Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources Vol. 11(3), September 2020, pp 155-164

A review on quadrangularis L. as herbal medicine

Camil Rex M and Lokesh Ravi* Department of Botany, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Lalbagh road, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560027,

Received 21 February 2020; Revised 08 May 2020

Cissus quadrangularis L. is a fleshy found in major parts of the world, especially in Asia, Africa, and a few other warm tropical regions. It is one of the common food items in India. Ayurveda uses the whole plant for digestive aid (Pachana) and directed as palliative and roborant. C. quadrangularis also serves as a good source of triterpenoids ascorbic acid, carotenoids, flavonoids, and steroids. C. quadrangularis is also used for various treatments like fracture healing, anti- ulcer, antihelmintic, antifungal, antihemorrhoidal, analgesic, antibacterial properties, etc. It also serves in the best way to treat various infirmities such as hemorrhoids, leprosy, epilepsy, dyspepsia, skin burns, dysentery, bowel complaints, to increase appetite, etc. This article throws light on various recent knowledge of scientific research in various aspects of this plant, which mainly incorporate remarkable pharmacological activities such as anti-ulcer, anti-bacterial, anxiolytic, antipyretic, antidiabetic, bone healing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and phytochemicals studies.

Keywords: Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Antiulcer, Bone healing, Cissus quadrangularis, Phytochemical composition. IPC code; Int. cl. (2015.01)- A61K 36/00, A61K 36/87

Introduction Piranti, Vajjravalli; Malayalam: Cannalamparanta, play a key role in the industry of drug Peranta; Hindi: Cannalamparanta, Peranta; Bengali: discovery and the pharmaceutical industries are Har, Harbhanga, Hasjora, Horjora; Marathi: Harjora, greatly dependent on natural products for the Hadsankal, Kandavel; Telugu: Nalleru, Nelleratiga, development of new drugs1. WHO report reveals 80% Vajravalli; Oriya: Hadavhanga; Urdu: Horjora, world’s population uses folk medicine for their chief Harsankar; Gujarati: Chodhari, Hadsand, Hadsankal; health care2. Clinical microbiologists have great Kanada: Mangarahalli. The plant comprises simple or delight in evaluating the medicinal plants for new reniform, serrate ±5 cm wide leaf and four-angled drugs3,4. India is blessed with great knowledge stem connected at nodes, internodes which are up to through legacy and heritage in the field of health care 10 cm long, and dichotomously branched9,10. It is such as Siddha, Homeopathy, Unani and Ayurveda5,6. extensively utilized in producing traditional medicines In India, indigenous systems of medicine utilize in India. It helps to decrease pain and bone brawny, Medicinal plants as the vital source and such plants because of its bone healing/joining ability, which is have traditionally taken up a prominent position in the referred to as “Hadjod”11,12. Toxicological studies on lives of tribal people in spiritual, medicinal and CQ reveals that there is no toxic effect in its extract13. cultural activities7. Cissus quadrangularis L. (CQ) Overall plant body assists in oral rehydration14. It is serves as a common food source in India8. The an abundant source of beta carotene and vitamin C15. perennial plant CQ is well known as Vitis Nanoparticles synthesized of CQ are studied for quadrangularis. The scientific nomenclature of anti-cancer activity16. The CQ extract is proven as CQ is as follows: Kingdom: Plantae; Subkingdom: antiviral, free radical scavenger, antibacterial, Tracheobionta; Superdivision: Spermatophyta; anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and the mixture of Division: Magnoliophyta; Class: Magnoliopsida; sesame oil and CQ stem extract used to treat wheezing Subclass: Rosidae; Order: Rhamnales; Family: and skin issues17. CQ can reduce the body weight, ; Genus: Cissus L.; Species: quadrangularis. serum lipid and serum glucose level18,19. The chemical The vernacular names of CQ are as follows: Tamil: components of this plant have been reported to contain phytosterols, keto-steroids, Indane and flavonoids —————— 13,20 which exhibit magnificent anti-oxidant properties . * Correspondent author Email: [email protected] It also plays a vital role in the healing of bone 21 Tel: +91-8098945561 fissure and osteoporosis . Traditionally this plant has 156 INDIAN J NAT PROD RESOUR, SEPTEMBER 2020

