleaned. Filtersare periodically cleaned and replaced

Mechanical rooms and air plenums not used for storage

r I; I 1,1 I 1. Prepared by Stephen P. Ashkin, Healthy Housekeeping Solutions, 3644 TamarronDr., Bloomington, IN 47408 Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids 63

BEST:COPY AVAILA91..t. 64 Appendix C. Draft School Diesel Idling Policy for Vermont Schools WHEREAS school buses transporting students to School are powered by diesel engines;

WHEREAS the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has found that expo- sure to diesel exhaust, even at low levels, is likely to pose a risk of lung cancer, as well as other respiratory risks;

WHEREAS diesel emissions are well documented as an asthma trigger;

WHEREAS air inside the school building begins as air immediately outside the school building;

WHEREAS diesel emissions frequently pervade portions of the School when school buses are idling adjacent to the school;

NOW THEREFORE, School enacts the following policy relating to school buses and diesel delivery and service vehicles:

Section 1. All school buses will warm up their engines at a site away from the school.

Section 2. All buses dropping off and picking up students adjacent to the school will turn off their engines immediately upon arrival at the school and leave engines off until the buses are ready to depart.

Section 3. All delivery vehicles servicing the School will turn off their engines while deliveries are underway,

Section 4. Where engine idling is needed to facilitate the delivery, (such as oil delivery) delivery times will be scheduled before or after school is in session.

64 VeemontPublicOntev'estiResecalAck Group

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-Healthy Sckools for Healthy Kids 62 0 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) ERIC



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