by Steve Perrin


Editor: Rick Swan Players’ Introduction ...... 2 Cover Artist: Jeff Easley Interior Artist: Luise Perenne DM’s Introduction ...... 5 Cartography: Stephen Sullivan Daggerford ...... 7 Typography: Kim Janke Regions...... 14 Keylining: Stephanie Tabat, Personalities of Daggerford ...... 15 Colleen O’Malley Adventures ...... 21 Lizard Raid ...... 24 Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Ran- 27 dom House, Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Can- Caravan Duty ...... ada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by The Rescue Mission ...... 29 regional distributors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd. Under Illefarn ...... 33

ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, Pregenerated Characters ...... 48 , PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned Maps: by TSR Inc. Map 1, The Fallen Kingdom ...... inside front cover © Copyright 1987 by TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Map 2, Daggerford and Surrounding Regions ...... outer gatefold This product is protected under the copyright laws of the Map 3, Daggerford City Map ...... inside back cover United States of America. Any reproduction or other unau- Map 4, Meldar’s Map ...... inner gatefold thorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR Inc.

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Printed in the U.S.A. 0-88038-489-1 $5.95 U.S. 9212 Under Illefarn is an AD&D® campaign from others. If you’d like a preview of the Alignment book for a and four to area where your character grew up, skip to For a beginning character, it is best to eight 1st level characters. It is also possi- the “People of the Forgotten Realms” choose a lawful or neutral character. Dag- ble to start as a 0 level character. More section on page 3. gerford is not a place that encourages about that later. either the chaotic or evil, though a lawful You start as a character in the trading Abilities evil person could probably hide his base city of Daggerford. By the law of Dagger- Since everyone is starting out with a 1st nature without too much trouble. ford, you serve in the militia. As a mem- level character (or lower), it is suggested Generally, chaotic and evil characters ber of the militia, you have the that the Dungeon Master choose one of tend to disrupt a party of adventurers if opportunity to participate in several the four methods under “Creating the played properly. That alone is a good rea- adventures which should enable you to Player Character” in the Dungeon Mas- son to discourage their use as PCs, since advance in level. When the campaign is ters Guide. Method I works best, but any 1st level characters need all the coopera- over, your character should be at 3rd or of them will do. tion they can get. 4th level. A split class character may still be at 2nd level for some or all of his or her Ability Checks Languages classes. If you have a character who reached 1st On several occasions throughout these All characters know the usual languages level in N4, Treasure Hunt, your adven- adventures, you will be called on to roll of their alignment, class, and race. Liter- ture took place in the sea to the west of Ability checks against one of your charac- acy is not common. Player characters with Daggerford. After that adventure, your ter’s six attributes: Strength, Intelli- Intelligence greater than 5 and NPCs character decided to see the world and gence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, with Intelligence greater than 7 can be ended up in Waterdeep, the main trade and Charisma. The check will be termed expected to write Thorass, the local trade city to the north. You soon found the big a Dexterity check, a Constitution check, tongue. The ability to read the various city was a bit much for a simple islander, or whatever is appropriate to the situation runic languages is much more common. so you gravitated to the smaller town of at hand. Daggerford, finding out only after you An Ability check is rolled on 1d20. The Secondary Skills settled into a squalid room at the Lady check is successful if the roll is equal to or Secondary skills in the Daggerford area Luck Tavern (or a sumptuous suite at the less than the ability in question. For are not quite the same as given in the River Shining Tavern if you’ve kept most example, a character with a Dexterity of Dungeon Masters Guide. Every character of your loot from the treasure hunt) that 13 is trying to cross a log transversing two probably has had some training in some residence in Daggerford means enlist- sides of a ravine. The Dungeon Master other skill besides his character class ment in . . . but we’ll get to that in a bit. calls for a Dexterity check, and the player skills. Either pick a background skill from rolls a 14 on 1d20, a failure. The character the table that follows or roll for it, which- To the Beginning Player falls to the bottom of the ravine. ever you and the Dungeon Master decide. Ability Checks are sometimes modi- If you have never played the ADVANCED fied by the difficulty or ease of the Daggerford Secondary Skill Table DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game attempted action. The Dungeon Master before, don’t worry. Under Illefarn is will tell you what number needs to be Dice meant to bring you to full speed as an rolled and what dice to use. Score Result AD&D game player in as short a time as 01-02 Blacksmith possible. Character Classes and Races 03-04 Bowyer/fletcher All you need is the Players Handbook, 05 Armorer although you might find the options pre- All classes and races can be found in the 06-15 Farmer Daggerford area, though more urbanized sented in are also 16-20 Forester types such as thieves, assassins, and helpful. Most of the decisions as to spell 21-25 Innkeeper choice, deities worshipped, weapons pro- monks are in short supply. Daggerford is 26-30 Hunter a frontier, and the subtler specialties of ficiencies, and so forth are in the hands of 31-35 Fisher (hook and line) civilization have yet to take root. This the Dungeon Master. He will present you 36-40 Herder (cattle or sheep) does not mean that a thief, assassin, or with your choices. 41 Jeweler monk cannot come to Daggerford from 42-45 Leather worker/tanner Creating Your Character another, larger population center, but 46 Limner/painter they are unlikely to be homegrown. 47-50 Mason/carpenter Various characters and races are more 51-52 Boatwright likely to come from certain areas than 53-55 Tailor/weaver

2 56-60 Teamster/Freighter gains experience, the Dungeon Master Waterdeep, Secomber, and The Way Inn 61-65 Trader/barterer makes note of the character’s inclina- all provide their quota of stalwart fight- 66-70 Trapper tions. Does the character continually pick ers. 71-75 Woodworker/cabinetmaker up new weapons and experiment with Rangers. The ranger population is 76-95 No skill of measurable worth them? Does he express a desire to learn mostly found in Daggerford, Secomber, 96-00 Roll twice, ignoring rolls of 76- magic? Does he try to sneak around and and The Way Inn. The relatively cosmo- 00 hereafter attempt to pick open locks? When the politan Waterdeep is not conducive to a character finally reaches zero experience ranger’s way of life. Possession of a secondary skill may not points, the player and the Dungeon Mas- Barbarians. The barbarian population necessarily help in the course of an adven- ter get together and decide the character’s resides on the High Moor and are reluc- ture, but it can’t hurt. It also provides class, his alignment, and so forth, based tant to stray far from this area. They are some insight into your character’s current on the character’s actions and inclinations nomadic herders in constant warfare with occupation as well as his past ones. in his adventuring career so far. the goblinkind on the moor. You can use a secondary skill by For more details about 0 level charac- Magic Users /Illusionists. Magic users reminding the Dungeon Master you have ters, see Treasure Hunt (N4). of all stripes can be found everywhere, it when a situation occurs when it might though they tend to prefer residence in come in handy. If the DM allows the use more densely populated areas. Water- of the skill, he may decide the skill works People of the Forgotten Realms deep is the center of magical activity in automatically (“Yes, because of your inn- The Forgotten Realms are described in these parts, with a recognized guild of keeper skill, you know the proprietor of some detail in The FORGOTTEN low-level mages. The ruins of Dragon- the Happy Cow personally and can ask for REALMS™ Campaign Set. PCs in Under spear Castle are reputed to contain high a favor from him.”), or he may have you Illefarn are usually from the north and level evil magic users. make an Ability Check. (“Since you are a west lands of the continent, though trav- Clerics. Like magic users, clerics are hunter, make an Intelligence Check on elers might wander up the Trade Way also common throughout the Forgotten 1d20 to see if you recognize this trail.”) from Cormyr or the mysterious Amn. Realms, though farming villages such as Remember, this means that if your char- Beginning characters are most likely acter’s Intelligence is 12, and you roll a 12 Secomber have little to do with the main residents of the area within the 100 mile religions of the region, aside from their or less, you succeed.) radius around Daggerford. The following resident druids and priests of Chauntea. information suggests just where within Most adventuring clerics come from Pre-Generated Characters that radius a particular class or race might Waterdeep, Daggerford, and Dragon- If all this seems like too much work, come from. spear Castle. which it certainly could be for a begin- Druids. The primary center for druid ning player, there are six pre-generated Humans activity in the Daggerford area is the characters on the last page of this book. If Most humans in the area come from one Misty Forest. Around Waterdeep, the you want to save yourself some trouble, of four regions: Waterdeep, Daggerford, Wood supports a large number of druids. ask the Dungeon Master if you can see Secomber, and The Way Inn. Humans Thieves. Daggerford is too small to these characters and can use one as your who don’t actually live in these regions support a real Thieves Guild. Everyone own. tend to depend on one of them as a mar- knows almost everyone, and serious ketplace. thievery is virtually unknown. At the Characters of 0 Level Cavaliers. These worthies mostly come same time, there is a fondness for the An interesting way of starting a new from Waterdeep and Daggerford, though heroic thief who uses his talents to plun- adventure is to begin with a 0 level char- a few come from Secomber. Most PC cav- der ruins and fortresses of evil. Therefore, acter. This style of play was pioneered in aliers in Daggerford are the scions of the Daggerford does have a few adventuring N4, Treasure Hunt by Aaron Allston. petty nobility that rule various holdings thieves. At 0 level, your character starts as a nor- around the town. The duke of Dagger- Thieves from a more traditional back- mal person with only one weapons profi- ford is a cavalier, as is his master of arms. ground come from far or are self-taught. ciency, no magic, no special skills, and It is possible for a character to be a cousin There is no Thieves Guild in Waterdeep; 1d6 hit points. It’s a good idea to allow a of the duke of Daggerford, if the DM it’s bad for business. 0 level character a full 6 hit points with- wants to deal with that kind of family Assassins. Assassins tend to frequent out rolling dice. complications. big cities and aren’t much in demand in The character also starts with -500 Fighters. True to tradition, fighters these regions. Any assassins in Dagger- experience points. That’s right, 500 may come from just about anywhere in ford have come from further away than points less than zero. As the character the Forgotten Realms. Daggerford, Waterdeep, which has also rid itself of organized assassins. These days, most

3 assassins come from Amn or Westgate on to themselves. in larger communities. the Inland Sea. Dark Elves. Dark Elves are said to Prices for simple items in Daggerford Monks. There are no local training reside in the bowels of the mysterious are the same as those given in the Players areas or monasteries for monks in Dag- Dragonspear Castle. Whether actually Handbook. More complex items, such as gerford. Some may come to Daggerford there or not, it certainly is their sort of crossbows or chain mail armor, are not from the Waterdeep area or from larger place. Dark Elves are not recommended manufactured locally. These items may cities to the east and south. as PCs. be purchased from passing merchants, but the markup is considerable: typically Elves Dwarves 100%. A suit of chain mail, for instance, which normally costs 75 gp will cost 150 What’s left of the dwarven population is Since the demise of the Fallen Kingdom, in Daggerford, if it is available at all. As a elves have been in short supply around mostly represented by Derval Ironeater’s rule of thumb, any item costing more extended family in Daggerford. A few Daggerford. However, a few chose not to than 50 gp in the Players Handbook costs leave with their former associates, and live in Secomber, a few more live in double in Daggerford. they and their descendants still live in Waterdeep. There are not many left, but There is no alchemist available in Dag- some of the more isolated areas. Because among the ones that remain, many long gerford. All potions are double price of their love of nature, they are particu- to regain some of the lost glory of the van- when available, which is not often. larly at home in the forests and plains. ishing dwarven race. Owing to their love Potions offered for sale must be brought Although they are seldom encountered of drink, a tavern is a likely place to in from Waterdeep or from the other end in the cities, their fascination with fine encounter dwarves. Talk of gold or other of the Trade Way, which gives Daggerford jewelry and magic may draw them to precious metals is also sure to attract the another excuse to kick up the price. Rare populated areas on occasion. attention of any eavesdropping dwarves. components for spells are even rarer in Gold (High) Elves. One noble family Daggerford and again cost more than of Gold Elves held on when the others Gnomes usual. The only apothecary in town is a left. Sir Elorfindar and his family main- There are a few gnome merchants in Dag- priest of the Chauntea temple, and his tain a High Elf presence in the Dagger- gerford, Secomber, and Waterdeep. Like sales are part of the temple’s income. ford area to this day. the dwarves, gnomes are fond of drink What goods are available in Dagger- Moon Elves. Normally, this type of elf and wealth,, but they also enjoy the plea- ford? All types of clothing are for sale, is in much shorter supply than the Gold sures of nature. Lock for them in a local although garments made of cotton or silk Elves. This is not the case in the Dagger- tavern or near a beautiful meadow. are high in price. Most clothing is made ford area, mostly because of the great of wool, provided by local sheep, and number of Gold Elves left with the Fallen leather. Forget about exotic furs, unless Kingdom. Some Moon Elves stayed with the purchaser is willing to pay through Halflings are not very common in Dag- Sir Elorfindar after the Fallen Kingdom the nose for them. gerford, though the ones who live there broke up. Others stayed in the area for There are several blacksmiths in Dag- are quite prominent. Secomber, however, reasons of their own. If not with Sir Elor- gerford who can provide simple weapons, is very much a town. Almost findar, the Moon Elves can be found in such as swords and axes, and household 50% of the population of Secomber is the Misty Forest or the High Forest. They equipment. Should either weapons or under four feet tall. A few halflings can can also be found in the Waterdeep armor be damaged, the local craftsmen be found in Waterdeep and in some of Woods, and some may be found in Dag- can mend them. There is much mended the farming hamlets around The Way gerford. Most PC elves are either grand- finery and weaponry on the streets of Inn. They are more open and outgoing children or great grandchildren of Sir Daggerford, mostly dependable and than either dwarves or elves and get along Elorfindar or of some of the Moon Elves mostly at a reasonable price. well with most other races. who followed him. Since Daggerford residents largely live Wild Elves. These elves never consid- off the land, many farming and fishing ered leaving their ancestral home. They Can You Get It in Daggerford? products are available. Produce, vegeta- are found these days in the Laughing Daggerford is trying to be a busy metrop- bles, and meats are not hard to come by Hollow and the Misty Forest. Because of olis, but is still basically a frontier area at affordable prices. Animals are com- their nature, they do not make good that lacks many of the advantages found mon in Daggerford; animal care services choices for PCs. However, since the Misty in a big city. It is just not large enough, and facilities abound. Forest elves do interact with humans and for instance, to support very many crafts- Daggerford jewelers are always on the other races on occasion, a Wild Elf PC men. What’s more, some of the Dagger- lookout for the occasional odd jewel that should be from the Misty Forest. The ford craftsmen aren’t quite as proficient might find its way into town. Because Wild Elves from Laughing Hollow keep in their chosen trade as their counterparts these come to Daggerford so infrequent-

4 ly, jewelers lucky enough to snag one can action, you are provided with three mili- dead body. ask and easily get twice their normal sell- tia missions in which the adventurer can Elsewhere, the PCs may encounter ing price. Magical items are quite rare, hunt down raiding lizard men (Lizard Lady Bronwyn, who is older than her also selling for twice the price. There are a Raid), protect a caravan (Caravan Duty), brother, the duke, and far more inter- lot of Daggerford merchants who are and rescue the duke’s sister and make a ested in rulership. Are the PCs interested unfamiliar with magical items and may powerful friend (Rescue Mission). The in helping her prove her worthiness to inadvertently underprice them if they adventures may be undertaken in any rule? Can the map to Illefarn and the can’t figure out what they’re supposed to order. Besides providing experience and good will of the king of Laughing Hollow be. A fortunate buyer may walk away the prospect of advancement, these be combined into a successful expedi- with a treasure at a ridiculously low price adventures offer valuable clues and magi- tion? Is Baron Agwain going to attempt if he happens to visit the marketplace at cal aid for the main adventure to come. vengeance against the people who the right time. After the completion of the first three thwarted his courtship of Bronwyn? adventures, natural disaster strikes in the What Else? form of an earthquake. The characters are Controlling Storylines It can be frustrat- given ample opportunity to make impor- ing when the PCs wander off in a direc- This, of course, is only an overview of tant contacts during the rescue operations tion the DM doesn’t want them to take. life in Daggerford. If you have questions, following the earthquake. Then the town Here are some methods to help keep the just ask the Dungeon Master. Better yet, discovers that a curse has arisen as a result PCs following the storyline you want take some time to explore the city before of the quake, and the stalwart militiamen them to explore. embarking on an adventure. Check out who have done so well in previous mis- For starters, make the characters an the local businesses, listen in on the gos- sions are sent to find the source of this integral part of the campaign back- sip at one of the taverns, walk the streets, curse. ground. Is someone playing a cavalier? introduce yourself to friendly passers-by. Then have him attending the duke at the You’ll be right at home in no time at all. Dungeon Mastering Tips castle. Perhaps Lady Bronwyn is inter- ested in him. This provides a powerful Under Illefarn is an episodic cam- Player — Stop Reading motivation to chase after the abductor. paign. That is, the campaign features Delfen is an excellent prod for a magic If you are playing a character in the adventures set in the same general area user. If a character wants to learn more Under Illefarn campaign, please stop with no unifying theme other than all of spells, he will have to do Delfen a favor, reading here. Knowing the details of the them involve members of the Daggerford which just so happens to coincide with campaign will make it less fun to play for militia. There are numerous plot threads the needs of the storyline. all concerned. to provide opportunities for future The militia of Daggerford provides the If you intend to be the Dungeon Mas- adventures once the campaign adven- most compelling reasons to keep the PCs ter for the campaign, continue. tures have been completed. The PCs may on track. The characters initially have to also wish to pursue one or more of these go out on adventures because it’s their Dungeon Master’s Introduction plot threads between the presented job, and they’re under orders. The mili- adventures. The following is primarily intended for tia also functions as a family unit for the For example, one item of loot picked the first-time Dungeon Master. Experi- PCs and encourages ties of allegiance. A up by the characters in the Lizard Raid enced DMs will be familiar with much of group that stays together is a lot easier to adventure is a ceratosaur tooth which has this material. Bear with us and read along. control; if one member of the group goes been enchanted to summon ceratosaurs. You still may pick up a thing or two. someplace, the rest are likely to follow if The character has no immediate use for they share this common bond. this item, since it only works in the vicini- The Daggerford Campaign It’s a good idea to maintain some con- ty of the Lizard Marsh. The obvious per- trol over the types of characters played. Under Illefarn is focused on the town son to sell this to is Redeye, the lizard Evil characters, if played correctly, can of Daggerford and, most importantly, on man chief. But how can the character create a lot of problems for a group of the institution of the Daggerford militia. make contact with Redeye? This would novice characters. Not only do they instill The militia brings together characters seem to call for another expedition into distrust, they can destroy the more fragile who might never associate otherwise. the swamp to face hostile lizard men and characters. Later, when everyone has had Membership in the militia gives novice dinosaurs and perhaps to discover the more role playing experience, these char- characters a common origin and encour- ruins of old forgotten villas from the acters can be fun, but beginners should ages them to consider themselves part of a Fallen Kingdom period. And how recep- maintain the same attitudes as the heroes team. tive will Redeye be? He might decide to of sword and sorcery stories and stand Once the characters are ready for just take the tooth over the character’s united against the forces of evil.

5 Goals for the Dungeon Master In short, immediately apparent? Are the charac- duke or another authority, at least they the Dungeon Master should keep two ters being groomed for greater things? have found the answer to the mystery. goals in mind. Why is Delfen in Daggerford? Is he This can give them incentive to gain fur- The primary goal is to make the adven- recruiting for some secret project of his ther experience until they are ready to ture fun for everyone. Players should own? Or is the mysterious Sir Elorfindar deal with the dangers of Dragonspear have a good time running their characters trying to bring back the glories of the themselves. and experiencing the adventures you Fallen Kingdom by recovering some of present to them. You should have a good it’s lost treasures? Modifying Ability Checks time astonishing them with your intrigu- Someone may have his own purposes Ability checks are sometimes modified ing plots and interesting encounters. in mind for these adventures, but why he by the difficulty or ease of the task to be The secondary goal is to keep the play- or she is doing it remains a mystery for the accomplished. The Dungeon Master may ers guessing. In each of the adventures characters to solve. modify the chance of success in one of two The Constant Irritation. Using a reoc- presented in this package, the PCs begin ways. with one problem and end up dealing curring annoyance can keep the charac- The simplest way is to add a difficulty with a different one. For instance, they ters occupied and too busy to notice all modifier to a roll. For example, a climb start out defending a neighboring castle the clues. It can be almost anything, from up a steep slope could call for a Strength and end up negotiating with Redeye. an imperious council which makes too check. If the slope is particularly steep, many demands, to an irritating non- They start out scouting a caravan route add 1-5 to the number rolled before com- player character (NPC) who tags along and end up protecting a caravan. They paring it to the character’s Strength. If with the group and gets them into trou- start out to rescue Bronwyn and end up the modified roll is too high, the Ability ble. One such NPC might be Lady befriending the King of Laughing Hol- check fails. low. They start out investigating a curse Bronwyn. She isn’t particularly irritating, Another way to modify an Ability but she definitely would get the party in and end up finding the crown of Devin. check is to use different dice. For exam- These storyline changes are fairly simple, trouble if her brother found out they ple, rolling 3d6 instead of 1d20 means but they keep the players guessing, and were encouraging her to adventure. that characters with high abilities will The None-Too-Subtle Clue. Whenever that keeps up their interest. almost always succeed, while those with any of the above techniques seems to be low abilities will usually fail. This is Tricks of the Trade wearing thin and the players are getting because the usual roll on 3d6 is between 9 restless, it is time to give them some satis- Here are a few techniques that can and 12. More difficult Ability checks can faction by allowing them to solve the keep players coming back for more. Some be resolved by calling for the use of 4d6 or problem or mystery at hand. Usually this may also be used as springboards for fur- even 5d6, making success almost impos- can be done by dropping a hint or a clue ther adventures. sible for all but characters with the high- to the solution that can’t be missed. The Hidden Enemy. Who is really est abilities. One way to make the presentation of behind all the problems that have beset the clue more interesting is to select one Daggerford? Who showed the lizard men Training and Experience in Daggerford player and take him aside from the oth- how to enter a keep unnoticed, encour- ers. Give him the clue in the guise of an Normally, as described in the Dungeon aged the to attack the Trade Way, audience with a superior officer or a secret Masters Guide, training for a higher level encouraged Agwain to kidnap Bronwyn, note from a friend. It is then up to the costs 1,500 gp times the current level of encouraged the orcs to attack the Laugh- player whether or not his character shares the character per week. The training takes ing Hollow, and promoted the inva- this information with his companions. a number of weeks appropriate to the sion of Illefarn? Don’t overdo this technique, however, as previous activities of the character, as Is it Kelthas the Dread, the necroman- you risk creating division in the group. determined by the DM. cer who has also invaded Illefarn? Is it all You don’t want that. In Daggerford and the surrounding an elaborate plot by Sir Llewellyn to claim You also can orchestrate a situation regions, gps are not as common as in rich- his rights to the duchy? Is it some other which allows an important clue to fall er areas such as Waterdeep, Cormyr, or character who hasn’t yet made himself right into a PC’s hands. For example, an Amn. Instead, payment is made in serv- known? orc band attacks and is defeated. Examin- ice or as a form of reward. Of course, there’s nothing to say that ing the orc bodies, the PC finds an item any single person is behind all of the that was known to belong to old Duke disasters, but it doesn’t hurt for the play- Pryden which was thought to be lost with ers to think there is one mastermind. him in the siege of Dragonspear Castle. The Hidden Agenda. Is there an over- Even if their lack of experience compels all purpose to these adventures that is not them to pass this information on to the

