
French Army & Mobilized Forces of Client States Dispositions By Regiment, Battalion, Squadron, & Company May l8ll

Line Division Regt Bn Emplacement or Army Assignment lst l en route Rome 30th Military Division 2 en route Rome 30th Military Division 3 en route Rome 30th Military Division 4 In Toulon 8th Military Division 5 Marseille 8th Military Division 2nd l Delfzyl 3lst Military Division 2 Onderdendam 3lst Military Division 3 Leuwarden 3lst Military Division 4 Upper 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 5 Besancon 6th Military Division 6 forming 3rd l St. Malo l3th Military Division 2 Brest l3th Military Division 3 Brest l3th Military Division 4 5th Military Division 5 Strasbourg 5th Military Division 4th l Havre l5th Military Division 2 Havre l5th Military Division 3 Dieppe 4th Military Division 4 Nancy 4th Military Division 5 Nancy 4th Military Division 5th l Toulon 8th Miltiary Division 2 Toulon 8th Miltiary Division 3 Div/Army of Catalonia 4 Grenoble 7th Military Division 5 Grenoble 7th Military Division 6th l Corfu/Fano Division des 7 Isles 2 Corfu/Fano Division des 7 Isles 3 Rome 30th Miltiary Division 4 Civita-Vecchia 30th Miltiary Division 5 Rome 30th Military Division 6 Corfu/Fano Division des 7 Isles 7 Corfu/Fano Division des 7 Isles 7th l lst Div/Army of Catalonia 2 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 3 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 4 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 5 27th Military Division 8th l 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of 2 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Venloo 25th Military Division 9th l Brescia Army of 2 Brescia Army of Italy 3 Brescia Army of Italy 4 Brescia Army of Italy

1 5 Brescia l0th l Turin 27th Military Division 2 Turin 27th Military Division 3 Alexandrie 28th Military Division 4 Alexandrie 28th Military Division 5 Plaisance 28th Military Division llth l Toulon 8th Military Division 2 Toulon 8th Military Division 3 Barcelona Div/Army of Catalonia 4 Grenoble 7th Military Division 5 Grenoble 7th Military Division l2th l Hanover Div Gudin/Army of Germany 2 Hanover Div Gudin/Army of Germany 3 Hanover Div Gudin/Army of Germany 4 Mezieres 2nd Military Division 5 Mezieres 2nd Military Division l3th l Udine Army of Italy 2 Udine Army of Italy 3 Udine Army of Italy 4 Udine Army of Italy 5 Udine l4th l lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 en route Sedan 2nd Military Division 5 Sedan 2nd Military Division l5th l 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 en route Brest l3th Military Division l6th l Army of Catalonia 2 Army of Catalonia 3 Army of Catalonia 4 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 5 Toulon 8th Military Division l7th l Rostock Div. Morand/Army of Germany 2 Rostock Div. Morand/Army of Germany 3 Rostock Div. Morand/Army of Germany 4 Rostock l6th Military Division 5 3 co in Ostende l6th Military Division l co in Lille l6th Military Division l8th l Brielle l7th Miltary Division 2 La Haye l7th Miltary Division 3 Rotterdam l7th Miltary Division 4 Strasbourg 5th Military Division 5 Strasbourg 5th Military Division l9th l Camp de Boulogne 2 Camp de Boulogne 3 Camp de Boulogne 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 Douay l6th Military Division 6 forming 20th l Alexandrie 27th Miltary Division 2 Alexandrie 27th Miltary Division 3 Alexandrie 27th Miltary Division 4 Alexandrie 27th Miltary Division 5 Verceil 27th Military Division 2lst l Stade Div Gudin/Army of Germany 2 Stade Div Gudin/Army of Germany 3 Stade Div Gudin/Army of Germany 4 Juliers 25th Military Division 5 Juliers 25th Military Division 22nd l lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route Maestricht 5 Maestricht 25th Military Division 23rd l Illyria 2 Illyria 3 Barcelona Div/Army of Catlaonia 4 Geneve 7th Military Division 5 Geneve 7th Military Division 24th l lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Lyon l9th Military Division 25th l Olterholz Div Gudin/Army of Germany 2 Olterholz Div Gudin/Army of Germany 3 Olterholz Div Gudin/Army of Germany 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rear Guard/Army of Spain l Co Landrecies l6th Military Division 26th l unknown 2 unknown 3 3rd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 3rd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 3rd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 en rte l2th Military Division 7 Napoleon l2th Military Division 27th l 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 Mainz 20th Military Division 28th l lst Div/Army of the Center 2 lst Div/Army of the Center 3 en rte St. Omer 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Northern Spain l Co St. Omer l6th Military Division 29th l Livourne 29th Military Division 2 Livourne 29th Military Division 3 Sienne 29th Military Division 4 Livourne 29th Military Division 5 Livourne 29th Military Division 30th l Lubeck Div Morand/Army of Germany 2 Lubeck Div Morand/Army of Germany

3 3 Lubeck Div Morand/Army of Germany 4 Mainz 26th Military Division 5 Mainz 26th Military Division 3lst l Turin 27th Military Division 2 Turin 27th Military Division 3 Turin 27th Military Division 32nd l lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 4 Div Serras/6th Government Army of Spain 5 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Northern Spain 33rd l Fulda Div Friant/Army of Germany 2 Fulda Div Friant/Army of Germany 3 Fulda Div Friant/Army of Germany 4 Mainz 26th Military Division l Co Stettin Army of Germany 5 Mainz 26th Division 34th l lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 Givet 2nd Military Division 35th l Bologne Army of Italy 2 Bologne Army of Italy 3 Bologne Army of Italy 4 Modene Army of Italy 5 Bologne Italy 36th l lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en rte Calais 5 3 Co St. Denis 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Calais l6th Military Division 37th l Jevers 3lst Miltiary Division 2 Norden 3lst Miltiary Division 3 Embden 3lst Miltiary Division 4 Army of Catalonia 5 Besancon 6th Military Division 6 These men, who were part of the garrison of Santo-Domingo, were incorporated into the 82nd Line. 38th l Besancon 6th Military Division 2 Besancon 6th Military Division 3 Besancon 6th Military Division 39th l lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Landau 5th Military Division 40th l lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Wissembourg 5th Military Division 4lst l Lille l6th Military Division 2 Lille l6th Military Division 3 Lille l6th Military Division 42nd l lst Div/Army of Catalonia 2 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 3 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 4 Asti 27th Military Division 5 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 43rd l lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 4 Res Div/Army of Northern Spain 5 Gravelines l6th Military Division 44th l lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 Valenciennes l6th Military Division 4 Valenciennes l6th Military Division 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Valenciennes l6th Military Division 45th l 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 Liege 25th Military Division 46th l Malborough Camp de Boulogne 2 Malborough Camp de Boulogne 3 Malborough Camp de Boulogne 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Arras l6th Military Division 6 forming 47th l 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route Lorient l3th Military Division 5 en route Lorient l3th Military Division 48th l Magdeburg Div Friant/Army of Germany 2 Magdeburg Div Friant/Army of Germany 3 Magdeburg Div Friant/Army of Germany 4 Malines 24th Military Division 5 Antwerp 24th Military Division 49th l Lyon l9th Military Division 2 Lyon l9th Military Division 3 Lyon l9th Military Division 50th l 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 Res Div/Army of Northern Spain 4 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Cambray l6th Military Division 5lst l lst Div/Army of the Center 2 lst Div/Army of the Center 3 lst Div/Army of the Center 4 Lille l6th Military Division

