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Iges Ish2 :I Dr Ndici .........■■ -I- Bed a)mdbreakfcfasts: Intirmate acazommodaations, spt)ecialfood d - c i = = = = = = = ifofrrry Brpwn ot I win t-al ^ © w f eb © y s 8 soleId his hide-a-jjed-- ^ i c t 1 - in-oonly-1-<Jay-with------ 5 classified adi i ■ ^ o o l - B f ^ Shoot out^Sagee - B4 all 733-0626 Nolowl^ " - • HC f t n x i 2 5 ^ ' dnesday, July 2 2 , 1 9 8 7 82nd year, No. 203 Twin Fallslls, I d a h o W ednt J u d i g e s I q u a :i s h 2: i d ri i g i in d ic it m e rn t s do n o th in g o r d o so m eething." tl down afteiiler more thnn six m onthsI of appoint a jury comn:imrssiorier in the deci.sionion 1to throw out the Indict Shc said it wouldI 1be too costly invcstigatiia tio n in T%vin F o ils b y lawnw TVin'Falls County. m ents 10 mmir in u te s a fte r la w y e r s con- Jury seielection flc\awed nnd time-consuming ttto take the 21 cnforccnicment agencics. That jury commissiisioner, Kath* eluded theirieir arguments. dofendants through stistandard court DefenseISC attorneys for tho 21 de*lc* loen Noh of Kimberly,ly, is’ to com- In hin finnHnul argum ent. Wood, suid st for jury se- the county's,ty's jury selection proce- By CRAIG UNCOLNLN ■- in g o f ua mi aster list to the Belectionion proceedings, und she wiilw opt to use fendants.s filedf motions to quash the.he plete a now master list TimcS'Ncwa writer o f juiror ro i candidates, were in tho grand jury systemn ia g a in . in d ic tme n tsl b a se d o n a lle g e d irregJU*. u * le c tio n by S e p t. 1 a n d oo v v e rse e th e se* d u re w a s flawedfla \ because; ounty failed to uoo drivers' - ■ “s u b s taiintial n non-compliiincL'" withith "Absolutely.' We will■111 do it'again— inrities~ir-in-the—county's jury—sc^HC- leetion-pf-jurica-in-thc-c‘•countyr'Thnt ------ • T h e c o u m its in addition to voter rcg- TWIN PALLS —- Twenty-one the Iduhluho Uniform Jury Selectionion with a grand jury," Buxuxtersaid. lection jropro c e d u rc . duty had been Pence's's responsibil- licenae lists i U.hLs to draw up the m aster drug indictmcnta hurhanded down by and Serv;rvicc Act, piiHscd in 1971. Ljist month, as thee result of the Hearing;ngs were held July 7*8, but>ut ity b e fo re th e o r d e r sijjjigned' by the istration U.hL‘ T w in F a ils C o u n ty ’Hfi’h firHtgrundjury Dut Tuesdiiy’sT nction docs notnot grand jury indictmeiients. 21 de- final' argurguments on the motions,ns judges,. ju r y lis t. ury-.sc'lection duties of the were quashed Tuesdasday bccausc the spell [lethe e n d to tiie c o u n ty ’s p ro scccu- u - fcndants'were chnrgc('cd with more were dclaj•layed u n lil T u e s d a y to ac*nc* F in a l a r g u m e n ts onI the defense •The jury- 3r* m o tio n s w e re p r e s e n teid'Tuesday d by district clerkierk were delegated to dep- county's jury selectionion p ro c e d u re u n - lio n o■ f theth 21 people indicted by the•he than 33 drug-related crimes,cr includ- comodatete tl^et schedules of the attor* ,blic’Defender~uty'clerks'wl:s'whohndno'clearBupei^* ---------- ________ der ^ Bupcrviaion1 ofof Countv Clcrk grandju;ju n ’,_8itid_County_Prosocutor-tor— ing— possession;— dcdelivery —and' neys'undd theycdurt.tl I^TwirTFallu'Couhty Publ csponsibility. Thoso clerks Richard Pcnco wos'lluwcd. Ilu ‘ K. Ellenin B a x te r a fte r th e d e cisio n , manufacturing, nndI aiding' and Two duysduj uftcr tho first sot of 'Michael Wood and priprivate attor- sion or rcspc lird S to n e a n c p e rfo rm e d tlithe jury selection proce- R u lin g on a m o)tion lio challenging “We havehi to woit until the courtjrt abetting in the delivlivery of con- hearingsB onc the defense motions,IB, n e y s R a n d y S to k e r, L o ir ih e ir s p a r e tim e , the indictmonts. Stil District provideses a proper grand jury," Bax-Qx- tro lle d s u b s ta n c e s suich cl as cocaine, Hurlbutt.1 andii tho five other judges;es Monto Carlso^i, Prosecutulor Joel Hor- dures in theii or* to n p r e s e n te d f in a l a rg jury commissioner was Judges Daniel B. Mcc^lechl and Daniel ter said,id. "Their failure to do so hasins