6 Service Quick Character Creation Daggerford still controlled the town, but it was given its own charter by Duke Those who spend many years in their If your players don’t have the time, professions in service to other characters Conan 50 years ago. The current duke, inclination, or enough experience to cre- young Pwyll Greatshout, seems to have of higher level are paid in training to ate their own characters, there are pre- attain higher status in their professions. no inclination to revoke the charter. The generated characters in the center section town itself is run by the Council of of this book. Give the players the statis- Guilds. Rewards tics for these characters and all other nec- In a self-conscious imitation of the Those who have performed a singular essary information. The physical Lords of Waterdeep, the members of the service to their community or to a charac- descriptions of the characters are up to Council of Guilds attend meetings in ter of higher level are rewarded with the players. masks and never reveal their identities to training. Either the community provides the populace. However, the population the training, or, if the community lacks Daggerford: History and Political of the town is too small for true secrecy. the resources to provide the training, it Structure Everyone knows that the guildmasters are calls in a favor from someone who can the members of the Council of Guilds. The city of Daggerford got its name provide it. The community or the charac- The guilds of Daggerford are not as from an incident that happened about ter who received the service makes formal as those of larger cities. There is 400 years ago. A wagon master sent his arrangements for the training. the Smith’s Guild, Merchant’s Guild, son ahead of the family wagon one eve- As a rule, adventurers gain training Tanner’s Guild, Farmer’s Guild, Water- ning to locate a safe passage across the through rewards. The militia of Dagger- Shining River. The boy located a ford, man’s Guild, Riverman’s Guild and Tav- ford in particular is rewarded with this erner’s Guild, among others. The chief but was surprised and attacked by a party training. You will learn more details priests of the town’s three main religions of lizard men. The lad slew six of the crea- about the militia as you proceed with the (Chauntea, Lathander, and Tymora) are tures with his only weapon, a dagger, and campaign. held off the rest until reinforcements also members of the Council of Guilds. By the wording of the town charter, the from the wagon arrived. In Game Terms duke is not a member, but the head of the This may be pure fancy or exact truth militia, who happens to be the duke’s A character earns gp credit by slaying or something in between. The dukes of master at arms, is a member. monsters, by acquiring magical treasures, Daggerford claim to be direct descend- or by any other methods aside from ents of that boy on the ford. The arms of acquiring money which are normally the duke are represented by a bloody sil- Living in Daggerford rewarded with experience points. This ver dagger on a blue field. Population takes the form of a voucher voted to the When the elves of the Fallen Kingdom character by the Daggerford Council. left for less crowded spaces, a new king- About 300 residents live in the town This voucher is above and beyond any dom sprang up, known now as the King- and in the duke’s castle. Most of them till money earned in an adventure, and it can dom of Man. It was during that period the fields outside the town walls. There be spent toward the normal costs of gain- that the dukes of Daggerford gained their are about 20 farming hamlets within a ing a level. titles and rights to all the lands bordered day’s walk of Daggerford (15-20 miles), by the estate of Floshin on the north, the each of which has about five families of Example of Voucher Cork Sheperdson is a Lizard Marsh on the west, Dragonspear around 20 people. Each hamlet has a for- 1st level fighter who has killed monsters Castle on the south, and the Misty Forest tified town house to which the residents and acted heroically to gain 1,700 experi- on the east. At times, the dukes have can retreat in case of a raid. There are also ence points. To advance to 2nd level, he actively controlled the entire area, but some isolated farms and a few estates of must have 2,000 experience points and these days they do not. minor nobility. spend at least 1,500 gp for a week’s train- About a century after the dynastic war In all, there are about 1,000 people ing. Cork also has accumulated 750 gp which destroyed the Kingdom of Man, dependent on the Daggerford market for worth another 750 experience points. the duke’s subjects began building their goods they cannot make themselves, and Since the Daggerford council votes shops and homes outside the castle who would retreat to Daggerford in case him a voucher for 1,700 gp worth of proper, closer to the Delimbiyr (Shining) of an invasion. training for his great efforts on behalf of River. After a couple of problem-free cen- the militia, Cork does not have to spend turies passed, the town became essential- Other Races any of his hard earned gold for training. ly independent from the castle, although The racial mix in the Daggerford area is He can use the money to buy himself a a common wall surrounded them both. predominantly human. Less than 15% of suit of chain mail instead. For hundreds of years, the duke of the population are demi-humans. A few

7 of the dependent hamlets consist entirely except in times of trouble. Militia mem- dead if possible, but there is only one of halflings. A couple of halfling families bers must show up for training at least priest in Daggerford with this ability. Vet- live in Daggerford. There are very few one day per month. Some come more eran militia members have priority for dwarves, gnomes, and elves (aside from often and gain proficiency earlier than raise dead. the elves of Laughing Hollow), but the their peers. The militia is split up into Militiamen who participate in combat ones who do live here are rather promi- various troops, and these troops meet on or other hazardous missions are entitled nent in the community. different days. Generally, one of the sol- to split any loot they obtain among them. diers will be training while more experi- The town is entitled to buy any magical Opportunities for Training enced ones are on guard duty. items deemed necessary for the well- Militia troops must stand guard three being of the town. Militiamen who train The Militia days out of the month, acting as both a other militiamen are paid a fee of 5 sp per By agreement with the duke, the town street patrol and wall guard. Usually, at day of training times their level. Note maintains its own militia, trained by least two veteran troops are on duty on that 1st level militiamen cannot train Duke Pwyll’s soldiers. Every healthy any given day, while the new troops train other militiamen. human resident of the town between 15 and help the veterans. and 35 is required to be a member of the Militia training is sufficient to bring a Training in Magic militia. Halflings between 22 and 60, character up to the 1st level of experience. The main teacher of magic in the area dwarves between 35 and 120, gnomes Militia members can also gain further is Delfen Yellowknife, a mage who lives between 50 and 250, and elves between experience in the performance of their in a small tower on the wall of Dagger- 150 and 500 must also serve 20 years in duties, as will be seen. ford. Delfen takes in apprentices, and the militia. Only pregnant women and Militia members are not just fighters. generally has three or four at any one mothers with young children are excused, The general success of adventuring orga- time. He is contracted to the town of and then only until the children are five nizations has taught the village elders Daggerford to provide training in magic years old. The territory around Dagger- that all walks must participate in the and to provide special spell casting. He ford is occasionally besieged by evil defense of the area, so clerics and magic also trains his apprentices in knife fight- invaders, and everyone must be ready to users, too, are pressed into militia service. ing. defend their homes and lives. Thieves, monks, assassins, and the like Duke Pwyll’s personal magic user, Even transients of the right age find are considered to be fighters for the pur- Gwydion Pen Dafwyd, teaches magic to a themselves either training with the militia poses of the militia. couple of the younger sons of minor or asked to leave the town. If a person stays Any militiaman who can afford such nobility, as well as to the duke’s older sis- longer than two weeks, a militia soldier weapons as maces and swords is trained in ter, Bronwyn. shows up at his residence to induct him. Of their use by the duke’s master at arms, Sir There are no illusionists openly work- course, the person can try to evade this Llewellyn Longhand. He also provides ing in Daggerford, though gnomes can duty, but in a town the size of Daggerford, advanced training in swords and riding to get illusionist training from Korbus this is difficult. Anyone can avoid the duty the minor nobility. The duke’s master of Brighteyes. by paying the expenses of another militia- the hunt, Kelson Darktreader, gives There are four places of worship in man, but most residents would rather instruction in bows and other hunting Daggerford. The largest is the temple of spend the time than the money. weapons to those with talent. Chauntea, the Lady of the Harvest. Those living in outlying areas are also The main problem of the militia is Priestess Merovyna presides over this tem- expected to have militia training and hanging on to its veteran members. If ple. Those who worship other deities also duty. This is mainly accomplished by they gain any significant expertise, the worship at small shrines maintained by local musters, usually at the estate of a veterans start thinking about hiring out Merovyna and her acolytes. Merovyna local baron or the common of a hamlet. as mercenaries to Waterdeep or to the car- instructs novices in the ways of religion Representatives of the Daggerford militia avan masters. Or they might start think- and the soil. ride out to the muster and help with the ing about doing a little adventuring of Those wishing to learn the druid faith training. their own. can make contact with the druids of the New militia recruits are taught to ride All militia equipment aside from Misty Forest through the temple of and to use a spear. Each militiaman is spears and armor must be supplied by the Chauntea. given one spear and one suit of studded militia member. The militia has the use The temple of Lathander is on the hill leather armor. If the armor is ruined in of medium horses owned by the town. next to the duke’s castle, The duke him- any way, the militiaman must replace it. The town must be repaid for the loss of a self worships here, as do most of the cas- Spears are replaced free. horse, either with money or with extra tle’s residents. As the highest ranking Militia duty is actually quite light, militia service. Militia members who die priest in town, Liam Sunmist ministers to in the line of duty will be raised from the

8 priest in town, Liam Sunmist ministers to 1. Barracks den, a 3rd level priest working out of the all who need him and trains anyone who temple. He has the ingredients for most After the invasion from Dragonspear comes to him for instruction. Castle, the Council of Guilds decided common spells, but he depends on cara- The shrine of Tempus is a new addition that the town needed a central place for vans for more exotic ingredients. to the town, and its priest, Baergon on-duty troops to stay, as well as a head- Bluesword, is a recent addition to the quarters for the troops stationed in the 5. Cisterns community. He is there mostly for the town by Waterdeep. These tall stone structures are kept Waterdeep troops, but many other mili- The barracks is a two-story construction filled by the Watermen’s Guild. The tia members and adventurers who had to with a new drill field now used by the water is used for the horses pastured on fight in the Dragonspear invasion have militia, much to the relief of the trades- the commons and as storage in case of developed an interest in Tempus, and his men who were tired of having to tear siege or fouling of the river water. small shrine is becoming crowded. down their stalls in the marketplace so On the other hand, the shrine of the militia could drill. 6. Commons Tymora has been a part of the town for centuries. This patroness of adventurers This area, which takes up almost half 2. Caravan Gate has a regular number of worshipers, but of the town, is kept purposely clear as an not enough to warrant construction of a This is the largest gate in the walls and emergency pasture for the farmers’ cattle temple. The current priest/attendant, is usually kept shut, opening only when a and sheep. Otherwise, the horses of the Bando the Lame, has tended the shrine caravan is camped outside. There are two duke and the militia pasture here. The for the last five years. 24-foot towers flanking the gate with a only buildings allowed in this area are the walkway over the gate between them. duke’s castle, Lathander’s temple, the Description of the Town The gate itself is 16 feet tall. The flanking town stables, and the cisterns. towers have arrow slits covering the gate By agreement with the duke, this is (See Map 3.) area on both stories. considered to be ducal property which he Daggerford is a walled town built leases to the town. against the side of a low hill. The town 3. Caravan Quarter wall also surrounds the castle of the duke This is a section of wooden buildings, 7. Cromach’s Smithy of Daggerford. The wall protects the mostly hotels and shops, with a largely Cromach is a human blacksmith who town and castle from periodic flooding. transient population. During the winter specializes in household and animal care Most of the town’s buildings are built when the caravans aren’t moving, the equipment. He is not the weaponsmith on the low ground below the hill holding quarter is virtually unpopulated. Derval is and knows it, and he does not the duke’s castle. The area surrounding The permanent population in the try to compete. He has a very nice trade in the castle is almost entirely given over to quarter has traditionally consisted of the useful items and is very comfortable with the commons, where horses and cattle few demi-human residents of the city, his work. graze in times of siege and when the river mostly halflings, who are not attached to Cromach is something of an artist. His floods the lowlands around the castle. major merchant families like those of pots and other ironwork are treasured for Generally, most of the buildings in the Derval and Korbus. their fine beauty as much as for their util- town are made of wood and thatch. How- However, for reasons shown later, sev- ity. ever, since Derval Ironeater’s family eral of the farmers who formerly lived in brought their stone working skills to town the farmers’ quarter have been moving 8. Delfen’s Tower a century ago, a number of people have into the caravan quarter, increasing the When the mage, Delfen, came to Dag- built in stone. The duke replaced the last domestic animal population as well as the gerford, the northwall tower was under wood in his castle with stone, the wall human one. towers were rebuilt in stone, and several construction. He paid the town a goodly sum to take over the tower in exchange for important town buildings have been 4. Chauntea’s Temple built or rebuilt in stone. swearing to keep the town safe from its van- Most of the residences in the crowded Merovyna the priestess presides over tage point on the hillside. This he has done living areas are still made of wood. Place- this large stone establishment not far to the best of anyone’s reckoning. ment of these wooden buildings is some- from the farmers’ gate. She has several The tower’s arrow ports are smaller times rearranged due to the occasional underpriests between 2nd and 5th level, than usual, since all they are needed for is fire. Fortunately, proximity to the river and they spend their time fulfilling the room to let a magic user see a target for a allows the Watermen’s Guild to quench needs of the temple, including blessing spell. The windows facing in are much fires quickly. fields and researching new plants. larger, allowing Delfen to look out over The only apothecary in town is Dune- the town if he desires.

9 Like all the other towers, this one is 11. Farmers’ Gate he disdains adventurers and soldiers and concentrates on a clientele of farmers and three stories tall. The top story is Delfen’s This is the most used gate in Dagger- townsmen. Nothing in the decor or in the living quarters. The second story is where ford, as it is the closest to the fields out- attitudes of the employees recalls Fulbar’s he teaches his apprentices and where they side of town. This gate is usually open, adventuresome past. sleep if they are staying with him. The even at night, unless times are trouble- first story contains a stable for his riding some. The gate is built into a broad tower 16. Korbus’s Jewels and Fine Ornaments mule and is also used for general storage. and has just enough room for one farm cart to enter at a time. The gate is about Korbus Brightjewel is a gnomish jewel- 9. Derval’s Smith 10 feet tall. er who could have a much higher class of Derval Ironeater is a dwarf who has the customer in Waterdeep but prefers the largest smithy in Daggerford. The back 12. Farmers’ Quarter small town life of Daggerford. Represent- atives of the great trading companies of area is full of construction tools created This is the section of town mostly occu- Waterdeep visit Korbus frequently to buy for the building projects he and his fami- pied by the farmers who till the soil to the anything new he has created. ly have worked on over the years. north of town. Some of them have small His shop is a small one-story building. Derval leaves most of the construction herds of cattle and sheep, while others As gnomes prefer, the family quarters are business to his family. He is primarily have chickens in the back yard. This area in the basement. Korbus can be seen interested in war gear. He makes the fin- is noisy and has a definite odor. est swords, axes, and spear blades from almost every day in the front part of his store, working on some piece of jewelry. Waterdeep to Baldur’s Gate, or so he 13. Farrels’ Fine Jewels and Apparel says. His work is popular, even though his prices are high compared to the other Farrel’s is a large store, actually a 17. Lady Luck Tavern branch of one of the Waterdeep trading weaponsmith in town. This two-story structure was once a companies. It acts as a middleman for warehouse for a trading concern which interesting jewelry pieces coming 10. Ducal Castle was wiped out by an orc raid. Darryl through town, including magical ones Orcslayer, an adventurer who helped The castle was based on the first build- (which are always sold for double the destroy the orcs, was given the warehouse ing in Daggerford, but it has changed a price given in the Dungeon Masters lot since the old days. For a while, it was as a reward by the survivors of the trading Guide). the only building, a simple wooden struc- family. Farrel’s sells cloth, usually imported Darryl died some years ago, but his ture surrounded by a palisade fence. fabrics from distant regions. If you want son, Owenden, presides over the tavern After it was burned down in an orc raid cotton, silk, or rare furs, you go to Farrel’s and encourages the patronage of soldiers from the High Moor, the duke rebuilt in and pay high prices. stone. He created a three-story stone keep and adventurers. The walls are decorated with weapons, armor, and trophies vari- on the hillside and surrounded it with a 14. Guildmasters’ Hall two-story stone wall. After the orc raiders ous patrons have brought back from their were hunted down and destroyed, the This imposing two-story structure is battles. people of the castle began building out- relatively new in town and contains the One interesting feature is a large stone side the walls of the castle, eventually cre- meeting halls for the guildmasters as well column set in the middle of the floor. On ating the town as it stands today. as offices for various Waterdeep compan- it are inscribed the unique symbols of The ducal gate leads to the city and is ies who keep representatives in town to patrons who have died in battle or disap- always open. Inside the courtyard are the meet incoming caravans. peared on a quest. Any toast given in the duke’s private parade grounds, his own There was some dissatisfaction when tavern must include a libation to “those blacksmith shop, and stables for his ani- the hall was built because several farmers’ who have fallen before us.” mals. The larder is well-stocked with pre- homes had to be torn down to accommo- Owenden is always eager to hear tales served food, enough for a year’s siege. date it. The farmers were forced to move of adventuring and to repeat tales he has About 50 people live in the castle, and to the caravan quarter. Many of these heard from others, but the only adven- there is enough room for 100 more. Most farmers objected to having demi-humans turing he has done has been with the of the duke’s men at arms live in town, for new neighbors. militia. He did fight briefly during the but his select guard lives in the keep. Dragonspear Castle invasion and freely For a duke, Pwyll and his forebears 15. Happy Cow Tavern embroiders on his modest achievements if pressed to tell of his adventures. keep a very small household. But then, This pleasant tavern is the domain of there aren’t any comparable nobility Fulbar Hardcheese, an adventurer half- within 100 miles in any direction. ling who retired to keep the tavern. Now

10 18. Lathander’s Temple van gate to the front gate of the duke’s ern doubles as the meeting room for the castle. Lathander is the god worshipped by Council of Guilds. Duke Pwyll. His cylindrical temple is the 21d. Tanner’s Way is actually a street of The Delimbiyr family took their name largest in the town, the only one to share leatherworkers and other small clothing from the river and named the tavern after manufacturers and sellers. The actual the hillside with the castle. Liam Sunmist it, too. The River Shining Tavern is the tannery is operated communally by all leads worship of this bright god of new longest established tavern still operating the tanners and kept outside the wall and beginnings and lends magical aid to in Daggerford and claims to date from downstream from the town so that it those in need. He is the only priest in the town’s founding. Certainly, the doesn’t pollute the town’s drinking town capable of casting a raise dead spell, wooden building’s architectural style water. and he can only do it once a day. He never matches that of the oldest buildings in 21e. Wall Street circles the town next to charges for this favor, but he has his own town. the palisaded wall and gives easy access to ideas about who gets raised first. Not sur- The first Delimbiyr was a half-elf the wall for soldiers. prisingly, the ducal household tops the known as Kelven. He married a human 21f. Hill Road runs along the hillside list. woman and their children were human, that separates the castle from most of the as is the norm in the Forgotten Realms. rest of the town. 19. The Marketplace Still, the family treasures its elven heri- 21g. River Road runs through the river- tage and uses a forest motif throughout This large empty area is the site of the man’s quarter and is noted for its fishsel- the tavern. market which takes place every fiveday ler stalls and minor merchants who Only the most successful adventurers and tenday of each ride. Farmers and sometimes have unusual finds collected with much gold to spend are welcomed at small merchants bring their goods to the from the river. the River Shining Tavern, though no one market and sell them from temporary 21h. Horse Way leads from the town’s is turned away as long as they have the booths. stables to the drill field. money for their drinks and meals. Meals Recently, the booths have become start at 1 gp, though some cost as much as more permanent, thanks to the installa- 22. River Gate 5 gp. The guest rooms in this two-story tion of the drill field near the southern structure are generally available only to wall. Before, the militia trained in the This gives access to the river and is usu- ally closed, especially during flood time. the most noble and influential patrons. marketplace and the booths had to be Like the farmers’ gate, there is a tower The normal price for a room is 2 gp per taken down at the end of each tradeday, day. but now the booths can remain. Many built around it. It is mainly used by water would now take a full day to dismantle. carriers who need to fetch river water for the town. What few wells there are in the 25. Stables 20. Money Quarter town are normally kept untapped in case This is a general livery stable available of siege. to the entire town. Militia horses and the This is where the wealthy people of the water carriers’ horses are kept here, along town live. It is a district of larger houses 23. Rivermen’s Quarter with personal horses belonging to the that have little parks surrounding them. This section of town is primarily occu- adventurers and people living in the The larger merchants who don’t live over money quarter. their places of business live here, as do a pied by the people who make their living from the river. This includes fishermen couple of rich former adventurers. Some 26. Shrine of Tempus minor nobility with holdings in the area and some small merchants who make reg- also have small townhouses here. ular runs up the river to Secomber and Baergon Bluesword came to town with back. While most traffic abandons the the Waterdeep troops fighting the Dra- 21. Named Streets river to take the Trade Way at Dagger- gonspear invasion. He found many fight- ford, some traders continue down the riv- ers ripe for worship of Tempus and While the town has many anonymous er to sell their goods at other hamlets and established a shrine near the farmers’ alleyways, certain streets are broader and holdings. gate. With the construction of the new distinctive. These have names known by barracks, he has moved his establishment everyone, though none have been for- 24. River Shining Tavern next to that building. Most of the Water- mally named. This is the main entertainment center deep troops are his parishioners, as are a 21a. Farmer’s Road leads from the number of men at arms, a few militia, farmers’ gate to Duke’s Way. for the nobility of the surrounding lands and the major notables of Daggerford. and some adventurers. Many of these 21b. Market Way leads from Farmers’ The duke and his sister have been known people worship at the shrines of both Road to the marketplace. to eat here, and the main hall of the tav- Tymora and Tempus. 21c. Duke’s Way leads from the cara- The shrine is a ramshackle wooden