5 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Lille l6th Military Division 52nd l Genoa 28th Military Division 2 Genoa 28th Military Division 3 Genoa 28th Military Division 4 Alexandrie 28th Military Division 5 Genoa 28th Military Division 53rd l Forli Army of Italy 2 Viterbe Army of Italy 3 Rimini Army of Italy 4 Forli Army of Italy 5 Forli Army of Italy 54th l 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Maestricht 25th Military Division 55th l lst Div/Army of the Center 2 lst Div/Army of the Center 3 lst Div/Army of the Center 4 Dunkirk l6th Military Division 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Dunkirk 6th Military Division 56th l Amsterdam l7th Military Division 2 Amsterdam l7th Military Division 3 Amsterdam l7th Military Division 4 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 5 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 6 forming 57th l Hamburg Div Morand/Army of Germany 2 Hamburg Div Morand/Army of Germany 3 Hamburg Div Morand/Army of Germany 4 Strasbourg 9th Military Division 5 Strasbourg 9th Military Division 58th l lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 4 Div Seras/6th Government/ Army of North 5 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain Depot - Paris lst Military Division 59th l 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Luxembourg 3rd Miliary Division 60th l en rte Toulon 8th Military Division 2 en rte Toulon 8th Military Division 3 Geneva 7th Military Division 4 Div Puycerda, Catalonia 5 Geneva 7th Military Division 6lst l Hamburg Div Morand/Army of Germany 2 Hamburg Div Morand/Army of Germany 3 Hamburg Div Morand/Army of Germany 4 Worms 26th Military Division 5 Worms 26th Military Division 62nd l en rte Rome 30th Military Division 2 en rte Rome 30th Military Division 3 Toulon 8th Military Division 4 Marseille 8th Military Division 5 Marseille 8th Military Division 63rd l 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Belfort 5th Military Division 64th l lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Belfort 5th Military Division 65th l 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en rte Ghent 24th Military Division 5 Ghent 24th Military Division 66th l 3rd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 3rd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 3rd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 3rd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 en rte Bordeaux llth Military Division 6 en rte Bordeaux llth Military Division 7 Depot Bordeaux l2th Miltary Division 67th l Army of Catalonia 2 Army of Catalonia 3 Army of Catalonia 4 Army of Catalonia 5 Genoa 28th Military Division 68th l Besancon 6th Military Division 2 Besancon 6th Military Division 3 Besancon 6th Military Division 69th l lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Luxembourg 3rd Military Division 70th l 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en route Brest l3th Military Division 5 Brest l3th Military Division 7lst l Milan Army of Italy 2 Milan Army of Italy 3 Milan Army of Italy 72nd l Boulogne Camp de Boulogne 2 Boulogne Camp de Boulogne 3 Boulogne Camp de Boulogne 4 Brussels 24th Military Division 5 Brussels 24th Military Division

7 73rd l Geneva 7th Military Division 2 Geneva 7th Military Division 3 Geneva 7th Military Division 74th l Napoleon l2th Military Division 2 Napoleon l2th Military Division 3 Napoleon l2th Military Division 75th l lst Div/Army of the Center 2 lst Div/Army of the Center 3 lst Div/Army of the Center 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Lille l6th Military Division 76th l lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Sarre-Louis 3rd Military Division 77th l Chambery 7th Military Division 2 Chambery 7th Military Division 3 Chambery 7th Military Division 78th l Besancon 6th Military Division 2 Besancon 6th Military Division 3 Besancon 6th Military Division 79th l Toulon 8th Military Division 2 Toulon 8th Military Division 3 Chambry 7th Military Division 4 Puycerda Div/Upper Catalonia 5 Chambery 7th Military Division 80th l Givet 2nd Military Division 2 Givet 2nd Military Division 3 Givet 2nd Military Division 8lst l en rte Toulon 2 en rte Toulon 3 Barcelona Div/Army of Catalonia 4 Chambery 7th Military Division 5 Chambery 7th Military Division 82nd l unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 en rte Rochelle 7 Rochelle l2th Military Division 83rd l Strasbourg 5th Military Division 2 Strasbourg 5th Military Division 3 Strasbourg 5th Military Division 84th l Bergame Army of Italy 2 Bergame Army of Italy 3 Bergame Army of Italy 4 Bergame Army of Italy 5 Bergame Army of Italy 85th l Oldenburg Div/Gudin/Army of Germany 2 Oldenburg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 3 Oldenburg Div Gudin/Army of Germany 4 Coblentz 26th Military Division 5 Coblentz 26th Military Division 86th l 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 4 en rte St. Malo l3th Military Division 5 St. Malo l3th Military Division 87th l Grenoble 7th Military Division 2 Grenoble 7th Military Division 3 Grenoble 7th Military Division 88th l lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Rocroy 2nd Military Division 89th l Besancon 6th Military Division 2 Besancon 6th Military Division 3 Besancon 6th Military Division 90th l Besancon 6th Military Division 2 Besancon 6th Military Division 3 Besancon 6th Military Division 9lst l Verceil 27th Military Division 2 Verceil 27th Military Division 3 Verceil 27th Military Division 92nd l Milan Army of Italy 2 Milan Army of Italy 3 Milan Army of Italy 4 Milan Army of Italy 5 Milan Army of Italy 93rd l Amsterdam l7th Military Division 2 Utrecht l7th Military Division 3 Utrecht l7th Military Division 4 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 5 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 94th l 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Northern Spain 5 Wesel 25th Military Division 95th l 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Cologne 25th Military Division 96th l lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Thionville 3rd Military Division 97th l Geneva 7th Military Division 2 Geneva 7th Military Division 3 Geneva 7th Military Division 98th l Come Army of Italy 2 Come Army of Italy 3 Come Army of Italy

9 99th l Marseille 2 Marseille 3 Marseille l00th l 2nd Div/5th Corps Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/5th Corps Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/5th Corps Army of Spain 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Metz 3rd Military Division l0lst l en rte Rome 30th Military Division 2 en rte Rome 30th Military Division 3 en rte Rome 30th Military Division 4 la Spezzia 28th Military Division 5 Genoa 28th Military Division l02nd l Savone 28th Military Division 2 Upper Catalonia 3 Upper Catalonia 4 Savone 28th Military Division 5 Savone 28th Military Division l03rd l 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Metz 3rd Military Division l04th l Grenoble 7th Military Division 2 Grenoble 7th Military Division 3 Grenoble 7th Military Division l05th l Brest l3th Military Division 2 Brest l3th Military Division 3 Belle-Isle l3th Military Division 4 Neuf Briasch 5th Military Division 5 Neuf Briasch 5th Military Division l06th l Imola Army of Italy 2 Imola Army of Italy 3 Bologne Army of Italy 4 Bologne Army of Italy 5 Imola Army of Italy l07th l Brest l3th Military Division 2 Brest l3th Military Division 3 Brest l3th Military Division l08th l Magdeburg Div Friant/Army of Germany 2 Magdeburg Div Friant/Army of Germany 3 Magdeburg Div Friant/Army of Germany 4 Antwerp 24th Miltiary Division 5 Antwerp 24th Military Division l09th l Rochefort l2th Military Division 2 Rochefort l2th Military Division 3 Rochefort l2th Military Division ll0th l Dunkirkrt l6th Military Division 2 Dunkirkrt l6th Military Division 3 Dunkirkrt l6th Military Division lllth l Magdeburg Div Friant/Army of Germany 2 Magdeburg Div Friant/Army of Germany 3 Magdeburg Div Friant/Army of Germany 4 Spire 26th Military Division 5 Spire 26th Military Division ll2th l Florence 29th Military Division 2 Florence 29th Military Division 3 Florence 29th Military Division 4 en rte Lyon l9th Military Division 5 Florence Toscany ll3th l Div Serras/6th Government/ Army of Spain 2 Div Serras/6th Government/ Army of Spain 3 Cherbourg l4th Military Division 4 Orleans lst Military Division 5 Orleans lst Military Division ll4th l 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 en rte Mont de Marsan 5 Mont de Marsan llth Military Division ll5th l 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 en rte Tartas llth Military Division 5 Tartas llth Military Division ll6th l 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 Tarbes l0th Miltiary Division 5 Tarbes l0th Military Division ll7th l 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 Oleron l2th Military Division 5 Oloron l2th Military Division ll8th l Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 2 Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 3 Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 4 S.Sever llth Military Division 5 S.Sever llth Military Division ll9th l Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 2 Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 3 Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 4 Dax llth Military Division 5 Dax llth Military Division l20th l Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 2 Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 3 Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 4 Orthes llth Military Division 5 Orthes llth Military Division l2lst l 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 en rte Blois 22nd Miitary Division 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain 2 Co Blos 22nd Military Division l22nd l Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 2 Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain

11 3 Asturias Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 4 Noirt 5 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain Depot Vandome 22nd Military Division l23rd l Boulogne Camp de Boulogne 2 Boulogne Camp de Boulogne 3 Boulogne Camp de Boulogne 4 Berg-op-Zoom 24th Military Division 5 Berg-op-Zoom 24th Military Division - Formed from the 2nd & 2/6th Dutch Infantry Regiments l23rd Infantry Regiment Supernumerary Battalions l Almagro Army of the Center 2 Almagro Army of the Center l24th l Alkemaer l7th Military Division 2 Hoorn l7th Military Division 3 Helder l7th Military Division 4 Helder l7th Military Division 5 Deventer 3lst Military Division - Formed from the 3rd and l/7th Dutch Infantry Regiments l25th l Dordrecht l7th Military Division 2 la Have l7th Military Division 3 Ile de Goree l7th Military Division 4 La Have l7th Military Division 5 Levde l7th Military Division - Formed from the 4th & 2/7th Dutch Infantry Regiments l26th l Middelburg 24th Military Division 2 Oost-Capel 24th Military Division 3 Thiel 24th Military Division 4 Arnheim l7th Military Division 5 Harlem l7th Military Division l27th l forming 32nd Military Division 2 forming 32nd Military Division 3 forming 32nd Military Division 4 forming 32nd Military Division - Formed by Decree of 3 February l8ll 5 Hamburg 32nd Military Division l28th l forming 32nd Military Division 2 forming 32nd Military Division 3 forming 32nd Military Division 4 forming 32nd Military Division 5 Bremen 32nd Military Division - Formed by Decree of 3 February l8ll l29th l forming 32nd Military Division 2 forming 32nd Military Division 3 forming 32nd Military Division 4 forming 32nd Military Division 5 Osnabruck 32nd Military Division - Formed by Decree of 3 February l8ll l30th l Army of the North 2 Army of the North 3 Army of the North - Formed from the lst, 3rd & 6th Auxiliary Battalions

Legere Infantry Regiments

lst l lst Div/Army of Catalonia 2 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 3 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 4 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 5 Alexandrie 27th Military Division 2nd l lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 cadre en rte Paris 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Paris Depot 3rd l Upper Catalonia 2 Upper Catalonia 3 Upper Catalonia 4 Upper Catalonia 5 Parma 28th Military Division 4th l lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4 cadre en rte Paris 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l Co Paris Depot 5th l Cherbourg l4th Military Division 2 Cherbourg l4th Military Division 3 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 3rd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Cherbourg l4th Military Division 6th l lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 lst Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 Phalsbourg 4th Military Division 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Phalsbourg 4th Military Division 7th l Bremen Div Gudin/Army of Germany 2 Bremen Div Gudin/Army of Germany 3 Bremen Div Gudin/Army of Germany 4 Huningue 5th Military Division 5 Huningue 5th Military Division 8th l Army of Illyria 2 Army of Illyria 3 Geneva 7th Military Division 4 Puycerda Division 5 Geneva 7th Military Division 9th l lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 lst Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Longwy 3rd Military Division l0th l Brest l3th Military Division 2 Brest l3th Military Division 3 Brest l3th Military Division 4 Schelestatt 5th Military Division 5 Schelestatt 5th Military Division

13 llth l Cherbourg l4th Military Division 2 Cherbourg l4th Military Division 3 Cherbourg l4th Military Division l2th l lst Div/4th Corps/of Spain 2 lst Div/4th Corps/of Spain 3 lst Div/4th Corps/of Spain 4 Div Seras/6th Government/ Army of North 5 3 Co 2nd Div/Rear Gaurd/Army of Spain l Co Paris lst Military Division l3th l Wismar Div Morand/Army of Germany 2 Wismar Div Morand/Army of Germany 3 Wismar Div Morand/Army of Germany 4 Ostende l6th Military Division 5 Ostende l6th Military Division l4th l Corfu/Vido Division of the 7 Isles 2 Corfu/Casopo Division of the 7 Isles 3 Rome 30th Military Division 4 Rome 30th Military Division 5 Rome 30th Military Division 6 Corfu Division of the 7 Isles 7 Corfu Division of the 7 Isles l5th l Hanover Div Friant/Army of Germany 2 Hanover Div Friant/Army of Germany 3 Hanover Div Friant/Army of Germany 4 lst Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 2 Co 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain 2 Co Paris lst Military Division 6 Paris lst Military Division l6th l 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Macon l3th Military Division l7th l 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 3 en rte Strasbourg 4 lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Strasbourg 5th Military Division l8th l Army of Illyria 2 Army of Illyria 3 Barcelona Div/Army of Catalonia 4 Grenoble 7th Miliary Division 5 Grenoble 7th Miliary Division l9th l Parma 28th Military Division 2 Parma 28th Military Division 3 Parma 28th Military Division 20th l Huningue 5th Military Division 2 Huningue 5th Military Division 3 Huningue 5th Military Division 2lst l 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 3rd Dvi/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Wesel 25th Military Division 22nd l Army of Naples 2 Army of Naples 3 Army of Naples 4 Toulon 8th Military Division 5 Nice 8th Military Division 23rd l Puycerda Division/Upper Catalonia 2 Puycerda Division/Upper Catalonia 3 Auxonne l8th Military Division 4 Auxonne l8th Military Division 5 Auxonne l8th Military Division 24th l Paris lst Military Division 2 Paris lst Military Division 3 Metz 3rd Military Division 4 Metz 3rd Military Division 5 Metz 3rd Military Division 25th l 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2 2nd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 Reserve Div/Army of Northern Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Verdun 2nd Military Division 26th l Berg-op-Zoom 24th Military Division 2 Antwerp 24th Military Division 3 Antwerp 24th Military Division 4 Metz 3rd Military Division 5 Metz 3rd Military Division 27th l 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 2 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 3rd Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Brugges l6th Military Division 28th l 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/5th Corps/Army of Spain 4 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 5 2 Co Custrin 26th Military Division 2 Co Mainz 26th Military Division 29th l-4 Forming 5 Brest l3th Military Division - Formed by Decree of l4 March l8ll 30th l Verdun 2 Verdun 3 Verdun 3lst l 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Spain 2 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Div/2nd Corps/Army of Spain 4 en rte Navarreins 5 Navarreins llth Military Division 32nd l 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 2 3rd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 Grens/Volts 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 2 Co 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia 2 Fusilier Co Toulon 33rd l Hanover Army of Germany 2 Hanover Army of Germany

15 3 Hanover Army of Germany 4 Zwoll 3lst Military Division 5 Groningue 3lst Military Division - Formed from lst Dutch Light & l/6th Dutch Regiments 34th l Army of the North 2 Army of the North 3 Army of the North - formed from 2nd,4th,5th,&7th Auxiliary Battalions

Provisional Demi-brigades formed in Germany Regt Bn Parent Emplacement lst Legere l 4/6th Legere 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 2 4/25th Legere 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 3 4/l6th Legere 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain3rd Legere l 4/9th Legere 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 2 4/27th Legere 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain lst Line l 4/8th Line 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 2 4/24th Line 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 3 4/45th Line 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 2nd Line l 4/94th Line 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 2 4/95th Line 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 3 4/96th Line 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain2nd Legere l 4/l7th Legere 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 2 4/2lth Legere 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 3 4/28th Legere 2nd Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain5th Line l 4/27th Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 2 4/39th Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 3 4/54th Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 6th Line l 4/59th Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 2 4/69th Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 3 4/76th Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 7th Line l 4/40th Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 2 4/63rd Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 3 4/63rd Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 8th Line l 4/64th Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 2 4/l00th Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain 3 4/l03rd Line lst Div/9th Corps/Army of Spain

Provisional Infantry Regiments Regt Bn Parent Emplacement lst Provisional Regiment 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l 4 Co 5/32nd 4 Co 5/58th 2 4 Co 5/l2lst 4 Co 5/l22nd 2nd Provisional Regiment 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l 3 Co 5/2nd Legere 3 Co 5/4th Legere 2 3 Co 5/l2th Legere 3 Co 5/l5th Legere 3rd Provisional Regiment 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l 3 Co 5/44th 3 Co 5/46th 2 3 Co 5/50th 3 Co 5/5lst 3 3 Co 5/55th 3 Co 5/75th 4th Provisional Regiment 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of Spain l 3 Co 5/25th 3 Co 5/28th 3 Co 5/l4th 2 3 Co 5/36th l Co 5/34th l Co 4/54th l Co 5/88th Bataillon de l'ile de Aix (on Ile de Aix) 2 Co Hanoverian Legion

Cavalry Military Division Regt Bn Emplacement or Army Assignment lst Carabinier l-4 Luneville 4th Military Division Depot Luneville 4th Military Division 2nd Carabinier l-4 Luneville 4th Military Division Depot Luneville 4th Military Division lst l-4 Metz 3rd Military Division Depot Metz 3rd Military Division 2nd Cuirassier l-4 Brunswick Heavy Div/Army of Germany Depot Sarre-Louis 32nd Military Division 3rd Cuirassier l-4 Lunebourg Heavy Div/Army of Germany Depot Sarguemines 4th Cuirassier l-2 Caen l4th Military Division 3-4 Falaise l4th Military Division Depot Caen l4th Military Division 5th Cuirassier l-4 Pont-a-Mousson 4th Military Division Depot Pont-a-Mousson 4th Military Division 6th Cuirassier l-4 Abbeville l5th Military Division Depot Abbeville l5th Military Division 7th Cuirassier l-2 Rouen l5th Military Division 3-4 Evreux l5th Military Division Depot Rouen l5th Military Division 8th Cuirassier l-4 Beauvais lst Military Division