maryuana, prescriptioiion and mush- in T\vin FallsF« County signed an or* rguments for «No jury appointed.i. IIdaho statutes require ' “ C. Hurlbutt said thehe county's jury* resulteded in 21 drug indictmentsnts ■ roo'ffi-type drugs, d e r b y 5Sth th District Administrativeivc th e c o u n ty , II announcec •SecJl© J U R Y o n P n g o A 2 selection procedures,rs. frof m tiie d ra w - b e in g quashed.qu Our choiccs are to Tho indictmonts wwere handed District JudgeJu Phillip M. Bccker to Hurlbutt and Meehl Senat:e apprcoves sweep)ing tra(ide bill By MIKE ROBINSON tains numorolorous provisions that are ! The Associated Press unacceptable,ible. If eilher bill came to jf me in presenlsent form. I would have no ^ ■ WASHINGTON - 1The Senate choice oxcepl:e p l lo v e to il.” }' defied a bluntly wordedd presidential Hours bt^oi(jiore the vole. Reagan ad- vclo threat Tuesday anand approved dcd a partisirtisan lone lo the three- ...........\ Y ( J ! ? 71-27 a sw e e p in g bhDlueprlnt for week debate,ale. telling senators at the retaliation -against urunfair trade While House:use: "When all is said and pracliccs and afd to imprtporl-battered done, it will111 bbe up to the Dem ocratic U,S. induslrles, leadership) as lo whether or not Con­ ds me a bill that I must ' V ' ' « ."So far the signs poiniint straight to gress'sends a veto," President RReagan lold veto or puls)uts togclher something I senators only hours bef(jforc the vote can accept." : ”on the i.ooo-pagc packaicage-that also Reagan's-r's- remjirks-in-thc-closed-- -- r~ -would-repcal-the windfalfall-proflts lux -door- meetinf‘ting witli Senate-leaders < ' on oil companies and Incncreasc aid lo were relaytlayed lo rcporiers by those lefl Jobless by liImport com- presidential:al spokesman Marlin < p e titio n . r llz w a te r . __ T h p___a d m in j.'^lra tlo nI condemned Tho bill’sIl’s floor manager. Sen. ; -C l . ' ■_____________/ _Uic..bllLln-a-alalem£iiLiLJ5_onc_mjii_Li«y.C3cin5? iin5cinriEi:cxasn=dccltti:«t= would disrupt world mmarkets and lhal the admidmlnislralion was “frank- , boomerang againsl American ly. playingg a dangerous game” by ~ buslnoss. On the roloil cali, 19 mixing vetoelo threats wilh partisan . Republicans voled in ftfavor. All 27 oratory, onenls were GOP sonanalors. Denison'tol•|old reporters after the oliowing the vole)le, Reagan vote that thithe outcome showed ad- re n e w e d h is c ritic isn m a Instalemenl minlstnilionon strategy had fallen Tsaying that "the Senatelie trade bill, short. Sen,n, Roberl Packwood, R- similar lo the House version,vi con- 'SeeTIeTRADEon PagcAZ | r a P * 5 \ FederalII facilitieies enter y l Superfiund clearmup list ; By DAVID GOELLEH The AssociatedPress tah sites — B3 WASHINGTON - T i,c ernmenfs contributionn lo the naz- ■■■■— ' i; ardous waste prolroblem was quiring prioririorily cleanup. -IH spotlighted Tuesday ass federal facil- The ;wnew additions brought the ‘ • ilics made Iheir firsl apappearance on number ofif ddi u m p s a n d o th e r fa c ilitie s ' Timen th e official list of th e n;nation’s worst on the natiorItlonal priorities list to 951, w a s le du m p s. a fractionn olof the thousands of haz- W ay to gigo Thirty-two federal Installalions, ardou.s wast<.■asle s ile s a ro u n d th e nu- :. mosl of them operalrated by lhe lion, Russel) Hulse,«, left,1 and Tawn Knightsi uwere Tuesday. HuISe oraar'sanlzcd the project as partI deliveries, utility compsipanles and' especially Defense Deparlmenl. wiw e re a m o n g 9'J T h e Amy rm yhad 14 sites on the new among o groupup ofi aboul 14 Boy Scouts InsiInstall* of the requirem entus for becoming an Eagle* the quick response ur)li,ill, which has had pro- hazardous wasle siles; •!added by the EPA listing,•Ing., followed by the Air • ing street numljmbers on houses In CasUeilleford Scout. The new numbimbcrlng system should aidI b le m s w ith d ire c tio n s tnn tlth e p a s t. Environmental Proteciiction Agency i'orce withh 10.10 __ I lo Its rosier of "Superfufund" siles ro- • See SUPIUPERFUNDon PagoA2 f.s.
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