11 building decorated with recent trophies Water carriers can be identified by suitors already. (0) donated by parishioners from the Dra- their distinctive blue caps and blue carts. 3. No one knows for sure who Lord Lle- gonspear invasion and other campaigns. wellyn’s parents were, though he was 31. Wayfel’s Smithy raised to nobility by Duke Conan. Some 27. Towers Wayfel moved into Daggerford a few say he was the duke’s child. (T) The towers of Daggerford are all of years ago and set himself up to compete 4. Gwydion the wizard spends most of stone and firmly set in the local bedrock. with both Derval and Cromach. His work his time cooped up in the castle library. He barely associates with anyone these They are all about 30 feet tall. The wall is about 20% cheaper than theirs, but it towers are split up into three stories plus also has a 20% chance of breaking under days. (0) the roof on which watchers keep their hard use. 5. Fulbar Hardcheese has thousands of lookout. Most of the area in the tower is Wayfel does not compete with Derval gp from his days as an adventurer. He keeps them in a secret cache in his tavern. used for storage of war gear. Off duty in the construction business after his river militiamen often rest in the towers. gate tower fell down following a flood. It (0) had not been anchored in bedrock. 6. Derval Ironeater and his family 28. Shrine of Tymora “As shaky as Wayfel’s best” is a com- came to town about 100 years ago. No mon phrase in Daggerford, but people one knows where they came from, but This shrine has moved from place to they brought a lot of coins from the old still go to him for items that will not get place since Tymora was first worshipped Fallen Kingdom with them to buy equip- hard wear or when they just can’t afford in Daggerford. Tymora has always been ment. (T) the second choice god of the ducal family, the competing prices of Derval and Cro- mach. Wayfel is always complaining 7. Baron Cromm Redhand has been but its priests have never been powerful. about the unfair competition, but no one hunting dinosaurs (and maybe lizard Currently, the shrine is a fairly neat wood- men) in the Lizard Marsh. (0) takes him seriously. en building next to the drill field where 8. Elorfindar Floshin has had four full elf militia and men at arms can go to worship Gossip and Rumors children and several half-elf children. He is their favorite deity, and perhaps get into a still alive, but rarely leaves his estates to the dice game with the priest, Bando. Like all towns, there are many rumors north of Daggerford. His children teach that make the rounds of Daggerford. magic to the local elves. (T) 29. Wall And like all rumors, they are true and 9. Elorfindar Floshin’s son, Filvendor, The wall around Daggerford is mostly false to varying degrees. Likewise, Dag- the father of both Kelson Darktreader an 8-foot tall earthfill mound topped gerford residents accept a certain number and Filarion Filvendorson, is a magician/ with a 10-foot wooden palisade. One of of rumors as common knowledge, and fighter/thief who disappeared into the the militia’s various jobs is checking the these rumors are considered to be true east some 20 years ago. (T) palisade logs for signs of decay and whether they actually are or not. 10. The Delimbyr family originally got arranging for repair. Following is a list of some of Dagger- their fortune from thievery. You can tell ford’s most frequently heard rumors and just by looking at their prices now. (0) 30. Water Carriers gossip. Some items are true, as can be 11. There is a lizard man witch doctor substantiated in other parts of this book; in the Lizard Marsh who is attempting to This establishment is the home of the these items are marked with a (T). Other unify the lizard men. His name is Red- Watermen’s Guild who are responsible items may or may not be true, and it is up eye, and he’s trying to buy metal weapons for providing most of the water used in to the Dungeon Master to decide which from the town armory. (0) the town. While there are several wells in ones are factual; these items are marked 12. Dragonspear Castle was the source Daggerford, most are capped so as not to with a (0). The Dungeon Master is free to of a recent invasion from the Lower be exhausted in case of siege. The carts of add his own rumors to the list. Planes. There is still a way to get to other the water carriers go several hundred The PCs may learn of these rumors planes somewhere in the depths of the yards upstream of the town to get the through discussions with NPCs or may castle. (T) purest possible water for their customers. overhear them in a tavern; exactly when 13. Dragonspear Castle was built over Everyone in the town pays a tax to sup- and where they are heard (if at all) is up to an ancient site of evil influences. (T) port the guild. the DM. 14. The Laughing Hollow has many The Watermen’s Guild is responsible 1. Both Duke Pwyll and Lady Bronwyn Wild Elves and other creatures such as for most other water-related activities in would rather be adventuring than ruling. pixies, centaurs, satyrs, and others. (T) the town, including suppressing fires and 15. One of the hills surrounding the making sure the drainage ways are work- (T) 2. Lady Bronwyn is an accomplished Laughing Hollow is Illefarn. This is where ing so any excess water flows back into the magic-user who has rejected a number of the dwarves created wonders during the river. days of the Fallen Kingdom. (T) 12 Surrounding Regions Dragonspear Castle To the east of the Trade Way between The Way Inn and the Winding Water over 200 miles from Daggerford, there is a trio of low hillocks bearing the sprawl- ing, desolate ruins of Dragonspear Cas- tle. This is an evil place. Only very experi- enced adventurers can expect to enter and survive. Originally the home of Daeros Dragonspear, a famous adventurer, the castle fell on hard times after his death 60 years ago. Recently, an evil agent allied with the goblinkind of the High Moors opened a gate to the Nine Hells within the castle. Outbreaks of creatures leaving Dragonspear precipitated a war between been reported there, as have pixies and men are unable to take care of them prop- the evil forces and the trading cities, led other fairy creatures. erly, so they are rarely any more potent by Waterdeep. The creatures were soon The area was once a quarry worked by than a club in a lizard man’s hands. beaten back to the castle, but the siege of the dwarves of the Fallen Kingdom and is Some of the lizard men are organized the castle itself lasted two years and took rumored to contain a passageway into the around a leader known to humans as Red- the lives of many brave men, including dwarves’ old home. It is reputed to be full eye. He is reputed to have magical powers Pryden, the former duke of Daggerford. of treasure, but no one has found the and to have used them to rally about half The war did not reach Daggerford, but entrance and lived to tell about it. the populace of the swamp around him- the region is still plagued by evil crea- Some travelers report having seen and self. The others feud with this megatribe tures. Most parties traveling between The even spoken with a “King of the Woods,” and each other. Way Inn and Boareskyr Bridge do so in the chieftain of the Wild Elves in the Redeye has actually contacted Dagger- large, well-armed caravans. area. To travelers simply wishing to pass ford merchants for the purpose of trading There is a small shrine to Tempus set through, he is said to be gruff and impa- rare swamp bird feathers and certain deli- up by priests within the ruined walls, but tient at his worst. He has no time for trea- cacies for weapons and other aid, but the rumors persist of excavations that pre- sure hunters. Council of Guilds is apprehensive about date Daeros. A gate that is still operation- aiding an old foe. al is also rumored to exist. Lizard Marsh This tangled mess is the home of sev- The Misty Forest The High Moor eral otherwise rare creatures. The most This forest of pine and other ever- This is a gorge-scarred plateau rising significant of them are the lizard men greens covers the slopes of the western from the road, enshrouded in mist. This whose ancestors are said to have approaches to the High Moor. It gets its is a home for trolls, bugbears, and ambushed the boy whose actions gave name because of the mists and fogs which goblinoid tribes. Its soil is too thin for Daggerford its name. There are also creep down from the High Moor, making farming, and its stone, mostly granite, is known to be a number of dinosaurs in the navigation difficult on even the best of of too poor quality for mining. It is lizard marsh, including some nasty carni- days. sparsely settled by human barbarian vores. This forest is partially patrolled by the tribes. These tribes raise goats and sheep The proximity of the lizard men to local rangers. Several druids have shrines on the moors, guard caravans coming humans has increased their level of civili- here. There is also a small community of from the east, and fight constantly with zation to the point of using shields, war- Wild Elves who work with the druids and the various goblinoid tribes. clubs, darts, and javelins. It is rumored have some druids of their own. These that some of the lizard men have been forces for general good can only cover a The Laughing Hollow equipped with metal weapons by various small fraction of the forest at any one evil influences at work in this corner of time. This area lies up the Shining River the world. However, these weapons tend The barbarians of the High Moor come from Daggerford and is known as an area to rust in the swamp because the lizard down into the forest for hunting and where fey beings reside. Wild Elves have

13 wood gathering. The orcs of the High interests are felt to be at stake. Waterdeep. The duke, of course, can Moor use the protection of the forest for The cities of Waterdeep and Dagger- likewise call on Waterdeep for help in approaches to the Trade Way. ford have a long and deep relationship. similar circumstances. During the last of Daggerford can be said to be the farthest the invasions from Dragonspear Castle, Secomber extension of the writ of the Lords of Waterdeep summoned Daggerford for Waterdeep. What this means is that Dag- This is a major village of about 200 help. The duke of Daggerford sent his gerford can call on Waterdeep for aid in inhabitants. About 600 other people live men at arms to join the Waterdeep sol- case of invasion. Similarly, Waterdeep can in surrounding dependent hamlets. diers in fending off an assault of evil crea- Counting the surrounding farms, the send for help from Daggerford in times of tures from Dragonspear. population is about 50% human and trouble. Considering the approximately 40% halfling. The rest of the population 150 miles between Daggerford and The Way Inn Waterdeep, this pact has practical uses includes a few dwarves (relatives of The Way Inn is a small village of about only in the case of invasions with much Derval Ironeater), gnomes, and Moon 100 souls. Another 400 or so live in advance warning. So far, the only use of Elves. Several rangers use Secomber as a dependent hamlets nearby. The village is the treaty since it was signed after Dag- base for their forays into the creature- dominated by a large inn. Both the inn gerford got its charter was during the infested areas to the east of town. and the village share the same name. recent invasion from Dragonspear Castle. The town is very similar to Daggerford The Way Inn is used as a base for Nevertheless, the Lords of Waterdeep in general design and lifestyle, but it is adventurers and hunters. The village see Daggerford as an essential stepping farther away from the main trade routes maintains a force of archers and spearmen stone to the civilization of the interior of and is less important commercially. It armed with firepots. This force is some- this part of the Forgotten Realms. They does not have any major resident nobility, times called on to repel trolls and other will take any reasonable actions to main- though a few barons have holdings in the wandering creatures. tain a good relationship with Dagger- region. The Way Inn was used as an operations ford. Adventuring parties use Secomber as a base by forces from Waterdeep in its fight Waterdeep currently maintains a small source of everyday supplies for treasure against Dragonspear Castle. However, mounted force of men at arms and hunting expeditions into the eastern wil- Waterdeep has no permanent treaties archers in Daggerford. They are present derness. with The Way Inn. as a show of strength and are available to Both the town and the inn are run by a help the duke to defend this valuable Waterdeep stout, middle-aged swashbuckler named area if the need arises. The Waterdeep Dauravyn Redbeard. His beard is now Waterdeep takes its name from the troops are quartered in town and often mostly gray. deep water sea port it borders. It has used patrol the High Road north as far as this advantage to build a mercantile (as Zundbridge and south as far as The Way opposed to military) empire that reaches Inn. to the far corners of the Forgotten Several Waterdeep merchants main- Realms. It is ruled by a secret but lawful tain representation in Daggerford. These order known as the Lords of Waterdeep. representatives keep an eye on incoming Their power is acknowledged by all, but caravans. They have been known to strike their identities remain secret. pre-emptive deals with these caravans for One exception to this policy of secrecy special merchandise so that their rivals is Piergeiron (“The Paladinson”). Pier- cannot bargain for the goods once they geiron is the warden of Waterdeep and is reach Waterdeep. Daggerford is becom- also commander of the watch. ing the first market of Waterdeep, and The trade cities act as the main author- some merchants try to sell all of the their ity of the region. Waterdeep is the head. goods at Daggerford, letting the Water- The Lords of Waterdeep maintain the deep representatives in Daggerford roads for about 200 miles around the arrange for transportation back to Water- town and provide military force when it is deep while they go back for another load. absolutely necessary to safeguard the sur- The duke of Daggerford is allied to rounding area. However, there is no actu- Waterdeep by a separate and much older al central authority. The individual treaty. By the terms of this treaty, the fiefdoms and chartered towns operate duke is obligated to come to the aid of independently for all practical purposes, Waterdeep in times of invasion, the combining only when their combined request for aid coming from the Lords of

14 The following descriptions in game terms sword of the dukes of Daggerford, dating by an adventurer. On the other hand, describe the major movers and shakers of back to the first Duke, who was given it given the lady’s itch for adventuring, the town of Daggerford and, in Sir Elor- by Sir Elorfindar Floshin. player characters might find themselves findar’s case, the surrounding regions. Campaign Use. Duke Pwyll is the resi- part of a rescue party. Otherwise, she is a Beginning characters might never meet dent noble. Unless a character is of noble good, off-stage, focus for possible most of these people, but a few are of birth, he might never have met the Duke intrigue and even, dare we say it, immediate importance. How important before the events of The Rescue Mission, romance. they can be to the player characters is but the duke is important in the town, shown with each character’s description. and is known to all. Lord Sir Llewellyn Long-Hand (LEW-el- All stats and equipment are given as if the en), Duke’s Master of Arms, 45 years old, character were ready for battle. Many are Lady Bronwyn Daggerford (BRAWN- human male, AC -5 (-1); MV 9”; 8th rarely so accoutered. win), about 28 years old, human female, level Cavalier; hp 60; AL NG; THAC0 9; AC 8; MV 12”; 5th level Magic-User; hp #AT 3/2; D 2d4+4; S 17/32, I 13, W10, Duke Pwyll Greatshout Daggerford 15; AL CN; THAC0 18; #AT 1; D 3-6; S D 18/22, C 16/76, Ch 14; field plate (Pwill), about 25 years old, human male, 10, I 17, W 11, D 13, C 15, Ch 14; ring +2, lance +2, broad sword +3 AC -3 (0); MV 9”; 5th level Cavalier; hp protection +2, wand of lightning bolts Sir Llewellyn has been a retainer of the 43; #AT 3/2 at +1; DMG 2d4+2; AL (12 charges), dagger +2. Spells Dukes of Daggerford since the time of LG; THAC0 15; S 16, I 12, W 14, D 17, Known—First level: charm person*, Duke Conan, who ruled before the C 15, C 17; plate mail +2 & shield, bas- detect magic, mending*, protection from unlucky Pryden. tard sword +1 flame tongue, (INT 15, evil*, read magic, sleep*, write. Second Duke Pryden made the faithful Llewel- EGO 11, speaks lawful, common, elf level: continual light, detect evil, invisi- lyn Master at Arms of the dukedom, an dwarf, detects evil 1” radius, detects bility*, knock, locate object, preserve, office he has dutifully fulfilled for 15 magic, clairvoyance. Named LAWFLA- scare*. Third level: infravision, phantas- years. As such, he has both led the Duke’s ME), ring telekinesis (6 uses), 3000 gp mal force*, protection normal missiles, followers in the field, and defended the tongues, water breathing. castle while the duke was away. He cur- Duke Pwyll came into his Dukedom very *—Spells she is likely to have ready at a rently enjoys his high status as a Banneret recently. His father, Duke Pryden, fell moment’s notice by having earned it with repeated use of fighting the onslaught of the forces of The Duke’s lovely sister Bronwyn early his knightly sword. Dragonspear Castle. As the oldest, and developed a desire to rule her father’s Sir Llewellyn was knighted at an early only, male heir to the name, Pwyll dukedom when he retired or died. How- age by Duke Conan. No one but Llewel- became Duke of Daggerford. ever, the Duke was firmly tied to the prin- lyn himself knows that he is also the ille- Pwyll had a short career as an adventur- ciple of the oldest son gaining his title, gitimate son of Duke Conan, though it is er, cut off when his older brother, Merovy, leaving Bronwyn out in the cold. widely speculated on in the town. How- died adventuring along the Unicorn Run So Bronwyn developed a friendship ever, Llewellyn treasures a statement to and Duke Pryden realized that his sole with the court wizard, Gwydion, and that effect written by the old Duke him- remaining heir needed training in how to began studying under him. Now she is a self. While Llewellyn has no wish to dis- be a land ruler. Pwyll chafed against this proficient sorceress of her level and anx- place Pwyll and Bronwyn, he cheerfully necessary restriction of his adventuring ious to try her powers in a situation of agrees to any suggestion they make to go life, but saw the necessity and acceeded to true danger—in short, she wants to be an adventuring —ready to put forward his it. adventurer. claim if they don’t come back. Pwyll recently gained his nickname of However, the Ducal advisers are not Campaign Use: Sir Llewellyn is one resi- Greatshout after swallowing an unknown happy with the idea of either of the old dent of the castle that anyone who wants potion he discovered in the sack of Dra- Duke’s remaining children risking their to gain proficiency with the sword and gonspear Castle. Apparently the liquid lives in random adventuring until one or riding is going to meet. How this meeting gave him the ability to shout as if he were the other produces an heir to the ducal might eventually get the character using a fabled Horn of Blasting. His voice coronet. Neither has done so at this time. embroiled with Llewellyn’s yen for the is considerably roughened from when he The dagger borne by Bronwyn is Ducal chair is up to the Dungeon Master. set out on that last campaign against evil, reputed to be the very one used by the but no one has seen or heard him use the first Daggerford against the lizard men. Great Shout since he came back from the Whether it was enchanted to begin with, wars. There are many stories of its use enchanted after the fact, or not the same during the last weeks of the campaign, dagger at all, is open to question. though. Campaign Use. The Duke’s sister, The sword Lawflame is the traditional Bronwyn, might never be seen up close 15 DAGGERFORD FAMILY TREE Hunt to Duke Pryden, and has continued tion from normal missiles*, sepia snake in that position with Pwyll. They say that sigil, slow, suggestions, tongues, wind no one in Daggerford knows the Misty wall. Fourth level: charm monster, Forest and High Moor better than dimension door, dispel illusion*, fear, Kelson. minor globe of invulnerability, poly- Campaign Use: Anyone with a yen to morph self*, remove curse, wall of fire, learn the bow will meet Kelson wizard eye. Darktreader. He is also a good source of * - Spells likely to have at a moment’s otherwise privileged information about notice. the Misty Forest, Laughing Hollow, etc. Delfen Yellowknife came to Dagger- that beginning characters might not have ford from the East some ten years ago. any other way to know. Passing adventurers have identified him as having a good reputation as an adven- Kelson Darktreader, Age 58, Master of Delfen Yellowknife, Age Unknown, turer in distant Iriaebor, but how he came the duke’s Hunt, half-elf male, AC 1 (2); human male, AC 4; MV 12”; 8th level to effectively retire in Daggerford is a MV 12”; 7th level Ranger; hp 65; AL Magic-user; hp 30; AL CN; THAC0 16; question he has never felt the need to NG; THAC0 10; #AT 1; D 1d6+8; S 18/ #AT 1; D 1d4+2; S 12, I 18, W 15, D 14, answer. His name of Yellowknife might 93, I 18, W 19, D 15, C 18, Ch 12; elven C 15, Ch 16, dagger +2, staff of power come from the gold-trimmed magic dag- chain +3, longbow +1 with arrows +1 (21 charges), ring of regeneration, ring of ger he bears—or it might not. No one (10) and arrows +3 (3), falchion +2, spell turning, wand of fear (37 charges), actually knows his exact level. Most peo- dagger +3, medallion of ESP 30’ range. bracers AC4. ple, including his apprentices, think him Kelson Darktreader is only beginning Spells Known. First level: alarm, armor, of higher level than he is. to get some silver hairs among the gold burning hands, charm person*, compre- He is swarthier and shorter than the which have adorned his head since his hend languages, detect magic*, feather usual in the Daggerford area, but has an youth. The Huntmaster is taciturn and fall, friends*, hold portal, light, magic agreeable and easy manner. There is no close-spoken—never using two words missile*, protection from evil, read mag- sign of age in his features, but everyone where one will do. ic, shocking grasp, sleep*, unseen ser- knows that some magicians can control Kelson’s grandfather is Sir Elorfindar, vant, write. Second level: bind, continual the aging process. Delfen never dwells on and his father was Elorfindar’s full-elf light, deeppockets, detect evil*, detect his past, but is always ready to help his son. His mother was a human woods- invisibility, ESP*, forget, invisibility, new friends of Daggerford and has an man’s daughter whom the son, Filven- knock, know alignment, locate object, excellent reputation in the town. He dor, met while hunting in the Misty mirror image, pyrotechnics, scare*, refuses to create and sell potions or Forests. strength, vocalize, web, wizard lock. enchanted items. Kelson was raised by woodsmen and Third level: blink, haste*, infravision, Delfen is always ready to teach, in as then Rangers. He became Master of the lightning bolt, monster summoning I, much as he can, and has three or four protection from evil 10’ radius*, protec- apprentices in constant attendance. 16 Campaign Use: Any new magic users, has no time for anyone not of noble erase, feather fall, friends*, hold portal, except as shown below, in the campaign blood, even those of common blood who identify, jump, light, magic missile, are probably Delfen Yellowknife’s have earned the regard of the Duke. His melt, mending, message, mount, precip- apprentices. Any magic they know MUST immediate about-face if any of these itation, protection from evil*, read mag- be taken from Delfen’s list as given. heroes is ennobled is a regular source of ic, shield, shocking grasp, sleep, unseen Delfen is a likeable sort, but not overly amusement to ducal court regulars. servant, ventriloquism, wizard mark, interested in sticking his neck out where Duke Pwyll has had little to do with his write. Second level: audible glamer, con- it’s not wanted. He is full of advice for court Wizard and is rather afraid of him. tinual light*, deeppockets, detect evil*, player characters, but not much real help. Lady Bronwyn, on the other hand, con- detect invisiblity*, ESP flaming sphere, siders him a sort of useful uncle and is fools gold, forget, invisibility, irritation, Gwydion pen Dafwyd (GWID-ee-on pen very close with her mentor. She acts as go- knock, know alignment, levitate, locate DAV-ud), Age 65, Wizard to the Duke of between for her brother to the wizard. object, magic mouth, mirror image, pre- Daggerford, human male, AC 7; MV Gwydion prides himself on his grey serve, protection from can trips, pyrotech- 12”; 11th level Magic User; hp 33; AL hairs and scholarly appearance. He is a nics, ray of enfeeblement, rope trick, LN; THAC0 16; #AT 1; D 1d6+3; S 13, I self-pronounced expert on the duke- scare, shatter, stinking cloud, strength, 16, W 15, D 14, C 13, Ch 11, crystal ball, dom’s history and the geneaology of the vocalize, web*, whip, wizard lock, zeph- cloak of protection +3, wand of fireballs ducal family. He is, in fact, aware of Lle- yr. Third level: blink, clairaudience, clair- (14 charges), quarterstaff +3. wellyn’s tenuous claim to the title, but voyance*, cloudburst, detect illusion*, Spells Known. First level: charm person, keeps that knowledge to himself: perhaps explosive runes, feign death, fireball, comprehend languages*, detect magic, thinking it a useful tidbit for some future flame arrow*, fly, gust of wind, haste*, find familiar, mending, message*, pre- machination. hold person, infravision, invisibility 10’ cipitation, protection from evil, read Decisiveness is not Gwydion’s domi- radius, item, lightning bolt, material, magic*, sleep, write*. Second level: con- nant trait. He dithers over a decision for monster summoning I, phantasmal force, tinual light*, detect evil*, ESP invisibili- months before coming to an easily- protection from evil 10’ radius, protec- ty, knock, locate object*, magic mouth, swayed conclusion. tion from normal missiles, secret page, preserve*, scare, wizard lock, zephyr. Campaign Use: Noble player character sepia snake sigil, slow, suggestion, Third level: clairaudience, clairvoyance*, magic users, of course, should take their tongues, water breathing, wind wall. cloudburst, infravision*, phantasmal spell list from Gwydion, not Delfen. See Fourth level: charm monster, confusion, force, protection from normal missiles, below for the source of elven magic user dig, dimension door*, dispel illusion, sepia snake sigil*, suggestion, tongues*, spells. Aside from a source of spells, Gwy- enchanted weapon, extension I, fear, fire water breathing. Fourth level: fumble*, dion can be a source of comic relief and a charm, fire shield, fire trap, fumble, hal- hallucinatory terrain, ice storm, magic chance for some real role-playing as play- lucinatory terrain, ice storm, magic mir- mirror, plant growth, polymorph other, er characters attempt to revenge them- ror, minor globe of invulnerability, remove curse, stoneskin*, ultravision*, selves for snubs given by the unctuous monster summoning II, plant growth, wall of ice. Fifth level: conjure water ele- mage. polymorph other*, polymorph self, mental, dismissal*, extension II*, hold remove curse*, shout, stoneskin, ultravi- monster*, sending, telekinesis. Sir Elorfindar Floshin of the House of sion, wall of fire, wizard eye. Fifth level: Long Silences, Gold Elf male, AC -6 (- airy water, animal growth, animate dead, * - Spells likely to have ready at a 2); MV 12”; 7th level Fighter, 11th level avoidance, cloudkill, conjure fire ele- moment’s notice Magic-User; hp 51; AL NG; THAC0 7; mental, cone of cold*, contact other Gwydion has been at the court of the #AT 1; D 1d8+10; S 18/93, I 19, W 13, plane, dismissal, distance distortion, col- Dukes of Daggerford since he was D 18, C 15, Ch 16, Elven mail +4 & or, extension II, fabricate, feeblemind, apprenticed to the previous court wizard, shield, longsword of dancing, longsword hold monster, magic jar, monster sum- Mab, 55 years ago. He has been the offi- +5 defender, named ELFHOST (INT 17, moning III, passwall, sending*, stone cial court wizard for 30 years, ever since EGO 22, NG, detect secret doors, detect shape, telekinesis*, teleport, transmute Mab retired to a wizard’s tower near The gems, locate object 12” radius, heal 1/ rock to mud, wall of force, wall of iron, Way Inn. day, teleportation, special purpose - wall of stone. Rumors are that Mab has since died, defeat elf enemies, speaks Elf; Human, * = Spells likely to have in mind at any but no one has gone to the tower and Orc, Pixie, telepathy), longbow +3, time. knocked on the door to be sure. The tow- arrows +1 (10), arrows +3 (3), arrows of In keeping with their usual preference er was undisturbed during the incursion slaying goblinoids (2), ring of protection for open spaces, there are no elves living from Dragonspear Castle. +2, ring of blinking, luckstone. in Daggerford. However, some do work Gwydion is very aware of his status as Spells Known. First level: charm person, as foresters and hunters in the surround- court wizard and very class-conscious. He comprehend languages*, detect magic*, ing territory. Mostly, they are Moon elves. 17 fighter/thief, Shalendra Dare-all, a cava- Korbus Brightjewel, gnome male, AC 5 lier, Elorshin Highthought, a (7); MV 9”; 16; hp 25; AL NN; THAC0 cleric/magic- user in the service of Tyr, 19; #AT 1; D 1-4; S 13, I 17, W 13, D 16, and Darfin Longwalker, a magic-user/ C 16, Ch 10, ring of protection +3, wand fighter and Elorfindar’s heir. of metal and mineral detection, robe of Campaign Use: As intimated above, Elf- scintillating colors. in spell casters will probably have learned Spells Known. First level: audible gla- from one of Elorfindar’s progeny, which mer, chromatic orb, color spray*, dancing means they are “limited” to Sir Elorfin- lights, darkness, hypnotism*, light*, dar’s list. This is not much of a limit, phantasmal force, read illusionist since Sir Elorfindar has access to virtually magic*. Second level: alter self detect every spell in the Players Handbook and magic*, fascinate*, improved phantas- Unearthed Arcana. There are a couple of mal force*, invisibility magic mouth, significant omissions, however. misdirection, ventriloquism, whispering wind. Third level: continual darkness, Derval Ironeater, dwarf male, AC 0 (1); dispel illusion, fear, non- detection, spec- MV 9”; 6th level Fighter; hp 60; AL NN; tral force, suggestion*. THAC0 13; #AT 1; D 1d4+4; S 15, I 14, * = Spells likely to have in mind at any However, Sir Elorfindar Floshin is a W 16, D 15, C 18, Ch 13) plate mail +1 one time Gold Elf with a friendly interest in & shield, battle axe +3, hammer +3— Korbus Brightjewel is a gnomish jewel- humans who decided to stay when most dwarven, ring of telekinesis (1,000 gp er who prefers the relative solitude of of the Fallen Kingdom moved out a thou- maximum, 9 charges) Daggerford to the hustle- bustle of Water- sand years ago. His father had been one Derval Ironeater is a dwarven black- deep, though the Lords of Waterdeep, of the elves instrumental in inviting smith who came to the town of Dagger- and particularly their ladies, would love humans in to aid the Fallen Kingdom ford with his two brothers, Derwin and to have him in residence in their city. and Elorfindar feels a family responsibili- Korin, and their families about a century Representatives of the Lords come to ty to watch over the humans. ago. He is highly regarded in Dagger- Daggerford expressly to order special Sir Elorfindar’s estate is between ford. They support a fairly large, for work from Korbus and his family. Waterdeep and Daggerford and he has dwarves, extended family with their Korbus is also appointed court jeweler served the humans of the Waterdeep area work. Various family members help out to the Duke of Daggerford, an honor he in his fashion for centuries. His Gold at the forge and hire out for construction did not seek but accepts as his due. There Elven wife stayed with him in his self- work in the area. Korin disappeared with are those who say he uses magic to imposed exile and died two hundred several family members about three years enhance his work, but the known final years ago after presenting him with four ago, and no one wants to discuss where he products do not react to a detect magic children over six centuries. He has since has gone. spell. taken three human wives from the nobili- Derval is known affectionately (though Korbus teaches illusion magic only to ty of Waterdeep and had several more not to his face) as the “Short Mask” gnomes. children. among the guildmasters of the Council. Campaign Use: Korbus is the obvious Since he took up residence among Derval usually wears a pair of trews, a person to show bejeweled geegaws found humans, Sir Elorfindar has employed sev- blacksmith’s apron, and a pair of leather along the trail, or wherever, for evalua- eral Moon Elves in his retinue who have gloves, dressing up in robe and mask for tion. With his expertise and detect magic both bred among themselves and with Council meetings. ability, he can worm out the basic secrets humans. Many of both Elorfindar’s and He is usually close-mouthed, but as he from almost anything. his followers’ children have stayed with works at his forge, people have heard him the noble elf, but others have made their say things like, “Perhaps not as good as Fulbar Hardcheese, halfling male, AC 3 own way in the area as adventurers, sol- they made under Illefarn, but good (7); MV 9”; T11; hp 57; AL CN; THAC0 diers, and even farmers and craftsmen. enough, good enough. . .” If he notices 13; S 13, I 13, W 9, D 18, C 18, Ch 15, Sir Elorfindar has also always been a anyone is listening, he self- consciously short sword +3 (named QUIETSTRIKE, good friend of his close neighbor, the shuts up. INT 13, EGO 15, detect shifting walls & Duke of Daggerford. He no longer teach- Campaign Use: Derval is a source of rooms, detect secret doors, AL N), stud- es magic, but his three magic- using chil- equipment and occasional sage advice. ded leather armor, ring of chameleon dren do, as do their descendants and his His family becomes very important to the power, ring of feather falling. other followers. His four children are player characters during their adventures, Fulbar Hardcheese is a halfling who Filvendor Lightfoot, a magic-user/ as will be seen.

