Scaling Distributed Hierarchical File Systems Using NewSQL Databases


Doctoral Thesis in Information and Communication Technology School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden 2018 School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science KTH Royal Institute of Technology TRITA-EECS-AVL-2018:79 SE-164 40 Kista ISBN 978-91-7729-987-5 SWEDEN

Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av Kungl Tekniska högskolan framlägges till offentlig granskning för avläggande av teknologie doktor- sexamen i informations och kommunikationsteknik fredagen den 7 decem- ber 2018 klockan 9.00 i Sal B i Electrum, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Kistagången 16, Kista.

© Salman Niazi, November 2018

Tryck: Universitetsservice US AB Abstract

For many years, researchers have investigated the use of database technology to manage file system metadata, with the goal of providing extensible typed metadata and support for fast, rich metadata search. However, earlier attempts failed mainly due to the reduced performance introduced by adding database operations to the file system’s critical path. Recent improvements in the performance of distributed in-memory online transaction processing databases (NewSQL databases) led us to re-investigate the possibility of using a database to manage file system metadata, but this time for a distributed, hierarchical file system, the Hadoop Distributed (HDFS). The single-host metadata service of HDFS is a well-known bottleneck for both the size of the HDFS clusters and their throughput.

In this thesis, we detail the algorithms, techniques, and optimizations used to develop HopsFS, an open-source, next-generation distribution of the HDFS that replaces the main scalability bottleneck in HDFS, single node in-memory metadata service, with a no-shared state distributed system built on a NewSQL database. In particular, we discuss how we exploit recent high-performance features from NewSQL databases, such as application- defined partitioning, partition pruned index scans, and distribution aware transactions, as well as more traditional techniques such as batching and write-ahead caches, to enable a revolution in distributed hierarchical file system performance.

HDFS’ design is optimized for the storage of large files, that is, files ranging from megabytes to terabytes in size. However, in many production deployments of the HDFS, it has been observed that almost 20% of the files in the system are less than 4 KB in size and as much as 42% of all the file system operations are performed on files less than 16 KB in size. HopsFS introduces a tiered storage solution to store files of different sizes more efficiently. The tiers range from the highest tier where an in-memory NewSQL database stores very small files (<1 KB), to the next tier where small files (<64 KB) are stored in solid-state-drives (SSDs), also using a NewSQL database, to the largest tier, the existing Hadoop block storage layer for very large files. Our approach is based on extending HopsFS with an inode stuffing technique, where we embed the contents of small files with the metadata and use database transactions and database replication guarantees to ensure the availability, integrity, and consistency of the small files. HopsFS enables significantly larger cluster sizes, more than an order of magnitude higher throughput, and significantly lower client latencies for large clusters.

Lastly, coordination is an integral part of the distributed file system operations protocols. We present a novel leader election protocol for partially synchronous systems that uses NewSQL databases as shared memory. Our work enables HopsFS, that uses a NewSQL database to save the operational overhead of managing an additional third-party service for leader election and deliver performance comparable to a leader election implementation using a state-of-the-art distributed coordination service, ZooKeeper. Sammanfattning

I många år har forskare undersökt användningen av databasteknik för att hantera metadata i filsystem, med målet att tillhandahålla förlängbar metadata med stöd för snabb och uttrycksfull metadatasökning. Tidigare försök misslyckades dock huvudsakligen till följd av den reducerade prestanda som infördes genom att lägga till databasoperationer på filsystemets kritiska väg. De senaste prestandaförbättringarna för OLTP databaser som lagras i minnet (NewSQL databaser) ledde oss till att undersöka möjligheten att använda en databas för att hantera filsystemmetadata, men den här gången för ett distribuerat hierarkiskt filsystem, Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS). Metadata i HDFS lagras på en maskin, vilket är en känd flaskhals för såväl storlek som prestandan för HDFS kluster.

I denna avhandling redogör vi för de algoritmer, tekniker och optimeringar som används för att utveckla HopsFS, en med öppen källkod, nästa generationens distribution av HDFS som ersätter lagringen av metadata i HDFS, där den lagras enbart i minnet på en nod, med ett distribuerat system med delat tillstånd byggt på en NewSQL databas. I syn- nerhet diskuteras hur vi utnyttjar nyligen framtagen högpresterande funktionalitet från NewSQL-databaser, exempelvis applikationsdefinierad partitionering, partitionsskuren in- dexskanning och distributionsmedvetna transaktioner, samt mer traditionella tekniker som batching och skrivcache, som banar väg för en revolution inom prestanda för distribuerade filsystem.

HDFS design är optimerad för lagring av stora filer, det vill säga filer som sträcker sig från megabyte till terabyte i storlek. Men i många installationer i produktionsystem har det observerats att nästan 20 procent av filerna i systemet är mindre än 4 KB i storlek och så mycket som 42 procent av alla filsystemsoperationer utförs på filer mindre än 16 KB i storlek. HopsFS introducerar en nivåbaserad uppdelning av olika filstorlekar för mer effektiv lagring . Nivåerna varierar från högsta nivån där en NewSQL-databas lagrar i minnet mycket små filer (<1 KB), till nästa nivå där små filer (<64 KB) la- gras i SSD-enheter (Solid State Drives) en NewSQL-databas, till den största delen, det befintliga Hadoop-blocklagringsskiktet för mycket stora filer. Vårt tillvägagångssätt bygger på att utöka HopsFS med en utfyllningsteknik för filer, där vi lägger in innehållet i små filer tillsammans med metadata och använder databasstransaktioner och databasreplika- tion för att garantera de små filernas tillgänglighet, integritet och konsistens säkerställs. HopsFS möjliggör signifikant större klusterstorlekar, mer än en storleksordning högre transaktionsgenomströmning, och signifikant lägre latens för klienter till stora kluster.

Slutligen är koordinering en central del av protokollet för distribuerade filsystemsopera- tioner. Vi presenterar ett nytt ledarval protokoll för delvis synkrona system som använder NewSQL databaser som delat minne. Vårt arbete möjliggör HopsFS, som använder en NewSQL-databas för att spara in på de operativa kostnader det skulle medföra att hantera en ytterligare tredjepartstjänst för ledarval. Protokollets prestanda kan jämföras med en ledarval implementation I ZooKeeper, som är en modern distribuerad koordinationsservice. To Baba, Amma, and Hafsa. Acknowledgements

I’m deeply indebted to my Ph.D. advisor Jim Dowling for giving me the opportunity to work under his supervision. Without his guidance and support, this thesis would not have been possible. I would also like to extend my deepest gratitude to my second advisor Seif Haridi for his constructive discussion and feedback on this thesis and the included research papers.

I also wish to thank my friend and colleague Mahmoud Ismail for his support and contributions in the development of the file system. Developing the first version of HopsFS was a painstaking job which took more than three years of continuous development. Without Mahmoud’s help, HopsFS system would have taken significantly more time to develop. I also want to thank all my colleagues and friends at Logical Clocks AB, KTH, and RISE SICS for their support during the Ph.D. studies.

Finally, I would like to thank my family and my better half, Hafsa. Their love and support made it all possible. Thank you for always being there. Included Papers

Paper I HopsFS: Scaling Metadata Using NewSQL Databases. Salman Niazi, Mahmoud Ismail, Seif Haridi, Jim Dowling, Mikael Ron- ström, Steffen Grohsschmiedt. In 15th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, Santa Clara, California, USA, 2017.

Paper II Scaling HDFS to more than 1 million operations per second with HopsFS. Mahmoud Ismail, Salman Niazi, Seif Haridi, Jim Dowling, Mikael Ron- ström. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, CCGRID 2017, Madrid, Spain.

Paper III Size Matters: Improving Small Files’ Performance in Hadoop. Salman Niazi, Seif Haridi, Jim Dowling, Mikael Ronström. In ACM/I- FIP/USENIX 19th International Middleware Conference (Middleware ’18), De- cember 10–14, 2018, Rennes, France.

Paper IV Leader Election using NewSQL Database Systems. Salman Niazi, Mahmoud Ismail, Gautier Berthou, Jim Dowling. In Dis- tributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DIAS): 15th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2015. Held as Part of the 10th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2015, Grenoble, France, June 2-4, 2015.


The research conducted within the scope of this dissertation has resulted in three main open-source software contributions: Hops Hadoop Distributed File System, Hammer distributed file system benchmark tool and a leader election library that uses NewSQL databases as shared memory.

Hops Hadoop Distributed File System Hops Hadoop Distributed File System (HopsFS) is a next-generation high-performance distribution of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) that replaces HDFS single node in-memory metadata service with a distributed metadata service built on a MySQL’s Network Database (NDB) cluster. HopsFS provides a high-performance unified file system namespace that outperforms HDFS by an order of magnitude in terms of the size of the supported namespace and also the throughput of the file system operations. HopsFS can handle both large and small files efficiently, and it has significantly lower operational latencies for the file system operations.

Source Code:

Hammer File System Benchmark We have developed a benchmark tool for testing the throughput of the metadata operations of any Hadoop Compatible File System. The bench- mark utility is a distributed application that can generate a large number of metadata operations using tens of thousands of clients spread across multiple machines. It can be used to test the throughput of individual file system operations or generate file system operations based on industrial workload traces. The benchmark utility supports testing HopsFS, HDFS, MapR, and CephFS. Source Code:

Leader Election Library Using NewSQL Databases We have developed a leader election library that uses NewSQL databases as shared memory. This library enables distributed systems that already use NewSQL databases to save the operational overhead of managing an additional third-party coordination service for leader election. Currently, the library only supports NDB cluster NewSQL database. It is possible to add support for additional databases by implementing the database abstraction layer of the leader election library. The library can support any NewSQL database that supports row-level locking and two-phase transactions to access and update the data.

Source Code: leader-election Awards

HopsFS also won the 10th IEEE International Scalable Computing Chal- lenge (SCALE 2017) sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC). The contest focuses on end- to-end problem solving using concepts, technologies, and architectures (including Clusters, Grids, and Clouds) that facilitate scaling. Participants in the challenge identify significant current real-world problems where scalable computing techniques can be effectively used. The Participants design, implement, evaluate, and feature live demonstrate their solutions.


I Thesis Overview 1

1 Introduction 3 1.1 Thesis Statement ...... 6 1.2 Hops Hadoop Distributed File System ...... 6 1.3 List of Publications ...... 7 1.4 Thesis Outline ...... 8

2 HopsFS Overview 11 2.1 Distributed File System ...... 12 2.1.1 HDFS Namenodes ...... 12 2.1.2 HDFS Datanodes ...... 14 2.1.3 HDFS Clients ...... 14 2.1.4 Journal Nodes ...... 15 2.1.5 ZooKeeper Nodes ...... 15 2.2 Hops Hadoop Distributed File System ...... 15 2.2.1 HopsFS Namenodes ...... 15 2.2.2 Network Database Cluster ...... 17 2.2.3 HopsFS Datanodes ...... 18 2.2.4 HopsFS Clients ...... 18

3 NDB Cluster NewSQL Database 21 3.1 HopsFS Distributed Metadata ...... 21 3.2 NDB Cluster NewSQL Database ...... 22 3.3 Transaction Isolation ...... 26 3.4 Types of Database Operations ...... 26 3.4.1 Distributed Full Table Scan Operations ...... 27 3.4.2 Distributed Index Scan Operations ...... 29 3.4.3 Partition Pruned Index Scan Operations ...... 30 3.4.4 Data Distribution Aware Transactions ...... 32 3.4.5 Primary Key Operations ...... 33 3.4.6 Batched Primary Key Operations ...... 34 3.5 Comparing Different Database Operations ...... 37

4 Thesis Contributions 39 4.1 HopsFS Research Contributions ...... 40 4.1.1 Distributed Metadata ...... 41 4.1.2 Serialized File System Operations ...... 44 4.1.3 Resolving File Paths ...... 46 4.1.4 Transactional Metadata Operations ...... 48 4.1.5 Recursive Subtree Operations ...... 49 4.1.6 Handling Failed Subtree Operations ...... 53 4.1.7 Improving the Performance of Small Files ...... 54 4.1.8 HopsFS Leader Election Service ...... 56 4.1.9 Results Overview ...... 57

5 Related Work 59 5.1 Client-Server Distributed File Systems ...... 59 5.2 Shared-Disk Distributed File Systems ...... 60 5.3 Monolithic Metadata Servers ...... 61 5.4 Subtree Metadata Partitioning ...... 61 5.4.1 Static Subtree Metadata Partitioning ...... 61 5.4.2 Dynamic Subtree Metadata Partitioning ...... 62 5.5 Hash-Based Metadata Distribution ...... 62 5.6 Using a Database to Store Metadata ...... 63 5.7 Improving the Performance of Small Files ...... 65 5.8 Coordination Services In Distributed File Systems ...... 67

6 Conclusions and Future Work 69

II Publications 73

7 HopsFS: Scaling Hierarchical File System Metadata Using NewSQL Databases 75 7.1 Introduction ...... 77 7.2 Background ...... 79 7.2.1 Hadoop Distributed File System ...... 80 7.2.2 Network Database (NDB) ...... 81 7.3 HopsFS Overview ...... 83 7.4 HopsFS Distributed Metadata ...... 84 7.4.1 Entity Relation Model ...... 85 7.4.2 Metadata Partitioning ...... 86 7.5 HopsFS Transactional Operations ...... 88 7.5.1 Inode Hint Cache ...... 88 7.5.2 Inode Operations ...... 89 7.6 Handling Large Operations ...... 91 7.6.1 Subtree Operations Protocol ...... 92 7.6.2 Handling Failed Subtree Operations ...... 93 7.6.3 Inode and Subtree Lock Compatibility ...... 94 7.7 HopsFS Evaluation ...... 94 7.7.1 Experimental Setup ...... 94 7.7.2 Industrial Workload Experiments ...... 95 7.7.3 Metadata (Namespace) Scalability ...... 97 7.7.4 FS Operations’ Raw Throughput ...... 98 7.7.5 Operational Latency ...... 100 7.7.6 Failure Handling ...... 101 7.7.7 Block Report Performance ...... 103 7.8 Related Work ...... 104 7.9 External Metadata Implications ...... 105 7.10 Summary ...... 106 7.11 Acknowledgements ...... 106

8 Scaling HDFS to more than 1 million operations per second with HopsFS 107 8.1 Introduction ...... 109 8.2 Background ...... 111 8.2.1 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) ...... 111 8.2.2 HopsFS ...... 112 8.2.3 Network Database (NDB) ...... 112 8.2.4 Different Types of NDB Read Operations ...... 113 8.3 HopsFS Key Design Decisions ...... 114 8.3.1 Partitioning Scheme ...... 116 8.3.2 Fine Grained Locking ...... 116 8.3.3 Optimizing File System operations ...... 117 8.3.4 Caching ...... 117 8.4 Configuring HopsFS and NDB ...... 118 8.4.1 Optimizing NDB cluster setup ...... 118 8.4.2 Thread locking and Interrupt Handling ...... 119 8.5 Scalability Evaluation ...... 120 8.5.1 Throughput Scalability ...... 120 8.5.2 Metadata Scalability ...... 121 8.5.3 Effect of the Database Optimization Techniques . . . 122 8.6 Load on the Database ...... 122 8.7 Conclusions ...... 123 8.8 Acknowledgements ...... 124

9 Size Matters: Improving Small Files’ Performance in HDFS 125 9.1 Introduction ...... 127 9.2 Prevalence of Small Files In Hadoop ...... 131 9.3 HDFS ...... 132 9.3.1 The Small Files’ Problem in HDFS ...... 134 9.3.2 Small Files’ Performance in HDFS ...... 134 9.3.3 Side Effects on Hadoop Stack ...... 136 9.3.4 Current Solutions for Small Files ...... 136 9.4 HopsFS ...... 137 9.4.1 MySQL’s Network Database (NDB) Cluster . . . . . 138 9.5 Tiered Block Storage in HopsFS++ ...... 140 9.5.1 Small Blocks in the Database ...... 143 9.5.2 Small File Threshold Sizes ...... 144 9.5.3 HDFS Backwards Compatibility ...... 145 9.6 Evaluation ...... 146 9.6.1 Read/Write Throughput Benchmarks ...... 147 9.6.2 Industrial Workloads ...... 149 9.6.3 Small File Threshold ...... 151 9.7 Related Work ...... 153 9.8 Conclusions ...... 154 9.9 Acknowledgements ...... 155

10 Leader Election using NewSQL Database Systems 157 10.1 Introduction ...... 159 10.2 NewSQL Database Systems ...... 161 10.3 System Model and Eventual Leader Election ...... 162 10.4 Leader Election in a NewSQL Database ...... 164 10.4.1 Shared Memory Registers ...... 166 10.4.2 Leader Election Rounds ...... 167 10.4.3 Global Stabilization Time (GST) ...... 168 10.4.4 Leader Lease ...... 168 10.4.5 Dealing with Failures ...... 169 10.5 Proof ...... 169 10.6 Evaluation ...... 171 10.7 Related work ...... 173 10.8 Conclusions ...... 174 10.9 Acknowledgements ...... 175

Bibliography 179

Part I

Thesis Overview


aetdrcoist efr h prtosaoial.Tehierarchical The atomically. operations the perform to directories parent two on operations write file concurrent Consider checked. are permissions l ytmoeaini efre,tefieptsaersle,adthe and resolved, files independent are paths the Before file the operations. system performed, file is the all operation of either system effects see file would specified threads the the of then none functions, or these of one call threads etc. stat, mv, rm, namespace close, hierarchical the adopted [ many also abstraction systems have file systems hierarchical the server file to single distributed Due the data. of user ubiquity accessing and and simplicity organizing for mechanism (leaves) popular nodes a terminal [ directories the or all files and be directories, can are hierarchy the in nodes T aepc a biu aua osos hti,tedrcoisa h top the at directories the their is, and that hotspots, files natural the obvious on has locks namespace acquiring and files the to the down from way paths the file all the resolving require would files two eUi prtn ytmhspplrzdteheacia names- hierarchical the popularized has system operating Unix he ae nPSXcmlatfiessestefie r organized are files the systems file compliant POSIX In pace. ntpdw irrhclsrcue hr l h non-terminal the all where structure, hierarchical top-down in 2 – 16 .I OI,alfiesse prtos uhas such operations, system file all POSIX, In ]. /home/user r tmcfiesse prtos hti,i multiple if is, that operations, system file atomic are , 1 .T hsdy vnatrfiedcds tremains it decades, five after even day, this To ]. 1 /file 1 and Heacia ieSsesaeDead.’ are Systems File ’Hierarchical /home/user — Introduction ag ete,Ncoa Murphy Nicholas Seltzer, Margo 2 /file 1 1 rtn othese to Writing . ot(/) root rae open, create, directory [Not!]