17 Depot Beauvais lst Military Division 9th Cuirassier l-4 ildesheim Heavy Div/Army of Germany Depot Mainz 26th Military Division l0th Cuirassier l-4 Sarrelouis 3rd Military Division Depot Sarrelouis 3rd Military Division llth Cuirassier l-4 Thionville 3rd Military Division Depot Thionville 3rd Military Division l2th Cuirassier l-4 Colle Heavy Div/Army of Germany Depot Deux-Ponts 26th Military Division l3th Cuirassier l-4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Niort l2th Military Division l4th Cuirassier l-4 Lille l6th Miltiary Division Depot Lille l6th Miltiary Division lst l-2 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 lst Prov Regt lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Chartres lst Military Division 2nd Dragoon l-2 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 lst Prov Regt lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Maestricht 25th Military Division 3rd Dragoon l-4 Reserve/5th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Soissons lst Military Division 4th Dragoon l-2 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 2nd Prov Regt lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Moulins 2lst Military Division 5th Dragoon l-2 3rd Drag Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 4th Brigade Gen. Seras/6th Govt/ Army of North Depot Provins lst Military Division 6th Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Namur 25th Military Division 7th Dragoon l-4 Crema Army of Italy Depot Crema 8th Dragoon l-4 Cav Div/2nd Corps/of Portugal Depot Molsheim 5th Military Division 9th Dragoon l-2 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 2nd Prov Regt Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Chateaudun lst Military Division l0th Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Amiens l5th Military Division llth Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/Army of Portugal Depot Hesdin l6th Military Division l2th Dragoon l-2 3rd Drag Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 6th Prov Regt 3rd Brig/6th Government/Army of Spain Depot Schelestatt 5th Military Division l3th Dragoon l-4 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain Depot Namur 25th Military Division l4th Dragoon l-2 lst Drag Div/lst Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 3rd Prov Regt lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Maestricht 25th Military Division l5th Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/6th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Laon lst Military Division l6th Dragoon l-2 3rd Drag Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 6th Prov Regt 3rd Brig/6th Covt/Army of the North Depot Strasbourg 5th Military Division l7th Dragoon l-2 5th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 9th Prov Regt 4th Brig Seras/6th Government Army of North Depot Haguenau 5th Military Division l8th Dragoon l-4 Drag Div/Army of the Center Depot Haguenau 5th Military Division l9th Dragoon l-4 Drag Div/Army of the Center Depot Strasbourg 5th Military Division 20th Dragoon l-2 3rd Drag Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 7thProvRegt 3rd Brig/6thGovernment/Armyof North Depot Maestricht 5th Military Division 2lst Dragoon l-2 3rd Drag Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 7thProv Regt 3rd Brig/6thGovernment/Armyof North Depot Belfort 5th Military Division 22nd Dragoon l-4 Drag Div/Army of the Center Depot Namur 25th Military Division 23rd Dragoon l & 3 Codogne Army of Italy 2 Casal-Pusterlingo Army of Italy 4 en rte Lons-le-Saulnier Depot en rte Lons-le-Saulnier 24th Dragoon l-2 lst Div/Army of Catalonia 3 Upper Catalonia 4 Castres 9th Military Division Depot Castres 9th Military Division

19 25th Dragoon l-4 Cavalry Reserve/6th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Strasbourg 5th Military Division 26th Dragoon l-2 lst Drag Div/Army of Spain 3-4 3rd Prov Regt lst Brig/8th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Maestricht 25th Military Division 27th Dragoon l-2 5th Corps/Army of Spain 3-4 9th Prov Regt 4th Brig Seras/6th Government Army of North Depot Haguenau 5th Military Division 28th Dragoon l-3 Reggio Army of Italy 4 en rte Dole Depot en rte Dole 29th Dragoon l-3 Modene Army of Italy 4 en rte Dole Depot en rte Dole 30th Dragoon l-3 Lodi Army of Italy 4 en rte Dole Depot en rte Dole lst a Cheval l-4 Army of Germany Depot Maubeuge 2nd Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Army of Germany Depot Tournay 3rd Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Army of Germany Depot Turin 27th Military Division 4th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 en rte Rome 30th Military Division 4 en rte Vienne 7th Military Division Depot en rte Vienne 7th Military Division 5th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 lst Corps/Army of Spain Depot Cleves 25th Military Division

6th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 Vienne Army of Italy 4 en rte Gray 6th Military Division Depot en rte Gray 6th Military Division 7th Chasseur a Cheval l-2 Pontivy l3th Military Division 3-4 9th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Strasbourg 5th Military Division 8th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 Brescia Army of Italy 4 en rte Gray 6th Military Division Depot en rte Gray 6th Military Division 9th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 Rome 30th Military Division 4 en rte Vesoul 6th Military Division Depot en rte Vesoul 6th Military Division l0th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 4th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Brussels 24th Military Division llth Chasseur a Cheval l-3 Verdun 2nd Military Division 4 Reserve Div/Army of North Depot Verdun 2nd Military Division l2th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 S. Mihiel 2nd Military Division 4 Reserve Div/Army of North Depot S. Mihiel 2nd Military Division l3th Chasseur a Cheval l Niort l2th Military Division 2 /Rearguard/Army of North 3-5 9th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Belfort 5th Military Division l4th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Pignerol 27th Military Division Depot Pignerol 27th Military Division l5th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Parma 28th Military Division l6th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Army of Germany Depot Nerf Brisac 5th Military Division l7th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 Lille l6th Military Division l8th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 Metz 3rd Military Division l9th Chasseur a Cheval 1-2 Laybach Army of Illyria 3-4 Plaisance 28th Military Division Depot Plaisance 28th Military Division 20th Chasseur a Cheval l Nantes l2th Military Division 2 Puycera Division/Army of Catalonia 3-4 9th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Bonn 26th Military Division 2lst Chasseur a Cheval l-4 5th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Colmar 5th Military Division 22nd Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Cav Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Ghent 24th Military Division 23rd Chasseur a Cheval l Amsterdam l7th Military Division 2 & 4 Groningue 3lst Military Division 3 la Haye l7th Military Division Depot Mons 24th Military Division 24th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 en rte Utrecht l7th Military Division

21 4-5 Reserve Div/Army of North Depot Joignyl l8th Military Division 25th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 Reggioh Army of Italy 4 en rte Vesoul 6th Military Division Depot en rte Vesoul 6th Military Division 26th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Cav Div/Army of Center Depot Saumur 22nd Military Division 27th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Army of the Middle Depot Liege 25th Military Division 28th Chasseur a Cheval l Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 2 Orleans Army of North 3 Orleans lst Miltiary Division Depot Orleans lst Military Division 29th Chasseur a Cheval l-3 Army of Catalonia 4 Catalonia Depot Carcassone l0th Military Division - Formed from lst Provisional Chasseur Regiment 30th Chasseur a Cheval l-4 Army of Germany Depot unknown - formed from Chasseur-Lancier Regiment by decree of 3 February l8ll lst l-4 Cav Div/2nd Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Liege 25th Military Division 2nd Hussar l-4 lst Corps/Army of Spain Depot Maestricht 25th Military Division 3rd Hussar l-4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Venloo 25th Military Division 4th Hussar l-4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Malines 24th Military Division 5th Hussar l-3 Stenay 2nd Military Division 4-5 Reserve Div/Army of North Depot Stenay 2nd Military Division 6th Hussar l-3 Milan Army of Italy 4 en rte Vesoul 6th Military Division Depot en rte Vesoul 6th Military Division 7th Hussar l-4 Magdeburg Army of Germany Depot Ruremonde 25th Military Division

8th Hussar l-4 Army of Germany Depot Strasbourg 5th Military Division 9th Hussar l La Rochelle l2th Military Division 2-4 2nd Div/Rearguard/Army of North Depot Schelestatt 5th Military Division l0th Hussar l-4 5th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Schelestatt 5th Military Division llth Hussar l-4 Arras l6th Military Division Depot Arras l6th Military Division

