Sample file Magister's Miscellany

Of old, the mouths of Mystra made known to all who have Power, this: that by the blessing of the goddess, one mage shall be the Lady’s champion, and master of magery. This one, called , does not rule, but rather wanders the Realms doing as desired, for good or ill; and in time is cast down by other mages, and the mouths of Mystra shall name a new Magister. Thus the Art shall live and grow, in strife and mystery, and never know the stifling yoke of law nor of authority. And the Art shall grow stronger, for magely ambition grows with skill-in-art, and those waxing stronger will seek out incumbent weakness; from strife-of-art shall come greater strength. In the proper choosing of an enemy, each Magister brings glory, and greater strength, to the office. And in the seeking of that office, each magic brings glory, and greater strength, to the Art. —Albaerum, Sage of Neverwinter

Introduction n 1988, TSR published The Magister - A Sourcebook For The . Written by (creator of the Forgotten Realms) and (legendary designer of RuneQuest and ), it contained a wide variety of spellbooks and magic items. IThis book updates the magic items from The Magister to fifth editionDungeons & Dragons rules. Each has been carefully and thoughtfully updated, but DMs must be forewarned: Most of them are very powerful indeed, and are bound to have a profound impact on your game. The acquisition of one of them should be a character-defining quest, and their distribution should never be taken lightly. Most of the items described hereafter are unique, irrespective of their “rarity.” One might be found in a dragon’s hoard and another in a king’s vaults, and yet another carried by a bandit chieftain who has no idea how legend has come to touch their life. Each item’s entry starts with a bit of lore so you can use it to build the item’s mystical, legendary feel. Enjoy!

R P Davis The Netherlands, 2020


Designer: R P Davis Editor: Kai Linder Cover Art: Anderson Maia— Interior Art: Nathanaël Roux, Enmanuel "Lema" Martinez, Publisher's Choice Quality Stock Art (c) Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games, Daniel Comerci –, Eric Pommer / Mindplaces All art used with permission and under license

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2 Magister's Miscellany rmor As an action, you can make a melee weapon attack A with the shield. On a hit, you must make a DC 10 s noted in the Introduction, most of Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, Grimjaw the armor and shields listed hereunder affects one of your magic items, if you have any. On a are unique. Rarity is given merely as an success, it affects one of the target’s magic items, if any. estimate of the item's power. Be sure Roll a d100 and consult the Grimjaw Effects Table to Ato remain cognizant of the item's story determine the effect. when adding it to your story. If a creature makes an attack roll against you with a magic weapon or item and the attack roll misses by Dzance’s Guardian 5 or more, it strikes Grimjaw. Roll on the Grimjaw Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement) Effects Table. Long ago, the ranger Dzance found this shield in Grimjaw Effects Table the depths of Gauntlgrym. When he retired to Silverymoon, he passed the shield on to a brash young d100 Effect knight called Belpir, who promptly disappeared. 01–20 Item has one charge drained from it; if the item has no charges, its powers are suppressed for 1 hour. Dzance’s guardian was lost. Recently, however, reports 21–65 Item turns and attacks wielder, either striking using from the Vilhon Reach tell of a genasi adventurer from the wielder’s attack bonuses (if it’s a weapon), or Akanûl who wields a shield that, if it isn’t Dzance’s firing one charge or magical attack (if it’s a charged guardian, is a damn fine copy. Some guess that it is the item). genuine item, brought back to Faerûn after centuries 66–80 Item has all magical powers and abilities negated roaming the planes. for 1 minute 81–95 Item is completely drained of all magical powers While holding the shield, it radiates an aura of forever (artifacts are unaffected). protective magic that encloses your entire body. If you’re 96–100 Grimjaw discharges some of its magic into the item; targeted by a magic missile spell, you take no damage the item permanently gains 1d6 additional charges, and the missiles targeting you are reflected back at or a +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls if it has no the caster. charges. In addition, the shield absorbs lightning. You have Hawkstone’s Bulwark immunity to lightning damage, and whenever you Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement) would take lightning damage the shield gains a number of charges equal to the damage that would be dealt. As Sages wise in the lore of Vaasa, Damara, and Narfell an action, you can make a melee weapon attack with the note this shield was borne by the ranger Hawkstone, shield. On a hit, the target takes lightning damage equal who battled evil giants along the edges of the Great to the number of charges the shield has. All charges are Glacier. On his death, he was entombed in a shrine, lost after 1 minute, you hit a creature with the shield along with all his gear. Decades later, his tomb was attack, or you doff the shield. raided by adventurers and his equipment looted; not only was this shield part of his collection, so was his legendary blade Durelva. Hawkstone’s bulwark is said to Grimjaw have been itself looted from the hoard of the great black Armor (shield), very rare dragon Yindoth, though sages are uncertain as to the Beaten and battered, the only physical characteristics of veracity of this claim. In any case, none now know from this shield that remain known are that it never rusts— whence came the shield. not even if attacked by a rust monster—and the name Forged from a 2-inch-thick slab of a strange metal “Grimjaw” is engraved on the inside of its rim. It should unknown to Faerûn, the shield is enchanted to weigh be pointed out that no sage is sure who “Grimjaw” was no more than a common wooden shield. Black leather or is. straps secure it to the wielder’s arm. Grimjaw was last seen in the possession of an You have a +2 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition chieftain in The Vast. How it got there, from its last to the shield’s normal bonus to AC. known location near the Great Rift, is unknown, as the last sage to travel into The Vast to inquire disappeared. In addition, as an action you can command the shield Sampleto transform itself into a bridge.file The bridge is 5 inches The shield has a very powerful ability that functions thick, 5 feet wide, and up to 60 feet long. One end of independently of the bearer’s wishes: it can cancel the the bridge appears in an unoccupied space within 5 abilities of other magical items with which it comes into feet of you. contact—including those borne by its wielder.

Magister's Miscellany 3 The bridge can support up to 5,000 pounds at a Laeral’s Spell Shield time. Exceeding that limit causes it to revert back into Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement) a shield, leaving the creatures upon it with no means of Made of the same silvery metal alloy as Laeral’s storm support. As long as its weight limit isn’t exceeded, the armor, the Open Lord crafted her spell shields at the bridge remains for 30 days or until you use an action same time as she crafted the armor. Like the armor, no to grasp one of its straps and command it to turn back one can replicate the shields, though many have tried, into a shield. Nothing short of a wish spell can cause and Laeral has never shared the secret of their making. the shield to change forms without the command of the attuned creature. You have a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal bonus to AC. If you’re targeted with a ranged weapon attack and the attack misses by Laeral’s Storm Armor 5 or more, the missile rebounds and flies back at your Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement) attacker, using the same to hit roll result. Devised by the far-famed Laeral Silverhand, Chosen While holding this shield, you are immune to the of Mystra and consort to Blackstaff Khelben Arunsun, following spells: Bigby’s hand, blade barrier, shillelagh, now Open Lord of Waterdeep, these suits of plate armor and spiritual weapon. In addition, when you’re targeted have never been copied, though mages and artificers up by a magic missile spell, you can make a Strength saving and down the Sword Coast have tried. Of the dozen throw. On a success, the missile(s) strike the shield sets she crafted, most have disappeared and several have instead of you, and you take no damage. been destroyed, though two at least are in the hands of trusted members of the Lords’ Alliance. Reptar’s Wall While wearing this armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement) immunity to lightning damage, and resistance to cold and fire damage. Additionally, while attuned to Laeral’s Named for the warrior who bore it, Reptar’s wall storm armor you have proficiency in heavy armor. is literally that: a 6-foot-tall, 3-foot-wide shield constructed of roughly-forged iron plates riveted to an iron frame. Two words are etched into the frame in Reptar's Wall Common: “Eiruvan” and “Thammis.” You have a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal bonus to AC. Additionally, the Dzanc'e's Guardian shield has the following properties: Enduring. The shield doesn’t rust or corrode, and is unaffected by heat or cold. Heat metal spells and similar magic simply fail to function on it. Fade Out. As an action, you can speak or whisper the command word “Eiruvan.” You become invisible (per the invisibility spell) for 1 hour. While you’re invisible in this way, you are also utterly silent. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. Take Flight. As an action, you can speak the command word “Thammis” to cast the fly spell on yourself. When you do, the nearest magic item within 10 feet of the shield is drained of its power. If the item has charges, one charge is expended. If the item has no charges, its magic is suppressed for the duration of the fly spell. If no magic items are in range, all of the shield’s abilities other than Take Flight are suppressed for 1 hour. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again Shoon'sSample Buckler until you finish a long rest. file

4 Magister's Miscellany Thurbrand’s Protector Discovering Command Words Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement) In previous editions of D&D, learning an item’s command word(s) wasn’t automatic as part of Very little is known about the Thurbrand for which the attuning to it. You had to research and study to learn them. As an option, when a creature attunes to the shield is named, save that he was an adventurer hailing shield for the first time, it doesn’t know about the from Ten Towns who found the shield in a dragon’s buckler’s three command words until it activates the hoard. Like most magic items, it has passed through light ability. many hands since then. For a time it was lost, stolen from a petty king’s vaults. It was most recently reported in the possession of a Purple Dragon Knight on errantry Shoon’s Buckler in Impiltur. Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement) The shield is a simple affair, a kite shape with a steel Bucklers are small, round shields used by duelists across center boss. No heraldry adorns it, and indeed it is many worlds in the multiverse. Long ago, an adventurer said that any paint or cover applied to it disappears named Shoon claimed a particular magical buckler as sometime in the night, even when it’s closely watched. a prize from a dead warrior during an expedition If it’s ever damaged, or if an attempt is made to modify deep into the . He later traded it to another it, the damage is repaired overnight. adventurer, who promptly lost it (and in the process his life). Since then, it has popped up here and there, and While holding the shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC most recently was seen in the possession of the rogue and saving throws. Neldin on the Rock of Bral. As an action you can rap the shield’s frame thrice Shoon bitterly lamented parting with the buckler, with your knuckles to create a globe of air with a and gained a certain notoriety for cornering in taverns 10-foot radius. This globe withstands the pressures of gust of wind anyone unlucky or stupid enough to let him get started deep water, spells like , and other similar on the whims of fate. Over the centuries his name—and effects without altering its shape or location, remaining the name of his shield—have passed into axiom, with centered upon the shield. Creatures within the globe of the phrase “just like Shoon’s buckler” used to describe air can’t drown or suffer harm from poisonous gases like cloudkill any situation where a wonderful thing is lost due to a spell. short-sighted stupidity. Creatures can freely enter or leave the globe, You have a +2 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition except those creatures that can’t breathe or move in to the shield’s normal bonus to AC. air (such as fish), and that are gaseous in form (air elementals, a vampire in gaseous form, etc.) If such a While holding the buckler, you can use a bonus creature appears in the middle of the globe through action to mentally command the buckler to emit light teleportation, changing shape, or summoning, it is as though you cast a light spell on it. While the buckler immediately expelled out of the globe to the nearest emits light, three command words appear on it in unoccupied space. glowing letters: “Tethema,” “Sekoe,” and “Brund.” The globe lasts until you use an action to rap on the As an action while holding the shield, you can shield’s frame again thrice, and can’t be dispelled by any say one of the command words, causing one of the means short of a wish spell. following effects: Tethema. You can control its light function and use its other powers as long as you are within 60 feet of it. Sekoe. You cast the levitate spell without expending a spell slot or material components, targeting the buckler. Brund. When you speak this word, other functions of the buckler that may be active instantly cease, and it casts a blink spell on itself. The buckler carries a creature holdingSample it on its trips through the Ethereal Plane. file

Magister's Miscellany 5 Swords Adjatha, the Drinker Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement) ike the shields and armor above, these magnificent weapons are almost Sages tell conflicting tales regarding Adjatha’s origins. universally unique, truly legendary Some say it was created by dwarf-smiths, others that it items that have their own sagas. came directly from the gods to human hands. L Irrespective of these tales and its magical powers, the sword is beautiful. Crafted of fine blue steel, hilted with steel in a single cross-quillon and a plain, spherical, polished knob pommel. Where the quillons meet, just Albruin above the fine leather-wrapped hilt, is a large cabochon- Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement) cut black sapphire. The stone alone is worth a king’s Albruin was crafted centuries ago from a complex ransom (6,000 gp). alloy of steel, electrum, and silver by the master smith The sword has passed through many hands in its long Surdee, who was famous in his day for work that came history, from the king Kurskos to the thief Thyri of out of his forge in ice-bound Glister, the only human Amn to the Calishite merchant Ardun Muda. settlement in Thar. He had the good fortune to work himself saw and studied it in the laboratory of Nesker, with metal smelted from ore fresh from the mines, when that sorcerer was king of Mulmaster, and which may explain some of Albruin’s properties. disappeared shortly thereafter. Regarding its origins, Albruin is evasive. Speculation You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made aside, the sword has been across the length and breadth with this magic weapon. of the Sea of Fallen Stars, from the vaults of the Crown of Cormyr to Telflamm to Zhentil Keep to Arrabar. Like the shield Dzance’s guardian, Adjatha the Drinker has a very powerful ability: it can cancel the abilities of You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made other magical items with which it comes into contact. with this magic weapon. While it’s drawn, it sheds dim blue light out to a range of 10 feet. It is a silvered As an action, you can pour a potion over it or touch weapon for the purposes of overcoming resistances it with a magic item that has charges. Such a potion or and immunities. item must be Uncommon or higher in rarity. When you do so, the potion’s magic is negated, or a charged item’s Albruin has the following additional properties. number of possible charges is permanently reduced by These powers are evoked either by you or by the 1, and you gain 1d6 temporary hit points. sword if you’re unconscious and Albruin deems it advantageous to itself to activate a power. Physical In addition, you are immune to spells and abilities contact between Albruin and your flesh is necessary for that affect your mind, like charm person or suggestion. the powers to work. See the Unseen. As an action, you can use Albruin’s magic to cast the see invisibility spell. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Neutralize Poison. As an action, you can use Albruin’s magic to cast the protection from poison spell. Once you Albruin use this ability, you can’t use it again until three days have passed. Restore the Body. As an action, you can use Albruin’s magic to cast the heal spell. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until 12 days have passed. Sentience. Albruin is a chaotic neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 17, a Wisdom of 13, and a Charisma of 10.Sample The weapon has hearing and darkvision out to a file range of 60 feet. It communicates by speech (Common, Elvish, Drow, thieves’ cant), and can read all languages and magical writing.

6 Magister's Miscellany Arbane’s Sword of Agility Ilbratha, Mistress of Battles Weapon (scimitar), very rare (requires attunement) Weapon (shortsword), very rare (requires attunement by a fighter) Centuries ago, in lost Myth Drannor, elven mage- At the height of its power, the Crown of Cormyr caused smiths created mighty items of magic. Arbane was many wondrous magical artifacts to be created. Ilbratha one of these, and created the first of these swords, and is one of them, dating to the reign of Azoun I. He bore passed the secret of their crafting to his apprentices. this bronze short sword into battle with Tethyr, then Some refined the formula to include this or that ability, lost it shortly thereafter. Since then, it passed from hand but the base model, as it were, had the powers given to hand among traders and adventurers, before finally here. being lost between Battledale and Procampur. Ilbratha’s You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made blade was festooned with six matching bloodstones, with this magic weapon. each worth a fortune by themselves, and as a set of a value beyond price. While you hold it, you gain the following abilities: You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made • As an action, you can use the sword’s magic to cast with this magic weapon. In addition, you gain the one of the following spells from it, targeting yourself following abilities: only: jump or haste. Once you cast either spell using this ability, you can’t do so again until you finish a Magic Detection. When you touch Ilbratha to a short or long rest. magic item or effect, it rings like a struck chime, audible out to a range of 60 feet. • You’re immune to the hold person and slow spells. Spellcasting. As an action, you can use Ilbratha’s • When you fight with it, the sword glows and strobes magic to cast one of the following spells from it: jump, erratically. This property negates magical darkness and blink, or mirror image. Once you cast one of Ilbratha’s hypnotic pattern spells within 60 feet of it. spells, you can’t use it to cast that spell again until the next dawn. Demonbane Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement) Many tales tell of the fabled paladin Nord, who in the Year of the Moaning Gorge (DR 786) entered Ilbratha, Mistress of Battles the Citadel of Conjurers alone, and came forth from that demon-infested Narfelli sanctuary alive and unharmed. Those tales also tell of Nord’s sword, a sword which harvested dozens of succubi, glabrezu, and other demons during Nord’s excursion. As Nord and Demonbane disappeared shortly after leaving the record of his quest in the archives of the Paladin-Princes of Impiltur, we may never know the full details. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit a fiend with this weapon, the fiend takes an extra 3d6 slashing damage. While you wield Demonbane, you have the following abilities: • You can’t be charmed by fiends. • You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. • While you’re conscious, you can’t be surprised. In addition, whenever Demonbane comes within 60 feet of a fiend, it glows with a cold, blue light, shedding brightSample light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an file additional 20 feet.

Magister's Miscellany 7 Namarra, the Sword That Never Sleeps Harper Slayer. If Shazellim deals damage to a Weapon (longsword), rare creature with bard levels or who belongs to the Harpers, Nothing is known for certain about Namarra’s origin. the creature must make a DC 18 Constitution saving However, it is widely known that it has bobbed like a throw. On a failed save, the target takes 10d6 + 40 cork in tales of the Sword Coast from Amn to Mirabar, necrotic damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 from Neverwinter to Port Llast. It glows with a pale hit points, it is disintegrated. A disintegrated creature mauve radiance when drawn, and it spits white sparks and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic when striking other metal. On one side of the blade is items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. The etched, in the Common tongue, “Namarra”, and on the creature can be restored to life only by means of a true other face, “Never Sleeps”. resurrection or wish spell. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made Spellcasting. Shazellim has 6 charges, and regains with this magic weapon. While you hold it unsheathed, 1d4 + 2 charges each midnight. As an action, you can it emits dim light in a 10-foot radius. In addition, as an expend one of Shazellim’s charges to cast the detect magic action you can use the sword’s magic to cast the silence or locate object spell. spell, centered on it. Once you use this ability, you can’t Sharp Senses. While you wield Shazellim, you have use it again until you finish a short or long rest. advantage on checks you make to detect secret doors. Preserve the Wielder. As an action, you can use Shazellim Shazellim’s magic to cast the heal spell on yourself. Once Weapon (scimitar), legendary (requires attunement) you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you Shazzellim was created by the Red Wizards of Thay finish a long rest. in order to destroy their enemies, the Harpers. It has been cared for poorly, evidenced by notches, scratches, and the like, and it resents that fact. It hates its own existence, and as a consequence it has a mean and surly disposition. The sword was wielded by Ahlzul, a captain of Thay who was ordered to travel to Archendale and slay one of the Seven Sisters, Dove Falconhand. Unfortunately for Ahlzul, he mistakenly attacked another female knight and was killed in battle. Ahlzul’s men recovered his body, along with the sword, but they were in turn killed by the forces of Archendale. The sword was lost for some time, but was recovered by the Zhentarim caravan master Lhemako Tarsakh and Shazellim identified by the sage Helavaster in the city of Hillsfar. Once the sword was identified, Lhemako presented it to his superior Meer, who subsequently disappeared. Eventually Shazzellim made its way to Zhentil Keep. It may have been stolen, hidden, or passed to another by Meer before his disappearance. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Sentience. Shazellim is a sentient, neutral evil weapon with an Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 12, and a Charisma of 10. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 90 feet. The weapon can speak, read, and understand Common and Orcish, and communicates via speech.Sample Its voice is thin, reedy, and whiny. file Personality. Shazellim is ill-tempered and complains constantly. Its purpose is to slay Harpers, but in a pinch any bard will do.

8 Magister's Miscellany Singing Swords it stops mere inches from the point of release and Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement) hangs in midair. Rumors about these swords, forged hundreds of years There is no known limit to this power, nor can it be ago for the exclusive use of the Harpers, have flitted nullified. If you grasp it by the hilt, Susk stops levitating, about the Sea of Fallen Stars region since their creation. even if you want it to continue. On the other hand, Each is a silver longsword of a design often seen in the objects that weigh no more than 5 pounds can be hung Dalelands. on its blade and it remains in midair, making it a handy You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made clothes rack. with this magic weapon. yrar s ilver word Sword’s Song. While you wield it, it sings loudly S ’ S S Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) and constantly. Its song can be heard out to a range of 120 feet. As long as you can hear it, you are immune to It is said that the long-dead archmage Syrar forged this magic and abilities that affect your mind, such as charm blade after a fight with a creature that had the ability and command spells, as well as the mind-controlling to phase between planes of existence. After years of abilities of creatures like aboleths. In addition, the research and experimentation, he hit upon the correct sword’s song nullifies the sounds of creatures like combination of spells, and he was never troubled by shriekers and harpies. While the sword sings, creatures such creatures again. Since then, it has passed from of CR 1 or less that can hear it must make a DC 12 mage to mage across Faerûn. It disappeared some Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you can magically decades ago, and the sage Handlinian of Lyrabar influence the creature as though you cast a suggestion suspects it lies in the vaults of Larloch the lich, who spell on it, as long as it can hear and understand you. plans to dissect its making. A creature with at least 5 levels in the bard class can You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made make a DC 15 Charisma (Performance) check to silence with this magic weapon. In addition, while you’re on the sword’s song. the Material Plane, you can use it to attack creatures on the Ethereal or Astral Plane as though they were on the Susk, the Silent Sword Material (and vice versa). Weapon (longsword), rare While you hold the sword, as an action you can use Susk is one of those items that sages are certain must the sword’s magic to see into your choice of the Astral have an interesting and unique creation story, but none or Ethereal Plane out to a range of 30 feet, centered have been able to trace Susk’s tale, try they ever so hard. on the sword. This effect lasts for a number of minutes Even the lorekeepers of Candlekeep know nothing. It is equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum as though Susk simply manifested itself one day in the of 1). You can use the sword’s sight all at once or in hands of a famous bandit captain in the Sword Coast multiple short viewings, but you can’t exceed the total North; its tale can be easily traced thereafter, from amount in one 24-hour period. Longsaddle to Mulmaster and back again to Amn. aragarth he loodbrand Susk is a long blade that tapers to a needle point, T , T B Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement) forged of a dull gray metal that reflects no light. More strangely, it is utterly silent (hence its nickname): Taragarth was forged long ago in Silverymoon, when it never rings, clatters, scrapes, or emits any sound. the Sword Coast was young. First blooded in the Troll A blade struck against it may ring, but Susk itself Wars, it earned its nickname in the mighty hand of the remains silent. warrior Aeroth. When Aeroth tired of Silverymoon’s politics, he departed with his family to the Moonshaes, You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made but no tales tell that he took Taragarth along. Most with this magic weapon. sages suspect the sword remains in Silverymoon, but In addition, Susk has a strange property: when you a few, including Elminster, know Aeroth hid it on an drop it, it levitates in mid-air where you left it. It can island off the Sword Coast North, there to lie until be moved while so floating by being struck with other someone claims it. From there it passed through many objects,Sample or by magical means (such as telekinesis or hands, from Amn to Westgate, file and none now know even mage hand), but stops quickly when such force where it lies. is removed. Thus, you can’t effectively hurl Susk at Taragarth is a rough-forged blade that looks like it an opponent, or toss it away to prevent its capture— just left the smith’s hammer, with neither polishing nor finishing. Its fire-blackened blade is long and keen. Magister's Miscellany 9 You gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls made with Censer of Thaumaturgy this magic weapon. In addition, Targarth has all the Wondrous item, legendary properties of a ring of fire resistance and a ring of feather This perforated metal vessel is typically made of falling. Finally, you are immune to spells and effects that electrum, but may be formed of any precious metal. expose your thoughts to another. As an action you can fill it with incense and light the contents, causing the vapors from the incense to fill a Other Weapons 10-foot-radius sphere. The radius increases by 10 feet at the start of each round until it reaches a maximum of a 60-foot radius. The sphere spreads around corners, Darts of Branding and it lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or Weapon (dart), rare greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. It is not known who first devised darts of branding Wizard and sorcerer spells cast from within the or for what purpose. However, Thayan slavers made vapors’ area are treated as having been cast with a 9th- widespread use of them, as a tool of discipline and level spell slot. marking their “property”. Some say the darts can be acquired at a Thayan enclave in one of the larger cities The censer can’t be used this way again until on the coast of the Sea of Fallen Stars, provided one asks the next dawn. the right questions. Darts of branding are magic weapons usually found Cloak of Battle in an oiled-leather packet containing 1d6 darts. When Wondrous item, very rare you hit a target with a dart, the dart explodes in a burst Whenever a weapon attack misses you, the weapon of fire and the target takes an extra 2d4 fire damage. In becomes enmeshed in the cloak’s fabric for 1d4 rounds. addition, the target’s skin is permanently seared with a A creature can use an action to make a DC 18 Strength mark unique to your darts. check. On a success, the creature pulls the weapon free from the cloak; otherwise at the end of the duration the Once a dart is thrown, its magic is lost. weapon simply falls to the ground. In addition, as a bonus action you can command the Wondrous Items cloak to wrap itself into a long roll, transforming into a hile not as unique as the armor and quarterstaff for 1 minute. The weapon is magical for the weapons noted above, these items are purposes of overcoming resistances. rare, precious, and above all interesting. Each makes a fascinating quest item, Cloak of Comfort Wthe culmination of an adventure—or Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) even an entire campaign. This cloak imparts comfortable temperatures; you can walk through a desert or a high mountain pass and Bowl of Blood suffer no negative impact from the extreme climate. It Wondrous item, uncommon does this by alternatively exuding heat or cold that it This bowl resembles other magical bowls, like a bowl has magically absorbed, including the heat of the sun, of commanding water elementals. As an action, you can the chill of night breezes, and extremes of temperatures speak the bowl’s command word and it instantly fills common to inhospitable regions. with blood. Blood in the bowl doesn’t congeal, and can While you wear the cloak, you and everything you be used as a material component, writing ink, medical wear and carry are unaffected by temperatures as low as supply, stirge lure, or hurled at people. The bowl can’t −50 degrees and as high as 150 degrees Fahrenheit. In be used this way again until the next dawn. addition, you have resistance to fire and cold damage. The bowl is about 1 foot in diameter and half as deep. It weighsSample 3 pounds and holds about 1 gallon. file

10 Magister's Miscellany Cloak of Delight Cloak of Echoes Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) These strange garments cause all who view the wearer This cloak appears to be a cloak of elvenkind, and to feel calm and at peace in their presence, and feel imparts the abilities of such a cloak—except when friendly towards them. you’re trying to be quiet. Then you make such a racket While you wear the cloak, you are under the that creatures are bound to discover your presence. indefinite effects of a sanctuary spell (save DC 14). In Curse. This item is cursed. Attuning to it curses you addition, creatures that can see you have disadvantage until you are targeted by a remove curse spell or similar on saving throws they make against your charm, magic. You have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) command, and suggestion spells. checks you make to be silent or move silently, and Finally, as an action you can use the cloak’s magic to other creatures have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) entrance creatures. Each creature of your choice within checks to hear noise you make. 30 feet that can see you must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a creature is stunned for 1 Cloak of Fangs minute as they fall into a motionless trance. A creature Wondrous item, uncommon can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its This strange and curious item is an enchanted cloak turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once you made of heavy wool lined with sheepskin. It is snug and use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish warm like a normal cloak, but it has a powerful magical a long rest. ability. As an action, you can speak the cloak’s command word, causing it to fire missiles of magical force indiscriminately for 1 minute. At the start of each of your turns, each creature within 30 feet of you Cloak of Echoes is targeted by a missile, which strikes unerringly and deals 1d4 + 1 force damage. At the end of the duration, the cloak becomes non-magical but remains snug and comfy.

Cloak of Guarding Wondrous item, rare Made from a fabric containing metallic threads spun of pure adamantine, these cloaks not only keep you warm, they protect you from weapon attacks. While you wear the cloak, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks, and any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. However, the metallic strands woven into the cloak have a significant drawback: you have disadvantage on saving throws you make to avoid cold, fire, and lightning damage.

Cloak of Many Colors Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This rare garment can shift its pigmentation to grant its wearer immunity to certain spells, as well as aid them in remaining out of sight. SampleWhile you wear the cloak, youfile have the following abilities: • You are immune to the color spray, prismatic spray, and prismatic wall spells.

Magister's Miscellany 11 • You have advantage on saving throws you make to As a bonus action, you can speak a word of command avoid being blinded. and toss the gyregam into the air, where it hovers and • You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks you begins to spin, rapidly increasing speed until it glows make to remain unseen. with white light. As an action, you can speak a second word of command, causing the gyregam to teleport to • As an action you can use the cloak’s magic to cast the a location you can see within 60 feet of you. When it light spell. reaches that location, it casts a 3rd-level lightning bolt spell (save DC 15) in a direction of your choice. It Cloak of Reflection remains in that space and casts a 3rd-level lightning bolt Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) spell in a direction of your choice at the start of each These cloaks were made centuries ago to protect the of your turns. After 1d6 rounds, it falls to the ground, messengers of the High Lady of Silverymoon. The forever inert and bereft of magic. knowledge of how to make more was lost with their creator, the mage Irentalar. Several of the cloaks yet Flagon of Dragons survive, often in the possession of a powerful archmage Wondrous item, very rare like Elminster or the Blackstaff. This large, silver vessel never tarnishes, and bears no While wearing this cloak, you have advantage on markings. It appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid saving throws against any spell that targets only you and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. Sloshing (not in an area of effect). In addition, if you roll a 20 for sounds can be heard from within the flagon when it is the save and the spell is 7th level or lower, the spell has shaken, even if it is empty. no effect on you and instead targets the caster, using the You can use an action to pull the flagon’s stopper. A slot level, spell save DC, attack bonus, and spellcasting random dragon’s breath weapon issues forth from the ability of the caster. flagon. Roll on the Flagon of Dragons Table. Once you use the flagon, you can’t use it again until the Cloak of Survival next dawn. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Flagon of Dragons Table Created at the behest of the rulers of Aglarond, in order to help their messengers and diplomats in both the d10 Breath Weapon Luirwood and in the Sea of Fallen Stars, these cloaks are 1–2 Black Dragon. The flagon exhales acid in a 5 by 60 ft. line. Each creature in the area must make a DC 18 a great aid to travelers in the wilderness. Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success- While you wear the cloak, you have advantage on ful one. Wisdom (Survival) checks. In addition, you have 3–4 Blue Dragon. The flagon exhales lightning in a 5 by 90 advantage on saving throws you make to avoid being ft. line. Each creature in that line must make a DC 19 poisoned or contracting diseases. Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Finally, and perhaps the most interesting property, successful one. is that you can use an action or your reaction to cause 5–6 Green Dragon. The flagon exhales poisonous gas in a the cloak to create and maintain a bubble of pure, 60 ft. cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC breathable air around you that lasts for 1 hour. While 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 56 (16d6) poison the bubble lasts, you can breathe normally in areas with damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. a poisonous or no breathable atmosphere. 7–8 Red Dragon. The flagon exhales fire in a 60‐foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 21 Dex- Fire Gyregam terity saving throw, taking 63 (18d6) fire damage on Wondrous item, very rare a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The origin of these magical devices is now forgotten, 9–10 White Dragon. The flagon exhales an icy blast in a 60- but once they were as plentiful as they are rare today. foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC Gyregams are fist-sized spheres of a silvery, mirror- 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) cold smooth non-ferrous metal that doesn’t corrode. damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Samplesuccessful one. file

12 Magister's Miscellany Girdle of Lions Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This belt appears to be like any other magical girdle No Saving Throw? Dude, WTF? In previous editions of D&D, many spells and effects when first encountered. While you wear it, you gain didn’t offer the target a saving throw. This fell out of several special abilities: vogue in Fourth Edition, and is notably absent from Fifth Edition. “No save” effects made players very, very • You can speak with feline beasts, from house cats to cautious when using magic items for the first time. I sabre-toothed tigers, as though under the effect of a include it in this item as an homage to that standard. speak with animals spell. Before placing such items in your game, be sure to communicate this possibility with your players, and • You have advantage on Charisma checks made to secure their agreement to the risk. If you find “no influence feline beasts. save” effects distasteful, substitute the following consequence for high-level characters using the • You have resistance to damage from falling, and you goblet: “If you’re 11th level or higher when you drink always land on your feet. from the goblet, make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you take 6d6 psychic damage and are • You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks you stunned for 1 minute. On a success, you take half as make to move silently. much damage and aren’t stunned.” • You have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.

Goblet of Glory Wondrous item, very rare This magical container is a heavy goblet of dingy, damaged pewter. Although it always appears to be empty, the goblet dispenses a clear, dimly-glowing liquid when it is brought up to the holder’s lips and the container is tilted. It has a powerful benefit, but can also have a powerful curse on those whose hubris drives them to drink from it. As an action, you can drink from the goblet. If you’re 10th level or lower, at the start of your next turn you enjoy the benefits of a potion of healing, a potion of growth, and a potion of heroism. If you’re 11th level or above, you gain the benefits of a potion of healing and immediately lose 1 level; your XP is reduced to 1 more than the amount you need to gain the level below your current level. For example, if you’re 13th level when you drink from the goblet, you become 12th level and have 100,001 XP. The goblet only produces fluid when a living creature drinks from it, and once a creature drinks from it, the Goblet of Glory goblet becomes inert until the next dawn. Sample file

Magister's Miscellany 13 Greenstone Amulet Kybal’s Cords Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare These rare, highly-prized devices were made by some The method of making these cords is lost, and sages forgotten magical means. Embedded with fist-sized argue bitterly as to precisely what they’re made of. Thus, green stones that glow when operating, they are very they are nearly always found in treasure caches and brittle. The amulets are prized highly throughout ancient ruins; alternately certain archwizards wear them the Forgotten Realms and are generally found in the as belts. In any case they’re always carefully hoarded. possession of high-level adventurers and experienced Each is 2 to 4 feet long and has 1d4 knots tied in it. diplomats. When discovered, Kybal’s cords come in a bundle of 1d4 While you wear the amulet, you are protected as cords. Determine the spells the knots contain randomly. though under the effect of a mind blank spell. In As an action, you can untie a knot to release the addition, you have advantage on saving throws you spell trapped within it. Each knot can contain a spell make against spells and effects that affect your mind, with a duration of Instantaneous, and a cord can have and if such a spell or effect doesn’t allow a saving throw, up to 4 knots. the amulet’s magic allows you to make one. There is no way to determine what spell is contained in a particular knot, as each user has her own method Helm of Darkness for containing spells with the cords. It takes a month Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) of downtime to study the history and theory behind A helm of darkness, also known as a nighthelm, appears Kybal’s cords. At the end of this period, you must as an ancient and battered helm wrought of rough iron. succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a A large black sapphire is set into the brow between the success, you can store spells in your cords. On a failure, wearer’s eyes, and 12 black opals are set around the you can try again. helm as though into a crown. While you wear it, you gain the following abilities: Mierest’s Starlit Sphere Wondrous item, legendary • As an action, you can use the helm’s power to cast the darkness spell. Unfortunately, little is now known about Mierest. Some say he was an archmage, others an arch-sorcerer; either • When you’re targeted with a spell or effect that would way, he was a spellcaster of great potency. Most tales cause you to be instantly slain, one of the opals flares state he freely gave the sphere—which to all estimates is briefly to life, the spell or effect is negated and the unique in the multiverse— to either an apprentice or a opal burns out. Once all the opals are used in this visitor, depending on the tale. In all stories, the sphere is way, the helm loses all its magic. made of a lustrous silvery metal that can’t be scratched You have darkvision out to a range of 90 feet, and or marked and that won’t tarnish, rust, corrode, or you can see in magical darkness as though it was show any effects of heat or flame. It has a diameter bright daylight. of 4 inches, weighs about a pound, and always feels You’re immune to the frightened condition. comfortably warm to the touch. While it’s night and you’re not indoors or While the sphere is uncovered, it emits sparkling, underground, you (and you alone) are under the effect blue-white dim light in a 20-foot radius. The light has of a pass without trace spell. the following powers: As an action, you can use the helm to cast speak with • All sounds are hushed and no winds blow. dead. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again • Magical light and darkness that overlap with the until you finish a long rest. light’s area are extinguished. As an action, you can chill metal near you. You • Creatures and objects in the light are revealed as use the helm’s magic to cast the heat metal spell. This though beheld by a creature with true seeing. version of the spell deals cold damage instead of • Undead creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls fire damage. they make against targets inside the light’s area. When YouSample have resistance to cold damage. an undead creature starts its turnfile and can see the light, it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be turned as though targeted by a cleric’s Channel Divinity: Turn Undead feature.

14 Magister's Miscellany Once you cast a spell from it, you can’t cast that spell again from it until you finish a long rest. In addition, an orb of holiness always has the following powers: • It emits bright white light in a 20-foot radius and dim Orb of Holiness light for an additional 20 feet. • As an action, you can make an unarmed attack with the orb. Against undead creatures, on a hit this attack deals 4d10 radiant damage. • While they’re in the light’s radius, creatures of the same alignment as the orb have the benefits of a bless spell.

Rhun’s Horned Cloak Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) None now know who Rhun was or why they devised this simple garment. Made of dark brown homespun, on the hood is embroidered a set of horns resembling those of a bull. While you wear it, you gain the following abilities: • You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws. Orb of Holiness • As an action, you can use the cloak’s magic to cast the Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) pass without trace spell. Once you use this ability, you These items are usually found in the inner sanctum of can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. a temple or other holy place. Fashioned by powerful • As an action, you can cast the shapechange spell on divine servants or magically-skilled worshippers of yourself, transforming into a minotaur only. At the great power, orbs of holiness are carefully guarded by end of each turn you spend in minotaur form, there high priests and other powerful devout beings. Each is a cumulative 1% chance the cloak will disappear orb has an alignment corresponding to that of the deity forever and permanently trap you in the minotaur whose holy symbol(s) the orb is always inscribed or form. This condition can only be reversed by a wish adorned with. The orbs are seemingly indestructible, or greater restoration spell, or by a DC 25 dispel magic unbreakable spheres of an unknown glossy white spell. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again crystal-like substance. As befits an orb, each is smooth until you finish a long rest. and spherical, and about six inches in diameter. • As a bonus action, you can cause the cloak to grow If a creature touches an orb of a different alignment a long tail, which is a natural melee weapon you can to their own, it must make a DC 20 Charisma saving use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with your tail, throw. On a failure, the creature takes 4d10 psychic you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 2d4 + your damage and is struck by a feeblemind spell. On a Strength modifier, and the target must succeed on a success, the creature takes half as much damage and is DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. stunned for 1 minute. As an action while holding an orb of the same Tabard of the Mystics alignment as your own, you can use its magic to cast Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) the following spells from it: purify food and drink, sleep. Tabards are designed to be worn over armor. These Once you cast either spell from it, you can’t cast that tabards are typically green with golden trim, having a spell again from it until you finish a long rest. stiff, stand-up flared collar. Its construction is expensive, IfSample you’re of the same alignment as the orb and worship as powdered gold and serpentine file gems must be worked the same deity as the holy symbol inscribed on it, while into the fibers of the cloth, though the making of them you hold it you can use an action to cast purify food is now lost. and drink, sleep, cure wounds (3rd-level), and regenerate. While you wear the tabard, you have resistance to fire damage, and you have advantage on saving throws you

Magister's Miscellany 15 make to avoid spells or effects that affect your mind or and feeblemind. In addition, if you’re targeted by a spell soul, such as charm and magic jar spells. or effect that would cause you to become charmed, the In addition, a symbol spell is often woven into the spell or effect is reflected back on the caster, which must tabard, displayed upon the breast. As an action, you make a saving throw against its own save DC. On a can touch the symbol and speak a command word, failure, the caster is charmed by you. triggering the symbol’s effects. You are immune to these effects. If the tabard is ever removed from you against Ring of Lore your will, the symbol automatically triggers. Once the Ring, uncommon symbol is triggered its magic is lost, though the other This ring appears identical to other magical rings, except properties remain. for the command word inscribed on the inside of the band. Trumpet of Doom As an action, you can speak the ring’s command word Wondrous item, very rare to produce one of the following effects of your choice: These horns are battered, dented, tarnished brass, and • You can use the ring’s magic to cast the legend lore always look like they’re about to fall to pieces. spell. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again You can use an action to speak the trumpet’s until 10 days have passed. command word and then blow it, causing all humanoid • You can command the ring to “Shine forth!”, causing skeletons and corpses within 60 feet of you to animate all hidden writings, symbols, glyphs, or other magical as though you cast an animate dead spell on them. writings within 10 feet of the ring to glow. This ability Once you use the trumpet, you can’t use it again until lasts for 10 minutes, and once you use it, you can’t use 30 days have passed. it again until the next dawn. • Whenever you use the ring, roll a d20. On a 1, the Wonderful Hand ring disappears without operating as you desire. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) A most unusual creation, this item consists of a finely- wrought steel gauntlet that is magically linked to another hand of solid steel. The solid hand mimics the motions and actions of the gauntlet, out to a range of 30 feet. The solid hand falls inert if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you.

You can use your action to control the hand. You Ring of Lore can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it. In addition, you can activate magic items using the hand, it can lift up to 50 pounds, and as an action you can make an unarmed attack with it that deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.


Jhessail’s Silver Ring Ring, rare (requires attunement) Supposedly once belonging to the famed Knight of MythSample Drannor, Jhessail Silvertree, this ring protects its file wearer against mental attack. While you wear the ring, you have advantage on saving throws against the stunned condition, as well as spells and effects that befuddle the mind, like confusion 16 Magister's Miscellany Rods, Staves, Wands Staff of Skulls & Staff, uncommon These staffs are becoming more and more common, Catstaff Staff, rare (requires attunement) especially since the Red Wizards of Thay have infiltrated western lands with their magical enclaves. The Red Little is known about the genesis of these staffs, though Wizards don’t openly trade in them, but knowing the the original is said to have belonged to the infamous right people is a good way to acquire one. Typically, thief Bernik of Amn. They are most often crafted of these staves are made of ebony topped with an ivory black wood topped with a sculpted knob in the shape of skull, or constructed of a smooth-polished skull and a a cat’s head. Many catstaffs contain secret compartments giant’s thighbone. for the carrying of small items such as thieves’ tools, spell components, magical talismans, and the like. If the The staff has 2d12 charges that can’t be replenished. staff is broken, all of its magical properties are lost. While you wield it, as an action you can speak the staff’s command word and touch a skeleton or corpse, causing You have a +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls you it to rise as though you cast an animate dead spell on it. make with this magic weapon. While you wield it, you Such animation is permanent, lasting until the magic is have the following abilities: dispelled (DC 14) or the undead creature is destroyed. • You have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. • You have a climb speed equal to your walking speed. Staff of Ethereal Action Staff, rare • You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to Hide. Also known as a “blink staff,” this item appears to be a normal wooden staff, but when you use its magic you • As an action, you can use the staff’s magic to cast the phase between planes of existence. darkness spell. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. You have a +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls you make with this magic weapon. In addition, the staff has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action and Nidus’s Wand of Endless Repetition Wand, very rare expend 1 of its charges to cast the blink spell from it. Named for the legendary mage who by its use gave The staff regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at us the oath “Nidus’ Curse!”, this wand is infamous dawn. If you expend the staff’s last charge, roll a d20. for being used by the bard Berdern Horsebrand to On a 1, the staff winks out of existence and is destroyed. afflict the ruler of one of the Border Kingdoms, to the hilarity of his court. The only thing that saved Berdern's head from being forcibly separated from his body was another magic item (yet to be named). This wand has 7 charges, and regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand Staff of Ethereal Action crumbles into ashes and is destroyed. The art of its fabrication is lost and has not yet been rediscovered. As an action, you can point the wand, speak its command word, and expend one of its charges to cause it to emit a 40-foot cone of gray light. Creatures in the cone must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, for the next minute an affected creature must repeat the action it took on its turn prior to being affected, such as making a weapon attack, casting a spell, or such, even if it has no target for the action or spellSample slots available to cast the spell. The effect can’t be file ended early unless an affected creature is targeted by a dispel magic, remove curse, or similar magic.

Magister's Miscellany 17 Wand of Armory Wand of Darkness Wand, very rare Wand, very rare The archwizard Hosta lived many centuries ago Evil mages acting at the behest of the powerful forces somewhere in the Sword Coast North. He worked on that inhabit the Lower Planes are thought to have this wand for many seasons, and his many apprentices made these fell magical devices. These wands enable came away from his tutelage with knowledge of how the weakest servants of evil to hold their own and can to craft them. They have since appeared in dragon be found throughout the Realms. They are most often hoards and treasure troves, notably that of the Crown of made of black ebony or polished bone, and a few Cormyr. Elminster himself studied that example. (especially drow) examples have small ornamental claws This wand has 7 charges. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended at both ends. charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last These wands protect themselves from good creatures. charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand vanishes in a flash If a good-aligned creature touches a wand of darkness, it of white light and is destroyed. must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a As an action, you can touch an unarmored target with failure, it takes 2d8 necrotic damage and is permanently the wand, speak its command word, and expend one of blinded. On a success, it takes half as much damage and its charges to envelop the target in magical protection. isn’t blinded. For the next minute, the target has a +5 bonus to its This wand has 7 charges. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended AC, and it has immunity to lightning damage and charges daily at dusk. If you expend the wand’s last the magic missile spell. The effect ends early if the charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand dissolves into inky target dons armor. blackness and is destroyed. Darkness. While holding the wand, you can use an Wand of Banishment action and expend 1 of its charges to cast the darkness Wand, very rare (requires attunement by a wizard) spell from it. Once there was a young wizard named Savengriff. Summon Shadow. While holding the wand, you can He was acquainted with the late, lamented Khelben use an action to expend 2 of its charges to summon “Blackstaff” Arunsun, and when the youngster was slain a shadow to serve you. The shadow disappears when while adventuring, the Blackstaff arranged to have him it drops to 0 hit points or after 1 hour. The shadow is resurrected. Savengriff became one of Khelben’s many friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for apprentices, and devoted much of his time to devising the shadow, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal magic items to help his fellow wizards avoid the horrible commands that you issue to it (no action required by death he suffered. Savengriff disappeared centuries ago, you). If you don’t issue any commands to it, it defends and took the secret of crafting these wands with him. itself from hostile creatures, but otherwise takes no The wand has 3d8 charges, and it can’t be recharged. actions. The GM has the shadow’s statistics. While you hold it, as an action you can speak the Break Circle. While holding the wand, you can use wand’s command word and expend one or more of its an action to expend 2 of its charges to dispel a protection charges to manifest one of the following effects: from evil and good spell within 30 feet of you. • You can expend 1 charge to cast the banishment spell. Animate Corpse. While holding the wand, you can • You can expend 6 of its charges to repel other wands use an action to expend 2 of its charges to cast the within 40 feet of the wand of banishment. Other animate dead spell. wands in the area are immediately flung 100 feet away from you. If a creature is holding an affected wand, it can make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC or DC 15, whichever is higher. On a success, it managesSample to hold on to the wand it’s holding. file

18 Magister's Miscellany Wand of Eyes Wand of Magical Mirrors Wand, very rare Wand, very rare (requires attunement by an arcane spellcaster) This wand has 7 charges. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended The archmage Glendar is said to be responsible for charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s these wands, the making of which is now lost. He made last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, you blink, the wand fewer than two dozen of them before succumbing disappears and is destroyed. to the temptation of lichdom and being destroyed While you hold it, as an action you can speak the by adventurers in the Year of the Vengeful . wand’s command word and expend 1 or more of its Most surviving examples are in the possession of charges to manifest one of the following effects: powerful mages, and at least two are in the arsenal of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors in • You can expend 2 charges to cast the arcane eye spell. Waterdeep, ready for issue when absolutely necessary. • You can expend 2 charges and touch a blinded The wand has 7 charges. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended creature with it to end the blinded condition. charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last • You can expend 1 charge to cast the see invisibility charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand disappears in a puff spell. of glitter and is destroyed. While you hold it, as an action you can speak the Wand of Knock wand’s command word and expend 1 or more of its Wand, rare charges to create an opaque, silvery, and reflective This wand has 7 charges. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended circular shield of force. The shield’s surface reflects charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last images (including the petrifying gaze of the basilisk) like charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumples like a mirror; you can look through the mirror as though it paper and is destroyed. was a window without suffering any harm from such attacks. In addition, you have truesight while looking While you hold it, as an action you can speak the through the shield. wand’s command word and expend 1 of its charges to cast the knock or shatter spell from it, using your spell A mirror shield moves with you, and lasts for 1 save DC or DC 14, whichever is higher. minute or until you dispel it as a bonus action. You can only have one shield at a time. Creating a new one dispels an existing one.

Wand of Magical Mirrors

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Magister's Miscellany 19 Wand of Teeth Wand of Whips Wand, rare Wand, rare Many years ago, the bard Tamshan possessed a wand Sages are divided on whether these rods are the result of of teeth and used it to dispatch an overbearing, drow or Thayan slavers. Either way, they’re both useful pompous Halruaan mage named Lantan of Pelmarin. and terrible. Other examples of these wands have turned up along As a bonus action, you can command the rod to grow the Sword Coast and the Vilhon Reach, and most a magic tendril of force from one end that functions as are closely held. The Blackstaff had at least one, and a whip. You’re proficient with the whip, and you have a apprentices at Blackstaff Tower have made great inroads +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with it. in reverse-engineering the method of making them; The whip lasts for 1 hour. Once you use this ability, you perhaps by this time they’ve at least determined how to can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. recharge one. When found, this wand has 3d8 charges, and it can’t Whisper’s Rod of Transportation be recharged. While you hold it, as an action you can Rod, very rare speak the wand’s command word and expend 1 or more This rod, devised by the wizard Whisper, allows you to of its charges to cause it to fire a number of dagger- change your location in the blink of an eye. The rod shaped blades of pure force equal to the number of has 8 charges, and regains 1d6 + 2 charges each day at charges you expended. Each dagger strikes a creature dawn. of your choice that you can see within 120 feet of you, dealing 2d8 + 2 force damage. The daggers all strike While holding the rod, you can use an action to simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one expend some of its charges to cast one of the following creature or several. spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability or DC 15, whichever is higher: blink (1 charge), dimension door (2 charges), plane shift (5 charges) , teleport (3 charges). If you cast plane shift using the rod, you have no control over where you appear.

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20 Magister's Miscellany About the Author R P Davis is a best-selling freelance writer, editor, and adventure designer who’s been writing games since the 1980s. He’s a Mithral-best-selling author on DMs Guild, and he’s written for The One Ring Roleplaying Game, Pugmire, Scarred Lands, and Odysseys & Overlords. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, and the Kabouter Games website. Help him keep making games (and become a Producer!) by becoming his patron on Patreon! If you liked this book, check out these books of magical stuff, also by R P Davis (click the image to go to the product page):

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Magister's Miscellany 21