different medicinal uses in leucorrhoea, piles, gout, presence of alpha and β-amyrins, β-sitosterol, tumours and peptic ulcers11. It is also utilized for the ketosetosterol, phenols, saponins, tannins, vitamin, production of biochar and hydrocarbonaceous carotene, as shown in Fig. 131,32. bio-oil22. Scientific experiments reveal that (CQ) is used in bodybuilding as an augment23. Chemical constituents in the leaves The phytochemical studies of CQ leaves reveal the Phytochemical studies existence of parthenocissus, resveratrol, piceatannol, The screening of Phytochemicals leads to revealing pallidol, alicyclic lipids, and other compounds shown 1,33 the existence of alkaloids, steroids, tannins, saponins, in Fig. 1 . phytoestrogen steroids, cardio glycosides and terpenoids. Flavanoids from CQ possess Chemical constituents in the ash of the plant anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrheal and Ash of the plant shows the occurrence of 24–26 Sodium, potassium, calcium, potassium tartrate and anti-cancer properties . Terpenoids are known to 34 be used as anti-tumour drugs, it targets the magnesium, as tabulated in Table 1 . lipoxygenase, phospholipases, and cyclooxygenase, Chemical constituents in the root and also plays a prominent part as anti-inflammatory Phytochemical analysis Root reveals the presence agent27. Various studies of Stilbenes reveal that they of lead, iron, potassium, zinc, calcium, sodium, are anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, an oestrogen 1,30 cadmium, copper and magnesium . receptor α agonist and efficient to stimulate 28 apoptosis . In-plant to fulfil the fundamental Other constituents requirements, primary metabolites are produced and The aerial part of the plant shows the presence of self-defence is mainly because of the production of 7-Oxo-Onocer-8-ene-3 β 21 α diol35. The plant holds secondary phytometabolites9. The plant is rich in ascorbic acid of 479 mg and carotene of 267 mg per calcium, potassium, iron, copper, cadmium, calcium 100 g crisply made a paste30. Additionally, the oxalate, zinc, lead, phenols, vitamins, carotenes, following compounds have also been found and vitamins and other compounds29. List of reported such as perthenocissine, taraxeryl acetate, phytochemicals reported from CQ as mentioned in taraxerol, isopentacosanoic acid, friedelan-3-one, Fig.1. Quantitative analysis of basic elements and resveratrol, piceatannol, pallidol, phytosterols, two quantitative measurement of bioactive phytochemical steroidal principles (C27H45O melting point components of CQ is tabulated in Table 130. 249-252 °C and C23H41O melting point 136-138 °C)30,36, δ amyrin, δ amyrone, and 7-oxo-onocer-8- Chemical constituents in the stem ene-3β21αdiol (C30H50O3) have been found36. The stem extract of CQ has calcium ions Ascorbic acid, two asymmetrical tetracyclic (4 percentage by weight) and phosphorous. It also triterpenoid, triterpene, β-sitosterol, ketosteroid also contains Calcium oxalate, 3-1-methyl tritriacontanoic has a high amount of anabolic steroidal substances, acid, taraxerol acetate, taraxerol and iso- 30 1 Calcium and Carotene A . quantitative HPTLC and pentadecanoic acid . Phytochemical studies reveal the HPLC methods determines the presence of

30 asymmetric tetracyclic triterpenoids such as like Table 1 — Quantitative composition of C. quadrangularis 4'-tetra hydroxy biphenyl; d-amyrin; 21b-diol; Elements mg/100 g dry Toxicants mg/100 g of dry d- amyrone; onocer-7-ene-3a; & 3,3',4, 3,3',4, matter matter 4'- tetrahydroxybiphenyl36. Potassium 67.5 Oxalate 135 Calcium 39.5 Tannin 0.3 Cellulosic fibre extraction Zinc 3.0 Phytate 20 The energy-efficient technologies in aero and Sodium 22.5 Saponin 0.16 automotive industries are mainly contributed by Iron 7.5 polymer composite. As an alternative for artificial Lead 3.5 fibre which is carcinogenic and cost-effective in Cadmium 39.5 polymer composite natural cellulosic fibre from CQ Copper 0.5 is a great retrofit. Because of its cellulose - 82.73% Magnesium 1.15 and wax 0.18% gives copious specific strength and high bonding properties in composite REX & RAVI: CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS AN HERBAL MEDICINE 157