Provisional Cavalry Regiments lst Provisional Heavy Cavalry Regiment (became l3th Cuirasisers) l Co lst Carabiniers l Co 2nd Carabiniers l Co lst Curiassiers l Co 2nd l Co 3rd Cuirassiers 2nd Provisional Heavy Cavalry Regiment (became l3th Cuirasisers) l Co 5th Cuirassiers l Co 9th Cuirassiers l Co l0th Cuirassiers l Co llth Cuirassiers l Co l2th Cuirassiers lst Provisional Dragoon Regiment l Co llth l Co l3th Dragoons l Co l4th Dragoons l Co l8th Dragoons l Co l9th Dragoons l Co 22nd Dragoons 2nd Provisional Dragoon Regiment l Co 8th Dragoons l Co l2th Dragoons l Co 20th Dragoons l Co 2lst Dragoons l Co 25th Dragoons l Co 26th Dragoons 6th Provisional Dragoon Regiment 4th Sqn l0th Dragoons l Co 2nd Dragoons l Co 6th Dragoons l Co l6th Dragoons l Co l7th Dragoons l Co 27th Dragoons 4th Provisional Dragoon Regiment (lst Brig/8th Corps/ Army of Portugal) 3/, 4/lst Dragoons 3/, 4/2nd Dragoons

2nd Provisional Dragoon Regiment (lst Brig/8th Corps/ Army of Portugal)

23 3/, 4/4th Dragoons 3/, 4/9th Dragoons 3rd Provisional Dragoon Regiment (lst Brig/8th Corps/ Army of Portugal) 3/, 4/l4th Dragoons 3/, 4/26th Dragoons 4th Provisional Dragoon Regiment (disbanded) 5th Provisional Dragoons Regiment (disbanded) 6th Provisional Dragoons (3rd Brig/6th Govt/Army of North) 3/, 4/l2th Dragoons 3/, 4/l6th Dragoons 7th Provisional Dragoon Regiment (4th Brig Seras/6th Govt/ Army of North) 3/, 4/20th Dragoons 3/, 4/2lst Dragoons 8th Provisional Dragoon Regiment (disbanded) 9th Provisional Dragoon Regiment (4th Brig Seras/6th Gov't/ Army of Spain 3/, 4/5th Dragoons 3/, 4/l7th Dragoons 3/, 4/27th Dragoons l0th Provisional Dragoon Regiment (disbanded) llth Provisional Dragoon Regiment (disbanded) l2th Provisional Dragoon Regiment (disbanded) Versaille Provisional Dragoon Regiment Det/lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, l0th, llth, l2th, l3th, l4th, l5th, l6th, l7th, l89th, l9th, 20th, 2lst, 22nd, 25th, 26th & 27th Dragoons lst Provisional Chasseur a Cheval Regiment Det/lst, 2nd, 20th, 2lst, 26th, & 28th - Incorporated into the 6th & 8th Regiments de marche Army of Spain 2nd Provisional Chasseur a Cheval Regiment l co from l2th, l3th, l6th, 20th, & 2lst - Incorporated into the 6th & 8th Regiments de marche Army of Spain 3rd Provisional Chasseur a Cheval Regiment l co from l4th, l5th, l9th, 23rd, & 24th Chasseurs lst Provisional Hussar Regiment Det/5th, 7th & 9th - Incorporated into the 8th Regiment de marche Army of Spain lst Provisional Regiment (Res Div/Army of North) 2 Sqns llth Chasseur a Cheval 2 Sqns 24th Chasseur a Cheval 2nd PRovisional Light Cavalry Regiment (Res Div/Army of North) 2 Sqns l2th Chasseur a Cheval 2 Sqns 5th Hussar

Foot Artillery Regt Company Emplacement lst l Antwerp 2 Strasbourg 3 Antwerp 4 cadre at depot 5 cadre at depot 6 cadre at depot 7 lst Corps/Army of Spain 8 Strasbourg 9 Dessolles Div/Army of Spain 10 cadre at depot 11 lst Corps/Army of Spain 12 Dessolles Div/Army of Spain 13 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 14 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 15 Strasbourg 16 Strasbourg 17 Antwerp 18 Strasbourg 19 Siege Park/Army of Portugal 20 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 21 Strasbourg 22 In the colonies Depot Strasbourg 2nd l Army of Illyria 2 Monteleone 3 Naples 4 Verona 5 Verona 6 Naples 7 Army of Illyria, Laybach 8 Chiogga 9 Army of Illyria 10 Verona 11 Corfu 12 Verona 13 Army of Illyria 14 Army of Illyria 15 Corfu 16 Corfu 17 Rome 18 Rome 19 Capri & Ponza 20 Verona 21 Verona 22 Corfu Depot Verona 3rd l cadre at depot 2 Army of Catalonia 3 cadre at depot 4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Army of Catalonia 6 Breda 7 Army of Center 8 cadre at depot 9 Div Bonnet/Army of Spain 10 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 11 Antwerp 12 Army of Catalonia 13 24th Military Division

25 14 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 15 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 16 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 17 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 18 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 19 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 20 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 21 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 22 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Toulouse 4th l Verona 2 Ile d'Elbe 3 Ile d'Elbe 4 Alexandrie 5 Alexandrie 6 Alexandrie 7 Alexandrie 8 Alexandrie 9 Livourne 10 Army of Catalonia 11 Alexandrie 12 Army of Catalonia 13 Barcelona/Army of Catalonia 14 Alexandrie 15 Venice 16 Citadel of Turin 17 Toulon 18 Toulon 19 La Specia 20 Genoa 21 Alexandrie 22 Livourne Depot Alexandrie 5th l Army of the Middle 2 Antwerp 3 Island of Cadzand 4 Park/Army of Germany 5 Park/Army of Germany 6 Park/Army of Germany 7 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 8 Metz 9 Park/Army of Germany 10 Metz 11 Metz 12 Metz 13 Island of Cadzand 14 Flessingue 15 cadre at depot 16 Park/Army of Germany 17 Metz 18 Metz 19 Park/Army of Germany 20 cadre at depot 21 Siege Park/Army of Portugal 22 Metz Depot Metz 6th l Rennes 2 cadre at depot 3 9th Corps/Army of Spain 4 Army of Catalonia 5 Isle de Aix 6 Isle de Re 7 Rennes 8 Rennes 9 cadre at depot 10 Siege Park/of Portugal 11 5th Corps/Army of Spain 12 Siege Park/of Portugal 13 Madrid 14 Army of Catalonia 15 Army of Spain 16 Belle-Isle 17 Reserve Div/Army of Spain 18 Cherbourg & Isles Marcouff 19 5th Corps/Army of Spain 20 Burgos 21 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 22 Ile de France Depot Rennes 7th l lst Div/Army of Germany 2 2nd Div/Army of Germany 3 3rd Div/Army of Germany 4 Mainz 5 Mainz 6 2nd Div/Army of Germany 7 Mainz 8 4th Corps/Army of Spain 9 3rd Div/Army of Spain 10 Army of Catalonia, Barcelona 11 Army of Catalonia 12 Park/Army of Germany 13 9th Corps/Army of Spain 14 Park/Army of Germany 15 Park/Army of Germany 16 Hamburg, lst Div/Army of Germany 17 Mainz 18 Park/Army of Germany 19 Park/Army of Germany 20 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 21 Park/Army of Germany 22 Mainz Depot Mainz 8th l cadre in depot 2 lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 Utrecht 4 Utrecht 5 Utrecht 6 lst Corps/Army of Spain 7 Utrecht 8 Zwolle