Ch. 1 of the namespace hierarchy are accessed very frequently. Hierarchical namespaces are a mismatch for distributed file systems that can store significantly more data and perform vastly more file system operations per second than single server file systems [17]. The hotspots not only complicate the design of the metadata service but also limit the scalability of the distributed file systems.

Typically, distributed file systems separate metadata from data manage- ment services to provide a clear separation of concerns, enabling the two different services to be independently managed and scaled. Usually, the file system metadata is stored on a single metadata server, such as in HDFS [2], GFS [18], and QFS [3] that provides high availability of the metadata service using the active-standby failover model [19]. The files’ blocks are stored on block storage servers which ensure high availability of the data blocks using techniques like forward error correction codes (such as, erasure codes) and data redundancy. Such an architecture has two main problems. First, the scalability of the file system is limited by the scalability of the single-host metadata service. Second, this architecture is only suitable for data parallel applications which use a large number of file system clients to read the data in parallel after obtaining the files’ metadata from the metadata service layer. This design only works if the user data is stored in large files which would reduce the amount of meta- data stored on the metadata servers and the cost of file system metadata operations would be amortized over the relatively long periods of time spent in reading/writing these large files. File systems such as NFS [10], AFS [11], MapR [12], Locus [13], [14], Sprite [15] and XtreemFS [16] statically partition the namespace into sub-trees across multiple metadata servers (shards) to scale-out the metadata service layer. However, the metadata partition boundaries (shards) are visible to the file system users due to the lack of support for the atomic link and rename operations that cross the metadata partition boundaries.

Recent studies about distributed file systems’ workloads in production deployments have shown that significant portions of the files in the pro- duction distributed file systems are very small in size [20]. For example, in the case of Spotify and Yahoo!, almost 20% of the files stored in their HDFS clusters are less than 4 KB in size. At Spotify, almost 42% of all the file system operations are performed on files less than 16 KB in size. The presence of a large number of small files puts pressure on distributed file systems with single-host metadata servers resulting in poor performance

4 Chapter 1. Introduction h l ytmmtdt ossso ihysrcue nomto such information structured highly of consists metadata system file The rvd CDtascin oacs n paetesoe aai an in data stored the update and access to transactions ACID provide system file the on analytics ad-hoc online enable to mechanisms provide l ah o l h hlrno h ietr ute oetal very a potentially – subtree directory the of the children updating the require all would for operation paths space rename file storage directory database simple precious a This of also, directories. amount but and significant files a the consume of only pathname not complete that stores form, denormalized inode in each metadata is, file system file manage the to store databases path metadata use the system improve that adding To solutions path. by existing critical performance, introduced system’s lookup performance file the reduced to the operations database to due mainly providing of failed goal [ the service with metadata metadata, database high-performance system using file of manage idea to this technology investigated have researchers years, many For system file the analyze to used be ad could metadata. perform which to SQL mechanism using a analytics provide system hoc the databases file by the the Also, provided of implementation service. transactions and metadata ACID design the the only simplify also not would but metadata database database, the ideal a as are fits metadata, databases system easily that file is hierarchical wisdom storing conventional for The and are data manner. Databases structured atomic of stored. amounts large data storing of for amount standard metadata facto the the de to of the size compared the small systems, very file is and distributed locations, In block data information. permissions, lease user size, names, file/directory as to tools metadata. custom system writing file to distributed resort the often files/directories were analyze Administrators largest that the system. user finding file a or the range, to in time belonging given files a all during created finding example, For metadata. not do system systems file file parallel distributed highly existing Moreover, latency meta- operations. low system metadata require file and also of streaming number but large as operations a data such generate applications, only not Many analytics, real-time Hadoop. in Chapter problem See files’ systems. file the of eoyoln rnato rcsigdtbss(eSLdatabases) in- (NewSQL distributed databases of processing transaction performance online the memory in improvements recent However, operation. expensive 9 o oedtisrltdt h small the to related details more for 21 – 25 .Hwvr ale attempts earlier However, ]. 5

Ch. 1 has led us to re-investigate the possibility of using a database to manage file system metadata. In this thesis, we base our investigation on the popular Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS). The single-host metadata service of HDFS is a well-known bottleneck for both the size of HDFS clus- ters and their throughput. Migrating the HDFS metadata to a NewSQL database offered the possibility of a more scalable and simpler metadata service. We store the file system metadata in normalized form, that is, instead of storing complete file paths with each inode, we store individual file path components in the database, enabling in-place mv, chown, and operations.

1.1 Thesis Statement

Modern NewSQL database systems can be used to store fully normalized metadata for distributed hierarchical file systems and provide high throughput and low operational latencies for the file system operations.

1.2 Hops Hadoop Distributed File System In this thesis we show how to build a high-performance distributed file system, using a NewSQL database, which leverages both classical database techniques such as extensive use of primary key operations, batching opera- tions and write-ahead caches within transactions, as well as modern data distribution aware techniques commonly found in NewSQL databases. These distribution-aware NewSQL techniques include application-defined partitioning (we partition the namespace such that the metadata for all immediate descendants of a directory (child files/directories) reside on the same database partition for efficient directory listing), and distribution aware transactions (we start a transaction on the database partition that stores all/most of the metadata required for the file system operation), and partition pruned index scans (scan operations are localized to a single data- base partition [26]). We show how we improve the latency and throughput of the small files by collocating file system metadata and data blocks for small files. Lastly, we show how to build a coordination service using NewSQL system that simplifies the administration of the file system by reducing its reliance on third-party coordination services, such as Apache ZooKeeper [27].

6 Chapter 1. Introduction 1 . 3 epeetHp aopDsrbtdFl ytm(osS e production- new a (HopsFS) System File Distributed Hadoop Hops present We h eerhcnutdwti h cp fti israinrsle in resulted dissertation this of scope the within conducted research The iso- are operations system file conflicting the that ensures database The orrsac aeslse eo ncrnlgclorder chronological in below listed papers research four Publications of List significantly operations. has system it supported file and the efficiently, the for files of HopsFS latencies small lower size operations. and system large the file both of the handle of terms can throughput in the both also and magnitude namespace of order HDFS outperforms an that a by namespace provides system HopsFS availability. file high unified for high-performance metadata the replicates and lated transactions. database into operations system metadata file stateless the multiple convert of In that consists servers case. the layer our service database, in metadata relational engine the storage NewSQL HopsFS, (NDB) a Database Network in Cluster’s metadata MySQL system file HopsFS state-of- the System. current File stores the Distributed for Hadoop replacement the drop-in industry-standard a the-art is which system file ready • • rtn h paper. the writing uhrsContributions: Author’s Contributions: Author’s rbtr oHpF.Tetei uhrddtemi uko h work the of bulk main the did author thesis The HopsFS. to tributors USA, California, Clara, Santa Technologies, Storage 2017 and File on ference Grohsschmiedt. Steffen Ronström, Mikael ing, NewSQL Using Metadata Databases. System File Hierarchical Scaling HopsFS: including work the of bulk main the did author election thesis leader The proposed the service. testing and implementing designing, in June France, DisCoTec Grenoble, Techniques, Computing Distributed on Conference erated DAIS Conference, tional (DIAS): Systems Interoperable and Dowling. plications Jim Berthou, Gautier Ismail, Systems. Mahmoud Database NewSQL using Election Leader . amnNiazi Salman 2 - 2015 4 , amu sal efHrd,JmDowl- Jim Haridi, Seif Ismail, Mahmoud , h hssato stemi contributor main the is author thesis The h hssato soeo h ancon- main the of one is author thesis The 2015 eda ato the of Part as Held . . 1 15 . 3 ito Publications of List . hII WG IFIP th 10 In hItrainlFed- International th 15 nDsrbtdAp- Distributed In hUEI Con- USENIX th amnNiazi Salman 6 . 1 Interna- 2015 , , 7

Ch. 1 that includes, implementing HopsFS, performance optimization, benchmarking, evaluation and writing of the paper.

• Scaling HDFS to more than 1 million operations per second with HopsFS. Mahmoud Ismail, Salman Niazi, Seif Haridi, Jim Dowl- ing, Mikael Ronström. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM Inter- national Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, CCGRID 2017, Madrid, Spain. Author’s Contributions: The thesis author played a major role in the discussions and implementations of file system operations us- ing different types of database operations. The thesis author was responsible for an optimal configuration of the database, and the network needed for high-performance of HopsFS and performed the experiments. This paper was also nominated for 10th IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2017). The thesis author also presented HopsFS in SCALE challenge and demonstrated the scalability of the file system.

• Size Matters: Improving Small Files’ Performance in Hadoop. Salman Niazi, Seif Haridi, Jim Dowling, Mikael Ronström. In ACM/I- FIP/USENIX 19th International Middleware Conference (Middleware ’18), December 10–14, 2018, Rennes, France. Author’s Contributions: The thesis author is the main contributor in designing, implementing and testing the proposed solution. The thesis author also analyzed the production clusters of Hadoop at Spotify and Logical Clocks to identify the prevalence of small files, and the frequency of file system operations performed on the small files. The thesis author did the main bulk of the work including writing the paper.

1.4 Thesis Outline This thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, Chapter 2 gives an overview of the HopsFS architecture. Chapter 3 describes in detail the system architecture of the NDB NewSQL storage engine and describes the different types of supported NewSQL database operations. Chap- ter 4 briefly describes the contributions of this thesis followed by an introduction of the prior research in the field of distributed file systems. Chapter 6 concludes the first part of the thesis, and it also discusses possi-

8 Chapter 1. Introduction ffu hpesta ics h hsscnrbtosi uhdetail. much in consists contributions thesis thesis the the of discuss part that second chapters The four research. of future the for venues ble 1 . 4 hssOutline Thesis . 9

Ch. 1

oehr ti adta DSadYR opieteoeaigsystem operating the comprise YARN and HDFS that said is it Together, of age an is This rvdsahgl-clbe al oeatadeteeyflxbestof set flexible extremely and tolerant fault highly-scalable, a provides eoitradapiainshdlrfrteAah aopclusters. Hadoop Apache the for scheduler [ application YARN and Apache negotiator by managed such are frameworks applications processing data by processed as and Figure accessed provide see and is data, data HDFS stored of volumes the large to store access to streaming designed is that System commodity File using data of amounts [ large hardware process and store to frameworks that software industry-standard is state-of-the-art Hadoop open-source Apache their the understand services. currently to value-added systems provide file and distributed better in customers data user of volumes large uino pceHdo hti ae nanx-eeain scale-out next-generation, a on based is that distri- Hadoop open-source Apache new of a bution is (Hops) Platform-as-a-Service Open Hadoop [ centers data modern many for Pig , Hive 28 , .A h er fteHdo steHdo Distributed Hadoop the is Hadoop the of heart the At ]. HBase i data big , MapReduce nentcmaisaesoigadprocessing and storing are companies Internet . 37 , osSOverview HopsFS Tez ]. , Spark ogrol u data. but oil, no longer is resource valuable most world’s The and , — 36 2 h Economist, The . Giraph 1 ,wihi resource a is which ], .Tedt trdin stored data The a. 2 [ 29 – 35 6 th .These ]. May 2017

Ch. 2 Figure 2.1: Software stacks of Apache Hadoop and Hops Hadoop. Hops Hadoop replaces the HDFS and YARN with the HopsFS and Hops YARN. At the data processing layer there is no significant difference with Apache Hadoop and Hops Hadoop, that is, both Hadoop distributions support the same data processing frameworks.

distributed architecture for HDFS and YARN metadata. Hops Hadoop is designed to make Hadoop more scalable and easier to use for the users. Hops Hadoop has been running in production in Sweden with over 500 users. Hops Hadoop uses HopsFS for storage which is more scalable and high-performant than the Apache Hadoop’s HDFS. In this thesis, we will focus on system development and research contributions for HopsFS. At the data processing layer there is no significant difference with Apache Hadoop and Hops Hadoop, that is, both Hadoop distributions share the same data processing frameworks.

2.1 Apache Hadoop Distributed File System Apache HDFS has five types of nodes: namenodes, datanodes, clients, journal nodes, and ZooKeeper nodes that are needed to provide a highly available file system, see Figure 2.2.

2.1.1 HDFS Namenodes HDFS decouples file system metadata from blocks that store the file data. The data blocks for files of all sizes are stored and replicated on a large number of independent nodes, called the datanodes, while the file system metadata is stored in-memory on a special node called the Active Namenode (ANN). HDFS supports multiple standby namenodes (SbNNs), and it uses the active-standby model for high availability [38]. A standby namenode stores a replica of the file system metadata and takes over when the active namenode fails. The active namenode is responsible for the entire file system. It manages the file system metadata, performs

12 Chapter 2. HopsFS Overview afwhnrdGs tms [ most at GBs, hundred few (a is in-memory metadata the Storing performance. high for process (JVM) Figure uhalrecutrrqie infiat kle diitao effort. administrator for skilled namenode significant, the requires on cluster large collection a garbage garbage such Tuning JVM the metadata. where the the pauses and multi-second collects metadata, frequent by system beset file is more cluster handle to inability namenode’s the ≈ of consisting collector cluster, garbage HDFS JVM the by amount managed the efficiently by be bounded can is that namenode memory the of by of handled amount be maximum can the However, that metadata footprint. structures memory data the in-memory main minimize map-like from to custom reading uses than slower namenode magnitude The of memory. or order disk an magnetic is a solid-state-disk either a on metadata Machine to Virtual random-access Java because single necessary a keeps of it and heap Java, the in on implemented is in-memory namenode system metadata The file the the state. that healthy ensures a and in operations, is metadata system file the all the and namenode files. active write from the and failover with read reliably communicate to to clients order and the in namenodes HDFS, datanodes failed In detect namenodes. to standby asynchronously used to replicated is active quorum subsequently ZooKeeper a is namenodes. on log standby metadata The the the replication. in to changes quorum-based the using all nodes logs journal namenode of the availability, high For namespace. entire eilzd vni hs prtositn omtt ifrn lsi the in files different mutate to intend operations are these (write-operations) if changes even namespace serialized, the All using lock. consistent namespace global strongly kept is readers/single-writer multiple metadata namespace the Moreover, 0 . 5 ilo aabok.Frhrsaaiiyo h lse shmee by hampered is cluster the of scalability Further blocks. data billion 2 . 2 DSsse rhtcue nHF,asnl aeoemngstemtdt o the for metadata the manages namenode single a HDFS, In architecture. system HDFS : ocrec eatc,ipeetduiga using implemented semantics, concurrency 2 ≈ . 1 2000 2 pceHdo itiue ieSystem File Distributed Hadoop Apache . , 39 ) ttetm fwiigteSpotify the writing of time the At ]). aands stores nodes, data 73 B fdt in data of PBs 13

Ch. 2 different sub-trees of the namespace hierarchy. A write-operation blocks all other operations, and a large write (that is deleting millions of files at once) operation can potentially block the namespace for a very long time. Some operators have reported that due to a sudden influx of write- operations and JVM stop-the-world garbage collection, the namenode can become unresponsive for tens of minutes [40]. Due to the coarse- grained global namespace lock, the namenode does not scale well on multi- core hardware, and the CPU is often underutilized for write-intensive workloads [41, 42]. For example, the HDFS throughput is limited to ≈80 thousand file system operations/sec on typical read-heavy industrial workloads, such as at Spotify. For a more write-intensive workload with 20% writes, the throughput drops to ≈20 thousand operations/sec [43].

2.1.2 HDFS Datanodes The files in HDFS are split into blocks, with a default of 3 replicas of each block stored on different datanodes. A block placement policy determines the choice of datanodes to store the replicas of the blocks. The default block placement policy provides rack-level fault-tolerance and minimizes data transfers between racks. The client writes the first block to a local datanode if there is one, and the next two blocks to two datanodes on the same remote rack. The default block placement policy can be replaced with a custom block placement policy by an administrator. The datanodes periodically send heartbeats to both the active and standby namenodes indicating that they are alive, and the active namenode takes management actions to ensure that the file system is in a safe state. For example, when the active namenode detects that a datanode has failed, due to a number of consecutively missed heartbeats, for each block on the failed datanode, it orders one of the surviving datanodes that stores a copy of the lost block to replicate it to a different alive datanode in the system. The datanodes send periodic block-reports (default six hours) to the namenodes. The block-report contains IDs of all the blocks stored on the datanode. The block-report is also sent to the secondary namenode to keep it up-to-date with the block changes on the datanodes.