18 owns and manages the Happy Cow, one experience for Bando, who has somewhat years. He took the name Sunmist when of the three taverns in the town. He also abandoned the thiefly way for worship of he reached priestly level, and most peo- owns a dairy farm just outside of town Tymora, goddess of luck. Bando is now ple call him by that name. As priest of the which is run by his son, Dickon. The tav- the custodian of the shrine of Tymora in god of new beginnings, Liam is much ern features the dairy’s cheese. Daggerford. loved throughout the town, and the tem- Fulbar is an ex-adventurer who settled Campaign Use: Bando is the priest of the ple of Lathander is well-attended, even down in Daggerford and set out to just be goddess most likely to be worshipped by by those who also worship Tymora, Tem- a happy farmer/taverner. The populace adventurers. As such, he should get a lot pus, or Chauntea. knows he has been an adventurer, but of play in the campaign. Most cleric char- Campaign Use: Liam becomes important gets no details from him. He never talks acters are probably his acolytes. if anyone is killed and must be Raised about it, and actively discourages adven- from the Dead. He has his own priority turers from using his tavern. He prefers Maerovyna, Priestess of Chauntea, list, which puts the Ducal family at the the company of the region’s other farmers human female, AC 8; MV 12”; C8; hp top, and any member of nobility next. and merchants. Apparently he is 36; AL LG; THAC0 13: #AT l; D d6+3; Then he must think in terms of who is ashamed of his previous life as a thief. S 10, I 13, W 16, D 12, C 13, Ch 15, staff most important to the village as a whole. Fulbar is depicted above as if on a of striking (32 charges), ring of spell stor- His limited capacity with this spell can thiefly mission. His normal wear is trews, ing (3 spaces, 1 unused): raise dead, dis- make for some serious problems within shirt, and taverner’s apron. Quietstrike is pel evil. an adventuring band. kept on the wall in his private quarters. Spells Carried. First level: bless, cure Some say that he teaches thiefly skills to light wounds (2), light, precipitation. Baergon Bluesword, Priest of Tempus, halflings, but no one has ever confirmed Second level: augury aid, detect life, half-elf male, AC 0 (3); MV 9”; F/C 5/5; this. slow poison, speak with animals. Third hp 35; AL CN; #AT 1; D 2d4+2; Campaign Use: Fulbar may never be seen level: cure disease, remove curse, create THAC0 15; S 16, I 13, W 17, D 17, C 16, by the player characters, but they will food and water. Fourth level: cure serious Ch 14, broadsword +1 (INT 12 EGO 2 know of him. It is possible that, at some wounds, speak with plants. AL N, detect magic 1” radius), chain point, player character adventurers might Maerovyna is a motherly woman of mail +1 & shield, ring of regeneration, have use for Fulbar’s tavern, talents, or about 53 years who has led the local medallion of ESP 60’ range. sword. This can make for some good role- Chauntea worship for the last 22 years. playing, as Fulbar has no wish to adven- Her magical items were bestowed on her Spells Carried. First level: bless, cure ture again (unless, of course, they offer by her superiors, and she has not had light wounds (2), detect evil, remove him three shares to their one. . . ). much use of them. fear. Second level: aid, detect charm, Campaign Use: Maerovyna is not meant find traps, hold person, slow poison. Bando the Lame, halfling male, AC 5 (7); to interact strongly with the player char- Third level: continual light, remove MV 7”; 6th level Cleric; hp 35; AL NG; acters. She is a source of curative spells paralysis. THAC0 17; S 14, I 11, W 18, D 17, C 16, and knowledge about the earth and its Baergon came to Daggerford recently, Ch 12, leather +3 and shield, elven processes, but mostly she is the figure- riding in with the Waterdeep fighters boots, ring of invisibility, mace +1, sling head that everyone looks up to but other- bullets +2 (5), sling bullet of impact. wise ignores. Spells Carried. First level: cure light wounds (2), bless, protection from evil, Liam Sunmist, Priest of Lathander, portent. Second level: aid, find traps, human male, AC 3; MV 7”; C9; hp 53; know alignment, silence 15’ radius, slow AL LG; THAC0 14; #AT 1; D 1d6+3; S poison. Third level: continual light, dis- 12, I 12, W 15, D 11, C 15, Ch 16, mace pel magic, remove curse. +2, scale mail +2 & shield, ring of mind Bando was a thief/ adventurer when his shielding. party went onto the high Moor in search Spells Known. First level: bless, com- of orcish treasure. All they found were mand, cure light wounds (2), detect evil, trolls, who ate the entire party except for protection from evil. Second level: chant, Bando. He was crippled by the experi- enthrall, hold person (2), resist fire. ence and must now get about with a Third level: Dispel magic, flame walk, crutch. remove curse. Fourth level: cure serious Bando has never begrudged his lame- wounds, divination. Fifth level: raise ness, considering the fate of his compan- dead. ions. Instead, this was a religious Liam has served Lathander for about 25

19 during the Dragonspear incursion. He Campaign Use: Filarion is basically the found Daggerford a place with many true thieves’ guild in Daggerford. Any thief worshippers of Tempus, though most of needing training to go up a level must them didn’t know it, so Baergon set out come to Filarion, and he charges hard to enlighten them. prices to get any better. Baergon is not necessarily well-liked among the general populace, for he fol- Sherlen Spearslayer, female human, lows his patron god very seriously, and is Commander of the Daggerford militia, continually trying to recruit young mili- AC 0 (2); MV 9”; F7; hp 41; #AT 3/2; tiamen whose parents would rather they DMG 4-9; AL LN; THAC0 12; S 16, I 11, stuck with the soil and followed Chaun- W 13, D 16, C 13, Ch 14, chain mail +2 tea’s way, or at least worshipped Lady & shield, spear +2, ring of jumping, Tymora, a known entity. boots of levitation. Still, Baergon continues his missionary Sherlen came to Daggerford a few years work and services the professional fight- back with her husband, another adven- ers of the town, many of whom are glad turer. While she was having their child, to have a god they understand to wor- he went off on another adventure, and ship. hasn’t returned yet. After her child was Campaign Use: Baergon is the second born, she joined the militia and quickly tion. Of course, Gwydion would lecture most likely priest to be the master of a rose to command it. the user lengthily on its care, and exact a new acolyte. People wanting him for a Campaign Use: Sherlen is the person promise of three times its value if it is master will have their work cut out for most of the characters will be interacting lost, stolen, or destroyed. them, as he is a capricious master with a with as militia warriors. She is a stern Bronwyn can also provide a source of true wish to die gloriously in battle. taskmaster (“rare as a smile on Sherlen’s adventure above and beyond her role in face” is a common saying in Daggerford the Rescue Mission adventure. Player Filarion Filvendorson, Adventurer, Elf since the time her husband was supposed characters might sympathize with her Male, AC 0 (4); MV 9”; Th9; hp 41; AL to return passed) but extremely fair and plight as older sibling passed over for the CN; THAC0 14; S 12, C 15, D 18, I 11, she takes delight in militia troops who do heirship of the Duchy. If they and she can W 8, Ch 16, sword +2, elven mail +1, well. She’s full of good advice, and has no find a way to supplant Pwyll with his ring of shocking grasp, ring of chameleon inclination to adventure until she knows cooperation (which they might very well power; skills pick pockets 75%, open for sure what happened to her husband. get), there is a whole extra adventure locks 57%, find/remove traps 60%, right there. move silently 75%, hide in shadows Other Uses for the Characters 66%, hear noise 35%, climb walls 98%, read languages 45%) One major use for these non-player char- Like Kelson Darktreader, Filarion is a acters is to serve as a rescue party if the grandson of Sir Elorfindar and son of player characters get into too much trou- Filvendor. However, his mother is a Moon ble. Duke Pwyll and Bronwyn would be elf. This makes him and Kelson happy to lead a rescue party, and Kelson, Darktreader half brothers, but, since Baergon, Bando, and even Sherlen would each was raised by his mother, they are be happy to tag along. Delfen might even barely cordial to each other. come, if the money from the duke is good Filarion was trained as a thief some- enough. where to the east, but he has constrained Once these non-player characters have his thiefly activities to adventuring, so he been established in the campaign, they is actually regarded highly in Daggerford can provide some higher level fun for and looked up to by much of the popu- players who want to try out some of the lace. He teaches thiefly skills to some higher level abilities. apprentices, though he claims to not Another use for them is a source of use- teach Picking Pockets. There are some ful items. For instance, the player charac- who doubt this. Certainly the number of ters are going to be performing some picked pockets has increased in the last missions for the duke. It would please the decade as he has concentrated on teach- duke to no end to allow a fledgling magic ing rather than adventuring. user to borrow Gwydion’s cloak of protec-

20 Nomenclature 3 Wild Boars himself as Dwergrim. Dwergrim is a her- 4 Hermit mit who has spent his entire adult life in Monsters and NPCs are described 5 Hunters the wilderness. He comes out to the road according to the usual AD&D® game 6 Wild Cattle occasionally to talk with wayfarers to hear usage. However, there are a couple of 7 Heads about what is happening in the rest of the terms which might need clarification. 8 Wolves world. THAC0: This means “To Hit Armor 9 Orcs and Goblins Dwergrim chats with the PCs as long as Class 0 (zero).” This is the number that 10 Manticores they like. He is not hostile in any way and needs to be rolled on 1d20 for the mon- is much too feeble to defend himself. The 1. Ceratosaurs (1-4): AC 5; Mv 15”; ster or being to hit Armor Class 0. To see only information of interest he can offer HD 8; hp 36; #AT 3; Dmg 1d6/1d6/ what number needs to be rolled to hit the PCs is that a lot of goblinkind are 4d4; THAC0 12; AL N; XP 1032. another Armor Class, subtract the target’s wandering around the Misty Forest. Trav- Roll 1d6. On a roll of 1, the PCs see Armor Class number from the THAC0 elers on the Trade Way or anyone going to only dinosaur footprints leading into the number. For example, if a creature with a Laughing Hollow should be careful, he brush and vanishing in the weeds. On a THAC0 of 15 attacks a PC with an Armor warns. roll of 2-4, the dinosaurs eye the PCs, try- Class of 4, the creature needs to roll an 11 Dwergrim refuses any invitations to ing to decide if they look good enough to (15-4) to hit. Using THAC0 numbers join the party, preferring to remain in the eat. Any show of force from the PCs will eliminates the need to check the combat wilderness. frighten the dinosaurs away. On a roll of matrices to tell whether an attack hits. 5. Hunters (4): This party of hunters is 6-5, the dinosaurs attack and fight to the XP: This is the number of experience crossing the road near the PCs. They are death. points each individual monster is worth if friendly but are in a hurry and only can be 2. Bandits (2-8): (see Nighttime it is killed during the course of play. bothered to converse for a few moments. Encounter Table for statistics). They are hunting game animals and are These rough-looking men will not Encounter Tables on the trail of wild boars. They sell the intentionally pick a fight with a militia meat to The Way Inn at Secomber or to The areas to the south and east of Dag- company. Unless the PCs surprise them (1 merchants at Daggerford, wherever the gerford are wilder than the relatively set- on 1d6), the bandits will hide in the grass chase leads them. tled stretch to the north. Menaces are along the trail and stay there until the Before they go, the hunters tell the PCs likely to leap at the unwary at any time, PCs have passed. they ran into a mixed party of orcs and particularly during the night. The follow- If the bandits are surprised, each PC goblins last night. Although the hunters ing Daytime Encounter Table and Night- may make an Ability check against his evaded them, the orcs and goblins might time Encounter Table simulate these Intelligence to see if they can identify still be around. dangers. They are used for the Caravan them as bandits. If they are not identi- 6. Wild Cattle (9-20): AC 7; MV 15”; Duty, Rescue Mission, and Into Illefarn fied, the bandits quickly move on. If they HD 4; hp 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8; THAC0 adventures; Lizard Raid has its own table. are identified, the bandits flee into the 15; SA stampede; AL N; XP 132. Each adventure directs the DM when to countryside. The PCs have one round of A herd of wild cattle graze in an open use the tables, although they may be used missile fire at them before they disappear field. Wild cattle are common in these more frequently at the DM’s discretion to behind a hill or duck into a gulley. If the rolling planes, though they usually stay give PCs more opportunities to increase PCs pursue them and corner them, the away from the Trade Way. They have no their experience. bandits will fight. All of the bandits are interest in the PCs. Some of these encounters should only wanted and have nooses waiting for The meat and hides of the wild cattle be used once and are so indicated. If the them. They see no reason to surrender. can be sold at either Daggerford or The DM rolls one of them a second time, re- (This encounter occurs only once.) Way Inn, but it will be next to impossible roll for another. 3. Wild Boars (3): AC 7; MV 15”; HD to pack that much meat and hide on the 3+3; hp 15; #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; THAC0 PCs’ horses. It will also slow them down. Daytime Encounter Table 16; AL N; XP 130. It is also dangerous. Wild boars charge from the brush and Daytime encounters occur on a roll of 1 If the PCs approach the herd, there is a attack the PCs for entering their territory. on 1d6. Roll 1d10 to determine the nat- 75% chance they will run away. If pur- As long as the PCs remain in the immedi- ure of the encounter. Statistics and details sued, the cattle attack, continuing until ate area, the boars continue their attack, of each encounter follow. the PCs leave them alone. There is a 25% but they will not pursue the PCs. chance the cattle will stampede. If the Roll Encounter 4. Hermit: The party is approached by cattle stampede and there is no cover for an old man dressed in tattered but com- 1 Ceratosaurs the PCs (such as trees or large rocks), each fortable clothes. He pleasantly identifies 2 Bandits PC in the path of the stampede suffers

21 1d4 points of damage per creature tram- ty, shooting spikes from the air (-1 to hit throw their spears and javelins and rush pling him. because of their movement). If they have in with axes in hand. 7. Heads: The party finds a stack of orc hit at least one PC after two volleys, the The bugbears have 500 gp divided and goblin heads piled near the side of manticores land to finish the job. If the among them which they have taken from the road. Some have arrows sticking in volleys miss, the manticores fly away. If a previous victims. The leader carries a lens them. Any PC who succeeds in an Ability flying manticore is injured for half its hit of ultravision. (This encounter occurs check against his Intelligence identifies points, it can no longer fly and must only once.) the arrows as belonging to Wild Elves. crash, taking 2d6 points of damage. 4. Giant Snake (Constrictor): AC 5; There is no other evidence of Wild MV 9”; HD 6+l; hp 31; #AT 2; Dmg 1- Elves or orcs in the immediate area. Nighttime Encounter Table 4/2-8; THAC0 13; SA constriction; AL N; XP 598. 8. Wolves (2-8): AC 7; MV 18”; HD Nighttime encounters occur on a roll of 2+2; hp 11; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+1; When the PCs retire for the night, this 1-2 on 1d6. Roll 1d10 to determine the snake will slither down from the trees and THAC0 16; AL N; XP 68. nature of the encounter. Statistics and Winter is coming on the plains, and crawl into the campsite, drawn by the fire details of each encounter follow. although snow hasn’t fallen, game is get- or the smell of the horses. The snake isn’t ting harder to find. But even hungry hungry, having recently eaten, but is Roll Encounter wolves aren’t dumb enough to attack a merely curious. If allowed to move about 1 Ceratosaurs large party in the broad daylight. unmolested, it will not disturb anything 2 Owlbears The wolves particularly love horse- and will return to the brush when it has 3 Bugbears finished its exploration. meat. If the PCs are traveling in single 4 Giant Snake file, the wolves sneak up on the last horse If the PCs attack, however, the snake 5 Bandits in line and attack. If more than half of fights back, attempting to grab a PC in its 6 Orcs and Goblins the wolves are killed, the others will flee. coils and constrict. It slithers back into 7 Wolves If the PCs are traveling in a close group the brush if it takes more than 10 points 8 Strange Sounds and no opportunity presents itself for an of damage. 9 Werewolves attack, the wolves remain hidden. Their 5. Bandits (2-8): Jocko the Wily (lead- 10 Nightmare howling has a 50% chance of causing the er): AC 5; MV 12”; F3; hp 15; #AT 1; horses to panic. 1. Ceratosaurs (1-4): (see Daytime Dmg 1-6 short bow or 1-8 (sword); 9. Orcs (3) and Goblins (8): (see Night- Encounter Table for statistics). THAC0 18; AL NE; XP 133. Equipment: time Encounter Table for statistics). The dinosaurs are more aggressive at leather armor +2 and shield, arrows +1 This is the same group described in the night. They are drawn by the party’s (3). Nighttime Encounter Table, but they campfire or simply blunder by. They Other bandits: AC 7 (archers are AC have no interest in conflict with the party attack the horses first until they realize 8); MV 12”; F1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; Dmg during the day. They are sleeping in the they are under attack from the PCs. 1-6 (short bow) or 1-8 (broad sword); brush when they hear the approach of the 2. Owlbears (1-3): AC 5; MV 12”; HD THAC0 20; AL NE; XP 36. PCs. They panic and scatter to the winds. 5+2; hp 25; #AT 3 and hug; Dmg 1-6/1- Light horses: AC 7; MV 24”; HD 2; hp If the PCs choose to investigate, they 6/2-12 and 2-16; THAC0 15; AL N; 425. 15; #AT 0; AL N; XP 50. will spot some of the orcs and goblins These owlbears have wandered out of These are the same bandits found on running away. The PCs are free to pursue the Misty Forest and will first attack the the Daytime Encounter Table, but they and attack. Any goblins and orcs attacked horses, then the PCs. They are ferocious are a lot braver at night. They want to by the party will fight to the death. Those and fight to the death. seize the party’s horses, sweep up any loot who escape will recruit some friends and 3. Bugbears (2-5): AC 5; MV 9”; HD lying around, and get out quickly. come back to get the PCs at night. (This 3+1; hp 15 (leader has 25 hp); #AT 1; While half of the bandit group sneaks encounter occurs only once.) Dmg 1-6 (javelin/spear) or 1-8 (battle- up on the PCs’ horses, the other half cov- 10. Manticores (1-4): AC 4; MV 12”/ axe); THAC0 16; SA surprise on 1-3; AL ers them with short bows at medium 18”; HD 6+3; hp 30; #AT 3 or 6 tail CE; XP 145 (185 for leader). range. The bandit archers shoot fire spikes; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-8 or 1-6 each; These bugbears are remnants of a band arrows at one of the surrounding trees THAC0 13; SA tail spikes; AL LE; XP who came out on the losing end of a until it catches fire (20% chance per 765. three-sided territory fight with some orcs shot). With the fiery tree illuminating These creatures inhabit the High and elves in the Misty Forest. They want the fight, the archers concentrate on any Moors. They occasionally come to hunt to kill something, and the PCs look like PC targets they can see. The bandits have wild cattle or anything else that looks good targets. The bugbears will attempt no real desire to engage in combat with tasty. Figuring the PCs will make a good to sneak up on the PCs and leap among the PCs. If the bandits’ plan isn’t work- meal, the manticores swoop over the par- the sleepers. If caught sneaking in, they ing, they’ll flee into the woods.