27 9 Zwolle 10 Ambleteuse 11 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 12 Boulogne 13 Boulogne 14 Boulogne 15 Boulogne l6 Douay 17 Boulogne 18 Douay 19 Douay 20 Douay 21 Douay 22 l2th Military Division Depot Boulogne 9th l,ll,l4 Bremen 2,7,8,l6 Boulogne 3,4,l2,l3,l5 l7th Military Division l7,l9,20,2l,22 l7th Military Divison 5,6 Park/Army of Germany 9,l8 Breskens l0 3lst Military Division Depot la Haye Horse Artillery Regt Company Emplacement lst l-7 Auxonne Depot Auxonne 2nd l,4 Strasbourg 2 lst Corps/Army of Spain 3 cadre en route to depot 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 Cavalry Res/Army of Portugal 7 Army of Catalonia Depot Valence 3rd l,6 cadre en route to depot 2,3 lst Corps/Army of Spain 4,5 3rd Div/Army of Germany 7 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Strasbourg 4th l,2,3,4,5,6 Verona 7 4th Corps/Army of Spain Depot Verona 5th l,3 Heavy Cavalry Div/Army of Germany 2,4 Minden 5 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 6 Bensancon 7 3rd Corps/Army of Spain Depot Besancon 6th l,2,3,5,6 Metz 4 5th Corps/Army of Spain 7 in the Colonies 8 8th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Metz Artillery Train Battalions Battalion Company Emplacement lst Principal l,2,3 lst Div/Army of Germany 4,5,6 3rd Div/Army of Germany Depot Strasbourg 2nd Principal l,2,3 lst Corps/Army of Spain 4,5,6 cadre en route to depot Depot Pau 3rd Principal l,2,3 3rd Corps Army of Spain 4,5,6 cadre en route to depot Depot Toulouse 4th Principal l,2,3, Siege Park/Army of Portugal 4,5,6 cadre en route to depot Depot Metz 5th Principal l,2, 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3,4, lst Div/Army of the Center 5,6 cadre en route to depot Depot Metz 6th Principal l,2,3 Besancon 4,5,6 Besancon Depot Besancon 7th Principal l,2,5,6 On the Po River 3,4 Alexandrie Depot Alexandrie 8th Principal l,5 Aire 2,3,4 en route to Wesel 6 Antwerp Depot Strasbourg 9th Principal l,2,4,5,7,8 Park/Army of Germany 3,6 incorporated into l2th Bn (princ) Depot Strasbourg l0th Principal l,2,3 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 4,5,6 cadre en route to depot Depot Auch llth Principal l,6 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 2,4 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 lst Div/4th Corps 5 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal & Army of the Center Depot Auch l2th Principal l,2 Seville 3,4,5,6 cadres en route to depot Depot Pau l3th Principal l,2,3,4,5,6 unknown Depot unknown lst Bis l,2,3 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4,5,6 cadres en route to depot Depot Metz 2nd Bis l 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3,6 4th Corps/Army of Portugal 4,5 cadres en route to depot Depot Pau 3rd Bis l,2 Heavy Cav Div/Army of Germany 3,4,5,6,7 2nd Div/Army of Germany Depot Mainz 4th Bis l,2,3 Army of Catalonia

29 4,5,6 cadres en route to depot Depot Toulouse 5th Bis l,2 5th Corps/Army of Spain 3 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 4,5,6 cadres en route to depot Depot Toulouse 6th Bis l 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 2 4th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Corps/Army of Spain 4 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 5 ? 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 6 Siege Park/Army of Portugal Depot Bayonne 7th Bis l,2,3,4,5 Verona 6 Rome Depot Verona 8th Bis l,2,3,4,5,6 Park/Army of Germany 7,8 Park/Army of Germany Depot Metz 9th Bis l,2,3 Army of Catalonia 4,5,6 cadres en route to depot Depot Mainz l0th Bis l,2,3 lst Corps/Army of Spain 4,6 cadres en route to depot 5 Madrid Depot Auch llth Bis l,2,3,4,5,6 Besancon Depot Besancon l2th Bis l,2,3 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 4 8th Corps/Army of Spain & 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 ? 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 6 Army of Portugal Depot Pau l3th Bis l Army of Catalonia 2 Army of Catalonia 3,4,5,6 cadres en route to depot Depot Toulouse Pontoniers lst Battalion l Magdebourg 2 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 Wesel 4 lst Corps/Army of Spain 5,8 Strasbourg 6 Army of the Center 7 Park/Army of Germany 9 Minden 10 8th Corps/Army of Portugal ll Delft Depot Strasbourg 2nd Battalion l Turin 2 Turin 3 Army of Catalonia 4 Verona 5 Borgo-Forte & Plaisance 6 Valence Depot Turin Artillery Artisian Companies l Army of Spain (Madrid) 2 Rennes & 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3 Army of Catalonia & Hanau 4 4th, 5th & 6th Corps/Army of Spain 5 Strasbourg 6 Army of Spain & Magdebourg 7 Minden 8 lst Corps/Army of Spain & Bayonne 9 2ndm 4th & 6th Corps/Army of Spain 10 Verona 11 Passau & Antwerp 12 Turin & Army of Spain 13 Bayonne, Turin & 8th Corps/Army of Portugal 14 Metz, May, Antwerp & Malines 15 Verona & Rome 16 Auxonne & Siege Park/Army of Portugal l7 Delft l8 Amsterdam Armorer Companies l Minden 2 Army of Spain (Madrid/Pampeluna) 3 St. Omer 4 Army of Spain & 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal Train Artisian Company l Siege Park/Army of Portugal

Coast Guard Gunners Department Company Emplacement Antwerp & l Blankemberg Belgian Coast ll6 Ile de Cadzand ll7 Flessingue ll8 Westcapelle ll9 Terwere l20 Zieriezee l2l Brouswerkawen l22 Borselens l23 Goes l24 Batz l25 Tholen l26 Willemstadt l27 Moerdyick l28 Gertruydemberg l29 Goeree Amsterdam & l30 Outdorp Dutch Coast l3l Brielle l32 Ild de Texel l33/l34 Helder l35 madenblick l36 Amsterdam l37

31 Leuwarden Nord 2 Dunkirk 3 Gravelines Pas-de-Calais 4 Sangattes 5 Quetres 6 Wimereux 7 Etaples Somme 8 St. Valery sur Somme 8 bis Uayeux Seine-Inferieur 9 Trepport 10 Dieppe 11 St. Valery en Caux 12 Fecamp 13 Havre 14 Havre 15 Havre Calvados 16 Dives 17 Port en Bessin Manche 18 St. Marcouff l9 La Hougue 20 Fort Imperial 21 La Hougue 22 Fort Imperial 23 Fort Querqueville 24 Flamanville 25 Port Bail 26 Gefosse 27 Granville Ille et Vilaine 28 Cancale 29 St. Malo 30 St. Malo 31 St. Servan Cotes du Nord 32 St. Brieux 33 Paimpol 34 Peros 35 Rocoff 36 Lenseven 37 Laber-Ildut 38 Le Conquet 39 Plougouvelen 40 Querlern 41 Camaret 42 Crozon 43 Douarnenez 44 Audierne 45 Pont l'Abbe Finistere 46 Fouresnant 47 Concarneau 48 Douelan Morbihan 49 Guidel 50 Ploemur 51 Port Louis 52 Quiberon 53 Sarzeau 54 Locmariaquer 55 Billier Loir inferieure 56 Croisic 57 St. Nazaire 58 La Barre de Mont Vendee 59 Croixdevie 60 Sables d'Olonne 61 Laiguillon Charente inferieure 62 Marans 63 Nieuil 64 Laleu 65 Tadon 66 Chatelaillon 67 Fouras 68 Brouage 69 Marennes 70 La Temblade 71 St. Palais 72 Royan Gironde & Basses Pyrenees 73 Bayhonne Pyrenees orientales 74 Collioure 75 St. Laurent Aude, Herault & Gard 76 Leucate 77 Cette 78 Aiguemorte Bouches du Rhone 79 St. Henrey 80 Marseille 81 Cassis Var 82 Laciotat 83 St. Nazaire 84 near Ile Cepet 85 Toulon 86 near Ile de Giens 87 Fort Bregancon 90 Laseyne 88 St. Tropez 89 St. Tropez 91 Anmtibes 92 Cannes 93 Saint Rapeau 94 Antibes 95 Cannes Alpes maritimes 96 Nice 97 Monaco 97 bis San Remo Golo & Liamone, Ile de Capraia 98 Ajaccio 99 St. Florent 100 Cap Corse 100 bis Capraia Montenotte 101 Finale Montenotte & Genoa

33 102 Savone 103 Sestri Genoa & Apennins 104 Port Venus Toscany 105 Pietra Santa l06 Rosignano l07 Grossetto l08 Orbitello l09 Ile Giglio Rome, Havet & ll0 Ile Giglio coast near lll Ile Giglio Civitta-Vecchia ll2 Ile Giglio ll3 Ile Giglio ll4 Ile Giglio ll5 Ile Giglio ll6 Ile Giglio ll7 Ile Giglio ll8 Ile Giglio