2.1.3 HDFS Clients HDFS clients communicate with both the active namenode and the data- nodes to access and update the stored data. To read a file, the client first communicates with the active namenode and retrieves the metadata for

14 Chapter 2. HopsFS Overview 2 2 2 . . . 2 1 1 2 . . . . 2 1 5 4 rtn/edn ml ls aat/rmtedatanodes. the to/from data files’ small writing/reading [ namenode active the at queues call RPC in wait a es he)JunlNdsuigaqou-ae elcto algorithm. replication quorum-based a using Nodes Journal three) least (at h o nre ntejunlndsaeapidt h tnb namenodes standby the to applied are nodes journal the in entries log The failure, or restart namenode a of eventuality the in metadata losing avoid To ae.HpF a ortpso oe:nmnds aaoe,clients, datanodes, namenodes, nodes. nodes: database of NDB datanode and types the and four layer has metadata at the HopsFS both out layer. at scaled nodes be new can adding Hops by layer. runtime intro- metadata by distributed bottleneck scale-out metadata a HDFS ducing the removes that high-performance HDFS new of a distribution is (HopsFS) System File Distributed Hadoop Hops System File Distributed Hadoop Hops namenode which standby. on is agreement which an and reach active to currently cluster is the in nodes all allow [ services membership synchronization, group distributed services and naming, provides management, that configuration service as coordination such third-party a is ZooKeeper Nodes ZooKeeper [ applied been primary log have the outstanding nodes the as journal all the over after in takes fails entries namenodes namenode active standby the the when of namenode One batches. in external of set a to replicated and logged are metadata the to changes all Nodes Journal of cost the than the higher where significantly files is small operations for metadata operation the system of file cost the of operations performance system the file the as degrades system file the of performance have [ the may clients deployments of HDFS thousands corresponding Large of the blocks. tens contacts data directly the then retrieve client to store The datanodes that file. datanodes the the of about blocks information the contains metadata The file. the oredtbs aldNBcutr hsmkstenmndsi HopsFS in namenodes the makes open- This shared-nothing, cluster. in-memory, NDB an called in database stored source is metadata the HopsFS, In Namenodes HopsFS 2 .Fralrenme ffiesse clients, system file of number large a For ]. 2 . 2 osHdo itiue ieSystem File Distributed Hadoop Hops . 27 .HF ssZoeprisacsto instances ZooKeeper uses HDFS ]. 45 44 ]. .Ti eeeyaffects severely This ]. 15

Ch. 2 Figure 2.3: HopsFS system architecture. HopsFS supports multiple stateless namenodes and a single leader namenode. All the namenodes access and update the metadata stored in NDB cluster. HopsFS only decouples the metadata for large files. Data blocks for small files (664 KB) are stored with the metadata in the distributed database, while the data blocks for large files (>64 KB) are stored and replicated on HopsFS datanodes. Unlike HDFS which uses ZooKeeper for coordination services, HopsFS solves this problem by using the database as shared memory to implement a leader election and group a membership management service.

stateless. HopsFS supports multiple redundant stateless namenodes that, in parallel, read and update the metadata stored in the external database. HopsFS only decouples the metadata for large files. Data blocks for small files (664 KB) are stored with the metadata in the distributed database, while the data blocks for large files (>64 KB) are stored and replicated on the HopsFS datanodes.

HopsFS Leader Namenode Unlike HDFS all the namenodes are active in HopsFS that simultaneously perform file system operations. The internal management (housekeep- ing) operations must be coordinated amongst the namenodes. Some housekeeping operations cannot be performed by multiple namenodes simultaneously. These housekeeping operations include ensuring that the file blocks are properly replicated and removing any dead datanodes. If these operations are executed simultaneously on multiple namenodes, they can potentially compromise the integrity of the namespace. For example, the replication service makes sure that all the blocks in the system have the required number of replicas. If any block becomes over-replicated, then the replication manager removes the replicas of the block until it reaches the required level of replication. If, however, we

16 Chapter 2. HopsFS Overview 2 . 2 . 2 CDtascin.Tascincodntr adetetransactions. the handle coordinators Transaction transactions. ACID cluster NDB throughput. higher yield and flexibility greater provide h efrac fatascingetydpnso o h aais data the how on depends greatly transaction a of performance The rcsig(LP aaae [ databases (OLTP) processing attoe.Atascinwudrnfse faltedt hti edand read is that data the all if faster run would transaction A partitioned. oriao ade l h edadudt ure ntetransaction. the in queries update transaction The and read datanode. specific the a all on handles transaction coordinator a allows enlist APIs to native client the However, transaction the load-balanced coordinators. several) randomly transaction maybe are the all (and transactions among the one default, least By at coordinators. has node database Each [ second per updates SQL with than CAP tests more the scalability giving In In tolerance, partition availability. partition. and network up consistency a inconsistencies provides detects NDB data it model, prevents theorem when that cluster node the halting management by one least Native at nodes. has database NDB the on stored data Servers the MySQL access bypass for directly to However, the APIs and queries. native access SQL provides to using NDB used nodes performance, database be high NDB can the nodes on Server stored data multiple MySQL across nodes. data database the NDB replicates and storage partitions NDB automatically The engine nodes. engine, Server storage MySQL optionally Database and Network nodes run management that nodes database NDB multiple of class the to belongs databases cluster (NDB) Cluster Database Network Cluster Database Network Chapter in detail leader in The discussed to service. is memory membership service shared group election a and as election database leader the a using implement by problem this [ solves ZooKeeper HopsFS uses these name- which (leader) HDFS, HopsFS, distinguished Unlike In a node. by system. performed the are from operations removed housekeeping might completely block being a up and decisions, end conflicting/duplicate coordina- take without might parallel they in tion, running managers replication several had srnig hswyaltera prtosaehnldb h local replicas the the by with synchronized handled are are updates operations and read partition the the all of way coordinatorreplica transaction This the in where resides running. datanode data same is the the is, on that stored coordinator, partition transaction a the to local is updated itiue,i-eoy ihpromne nietransaction online high-performance, in-memory, distributed, : 200 ilo pae sn aieNBAIand API NDB native using updates million 47 .NBcutrspot itiuinaware distribution supports cluster NDB ]. 2 46 . 2 .AtpclNBcutrstpincludes setup cluster NDB typical A ]. osHdo itiue ieSystem File Distributed Hadoop Hops . 32 oe,NBhsperformed has NDB nodes, 27 o oriainservices, coordination for ] 10 . 2 . 5 NewSQL million 17

Ch. 2 of the partition in the same replication node group, see Chapter 3 for a detailed discussion on NDB cluster.

2.2.3 HopsFS Datanodes Unlike HDFS that store data blocks for files of all sizes on the datanodes, HopsFS only stores the data blocks of large files (>64 KB) on the data- nodes. Similar to HDFS, the datanodes are connected to all the namenodes in HopsFS. Datanodes periodically send a heartbeat message to all the namenodes to notify them that they are alive. The heartbeat also con- tains information such as the datanode capacity, available space, and the number of active data transfer connections. This information is used by the namenodes for future block allocations and not persisted in either HDFS or HopsFS, as it is rebuilt on system restart using heartbeats from the datanodes. Both HDFS and HopsFS persist the mapping of files to blocks to stable storage so that it can be recovered in the event of failures. However, only HopsFS persists information about the datanodes on which blocks are stored. This enables faster restarts on a cluster failure compared to HDFS, as HopsFS does not strictly require block-reports from all the datanodes to rebuild the block location mappings data. In HopsFS, the datanodes also send periodic block-reports to the namenodes, however, instead of sending the block-report to all the namenodes the block-reports are sent to only one namenode in a round-robin manner. Moreover, the block-reports in HopsFS are more efficient. In HDFS the namenode pro- cesses all the blocks in a block-report, while, HopsFS uses a hash-based block-report system that is inspired by Merkle trees to reduce the computa- tion of block-reports on the namenode side. In HopsFS, the block-report is split into a large number of sub-block-reports. The datanodes compute the hash of the sub-block-reports and send the hashes to the namenodes. The blocks in the sub-block-report are only processed if the hashes do not match on the namenode side [48].

2.2.4 HopsFS Clients Similar to HDFS, the HopsFS clients communicate with both the name- nodes and the datanodes. For example, to read a large file, the client first sends a read-file operation to one of the namenodes in the system. The namenode fetches the file’s metadata from the database and ensures that the file path is valid and the client is authorized to read the file. After performing the metadata operation, the namenode returns the addresses

18 Chapter 2. HopsFS Overview aeoe,a hyasm hr sasnl cienamenode. active single a is over fully there operations are assume distribute they clients not as HDFS do namenodes, they cluster. although HopsFS, operational enabling with an minutes, compatible join few every to list namenodes necessary. namenode new if the off refresh backing clients after namenode HopsFS transparently another client on HopsFS operation the the fails, overloading, retries operation or system failure file namenode a to If due namenodes. the among operations system the Chapter see reducing support files, number files, clients small the small for reduces latencies reading This operational in end-to-end involved client. the steps the to communication returns directly of data then blocks namenode the data the fetches and files namenode metadata whose small the file’s files, the database, small with the then reading along in blocks client For stored The file. are client. the blocks the read data to to stored, datanodes is the file contacts the where datanodes, the of random , round-robin, 2 . 2 osHdo itiue ieSystem File Distributed Hadoop Hops . and sticky oiist itiuetefile the distribute to policies 9 HopsFS . 19

Ch. 2

3 . 1 oefrec ahcomponent): path each for (one operations database of types different the and architecture cluster (NDB) h eaaai trdi h aaaei omlzdfr.Isedof Instead form. normalized in database the in stored is metadata The ahcmoet ssprt osi nioe al.Freape instead example, For table. inodes an in rows separate as components path tables, Other information. ownership and size, file attributes, permission fsoiga nd ihfl pathname full with inode file an individual storing of stores HopsFS inode, each with paths file entire storing blocks. the of replicas the store datanodes the HopsFS and files different the to as such tables The different in stored database. on is times the metadata three in system default) file (by replicated The are datanodes. comprises which HopsFS the file blocks non-empty data update a more and HopsFS, or In one read cluster. that NDB in transactions stored operations metadata distributed system file into The converted NDB. in are metadata system file the stores HopsFS Metadata Distributed HopsFS NDB. by supported Database Network MySQL’s the introduce briefly will we chapter, this In omlzddt ntedtbs a ayavnae,sc senabling as such the advantages, Storing many has hierarchy. rename database namespace the the in maintain data to normalized inodes parent the to D lse eSLDatabase NewSQL Cluster NDB l ytmoeaint epromdi-lc yudtn single a updating by in-place performed be to operation system file blocks al trsifrainaottedt lcsbelonging blocks data the about information stores table inodes replicas al trstenm ftefile/directory, the of name the stores table ot(/) root al trsifrainaotwhich about information stores table , /etc/gnupg etc and , gnupg esoetreinodes three store we , 3 ihfrinkeys foreign with

Ch. 3 Figure 3.1: A sample file system namespace. The diamond shapes represent directory inodes and the circles represent file inodes. The inodes are stored in the Inodes table where each row represents a single file or directory.

row in the database that represents the inode. If complete file paths are stored alongside each inode, it would not only consume a significant amount of precious database storage space but also, a simple directory rename operation would require updating the file paths for all the children of the directory subtree. The rename operation is an important operation for higher level frameworks, such as Apache Hive that uses the atomic rename operations to commit transactions in Hive. The HopsFS schema contains around 40 tables that store the metadata of the file system. For the sake of simplicity, here we will only consider the inodes table. Table 3.1 shows a possible solution for how the namespace shown in Figure 3.1 can be stored in the inodes table.

Now we will discuss the system architecture of the NDB cluster data- base and show how the inodes table is stored in the distributed database and how the inodes table is accessed using different types of database operations.

3.2 NDB Cluster NewSQL Database HopsFS uses MySQL’s NDB cluster to store the file system metadata. NDB is an open source, real-time, in-memory, shared nothing, distributed database management system (and is not to be confused with clustered MySQL Servers based on the popular InnoDB storage engine. The MySQL Server supports different database storage engines). NDB has three types of nodes: NDB database nodes, management nodes, and database clients, see Figure 3.2. The management nodes are only used to disseminate the configuration information and to act as arbitrators in the event of a

22 Chapter 3. NDB Cluster NewSQL Database Table rmr e fterw h D aaaendsaeognzdinto organized are nodes database NDB The row. the of key primary and send the Finally, nodes. database NDB the to assigned partitions aa P,adJvSrp/oej.TeSLAIi o eomne for recommended not is API SQL The JavaScript/Node.js. and JPA, Java, itiue mn h aaaepriin trdo h D database NDB the are on tables stored the partitions of database rows the the is, among that distributed tables, the partitions horizontally NDB performing for responsible are threads operations. database IO IO NDB the disk the and between clients, data the the and exchange nodes to used are threads receive data the replicating and storing for data responsible local are The transac- threads The transactions. management commit threads. two-phase IO (TC), execute and coordinators coordinators receive, tion send, transaction (LDM), multiple managers has data local node database NDB Fig- Each tables. database the storing for ure responsible are nodes the database or NDB API operations. NDB database (C++) latency low native for its API using (Java) accessed ClusterJ be can NDB the engine Instead, storage NDB. for applications C++, high-performance in implementing implemented APIs SQL native the the using using or database Server the MySQL access via nodes interface client The partition. network etc table. the in row oerpiaingop feulszst aaeadrpiaetedata the replicate and manage to sizes equal of application- groups replication an MD node the on supplied, based been has partitions none the if or to key partition assigned defined are Rows nodes. ietr steprn of parent the is directory 3 3 . . 1 2 omlzdrpeetto fthe of representation Normalized : hw D lse eu ossigo orNBdtbs nodes. database NDB four of consisting setup cluster NDB a shows PID 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ID eest h aetinode’s parent the to refers 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 PID gnupg libB libA firefox vim conf gnupg doe john lib bin etc home / Name file). inodes 3 . ID 2 D lse eSLDatabase NewSQL Cluster NDB . al.Ec ahcmoeti trda single a as stored is component path Each table. o h ie ahcmoet(o xml,the example, (for component path given the for false false false false false true true true true true true true isDir false ...... 5 aho the of hash 23

Ch. 3 Figure 3.2: System architecture of NDB cluster. The NDB cluster has three types of nodes: database clients, NDB management nodes, and NDB database nodes. This figure also illustrates how the inodes table as shown in Table 3.1 is horizontally partitioned and replicated across the NDB database nodes.

partitions. The size of the node replication group is the replication degree of the database. In the example setup, the NDB replication degree is set to two (default value). Therefore, each node replication group contains two NDB database nodes. The first replication node group consists of NDB database node 1 and 2, and the second replication node group consists of NDB database nodes 3 and 4. Each replication node group is responsible for storing and replicating all the data partitions assigned to the NDB database nodes in the replication node group. By default, NDB hashes the primary key columns of the tables to distribute the rows among the different database partitions. Figure 3.2 shows how the inodes table (Table 3.1) is partitioned and stored in NDB. In production deployments, each NDB database node may store multiple data partitions, but for simplicity, the NDB database nodes shown in Figure 3.2 store only one data partition. The replication node group 1 is responsible for storing and replicating partitions 1 and 2 of the inodes’ table. The primary replica of partition 1 is stored on the NDB database node 1, and the replica of the partition 1 is stored on NDB database node 2. For example, the NDB database node 1 is responsible for storing a data partition that stores the lib, conf, and libB inodes, and the replica of this data partition is stored on NDB database node 2.

24 Chapter 3. NDB Cluster NewSQL Database ihrcvr osadsasossoe nds.Clmsi table a in Columns disk. on stored snapshots and logs recovery with hnrcvrn,ietfidb h latest the by identified recovering, when plcto-endpriinn rvdsgetrcnrloe o the how over control greater provides partitioning Application-defined osblt fdt oso ytmfiue o n rnato committed transaction any for failure, system a on loss data of possibility nasse alr,btsm fta aamyb eoeal rmredo from recoverable be may data lost that be of may some data but of failure, seconds two system to every a up on performed means is this checkpoint Typically global the seconds. a in two default, persisted By epoch last checkpoint. the global than last higher epoch-id an with in-memory system the of snapshot consistent a transaction on agree independent to multiple need are that there coordinators as global needed a are on checkpoints agree nodes checkpoint database global ID NDB a epoch the all seconds that two ensures Every mechanism level mechanisms. node checkpoint transaction both and persistent supports using cluster recovery affecting level NDB without cluster fly and database. the the on of database availability cluster the NDB database slave (the the a clusters then to unavailable, NDB fail-over is more can cluster or database one master to the copied one When be from slaves). to data master) enabling (the cluster, cluster whole NDB such, the As of [ replication availability recovered. asynchronous operations over has its consistency group halt favors node will NDB replication database unavailable the the then until fail, group For node replication partitions. the nodes of database each NDB for replica Figure surviving long in one as example, least nodes at database is NDB The there multiple seconds. as of two failures every tolerate disk can to flushed database default) and (by in-memory, are are committed indexes logs are and transaction transactions key All primary the in-memory. but stored columns, still on-disk as defined nodes, be database may NDB the on in-memory stored is database the default, By NDB. in partitioning data application-defined on section in details see helps operations, which database partitions, efficient very database implementing different column. among table distributed user-specified is a data on based data the partition tables, can stored it the is, of that partitioning application-defined an supports also NDB logs. hti peddt h oscekone olclds.Global local-disk. to checkpointed logs the to appended is that 3 . 2 1 h aaaecutrwl tyatv vni the if even active stay will cluster database the , and 4 al oee,i w oe ntesame the in nodes two if However, fail. 3 . 2 D lse eSLDatabase NewSQL Cluster NDB . pc ID epoch 49 .NBcutrsupports cluster NDB ]. ssc,teei a is there such, As . redo and 3 . 4 . 3 undo o more for logs 25

Ch. 3 3.3 Transaction Isolation NDB only supports read-committed transaction isolation, which guarantees that any data read is committed at the moment it is read. The read- committed isolation level does not allow dirty reads, but phantom and fuzzy (non-repeatable) reads can happen in a transaction [50]. However, NDB supports row-level locks, such as exclusive (write) locks, shared (read) locks, and read-committed locks that can be used to isolate conflicting transactions.

3.4 Types of Database Operations HopsFS implements the file system operations as distributed database transactions that consist of three distinct phases. In the first phase, all the metadata that is required for the file system operation is read from the database, in the second phase the operation is performed on the metadata, and in the last phase all the updated metadata (if any) is stored back in the database, see Section 4.1.4 and 7.5 for more detail. As the latency of the file system operation depends on the time spent in reading and writing the data, therefore, it is imperative to understand the latency, and computational cost of different database operations used to read and update the stored data, to understand how HopsFS implements low latency scalable file system operations.

NDB supports four different types of database operations: primary key, partition pruned index scan, distributed index scan, and distributed full table scan operations for reading the data stored in the database. Below, these different types of database operations are explained in detail along with micro-benchmarks that show the throughput and latency of these op- erations. The micro-benchmarks were performed on a four-node NDB cluster setup running NDB Version 7.5.6. All the experiments were run using Dell PowerEdge R730xd servers (Intel Xeon ® CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.4 GHz, 256 GB RAM, 4 TB 7200 RPM HDD) connected using a single 10 GbE network adapter. In the experiments, we varied the amount of the data read/updated in each operation as well as the number of concurrent database clients. Up to 1.2 millions inodes were created in a table to test the performance of different database operations. The database clients were not collocated with the database nodes, and the database clients (up to 400) were uniformly distributed across 20 machines.