22 The bandits all wear leather armor. their fill (one horse per four wolves), the 4-10; THAC0 13; SD breathes choking Each of the followers carries 25 gp. Jocko wolves leave the PCs alone, retreating smoke (opponent must make saving the Wily has 300 gp. Jocko also has a spe- into the woods after with their feast. throw vs. poison or -2 to hit), becomes cial pouch concealed under his belt con- 8. Strange Sounds: In the middle of ethereal; AL NE; XP 880. taining a jade necklace worth 3,000 gp, a the night, the PCs hear a strange rustling This demonsteed is a survivor of the silver ring worth 4,000 gp, and two in the bushes nearby. If they investigate, invasion from Dragonspear Castle. Its matched golden brooches worth 500 gp the PCs discover a mound of orc and gob- rider did not survive, but it did. It is each. There is a 500 gp reward for Jocko’s lin bodies. Any PC who succeeds in an motivated by hatred to destroy all living head in Daggerford. (This encounter Ability Check against his Intelligence things. occurs only once.) identifies the arrows piercing some of the The nightmare trots up to the campsite 6. Orcs (3): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 5; bodies as belonging to Wild Elves. looking like a lost horse. It appears to be #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (javelin) or 1-8 (scimi- PCs who are quick to act may catch a perfectly harmless, although its glaring tar); THAC0 19; AL LE; XP 15. glimpse of the Wild Elves, but owing to red eyes and orange nostrils may arouse Goblins (8): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1-1; hp their ability to blend into the vegetation, suspicion in observant PCs. As soon as 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3 (dart) or 1-6 (spears); this is extremely unlikely. See the Rescue any PC tries to capture it, the nightmare THAC0 20; AL LE; XP 14. Mission adventure for Wild Elf statistics. attacks. It first attacks with its breath This group of troublemakers is made 9. Werewolves (1-4): AC 5; MV 15”; weapon, then with its fangs and hooves. up of eight goblins led by three orcs. HD 4+3; hp 21; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; After two rounds, the nightmare takes to They scour the countryside looking for THAC0 15; SA surprise on 1-3; SD must the air, circles the campsite, then repeats looting opportunities. be hit by silver or magical weapons; AL its attack. If the nightmare is reduced to The goblins lead the attack. Each gob- CE; XP 310. 10 or fewer hit points, it becomes ethereal lin is armed with two darts. From about These creatures have come from the and flies away. (This encounter occurs 40 feet away, a team of two goblins throw Misty Forest where they usually hunt. To only once.) their darts at the camp guards. All other convince the party that they are real goblins will throw their darts randomly wolves, the werewolves crawl into the Using the Adventures into the camp; a roll of 20 on 1d20 indi- campsite, collapse, and play dead. If a PC The following three adventures may be approaches to investigate, the werewolves cates that a randomly determined PC has run in any order you choose. If you can’t been hit. leap up and attack from close range. If decide where to begin, try starting with When the goblins have thrown all of the PCs hesitate and aren’t lured close, Lizard Raid. It doesn’t require too much their darts, they charge the camp with the werewolves spring to life and attack decision-making, and novices will appre- their spears. Three rounds after the gob- the closest PCs. The werewolves are hun- ciate the numerous opportunities for lins attack, the orcs attack from the other gry but not foolish; as soon as one of the action. side of the camp. The orcs first use their werewolves is killed, the rest run away. Regardless of which adventure you use javelins to take out any revealed magic- Werewolves can only be attacked with sil- as a starting point, be sure you run all users and any PCs using missile weapons. ver or magical weapons. If the PCs don’t three of them before attempting the final The orcs then switch to their scimitars and have either of these, have mercy on them adventure. Not only do the first three charge. If more than half of the orcs and and roll for a different encounter. adventures provide background informa- goblins are killed, they call off the raid If a PC is bitten by a werewolf and tion that will be helpful in tackling and attempt to retreat. takes damage in excess of half his hit Under Illefarn, they will give the PCs Each orc carries 15 gp. One of the orcs points but is not killed, he is infected enough experience to bring up their char- carries a leather pouch containing five with the disease of lycanthropy. During acter levels. If the PCs are having a rough chunks of onyx worth 50 gp each. the hours of darkness, he gains the ability time, you might want to modify Lizard 7. Wolves (4-16): (see Daytime to change into a wolf. During periods of a Raid or Caravan Duty and try them Encounter Table for statistics). full moon, there is a 90% chance he will again. When the party consists of 3rd The hungry wolves are braver at night, be compelled to change. Lycanthropy has level characters (2nd level for the split and their hunger for horsemeat makes a 25% chance of being cured if the afflict- classes), they’re ready for Under Illefarn. them especially vicious. While two of ed person eats belladonna within one In each adventure, the boxed informa- them attack a horse, the rest hold off the hour (although there is a 1% chance the tion may be read directly to the players. PCs. If more than two of the wolves are treatment will kill him). Otherwise, Unboxed information is for the DM. killed before they manage to kill a horse, lycanthropy can be cured with a cure dis- the remaining wolves will run away. How- ease spell cast by a 12th level or higher ever, if the wolves kill a horse first, they cleric within three days. go into a killing frenzy and fight to the 10. Nightmare: AC -4; MV 15”/35”; death. If the wolves are allowed to eat HD 6+6; hp 35; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/4-10/

23 Marsh Encounter Table Call to Action In the courtyard, the heat from the fire is intense, but dying. Members of the The following table lists a few of the You are on militia duty, guarding the household and some of the serfs, mostly many dangers the PCs may encounter in wall on a beautiful morning in Dag- women, are mourning their dead. the marsh. Statistics and details of each gerford. The serenity of the day is Suddenly, an ash-stained woman encounter follow. interrupted by a rider rapidly accompanied by a forlorn attendant When the PCs first enter the swamp, roll approaching from the west. As he rush towards you. The woman throws 1d6. A result of 1 indicates an encounter. nears the wall, he falls off his horse, herself at one of your horses. “You must Roll 1d6 again and check the table. extending an arm in your direction as help him. You must!” she sobs. “He’s Roll Encounter if pleading for help. gone after the rest of them, into the 1 Wounded Ceratosaur Your commander quickly rushes to swamp!” the man’s side. “Lizard men . . .” he 2 Pteranodon Quicksand gasps. “Lizard men raided Baron The hysterical woman’s attendant fills them 3 4 Giant Toad Cromm’s holding . . . need help . . . in. The woman is Piann, the baron’s wife. Giant Lizard please . . . ” He collapses into uncon- The baron and his men had been out hunt- 5 6 Giant Centipede sciousness. ing when they returned to find the lizard men completing their raid. The baron 1. Wounded Ceratosaur: AC 5; MV 15”; The commander wastes no time in sizing slaughtered the looters to a lizard and then, HD 8 (effectively 5, due to wounds); hp up the situation. Baron Cromm is a seeing that his only son was one of the vic- 15 (normally 40; #AT 2, normally 3, but friend of Daggerford. The Daggerford tims, swore bloody vengeance against the one paw is hurt); 0 1-6/4-16; THAC0 15; militia is the nearest help. The com- marauders and left in hot pursuit in the AL N; XP 165. mander orders the PCs to investigate the direction of the Lizard Marsh. The baron and his men had a run-in baron’s holding and find out what hap- If the PCs are reluctant to chase after with several of these dinosaurs and came pened to the baron. the baron into the swamp, point out to out on the short end. However, he killed Cromm’s holding is about 15 miles them that the continued survival of one and his men wounded another. The away (see Map 2), about two hours of humans in the area depends on maraud- wounded ceratosaur is in a killing rage steady riding. The commander provides ers knowing their hostile actions will and attacks anything that looks like the the PCs with fresh horses and sends them bring swift retribution. Also remind the people who hurt him. on their way. PCs that their commander has ordered a 2. Pteranodon: AC 7; MV 3”/15”; HD complete investigation. 3+3; hp 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; THAC0 Fiery Aftermath 16; AL N; XP 128. Into the Marsh This hungry pteranodon swoops out of As you ride over a hill, you see a pillar Since the baron was not trying to conceal a tree and attempts to spear one of the of smoke rising from the tower of his passage, the PCs have little trouble riders and carry him away. If it loses more Cromm’s holding. As you watch, a finding and following the trail. If any PC than 5 hit points, it flies away to search stone wall falls in, the wooden sup- wonders why the lizard men took a land for easier prey. ports eaten away by fire. A few reptil- trail, have him make an Ability Check 3. Quicksand: One of the horses wan- ian bodies lie in the dirt. They appear against his Intelligence. If he succeeds, ders into some quicksand and begins to to have been slain as they ran away. tell him the lizard men wouldn’t want to sink, taking the rider with it. The horse will sink in 2d6 rounds risk losing their loot in the swamp. The holding was raided by lizard men unless the PCs do something, but saving who somehow made their way over the it isn’t hard. Any two PCs with a Strength Entering the marsh is like entering wall and killed most of the 20-odd people of 10 or higher can pull it out. (Rescuing another world. It is thick with lush in the hold. A few of the lizard men were a horse is worth 35 experience points.) vegetation. Reeds grow as high as a killed as they tried to escape. They still 4. Giant Toad: AC 6; MV 6”+6” man on horseback, making long dis- clutch some of their loot, mostly cheap hop; HD 2+4; hp 13; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; tance viewing impossible. The flat ter- household items. THAC0 16; AL N; XP 74. rain is occasionally broken by a hillock As the PCs approach the holding, The toad leaps from a clump of bushes which rises above the reeds. point out to them that the dead lizard over the heads of the PCs on the trail, men are wearing ornamental belts and intending to land on the opposite side. In baldrics laced with blue feathers. When mid-leap, it attacks a PC. If the PC is they enter the courtyard, read them the killed in a single attack, the toad drags following: the body into the brush and vanishes for-

24 ever into the swamp. If the PC is not Trail of the Raiders trouble with the humans, he’d just as soon have them out of the way. Redeye wishes killed, the toad gives up and hops away. Pick two unused encounters from the the PCs good luck and sends them on their 5. Giant Lizard: AC 5; MV 15”; HD Marsh Encounter Table, then read the fol- way. Under no circumstances will Redeye or 3+1; hp 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 (2-16 if lowing: swallows); THAC0 16; AL N; XP 149. his followers join the party. However, if the This creature comes out of the mud PCs make peace with Redeye, they will You are on a path which follows the right next to the party and tries to swallow have made a valuable contact in the Lizard edge of a large hillock to your left. To a horse and rider, which it can do on a roll Marsh for future adventures. your right is water as far as the eye can of 20. The lizard reacts to so slowly that it On the other hand, if the PCs attack see, and it looks deep. You have watches the entire party march by before Redeye or his followers at any time, they noticed some small movement in the attacking the last PC in line. defend themselves with their weapons. brush uphill of you. Suddenly, you are 6. Giant Centipede: AC9; MV 15”; They fade back into the swamp and disap- looking at a band of hidden lizard HD 1/4; hp 2; #AT; THAC0 20; AL N; pear beneath the water as soon as they can. men who are looking back at you. XP 32. Though the PCs may manage to kill a few, They are heavily armed, and wears bal- A giant black centipede drops out of a there is no way they can follow them into drics of red-brown pelts. tree on the neck of a randomly chosen the swamp. Redeye will not reappear in the PC. The centipede’s bite does no dam- adventure, but he will consider the PCs to The largest lizard man is Redeye, a lizard age, but a bitten PC who fails his saving be enemies, as they have reinforced his man shaman. The rest are his followers. As throw vs. poison is unconscious for 1d4 basic mistrust of humans. should be obvious from their baldrics, these hours. are not the same lizard men who raided Showdown Cromm’s holding. (The raiders wore blue Massacre feathers.) Redeye’s scouts reported to him The PCs continue following the trail. that humans were in the swamp, and Red- After another 15 minutes have passed, After about half an hour in the swamp, eye wants to know what is going on. roll 1d6 on the Marsh Encounter Table. carrion birds rise from the trail, fright- Redeye, lizard man, 7th level cleric: On a 1, there is another encounter. ened by your approach. Pushing AC 3; MV 6”//12”; hp 50; #AT 1; Dmg After the encounter is resolved, the through some tall weeds, you come 1-8; THAC0 16; S 15, I 13, W 16, D 15, C PCs may continue following the trail. If upon the remains of a fight. Dead men 14, Ch 18; AL N. Equipment: mace +1, the PCs are excessively noisy, as soon as and horses are sinking into the mud on shield, javelin. Spells: they come out of an area of tall reeds, both sides of the path. Across the path is 1st 1evel: cure light wounds, protection they come into a clearing dominated by a the dead body of an immense cerato- from evil, resist fear huge boulder and a single tree. As the saur. The livery of one of the dead men 2nd level: augury, chant, snake charm entire party enters the clearing, the reeds identifies this as the baron’s party. 3rd level: dispel magic, remove curse part to reveal a band of lizard men. The 4th level: tongues lizard men attack with a flurry of javelins, This is where the baron and his men were Lizard men (16): AC 4; MV 6”//12”; then continue their attack as below. attacked by ceratosaurs. If the PCs look HD 2+1; hp 11 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8 However, if the PCs are moving along over the bodies, they will find the baron, (club), 1-6 (thrown javelin); THAC0 16; the trail with reasonable stealth and care, thoroughly dead and partially consumed. AL N; XP 93 each. read them the following: The baron’s signet ring, reputed to be The lizard men raise their weapons, but magical, is missing. His armored gaunt- do not attack. If the PCs make no hostile Ahead is the camp of the lizard men, lets are also missing. Several of the men actions, Redeye steps forward to talk with in a large clearing. The area is domi- are missing weapons. the PCs, using tongues. If accused of raid- nated by a single large tree and a boul- After the slaughter, several lizard men ing the baron’s holding, Redeye firmly der about 20 feet high. came back to loot the bodies. If the PCs denies it. One of his followers jabbers to There are five lizard men gathered continue to look around, they spot the him in lizard speech, then Redeye tells the around a heap of household items that tracks of the ceratosaurs and also of the PCs that he has just been informed that the have been dumped on a wall hanging lizard men leading into the swamp. Blue Feather Clan might be responsible. spread out under the tree. The lizard While the PCs are searching the area, PCs who make Ability checks against their men examine the objects with intense roll 1d6 for an encounter on the Marsh Intelligence remember seeing blue feathers curiosity; they clearly have no idea Encounter Table. A roll of 4-6 means decorating the dead lizard bodies back at what to do with them. A few yards there is an encounter. the holding. away is another pile of swords, shields, Redeye has no grudge with the Blue and various pieces of armor. Feather Clan, but if they’re stirring up

25 A sixth lizard man is sitting on top of the large rock. Like the others, he is armed with a shield, a club, and three javelins. He appears to be on watch, but he is too absorbed in the loot examination to pay much attention to any intruders.

The PCs have an automatic one round of surprise on the lizard men. After they are attacked or otherwise become aware of the presence of the PCs, the lizard men on the ground hide behind the rock. The lizard man on the rock stays there until he has thrown all three of his javelins, then he jumps down to join his friends. If the PCs provide him with no clear target, the lizard man abandons his post and hides except for the baron’s signet ring. Honor- ring is a magical ring of fire resistance. behind the rock. able PCs naturally will want to return this Experience Points In addition to receiv- The lizard men stay behind the rock, to Piann, the baron’s wife. ing experience points for killing any forcing the PCs to come to them. There is monsters, the PCs also receive experience only water on each side of the path, mak- Getting Home points for getting magical items; the ring ing it difficult for the PCs to sneak closer of fire resistance is worth 1,000, and the to the lizard men. There is no cover in the The trip home can be uneventful or quite amulet of ceratosaur summoning and clearing besides the rock and the tree. dangerous, depending on whether or not control is worth 250. Each 100 gp is worth The lizard men will try to first slay the the PCs befriended Redeye. If they did, 100 experience points. Finally, if the PCs horses of the PCs with their javelins along Redeye has dispatched two of his fol- make friends with Redeye, they divide with the least armored and most vulnera- lowers to watch over them and guide 550 experience points. If they kill him, ble PCs. When they have used all of their them past potential dangers. Every now they divide 1,050. javelins, the lizard men will charge and and then, one of these lizard men will engage in hand-to-hand combat with surface from the swamp next to the path Returning to the Marsh their clubs. and impart some information, such as, The leader of the lizard men, who is “Go thisss way. Nosssing around thisss The PCs have no real reason to return to otherwise indistinguishable from the oth- bend.” The lizard man then disappears. the Lizard Marsh in the remainder of this ers, wears an amulet made from the eye- If the PCs were hostile to a Redeye, campaign, but they may be eager to con- tooth of a dinosaur. If the leader is killed, they’re on their own. Run them into two tinue to explore its mysteries. There are a the remaining lizard men break for the unused encounters of your choice from number of reasons why they might go edges of the clearing where they can get the Marsh Encounter Table before they back to this fascinating primeval area. to the water and swim away. Likewise, if get back to Cromm’s holding. If the PCs failed to make friends with three or more lizard men are killed, the Once they have returned to Cromm’s Redeye, the duke might send them back rest will attempt to escape. holding, Piann receives them and hears to reinforce diplomatic relations. This If the PCs are successful in killing or their story. She is devastated to learn the won’t be easy, but Redeye would be open driving away the lizard men, they are free fate of her husband, but thanks the PCs to a peace offering. PCs might have to to examine the bodies and the loot. The for their help. She gratefully offers each face any unused encounters from the only item of interest on the lizard men’s PC a reward of 100 gp. (Taking rewards is Marsh Encounter Table. bodies is the leader’s amulet. It is a magi- perfectly acceptable for militiamen in Redeye might request the aid of the cal item, an amulet of ceratosaur sum- this culture.) She also gives them her hus- PCs in solving a particular problem. The moning and control. This item works if band’s signet ring, as there is no longer problem might be eliminating a flock of there is a ceratosaur within one mile. It anyone to inherit it. She explains that pesky pteranodons, or locating a medici- has three remaining charges and works there is no claim to the baron’s holdings nal herb to contain an epidemic of swamp for an hour per day. The lizard man lead- tied into this ring. If the baroness dies, fever. Since tensions between Redeye and er has already used it today, of course. the property probably will go to one of the Blue Feather Clan are heating up, the There is little of value in the loot pile, her relatives from another barony. The PCs could be drawn into their conflicts.

26 This adventure introduces the PCs to sev- At Liam’s Hold source nearby. Travelers are expected to eral key locations along the Trade Way. replace the firewood they use. The rolling They may also acquire a map that plays an You spend the first day riding along plains around the campsites have many important part in a later adventure. the Trade Way. The traffic is relatively sturdy bushes and trees to provide this sparse. You meet a few farmers who are wood. The Day’s Orders making use of the still mild weather to Once the PCs are camped for the make final trips to town to get supplies night, roll on the Nighttime Encounter Table. After the encounter is resolved, The time is near the end of Marpenoth for the winter to come. assuming there is one, roll a second time (October), closing in on Uktar Finally, you reach Liam’s Hold, a (November). So far, the winter snows small village of perhaps 50 residents. on the table. If the PCs have two haven’t hit Daggerford, but you know The village is guarded by a fortified encounters this night, make sure they they are on their way. tower built a century ago by Liam, occur on different watches. You are called before Sherlen from whom the village takes its name. Spearslayer, the militia commander. The tower is now part of the inn that is On the Road Again “We need you to do some road guard often patronized by passing caravans. Assuming the PCs spent the night at the duty today,” she says. “A messenger Near the tower is an extensive field for second campsite, they have only a single from Waterdeep tells us that there is caravans to park wagons. day’s riding left to get to their destina- one last caravan coming down from tion. Waterdeep before the snows come. If the PCs go in, they find the inn to be small by Daggerford standards. There is The Waterdeep troops are going to After a couple of uneventful hours on no one here except for Binn, the friendly meet them on the road from Water- the Trade Way, you notice the traffic is proprietor. If asked, he says that nothing deep. I want you to go south along the a little heavier, much the same as it is much has happened around here for sev- Trade Way to The Way Inn and make on the road near Daggerford. About eral weeks. Only local people have been sure things are safe for a caravan, sort midday, you reach the small hamlet of customers for the last few days. of as an advance scouting party. Bowshot. “Take it easy, avoid fights if at all Binn looks favorably on the Dagger- ford militia, as they have helped out a possible, and come back as soon as you If the PCs want to rest their riding muscles number of time in the past. He gener- can after you reach The Way Inn with a for an hour or so, they may visit Bowshot’s ously offers to let the PCs stay at the inn report of the conditions, including tavern. The tavern patrons are friendly, but for the night at no charge. anything the folks at The Way Inn can they have no information for the party. If tell you about conditions further on.” they ask, the PCs are told that Bowshot got Campsite its name because it used to be “just a Sherlen asks for questions. If the PCs Setting out the next day, the PCs realize bowshot away from the Misty Forest.” The ask about reports of problems, Sherlen they will have to ride all night or camp at PCs may correctly assume that there has tells them there have been no reports of one of the roadside campsites along the been a lot of lumbering in the last few dec- orc or bandit activity of any kind along Trade Way. There are two campsites ades since the main forest is now about the Trade Way. (This is why she feels com- shown on the regional map (see Map 2). eight miles away. fortable sending relatively inexperienced The second one of south of Liam’s Hold is There are no incidents in Bowshot, and militia on this trip.) the obvious one for the PCs to use. the PCs may continue on to The Way Inn. The PCs are outfitted with one medi- Roll 1d6 on the Daytime Encounter um horse each, a week’s rations, and any Table when the PCs pass the first camp- At The Way Inn other normal supplies they need. The site. A roll of 1 means they have an Way Inn is about 100 miles down the encounter. Roll on the table to see which As you ride into the little village built Trade Way. It usually takes three days of one. Assuming they continue to the sec- around The Way Inn, you notice that easy riding to make the trip. The Trade ond campsite, which they can easily reach most of the citizens are wearing armor Way is well kept with campsites every 20 in a day’s ride, check the Daytime and are carrying weapons. Approach- miles or so where there isn’t an inn or Encounter Table using the same guide- ing the entrance to the village, you are homestead to take in travelers. lines. challenged by an armed patrol of six The PCs leave the next morning with These campsites are maintained for the spearmen. The spearmen are covered instructions to get as far as Liam’s Hold use of travelers. Huts and sheds have had by four archers on a nearby rooftop. the first day. a habit of burning down, so all that is The patrol leader steps forward and provided now is a fire pit and a stack of asks you to identify yourselves. firewood. There is always a small water

27 The patrol is being cautious, not hostile. N. Equipment: padded armor, dagger, they’ll hide or tremble in fear until the Once they realize the militiamen are potion of healing (1 dose). danger has passed. from Daggerford, they let the PCs pass. Animal handlers, 0 level (3: AC 8; MV Roll for a daytime encounter on the The patrol leader refers any questions to 12”; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (short trip from Bowshot to the campsite. Roll the innkeeper/townmaster, Dauravyn sword) or 1-3 (dart); THAC0 20; AL N. for a nighttime encounter at the camp- Red beard. Meldar invites the PCs to sit down. He site. If an encounter is indicated, use two The village is unfortified, but the inn explains that he is in a desperate situa- encounters instead of one. Even if the roll looks like it could stand a siege, and it tion. He is a trader leading a caravan on indicates no encounters, use the orc and has. The most recent incursion from Dra- its way from Baldur’s Gate to Dagger- goblin encounters. gonspear Castle assaulted The Way Inn ford. His caravan was attacked by bandits Roll again for a daytime encounter on until troops from Waterdeep managed to yesterday. His guards were killed, and the trip between the campsite and Liam’s break it up. Most of the other buildings now he needs help getting the caravan to Hold, and roll again on the trip between in town look like they have been dam- Daggerford. Redbeard has been hospita- Liam’s Hold and Daggerford. aged and recently repaired. Having suf- ble, but since they are outsiders, they Once the PCs have actually fought for fered extensively from the Dragonspear aren’t certain they can count on his hospi- him, Meldar rewards them with a map of Castle assault, the local citizens are tality much longer. the approaches to Illefarn (see Map 4). understandably nervous. Delora, who acts as accountant for her The map was discovered in far Scornubel At the inn, the PCs are welcomed by father, also pleads with the PCs for help. a couple of years ago. Meldar intended to their host, Dauravyn Redbeard. He seats She says it is vital that they leave soon if sell it in Daggerford, but he now wants the party at a large table in his common they are to get to Daggerford before the the brave PCs to have it. The map is room and puts a huge meal before them. last Thousandheads Trading Coster cara- worth 2,500 experience points to be split If any of the PCs worry about the price, van of the season gets ahead of them. She among the party. remind them that Daggerford is picking offers the PCs 40 gp each if they agree to If the PCs manage to actually save up the tab. If the PCs wish to pay for wine accompany them. Meldar’s or Delora’s life, they will be gift- or other potables, they are available. Escorting a caravan is not outside the ed with one or more of the following Dauravyn has much to do, but he joins scope of the party’s orders, but they are magical items of your choice: buckler the PCs briefly. He says there have been under no obligation to do so. If the PCs wand (2,000 XP), dagger +2 (200 XP), no threats on the village lately and hopes hesitate, remind them that it’s a good three doses of potion of gaseous form they’ve had their share of trouble for a way to pick up some extra money and cer- (300 XP), one dose of potion of heroism while. Before leaving, Dauravyn says tainly can’t hurt their reputation. If the (300 XP), spear +1 (700 XP). there is someone who wishes to meet PCs still refuse to get involved, they them. If the PCs are agreeable, Dauravyn return to Daggerford the next day, with takes them to a smaller table in the back the chances of encounters as outlined of the inn. At the table are three young below. men, an older man, and a beautiful However, if the PCs agree, they can young woman. “This is Meldar Far-wan- leave with the caravan the next morning. der,” says Dauravyn, introducing the old- While Meldar and his daughter have er man. “Maybe you can help him out.” light horses, the animal handlers walk Dauravyn then steps away to go back to and lead their animals. At the rate the his work. pack train can travel, it takes 30 hours to Meldar seems happy to see the PCs. He get to Daggerford. At this time of year, introduces his daughter, Delora Sharp- there are only eight hours of daylight, eye, and his three animal handlers, Ian, plus about four hours of twilight availa- Finn, and Dooley. ble each day. If they push it, the trip can Meldar Farwander, 1st level fighter: be made in three days, stopping at the AC 5; MV 9”; hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg 2-9 same places the PCs stopped before. (long sword); THAC0 18; S 17; I 15; W Meldar is all in favor of this plan. 12; D 14; C 14; Ch 14; AL N. Equip- ment: long sword +1, leather armor and The Trip Back shield, ring of protection +2, potion of The caravan and the PCs have a number healing (3 doses). of encounter opportunities on the trip Delora Sharpeye, 0 level: AC 7 (8); MV back. Meldar, Delora, and the animal 12”; hp 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; THAC0 20; handlers aren’t much help in a fight; S 15, I 15, W 13, D 15, C 14, Ch 17; AL