Sedentary Coast Artillery Companies Company # of Cos EmplacementsDe Dieppe l Dieppe Du Havre l Havre Belle Isle en mer l Belle Isle 2 Belle Isle 3 Belle Isle 4 Belle Isle 5 Belle Isle Ile d'Ouessant l Ile de Groix l 2 Ile de Brehat l 2 Sept Iles l Ile de Batz l Ile de Batz 2 Ile de Batz Ile Dieu l 2 Ile de Noirmoutiers l Noirmoutiers 2 Noirmoutiers Ile de Re l Ile de Re 2 Ile de Re 3 Ile de Re 4 Ile de Re Ile d'Oleron l Chateau d'Oleron 2 Dolus 3 Saint-Pierre 4 St. Denis Ile d'Elbe l Marciana l Rio 2 Rio

Miner Battalions Battalion Company Emplacementlst l Army of Italy, Osopo 2 2nd Siege Brig/ Army of the Middle 3 Cherbourg 4 Upper Catalonia 5 Army of Catalonia 6 Army of Portugal Depot Metz2nd l Magdeburg 2 5th Siege Brig/Madrid 3 lst Siege Brig/Army of Spain 4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5 Alexandrie Depot Alexandrie Sapper Battalions lst l Ancone 2,3,4,8 Palma Nova 5 Alexandrie 6 2nd Corps/Army of Portugal 7 Army of Illyria 9 Toulon Depot Alexandrie2nd l 2nd Siege Brig/Army of Middle 2 4th Siege Brig/Army of Portugal 3 lst Siege Brig/Army of Spain 4 lst Siege Brig/Army of Spain 5 5th Corps/Army of Spain 6 9th Corps/Army of Spain, 7 Army of Catalonia 8 lst Corps/Army of Spain 9 9st Corps/Army of Spain Madrid Depot Metz 3rd l Corfu & Vido 2 cadre en route to depot 3 Ostende 4 Ostende 5 Army of Germany 6 Army of Germany 7 Antwerp 8 Ile d'Aix 9 Cherbourg Depot Alexandrie 4th l 3rd Siege Brigade, 2 6th Corps/Army of Portugal 3 2nd Siege Brig/Army of Portugal 4 4th Siege Brig/Army of Portugal 5 4th Corps/Army of Spain 6 4th Siege Brig/Army of Portugal 7,9 4th Siege Brig/ Madrid 8 3rd Siege Brig/Arragon Depot Juliers 5th l Ostende 2,4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 3,7 Flessingue 5,9 Army of Germany 6 Willemstadt 8 Antwerps Depot Mainz Engineering Train Battalion l Army of Germany 2 9th Corps/Army of Spain 3 5th Siege Brigade, Madrid 4 Army of Spain 5 en route to Metz

35 6 en route to Metz Depot Metz

Foreign Troops Regiment Battalion Emplacement Division lst Swiss l Army of Naples 2 Army of Naples 3 Army of Naples 4 Army of Naples Depot Turin Artillery Co Army of Naples 2nd Swiss l l Co 6th Govt/Army of North 8 Co en route Marseille 2 Marseille 3 Army of Catalonia 4 Montpellier Depot Marseille 3rd Swiss l,2 Unknown 3,4 Berg-op-Zoom Depot Lille 4th Swiss l 6th Govt/Army of the North 2,3,4, Rennes Depot Rennes Valaison Battalion 3rd Div/Army of Catalonia Depot Prats de Mollo l0th Military Division Neuchatel Battalion 2nd Div/9th Corps Artillery 2nd Div/9th Corps Depot Bresancon 6th Military Division l/,2/lst Italian Legere Army of Catalonia l/,2/2nd Italian Legere Army of Catalonia l/,2/2nd Italian Line Regiment Army of Naples, Corfu l/,2/4th Italian Line Regiment Army of Catalonia l/,2/5th Italian Line Regiment Army of Catalonia l/,2/6th Italian Line Regiment Army of Catalonia l/7th Italian Line Regiment Army of Catalonia l/,2/Napoleon Dragoon Regiment Army of Catalonia l/,2/Chasseurs Royaux Regiment (Italian) Army of Catalonia l Co, Italian Foot Artillery Army of Catalonia l Co, Italian Artillery Train Army of Catalonia Sappers Army of Catalonia lst Neapolitian Light (l bn) Army of Catalonia lst Neapolitian Line (l bn) Army of Catalonia 2nd Neapolitian Line (l bn) Army of Catalonia lst Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (l sqn) Army of Catalonia 2nd Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (l sqn) Army of Catalonia l/,2/Baden Erzherzog Regiment Confed Div/Army of Center Baden Foot Battery Lassolage Confed Div/Army of Center Baden Train Confed Div/Army of Center l/,2/Hesse-Darmstadt Regiment Confed Div/Army of Center Hessian Foot Battery Venator Confed Div/Army of Center l/,2/lst Nassau Infantry Regiment Barcelona Div/Army of Catalonia l/Nassau Chasseurs a Cheval Lt. Cav Div/Army of Center Prince Primate Battalion Confed Div/Army of Center l/,2/2nd Nassau Infantry Regiment Confed Div/Army of Center l/,2/4th Rhinbund Regiment en route to Metz l/,2/5th Rhinbund Regiment en route to Metz l/,2/6th Rhinbund Regiment en route to Metz l/,2/Wurzburg Infantry Regiment Catalonia Wurzburg Artillery Company 8th Corps/Army of Portugal l/,2/4th Polish Line Regiment 2nd Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain l/,2/7th Polish Regiment 2nd Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain l/,2/9th Polish Regiment 2nd Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain 3/2nd Polish Foot Battery 2nd Div/4th Corps/Army of Spain l/3rd Polish Sapper Battalion Army of Spain Westphalian Foot Artillery Upper Catalonia Chevauxleger Regiment (3 sqn) Lt Cav Div/Army of Middle l/lst Berg Line Regiment Army of Catalonia l/3rd Berg Line Regiment Ile d'Oleron & Aix Berg Artillery & Train 8th Corps/Army of Portugual

Hors de Ligne Corsican l,2,3 Disbanded 4 Transferred to Naples Bataillon frane de National Gaurd on l'Ile d'Elbe Ile d'Elbe Corsican Tirailleurs Camp de Boulogne Tirailleurs du Po Camp de Boulogne Garde Municipal de Paris l Paris det 6th Govt/Army of North 2 Paris det 6th Govt/Army of North Dragoons Paris Illyrian Regiment l-5 en route Alexandrie lre Regimentt de l Porto-Ferrajo la Mediterranee 2 Bonifacio 3,4,5 Ajaccio Depot Ajaccio 2e Regiment de l Porto-Gerrajo la Mediterranee 2,3,5 Bastia 4 Calvi Depot Calvi Regt de Walachern l-5 Flessingue Depot Flessingue Regt de Belle-Ile l-5 Belle-Ile Depot Belle-Ile Regt de Re l-5 Ile de Re Depot Ile de Re Legion du Midi 3rd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal Depot Ile de Re Hanoverian Legion l/,2/Inf 3rd Div/6th Corps/Army of Portugal Inf depot La Rochelle & Aix l,2,3/Cav Cav Div/Army of Center