26 Chapter 3. NDB Cluster NewSQL Database 3 . 4 . 1 1 I sstto set is PID Figure itiue al cnoperation. scan table distributed query, the using Figure performed among in be distributed shown can uniformly as are partitions, inodes database the NDB all the is, that Fig- column, in ID shown table as namespace, the of directory a directory ure root perform the to wants on that operation client listing a high consider very example, have and For intensive latency. Distributed computationally are information. operations desired scan the table in retrieve full stored to table the partitions of database rows the the all all read operations scan table full Distributed Operations Scan Table Full Distributed and where results client. rows partial the the is, to all that back collects results information, coordinator the transaction desired forwards The the then operation. locate the database to initiated NDB that table The coordinator inodes nodes. the database NDB of coordinators other rows transaction the the the all all of to one operation read to the nodes operation forwards the which sends system, client the The in directory. root(/) the of children h gr losostedfeetsesivle npromn the performing in involved steps different the shows also figure The . 2 1 3 . . . 3 1 ( cosaltedtbs attos sn igedtbs partition database single no As partitions. database the the of all column the across ID of the children using immediate the partitioned table, hash is data the As coordinator. operation single the containing transaction the sends user the First, eet*fo ndsweePD=1 = PID where inodes from * select . sueta h eaaai ahpriindbsdo the on based partitioned hash is metadata the that Assume . 3 ifrn tgso itiue ultbesa prto o edn l h immediate the all reading for operation scan table full distributed of stages Different : 1 h ata eut rmec D aaaendsaesn akt h transaction the to back sent are nodes database NDB each from results partial The . eet*fo ndsweePD= PID where inodes from * select 3 . 4 ye fDtbs Operations Database of Types . root(/) oarno transaction random a to ) 3 ietr ilb spread be will directory . 3 h itn operation listing The . inodes’ inodes 27

Ch. 3 DFTS Throughput (1 Row Read) DFTS Latency (1 Row Read) DFTS Throughput (1 Row Read and Updated) DFTS Latency (1 Row Read and Updated) DFTS Throughput (5 Rows Read) DFTS Latency (5 Rows Read) DFTS Throughput (5 Rows Read and Updated) DFTS Latency (5 Rows Read and Updated) DFTS Throughput (10 Rows Read) DFTS Latency (10 Rows Read) DFTS Throughput (10 Rows Read and Updated) DFTS Latency (10 Rows Read and Updated) 6.0k 1800 1600 5.0k 1400 4.0k 1200 1000 3.0k 800 2.0k 600 Latency (ms) 400 1.0k Throughput (ops/sec) 200 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 Number of Concurrent Clients Number of Concurrent Clients (a) DFTS Throughput (b) DFTS Latency

Figure 3.4: Micro-benchmarks for distributed full table scan (DFTS) operations. The experiments are repeated twice. The first set of experiments (represented by the solid lines) are read-only operations, and the second set of experiments (represented by the dotted lines) are read-write operations where all the data read is also updated and stored back in the database. For example, the solid red line shows the throughput and latency of distributed full table scan operations that read only one row. Distributed full table scans have a maximum throughput of 5.5K operations per second when only one row is read from the database. The throughput drops as more data is read in each operation and the number of concurrent clients increases. For reading 10 rows in each operation the maximum throughput drops to 650 operations per second and the maximum latency increases to 1.8 second per operation. The dotted lines for read-write experiments overlap with their corresponding read-only experiments because the amount of data that is updated is very low, and it does not have any significant impact on the performance of read-write distributed full table scan operations.

holds all the rows needed for the operation, the transaction coordi- nator forwards the database operation to all the database partitions to perform the scan operations.

3. All the database partitions locally scan all the stored rows for the inodes table to retrieve the rows with PID set to 1.

4. Upon completion of the local table scan operations, the NDB data- base nodes send the partial results back to the transaction coordina- tor that is responsible for the operation.

5. Once the transaction coordinator has received the results from all the NDB partitions it forwards the results back to the client.

Distributed full table scan operations are the least efficient database op- eration for reading data from the database. The inodes table may contain billions of rows. Reading and searching through all the rows incurs prohibitive CPU costs. Figure 3.4 shows the throughput and latency of distributed full table scan operation as a function of the number of concur- rent clients and the number of rows read/updated in each operation. The

28 Chapter 3. NDB Cluster NewSQL Database 3 . 4 . 2 eol aae operform to managed only we rpeetdb otdlns r edwieoeain hr l h data the all where operations read-write are lines) dotted by (represented h rmr esnta itiue ultbesasaevr lwis slow very are scans table full distributed that reason primary The u rp to drops put prtos itiue ne cnoeain aebte clblt and scalability better have operations scan index Distributed full operation. operations. distributed scan index as an same use datanodes the Figure the are except operation operations scan scan table index distributed a operation in scan distributed becomes we index A if an improved. using above significantly example be the can the In operation for simple columns. index create A table to an is desired create operations tables. the scan the over table in index full distributed stored an the data up the speed to all solution read operations these that Operations Scan Index Distributed using read data seconds that the operations reading the of For cost update high operations. and very scan to a table required to full time due distributed the visible using and not small, is very data is the updated update data of be- amount read-write experiments the read-only for cause corresponding lines the their dotted in with The overlap increase experiments the clients. with database increases concurrent that of high number very also is operations scan through- the reaches and clients table, test database the from row single a update and micro-benchmarks, read the that In operations. these to of cost operations CPU scan high table very full to distributed due limits limited concurrent NDB very of operations. a scan number handle table the only full distributed can concurrent database of clients the number database because concurrent is of This drops number system the increases. full the when of Distributed increases throughput latency the database. the and the and scale, in not do back operations stored scan and table updated also is experiments of read set second the and operations, (represented read-only experiments are of lines) set solid first by The twice. repeated are experiments epcieyfrraigsnl o nec prto.I h aeof case the In operation. each in row single reading for respectively using operations scan table full Distributed operations. delivers scan operation table scan full index distributed the than latency lower 3 . 5 hw h hogptadltnyo itiue ne scan index distributed of latency and throughput the shows 10 350 400 os h vrg aec fteoeainicessto increases operation the of latency average the rows, prtosprscn hntenme fconcurrent of number the when second per operations ocretdtbs clients. database concurrent itiue ne cnoperation scan index distributed PID 400 h aec ftedsrbtdfl table full distributed the of latency The . ounte h efrac ftescan the of performance the then column 5 38 . 5 to X 20 itiue ultbesa operations scan table full distributed K and 590 3 . 4 400 ye fDtbs Operations Database of Types . h hogpto distributed of throughput the X ocretdtbs clients, database concurrent h tp involved steps The . 500 1 . 8 , 29

Ch. 3 read-write experiments, the throughput drops and the latency increases due to the overhead of distributed two-phase commit protocol used by NDB to update the table rows atomically. For the single row tests, the throughput drops from 210K to 145K and the latency increases from 1.8 milliseconds to 2.7 milliseconds for reading and updating a single row in each operation. Similarly, for tests that read and update 10 rows, the throughput drops from 173K to 66K operations per second and the latency increases from 2.3 milliseconds to 5.9 milliseconds using 400 concurrent database clients.

DIS Throughput (1 Row Read) DIS Latency (1 Row Read) DIS Throughput (1 Row Read and Updated) DIS Latency (1 Row Read and Updated) DIS Throughput (5 Rows Read) DIS Latency (5 Rows Read) DIS Throughput (5 Rows Read and Updated) DIS Latency (5 Rows Read and Updated) DIS Throughput (10 Rows Read) DIS Latency (10 Rows Read) DIS Throughput (10 Rows Read and Updated) DIS Latency (10 Rows Read and Updated) 220.0k 6 200.0k 180.0k 5 160.0k 140.0k 4 120.0k 3 100.0k 80.0k 2 60.0k Latency (ms) 40.0k 1 Throughput (ops/sec) 20.0k 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 Number of Concurrent Clients Number of Concurrent Clients (a) DIS Throughput (b) DIS Latency

Figure 3.5: Throughput and latency of distributed index scan (DIS) operations as a function of the number of database clients and the amount of data read/updated in each operation. Creating an index significantly improves the performance of the operation. The maximum throughput of distributed index scan operations reaches 210K operations per second as opposed to a maximum throughput of 5.5K operations per second for distributed full table scan operations. Updating the data generally halves the throughput and doubles the latency of the operation, this is due to the high cost of two-phase commit protocol for updating the data.

3.4.3 Partition Pruned Index Scan Operations The performance of the distributed index scan operation can be improved by reducing the number of NDB database nodes that participate in the operation. As the default partitioning scheme spreads the inodes’ rows for the immediate children of the root(/) directory across all data parti- tions, therefore, it is not possible to confine the index scan operation to a limited number of database nodes. NDB supports an application-defined partitioning mechanism that allows the users to partition the tables using user-defined columns. A limitation of NDB is that the partition key must be part of the table’s primary key. If the inodes table is partitioned using the parent ID (PID) column, then all the immediate children of a directory will reside on same database partition. For example, in Figure 3.6, all the

30 Chapter 3. NDB Cluster NewSQL Database oiepiaykycnit fthe of consists key primary posite Figure aaaend efrsalclidxsa prto nasnl aaaepriinadsnsthe results sends the and all forwards partition then database coordinator client. single transaction the a The NDB to on coordinator. back The transaction operation directory. the root(/) scan to the index back stores of local results which children a node immediate database performs the NDB all node transaction one holding the database only for of to responsible one operation partition to the data operation forwards the the which sends system, client the The in directory. coordinators root(/) the of children immediate the of children immediate the all read directory. to used operation scan index the In partition. database single a on oper- performed scan the is index HopsFS, scan an index is the operation where scan ation listing index directory pruned the partition for A partition operation. database single a from metadata required node database NDB on node the of children immediate 2 1 inodes . . 3 h rnato oriao owrsteoeaint h D data- NDB the to operation the forwards coordinator transaction The inode. resides. node query base this for data the all where infer can coordinator tion the As node. 1 ( = operation the sends client The 1 . 6 n h meit hlrno h oedrcoywl reside will directory home the of children immediate the and , ifrn tgso atto rndidxsa PI)oeainfrraigalthe all reading for operation (PPIS) scan index pruned partition a of stages Different : oatascincodntrlctdo admNBdatabase NDB random a on located coordinator transaction a to ) al.Figure table. nd ID inode inodes 1 hc trsalteimdaecide fthe of children immediate the all stores which , al spriinduigtePDclm h transac- the column PID the using partitioned is table ounat sacniaekyclm,adtecom- the and column, key candidate a as acts column 3 . 2 6 n oo,mkn tpsil ora l the all read to possible it making on, so and , hw ifrn tgso h atto pruned partition the of stages different shows root(/) ietr ilrsd nNBdatabase NDB on reside will directory aetI (PID) ID parent eet*fo ndsweePID where inodes from * select 3 . 4 ye fDtbs Operations Database of Types . and name oun of columns root(/) root(/) 31

Ch. 3 3. The index scan operation is performed by only one database partition on the NDB database node 1.

4. The results are sent back to the transaction coordinator that initiated the operation.

5. The transaction coordinator then returns the results to the client.

3.4.4 Data Distribution Aware Transactions Apart from controlling how NDB partitions the data, the client can also specify which transaction coordinator should be used to perform the database operations. In NDB this is done by specifying a hint when starting a transaction. For example, in the above case, when starting the transaction, the client can provide a hint (the partition ID) to NDB to start the transaction on the NDB database node that is responsible for all the rows with PID=1. This will start the transaction on NDB database node 1, thus, reducing the number of messages exchanged between the NDB database nodes for the given transaction. Such types of transactions are also known as data distribution aware transactions.

Figure 3.7 shows the throughput and latency of partition pruned index scan operations. All the operations performed in these experiments are data distribution aware, that is, the partition pruned index scan operations were started on the datanodes that held the data required for the opera- tion. Partition pruned index scan operations scale better than distributed index scan operations, as in each operation only one NDB data partition participates in performing the index scan operation. In our experiments with four NDB database nodes, Partition pruned index scan operations delivers ≈4-5X the throughput of distributed index scan operations de- pending upon the amount of data read in each operation and have lower latency than distributed index scan operations. Similar to the distributed index scan operations, the throughput and latency drop significantly for read-write operations. Using partition pruned index scan operations, we managed to perform ≈120K operations, that read and update 10 rows, every second, which is ≈1.8X the throughput of distributed index scan operations for the similar experiment. In our experiments, we only had four NDB database nodes. For clusters with even more NDB database nodes, we can expect that partition pruned index scan operations will increase their relative performance advantage after distributed index scan

32 Chapter 3. NDB Cluster NewSQL Database 3 . 4 . 5 rmioe hr I=oeI n name=’doe’) and PID=home.ID where inodes from * rmr e prto ed/rtsasnl o rmatbe HopsFS table. a from row single a reads/writes operation Key Primary A hr I=otI n name=’home’) and PID=root.ID where Figure prto,tedirectory the operation, the for row ble home name=’/’) the and for row PID=0 table where inodes key from primary first the In the operations. lookup, lookup key primary only using lowing, the of ID name parent and and and ID ID whose The directory change. immutable not special does a is directory root the re- the the paths of of consisting directory key key and primary composite file the the that resolve Note to cursively. operations key primary uses Operations Key Primary more even from responses for nodes. wait database to NDB have will transactions as operations each in operations. read scan data index of distributed amount than the latency upon delivers lower depending scan have operations index and pruned scan operation the partition index improves The distributed greatly of operations. operation Limiting throughput the scan the of operation. index latency each the the in in lowers read/updated participates and data that performance of partitions amount database the of and number clients the database of number the of e o ato h rmr e ncs facmoiepiayky to key) primary composite a of case in key primary primary the the uses of NDB part as (or aware, key distribution data are operations key directory mary the for row table inodes’ Throughput (ops/sec) 200.0k 400.0k 600.0k 800.0k 1.0M 1.2M 0.0 0 3 ietr ilb eovduigtequery the using resolved be will directory epciey nHpF,tepath the HopsFS, In respectively. , .

7 20

hogptadltnyo atto rndidxsa PI)oeain safunction a as operations (PPIS) scan index pruned partition of latency and Throughput : 40 a PSThroughput PPIS (a) 60 PPIS Throughput(10RowsReadandUpdated) PPIS Throughput(5RowsReadandUpdated) 80 PPIS Throughput(1RowReadandUpdated)

root(/) 100

Number ofConcurrentClients 120

140 PPIS Throughput(10RowsRead) PPIS Throughput(5RowsRead) PPIS Throughput(1RowRead) home

root(/) 160

ietr ilb eovduigtequery the using resolved be will directory 180 200 220 ietr.I h usqettidpiaykey primary third subsequent the In directory.

ietr.I h eodpiaykylou,the lookup, key primary second the In directory. 240

doe 260 280 300 ilb eovduigtequery the using resolved be will 320

name 340 360 380 doe

and 400 Latency (ms) 1.5 2.5 3.5 0.5 3 0 1 2 3 4 . 4 trdi the in stored hswl eunteioe’ta- inodes’ the return will This .

/home/doe 20 ye fDtbs Operations Database of Types . aetID parent 40

hswl eunteinodes’ the return will This . 60

inodes 80 root(/) 100 b PSLatency PPIS (b) PPIS Latency(10RowsReadandUpdated) slc rminodes from * (select PPIS Latency(5RowsReadandUpdated) PPIS Latency(1RowReadandUpdated) Number ofConcurrentClients 120 ilb eovd sfol- as resolved, be will fteioe Moreover, inode. the of 140 al nHpF sa is HopsFS in table

ietr r e to set are directory 160 home 180 PPIS Latency(10RowsRead) PPIS Latency(5RowsRead) hswl return will This . 200 PPIS Latency(1RowRead) 220

ietr.Pri- directory. 240 260

slc * (select 280 300 (select 320

≈ 340

4 360 - 5 380 X 1 400 33

Ch. 3 partition the table’s data. Primary key operations are the most efficient database operation for reading single rows or a small number of rows in a batch of primary key operations. Figure 3.8 shows the steps involved in performing a primary key lookup operation for resolving the home directory inode.

Figure 3.8: Primary key operations are data distribution aware. The client sends the operation to one of the transaction coordinators on NDB database node 1 as it is responsible for storing all inodes with PID=1. The operation is locally resolved and the result is sent back to the client.

Figure 3.9 shows the throughput and latency of primary key lookup operations. Primary key operations can read up to 1.4 million rows per second using 400 concurrent database clients. The throughput drops to 170K operations per second if 10 rows are read in each transaction. This is due to the iterative reading of the rows, that is, using a primary key operation the first row is read, and then the second row read, and so on. Primary key operations have very low latency where reading a single row takes on average 0.2 milliseconds. Similar to the partition pruned index scan operations, the throughput of the primary key operations drops for the read-write tests (represented by the dotted lines). This is due to the high cost of two-phase commit protocol used to update the replicated inode rows atomically.

3.4.6 Batched Primary Key Operations The throughput of the database, in terms of operations/second, can be improved by batching operations in transactions. The batch size defines the number of operations in a transaction and, in general, larger batch sizes result in higher throughput in operations/second. NDB’s Java API, ClusterJ (used by HopsFS) only supports batching primary key operations.

34 Chapter 3. NDB Cluster NewSQL Database Figure 400 h w ndsta aeu h ahcmoeto h path the of component path the are up inodes make that inodes two the Figure average on takes operations row key single Primary a rows. reading a multiple where read latency, to low used very operations have iterative to due the significantly hold drops that nodes database than the more to operations, are directly key operations sent primary key are Using Primary operations data. operation. these desired each is, in that read/updated aware, data distribution of data amount the and clients database Throughput (ops/sec) 200.0k 400.0k 600.0k 800.0k 2 1 1.0M 1.2M 1.4M 1.6M ocretdtbs let.Frraigmlil osi h aetascinteperformance the transaction same the in rows multiple reading For clients. database concurrent 0.0 . . 3 te rmr e prto ssn oNBdtbs node database NDB to sent is node operation database key NDB primary key other primary on the locally of resolved one is Here required operations data operations. the key store primary that individual nodes for database operations NDB respective key their primary to the forwards coordinator transaction The node over spread node is database node data NDB the on Here stored operations. partitions most the two or for all required holds data that node the client database of The NDB an key partitions. on different primary transaction on the for reside starts may data batch the a However, in operations aware. distribution data are individual the for using keys components primary path the file discovers HopsFS how on details (PID= is, that (PID= operations, example and read this key name="/") In primary two operations. of key consists primary batch of the batch a creates client The .

