Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY - Thursday, 13 September 2001] p3745d-3745d Mr John Hyde; Speaker

EAST , GRAND FINALISTS Statement by Member for Perth MR HYDE (Perth) [12.28 pm]: I share those sentiments. I could have written the member’s speech for him. I will have to embellish what he said. I congratulate from the mighty Royals - the - for his victory last night. I will not have the opportunity next weekend to remind the many supporters of the mighty East Perth Football Club in this august House that it will be playing for its second premiership on Saturday week. It is time to reflect on the importance of football around this great State of Western Australia and that we see it reflected in our own suburban communities. The East Perth Football Club is in my electorate. I remember playing for the Brigades team in Geraldton and playing for Mowanjum in Derby. Grand final time is the time that communities and society gets together. It is a great fillip for East Perth to get into the grand final. The Royals mean a lot and the WAFL means a lot. I know that WAFL football is important to a number of members. I encourage members to get to to see real football and to see the best team win.

TELEVISION COVERAGE Statement by Speaker THE SPEAKER (Mr Riebeling): Before we begin question time, I advise that permission has been given for television coverage and for the print media to take photographs while the Treasurer is delivering the budget speech at two o’clock.