37 4 or Depot Fontenay l/,2/lst Vistula Legion 2nd Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain l/,2/2nd Vistula Legion lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain l/,2/3rd Vistula Legion lst Div/3rd Corps/Army of Spain l/,2/4rd Vistula Legion Div Seras/6th Govt/Army of North Visutla Legion Depot Sedan l/,2/,3/,4/lst Visutla Lancers 4th Corps/Army of Spain l/,2/,3/,4/2nd Visutla Lancers Sedan l/,2/lst Portuguese Legion Grenoble l/,2/2nd Portuguese Legion Grenoble l/,2/3rd Portuguese Legion Grenoble l/,2/4th Portuguese Legion Grenoble l/,2/5th Portuguese Legion Grenoble Portuguese Legion depot Grenoble lst Provisional Portuguese Battalion Lyon 2nd Provisional Portuguese Battalion Geneva l/,2/,3/Portuguese Demi-brigade Brugges l/,2/lst Portuguese Chasseurs Chateauroux 3/,4/lst Portuguese Chasseurs Gray l/,2/2nd Portuguese Chasseurs Issoudun 3/,4/2nd Portuguese Chasseurs Gray Chasseurs de l'Orient (l bn) Division of 7 Isles Chasseurs Ioniens (l co) Division of 7 Isles Bataillon Sept-insulaire (l bn) Division of 7 Isles Sept-insulari artillery co Division of 7 Isles l-6/Albanian Infantry Regiment Division of 7 Isles l-4/Dalmatian Infantry Regiment Army of Italy l/,2/Irish Legion Bois-le-Duc Depot Landau l/,2/lst Croatian Regiment Army of Illyria, Gospich l/,2/2nd Croatian Regiment Army of Illyria, Ottochatz l/,2/3rd Croatian Regiment Army of Illyria, Ogulin l/,2/4th Croatian Regiment Army of Illyria, Sluin l/,2/5th Croatian Regiment Army of Illyria, Petrina l/,2/,3/Regt La Tour d'Auvergne Army of Naples Depot/Regt La Tour d'Avuergne Castellamare 4/,5/,6/Regt La Tour d'Auvergne Turin & Army of Naples Depot/Regiment La Tour d'Auvergne Strasbourg l/,3/,6/Regiment d'Ysembourg Div. of 7 Isles, Corfu 2/Regiment d'Ysembourg Army of Naples 4/,5/Regiment d'Ysembourg en route Naples Depot/Regiment d'Ysembourg Longwy l/Regiment de Prusse 2nd Div/8th Corps/Army of Portugal 2/Regiment de Prusse Berg-op-Zoom Depot/Regiment de Prusse Lille l/Regiment Joseph Napoleon Palmanova, Italy 2/Regiment Joseph Napoleon Antwerp 3/Regiment Joseph Napoleon Maestricht 4/Regiment Joseph Napoleon Alexandrie Depot/Regiment Joseph Napoleon Maestricht lre Bataillon military etrangers Foulon de Doue 2e Bataillon military etrangers Ile d'Elbe 3e Bataillon military etrangers Drujon Depot/Bataillons military etrangers Lille l/lre Bn de pionniers volontaires Upper Catalona 2/lre Bn de pionniers volontaires Isendick 3/lre Bn de pionniers volontaires Flessingue 4/lre Bn de pionniers volontaires 3rd Corps/Army of Spain 5/lre Bn de pionniers volontaires Ile de Walahceren 6/lre Bn de pionniers volontaires Brugges l/,2/2e Bn de pionniers volontaires Army of Spain, Burgos 3/2e Bn de pionniers volontaires Flessingue 4/2e Bn de pionniers volontaires Helder 5/,8/2e Bn de pionniers volontaires Isendick 6/2e Bn de pionniers volontaires Alexandrie 72e Bn de pionniers volontaires Breskens 92e Bn de pionniers volontaires Corfu lst Colonial Battalion Flessingue 2nd Colonial Battalion Corsica 3rd Colonial Battalion Ile d'Aix 4th Colonial Battalion Belle-Ile lst Indies Expeditionary Battalion Brest 2nd Indies Expeditionary Battalion Nantes lst Indies Expeditionary Artillery Co Brest 2nd Indies Expeditionary Artillery Co Nantes lst Expeditionary Battalion Brest 2nd Expeditionary Battalion Rochelle

Chasseurs de Montagnes (organized by decree of l7 Jan l8ll) lst Battalion lst co Upper Catalonia 2nd co Venasque, Aragon 3rd co Bagneres-de-Luchon 4-6th co Bagneres-de-Bigorre 2nd Batalion l-3rd co Jacca, Aragon 4-8th co Foix 3rd Batalion l-2nd co Jacca, Aragon 3-5th co St. Sebastian & Bilbao 6-8th co Oleron

Departmental Reserve Companies Military Company Division Legion Class Emplacement l l5 5 Laon 3 5 Chartres l4 3 Orleans l 5 Beauvais l,2 Paris 3 Versailles 4 Melun 2 l8 4 Mezieres l4 5 Chalons l8 5 Bar-sur-Ornain

39 3 l8 6 Luxembourg l8 4 Metz 4 l9 4 Nancy l9 5 Epinal 5 l9 5 Strasbourg l9 5 Colmar 6 2l 6 Bourg 4 Besancon 20 5 Vesoul 5 Lons-le-Saunier 7 22 5 Valence 23 6 Gap 22 5 Grenoble 20 4 Geneva 22 5 Chambery 8 24 l Marseille 5 Avignon 23 5 Nice 6 Digne 4 Draguignan 9 22 6 Privas & Army of Catalonia ll 5 Rodez & Army of Catalonia 5 Nismes & Army of Catalonia 24 3 Montpillier & Army of Catalonia ll 6 Mende & Army of Catalonia l0 5 Albi & Army of Catalonia l0 l0 5 Foix 5 Carcassone & Army of Catalonia 9 5 Auch & Army of Catalonia 2 Toulouse & Army of Catalonia 5 Tarbes l0 5 Perpignan & Army of Catalonia 5 Montauban ll 9 6 Pau 7 l Bordeaux 7 6 Mont-de-Marsan l2 7 4 Saintes 5 Niort 5 2 Nantes 5 Napoleon 6 5 Poitiers l3 4 5 Saint-Breiuc 4 Quimper 5 Rennes 4 Vannes l4 2 4 Caen 3 3 St.-Lo 4 Alencon l5 2 5 Evreux l Rouen l5 3 Amiens l6 l6 4 Bruges l5 l Lille l7 4 Arras 4 Amsterdam 4 Rotterdam 4 Arnheim l8 2l 4 Troyes 3 Dijon 5 Chaumont 3 Macon l4 5 Auxerre ll 5 Aurillac l9 l2 5 Le Puy 6 Montbrison 3 Clermont l Lyon 7 5 Angouleme 20 8 5 Tulle 5 Perigueux ll 6 Cahors & Army of Catalonia 8 5 Agen & Army of Catalonia 2l l3 5 Moulins 6 Bourges 6 Gueret 8 5 Limoges 6 6 Chateauroux l3 5 Nevers 22 6 4 Tours 5 Blois 3 5 Laval 5 4 Angers 3 5 Le Mans 24 l7 2 Antwerp 2 Brussels l6 l Ghent 4 Mons 25 l7 5 Namur 3 Liege 25 1 Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) l7 5 Maestricht 26 25 4 Mainz 5 Coblitz 5 Treves 27 27 5 Ivree 28 4 Alexandrie 27 5 Verceil 5 Coni 4 Turin 28 28 4 Chiavari 1 Genoa 4 Port-Maurice 3 Parma 29 29 1 Florence 4 Sienna 2 Livourne 30 30 1 Rome 2 Spotolett 3l - 5 Zwoll

41 - Louwarden - Embden 5 Groningue 32 - 4 Osnabruck 4 Bremen 3 Hamburg

Bataillons d'equippage militaire Battalion Company Emplacement l l,3,4 Army of the Middle 2 Army of Portugal Depot Pau 2 l,2,3,4,5,6 Commercy 3 l,2 En route to Bayonne Depot Pau 4 l,2,3,4 en route to Bayonne 5 l,2,3,4 Army of Catalonia 6 l,2,3 en route to Bayonne Depot Pau 7 l,2,3 en route to Bayonne 8 l,2,3,4 Army of the Middle Depot Pau 9 l,2,3,4,5,6 Plaisance Depot Plaisance l0 l,2,3,4 Army of Portugal Depot Pau ll l,2,3,4 3rd Corps/Army of Spain l2 l,2,3,4,5,6 Strasbourg l3 l,2,3,4 Army of Portugal Depot Pau lst Light Military Equippage Battalion l,2,3,4,5,6 Carcassone Depot Carcassone

Active Veteran Batalions Battalion Companies Emplacement l l,2,3,4,5,6 Paris 2 l,2,3,4,5,6 Paris 3 l Orbitello 2 Pise & Volterra 3,4,5 Livourne 6 Livourne & Pise 4 l,2 Berg-op-Zoom 3,4 Breda 5,6 Bois-le-Duc 5 l Lichtemberg 2 La Petit-pierre 3,4 Bitche 5 Ile St. Marguerine 6 Ile de Re 6 l,2,3,4,5,6 Antwerp 7 l,2,3,4 Brest 5,6,7,8 Brest 8 l,2,3,4 Rochefort 9 l,2,3,4,5,6 Toulon ll l,2,3,4 Toulon Dutch Veterans Terweere, Rameskens & Goes

Veteran Cannonier Companies lst Brest 2nd Ziericzee & Ile of Schowen 3rd Marseille 4th Cetto 5th Nieuport 6th Bayonne 7th Goty fr Nsyx 8th 9th Ostende l0th Fort de Rameskens llth Iles St. Marcougg l2th Ile d'Oleron l3th La Spezzia l4th Ile d'Aix l5th Villefranche l6th Ile de Portecros & Porquerolles l7th Cherbourg l8th Gorcum

Russian General Staff, La Guerre Nationale de l8l2, Paris