9 20 3 hogptadltnyo rmr e P)oeain safnto ftenme of number the of function a as operations (PK) key primary of latency and Throughput :

. 40 10 60 a KThroughput PK (a) PK Throughput(10RowsReadandUpdated) PK Throughput(5RowsReadandUpdated) ot(/) root 4 PK Throughput(1RowReadandUpdated) 4 80 hw ac ftopiaykyoeain sdt resolve to used operations key primary two of batch a shows hrfr,tecin tre h rnato nNBdatabase NDB on transaction the started client the Therefore, . 100 htholds that Number ofConcurrentClients 120 140 PK Throughput(10RowsRead)

160 PK Throughput(5RowsRead) PK Throughput(1RowRead) nd n the and inode 180 200 220

50 240 260 ftedt eurdfrtebthoperation. batch the for required data the of % 280 1 300 ae"oe) e section See name="home"). , 320 340 home 360 380 400

nd cache inode Latency (ms) 2.5 3.5 4.5 0.5 1.5 3 inode. 0 1 2 3 4 5 . 1 4 .

4 20 ye fDtbs Operations Database of Types .

ilo oscnb edeeyscn using second every read be can rows million 40 60 80 100 rmr e operations key Primary . b KLatency PK (b) PK Latency(10RowsReadandUpdated) Number ofConcurrentClients

120 PK Latency(5RowsReadandUpdated) PK Latency(1RowReadandUpdated)

0 140 . 2 1 160 milliseconds. n D database NDB and 180 PK Latency(10RowsRead)

200 PK Latency(5RowsRead) PK Latency(1RowRead) 220

7 240 . 5 260 4 . 1 /home 280 hl the while

o more for 300 1

. 320

The . 340 360 380 0

, 400 35

Ch. 3 Figure 3.10: Steps involved in batched primary key operations in NDB. The client starts the transaction on the NDB database node that holds all or most of the data required for the primary key operations. The transaction coordinator forwards the primary key operations to the NDB database nodes that hold the data rows required for the primary key operations. The NDB database nodes perform local primary key lookup operations and send the results back to the transaction coordinator. The transaction coordinator then forwards the results to the client.

3. The NDB database nodes perform a local primary key lookup to locate the rows.

4. The NDB database nodes send the results back to the transaction coordinator which then forwards the results to the client.

Figure 3.11 shows the throughput and latency of the batched primary key operations. For reading a single row, the throughput of the operations (1.4 million ops/sec) matches the throughput of the primary key operations because batching a single operation is same as a single primary key operation. However, for reading multiple rows, batched operations have significantly higher throughput than iterative primary key operations. For example, for reading 10 rows, batched operations deliver 3.4X times the throughput of primary key operations and have three times lower average latency. For the read-write test, the throughput drops to 115K operations per second when ten rows are read and updated in each operation using 400 concurrent clients. While for a similar read-write test that read and updated 10 rows using (non-batched) primary key operations the throughput is 80K operations per second, see Figure 3.9.

36 Chapter 3. NDB Cluster NewSQL Database 3 . 5 hntenme fcnurn aaaecinsicess h einof design The increases. clients database concurrent of number the when rndidxsa prtosaemr utbefrraigmlil rows multiple reading for suitable more are operations scan index pruned Figure etefiin l ytmoeain.Tetruhu fteeoperations these of throughput imple- The to operations. used system be file can efficient that ment operations index database pruned scalable partition are and operations scan operations, operations. key system primary file batched implementing key, in Primary avoided therefore, be operations, must database operations the the these all and among throughput latency lowest database end-to-end the concurrent have highest of operations number These the as increases. scale clients distributed not and do operations operations scan scan table index full Distributed partitioned database. Otherwise, the read. from to wants it that advance rows in knows the client of the keys where primary scenarios the primary in Batched used suitable. are more operations operations are key scan operations index key pruned primary data- partition batched the then and from transaction, read same are the rows in single multiple base reading if However, for database. operations the database from fastest rows the are operations key mary using operations database of types Figure Operations Database Different Comparing key primary for throughput the test similar the for tests where operations operation, key each is primary in operations updated to to and Similar drops read throughput are operation. The Batched rows each tests. in read-write operation. read for each are drops in throughput rows read/updated ten data when operations of key amount the have operations and key clients primary database of number the h aaaeshm,ta s o h aai adoti ifrn tables, different in out laid is data the how is, that schema, database rapidly the increase not does operations More- these of increases. latency clients end-to-end database the concurrent over, of number the as increases Throughput (ops/sec) 200.0k 400.0k 600.0k 800.0k 1.0M 1.2M 1.4M 0.0 3

. 20 11 3

. 40 hogptadltnyo ace rmr e BK prtosa ucinof function a as operations (BPK) key primary batched of latency and Throughput : 12 a P Throughput BPK (a) BPK Throughput(10RowsReadandUpdated) 80 60 BPK Throughput(5RowsReadandUpdated) 80 BPK Throughput(1RowReadandUpdated) prtosprsecond. per operations K hw h oprsno hogptadltnyo different of latency and throughput of comparison the shows 100

Number ofConcurrentClients 120

140 BPK Throughput(10RowsRead) BPK Throughput(5RowsRead) 160 BPK Throughput(1RowRead) 180

3 200 .

4 220 ie ihrtruhu and throughput higher times X 240 260 3 280 . 5 300 oprn ifrn aaaeOperations Database Different Comparing . 320 340 360 380

400 400 Latency (ms) 1.5 2.5 3.5 0.5 0 1 2 3

ocretdtbs let.Pri- clients. database concurrent 20 40 60 80 115 3

ie oe aec hnprimary than latency lower times X 100 b P Latency BPK (b) BPK Latency(10RowsReadandUpdated) BPK Latency(5RowsReadandUpdated) prtosprscn hnten when second per operations K BPK Latency(1RowReadandUpdated) Number ofConcurrentClients 120 140 160 180 BPK Latency(10RowsRead) BPK Latency(5RowsRead) 200 BPK Latency(1RowRead) 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 37

Ch. 3 1.6M 10000 PK PK 1.4M BPK 1000 BPK 1.2M PPIS PPIS 1.0M DIS DIS DFTS 100 DFTS 800.0k 600.0k 10 Log Scale Throughput 400.0k Latency (ms) 1 200.0k 0.0 0.1 1 Row 5 Rows 10 Rows 1 Row 5 Rows 10 Rows Row(s) read in each operation Row(s) read in each operation (a) Read-Only Operations’ Throughput (b) Read-Only Operations’ Latency 350.0k 10000 PK PK 300.0k BPK BPK 250.0k PPIS 1000 PPIS DIS DIS 200.0k DFTS DFTS 100 150.0k Log Scale

Throughput 100.0k Latency (ms) 10 50.0k 0.0 1 1 Row 5 Rows 10 Rows 1 Row 5 Rows 10 Rows Row(s) read/updated in each operation Row(s) read/updated in each operation (c) Read-Write Operations’ Throughput (d) Read-Write Operations’ Latency

Figure 3.12: Comparison of the performance of different database operations using 400 database clients executing concurrent database operations on a 4 node NDB cluster database. Distributed full table scan operations (DFTS) and distributed index scan operations (DIS) do not scale as the number of concurrent database clients increase. Primary key (PK), batched primary key (BPK) operations, and partition pruned index scan operations (PPIS) are scalable database operations, whose throughput increases as the number of concurrent database clients increases. For reading multiple independent rows of data, batched primary key operations have higher throughput and lower latency than the iterative primary key operations.

the design of the primary keys of the tables, types/number of indexes for different columns of the tables, and data partitioning scheme for the tables plays a significant role in choosing an appropriate (efficient) database operation to read/update the data. In HopsFS, the schema is designed such that all frequently used file system operations are implemented using high-throughput and low-latency database operations. For more detail see Chapter 7, and Chapter 8.

38 Chapter 3. NDB Cluster NewSQL Database h otiuin fti hssaetood is,a ato h re- the of part a as First, twofold. are thesis this of contributions The ltomue otahthe teach to used platform oihsaddsg/mlmnaintcnqe sdt ul scalable, a build to used techniques design/implementation and gorithms 200 teaching the Learning of part was HopsFS HopsFS. of users prominent the among platform. processing data our like use fiveCompanies regularly has that system users our Currently, registered Sweden. hundred in companies and February researchers since to center data ICE SICS RISE un- 2016 in the production distribution is in Hadoop running HopsFS been Hops HDFS. in for system replacement file drop-in derlying a system, is file which distributed HopsFS, production-grade a implemented have we search, student/kurser/kurs/ID2223 5 4 3 2 1 tdns eod rmtersac esetv,w hwdfeetal- different show we perspective, research the from Second, students. osHdo:Hdo o humans. for Hadoop Hadoop: Hops aoisaInstitute. Karolinska Group. Mobilaris AB. Scania ID [ 51 2223 .A IESC C ehv enpoiigHadoop-as-a-Service providing been have we ICE SICS RISE At ]. 5 orea T nteFall the in KTH at course clbeMcieLann n epLearning. Deep and Learning Machine Scalable : cnaAB Scania ? l 2 = , hssContributions Thesis oiai Group Mobilaris en ra cetfi otiuin aebe techniques. been have contributions scientific Great ID 2223 2016 clbeMcieLann n Deep and Learning Machine Scalable : and 3 and , 2017 aoisaInstitute Karolinska teddb oethan more by attended 1 osHdo has Hadoop Hops . 4 .F Skinner F. B. — 4 are

Ch. 4 high-performance distributed metadata service using a NewSQL database system.

4.1 HopsFS Research Contributions To the best of our knowledge, HopsFS is the first open-source distributed file system that stores normalized metadata in a NewSQL distributed relational database, NDB cluster in our case. Storing the metadata in the NewSQL database introduces many new challenges. For example, how to partition (shard) the file system metadata and implement strongly consistent file system metadata operations using only the read-committed transaction isolation level provided by the NewSQL distributed databases? Storing the file system metadata in an external database increases the latency of the file system operations as the external database is access- ed multiple times to resolve individual file path components and to read blocks’ metadata. To improve the performance of file system oper- ations, we leverage both classical database techniques such as batching (bulk operations) and write-ahead caches within transactions, as well as distribution aware techniques commonly found in NewSQL databases. These distribution-aware NewSQL techniques include application-defined partitioning (we partition the namespace such that the metadata for all immediate descendants of a directory (child files/directories) reside on the same database partition for efficient directory listing), and distribution aware transactions (we start a transaction on the database partition that stores all/most of the metadata required for the file system operation), and partition pruned index scans [26]. We also introduce an inode hints cache for faster resolution of file paths. Cache hits when resolving a path of depth N can reduce the number of database round-trips from N to 1.

Recursive operations on large directories, containing millions of inodes, are too large to fit in a single transaction. Our solution is a protocol that implements subtree operations incrementally in batches of transactions. Our subtree operations protocol provides the same consistency semantics as subtree operations in HDFS. We have also designed an adaptive tiered storage using in-memory and on-disk tables stored in a high-performance distributed database to efficiently store and improve the performance of the small files in Hadoop. Lastly, we show how to avoid third-party coor- dination service and implement a leader election service using NewSQL databases for partially synchronous systems, which ensures at most one leader at any given time. In the rest of this chapter, we will briefly intro-

40 Chapter 4. Thesis Contributions 4 . 1 . 1 eol hwtretbe,ta is, that tables, three show only we bthd rmr e okp n atto rndidxsas Index scans. index pruned partition and lookups key primary (batched) h eaaapriinn ceefrHpF sdsge uhta the that such designed is HopsFS for scheme partitioning metadata The a is namespace hierarchical the for scheme partitioning of choice The atto h eaaa n osnu rtcli eurdt ensure to required is protocol consensus a and metadata, the partition rmr e prtos n atto rndidxsas o example, For scans. index pruned partition and operations, key primary system file of frequency relative expected the on scheme partitioning cn n ultbesaswr vie,weepsil,a hytuhall touch they poorly. as scale possible, and where avoided, shards were database scans table only full using and implemented scans are operations listing directory and read batched the operations, key primary is, the that only using operations, operations database system low-cost file common single partitioning of metadata a implementations and on enable design resides metadata operations HopsFS system partition. file database in used frequently metadata [ Yahoo! workloads published at the clusters to Hadoop similar are for statistics These cluster. HDFS the Spotify) at as We (such operations. environments stat system production file in the that implement observed to have database used different be of can cost that the operations and deployments production in operations our base We architectures. metadata distributed for decision design key provide to Cluster [ MySQL serializability in locks row-level multi-partition and using transactions primarily two-phase implemented system are File HopsFS (shards). in partitions operations cross that operations for integrity metadata to needed is metadata scheme When partitioning replicas). application-defined to an blocks and distributed, blocks, is (di- to mappings files and files, leases, to quotas, rectories in- replicas, contains blocks, typically inodes, systems on formation file distributed hierarchical for Metadata Metadata Distributed HopsFS. in improvements section performance see the traces, of workload overview industrial an operations word system real file for latency HDFS order lower than an and deliver throughput to higher HopsFS magnitude enables of that contributions research these duce hw nFigure in shown Figure and 4 l read file . 2 hw o osSsoe h eaaafrtenamespace the for metadata the stores HopsFS how shows 52 3 prtosaoeacutfor account alone operations o eaaaoperations. metadata for ] . 1 nteNBcutri omlzdfr.Frreadability, For form. normalized in cluster NDB the in 53 ,LneI [ LinkedIn ], inodes 4 . 1 osSRsac Contributions Research HopsFS . , blocks ≈ and , 95 54 fteoeain in operations the of % ,adFcbo [ Facebook and ], replicas als The tables. 4 . 1 . 9 41 list for ]. , 41

Ch. 4 Figure 4.1: This figure shows how the metadata in HopsFS is partitioned and stored in NDB cluster. HopsFS partitions inodes by their parents’ inode ID, resulting in inodes with the same parent inode being stored on the same database partition. For example, all the immediate children of the root(/) inode are stored in a partition on NDB datanode 1 which enables the efficient implementation of the directory listing operation. File inode related metadata, that is, blocks, replicas, and other tables are partitioned using the file’s inode ID. This results in for a given file all the blocks and replicas being stored in a single database partition, again enabling efficient file operations. For example, the blocks and replicas for the file /etc/gnupg are stored on a database partition on NDB datanode 2.

inodes table stores the names of files and directories, permission attributes, file size, and ownership information. Each inode also stores a reference to the parent (PID) to maintain the hierarchical namespace structure. A non-empty file comprises one or more data blocks which are replicated (by default) three times on the HopsFS datanodes. The blocks table store information about the data blocks belonging to the different files. For example, the /etc/gnupg file consists of two blocks, and the blocks’ metadata is stored in the blocks table. Each block belonging to the /etc/gnupg file is replicated on three different HopsFS datanodes for high availability. The location of the copies (replicas) of the data blocks is stored in the replicas table. The metadata for a file resides in different tables, and the metadata is linked together using foreign keys. For example, the replicas table contains a foreign key to the inodes table and to the blocks table.

HopsFS partitions inodes by their parents’ inode ID, resulting in inodes with

42 Chapter 4. Thesis Contributions Inodes Table Blocks Table Replicas Table Inode Block Inode Block Inode Datanode PID Name isDir ... Size Index ... State ... ID ID ID (FK) ID (FK) ID (FK) ID (FK) 1 0 / true ... 1 8 64 MB 0 ... 1 8 DN-0100 OK ... 2 1 home true ... 2 8 40 MB 1 ... 1 8 DN-0030 OK ... 3 1 etc true ... 3 9 64 MB 0 ... 1 8 DN-0400 OK ... 4 1 bin true ... 4 9 60 MB 1 ... 2 8 DN-9832 OK ... 5 1 lib true ... 5 10 14 MB 0 ... 2 8 DN-9123 OK ... 6 2 john true ... 6 11 30 MB 0 ... 2 8 DN-1837 OK ... 7 2 doe true ... 7 12 44 MB 0 ... 3 9 DN-1874 OK ... 8 3 gnupg false ... 8 13 13 MB 0 ... 3 9 DN-1882 OK ... 9 3 conf false ... 3 9 DN-0874 OK ... 10 4 vim false ... 4 9 DN-1882 OK ... 11 4 firefox false ... 4 9 DN-1874 OK ...

4 12 5 libA false ... 4 9 DN-1882 OK ... . 1

osSRsac Contributions Research HopsFS . 13 5 libB false ... 5 10 DN-0100 OK ... 5 10 DN-0030 OK ... 5 10 DN-0400 OK ... 6 11 DN-9832 OK ... 6 11 DN-9123 OK ... 6 11 DN-1837 OK ... 7 12 DN-1874 OK ... 7 12 DN-1882 OK ... 7 12 DN-0874 OK ... 8 13 DN-1882 OK ... 8 13 DN-1874 OK ... 8 13 DN-1882 OK ...

Figure 4.2: These tables show how the metadata for the namespace as shown in Figure 3.1 is stored in the database in normalized form. The inodes table stores the names of files and directories, permission attributes, file size, and ownership information. Each inode also stores a reference to the parent (PID) to build the hierarchical namespace structure. The blocks table store information about the data blocks belonging to the different files. For example, /etc/gnupg file consists of two file blocks and 43 the blocks’ metadata is stored in the blocks table. Each block belonging to the /etc/gnupg file is replicated on three different HopsFS datanodes for high availability. The location of the copies (replicas) of the data blocks is stored in the replicas table.