28 nated. However, neither she nor her “At this time I have no idea why the brother realized that barons in the baron did this, but I intend to ask Secomber area are more used to getting him, persistently, until I get an answer what they want than are barons in the I like. However, first I must get my Daggerford area. hands on the good baron, and that’s Agwain slipped Bronwyn a sleeping where you all come in.” potion and made off with her, killing a The duke explains that Baron Agwain couple of the duke’s guards in the proc- is from the Secomber region. Consulta- ess. Agwain thinks it’s just a matter of tion with the temple of Lathander indi- time before Bronwyn accepts her abduc- cates that the baron has gone home with tion and acknowledges him as her hus- his prize. The duke says there are three band. He doesn’t know Bronwyn very routes he might have taken. The first is well. to the north, avoiding Laughing Hol- Sure enough, the baron decided to cut low. This seems the most likely, and the through Laughing Hollow. After all, no duke and his personal forces will follow one would think of following them there that path. The second route is directly through Laughing Hollow. A group of Ambush militiamen will follow this route. The third possibility is across the river and The trail you are following leads to a along its southern bank, a route leading small rise, the first of many approach- into orc territory. Kelson Darktreader At the Duke’s Request ing the hills that surround Laughing will take some militia troops through Hollow. Suddenly, a volley of arrows that route. Sir Llewellyn will protect the showers around you. It’s been an exhausting day’s tour of town and the castle until the duke has A man in scale armor rises from duty, and you collapsed in bed as soon returned. behind some rocks at the top of the as it was over to rest up for tomorrow’s The duke realizes that the militia do rise to one side of the trail. He looks activities. not owe him any service, and the council down on you. “Go back where you However, you are awakened by the cannot call on off-duty militiamen for came from, folks,” he says. “The bar- duke’s men before the cock’s crow. this kind of work. Therefore, the duke on and his new lady want to be left in Still half-asleep, you get dressed and will pay everyone who helps with this peace, and we aim to make sure they stumble into the stable area where you task 50 gp. He will also equip them stay that way.” are given a cup of ale and a chunk of from his personal armory. They may bread. You notice the other militia- keep the equipment along with what- Agwain dismounted six of his followers men on duty yesterday are there, too. ever horse from his herd they choose. If and had them set up an ambush at this Before you can manage to ask any anyone is killed on this mission, his des- point on the trail. In the meantime, he questions, the duke walks in, accom- ignated heir will receive the reward. panied by Kelson Darktreader and Sir and his other four men, along with Bronwyn, took the dismounted fol- Llewellyn. The normally open and If the PCs agree to help, the duke assigns lowers’ horses as remounts to make their friendly duke is grimmer than he’s them the second route, the trail leading trip faster. been since he received news of his through Laughing Hollow. The duke can Baron’s men, 2nd level fighters (6): father’s death at Dragonspear Castle. provide any armor up to chain mail, any AC 5 (6 as archers); MV 9”; hp 11; #AT 1; “Good people,” he says, “I apolo- hand weapon, and any crossbow or long Dmg 2-8 (broad swords) or 1-6 (short gize for having roused you from your bow. He also suggests that the party take bows); THAC0 20; AL N; XP 83 each. much-deserved rest, but I am facing a two horses each so they can trade off and The initial volley consisted of six personal crisis, and I need your help. make better time. However, each PC may arrows. Roll to hit normally at the lead My sister, Bronwyn, seems to have only keep one horse; the other must be rider. been abducted by Baron Agwain, returned, if it survives. The horses are These troopers are loyal to their baron. whom I hosted last evening.” medium warhorses. A murmur ripples through the They fight to the death, if necessary, to prevent the party from advancing. They group. All of you remember Agwain Dungeon Master’s Background coming to Daggerford just before sun- are spread out in pairs, with a 20 foot gap down. The duke continues. Baron Agwain fell in love with Bronwyn between each pair. They are well-hidden when he met her. She was not so fasci- behind large rocks.

29 The troopers are about 75 feet from the Roll Encounter inclined to talk. If convinced of the par- ty’s purpose, the centaurs promise to tell PCs. There is plenty of cover for the PCs. Bears and Bees 1 the King of the Woods and perhaps get The troopers continue attacking with 2 Centaurs the party some help. arrows until the PCs manage to maneuver 3 Wild Elves within 40 feet. The troopers then switch Ghouls 4 3. Wild Elves (3-6): AC 7; MV 12”; D/F to broad swords and charge. 5 Nixies 1/1/; hp 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (longbows 6 Pixies Getting to the Hollow or short swords); THAC0 20; SA spells; 1. Bears (2-4): AC 6; MV 12”; HD 5+5; AL N; XP 77. From the point of the ambush, Laughing hp 25; #AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/1-8; These elves are subjects of Melandrach Hollow is about 30 miles away. If the par- THAC0 15; SA hugs (Dmg 2-12); AL N; but are not inclined to like any strangers, ty is traveling slowly enough to keep their XP 375. including other elves. They follow the horses from foundering, it will be dark Bees (100): AC 10; MV 1”/12”; HD 1- party for about 50 yards, watching them before they get there. If they are smart, 1; hp 1; #AT 10; Dmg 1 plus target must closely. They aren’t particularly afraid of the PCs will camp during the dark hours make saving throw vs. poison or take 1-3 the party, and the PCs occasionally spot (about 12 hours) and move on again in points additional damage; THAC0 10; them in the weeds, as if the Wild Elves the morning twilight. SA stings; AL N; XP 100 (all get 100 if are daring them to attack. If the PCs While traveling during the day, roll they deal with the swarm). attack, the Wild Elves fight fiercely. If the once on the Daylight Encounter Table. A Bears are gathered around a large dead PCs leave them alone and are cordial to roll of 1 on 1d6 means an encounter tree containing a swarm of outraged bees. them, the Wild Elves may help them lat- occurs. After nightfall, roll on the Night- Half of the bears are eating honey, the er if called upon. time Encounter Table. A roll of 5-6 on other half have been chased away and are This is a hunting party, so the spells the 1d6 means an encounter occurs. spoiling for a fight. The bears who have elves have are entangle, faerie fire, detect been chased away attack the PCs on sight. magic, and locate animals. Each carries a At Laughing Hollow If a bear takes more than 5 points of dam- pouch containing rare herbs worth 3-18 age, he takes a final swipe at his opponent gp back in Daggerford. Laughing Hollow is an eerie, shad- and runs away. owed place. Even in the daylight, the The bees attack any PC within 5 feet of 4. Ghouls (3): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 9; shade from the omnipresent trees the tree. Individual bees are easy to kill, #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6; THAC0 16; gives a perpetual twilight effect. This but the swarm can be deadly. For every 10 SA paralyzation; SD immune to sleep is a place meant for elves, not men. bees killed, increase the THAC0 by 1, and charm; AL CE; XP 108. There are obvious game trails and and decrease the AC and number of As the PCs emerge from a dense stretch hunter trails that have been used by attacks by 1. No matter what weapon is of forest into a glade, they come upon a the Wild Elves and other Laughing used, each blow kills 1-3 bees. Bees can grisly scene. Three ghouls are chewing on Hollow residents for hundreds of be affected by sleep spells are other area the remains of a man and a horse. On the years. One such trail clearly is being effect magic. opposite side of the clearing is a rusty used by Baron Agwain. The broken Inside the tree is the body of a dwarf. door opening out from a rock face, as if it branches and torn fronds marking his The body still has all of its gear, including were a door to a hole in the ground. party’s progress make a blazing beacon 18 sp, 7 gp, and 3 pp, a suit of rusty chain The PCs automatically get surprise in for anyone to follow. armor, a battleaxe +1, and cloak of the first round, as the ghouls are totally The trees and brush are occasionally elvenkind. absorbed. In fact, if the PCs don’t bother broken up by warm, light-filled glades them, the ghouls ignore them and con- and larger clearings holding small 2. Centaurs (3-12): AC 5 (4); MV 18”; tinue their feast (although if the PCs lin- lakes. HD 4; hp 18; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6/1-6 (short ger too long, the ghouls will consider bows); THAC0 15; AL CG; XP 157. them for desert). As the PCs move through Laughing Hol- These centaurs are among the creatures The ghouls attack with their claws and low, roll three times on the Laughing entrusted with guarding Laughing Hol- fangs. Anyone touched by a ghoul, with Hollow Encounter Table, rerolling if the low. They challenge the party and ques- the exception of elves, must make a sav- same item comes up. Alternately, just tion them closely about their purpose. If ing throw vs. paralyzation. Victims of pick three encounters that look interest- there are no elves in the party, the cen- ghoul paralyzation are paralyzed for 4-16 ing. Statistics and details of each taurs accept no explanations and order rounds. encounter follow the table. them out of the area, They attack the par- The ghouls have been feasting on one ty if they insist on staying. If there are of the baron’s men. He is wearing scale elves in the party, the centaurs are more armor, and his belt pouch has 13 cp, 7 sp,

30 and 4 ep. He was carrying a short bow, a treasure is remote enough that generat- the bushes ahead. Three men step out— lance, and a broad sword. ing it is left as an exercise for the DM, if Agwain and two followers. They have Inside the open door is a short tunnel the PCs manage to get to it. been hot on Bronwyn’s trail since her with a single room branching off of it. escape. The end of the tunnel collapsed centuries 6. Pixies (2-8): AC 5; MV 6”/12”; HD Baron Agwain, 3rd level cavalier: AC ago; it obviously was once a much longer 1-4 hit points; hp 3; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 0; MV 6”; hp 22; #AT 1; Dmg 2-9 (long tunnel. In the room are the bones of three (sword) or miniature bows +4 either sword); THAC0 17; AL CG; XP 173 (200 dwarves and the remnants of their armor doing 2-5 points of damage, sleep, or if returned alive to Daggerford). and weapons. Nothing is usable except a memory loss; THAC0 20; SA spells: poly- Baron’s men, 2nd level fighters (2): small vial containing one dose of potion morph at will, create illusions, know AC 5 (6 as archers); MV 9”; hp 11; #AT 1; of flying. alignment, ESP dispel magic, and danc- Dmg 2-8 (broad sword) or 1-6 (short ing lights once per day; SD naturally bows); THAC0 20; AL N; XP 83. 5. Nixies (20): AC 7; MV 6”//12”; invisible; MR 25%; AL N; XP 35. In spite of his abduction of Bronwyn, HD 1-4 hit points; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT As soon as the PCs enter into a lush the baron is basically an honorable man. 1; Dmg 1-4; THAC0 20; SA charm; MR part of the forest where the pixies live, He knows what the PCs want and makes a 25%; AL N; XP 33. one of the pixies runs off to inform proposition. “If you want the lady back,” The PCs come out of the forest into a Melandrach. While they wait for their he says, “you can have her if one of you large clearing that contains a lake. They are companion to return, the pixies harass can defeat me in single combat, or if following a trail that parallels the edge of the party by firing sleep arrows at ran- three of you defeat my two men and the lake about 20 feet away. The trail con- domly chosen PCs. The pixies attempt a myself.” tinues along the lake for about 300 yards total of six shots. Any PC hit by one of The PCs are free to accept the baron’s before winding back into the forest. these arrows who fails his saving throw vs. challenge. Alternately, the PCs may choose As the PCs make their way along the magic goes into a comatose state for 1-6 to ignore the challenge and attack him and trail, a group of nixies appears in the center rounds. The pixies are invisible, but the his men; Bronwyn will gladly assist the PCs of the lake about 100 feet from the shore. PCs may hear them giggling. The pixies in this and all other attacks. (Before the PCs The party can see there is one human with won’t attempt any grievous harm unless rush into battle, it might be a good idea to the nixies who stares blankly at them. The attacked themselves. remind them that the duke wants the bar- human appears to be in the baron’s livery. When the pixie returns with word of on alive for questioning.) The nixies generate a powerful charm Melandrach’s plight (see the final As the PCs make their decision, but spell on a randomly selected member of encounter for details), the pixies panic, before they actually take any action, read the party. The spell requires selected cease their harassment, and fly away. them the following: member of the party. The spell requires the victim to make a saving throw vs. Discovery Agwain starts to ready himself for bat- magic at -2. If a PC is charmed by the tle, then he and his men are suddenly nixies, they will take the victim to their As you lead the party through a patch struck in the back by a volley of arrows. lair for one full year; the spell then wears of dense woods, you feel a tap on your You can see movement in the bushes off and the victim is allowed to go free. shoulder. “I believe you’re part of the behind the men as several figures race During his enslavement, the nixies keep a Daggerford militia,” whispers a away. water breathing spell on the captive. female voice. “Where is my brother?” The nixies attempt to charm the party A lovely young woman suddenly The attackers are some of the goblin twice. If a charmed PC has a dispel magic appears before you. archers sent to ambush Melandrach, the spell cast on him before he enters the king of the woods. The goblins have water, there is a 75% chance the spell will This is Lady Bronwyn. If the PCs don’t already killed the baron’s horses and have be broken. But once in the water, the immediately recognize her, she intro- tracked him to this spot. Since they have chance is only 10%. duces herself and repeats her question. managed to sneak up within only a few If any of the nixies are hurt, they all When the PCs explain that her brother is feet of the baron and have a clear shot, all give up the project and dive for the bot- elsewhere, she says she’s happy to see of their arrows hit. Each of the baron’s tom of the lake. They have no intention them and tells them what happened. “I men is hit by three arrows, and the baron of giving up their current slave. Likewise, finally shook off that drug Agwain is hit by two. Each arrow does 1-6 points if both charm attempts fail, they retreat slipped me,” she says. “I immediately of damage; this is not enough to kill the into the water. turned invisible and left his camp. I baron, but it is quite possible that one or The nixies have quite a few items of imagine he’s rather upset right now.” both of his men are killed in the attack. interest in their underwater lair, but the “I certainly am,” comes a voice from Since only four goblins participated in likelihood of the PCs discovering the

31 Melandrach, male Wild Elf, 7th level fighter, 10th level druid: AC 1; MV 12”; hp 65; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; THAC0 10; S 17, I 15, W 16, D 17, C 16, Ch 18; AL N. Equipment: elven chain mail and shield, battleaxe +2, long bow +3, dag- ger +1 (all of the magical equipment is of an old pattern, probably left over from the Fallen Kingdom). Spells: 1st level: animal friendship, detect magic, entangle, faerie fire, locate ani- mals, pass without trace 2nd level: charm person, cure fight wounds, obscurement, warp wood 3rd level: call lightning, protection from fire, pyrotechnics 4th level: cure serious wounds, dispel the attack, they have no desire to take on the magic edge of the valley are six goblin archers party at this time. As soon as they fire their 5th level: control winds, transmute firing arrows into the valley. There are arrows, they decide it is time to get out. rock to mud four other goblin archers guarding After the attack, the baron loses all To reward them for their help, Melan- their backs, facing in your direction. interest in the party. He briefly examines drach gives every member a leather pen- any of his fallen followers, then chases dant worked with semi-precious stones. The goblins are firing at a noble- after the goblins. Any surviving followers This is his sigil and means that anytime looking elf who is using a clump of thick accompany him. the PCs are in Laughing Hollow, they are bushes for cover. The elf appears to be If the party reacts fast enough, they under his protection. wounded and unable to walk. Whenever still have a chance to capture the baron. he tries to move, the goblins fire again More likely, however, they will have to Wrapping Up and laugh. chase after him through the bushes. The elf is Melandrach, the elf chieftain The party is allowed to spend the night in and King of the Woods. The goblins Laughing Hollow and are escorted out Battle in the Valley ambushed him here. He has been the next morning by Melandrach’s Wild If the PCs somehow manage to capture wounded in the leg and can’t get away. Elves with no incidents. Each PC next 200 the baron he chases the goblins, he begs The goblins have him pinned and are tak- experience points for making friends with them to help him avenge the cowardly ing their time in finishing him off. Melandrach. attack. If the PCs agree, they follow in the Goblins (10): AC 7; MV 6”; HD 1-1; direction of the attackers for about 100 hp 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (short bow or hand feet; then read them the information axe); THAC0 20; AL CE; XP 14. below. If the PCs decline to help him, As soon as the goblins become aware of they are free to return to Daggerford. the PCs, they cease firing into the valley. If the PCs are pursuing the baron, they They attempt one round of arrow fire at run through the bushes for about 100 feet, the PCs, then charge them with their then come upon the baron crouched axes. If half of the goblins are killed, the behind a large rock. He motions for them rest attempt to escape. The baron will to join him. If they do, read the following: pursue them and urge the PCs to do the same. Unless the PCs are unusually slow From the other side of a large rock, you to respond, they should have no problem hear the sounds of an intense fight. overtaking any escaping goblins. Peering over the top of the rock, you When the battle is over, the PCs may see you are on the summit of a hill want to go into the valley to check on which slopes into a deep valley about Melandrach. His wounds aren’t serious 100 feet in diameter. Standing on the and he is grateful for the party’s help in his hour of need.

32 Ancient Heritage stone quarry. From this they made the one make an Ability check against their now-vanished halls of the elven king. The Dexterity on 1d20. If they fail, they fall to More than 1,000 years ago, Illefarn and main entrance to their city of Illefarn was the ground, although they take no dam- Laughing Hollow were part of what is located on the edge of the quarry. Men age. now called the Fallen Kingdom. This was and elves who visited there could see the Much of the north wall of the second a flourishing kingdom of Gold Elves, dwarves carving out great hunks of mar- story of the barracks has collapsed on Moon Elves, and Wild Elves with a sub- ble and granite and carrying it into the Derval Ironeater’s brother, Dervin Stone- structure of dwarves who did most of the mountain. carver, and his two sons. crafting and mining. The original main entrance to Illefarn Each of the victims is pinned under a The rise of several strongholds of evil has been lost. The quarry is the home of stone weighing 1,800 cn. It is conceivable spelled doom for the kingdom. the wild descendants of the elves who that the PCs could rig a tackle similar to Unable to match the sheer numbers of never went to the west, and they protect the one used by the dwarves to move the orcs, goblins, trolls, and other creatures their home vigilantly from the inroads of stones originally, but this would take generated by the forces of evil, the elven orc and man alike. No one knows if there time. If an aftershock occurs, it could eas- king invited humans to settle the lands. are still dwarves in the mountain. ily bring down the rest of the wall and kill The humans willingly allied themselves Recently, a band of a dozen adventur- those already trapped. with the kingdom and fought long and ers set out in search of Illefarn. Only three The best strategy for the PCs is to move hard against the evil creatures (except, of returned, all of them wounded. The the stones by hand. The stones can be course, for those humans who decided reported an ambush by an overwhelming moved by anyone with a Strength of 18, if their best interests were with the forces of number of orcs in Laughing Hollow. he makes an Ability check or less on 4d4. evil). After an intermittent war lasting Only an attack by Wild Elves drove the PCs with Strength in excess of 18 can two centuries, the forces of evil were once orcs off. The elves refused to talk much lift the stones at +1 for every point of again beaten back to the current site of with the adventurers, simply telling them Strength they have above 18. Weaker PCs Dragonspear Castle. they should leave. The elves then faded make their Ability checks at -1 for every But when the dust had settled, the away, apparently in search of more orcs. point of Strength they have below 18. elves looked about and realized that Two PCs may combine their Strengths much of their forests had been turned The Call to Laughing Hollow to move one stone. Take the weaker into human towns. Human craftsmen Strength, divide it in half, and add it to had generally supplanted the dwarves, The main entrance to Illefarn caved in the stronger. Use this Strength number to and the land they had fought for was no centuries ago as a result of the last-ditch make the Ability check. longer theirs. defense of the complex. None of the cur- Any attempt that fails results in 1d8 Sadly, the elves moved far to the west rent inhabitants even realize it exists. points of damage to the person under the to Evermeet Island. The dwarves have yet However, this is all about to change. rubble. Each of the trapped victims has to replenish their losses from that long 1d6+6 hit points left after the accident. war and a live mostly in seclusion. Today, The Shaking Earth Those participating in the rescue, little is seen or even known of the Fallen including anyone binding wounds or giv- Kingdom in the lands of the Trade Cities. You are on militia duty when you feel ing other medical attention, receive 20 Humans tried to establish their own the earth moving under your feet. Sec- experience points each. Dervin and his kingdoms, but the smaller kingdoms tions of the wall buckle with the posts sons also promise them favors from the lasted just long enough to establish vari- pointing upward at strange angles, Ironeater clan, though nothing is imme- ous hereditary nobilities, such as the but the binding holds and and the diately forthcoming. dukes of Daggerford. They eventually wall stays together. The catwalk disintegrated in dynastic struggles which behind the wall breaks off in a couple The Curse left all claimants dead. of places. The north wall shakes, with mortar Later the same day, reports trickle in from Illefarn Mountain and loose stone flying everywhere. upriver showing that the earthquake Slowly, inexorably, the north wall col- originated somewhere in the Laughing One of the most important places in the lapses as you watch. Its supports give Hollow area. PCs who had positive expe- Fallen Kingdom was Illefarn Mountain, way, and as it falls, you can see workers riences with King Melandrach in The Res- located north of the area now known as caught under the wall. You hear their cue Mission may wonder if anything has Laughing Hollow. Here the dwarves delved continuing screams as the dust settles. happened to him. and crafted, making the bright metal Two days later, reports come in from weapons and tools loved by the elves. To see if the PCs manage to stay on the upriver farms that cattle and sheep The Laughing Hollow contained their their feet during the quake, have each are dying and riverside crops, such as flax