Fig. 1 — List of phytochemicals reported from Cissus quadrangularis manufacturing and it shows lower density than and in addition to this, it plays a prominent role in carbon fibre, glass fibre, etc37. It has thermal regulating male behaviour. stability until 270 °C as it can withstand polymerization temperature. Estrogen CQ extract has an oestrogenic property by higher Relationship of CQ with hormones the blood oestrogen than acting on oestrogen 38 Testosterone receptors directly . Estrogen is a primary female sex CQ can act as glucocorticoid antagonist it has been organ and it plays a major role in the regulation and estimated to have androgenic activity9. Testosterone is development of the female reproductive system. a primary sex hormone and anabolic steroid which is Experimental studies using estrogen deficiency rat vitally produced by the testes. It mainly responsible models reveals that, in ovariectomized rats, 70% for male reproductive physiology and its development ethanolic extract (friedelin content-2.5%) is given as REX & RAVI: CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS AN HERBAL MEDICINE 159

an oral supplement which reveals that there is a mediated CaO nanoparticles reveal great inhibition on statistical increase in estrogen concerning the E. coli growth46. Antibacterial nature against ovariectomized control by 232% (100 mg/kg) and is reported in the water extract of 94% (75 mg/kg). But this is lesser when compared CQ34. The aqueous extract of CQ proclaims antifungal with the reference drug 17 β-estradiol injections and antibacterial activity against Mucor sp. and (568%), despite this difference, both were equivalent Pseudomonas aeruginosa47. An experiment reveals in protecting bone integrity38. that the ethyl acetate extract, ethanol and methanol extract of CQ possess high activity against Klebsiella Cortisol-C pneumonia bacteria and the zone of inhibition is 22, CQ decreases the catabolic effect by restraining the 11 and 10 mm respectively7. CQ reveals a great receptor which reveals the important role of a 39 antibacterial tendency against cariogenic glucocorticoid antagonist . Cortisol is a steroid microorganisms14. The extracts of ethyl acetate and hormone and it belongs to the class of glucocorticoid. chloroform not producing significant results against It is a catabolic hormone that is secreted by the Penicillium sp and Proteus mirabilis47. The Gram- adrenal cortex as a response to various physical and positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, B. psychological stresses. subtilis, Streptococcus species and B. cereus were

Pharmacological activities comparatively highly susceptible than the Gram- Anti-ulcer activity negative bacteria E. coli and P. aeruginosa which 44 An ulcer is any disturbance in the biological shows high resistance against the CQ extract . membrane that acts as an obstacle for organ function to which that membrane belongs. CQ extract has a Anxiolytic, antipyretic and antidiabetic properties prominent activity towards peptic ulcer40. Methanol Status epilepticus is the preliminary manifestation extract shows great antiulcer activity which is of epilepsy. In animal (mice) model of epilepsy, the evidenced by an experimentally persuaded ulcer in a Aqueous extract of CQ reveals anticonvulsant, anxiolytic properties and it reduces the timing of and rat model by improving glycoprotein level and 48 reducing gastric secretions and through an anti- it multiplies pre and post-status epilepticus latency . oxidative mechanism, it produces healing out-turn on On yeast induced hyperthermia in rats, CQ 41 minimalizes fever at heavy doses within two hours aspirin persuade gastric mucosal destruction in rats . 49 Gastric juice and mucosal studies disclose that which reveals its Antipyretic activity . The rhizome Cissus at a dose of 500 mg/kg given for ten days extract of CQ reveals a more useful anti-diabetic modulating effect in Alloxan-induced diabetic rats on notably rises the mucosal defensive factors like mucin 50 production, mucosal cell multiplication and life span blood sugar levels . of cells and the gastric damage is prevented by Bone healing activity β-sitosterol and Triterpenoids30. It has high potency Osteoporosis is because of the lowering of bone for the healing of peptic ulcer42,43. mineral density and it leads to alteration of protein in 40 Antibacterial activity bone and fracture . C. quadrangularis acts by The stem and root of the CQ show significant vitalizing metabolism and enhanced take-up of the antimicrobial activity44. Antiprotozoal activity is seen minerals strontium, calcium and sulphur. At two in alcoholic extracts of aerial parts of the CQ against various dose levels (500 and 750 milligram/kg) the Entamoeba histolytica and also against E.coli4,45. whole plant's ethanol extract has antiosteoporotic These are mainly reported against S. mutans, action in the ovariectomized rat model of Salmonella typhi, Bacillus subtilis, L. acidophilus, osteoporosis41. The paste obtained from CQ stem is Streptococcus pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Proteus used to wrap the fracture spot and the total time mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas required for fracture healing, pain, swollenness seems aeruginosa14. The extracts of dichloromethane and to be reduced significantly51,52. An experimental study (90%) methanol of the stem shows antibacterial in the rat by the systemic usage of C. quadrangularis activity against E. coli and P. aeruginosa. It shows leads to full mending of normal make-up of bone, the mutagenicity averse Salmonella microsome. In after fracture in 4 weeks on the other hand controls alcoholic extracts, the aerial part shows antiprotozoal needed 6 weeks. This shows shortening by 2 weeks in activity averse against E. histolytica41. The plant- bone healing30,41. Structure and biochemical properties 160 INDIAN J NAT PROD RESOUR, SEPTEMBER 2020