Ch. 4 the same parent inode being stored on the same database partition. This has the effect of uniformly partitioning the metadata among all database partitions, and it enables the efficient implementation of the directory listing operation. Figure 4.1 shows how the metadata shown in Figure 4.2 is partitioned and stored in NDB. For example, the inodes for immediate children of the root(/) directory are stored on a database partition on NDB datanode 1. For listing the root(/) directory, we can retrieve all the required metadata by performing a partition pruned index scan operation on single database partition on NDB datanode 1. File inode related metadata, that is, blocks, replicas, and other tables are partitioned using the file’s inode ID. This results in all the blocks and replicas for files being stored in a single database partition, again enabling efficient file operations, see Figure 4.1. For example, the metadata for all the blocks and replicas of the blocks for the files /etc/gnupg and /etc/conf are stored in database partition on NDB datanode 2 and 3 respectively. Using our partitioning scheme, the complete metadata for a file would reside on at-most two database partitions. One database partition would hold the single inode row for the file inode (partitioned by parent’s inode ID) while the other database partition would hold all the file related metadata comprised of blocks, replicas and other file-related information (partitioned by inode’s ID). For example, when the file /etc/gnupg is read then inode row (file name and permission information) is read from database partition on NDB datanode 3, and the blocks and replicas are all read from single database partition on NDB datanode 2. In Figure 4.1 we have shown only two file inodes related tables, that is, blocks and replicas tables. Inodes related tables comprise the bulk of the metadata stored in the database and all of these tables are partitioned using the inode ID. These tables include corrupt, deleted, excess, under-construction, under-replicated blocks, lease, and quota tables.

4.1.2 Serialized File System Operations Due to poor performance, NewSQL systems typically do not provide serializable as the default transaction isolation level, if they even support it at all [55]. Many NewSQL databases only support read-uncommitted and read-committed transaction isolation levels [56]. Read-committed transaction isolation guarantees that any data read is committed at the moment it is read while the read-uncommitted transaction isolation may read uncom- mitted data from other concurrent transactions. The read-uncommitted transaction isolation level allows dirty, non-repeatable(fuzzy), and phantom reads, while the read-committed isolation level does not allow dirty reads

44 Chapter 4. Thesis Contributions Table ol o aehpee sn the using happened have not would etHpF eaaaoeain.Smlry ekrtascinisolation transaction weaker Similarly, operations. metadata HopsFS tent Read-committed However, This operations. system file inconsistent causing simultaneously directory new the di- create a already is there line the if name, check same they the directory, with new rectory Before the operations. create system file clients inconsistent the cause can NDB) by supported two an get create Figure should clients clients exists. read-committed the system already of directory file one the two is, that that the exception name, that same allowed the with not directories is same the it create POSIX to want In clients namespace system file system the concurrent is file two that the directory where one only scenario operations. has system simplified file very consistent build a to Consider enough strong not are levels tion the both is why NDB show in level isolation transaction default but metadata reads. system phantom file and consistent non-repeatable is strongly permits level implement it isolation to as transaction enough operations default strong the not is NDB, which In read-committed levels. isolation transaction read-committed and oflcigtascin.HpF mlmnsapsiitcconcurrency pessimistic a implements HopsFS transactions. conflicting as such locks, row-level exclusive supports NDB However, operations. system file as such levels, Transactions Serializable Read Repeatable Committed Read Uncommitted Read Level Isolation /bin non-repeatable 4 . 1 rnato slto eesspotdb D.NBol uprsread-uncommitted supports only NDB NDB. by supported levels isolation Transaction : ietr osntarayeitadtecinste rce to proceed then clients the and exist already not does directory wie ok and locks (write) serializable rnato slto srnettascinioainlevel isolation transaction (strongest isolation transaction rnato slto antb sdt mlmn consis- implement to used be cannot isolation transaction read-uncommitted /bin and — — — Permitted Read Dirty read-uncommitted ietr.Ti a w let a raetesame the create can clients two way This directory. rnato slto ee sntspotdb NDB. by supported not is level isolation transaction phantom shared ed a apni rnato [ transaction a in happen can reads — — Permitted Permitted Read Non-repeatable r lontsial o implementing for suitable not also are ra)lcsta a eue oisolate to used be can that locks (read) 2 root(/) 4 o client for serializable . and 1 osSRsac Contributions Research HopsFS . ietr.Frhroe assume Furthermore, directory. read-committed read-committed 1 — Permitted Permitted Permitted Read Phantom rnato slto level. isolation transaction & 2 ohcinssethat see clients Both . 4 . 3 hw o using how shows rnato isola- transaction NO NO YES YES Supported /bin [ 56 .W now We ]. directory. 50 .The ]. 45

Ch. 4 Time Client 1 Client 2

T0 1. Begin Transaction T1 1. Begin Transaction T2 2. if !/bin then //True T3 2. if !/bin then //True T4 3. create /bin directory T5 3. create /bin directory T6 4. Commit T7 4. Commit Inconsistent Operation

Figure 4.3: Read-committed transaction isolation can cause inconsistent file system operations when two concurrent file system operations try to create the same /bin directory. Before the clients create the new directory, they check if there is already a directory with the same name. Both clients see that the /bin directory does not exist and the clients proceed to create the /bin directory. This way two clients are able to create the directory simultaneously causing inconsistent file system operations.

model that supports parallel read and write operations on the namespace, serializing conflicting file system operations. In HopsFS read-only op- erations, such as reading and listing operations take shared locks on the metadata that is being read, while the file system operations that modify the namespace, such as creating new files/directories and adding new data blocks take exclusive locks on the metadata that is being updated. Figure 4.4 shows how HopsFS uses row-level locks to isolate concurrent file system clients that try to create the same directory /bin. Before the clients create a new directory, the clients acquire an exclusive lock on the parent directory of the new directory. In this case only one of the clients, that is, client 1, manages to acquire an exclusive lock on the root(/) directory. Client 2 blocks and waits for the lock on root(/) directory. After acquiring the locks, client 1 proceeds to create the new directory and commits the transaction which also releases the locks it acquired during the transaction. After that, the client 2 would get an exclusive lock on the root(/) directory and continue. However, now the client 2 will find out that the directory /bin already exists and it will throw an exception that the directory already exists.

4.1.3 Resolving File Paths In hierarchical file systems, all file system metadata operations are path based. Before a metadata operation is performed the file path is resolved to make sure that the file path is valid and the user is allowed to perform the file system operation. HopsFS stores the inodes in normalized form, that is, we store individual path components not complete path name

46 Chapter 4. Thesis Contributions eueteioe’hn ah nre ora h l h ndsi a in inodes the all the read to entries cache hint inodes’ the use We ihec nd.I osSfrapt fdepth of path a for HopsFS In inode. each with ahaeuigasnl ac ur ttesato rnato o file a for transaction a of start the at query batch single a using pathname parallel in components path the read the to all used for are keys which primary components the discover path can we directories, components path Figure sn igedtbs ac ur otiigol rmr e read key primary only containing query operations. batch database single a using ID the inode’s only parent caches the namenode ID Each with inode’s key. name), partition directory the or name as the file acting and is, ID (that inode’s inode parent the a the of have of inodes consisting scheme, key partitioning primary our composite In components path operations). file (batched retrieve parallel quickly in to mechanisms section are Hints in lookups. discussed as [ resulting operations, AFS components, system to path Similar file for file latency retrieve high to in database the to roundtrips exception. an throw client will the it now and However, exists continue. already client and /bin Then directory directory transaction. root(/) the the the that during on acquired lock it exclusive locks the the get releases also which client client transaction is, locks, Client the that the directory. clients, acquiring root(/) the After the the of directory. on on one root(/) lock lock only exclusive case (write) the an this exclusive with acquire In an directories clients directory. acquire two the new create directory, the to new of permissible a these directory not create of parent is clients One it the directory. POSIX Before /bin in pathname. same as same the fail create should to operations want system operations file system file concurrent Two operations. al n ahrslto al akt eusv ehdfrresolving for method recursive a operation to read back key falls primary a resolution invalid, path is and entry fails hint a If operation. system T T T T T T T T T T T T T Time 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 . 4 hsfiuesoshwHpF ssrwlvllcst slt oflcigfiesystem file conflicting isolate to locks row-level uses HopsFS how shows figure This : and , .cet bndirectory /bin Commit create 5. then 4. !/bin if 3. dir root Lock Write 2. Transaction Begin 1. Client ossetOperation Consistent nd ID inode 1 11 // n pie[ Sprite and ] ees Locks Release fteioe.Gvnaptnm n i o all for hit a and pathname a Given inodes. the of //True //Succeeds 15 ,w use we ], 4 1 . rcest raetenwdrcoyadcommits and directory new the create to proceeds 1 osSRsac Contributions Research HopsFS . .DrArayEit Exception Exists Already Commit Dir 7. directory 6. /bin else create 5. then 4. !/bin if 3. dir root Lock Write 2. Transaction Begin 1. Client hints ossetOperation Consistent 2 2 [ 57 lcsadwisfrtelc on lock the for waits and blocks N osedu h path the up speed to ] twudrequire would it , //False 2 name //Blocks ol n out find would 1 aae to manages , 2 parent 3 would . 4 . N 5 . 47

Ch. 4 file path components, followed by repairing the cache. Cache entries infrequently become stale, as move and delete operations, that invalidate entries in the inodes’ cache, are less than 2% of operations in typical Hadoop workloads, see industrial workload traces in Chapter 7. Moreover, typical file access patterns follow a heavy-tailed distribution (in Yahoo 3% of files account for 80% of accesses [53]) and using a sticky policy, for HopsFS clients, improves temporal locality and cache hit rates.

4.1.4 Transactional Metadata Operations A transactional file system operation in HopsFS has three main stages which are discussed below with an example shown in Figure 4.5.

1. Pre-Transaction Phase: In the pre-transaction phase we try to re- solve the file path using the inodes’ hint cache. Due to the locality of reference and sticky client sessions with the namenodes, all or most of the file path components are resolved using the inodes’ hint cache. However, this does not mean that the file path is valid or the client is allowed to access the file. The cache does not contain file or directory permissions, and it is quite possible that the cache entries are stale. For example, a client wants to read the file /etc/gnupg. The client will first send the operation to a namenode. The namenode will try to resolve the file path locally using the inodes’ hint cache. If the file is popular, then it is likely that the complete file path will be resolved locally at the namenode. This will result in the discovery of the primary keys for all the file path components. The namenode will also discover the inode ID for the gnupg inode. The namenode will then start a database transaction and supply the gnupg inode’s ID as a hint to start the transaction on the NDB datanode that holds the data for the file. If the pathname resolution fails, then the transaction is started on a random NDB datanode.

2. Metadata Retrieval Phase: In this phase, all the metadata that is needed for the file system operation is retrieved from the database. First, the file/directory pathname will be resolved. The pathname can be resolved using a single batch of primary key operations. The namenode resolves the file path recursively if the batch operation fails or the file path is not found in the inodes’ hint cache. In this case, the inodes’ hint cache is updated after resolving the pathname recursively.

48 Chapter 4. Thesis Contributions 4 . 1 . 5 while we fadrcoymyivldt prtoseeuiga h lower the at executing operations invalidate may directory or a permissions many the of how changing owner Similarly, or space create. disk can consume they inodes files/directories descendant the all how affects open- existing move other include any operations or These NDB move rows system. in of processing millions transaction supported locking online not is, source that is transaction, transaction single a a in in fit inodes, to of large millions too containing are directories, large on operations Recursive Operations Subtree Recursive al nbthso rnatos nta frwlvldtbs ok,our locks, database row-level of Instead incremen- transactions. operations of subtree batches implements in that tally protocol a is solution Our subtrees. 3 . , prto hne h boueptso l h ecnatinodes, descendant the all of paths absolute the changes operation hc sra sn fcetpriinpue ne cnoperations. scan index pruned partition efficient using read is which hntefiedrcoyo hc h l ytmoeaini per- is operation system file the which on file/directory the Then e-rnato ah.Udtdadnwmtdt eeae during generated inode metadata new The and Updated cache. cache. per-transaction per-transaction a in stored is phase previous prto spromdb rcsigtemtdt trdi the in stored metadata the processing by performed is operation Phases: Update and Execute operation. system file Figure transactional the see a than ID, in other inode involved the tables using the partitioned all are as table partition same also the will on which metadata reside additional require may operations Other datanode NDB for on needed partition metadata database the the of on stored majority is The operation file. this information the replicas read this the to In and needed database. blocks are the file from the read only file is example, the metadata simplified related reading inode of file case the all this In transactions. /etc/gnupg the by updated an are take metadata the update that opera- system file a Read-only take locks. tions row-level using locked is formed ihrcmitdo oldback. database rolled the or to committed sent either final is which the cache in the batches in in stored is phase second the delete delete , eoe l h ecnatioe,adthe and inodes, descendant the all removes hneowner change a , shared shared oko h nd()adtefiesse operations system file the and inode(s) the on lock , oki curdo the on acquired is lock hnepermissions change update hs,atrwihtetascinis transaction the which after phase, 4 l h eaaata sra nthe in read is that metadata the All . 1 osSRsac Contributions Research HopsFS . exclusive and , e quota set gnupg oko h ndsthat inodes the on lock e quota set nd.Atrthis, After inode. 4 prtos The operations. . 5 o h steps the for operation inodes 2 49

Ch. 4 Figure 4.5: Different operations performed in a transactional file system operation for reading the file /etc/gnupg. For this file system operation ten metadata rows (highlighted in yellow color) are needed. Using the inodes’ cache the file system path is resolved and the database partition that holds the metadata for the file is determined. The transaction is started on the database node that holds the metadata for the gnupg inode. 1) All the file path components upto the penultimate file path component are retrieved using a single batch operation of primary key operations. 2) Then the gnupg file inode is locked and read. 3 & 4) All the file related metadata, such as blocks and replicas is read using efficient partition pruned index scan operations. All the data that is read from the database is stored in the per-transaction cache. The file system operation is performed and all the changes in the metadata (if any) are stored back in the per-transaction cache. In the end all the changes are transferred to the database in batches and the transaction is committed.

subtree operations protocol uses an application-level distributed locking mechanism to mark and isolate the subtrees. We serialize subtree oper- ations by ensuring that all ongoing inode and subtree operations in a subtree complete before a newly requested subtree operation is executed. We implement this serialization property by enforcing the following in- variants: (1) no new operations access the subtree until the operation

50 Chapter 4. Thesis Contributions ( wie lock. (write) hs prtoswl n htn oflcigsbreoeaini currently is operation subtree conflicting no that find will operations These rvdsee togrcnitnysmnis Failed semantics. consistency stronger even provides tre.Bt prtoswl cur xlsv ok nterrespective their on locks exclusive acquire will operations Both started. no is, Figure that in are shown operations, enough there as subtree not Assume namespace concurrent the is on operations. root this running subtree However, operations subtree of subtree the isolation committed. on the is guarantee lock transaction to the the and table, is operation set operations subtree is subtree the the about in information new inserted containing the operations row with subtree new conflicting conflicts a concurrent that no then operation are there subtree to If active table operation. operations any subtree subtree is the there query if then and see in subtree discussed the mechanism of inode the root to subtree similar the of transaction, root single section the a on in lock the done setting Checking is no and subtree. that table the ensure operations of to subtree levels it lower the query We at and executing subtree. table are a the operations in subtree of operations subset subtree a active on all store executing operations subtree other active no fail are there that essential is operations it lock, the setting Before an is exclusive flag with The locked are database. subtree the the of in descendants persisted the and all set that indication is lock) the owns that a and subtree, Phase phases following the have operations Subtree metadata any cause not do section operations see failed inconsistencies, as semantics operation, the delete improves the the HopsFS by of reclaimed later). eventually (hours are subsystem that reporting blocks block orphaned in result can HopsFS HDFS operation, subtree delete the For HDFS. semantics in consistency operations same subtree the as provides protocol operations subtree Our ( completes, unn.Bt ute prtoswl hnsttesbrelc nthe on lock subtree the set then will operations subtree Both running. table. operations subtree the check concurrently and inodes root subtree 3 oopae ndso nossece rs ffiue occur. failures if arise inconsistencies or inodes orphaned no ) 1 : 4 ntefis hs,a xlsv oki curdo h oto the of root the on acquired is lock exclusive an phase, first the In . 1 taylwrlvlo h ute.Stigthe Setting subtree. the of level lower any at . 4 2 ntetascin eaqiea xlsv oko the on lock exclusive an acquire we transaction, the In . h ute sqise eoetesbreoeainstarts, operation subtree the before quiesced is subtree the ) ute lock subtree a wihas otisteI ftenamenode the of ID the contains also (which flag 7 . 6 . 2 . 4 . 1 m-f/home -rf rm osSRsac Contributions Research HopsFS . and delete m-f/home/doe -rf rm ute lock subtree prtosin operations ciesubtree active 3 . 1 could Two . are 51

Ch. 4 root inodes of their subtrees, that is, rm -rf /home operation will set the subtree lock on the home inode and the rm -rf /home/doe operation will set the subtree lock on the doe inode. Then the operations will add their information to the subtree operations table and commit the transactions. This way two concurrent subtree operations may execute on the same subtree which may lead to inconsistent file system operations. To isolate subtree operation, we also take shared locks on the ancestor directories of the subtree root directory. For example, the operation rm -rf /home/doe will take shared locks on the root(/), and home directory inodes and an exclusive lock on the doe inode. While the operation rm -rf /home will take a shared lock on the root(/) inode and then it will try to take an exclusive lock on the home inode. However, as the home inode is shared lock by the other operation, therefore, the operation will wait until the first operation completes. After the first operation completes and releases the locks, the second operation will continue and discover that there is already a conflicting subtree operation running on the same subtree. For setting the subtree lock, taking shared locks on the ancestors of the subtree root isolates conflicting subtree operations. In a typical workload, the subtree operations table does not grow too large as subtree operations are usually only a tiny fraction of all file system operations. It is important to note that during path resolution, inode and subtree operations that encounter an inode with a subtree lock turned on voluntarily abort the transaction and wait until the subtree lock is removed.

Phase 2: To quiesce the subtree we wait for all ongoing inode operations to complete by taking and releasing database write locks on all inodes in the subtree in the same total order used to lock inodes. To do this efficiently, a pool of threads in parallel execute partition pruned index scans that write-lock child inodes. This is repeated down the subtree to the leaves, and, a tree data structure containing the inodes in the subtree is built in memory at the namenode, see Figure 7.5. The tree is later used by some subtree operations, such as move and delete operations, to process the inodes.