33 and rice, are failing. What’s more, the river If the PCs ask how they can help investi- stride of a veteran stalker. If the party has changed color to a bilious green. The gate the problem, the messenger says that encounters any dangers, Deldrach fights council immediately orders the town to a long-buried entrance to the mines of robustly at their sides. cease using river water and only consume the dwarves of the Fallen Kingdom was Deldrach Longarrow, male Wild Elf, water from the cisterns and town wells. uncovered by the rockslides. King Melan- 4th level fighter, 4th level druid: AC 4; If the PCs drink the river water, they drach thinks that the PCs could go in this MV 12”; hp 20; #AT 1; Dmg 2-7 (short may discover the problem the hard way. entrance and find the cause of the poi- sword) or 1-6 (longbow); THAC0 17; AL leather armor, short Imbibing the polluted water causes 2d6 soned water and determine how to stop N. Equipment: points of damage unless a saving throw it. sword +1, long bow +1. Spells: vs. poison is made, which means the If the PCs have the map given to them 1st level: animal friendship, detect damage is only 1d6. by Meldar Farwander (from Caravan snares and pits, locate animals, predict Duty), they may match it with Deldrach’s weather, speak with animals The Message description of the uncovered entrance. 2nd level: cure light wounds, good- They will discover that, allowing for the berry, produce flame On the following day, a Wild Elf appears passage of 1,000 years since the map was 3rd level: cure disease, snare outside the wall. He says he has been sent made, the uncovered entrance is proba- by King Melandrach, and he wants to talk bly the main entrance to the dwarf city. At Laughing Hollow to the people who last came to his forest. This was the entrance where the quarried When the PCs reach Laughing Hollow, The messenger refuses to talk to anyone stone was taken into the mountain for they are met by Melandrach who wel- besides the PCs. working. comes them and suggests they camp with If the PCs agree to talk with him, read The duke and the council agree that him outside the mountain so they can the following: this expedition should be made. They enter at the crack of dawn. If the PCs provide food and other reasonable gear agree, allow them to use any experience The messenger is Deldrach Longar- for the PCs. They also supply them with a points they gained from killing monsters row, a Wild Elf from the court of King stone enchanted with a continual light or acquiring magical items during the Melandrach. “The great earthshaking spell and six vials of holy water provided trip so far. Experience earned with money has caused much destruction in the by Mother Maerovyna. hollow,” he says. “Trees have fallen, has to wait until the PCs get back to Dag- gerford. dryads have died, the nixies’ lake has The Sigil drained half away. During the exploration of Illefarn, the “But the greatest damage was not in PCs can make use of this option as often As you are leaving Daggerford, you are as they like. They can come back to the hollow itself. The earthquake was stopped by Derval Ironeater. He goes centered in a hill just on the border of Melandrach, rest for the day, and make to each of you who came to the aid of use of the experience they’ve gained in Laughing Hollow. There were rock- his brother and nephews after the slides, and a large crack opened up in combat and acquiring magical items. earthquake. “Please take this with If the PCs ask Melandrach for assist- the rock face. From out of this crack you,” he says. “It is a symbol of my pours a stream of bile-green water that ance in exploring Illefarn, read them the friendship. I think you might find it following: follows an old creek bed to the Shining useful under Illefarn.” River. Perhaps it is the way the water He bows and leaves before you can Melandrach looks at you and shakes flowed many years ago. ask any questions. “I am sure you wonder how the his head sadly. “I fear that my fol- lowers and I are too used to the open stream could reach the river through Derval gave each of the rescuers an amu- sky to be able to breathe beneath the the embankment. The earthquake let made in the shape of a dwarven ham- mountain,” he says. “We are not crea- also breached the embankment mer. The hammers do not react to a tures of earth and darkness, and I fear between the hollow and the river, let- detect magic spell. ting the stream into the river. The hol- we would be more of a hindrance than help to you. If we could make such a low is not being flooded. . . yet. When To Laughing Hollow flood season comes in the spring, how- trip, I assure you we would never have ever, it might be a different story. The trip to Laughing Hollow is identical sent for you. We would have marched “The plants and animals around to the one made in The Rescue Mission, bravely into the shadows as our ances- the streambed are dying. My king asks including the possibilities for random tors did many centuries ago.” for your help in stopping this river of encounters. The adventurers are accom- poison.” panied by Deldrach, who refuses a horse Although Melandrach is expressing the and walks, eating up the miles with the basic attitude of his people, he does not

34 necessarily speak for all of them. If any map) are alive, and he doesn’t know any tion. PCs are killed in Illefarn, Wild Elf other way in, except by the long-lost ref- Korin Ironaxe, male dwarf, 7th level replacements may be rolled up as fight- uge of King Devin. There used to be a fighter: AC 1; MV 6”; hp 53; #AT 1; ers, druids, or fighter/ druids. These bridge/stairway to the battlement, but Dmg 8-11; THAC0 9; S 18/65, I 12, W characters are considered to be young that was destroyed by invaders centuries 11, D 15, C 16, Ch 16; AL LN. Equip- enough to discard their conditioning and ago. He encourages them to find this ment: dwarven throwing hammer +2 join the party. Similarly, if Melandrach place and promises them all the help he and shield, ring of regeneration, amulet doesn’t see anyone coming out for a can give. If the PCs ask for mapping help, of proof against detection and location, couple of days, he’ll start recruiting any- he can give them general information dust of disappearance (3 uses). one who passes near. about all of Illefarn except the refuge. Ibin, male dwarf, 3rd level cleric: AC If the PCs don’t bring the sigils with 4, MV 6”; hp 15; #AT 1; Dmg 3-6; The Battle in Illefarn them, Korin is naturally suspicious of THAC0 20; AL LG. Equipment: chain them. If convinced of their sincerity, he mail and shield, hammer. Spells: As the adventurers explore Illefarn, they will offer his help as outlined above. 1st level: cure light wounds (2) will encounter members of three distinct However, when swords start flying, 2nd level: hold person groups fighting for control: the dwarf fac- Korin’s dwarves and gnomes won’t be Kain, male dwarf, 5th level cleric: AC tion, the orc faction, and the necroman- much help. They are more concerned 4; MV 6”; hp 28; #AT 1; Dmg 3-8; cer faction. Each group is described with saving their own skins than aiding THAC0 17; AL LG. Equipment: chain below. the PCs in combat. Even if Korin sends mail and shield, mace +1. Spells: some troops along with the PCs, they will 1st level: cure light wounds (2), protec- The Dwarf Faction hang back and protect themselves in tion from evil The last of the dwarves, along with a few hopes that the PCs take the brunt of the 2nd level: aid, detect life, silence 15’ gnomes, are led by Derval Ironeater’s fighting and the brunt of the dying. radius brother, Korin Ironaxe. In all, 21 dwarves Korin figures that the more orcs and ban- 3rd level: remove curse and five gnomes are left of the brave band dits that get killed without sacrificing the Gorn, male dwarf, 9th level cleric: AC that took up the occupation of Illefarn lives of dwarves, the better. If the PCs do 3; MV 6”; hp 50; #AT 1; Dmg 4-9; some three years ago. There were origi- a good job, Korin just might get Illefarn THAC0 13; AL LG. Equipment: chain nally 11 others with them, but they have back. mail +1 and shield, staff of striking (13 all died in combat with the other two fac- Korin, however, would be grateful to charges), ring of faerie, figurines of gold- tions. any PCs who found the crown of Devin en lions. Spells: Korin’s family has tried to protect Ille- for him or otherwise aided him in clean- 1st level: bless, cure light wounds, farn since the main body of dwarves left ing up the old homestead. Korin will detect evil, protection from evil, purify many centuries ago. They had occupied reward adventurers with money from his food and drink Illefarn for hundreds of years until about treasure hoard and will let them keep 2nd level: augury, chant, hold person, a century ago when the lack of numbers most of the loot they find. His gratitude slow poison, speak with animals forced Derval to bring his family out of does not extend to risking dwarf lives 3rd level: continual light, dispel mag- Illefarn and take up residence in Dagger- when an adventurer is on hand to take the ic, cure disease ford. risks. 4th level: cure serious wounds, protec- But Korin disagreed. He felt that Korin will also offer the PCs the sanc- tion from evil 10’ radius dwarves should occupy Illefarn, so he led tuary of his holding inside Illefarn. In the 5th level: dispel evil all the allies he could find back into the same way that the PCs can return to Dorus, male gnome, 3rd level illusion- warren three years ago. When he did, he Melandrach, they can also rest up in ist: AC 7; MV 6”; hp 10; #AT 1; Dmg 1- found that orcs had occupied part of it. Korin’s holding and utilize experience 4; THAC0 20; AL NG. Equipment: These days, Korin is primarily inter- points earned from killing orcs and ban- wand of illusion (42 charges), dust of ested in recovering the crown of Devin, dits and acquiring magical items to appearance (2 uses). Spells: the ancient dwarf king, and bringing it advance in levels. Again, experience from 1st level: color spray, detect illusion out of Illefarn to honor it in a more money must wait to be used until they 2nd level: hypnotic pattern defensible place. Unfortunately, Korin’s can get back to Daggerford. Morri, male gnome, 5th level illusion- family has lost track of just where the Korin does not want his presence men- ist: AC 4; MV 6”; hp 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1- crown is located. tioned to Melandrach. The party may try 4; THAC0 20; AL LG. Equipment: ring If the PCs arrive in Illefarn with the to tell him that the Wild Elves don’t want of protection +3, bag of tricks, dust of sigils given to them that the gargoyles on to come into the mountain, but Korin illusion (2 uses). Spells: the balcony in room 41 (in Area B — see isn’t taking any chances. 1st level: change self detect illusion, Following are the members of this fac- phantasmal force (2)

35 2nd level: detect magic, improved 3rd level: cause blindness However, it’s unpleasant negotiating phantasmal force Emee, male goblin, 4th level cleric: with someone who smells like an open 3rd level: fear AC 6; MV 6”; hp 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; grave. And, of course, you can’t trust Dwarf fighters (17): AC 3; MV 6”; hp THAC0 20; AL LE; XP 220. Spells: Kelthas. If the mood strikes him, he is 21 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; THAC0 18; 1st level: cure light wounds, detect likely to kill anyone with whom he has AL LG. magic, protection from evil made an agreement. Gnome fighters (3): AC 3; MV 6”; hp 2nd level: chant, detect charm The three apprentices of Kelthas are 25 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-9; THAC0 18; Ellisin, male goblin, 7th level cleric: named Bryn, Karri, and Duggwell. Jory- AL NG. AC 6; MV 6”; hp 30; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; kul’s half-orc acolytes are Izeley and Dap- There are usually three or four mem- THAC0 18; AL LE; XP 850. Spells: pleford. A number of human, half-orc, bers in one of Korin’s patrols, including 1st level: cause light wounds, cure light half-elf, dwarf, and halfling bandits are at least one spell caster. Their objective is wounds, dark among their followers. Kelthas has also to scout around and safely eliminate any 2nd level: augury, chant, speak with raised a number of dwarf, human, orc of their enemies. animals and goblin skeletons to assist his forces in 3rd level: dispel magic, locate object guarding various areas against orc incur- The Orc Faction 4th level: neutralize poison sions. Orcs (40): AC 5; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 5 Kelthas the Dread, 10th level magic- Orc leader Wartsnak Direlord brought 43 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; THAC0 19; AL user: AC 6; MV 12”; hp 30; #AT 1; Dmg orcs and 80 goblins from the High Moor LE; XP 15. 3-6; THAC0 16; AL CE; XP 1,920. along with two trolls and four ogres. Goblins (80): AC 6; MV 6”; hp 4 each; Equipment: potion of undead control (3 Wartsnak led his followers into Illefarn #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; THAC0 20; AL LE; XP uses), ring of human influence, staff of after hearing the story handed down from 14. power (13 charges), wand of magic mis- his ancestors about an entrance. They Trolls(2): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 6+6; hp siles (12 charges), silver horn of Valhalla entered a few months before Korin’s 33, 30; #AT 3; Dmg 1d4+4/1d4+4/2- (4-10 2nd level berserkers), scroll with group. They had just settled down and 12; SA attacks three foes at once; SD animate dead (2 uses), clairvoyance, wiz- were beginning to seriously explore when regenerates 3 points per round at third ard eye. Spells: the dwarves arrived. round, all parts continue to fight unless 1st level: detect magic, identify, read Wartsnak has no interest in sharing burned; AL CE; XP 614. magic, light Illefarn with anyone. His followers attack Ogres (4): AC 5; MV 9”; MD 4+1; hp 2nd level: ESP, knock, scare, web anything not orcish that enters. 19 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; AL CE; XP 3rd level: dispel magic, infravision Following are the members of this fac- 185. protection from normal missiles tion. Normal orc patrols consist of three orcs 4th level: charm monster, polymorph Wartsnak Direlord, male orc, 5th level and seven goblins. Once they realize that a other, wall of ice fighter: AC 2; MV 12”; hp 25; #AT 1; party of explorers has invaded their 5th level: cloudkill, passwall Dmg 3-10; THAC0 15; AL LE; XP 300. domain, they send a second patrol after the Kelthas has three magic books. One Equipment: plate mail and shield, bat- first. The second patrol stays just within contains all of the mentioned 1st and 2nd tleaxe +2, ring of spell storing with infravision range of the first, and contains feather fall, stinking cloud, slow. level spells, plus sleep, hold portal, pro- either a spellcaster, an ogre, or a troll. tection from evil, shield, unseen servant, Stub, male orc, 2nd level cleric: AC 5; continual light, forget, invisibility, levi- MV 9”; hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; THAC0 The Necromancer Faction tate, rope trick, and strength. The second 20; AL LE; XP 74. Spells: contains the 3rd and 4th level spells 1st level: dark, resist fear A force of bandit adventurers led by Kel- shown above, plus clairvoyance, fire ball, Zurch, male orc, 3rd level cleric: AC 5; thas the Dread, a necromancer with three gust of wind, lightning bolt, slow, water MV 9”; hp 10; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; THAC0 apprentices, and Jorykul, a half-orc priest breathing, dimension door, enchanted 20; AL LE; XP 125. Spells: with two acolytes, entered Illefarn about weapon, fear, and wizard eye. The third 1st level: cure light wounds (2) the same time Korin did. They entered book has many blank pages. It holds the 2nd level: chant through the collapsed roof leading to 5th level spells above, plus animate dead, Prollot, male orc, 5th level cleric: AC Area J (see map) and began a slow explo- feeblemind, and telekinesis. His appren- 5; MV 9”; hp 19: #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; ration, running into orcs and dwarves tices use his magic books and have none THAC0 18; AL LE; XP 339. Spells: almost immediately. However, they of their own. 1st level: cause light wounds, detect found some good loot and are here for as Bryn, 2nd level magic-user: AC 10; good, protection from evil much more as they can get. MV 12”; hp 5; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; THAC0 2nd level: augury, resist fire, snake Kelthas will gladly make a deal with 20; AL LE; XP 65. Spells: charm anyone who wants to make one with him. 1st level: light, protection from evil

36 orcs and dwarves almost immediately. AL CE; XP 141. Most of the rooms have walls and ceil- However, they found some good loot and Skeletons (45): AC 7; MV 12”; HD 1; ings made of worked stone. The floors are are here for as much more as they can get. hp 5 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; THAC0 20; cobblestone. Many of the rooms have Karri, 3rd level magic-user: AC 10; SD half damage from sharp and edged faded and defaced wall paintings and MV 12”; hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; THAC0 weapons, sleep, charm, and cold- based carvings. 20; AL LE; XP 117. Equipment: ring of spells have no effect, holy water causes 2- feather fall. Spells: 8 points of damage; AL N; XP 38. Treasure 1st level: shield, sleep The necromancer’s patrols consist of The dwarves who left Illefarn took most 2nd level: invisibility seven or eight members, usually includ- of their furnishings with them. However, Duggwell, 4th level magic-user: AC 9; ing one spellcaster. Skeletons are not used they did leave behind some treasures, MV 12”; hp 10; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5; for patrols, only for guard duty. expecting to come back later to reclaim THAC0 20; AL LE; XP 180. Equipment: When confronting another party, the them. Moreover, most of the remaining dagger +1, ring of protection +1. fighters and magic users move to a defen- dwarves were driven out of their dwell- Spells: sible position, usually the end of a corri- ings and often did not have time to 1st level: detect magic, hold portal, dor where it goes into a larger chamber. remove their personal valuables. Some read magic The rest of the group lurks in the they hid just before they died. 2nd level: continual light, web shadows, attempting to attack their ene- Jorykul, half-orc, 7th level cleric: AC mies by surprise. Traps 3; MV 9”; hp 32; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6+2; If more than one patrol doesn’t report THAC0 15; AL NE; XP 656. Equipment: back to him, Kelthas pulls in his fol- Old Traps footman’s flail +1, banded mail +1, lowers, reorganizes them, and starts seri- The original inhabitants of Illefarn had staff of curing (11 charges), ring of spell ously cleaning out all the areas he knows no reason to set traps for intruders, as turning, cloak of arachnidia. Spells: have orcs and dwarves, using his skeletons they had a strong guard of dwarven fight- 1st level: command, cause light as an advance force. Note that the skele- ers to protect them. However, once most wounds (2) tons listed in the room descriptions are of the original inhabitants left, those 2nd level: augury, find traps, hold per- the only ones he has. He can’t get any staying behind had to protect them- son more unless his followers kill more foes selves, so they set up several traps in areas 3rd level: animate dead, cause disease and bring back the bodies. He may also they were no longer using and were 4th level: cause serious wounds bring back the bodies of his own fallen unable to guard. Over the centuries, Izeley, half-orc, 2nd level cleric: AC 5; followers. many of these traps have lost their poten- MV 12”; hp 9; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; THAC0 cy, but some are still deadly. 20; AL NE; XP 77. Spells: General Description of Illefarn Roll 1d6 on the Old Trap Table when- 1st level: cause light wounds, cure light ever a PC enters an area on a map marked wounds, light Illefarn is divided into several areas, each with OT. Details of each trap follow the Dappleford, half-orc, 4th level cleric: containing a number of rooms (see Maps table. 8-18). The various levels of Illefarn are AC 5; MV 12”; hp 20; #AT 1; Dmg 2-7; Roll Result THAC0 20; AL NE; XP 230. Spells: connected by stairways, ramps, and shafts 1st level: cause light wounds (2), detect (see Map 19). While many of the rooms 1 Acid magic, protection from evil are empty, others contain monsters, trea- 2 Crossbows 2nd level: find traps, slow poison sures and obstacles; these are detailed in 3 Pit Human bandits (10): AC 4; MV 12”; the room descriptions. The PCs will also 4 Deadfall hp 17 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; THAC0 18; have to deal with a variety of traps as well 5 Moving Wall AL CE; XP 120. as wandering patrols representing the 6 Cage dwarf, orc, and necromancer factions. Half-orc bandits (4): AC 2; MV 12”; 1. Acid. A panel in the ceiling opens hp 18 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; THAC0 18; Appearance up and a pot of acid upends on the person AL NE; XP 128. below. The acid has long since evapo- Half-elf bandits (2): AC 5; MV 12”; hp Illefarn is a dark place. The dwarves and rated, but the pot has a 50% chance of 22 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; THAC0 18; orcs who live here can see in the dark and coming off its supports and hitting the AL NE; XP 300. have no reason to light it up with torches. victim. If the victim fails an Ability check Dwarf bandits (4): AC 4; MV 6”; hp 16 Only the areas occupied by Kelthas and against his Dexterity, he takes 2-8 points each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; THAC0 20; AL his followers are lit by torches. The areas of damage. CE; XP 82. are ventilated by small air shafts located 2. Crossbows. A volley of arrows fires Halfling bandits (5): AC 4; MV 6”; hp throughout the complex. from crossbows hidden in the corner of 21 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; THAC0 18;

37 the ceiling. They fire as if from an F7 1-3 Pit. This is identical to the pit trigger it. Feel free to roll randomly to archer and hit everyone in the 10-by-10- described in the Old Trap Table, but this determine which party member actually foot area. Roll 1d10 to see how many one opens every time. triggers the mechanism. If the party spec- arrows actually fire, and distribute the 4. Deadfall. This is identical to the ifies that everyone is walking in the foot- attacks randomly among the targets in deadfall described in the Old Trap Table, steps of the leader, roll for the leader this area. but this one works every time. activating the trap. If he doesn’t, roll 3. Pit. A 10-foot deep pit opens in the 5. Net. This net drops from the ceiling Ability checks against the Intelligence floor. The trap has a 50% chance of open- on everyone in the 10-by-10-foot area. It and Dexterity of each member of the par- ing all the way, otherwise, a successful has an AC of 7 and 15 hit points. ty to see if any were distracted or clumsy Ability check against the victim’s Dexter- 6. Firebomb. A flask of oil drops from and thus activated the trap anyway. ity prevents him from falling in. Anyone a nook in the ceiling and hits the floor. Finally, remember that traps are used with a Dexterity of 12 or less must make There is a 60% chance that the striking most effectively if they are only encoun- an Ability check to pass safely around it. mechanism built into the flask works. If it tered occasionally. It isn’t much fun for the Anyone who falls into the pit lands on does, there is an explosion in a radius of party to run into one trap after another with rusty iron stakes and takes 2d4 points of 10 feet. Anyone caught in the explosion nothing else to break up the action. damage. area must make a saving throw vs. dragon 4. Deadfall. There is a 50% chance breath. Anyone who fails takes 4d6 Patrols that this deadfall may have already been points of damage. Additionally, the gear As the PCs explore the various areas of of those who fail their saving throws sprung. If so, there is a mound of rubble Illefarn, there is a chance they will on the floor, with a further 50% chance catches fire. They take an extra 1d6 points encounter patrols from one or more of the of a dead orc underneath it. If not already damage in the next round and any fur- dwarf, orc, and necromancer factions. In sprung, it does 1d10 points of damage to ther rounds until someone spends a most cases, the Dungeon Master decides the victim. round putting the fire out. the composition of these patrols, using 5. Moving Wall. This moving wall has a the guidelines given in the previous 50% chance of working. If it works, it will Dealing with Traps descriptions of each faction. crush its victims into the opposite wall. All of the traps presented here are prog- Each area description contains its own The mechanism is old, however, and ress traps meant to slow up or kill anyone Patrol Table that gives the chances for takes three rounds to work; anyone dumb entering certain areas. There are several encountering a patrol from each faction enough to stand still will die. ways these traps are triggered. One is by in that area. Each time the party is about 6. Cage. There is a 50% chance that a activating a pressure-sensitive plate on to enter a room, roll 1d6 on the Patrol cage will fall from the ceiling to capture the floor. Pit traps collapse the victim into Table for that area to see which patrols are anyone in the 10-by-10-foot area. It has the pit if he weighs more than 10 lbs. or present. If two patrols are present, there an AC of 4 and 20 hit points. so. Other traps may be activated by a is a potential three-way battle. If a room tripwire at ankle height. has two or more entrances, the patrols are New Traps There is always a chance that PCs will encountered inside the room. If the room Since Korin Ironaxe and his followers are find a trap before it springs on them. has only one entrance, the encounter gravely outnumbered, they have rigged a Thieves and dwarves have natural abili- takes place outside the room in the corri- number of new traps. Their traps are not ties to find traps, but any seasoned dor. as elaborate as those of their ancestors, adventurer will likely have an eye out for As explained before, the different fac- because they don’t have the time or traps, especially if one has wounded or tions have different motivations and pri- materials. They have occasionally sprung killed a comrade. Any PC moving slowly orities. The orc faction wants to destroy an old trap and have repaired the mecha- through a corridor or chamber can be everyone else. The dwarf faction wants to nism to make it work again. assumed to be looking for a triggering destroy everyone else. The dwarf faction Roll 1d6 on the New Trap Table when- mechanism. In this case, succeeding in an are potential allies whose first priority is ever a PC enters an area on a map marked Ability check against half the PC’s Intelli- to get back to their leaders with informa- with NT. Details of each trap follow the gence means he spots the trap. (For tion. The necromancer faction could go table. instance, a PC with an Intelligence of 12 either way; their unpredictability makes Roll Result spots the trap on a roll of 6 or less on them dangerous. The Dungeon Master 1d20. A PC with an Intelligence of 13 should emphasize consistency and com- 1-3 Pit spots the trap on a roll of 7 or less.) mon sense in determining the reactions 4 Deadfall Since only a single cobblestone is com- of the patrols. Net 5 monly used as a pressure plate, the first 6 Firebomb person over the trap will not necessarily

