


is a fitting honor PHOTO: DEREK HENTHORN FOR MPG; ILLUSTRATION: HENNING BRUER for the team that has worked incredibly hard for 30 years to make us better.”

Max Planck Research · 3 | 2020 NOBEL PRIZE IN


Cosmic swarm: the at the heart of the reveals itself by the pull it exerts on nearby objects. This image shows the paths of Reinhard Genzel and his group have longer wavelengths by the very stars as they orbit the achieved a number of ground- strong gravitational field of the gravitational monster at varying degrees of breaking results. For over three black hole and therefore appears proximity. Reinhard decades, the researchers have been with a reddish color. This change Genzel and his team have using infrared instruments to in wavelength is exactly in line worked relentlessly for study the center of our galaxy. with the prediction made by Ein- many years to track the There, they follow the movement stein’s general theory of relativity. 11 stars’ movements, thereby of stars swirling around the invisi- In the spring of this year, Reinhard gaining valuable astrophysical insights. ble object like moths around a light. Genzel and his colleagues pu- Based on these observations, the blished their results from another astronomers have determined the series of observations: the orbit of gravitational giant’s mass – with a the star does not remain sta- very high degree of accuracy – to tionary in space, but instead moves be around 4.3 million solar masses. slowly forward – so that multiple Deep in the heart of the Milky Way Because this mass is concentrated orbits of S2 create the shape of a lurks a massive black hole. At a dis- within a small space, the research- rosette. This is another effect that tance of 26,000 light-years from ers believe that a black hole is the was predicted by Einstein’s theory. Earth, this behemoth is hidden be- most plausible explanation. hind dense curtains of gas and The astronomers made their observa- dust. Nevertheless, the phantom Further studies by the team have re- tions using sensitive instruments has been exposed by astronomers, vealed, for example, that stars in such as Gravity, Sinfoni and Naco, chief among whom are Reinhard the center of the galaxy exhibit an all of which are operated at the Genzel, Director at the Max unusual mass spectrum. Moreover, Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the Planck Institute for Extraterre- the scientists have discovered in- European Southern Observatory. strial Physics in , Ger- frared flares that are thought to The instruments were built under many, and the American re- arise from gas close to the inner ac- the direction of the searcher Andrea Ghez from the cretion disc of the black hole. Gen- Institute for Extraterrestrial University of California. In recog- zel’s group has also found that gas Physics and scan the sky in the in- nition of their work, the two scien- is swirling around the black hole at frared region. By combining the tists are sharing one half of the a speed equal to 30 percent of the light from the four eight-meter 2020 . The speed of light. mirrors within an underground other half of the prize has been laboratory, the researchers create awarded to the British theorist In 2018, the researchers succeeded in what is known as an interferometer. for his detailed verifying the so-called “gravita- This virtual telescope has a diame- mathematical description of black tional ” of a star for the ter of 130 meters, and its detail resolu- holes as a consequence of the gen- first time. The light from S2, as tion is so precise that you could dis- eral theory of relativity. the star is known, is stretched to cern a one-euro coin on the moon.

Max Planck Research · 3 | 2020