Phase 3: In the last phase the file system operation is broken down into smaller operations that execute in parallel. For improved performance, large batches of inodes are manipulated in each transaction. The delete operation uses the in-memory tree to delete the subtree incrementally using parallel transactions, starting from the leaves and traversing the tree upwards. The move operation uses the in-memory tree to calculate

52 Chapter 4. Thesis Contributions 4 . 1 . 6 rvddb u edreeto n ru ebrhpsrie fan If service. membership group and election leader our by provided ytmoeain.Chapter operations. system Chapter See the remove easily can namenodes other as the lock case problem unset the a In to not fail intact. is might left this namenode are the inodes the updates inner failure, only the a that and of transaction subtrees, single the a of using inodes phase root third modified is the metadata in the done where is operation actual the as inconsistencies any ( operations subtree Other delete to subtree. namenode the another of to transpar- remainder operation will the system clients file HopsFS the deleted resubmit tree. not ently were namespace that the inodes to the connected then remain fails namenode the operation the For fails. in namenode a the of if case impor- consistent in an namespace example, plays the phase keeping second in the inconsistent role during an tant built in tree subtree in-memory the a The leave executing not state. namenode should a it when fails, that operation important subtree is it However, namenode cleared. the is and set lock the subtree of a ID with inode an encounters operation failed the by left locks subtree cleanup [ to namenodes approach lazy a takes HopsFS Operations Subtree Failed Handling subtree. the violate of not descendants do the values of quota any new for the requirements that quota checking the after subtree the the of of updates root root only the also update operation a only quota not they the Similarly, is is, example, and that For small subtree, subtree. the is the of updated size is the that of data single function of subtree a amount using All performed the be information. as can quota transaction operation the delete the maintaining than for other tree operations the of size the ifrn piiainfrteoeaigsse sdb osSadthe and HopsFS discuss by we used Also, system HopsFS. operating config- the scale and for to features optimization NDB main different in the used including we HopsFS, parameters of uration design the in used post-order hnte n u htthe that out find they when ute lock subtree retaeslmne sn rnatos fhlwythrough halfway If transactions. using manner traversal tree 58 7 o ute eal n xeietlrslsfrHpF file HopsFS for results experimental and details further for .Ec aeoemitisals fteatv namenodes active the of list a maintains namenode Each ]. delete eog oada aeoe hnthe then namenode, dead a to belongs move mv prto,tesbrei eee incrementally deleted is subtree the operation, 8 rsnsmr ealo h ehiuswe techniques the on detail more presents prto nyudtstesbresroot. subtree’s the updates only operation , e quota set ute lock subtree 4 . 1 osSRsac Contributions Research HopsFS . , chmod eog oada namenode. dead a to belongs and , ute lock subtree chown quota ontcause not do ) ausfrthe for values However, . ute lock subtree subtree 53

Ch. 4 impact of these optimizations on the performance of HopsFS.

4.1.7 Improving the Performance of Small Files To make HopsFS a drop-in replacement for HDFS, all file system oper- ations protocols were implemented exactly as in HDFS. HopsFS outper- formed HDFS under load due to high parallelism and scalable design of the metadata service layer. Despite having very high throughput for file system operations, the end-to-end latency of the file system operations in unloaded HopsFS and HDFS clusters were identical. Similar to HDFS, HopsFS had relatively high end-to-end latency for file system operations performed on small files due to intricate file system operations protocols that involved hopping between the database, namenodes, datanodes, and the clients to read/write small amounts of data.

We have redesigned HopsFS to introduce two file storage layers, in con- trast to the single file storage service in HopsFS (and HDFS). The existing large file storage layer is kept as is, consisting of datanodes specialized in handling large blocks, and a new small file storage layer has been designed and implemented where small blocks are stored in the distributed data- base. The new small file storage layer is tiered where very small blocks are stored in tables that reside in-memory, while other small blocks are stored in on-disk tables in the database. Our approach benefits from the fact that HDFS is an append-only file system, so we avoid dealing with complex scenarios where small files could keep changing between large files and small files states. In our system, when a small file is appended and it becomes a large file, and it stays a large file.

Our small file storage layer is based on an inode stuffing technique that brings the small files’ data blocks closer to the metadata for efficient file system operations. In HopsFS, an average file requires 1.5 KB of metadata [43] with replication for the high availability of the metadata. As a rule-of-thumb, if the size of a file is less than the size of the metadata (in our case 1 KB or less), then the data block is stored in-memory with the metadata. Other small files are stored in on-disk data tables. The latest high-performance NVMe solid-state drives are recommended for storing small files data blocks as typical workloads produce a large number of random reads/writes on disk for small amounts of data.

Inode stuffing has two main advantages. First, it simplifies the file system

54 Chapter 4. Thesis Contributions a salse xeietlyb h aopcmuiya reasonable a as community Hadoop the by experimentally established was lcso h aaoe,adtecin hnwie h aao h newly the on data data the new writes allocate then client to file, the namenode large and a the datanodes, of to the case request on the In RPC blocks stores file. an the namenode sends closes The then client and the database operation. the system in block file buffer data the close before the file the with closes along client writing the ( starts If completely buffer. then up local client fills its The to inode. data new file an a the sends allocate first to client namenode the the file, to a writing when HopsFS, For and packets. network datanodes larger to sending data by flushing utilization network quickly optimizing of needs the between trade-off HDFS the existing keep with we HopsFS, compatibility in backward clients, for but configured, be The can datanodes. the buffer to clients data HopsFS the and HDFS the both of up files, advantage set 64 writing take to we when HopsFS, HDFS that, In by fact file. required the the time writing the for the as pipeline replicating well replication avoids for as system datanodes blocks, our the files’ in to small file trips small round a communication writing many files, small reading to Similar operations. latencies read lower file required in for all resulting are communication), token client-datanode block secure a for the and with sockets, channel TLS/SSL additional communication (Kerberos, the secure datanodes removes validated, this a HDFS establishing to of the Compared step the with client. from along the block metadata to data file’s block the the data fetches returns also then namenode namenode the database. The the file, database. from small metadata a file’s of namenode the case the retrieves In namenode to the request file, a a sends the read client stored on to a traffic are when protocol that example, reporting blocks For block of the namenode. number reduces and the datanodes reduces the it on operations Second, for files. latency small expected on layer) the storage reducing file large significantly the avoided, (in are datanodes network and many client is, the between that trips files, round small reading/writing for protocol operations lsaepromdtesm a si DS ealddsuso nthe on discussion Detailed HDFS. large in for as way protocols same operation the system performed file are a all files sends HopsFS, client In copied the been then namenode. has blocks, the data data the allocated the After all datanodes. to the on blocks data allocated Bo aao h letsd eoeflsigtebfe n sending and buffer the flushing before side client the on data of KB 64 B,te h aai etdrcl otenamenode the to directly sent is data the then KB), 64 64 Bbfe iei eal au and value default a is size buffer KB Bsz ufr The buffer. size KB 4 . 1 osSRsac Contributions Research HopsFS . ls file close 64 pnfile open Bbfe size buffer KB eus to request request 55

Ch. 4 solution of improving the performance of small files and the experimental results are discussed in detail in Chapter 9.

4.1.8 HopsFS Leader Election Service Distributed file system operations such as housekeeping operations can only be performed by a single metadata server. For example, the file sys- tem operations of removing the dead nodes and recovering the data stored on the dead nodes could lead to inconsistent file system state if multiple metadata servers try to perform the same housekeeping operation. Such conflicting operations should only run on a designated (leader) metadata server, chosen using a coordination service. In partially synchronous sys- tems, designing a leader election algorithm, that does not permit multiple leaders while the system is unstable, is a complex task. As a result, many production systems use third-party distributed coordination services, such as ZooKeeper and Chubby, to provide a reliable leader election service. However, adding a third-party service such as ZooKeeper to a distributed system incurs additional operational costs and complexity. ZooKeeper instances must be kept running on at least three machines to ensure its high availability.

We show how we avoid third-party coordination service and implement our leader election service using NewSQL databases for partially syn- chronous systems, which ensures at most one leader at any given time. The leader election protocol uses the database as a distributed shared memory. Our work enables distributed systems that already use NewSQL databases to save the operational overhead of managing an additional third-party service for leader election. Logically, all processes communi- cate through shared registers (implemented as rows in a database table). Each process stores its descriptor in the database. Process descriptor contains ID, heartbeat counter, IP, and port information. Periodically each process updates its heartbeat counter (in a transaction) to indicate that it is still alive. Each process also maintains a local history of all the processes’ descriptors. Using the local history, a process is declared dead if it fails to update its counter in multiple consecutive rounds. A process declares itself to be the leader when it detects that it has the smallest ID among all the alive processes in the system. The leader evicts failed processes, and it is also responsible for increasing the heartbeat round time to accommodate slow processes.

56 Chapter 4. Thesis Contributions 4 . 1 . 9 ilatmtclyb ree uhta if that such ordered be automatically will iheprmnso oua eplann okod h pnImages Open the workload, learning deep popular a on experiments with l rcse u nprle.Cnurnycnrlcudb ade with handled be could control Concurrency parallel. in run processes All h orpromneo DShsln enabn fteHadoop the of bane a been long has HDFS of performance poor The oe prtoa aece o rtn n edn ml lsrespectively files small reading and writing for latencies operational lower the in read and for workload, write-intensive more a delivers For HopsFS failover. during downtime no has traces workload delivers real-world for HopsFS that show We microbenchmarks. of number [ dataset and Spotify have from We traces workload nodes. real-world with database and system and open- capacity our namenodes evaluated both an new in is out adding which scales by that HopsFS throughput system introduced file we available highly thesis, source, this In community. Overview in Results detail in discussed is algorithm leader election one leader most at Our Chapter is there system. time the given any in at lease-based use that ensure also We to throughput. mechanisms higher thus, fine-grained and more for control allows concurrency but design, transactions. the for complicates levels locking use Row-level isolation We is stronger service. it implement However, election to read. leader locking is reliable row-level it a moment implementing the for at sufficient committed not is read data any the that [ is all NDB at by it supported transaction level support default even the they as if level, serializable isolation provide not NewSQL do performance, poor typically to systems due before discussed as However, finished. then processes, two if example, For another. P after one execute to will set transactions level isolation transaction a clblt spsil ihlre lses u rhtcuespot a supports architecture Our clusters. larger with possible is exceeds scalability throughput dataset, HopsFS’s Images by setup, Open HDFS’ the hardware from moderate-sized files a For and traces. workload Spotify’s for a and 4 P Bfie,HpF ol netlrevlmso ml lsat files small of volumes large ingest could HopsFS files, KB b ml l trg layer storage file small P spto od h transaction The hold. on put is 59 10 4 b att eoelae iutnosyte h transactions the then simultaneously leader become to want , Bfie at files KB ,containing ], . 4 . 5 times 37 16 ie h hogpto DS u eut hwthat show results Our HDFS. of throughput the times o edn and reading for ie ihrtruhu hnHF,adHopsFS and HDFS, than throughput higher times 4 . 1 9 times ilo mgs(otysalfie)a ela a as well as files) small (mostly images million u ouinhas solution Our . h aeo DSuigol i Vedisks NVMe six only using HDFS of rate the read-committed 4 serializable . 1 5 osSRsac Contributions Research HopsFS . . 9 P b times at ni transaction until waits P 55 slto ee,guaranteeing level, isolation a nuigta conflicting that ensuring , o rtn ls Further files. writing for aae oeeuefirst, execute to manages .Tesrnetisolation strongest The ]. 7 . 39 times and 3 . 15 61 P a times times has 57

Ch. 4 pluggable database storage engine, and other NewSQL databases could be used. Finally, HopsFS makes metadata tinker friendly, opening it up for users and applications to extend and analyze in new and creative ways. Evaluation of HopsFS is discussed in detail in Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10.

58 Chapter 4. Thesis Contributions 5 . 1 oua letsre l ytm h let a on ietr from directory a mount can clients The system. file client-server popular nrsrcueadpoie l-ee cest h trg ytm F [ NFS system. storage the network to existing access the file-level network provides uses and as typically infrastructure NAS known systems. also (NAS) are its storage systems to attached file access network distributed provides Client-Server server the files. systems, file client-server the In Systems File Distributed Client-Server systems. file distributed different by systems, used file services hierarchical coordination distributed and man- in metadata optimization distributed files to on small relevant focus agement, most vast we are the here that specifically, upon systems More draw file HopsFS. we hierarchical chapter, about this literature In of file body hierarchical field. Distributed well-studied a state. replicated is current systems servers the metadata of between value needed the is on when agreement and an processed replicated, are is the operations metadata between metadata agreement concurrent for how need on the the servers of introduces it complexity as and operations, latency and system the path file increases file This the resolve permissions. may to user operations servers check system metadata file multiple as from task data challenging hier- require a for is metadata systems distributed file Implementing archical systems. file [ server system single file [ time-sharing system Unix file the fast BSD’s as such systems, file Earlier h F evro hi oa l ytm n cesi si twr local a were it if as it access and system, file local their on server NFS the [ CIFS and 62 rtcl r sdt cesteNS F [ NFS NAS. the access to used are protocols ] 61 ,hv ouaie irrhclnmsae for namespaces hierarchical popularized have ], eae Work Related 5 10 stemost the is ] 60 and ] 10 ]

Ch. 5 directory. CIFS [62] is another popular protocol to access NAS. CIFS is an open-source implementation of (SMB) protocol. In contrast to NFS which transparently mounts the remote directories onto the clients’ local file system, CIFS makes requests to the server to access the remote file. The server receives the requests and performs the operations and return the results to the client.

NFS relaxes the file system consistency semantics as it was primarily designed as a stateless application (NFS version 3 and earlier). For ex- ample, in NFS the clients write changes to the files, without waiting for confirmation that the file blocks have been successfully written to the NFS server. This leads to better client-side file write performance. However, concurrent file read operations by multiple clients may not return the same copy of the data. Similarly, the NFS clients also cache the file system metadata for some file system operations, such as list and stat to limit the number of file system operations on the NFS server. Although the clients cache the metadata for a short period, this can still lead to application problems due to inconsistent file system operations.

In the client-server model, the central server is the scalability bottleneck as all file system operations are performed by the centralized server. Moreover, managing a client-server file system is not trivial as these file systems grow in size the administrators have to re-partition the namespace manually and mount multiple NFS servers on the client side. Also, this strategy is not practical as it does not take into account varying file system workloads.

5.2 Shared-Disk Distributed File Systems Storage area network (SAN) is a special type of storage network system that connects computers and disk devices the same way as SCSI cables connect disk drives to a computer. SAN typically requires a dedicated storage data network infrastructure. SAN is accessed using SCSI over TCP/IP, InfiniBand, ATA over Ethernet (AoE), Fiber Channel Protocol (FCP) or similar protocols. Storage area Networks (SAN) only provide block-level access to the storage disks, and the management of the file system typically resides with the file system clients, that is, the clients implement the shared file system.

GPFS, Farangipani, XFS, GlobalFS, StorageTank and Panasas [6–9,63,64]

60 Chapter 5. Related Work 5 . 5 5 4 . . . 4 3 1 lhuhmnlti eaaasresaeese oipeet hylimit they implement, to easier are servers metadata monolithic Although h l ytmnmsaecnb ttclydnmclysltit multi- into split statically/dynamically be can namespace system file The l u-re n sindt h eaaasresfrhigh-performance for servers metadata the to assigned and sub-trees ple odeel mn h eaaasres yial,teesbtesare sub-trees these Typically, work- servers. the metadata divide the to among fails evenly technique on load this located However, are server. subtree an metadata directory single has a a partitioning within objects Subtree metadata that volumes). advantage called (also sub-trees Sprite, directory MapR, Coda, [ LOCUS, HDFS NFS, federated AFS, and as such systems file Distributed Partitioning Metadata Subtree Static scalability. better and Partitioning Metadata Subtree replicas server. read-only and metadata using server, alleviated the metadata is of single server metadata a the on on stored contention For is the system. metadata file the distributed GFS entire in the example, of performance and scalability the [ metadata entire the monolithic process use and QFS store and that HDFS, servers GFS, metadata as such system, file distributed Many Servers Metadata node. Monolithic dedicated a to operations may conflicting locking the distributed sending of of conflicting overhead cost frequent the the inodes exceed of of presence subset a the on in operations however, better, Distributed scales operations. and conflicting locking inodes serialize the to on blocks locks corresponding locking appropriate their distributed acquires of operation case system the the file performs in each which While node, operation. designated system conflicting a file all to requested management, sent system lock are file operations centralized system of the file case for the semantics In system operations. file single-node compliant a the support POSIX on to equivalent stored needed metadata are mechanisms the Locking access metadata shared-disks. can systems nodes file Multiple the store shared-disks. that on systems file distributed based SAN are otefiesse sr u olc fspotfrfiesse operations, system file for support of lack to as due such visible users are system boundaries file subtree the the to and structures, independent as treated rename and link 10 – htcosmlil ute attos Another partitions. subtree multiple cross that 15 , 65 ttclypriintenmsaeusing namespace the partition statically ] 5 . 3 ooihcMtdt Servers Metadata Monolithic . 2 , 3 , 6 – 9 , 18 ]. 61

Ch. 5 problem with this approach is that it often requires an administrator effort to decide how the file system would be partitioned. As different file system sub-trees grow at a different rate, it is difficult to partition the namespace optimally. The unpredictable growth of the namespace may re- quire repartitioning the sub-trees. If the file system workload is not evenly balanced across all the metadata servers, then the hotspots (frequently accessed files and directories) can overload the metadata servers storing the popular files and directories.

5.4.2 Dynamic Subtree Metadata Partitioning When the metadata is stored on multiple metadata servers, it is possible that the file system would not be balanced across the metadata servers. Moreover, distributed transactions are needed to perform file system operations. Ursa Minor, Farsite and CephFS [4, 5, 66–69] use dynamic sub- tree partitioning to distribute the file system namespace across multiple metadata servers. As the file system workload changes or the number of metadata servers change, the file system sub-trees are dynamically reassigned to the metadata servers. In the case of Ursa Minor, the main objective of dynamic partitioning is to avoid distributed transactions. Whenever it encounters an atomic operation that spans multiple partitions, it repartitions the metadata by collocating the metadata that needs to be atomically updated [5]. The directory service in Farsite dynamically parti- tions the sub-trees according to the file identifiers which are immutable and have a tree structure. Atomic rename operations are implemented us- ing two-phase locking. The server that manages the destination directory acts as the leader and the servers that hold the source files act as followers. Similar to Farsite, CephFS also dynamically partitions the file system tree and replicates hotspot directories on multiple metadata servers for better performance [68, 69].

