National Executive Committee Sells out Socialist Party
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LEFT WING VICTORY SWEEPS Y. P. S. L. CONVENTION (See Story on page 2) SOCIALISTPublished Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party ofAPPEAL New York, Left Wing Brandies. Yol. 1. - No. 5.. 401 Saturday, September 11, 1937 5 Cents per Copy National Executive Committee Sells Out Socialist Party To La Guardia Orders Expulsion of all Revolutionists Forward to a Rank and File Convention to Throw Out the Betrayers and Rebuild the Party on A Revolutionary Basis The National Executive Committee of the But they are mistaken. There can be no doubt whatever of the out Socialist Party, at its meeting held over the come. There can be no doubt that whatever The first smashing answer to these heroes Labor Day weekend, approved the Altman- of the committee chamber was given by an is active, militant, and healthy within the party Thomas motion on the New York City election other meeting, held simultaneously with the ranks will rally to this call. What self-respec campaign for the withdrawal of the Socialist meeting of the N&tionaLExe^tiye Committee : ting militant, what conceivable revolutionary candidate for Mayor in order to permit support by the Ninth Convention of the Young People’s socialist, can for a moment longer pretend to of the capitalist candidate, La Guardia. Socialist League. By a proud and overwhelm accept the “authority” and “discipline’.’ of a ing majority, the Young Socialists repudiated “National Committee” which has now so fully The National Executive Committee coupled the sell-out policy, solidarized themselves with its sell-o.ut to La Guardia with a unanimous exposed itself as a bare-faced alliance of be the revolutionists in the party, and steered trayers with capitulators united on the bitter vote ordering the mass expulsion of every rev boldly on a clear revolutionary course. olutionist from the paHy. platfoi-m of brutal and x*eactionary opposition to revolutionary socialism? Who can any longer The policy of Jack Altman, identical in its The actions of the Labor Day session of the take seriously a Committee which in reality is fundamental political meaning to the policies of National Executive Committee, coming as a no more than a.clique, representing nothing the Social-Democratic Federation and of the climax to its decisions at the Philadelphia ses but a handful of pacifists, People’s Fronters, Stalinists, conquered. sion and the Special Session held in July, are and Stalinists? The movement has passed this a direct and brazen defiance of the party con Conpiittee by, and its actions now are no more Exactly as we had foretold, the Clarityites stitution and statutes, the solemn decisions of than the last gasps of its political death rattle. on the National Committee crumpled before the Chicago Convention, and the will of the There remains to be performed little more the drive of the Right Wing, handed the Right party membership. than the funeral oration. Wing a majority on the La Guardia issue, and humbly pledged submission and loyalty to the W these actions, therefore, the National Ex Likewise there can be no doubt that out of sell-out. A t the same time, with not one single ecutive Committee has placed itself outside of the wreckage left by this unholy alliance there exception, the Clarityites joined hands with all party legality, and no longer functions in will arise a regenerated revolutionary party, this Right Wing of liquidators and betrayers any sense as representative of the member a patty resolved and able to carry forward to expel the revolutionary opponents of the ship. No authority or standing can henceforth triumphantly the mighty tasks of our day and sell-out policy. be granted the National Executive Committee epoch. What Altman, Thomas, and Tyler have and its decisions. wrecked is not the revolutionary tendency nor The demand of left wingers throughout the The great majority of the active membei*- its adherents. These emerge stronger, more party for the calling of an emergency conven united, more determined, with ranks enlarged tion so that the membership might itself decide ship of the party has already declared in favor of a Special Convention. and ideas clarified, against the cringing blows the fate of the party was cynically disregarded. of our opponents. No: it is their own pitiful .The dozens of resolutions, motions, and tele Now is the time to translate words into ac tions. house of cards which Altman, Thomas, and grams, proposing such a convention and pro Tyler are bringing tumbling down about their testing the La Guardia sell-out, received from Next on the order of the day in the struggle ears. branches,, locals, and State organizations, were for revolutionary socialism is the immediate tossed aside. summoning of a genuinely representative con The great goal of a revolutionary party in this country, the ‘party of the victory and These gentlemen of the National Executive vention which w ill throw out the betrayers and rebuild the party. triumph of the socialist revolution, born and Committee had assembled for one task only, built in the fire of uncompromising struggle asd this task they carried out, so far as was The usurping bureaucrats of the National and based on the unshakeable foundation of in their power: to put an end to independent Executive Committee, hoping to solve aH prob the mighty principles a£ revolutionary Marx socialist polities, to head the Socialist party to lems behind closed doors, and fearing in the ism, is closer and more assured. ward the home version of Popular Frontism, depths of their political cowardice to face the tmd to get rid of all revolutionary opposition membership, have refused to call a çonvention. Down with the La Guardia Socialists! to their course. V e ry well. Now is the time for the revolu Down with the betrayers and liquida By their shameful and treacherous decisions, tionary branches, locals, and State organiza to rs ! they think they have succeeded in their aim, tions to assert their rights and fulfil their have solidly yoked independent socialist poli duties. It is now their imperative task to go Forward to a rank and file Convention tics under the People’s Front harness, have ef over the heads of these usurping bureaucrats, and a regenerated revolutionary socialist fectively silenced and smashed the revolution and to call the convention in their own name ary opposition. and in the name of the membership. p a rty ! TOWARD THE CONVENTION ! 2 SOCIALIST APPEAL September 11, 1937 Left Wing Carries YPSL Convention By Hal Draper trists had gone too far to draw walls again resounded to the In back now. By the same mechan ternational, louder than before. Huge Majority Prevails National Secretary ica l vote a t 5-2, they ruled The convention got down to Young Peoples Socialist League that Barshop’s inflated delega business immediately with the tion of 58 (the total number al election of Erber and Blackie As Gerrymander Flops lotted to New York) would vote Palia, West Coast seaman, to ing, Friday. on whether or not to seat them the chair, and the election of con The Young People’s Socialist Thursday, they postponed the They met again in the morn selves! And since Hamilton re vention committees. The first, Lee ¿fee of America becomes the opening while their majority on ing for a "short” session, at the fused to present a full creden sessions took up the political fltat Organisation of the Second the committee, elected over two S. P. headquarters, ta k in g up the tials report, we did not know in problems around which the pre jHtOI national to go over to the years ago, attempted to fix the case of the suspension without a how many other cases this pro convention fight had revolved. Banner of Dhe Fourth-interna composition of the convention. hearing of the California Party. cedure would be repeated. tionalist movement by action of But the Committee had to work Erber’s motion to condemn Wal’d The NEC had exceeded the Convention Decisions its Ninth National Convention lim it of its powers. The conven in the face of a large audience Rodgers and demand the rein The main resolutions on Spain last week-end. of over a hundred left-wing dele tion was waiting eagerly to statement of California, backed and on the Internationa! question swing into action. By an overwhelming majority, gates. That already showed who up by photostatic evidence of were passed unanimously. The National Chairman of the with a discredited handful of had the majority of the conven Rodgers criminal charges against The Spanish resolution, declar right-wingers and centrists walk tio n. League, and by his office chair the California comrades, was ing for the struggle of Socialism ing out after the failure of their The first question the com man of the NEC meeting, Ernest met by a motion to—investi against Capitalism, set forth the Ticious campaign to disrupt the Erber, thereupon declared the mittee took up was for the re gate! This debate took till Marxist position for which the -organization, the convention en cord—a motion against the en meeting adjourned and called the 12:30. At that late hour, with left wing in the Socialist Party dorsed the Marxist principles for dorsement of La Guardia. But convention to order with the sing the convention already more than and League had been fighting. ithe revolutionary overthrow of when National Chairman Ernest a day over due and with all the ing of the International. The old The International resolution -capitalism, and enthusiastically Erber amended it to call also for headquarters rang with the dele delegates tense for the opening noted the bankruptcy of the laid plans for rooting the YPSL condemnation of all deals with gates’ response, everyone (in of their convention, the centrists two existing Internationals .