of the bones in rats are fully restored by petroleum osteoporosis is caused due to misbalance in the ether and ethanol extract of CQ12,53,54. It is also function of the osteoclasts and osteoblast cells. Lack reported that in gravid rat the CQ extract prompts the of calcium level in the body leads to deterioration of growth of the fetal bone55. In the fracture healing CQ bones. In women at the time of menopause, it is hard act by increased uptake of strontium, calcium, sulfur to maintain the level of the calcium due to decreased by osteoblasts and its efficacy in early ossification is levels of hormones which significantly leads to reported and compared to cellular response CQ shows mineral loss from the bones12,29. high influence osteoblastic proliferation29. The At the time of menopause, there is a loss of aqueous extract of CQ after intramuscular injection to estrogen, this paves the way to osteoporosis in the dogs promoted their fracture healing39. Researches Postmenopausal women. The treatment aims to cease proved that CQ has a great effect on the components or downgrade the mineral loss so that pain and bone of the IGF system of Human osteoblasts such as fractures can be controlled. There are various SaOS-2 cells56. CQ has the principles of anabolic chemical agents such as calcitonin, raloxifene, steroids which reveal the fracture healing rate by bisphosphonates, and droloxifene etc. that are formerly revitalization the connective tissues which attempted in the treatment of osteoporosis but resulted play a prominent role in faster mineralization of callus in misfires and lead to cause breast cancer, vaginal and healing57. bleeding, thromboembolic events, and breast Fracture healing tendency of C. quadrangularis is tenderness. C. quadrangularis shows recuperation in revealed by this clinical study comprising 16 patients. postmenopausal osteoporosis by enhancing bone A paste of the C. quadrangularis was applied mineral density and greatly inhibits antianabolic externally to patients with different types of fractures. effects. Experimental studies are performed to find Radiological inspection reveals that there is a out the recovery for postmenopausal osteoporosis and significant reduction in the healing time compared to the antianabolic effect using C. quadrangularis. For the control group. Clinically it is apparent that in only the ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis, ethanol one case there is no considerable effect however, the extracts of CQ were administered at two different upshot is appreciable and in some cases symptoms of dosages such as 500 and 750 mg/kg a day. For this fractures like agony swelling and tenderness were experimental study albino rats were used. These rats absent. This plant is proven to be helpful to the were divided into 5 groups and each group consists of wounded bones. It was contemplated that, it promotes 6 rats. Except for the control group, all other groups the earlier development of collagen fibres which gives are ovariectomized. The second group rise to the formation of callus and earlier (ovariectomized control) were fed with an equal calcification29. The summary of patient trials with the amount of saline. The groups, three to five, were observed reduction in healing time is tabulated orally administered with 5.4 mg/kg of Raloxifene and in Table 2. 750 mg/kg CQ ethanol extract. The histopathological, biochemical, and biomechanical parameters revealed Women health and osteoporosis that ethanol extract of CQ has significant C. quadrangularis is prescribed in Ayurveda in the Antiosteoporotic property in comparison to the treatment of irregular menstruation and menstrual control drug. These studies strongly suggest that the 29 issues . Osteoporosis is a dreadful epidemic, which ethanol extract of CQ significantly plays role in leads to low bone mass because it worsens the bone women health and also greatly helps in reversing the tissues. Nearly 2000 million of the world population effects of osteoporosis. Hence, it can be used suffered from osteoporosis in recent years. The major in pharmaceutical applications of women health cause for osteoporosis is due to the absence of certain in general. hormones, specifically in men it is an androgen and in women is estrogen. In women, post-menopausal- Antioxidant Important phytochemicals such as carotenoids, Table 2 — Study of bone healing using C. quadrangularis in patients steroids, calcium and the consumption of plant No. of cases Reduction in the healing time (%) polyphenol antioxidants play a major role in oxidative 6 40 stress-related pathologies29,58. Antioxidants are the 8 53 substances that rummage free radicals, they reveal a 1 7 prominent role in the avoidance of free radical- REX & RAVI: CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS AN HERBAL MEDICINE 161

