New Phone System. Proposed
c~, ~ 3~~~ · ~·.T& lA.~ ,1~ TheNewH sh .ire- ...,.-- ----------------------------....i-----~---------. ;;;;;... _______ ..,.!P.11!1!!~~,...~~~----_Bull: Aate,0-s· Postaoe Parr. Vol. 78 No. 43 TUESOAY, APRIL 5, 1988 :' 19!.-i , (603)862-1490 Durham.N.H. Durham IIJH t>erm!!ll30 Themes ~illlilar ill forum By Duncan McEachern The largest field of candidates for--Student Body President in years, expressed similar ,the.mes of uniting the students to com- "' bat the fam'iliar issues of hous- . ing and parking at Morid·ay's "Meet the Candidates Night" in Stoke Hall. Write-in SBP candidate John McCutcheon was not allowed to speak at the Student Senate sponsored forum because he did not meet filing requirements . .Once the program began, the fifty students in the Stoke _ . lounge h~ard an extended dis- 1111111 . ----------. ---•.------•·--•-•· --•· ■. 111111111111111111111111_ . • cuss ion by the six recogniied (I to r) Cand1da~es Sures, Clemons, Pariseau, Eltasberg, Gould, Turbyne, DeKonmg, Keatmg, Gallivan, Scenn~, and Rose __ tickets. Improving relations respond to q1,1est1ons. Hammond is out of frame. (Addie Holmgren photo) · with UNH President Gordon Haaland, solving the parking problems, and alleviating the housing crunch were the pre valent issues discussed by the New phone system.proposed candidates. Presidential Candidate J a.y By Ray Peckham Gould stressed that changes "basically co.r:ne down to student by Director A plan proposed input." 'i-Ie and his running mate Telecommunica of University Turbyne ~aw the ad calls for Jennifer tions Charles Simpson dition of a third shuttle as a to every UNH phone service viable solution to the parking campus in the dorm room on prQblem.
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