5.5 Hash-Based Metadata Distribution File systems like GlusterFS [70] Vesta [71], [72], InterMezzo [73], and RAMA [74] use hash-based techniques to distribute file system metadata. Partial or complete file paths are hashed to locate the metadata servers storing the file information. Using hash-based metadata distribution it is easier for the file system clients to locate the metadata. For a well- balanced file system namespace tree, the metadata is evenly distributed across the metadata servers. However, expanding the metadata service

62 Chapter 5. Related Work 5 . 6 ahcmoetwt ahioe n ehs h eaaauigthe using metadata the hash we and inode, each with component path sn aaaet tr Metadata Store to Database a Using based are that metadata [ system Chord file on distribute to file tables peer-to-peer [ hash by CFS distributed Inspired like systems metadata. file uses the applications also sharing hash LH to path. paths entire the file permission traversing complete file without allows directly which determined of metadata be effect file to net each the into merges check that permission structure list the control access dual-entry [ a (LH) using Hybrid to have individual Lazy the clients components. for the path metadata as the file slow obtain very to servers are metadata checks multiple permission contact distribution path metadata file hash-base the of that limitations is significant most the partitions. of database One the directory between moved the is of root inode the one of only ID Thus, to directory subtree. parent possible the it in changes directories makes only (moving) also HopsFS Renaming metadata operations. the operations. rename read partition in-place file to implement for ID efficiently inode metadata the the read Using using to partitioned ID is inode file information) file the replicas the While and blocks listing. the directory as efficient (such directory for metadata the partition of database descendants same immediate the the on all stores which ID, inode’s one only immutable store we HopsFS, In the partitions. distribute database to the partitioning metadata across hash-based metadata a on listing relies file also HopsFS for locality component metadata path the file preserve penultimate to the operations. metadata to up the path hash paths, file to file the partial use using systems as the file to such distributed relocated Some and servers. updated metadata be new to the have all directories as and expensive files very listing. dependent be directory loses could as hashing directories such for large operations, paths renaming system Moreover, file file the for Using locality changes function. metadata the hash the of the because of relocated output be the to in has metadata as expensive be could ffiesse eaaaoeain.Erirssesue oa aaae or databases local used systems Earlier handling operations. correct metadata meta- and system system simple file file provide of would store transactions to database databases as use data to tried have researchers years For nd D o xml,tefie r attoe sn h parent the using partitioned are files the example, For ID. inode 78 n ATY[ PASTRY and ] 79 ]. 5 . 6 sn aaaet tr Metadata Store to Database a Using . 76 75 n AT[ PAST and ] re osleti su by issue this solve to tries ] 77 s scalable use ] 63

Ch. 5 used transactions provided by the operating system to implement the file system metadata services [21–23]. The conventional wisdom has been that it is too expensive (in terms of throughput and latency) to store hierarchi- cal file system metadata in an external database [17, 80]. For example, file systems such as WinFS [24] and InversionFS [25] that store the metadata in an external database have poor performance.

Recently, high performance distributed databases such as HBase [31,81], Cassandra [82], and CalvinDB [55] have enabled the development of new distributed metadata management architectures in file systems. Unlike HopsFS which stores metadata in the external database in normalized form, all of these file systems store the file system metadata in denormal- ized form. GiraffaFS [83] is Hadoop compatible distributed file system stores the file system metadata in HBase in denormalized form, that is, the identifier for each inode is array representing full path of the file. For example, a file, /home/user/file.txt is stored in the HBase as a single row identified by a row key that is the file full path name. The metadata is sorted using a lexicographical order to ensures locality of reference in HBase, that is, the immediate children of a directory will be stored in the same database partition. This strategy is very similar to HopsFS. We partition the immediate children of a directory based on the parent inode ID, which puts all the immediate children of the directory on the same database partition. However, HopsFS stores fully normalized metadata. GiraffaFS does not support in-place rename operations, and a rename operation changes the row identifiers of all the children of the renamed directory.

CassandraFS [84] is another Hadoop compatible distributed file system that stores the metadata in Cassandra key-value store. The entire metadata is modeled with two column families in Cassandra that represent two distinct metadata services. The first column family stores the file/directory inodes, and the second column family stores the block locations. Like GiraffaFS, CassandraFS also stores the metadata in denormalized form, and it does not support in-place rename operations.

CalvinFS partitions the metadata by hashing the complete directory/file path names and stores it in the Calvin database – a log replicated dis- tributed transactional key-value store [55,85]. CalvinFS avoids multiple network round-trips to the database to resolve the file path by storing the entire path information along with all permissions attributes with each

64 Chapter 5. Related Work 5 . 7 ant[ Walnut [ system file Wave hl bet agrthan larger objects while lhuhw s D lse osoesufdioe so-ikcolumns on-disk as inodes stuffed store to cluster NDB use we Although chose they Although checks permission support not does system file Wave the effect, side a As hs h oksti dnie,adi h eodpaealtelcsare locks the all phase second the in and identified, is set lock the phase n eueltnyfrYS okod nSD.Ti el steei still for is SSDs there using us when tells improvements This performance for SSDs. potential on workloads throughput significant improve YCSB help for can latency database reduce LSM-tree and an in values from keys [ WiscKey tables, in between database, the in latency lower and throughput higher with stored be could Log-Structured a of in threshold files size [ small BLSM and system database, file (LSM-tree) a Merge-Tree in files large stores that Files Small of Performance the Improving atomically are which directories transactions. the HyperDex of using maintains children updated system the listing store file as, wave that such the files operations, operation, special system scan file a For require root. which the directories from path full inodes. the the on with paths file complete also storing It by metadata. traversal system path file file the avoids storing for store, key-value transactional acquired atomically. be may metadata locks the of update millions to in potentially viable as is databases, operations of OLTP directory use current perform proposed to CalvinFS’ locking whether has optimistic clear set multiphase not lock is the it However, that provided changed. performed, not is operation the first and the acquired, In phases. two large in deleting transactions large and runs renaming CalvinDB as directories. such large atomically, perform operations to making system CalvinDB operations, on file subtree relies all CavlinFS for expensive. subtree prohibitively a it of to descendants CalvinFS the requires all approach update partitioning metadata This entry. metadata iesseslk DSadGSsoetedt lc ntedatanodes the on block data the store GFS and HDFS like systems File cluster. NDB in columns disk-based 88 100 ,fo Yahoo from ], Band KB 1 86 BfrSDsoae hr bet under objects where storage, SSD for MB 90 1 saohrfiesse htue yeDx[ HyperDex uses that system file another is ] 1 Ba h rsoe ein h eut hwdthat showed results the region, crossover the as MB eetysoe o eaaigtesoaeof storage the separating how showed recently ] B hr a ocerwinner. clear no was there MB, 1 ! Bwr oeefiin osoei l system. file a in store to efficient more were MB 5 in . 7 mrvn h efrac fSalFiles Small of Performance the Improving . 2012 ecie yrdsoaesystem storage hybrid a described , 89 .Te dnie nobject an identified They ]. 1 Bi size in MB 87 ,a ], 65

Ch. 5 as files. The files are managed by local file systems such as , ZFS, XFS, and . These local file systems often provide functionalities, such as erasure coding, journaling, encryption, and hierarchical file system namespace, that may not be directly required by the distributed file systems. For small files, the overhead introduced by the local file systems is considerable compared to the time required to actually read/write the small files. In distributed file systems these features, such as encryption, replication, erasure coding, etc., are provided by the distributed metadata management system. The iFlatLFS [91] improves the performance of the handling of the small files by optimally storing the small files on the disk of the datanodes using a simplified local file system called the iFlatLFS. The iFlatLFS is a local file system installed on all the datanodes that manage the small files stored on the disk. TableFS [92] has shown that better performance can be achieved if the metadata and the file data is stored in a local key-value store such as LevelDB [93], however, TableFS is a not a distributed file system. James Hendricks et al. has shown that the performance of small files can be improved by reducing the interactions between the clients and the metadata servers, and by using caching and prefetching techniques [94].

HDFS provides an archiving facility, known as Hadoop Archives (HAR), that compresses and stores small files in large archives as a solution to reduce the contention on the namenode caused by the small files, see section 9.3.4 for more details. Similar to HAR, Xuhui Liu et al. group the small files by relevance and combines them into a large file to reduce the metadata overhead. It creates a hash index to access the contents of the small files stored in a large file [95]. MapR is a proprietary distributed file system that stores first 64 KB of all the files with the metadata [12], which improves the performance of small files.

In industry, many companies handle different client requirements for fast access to read/data by using multiple scale-out storage services. Typically, this means using a NoSQL database, such as Cassandra or HBase, for fast reading/writing data, as done by Uber [96], while an archival file system, such as HDFS, is used for long-term storage of data. This approach, however, complicates application development, as applications need to be aware of where data is located. In contrast, our small file storage layer solution ensures that HopsFS clients are unaware of whether a file is stored in the database or on a HopsFS datanode.

66 Chapter 5. Related Work 5 . 8 okod n plcto aat yaial dut the adjusts dynamically to data application and workload, rpris uha okn n rnatosta r fe upre by supported often are that transactions and locking as such properties, ie oregandlcigadrlal trg o h loosely-coupled the for storage reliable and locking coarse-grained vides odsrbtdtercp ftecutrmpt h Ssa oga their as long as OSDs the to map valid. cluster is monitors the lease active of the copy to their permissions distributed grant to Leases monitors. have other nodes to monitor leases the map which all leader, recent and a most active as are the elected nodes is monitor node the monitors that the ensures of One active. monitors’ are The devices map. [ cluster Paxos the of uses copy cluster master the maintain and services [ CephFS [ algorithm [ election leader algorithm lease-based election a leader implement a implement [ to namoDB [ used algorithm be that Paxos also transactions the using can lightweight partitions supports single to also restricted Cassandra are node. each for [ failures [ CassandraFS systems. storage In underlying the the system. exploiting by storage avoided the be can of solutions parts third-party different these cases, for many nodes the among sensus services [ third-party ZooKeeper use systems. systems like distributed storage of distributed block commercial building Many core a are algorithms Consensus Systems File Distributed In Services Coordination [ transactions cross-partition serializes it as candidate a currently [ not queries is pruned application- partition transactions, and inves- throughput partitioning, defined be high could supports NDB MemSQL to tigated. engines storage in-memory alternative up- Finally, its because LSM-tree that, than write-amplification is lower [ has databases cluster it NDB in-place, made using are dates of advantage one Finally, itiue ytm.A oge hbyi sdb ayitra services internal many by used is Chubby Google, At systems. distributed [ Chubby 104 109 102 107 31 .Csadatksi oacuttentokperformance, network the account to in takes Cassandra ]. ssafwmntrndsta rvd ru membership group provide that nodes monitor few a uses ] sadsrbtdlc evc eeoe tGol htpro- that Google at developed service lock distributed a is ] , lospot okn n rnatosta a eue to used be can that transactions and locking supports also ] 97 84 ,wihcnipoeSDdvc lifetime. device SSD improve can which ], uses ] 27 5 ], 110 . 8 oriainSrie nDsrbtdFl Systems File Distributed In Services Coordination . etcd epoch Phi oraha gemn nwihojc storage object which on agreement an reach to ] [ cra alr eetr[ Detector Failure Accrual h edrmntras susshort-term issues also monitor leader The . 100 , 101 ,adCub [ Chubby and ], 98 108 102 103 .Hwvr VoltDB However, ]. ]. opoiecon- provide to ] odtc node detect to ] Phi 105 106 threshold which ] .Dy- ]. 99 ]. 67

Ch. 5 including the (GFS) [18]. ZooKeeper is an open-source alternative for the Google’s Chubby distributed locking service. HDFS uses both the ZooKeeper and a heartbeat-based mechanism to detect failed nodes. ZooKeeper is used to detect namenodes failures and to switch from active to standby namenodes reliably. The datanodes in HDFS send heartbeat messages to the namenodes to indicate that the datanodes are alive. Similar to HDFS, the datanodes in HopsFS send heartbeats to the namenodes, however, instead of using ZooKeeper the namenodes use the database as a shared memory to implement a leader election and a group membership service for the namenodes. Other distributed file systems that use ZooKeeper are Apache Ignite file system [111], and MapR [12]

Some notable leader election protocols in the message passing paradigm using timers are [112–114]. In these protocols, the processes send messages to each other to indicate they are alive. A process is suspected if it fails to send a heartbeat message within a time bound. If a heartbeat is received from a suspected process the timer is increased to accommodate slow processes. Eventually, time bounds for processing and communication latencies are determined for the given system by successively increasing the timer upon receiving a message from a suspected process.

68 Chapter 5. Related Work ebleeta itiue eaaai omdt aaaei sig- a is database commodity a in metadata distributed that believe We aynwrsac n eeomn potnte.HpF enables HopsFS opportunities. up development opened has and database research external new an in many metadata system file the Storing group to and have election not leader does for services. it membership services as coordination system third-party file on distributed rely simplifies the which to how databases, of show NewSQL administration we using Lastly, the service disks. election spinning leader on a stored SSDs, build are on files stored biggest are is the files data and accessed fast frequently small larger where and servers, in-memory, on matches stored seen naturally typically which be hierarchy solution can storage storage files the file small tiered of a performance using the by how improved index show pruned also We partition and operations. transactions scan aware distribution techniques, NewSQL data leveraging modern as, by as such throughput well and as available capacity techniques highly both database a in traditional build out to scales how that relational show system We NewSQL file external form. an normalized in a metadata in its database stores our that of system best hierarchi- file the distributed cal to production-grade is, file open-source that first distributed HopsFS, the of introduced knowledge, we top thesis, on this built of In source applications systems. reliable metadata a for become truth can it ground and technology enabling new nificant yQ lv evr nbigcmlxaayiswtotafcigthe affecting without analytics or complex cluster enabling backup server, a slave either MySQL can to a metadata replicated HopsFS asynchronously SQL. and using selectively metadata be the on analytics ad-hoc online ocuin n uueWork Future and Conclusions 6

Ch. 6 performance of the active cluster.

The metadata architecture of HopsFS makes it easier to implement geo- replicated distributed hierarchical file systems for the cloud that spans multiple data centers in different availability zones and regions to provide high availability in the eventuality of a data center failure. A region is a ge- ographically independent set of data centers that consists of multiple avail- ability zones connected through low-latency links with sub-millisecond inter-availability zone network latencies. The inter-region network laten- cies vary between 25 to 500 milliseconds [115]. We are building the next version of HopsFS which can be deployed across multiple data centers. With very few changes, HopsFS can be deployed across two availability zones in the same region, such that, the database nodes, namenodes, and the datanodes are split across the two data centers, and still provide low latency file system operations as the inter-availability zone latencies are very low. In such a setup, the NDB nodes in each node-group will be split across the two availability zones, and the data replication policy for the file system is modified such as there is at least one replica of each block in the two availability zones. HopsFS can scale to more than two availability zones if the replication factor of the database (default 2) is increased. However, this setup would not work across data centers in different zones due to high network latencies. In order to enable HopsFS across data centers across multiple regions, we propose that each data cen- ter will have its own complete database setup and the namenodes would perform the file system operations using the local database in the data center. The changes in the metadata will be asynchronously replicated across the data centers using MySQL asynchronous replication [116] and the conflicting file system operations will be detected and resolved by the namenodes [117].

We are also looking to making HopsFS cloud-native, by enabling blocks in the file system be stored on external cloud-storage, such as the S3 block- store [118]. HopsFS will treat the blocks stored in external block-stores the same as the blocks stored on HopsFS datanodes. This introduces problems of ensuring the availability, consistency, and integrity of block data stored in external block-stores. Currently, HopsFS has a periodic synchronization protocol that ensures that the blocks stored at datanodes are kept consistent with the metadata describing the availability and location of the blocks. Supporting external block-stores would require extending the blocks’ metadata to describe which blocks are stored in

70 Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work rtclta loesrsta h lcssoe nteetra block- external the in stored blocks the that ensures also that protocol diinlcntan st einaslto hti rnprn oexisting to transparent An is HopsFS. that solution of clients. a latency HDFS design and to throughput is the constraint on additional solution impact a limited implementing has and unknowingly, that with tampered not are stores synchronization block periodic new a designing block-stores, external 71

Ch. 6

Part II



i oln,Mke osrm tfe Grohsschmiedt Steffen Ronström, Mikael Dowling, Jim amnNiazi Salman aiona USA, California, In osS cln irrhclFile Hierarchical Scaling HopsFS: ytmMtdt sn NewSQL Using Metadata System 15 hUEI ofrneo ieadSoaeTcnlge,SnaClara, Santa Technologies, Storage and File on Conference USENIX th 2017 amu sal efHaridi, Seif Ismail, Mahmoud , . Databases 7

Ch. 7 i oln,Mke Ronström Mikael Dowling, Jim amu Ismail, Mahmoud lu n rdCmuig CRD’ CCGRID Computing, Grid and Cloud the of proceedings In 1 ilo prtosprsecond per operations million cln DSt oethan more to HDFS Scaling 17 amnNiazi Salman hIE/C nentoa ypsu nCluster, on Symposium International IEEE/ACM th 17 ard Spain. Madrid, , efHaridi, Seif , ihHopsFS with 8

Ch. 8 ’ ACM/IFIP/USENIX Niazi Salman 18 ,December ), ieMtes mrvn Small Improving Matters: Size ie’Promnei HDFS in Performance Files’ 10 – efHrd,JmDwig ialRonström Mikael Dowling, Jim Haridi, Seif , 14 , 19 2018 hItrainlMdlwr ofrne(Middleware Conference Middleware International th ens France. Rennes, , 9

Ch. 9 i Dowling. Jim amnNiazi Salman eeae ofrneo itiue optn ehius DisCoTec Techniques, June Computing France, Grenoble, Distributed on Conference Federated : (DIAS) Systems 6 Interoperable and Applications Distributed In . 1 nentoa ofrne DAIS Conference, International edrEeto sn NewSQL using Election Leader amu sal ate Berthou, Gautier Ismail, Mahmoud , 2 - 4 , 2015 2015 aaaeSystems Database eda ato the of Part as Held . 10 10 hInternational th 15 hII WG IFIP th 2015 ,

Ch. 10


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