38 If a patrol spots the PCs or learns of dis- first enter, haven’t been visited in quite a indicate that anywhere from three to nine turbing activities of an opposing faction, while. Since the dust is thick on the people (or creatures) have walked from the news should eventually get back to floors, indications of previous occupants one door of the room to another, or cir- their leaders. Likewise, if a patrol is are obvious. In other rooms, such as ones cled around and gone back through the killed, the leaders of that faction will used as living quarters for the various fac- same door, if it only has one. become concerned and will start sending tions, there is little dust and therefore few 3. Cobwebs. In a corner of the room is out scouting parties. To stimulate this, ways of telling whether one occupant or a a pile of broken stone furniture covered the chance of encountering a patrol in a thousand have been there. with dusty cobwebs. There are no signs of given area increases by 1 for every To help with descriptions of uninhabit- spiders. encounter that has taken place, up to a ed rooms, a Room Description Table is 4. Rats. A small pack of rats scatters as chance of 1-3 on a 1d6. This increased provided below. Roll up to four times on the party enters the room. Any PC with chance goes into effect two hours after the 1d6, ignoring any obviously contradicto- speak to animals may talk with them. The first encounter. ry results. Incorporate these results in rats tell about “big feet” wandering describing rooms. Use of this table is around and killing each other. Area and Room Descriptions entirely optional. 5. Body. In a dark corner is a rat- gnawed body of an orc. The body is Roll Result Many rooms are essentially empty, except decomposing, obviously dead for several for the possibility of patrols. It is up to 1 Empty Room weeks. From the tracks in the dust, it the Dungeon Master to describe these 2 Footprints appears he crawled into the room to rooms. Here are a few things to keep in 3 Cobwebs escape and died. mind. 4 Rats 6. Meal Remnants. Someone has used First, some of the rooms are very small, 5 Body this room to have a meal. There are but some are very large, larger than a 6 Meal Remnants cooked bones of small animals and fabric torch or continual light spell could reveal food wrappings scattered on the floor. entirely. Be sure to describe only what the 1. Empty Room. No one has been here PCs can actually see. in ages. Some rooms, such as the one the PCs 2. Footprints. Footprints in the dust

39 Area A rooms is unclear, although 6 and 11 were coming up the stairs from Area B. This is probably latrines. If a PC stands on the their entry point to Area A. Retreating This was originally a workshop area where northern floor of room 3 and looks down bandits head for this room and are likely stone was brought in from the quarries the ramp which leads to Area B, he will to leave it open when running for help. outside to be formed into whatever was see it is filled with rubble from the earth- Section 15. This section contains a needed. This area is largely empty. quake and can no longer be passed stairway used by orcs and goblins to enter Section 1. The massive metal doors through. Area A from Area D. open into the hallway strewn with debris Room 8. This room contains a ramp which leads to room 2. leading down to Area B. This is how the Area A Patrol Table Room 2. The ceiling and walls of this orcs usually get to that area. The passage room are laced with cracks, all running Roll Faction leading to this room has been reduced to north and south, just like the earthquake a width of 5 feet by a moving wall trap 1 Dwarf and Necromancer line. which was sprung by orcs but did not 2 Dwarf Rooms 2-7, 9, 11-14. These are all work properly. 3-4 Necromancer empty; extensive orcish graffiti decorates Room 10. Kelthas and his followers 5 Necromancer and Orc the walls. The original uses of these discovered the secret door in this room by 6 Orc

Area B southeast corner of the pillar to the edge Dervan Ironeater, the followers of Korin of the pool facing the balcony are the attack. Room 16. A large crack runs through this remnants of what might have once been a Section 33. This is a tunnel to some room from the north wall to the south wall. bridge. other portion of the dwarven mines, now The crack is about 6 feet deep and from 3 to Section 22. This is a tunnel leading to totally collapsed and impassable. 5 feet wide. In the center of the room is a some other portion of the dwarven Room 36. This room contains a shaft pillar 20×20 feet that rises to the ceiling, mines. It is now totally collapsed and leading up to room 100. The shaft is with the exception of the southeast corner unpassable. unknown to any of the current occupants of the pillar. There, it ends in a balcony Section 24. This section contains a of Illefarn. about 20 feet above the floor. The entire ramp linking 23 and 47. Room 41. This room is actually the pil- pillar is surrounded by a large pool; the Room 25. Four of Korin’s followers are lar in the center of the pool in room 16. pool, however, is dry. Water spilling from always in this room, ready to stop any orcs The pillar contains the mechanism for the the fountains on the pillar which would coming down the shaft from room 61. One fountains that are now pouring polluted normally fill the pool now runs into the of them is usually a spellcaster, either a water. crack. Water runs through the crack in the dwarf cleric or gnome illusionist. If some- There is only one obvious way to gain south wall, into the mountain, and out one approaches the door from room 23, access to the interior of the pillar; PCs must again into Laughing Hollow. This is the they stand ready to repel them, but they do climb the 20-foot wall to the open balcony source of the pollution contaminating the not open the door themselves. on the southeast corner and then look for Delimbiyr River. If anyone entering the room does not an entrance. The wall can be climbed by Leading from the balcony on the have the hammer amulet provided by any PC who makes two successful Ability 40 41 checks, one against his Dexterity and the other against his Strength. There are two gargoyles on the rails of the balcony who come to life when anyone attempts to climb the wall. They come to life when a PC has climbed more than 10 feet up the wall. Once the gargoyles come to life, they continue to attack as long as anyone is within 20 feet of the wall. A PC with the thief climbing ability can fight normally, but any other PC fighting while climbing will do so at -2. Gargoyles (2): AC 5; MV 9”/15”; HD 4+4; hp 22, 24; #AT 4; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1- 6/1-4; THAC0 15; SD +1 or better weapon to hit; AL CE; XP 240. Once past the gargoyles, a door in the north wall of the balcony section of the pillar leads to a 10x10 foot room. This is the control room. There is a door on the west wall of this room leading to the air- lock described in room 101. There are four large switches set around a thick central pillar in this room. All but the northern switch have been pulled up. If the east and west switches are pulled down, the fountains of con- taminated water are shut off. If the southern switch is pulled down, there is a change in the sounds of the running water and the machinery, but there is no other obvious effect. However, see room 101 for the actual effect of pulling down this switch. If the northern switch is pulled up, sev- eral concealed fountain mouths open up and pure water starts flowing into the Area C Room 45. Five dwarves and the three pool and into the crack. This switch acti- gnome fighters live here. Four of the This was originally a dwarf living area. vates the alternate water source which has members of this group are usually the Some of the food of the dwarves was not been polluted. If the northern switch ones on guard duty in room 42. stored here. Live animals were also kept Room 46. This room contains the sta- is pulled up while the eastern and western here in the stables. Now it is used as the are still up, the polluted water is diluted, bles. Korin keeps the four mules his headquarters for Korin Ironaxe and his but not enough to make any significant group uses as pack animals for their expe- followers. difference. ditions here. One dwarf is always on sta- Room 42. Four of Korin’s followers are ble duty. on duty here at all times. They are guard- Area B Patrol Table Section 47. This section contains a ing the stairs that lead down to room 31 ramp leading to room 23. Roll Faction below. Room 48. Korin Ironaxe has adopted 1 Dwarf and Necromancer Room 43. The dwarves and gnomes use this room as his permanent domicile. The 2 Dwarf this room as a workshop for armor and treasure he and his men have accumu- 3-4 Necromancer weapons maintenance. lated so far is kept here. In three locked 5 Necromancer and Orc Room 44. This room is used as living iron chests he has 1,250 sp, 500 ep, 400 6 Orc quarters for the gnome illusionists.

42 gp, 50 pp, and a necklace of missiles with Area D room leads up to room 89. one 7d6, one 5d6, and three 3d6 fire- This was a general living area for the Room 61. The notable feature of this balls. Korin doesn’t trust using the neck- room is the shaft leading to room 25 in dwarves. There were small domiciles for lace in close quarters, so he hasn’t worn Area B. Waiting at the bottom of this families and larger ones for groups of bach- it. He also hasn’t allowed any of his fol- shaft are dwarves ready to kill anything elors. There were also some rooms used for lowers to use it. that climbs down the rungs. recreation areas and personal workshops. Room 49-51. Two of these rooms were Room 65. This room is used as a latrine The dwarves originally came through the used as concealed treasure rooms. The by the orcs. outside entrance located in this area. It is third was used for general storage. This Room 76. This room is used as a head- still used occasionally to get supplies and changed after Korin and company quarters by the orcs. There are always news from relatives in Daggerford. arrived. Now all three are used as latrines. nine orcs, 21 goblins, and one ogre here. Room 56. There are always three of Room 52. Ibin, Kain, and Gorn live Of this group, three orcs and seven gob- Korin’s followers on duty here, including here when they are not on guard or patrol lins are always on patrol in the area. The one cleric. Through concealed viewslots, duty or when they are not leading wor- rest guard the stairway which extends into they keep their eyes on room 57 to see ship in room 94. the center of the room. who’s using the entrance and also on the Room 53. This room contains a stair- north passage leading to the temple of Rooms 66-75, 77-78. These rooms are way leading to room 94. regularly patrolled by the orcs. The . Room 54. There are always two of chance for an encounter with orcs in these Room 57. The south passage of this Korwin’s followers standing guard here, rooms is 1-4 on 1d6. room leads to the secret entrance to the ready to aid or cover their comrades from outside used by the dwarves. room 32 below should the need arise. Area D Patrol Table Room 58. The walls of the corridor Room 55. This is the cooking area for leading to this room are decorated with Roll Faction the dwarves. Vents in the ceiling take the paintings illustrating the legendary feats 1 Dwarf and Orc smoke outside. of Moradin Soul Forger and his lesser 2 Dwarf associated deities. The stairway in this 3-6 Orc

43 switch has been pulled up, in which case the pool has refilled from the alternate water source. On the shelf on the north wall in this room is a helm of underwater action and gloves of swimming and climbing. These are used to dive into the south end of the pool and swim to an airlock door. Entering that door and closing the door behind the diver automati- cally drains the water out of the room. This allows the diver to open the opposite door which leads to room 41 and the controls for the fountains. If the party is working directly with the dwarves, the dwarves insist on retaining the helmet and gloves for future use. They allow the party to use these items as long as they are in Illefarn. Room 103. This room was King Devin’s Area E their return is 30,000 gp. There is also a collec- robing room. In a chest along the eastern wail tion of pendants, scepters, and other religious is a suit of bronze plate mail +1. Because of This was a temple to Moradin Soul Forger, the items not connected directly with the worship its fine craftsmanship and many jewels, it is main god of the dwarves. The walls and ceil- of Moradin worth a total of 50,000 gp. These valued at 28,000 gp. This is the ancestral royal ings are covered with paintings and carvings items have no particular religious significance armor of the dwarves of Illefarn, and dwarves which have been chipped and defaced by the for the dwarves. Finally, there is a stone of con- will pay its full value in gold or trade to get it orcs. Some of this artwork has been partially trolling earth elementals, a spade of colossal back. restored, thanks to Korin and his followers. excavation, and a mirror of mental prowess. Hanging on a rack on the western wall is a Most of the rooms are empty and therefore If the PCs are working with the dwarves when cloak of elvenkind. Any old elf, such as Sir are not described below. Room 97 is protected they make this discovery, the dwarves claim the Elorfindar, will recognize this as the cloak by a secret door, and none of the current occu- religious items, the stone of controlling earth given to the king of the dwarves by the royal pants of Illefarn knows about it. elementals, and the spade of colossal excavation. house of the Fallen Kingdom. Patrol encounters are handled differently in They allow the PCs to use the magical items as On a padded shelf on the southern wall is this area. When the PCs first enter this area, long as they are working for the benefit of the Devin’s crown. The crown is studded with 5 roll 1d6. A result of 1 means that room 94 is dwarves in Illefarn. They give the mirror of men- diamonds, 10 rubies, and 15 fire opals occupied by a patrol; roll on the Patrol Table tal prowess and the non-religious items to the enchanted in the same manner as a helm of to find out which. Roll 1d6 after each room is party as a reward. brilliance, but these can be recharged. The explored. A roll of 1 means that a patrol is crown also has a double strength fire resist- coming up the steps into room 89. Area E Patrol Table ance, just as a helm of brilliance does. Addi- Room 97. No one has found the secret door tionally, it acts as a helm of telepathy, a stone leading to this room since the last regular Roll Faction dwarven priest died defending his shrine cen- 1-3 Dwarf turies ago. The room contains six gold and 4 Dwarf and Orc platinum statuettes depicting a dwarven god 5-6 Orc in a swirl of stars. The statuettes are worth a total of 300,000 gp. The dwarven reward for

Area F Room 101. Entering this room can be dead- ly. The pool in this room is full of contami- Room 99. This room contains a stone statue nated water from room 16. Since the room is of an armored dwarf. The statue comes to life so small, it is filled with poisonous fumes. when anyone enters from either 98 or 100. It Anyone entering the room or standing in attacks unless the person entering gives the room 102 suffers the equivalent of a class C password, which is known to Korin Ironaxe. ingestive poison attack (see the Dungeon Mas- (The password is “peace.”) It freezes to immo- ters Guide for details of this kind of attack). bility again if the person entering goes back to Because the contaminant in the water is a vari- 98 or 100, but it chases anyone moving from ant of green slime, a cure disease spell is need- 99 into 102 and beyond. ed to help a victim, not a neutralize poison. Stone golem dwarf: AC 5; MV 4”; hp 50; This is obvious to any cleric. #AT 1; Dmg 3-18; THAC0 10; SA slow spell This pool is fed by the southern switch in every other round; SD only +2 weapons can the pillar at 41. If that switch has been pulled hit, immune to most spells; AL N; XP 3,250. down, the pool is empty, unless the northern 44 of controlling earth elementals, a ring of pro- base by Kelthas for some of his followers. Room 119. This room has been made into a tection +3, and a periapt of proof against poi- Section 105. A force of six skeletons guards shrine to Myrkul by Jorykul and his acolytes, son. The crown is valued at 50,000 gp. this ramp for Kelthas. The ramp leads to Area who also live here. Heaped before the altar is Room 104. This room is a secret armory. B. the treasure thus far found by Kelthas’s min- King Devin established it as a hideaway in Rooms 106-109. These are the quarters for ions: 1,400 sp, 2,000 ep, 1,500 gp, 300 pp, case he was caught without his normal gear. many of the demi-human followers of Kel- five turquoise pieces (worth 15 gp each), six However, Devin never got a chance to use it, thas. The dwarves live in 106, the non-clerical pink pearls (150 gp each), two black opals as he was killed fighting invaders along with half-orcs live in 107, the half-elves in 105, and (1,200 gp each), three silver necklaces (300 everyone else who knew about the refuge. the halflings in 109. gp, 1,100 gp, 2,500 gp), a battle axe +2 and a In this room is a helm of brilliance with 7 Room 110. This is the latrine for this group sword, flame tongue. Jorykul intends to diamonds, 12 rubies, 24 fire opals, and 40 of Kelthas’s followers. destroy these last two items in a sacred cere- opals still intact. There is also a set of plate Room 111. This is the residence of Karri mony in honor of Myrkul. mail +2 meant to go with the helm, gauntlets and Duggwell. They have no idea of the exist- Room 120. This is the headquarters and liv- of ogre power, a short sword of quickness +2, ence of room 112. ing quarters for Kelthas. Bryn also lives here. and a crossbow of speed with 24 bolts +1. Room 112. This is an ancient dwarf treasure Room 121. This room contains a stairway If the party is working with the dwarves, the room. No one has disturbed this room for cen- leading to 113. dwarves are willing to give the party these turies. Inside are five pots and four vases, all Room 122. Six skeletons stand guard here items if they can use them. If there are no superbly crafted and worth 500 gp each. at the north door. They attack anyone who dwarves in the party, the plate mail +2 is use- Room 113. Six skeletons guard this stairway attempts to enter room 123. Otherwise they less to them. If no one has a proficiency in leading to room 121 in Area H. are immobile. short sword or crossbow, those items are use- Room 123. The roof of this room has an less to them. However, the helm of brilliance Area J opening to the outside, currently covered by a camouflaged tarpaulin. The bandits entered and gauntlets of ogre power should be useful This area contains some living quarters and is through this opening. There are several small to anyone. also a landing for the stairs going up to the puddles of uncontaminated water on the floor next level. from leaks from outside storms. Area G Room 118. This is the bunkroom for the This was an area of workshops and living areas remainder of Kelthas’s human followers who for apprentice craftsmen. It is now used as a guard the stairway coming up from room 115.

45 block falls if the items are removed from the shelf in any order but chain, statu- ettes, emeralds. If the block falls, it also obstructs the doorway; it weighs 10,000 gp. Anyone making a successful Dexteri- ty check is able to duck out of the room before the block drops. Anyone left in the room not killed by the block is pinned under it. Rooms 136-138, 147-148: These rooms are essentially empty, although they are strewn with disgusting orcish debris. Room 139. This a guard station. There are always five orcs on duty. Room 140-144. These are the main orc quarters. There are three orcs living in each. Room 141 is a latrine. Room 145. This is Wartsnak’s head- quarters and living area. Room 146. The trolls live here, and one is present at all times. The trolls’ per- sonal treasure is hidden under some rot- ting meat in the northeast corner. The treasure includes 400 cp, 300 sp, 55 ep, 40 gp, 3 pp, and a gold necklace worth 3,500 gp. Room 149. This is an orc guardsroom with 10 orcs living in it. At least two orcs are on duty at all times. Room 150. This is the orc treasure room. One of the trolls is on guard at all times. In this room 500 sp, 450 gp, and Area K Area L three fine granite carvings of dwarves worth 400 gp each. This was originally the living area for the This was originally a storage area. It is Rooms 151-152. Stub, Zurch. and dwarven quarry workers. Now it is the occupied by orcs, who periodically attack Prollot live in these rooms. Kelthas and his followers in Area G. headquarters for the orcs. They found the Room 124. Six goblins occupy this entrance many years ago. room and guard the stairway. Room 134. This is the residence and Room 125. Two ogres live here and guardroom for 17 goblins. guard against attacks from 124 and 126. Room 135. This secret treasure room Room 126-128. These rooms are occu- has never been found by the orcs. It holds pied by goblins who aren’t on patrol. the treasure of a guild of quarry workers. Room 129. This is the treasure room On a shelf in the northeast corner is a sil- for the goblins. Three goblins are on duty ver chain of office set with many precious here at all time. So far, their loot consists stones worth 3,000 gp, five matched only of three stone carvings of mules emeralds worth 500 gp each, and a gold (worth 75 gp each), four turquoise pieces statuette of one of the founders of Illefarn (15 gp each), and 60 gp. worth 5,000 gp (and weighing 3,000 gp). Rooms 130-133. These rooms are all The treasure is protected by a deadfall, occupied by goblins. Six are on guard a single granite block which descends duty in corridor 130 and eight each are from the ceiling and does 6d6 points of relaxing in the other three rooms. damage to anyone in the room not stand- ing within three feet of the shelf. The

46 Success: Stopping the Flow they are thanked by a very pleased Melan- (if they can smuggle them out), but if the drach. The Council of Daggerford is also dwarves learn of these thefts, their anger There is one and only one goal the party very pleased. For their efforts, the PCs is permanent, possibly doing serious dip- must accomplish to succeed in this adven- each receive 2,000 gp and 500 experience lomatic damage between the dwarves and ture: stopping the flow of contaminated points. Daggerford. water. To do this, they must get inside the Failure to complete the mission is The PCs may wish to clean out as many pillar at 41 and turn off the east and west another story. Melandrach just shrugs and of the members of the orc and necroman- switches to shut off the fountains. thanks them for their trouble, but secret- cer factions as they wish, accumulating Just turning the northern switch up ly he wonders about the competence of experience points as they do. Note, how- will not in itself do the trick. Remember, the Daggerford militia and will be reluc- ever, that PCs of 1st through 3rd level will all that does is activate the alternative tant to associate with any of them in the have their hands full tackling Kelthas and water source which dilutes the contami- future. The Council of Daggerford is some of his more powerful followers. nated water, but not enough to make any more vocal in their disapproval and is They may wish to battle the more power- real difference. It is not necessary start up likely to order them back to try again so as ful forces in Illefarn when they are rested the fountains with clean water in this way. not to tarnish the reputation of the mili- and are at full strength. Better yet, the If the party starts up these fountains after tia. Requests for help or additional PCs would do well to ally themselves with shutting off the polluted water, the equipment are denied. If the PCs drag a solid force of dwarves before they take dwarves will be upset that the PCs are their feet or are perceived as whining, the on Kelthas. wasting the water from their alternate duke concludes that these militiamen are To prevent further incursions of water source, as this water can never be not cut out for adventuring and assigns unwanted explorers, the PCs may wish to replaced. In fact, it is entirely possible them to latrine duty for an indefinite per- seal up some of the entrances to Illefarn. that the dwarves will send the PCs back to iod. They may do this at their own initiative or shut off the northern switch if they pulled at the request of the dwarves. it up. Additional Accomplishments Finally, the Council of Daggerford may The best method for fixing the foun- order the PCs to return to Illefarn to wipe tains is to wait until the fountains are dry There are other goals the PCs may accom- out the orc and necromancer factions, after they are turned off. The fountains plish in Illefarn, although these are all assuming they haven’t already, before the and pool can then be cleaned, and the secondary to shutting off the polluted fountains. They can, for instance, recover conflict grows and spills into other crack can be repaired. The cisterns can regions. also be rebuilt. It is not necessary or the religious artifacts in Area F and return expected that the PCs make these repairs, them to the dwarves. Korin is especially although their help would certainly be interested in the crown of Devin. If the welcomed by the dwarves. PCs get it to him, Korin and his followers If the PCs complete their mission and are loyal to the PCs for the rest of their shut off the contaminated fountains, days. The PCs are free to keep the items

47 The following characters have been pre- Edrie Graf Kira generated for players to use if they don’t Human female, 1st level magic-user: AC Elf female, 1st level magic user: AC 6; have 1st level Forgotten Realms charac- 9; MV 12”; hp 5; #AT 1; Dmg by weap- MV 12”; hp 6; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; ters ready for the game. Players may feel on; THAC0 20; S 15, I 17, W 10, D 12, C THAC0 20; S 12, I 14, W 15, D 13, C 16, free to change the names, backgrounds, 17, Ch 13; AL NG. Spells: Ch 13; AL LG. Spells: proficiencies, and secondary skills to 1st level: magic missile, protection 1st level: feather fall, jump, magic make them more like the characters from evil, sleep, unseen servant missile, shield they’d prefer to play. Edrie Graf is an apprentice of Delfen Kira is the great-granddaughter of Sir Yellowknife. She has been an apprentice Elorfindar. She has both Gold Elf and Aswansea since she was very young and has no other Moon Elf in her background. She is an Elf female, 1st level cleric: AC 4; MV skills besides magic. All of her spells acolyte of Tymora. Kira is a favorite of 12”; hp 5; #AT 1: Dmg by weapon; come from Delfen’s spellbook. She is very Bando the Lame and is never seen with- THAC0 20; S 14, I 15, W 18, D 17, C 10, suspicious of any cleric, even those in her out the dice he gave her when she became Ch 16; AL LG. Spells: own party. an acolyte. She learns her magic from Sir 1st level: cure light wounds, bless, Elorfindar’s spellcasters, and her spells detect magic, light Garth are from his spellbook. Her weapon spe- cialties are mace and staff. Aswansea always wanted to be a rang- Human male, 1st level fighter: AC 4; MV er, but she tended to fall behind on train- 12” ; hp 7; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; Maelwyn ing hikes. She is proficient with longbow THAC0 20; S 17, I 14, W 10, D 16, C 14, and great sword, specializing in long Ch 12; AL NG. Human male, 1st level cavalier: AC 4; sword. Her parents are Moon Elves from MV 12”; hp 11; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; Garth is a son of the Delimbiyr family. Sir Elorfindar’s household. THAC0 20; S 16, I 12, W 15, D 16, C 17, He has more than a little fondness for the Ch 16; AL LG. grape. Since his family fears he will drink Cork Maelwyn is the son of one of the local up all the profits, they encourage him to barons. He is being taught his duties as a Human male, 1st level fighter: AC 4; MV be an adventurer. A born chance-taker, cavalier in the court of Duke Pwyll. As 12”; hp 11; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; he worships Tymora. He is proficient such, he receives much personal attention THAC0 20; S 16, I 11, W 11, D 16, C 18, with bow and short sword, and he special- from Sir Llewellyn and the duke, and Ch 9; AL NG. ized in long sword. He knows enough Bronwyn occasionally flirts with him. His Cork is the son of a shepherd who was about the family business to have weapon proficiencies are lance, long once an adventurer, and he wants to be an innkeeping as a secondary skill. adventurer like his father. Thanks to his sword, and horseman’s mace. As a mem- father’s training, Cork is proficient with ber of the middle upper class, he starts shortbow and javelin, specializing in broad with field plate armor, dagger, long sword. He is skilled in animal husbandry. sword, lance, and a heavy warhorse.