induced illness by giving up hydrogen radicals to the weight and obesity, it plays a prominent role and the primary radicals which get reduced to non-radical mixture of stem powder pulses fried with sesame oil chemical compounds and then get changed to used to cure many ‘Vata’ diseases66–68. oxidized antioxidant radicals. Free radical scavenging Dichloromethane and acetone decoction of the plant property and anti-lipid peroxidative properties are consists of healing activity in opposite to cysteine revealed in CQ extract59. The methanol extract of protease. The extracts also reveal the androgenic (CQS) reveals enormous antioxidant and free radical property and cardiotonic properties41. The stem fibre rummaging action in vivo and in vitro systems mainly reveals thermomechanical properties for polymer because of the presence of β-carotene and also shows composite reinforcement69. In India, CQ is used in the inhibition in lipid peroxide production in erythrocytes, treatment of piles13. African traditional medicine and production of superoxide radicals and formation reveals its uses to cure indigestion, asthma, of DPPH free radicals29,41. The presence of keto and haemorrhoids, and anorexia48 and in eastern Africa to photo steroids, indoles, flavonoids and which are treat gonorrhoea it is mixed up with tamarind9. efficient antioxidants13. Dry and fresh stem extract Muscle relaxation in CNS depressant is seen in the ethyl acetate reveals the antioxidant activity of 64.8% aqueous extract70. The water-soluble glycoside in the in the β-carotene linoleic acid system and 1, 1- stem extract leads to create fall in BP in the diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl systems 61.6%60. anaesthetized cat36. Fresh stem creates itching action on the skin which is due to the presence of 31 methyl Anti-inflammation tritriacontanoic acid along with, taraxerol, iso- The anti-inflammatory effect of CQ could be due to pentacosanoic acid taraxerol acetate and calcium the presence of flavonoids mainly by, Beta-sitosterol oxalate30. A recent study reveals that the plant extract 8,61 and by luteolin . Comparing to ibuprofen or aspirin when acted with carbondioxide, conduct to the CQ also possess anti-inflammatory property on a emergence of calcite crystals of great irregular milligram per milligram basis. ‘Laksha Gogglu’ one morphology, shows that bioorganic molecules attune of the essential additive in Ayurveda drug preparation in the extract harmonize the crystal morphology30. which is also present in C. quadrangularis and Research exposes that the repress NF-kB set off and possess the properties to reduction of swelling, rouse of heme oxygenase-121. CQ stem boiled with relieving pain, curing the allied disorders related with lime water is used to increase the appetite71. The 43,62 fracture and enhance curing fractures . In the test powdered stem extract of CQ is used by Rangas of of anti-inflammatory activity EPP-induced rat ear eastern Africa to heal injuries15. oedema formation model is used which is very useful for investigating the inflammatory activity and Discussion screening. There are several inflammatory mediators Among all the valuable discoveries in the medicinal liberated in this model such as bradykinin, histamine, research, nearly 25% of the drugs are derived from the PGs and serotonin which are efficient in enhancing plants and about 122 active compounds are currently in 72 vascular permeability, support vasodilation and also use . Physiochemical parameters help the researchers to producing oedema63. Experiments prove that the CQ set the standards of crude drugs. The standardizations of holdback effect on the ear oedema formation in EPP the crude extracts are in great demand for C. induced model61. CQ shows anti-inflammatory quadrangularis as it shows enormous utility in the activity accompanying the hindrance of pro- medical field to cure various diseases. An important inflammatory agents such as TNFα and iNOS56. result is that side-effects are minimum-to-nil in the human consumption of CQ and a heavy dosage of CQ Miscellaneous activity (5000 mg/kg b weight) in an animal model has been The dry powder obtained from the shoot can proven to not cause any side effects31. Various relieve digestive issues and the decoction with Piper information and parameters summarised in this review nigrum and Zingiber Officinale relieves body pain. will help in further research and standardisation of crude Stem paste is useful for muscular torment, wounds, drug for CQ. insect bites, burns and also shows great cardiotonic features64. It also shows the properties to cure skin Conclusion ailment leprosy, convulsion, epilepsy and saddle sores Plant-based natural compounds as medicine have of camel and horses30,48,65. In the case of reducing and higher demand at present. The plant 162 INDIAN J NAT PROD RESOUR, SEPTEMBER 2020

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