GSA 2007 Annual Meeting Technical Program, p. 20 VOL. 17, No. 9 A PublicatioN Of the GeoloGical SoCiety Of AMeRica SePteMbeR 2007 Blue Nile incision on the Ethiopian Plateau: Pulsed plateau growth, Pliocene uplift, and hominin evolution Section Meetings Cordilleran and Rocky Mountain Joint Meeting, p. 49 Northeastern Section Meeting, p. 52 South-Central Section Meeting, p. 53 Penrose Conference Report, p. 55 Field Forum Report, p. 57 VoluMe 17, NuMbeR 9 SePteMbeR 2007 Cover: image (~40 × 20 km): 3-D perspective view (vertical exaggeration 5) of part of the Gorge of the Nile on the northwestern ethiopian Plateau (south of Mount Choke) generated by draping advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) image (7-3-1) over 15-m horizontal resolution ASTER digital elevation GSA TODAY publishes news and information for more than 20,000 GSA members and subscribing libraries. GSA Today model. trunk river (blue Nile) is flowing toward the lead science articles should present the results of exciting new viewer. Photo (~10 × 7 km): Section from the same research or summarize and synthesize important problems area, where the blue Nile deeply dissects Mesozoic or issues, and they must be understandable to all in the sandstones. See “blue Nile incision on the ethiopian earth science community. Submit manuscripts to science Plateau: Pulsed plateau growth, Pliocene uplift, and editors Stephen Johnston,
[email protected], or David Fastovsky, hominin evolution,” by Gani et al., p. 4–11.
[email protected]. GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173 USPS 0456-530) is published 11 times per year, monthly, with a combined April/May issue, by SCIENCE ARTICLE The Geological Society of America, Inc., with offices at 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado.