3 Zitteliana 90 An Early Oligocene fish-fauna from Japan reconstructed from otoliths Paläontologie GeoBio- 1 2 3 Bayerische Werner Schwarzhans *, Fumio Ohe & Yusuke Ando & Geobiologie Staatssammlung Center LMU München für Paläontologie und Geologie LMU München 1Ahrensburger Weg 103, D-22359 Hamburg, and Natural History Museum of Denmark, Zoological n München, 2017 Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark 2Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Nara 630-8577, Japan n Manuscript received 3Mizunami Fossil Museum, Mizunami, Gifu Prefecture 509-6132, Japan 27.04.2016; revision accepted 07.09.2016; *Corresponding author; E-mail:
[email protected] available online: 30.05.2017 n ISSN 0373-9627 n ISBN 978-3-946705-02-4 Zitteliana 90, 3–26. Abstract The otoliths described in this study from the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene (biozone P18) of the Kishima Formation near Karatsu, Saga Prefecture, represent the earliest record of fossil otoliths from Japan and in fact the entire Northwest Pacific. They were obtained from outcrops along the Shimohirano River. A total of 13 otolith-based teleost taxa are recognized, 11 of which being identifiable to species level and new to science and five new genera. The new otolith-based genera are: Nishiberyx n. gen. (Berycidae), Sagaberyx n. gen. (Berycoidei family indet.), Namicauda n. gen. (Polymixiidae), Ortugobius n. gen. (tentatively placed in Gobiidae) and Cornusolea n. gen. (Soleidae); the new species are: Rhynchoconger placidus n. sp., Rhynchoconger subtilis n. sp., Saurida macilenta n. sp., Nishiberyx nishimotoi n. sp., Sagaberyx kishimaensis n. sp., Namicauda pulvinata n. sp., Liza brevirostris n. sp., Pontinus? karasawai n. sp., Ortugo- bius cascus n.