EXTENSIONS of REMARKS May 22, 1974 Concerning Members of the News Media; to Year As National Med.Lea.I Assistants• Week; by Mr

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS May 22, 1974 Concerning Members of the News Media; to Year As National Med.Lea.I Assistants• Week; by Mr 16208 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 22, 1974 concerning members of the news media; to year as National Med.lea.I Assistants• Week; By Mr. STEELMAN (for himself, Mr. the dommittee on Interstate and Foreign to the Committee on the Judlcia.ry. ERLENBORN, Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. Commerce. By Mr. ESCH (for himself, Mr. CON­ WHALEN, Mr. PARRIS, Mr. BROWN Of By Mr. MARAZITI: LAN, Mr. HECHLER of West Virglnia, Ohio, Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado, Mr. H.R. 14982. A bill to amend the Internal Mr. MARTIN of North Carolina, Mr. MCCLOSKEY, Mr. MAYNE, Mr. REGULA, Revenue Code of 1954 and certain other pro­ MAzzoLI, Mrs. CmsHOLlll, Mr. Mn.­ Mr. McKINNEY, Mr. THONE, Mr. Mc­ visions of law to provide for automatic cost­ FORD, Mr. ROE, Mr. SYMINGTON, and CoLLISTER, Mr. BELL, Mr. PRITCHARD, of-living adjustments in the income tax Mr. WINN): Mr. CLEVELAND, Mr. HORTON, Mr. rates, the amount of the standard, personal H.J. Res. 1028. Joint resolution designating MITcHELL of New York, Mr. ESHLE­ exemption, and depreciation deductions, and the premises occupied. by the Chief of Naval MAN, Mr. MATHIAS of California, Mr. the rate of interest payable on certain obli­ Operations as the official residence of the SHOUP, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. QUIE, Mr. gations of the United States; to the Com­ Vice President, effective upon the termina­ CONTE, and Mr. GUYER): mittee on Ways and Means. tion of service of the incumbent Chief of H. Res. 1144. Resolution providing for the By Mr.ROY: Naval Operations; to the Committe on Armed consideration of House Resolution 988; to H.R. 14988. A bill to provide for the modi­ Services. the Committee on Rules. fication of the project for Tuttle Creek Lake, By Mr. SYMINGTON (for himself a.nd By Mr. STEELMAN (for himself, Mr. Big Blue River, Kan.; to the Committee on Mr. MINSHALL of Ohio) : BROOMFIELD, Mr. YOUNG of South Public Works. H.J. Res. 1029. Joint resolution authoriz• Carolina, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. SHRIVER, By Mr. BKUBITZ: Ing the President to proclaim the week be­ Mr. RoBISON of New York, Mr. SARA­ H.R. 14984. A bill to amend title 88 of the ginning on the second Monday in Novem­ SIN, Mr. MARTIN of North Carolina, United States Code in order to provide service ber each year as Youth Appreciation Week; Mr. DU PONT, Mr. McEWEN, Mr. pension to certain veterans of World War I to the Committee on the Judiciary. MADIGAN, Mr. HECHLER of West Vir­ and pension to the widows of such veterans; By Mr. DULSKI: ginia, Mr. GUDE, Mr. KEMP, Mr. H. Con. Res. 502. Concurrent resolution FROEHLICH, and Ms. CHISHOLM) : to the Committee on Veterans• Affairs. expressing the sense of the Congress that By Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia: H. Res. 1145. Resolution providing for the the President, acting through the U.S. Am­ consideration of House Resolution 988; to H.J. Res. 1025. Joint resolution to author­ bassador to the United Nations Organlm­ the Committee on Rules. ize the President to proclaim the third week tion, take such steps as may be necessary to ln October of each year as National Screen place the question of human rights viola­ Printing Week and to proclaim Tuesday of tions in the Soviet-occupied Ukraine on the such week as National Screen Printing Day; agenda of the United Naitlons Orga.nizatlon; PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private By Mr. COUGHLIN: By Mr. ESCH: bills and resolutions were introduced and H.J. Res. 1026. Joint resolution to author­ H. Res. 1142. Resolution creating a stand­ ing Committee on Sm.all Business in the severally referred as follows: ize and request the President to issue a By Mrs. SULLIVAN: proclamation designating the calendar week House of Representatives; to the Commit­ tee on Rules. H.R. 14985. A bill for the relief of Ebinger beginning Aprll 20, 1975, as National Volun­ By Mr. MINISH: Electronics, Inc.; to the Committee on Ju­ teer Week; to the Committee on the Judi­ H. Res. 1143. Resolution decla.rlng the sense diciary. ciary. of the House with respect to a prohibition of By Mr. BOB WILSON: By Mr. DULSKI: extension of credit by the Export-Import H.R. 14986. A b111 for the relief of Rear H.J. Res. 1027. Joint resolution to desig­ Bank of the United States; to the Commit­ Adm. F. B. Gllkeson of the U.S. Navy; to nate the third week of September of each tee on Banking and Currency. the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FEDERAL AID MEANS MORE federal control." During the past several to public education 1n Winchester. This type FEDERAL CONTROL months, three occurrences relating to educa­ of remedlal-i.e., punitive-procedure is set tion in Virginia have verified the truth of forth in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of that cliche. 1964. Never mind that during the current HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. (1) In February, the news columns car­ school year, Handley officials have expelled 01' vntGINIA ried accounts of dismay among officials of or suspended 65 white students and 40 black the National Collegiate Athletic Assoclation­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES students. The charge 1s made that because dismay caused by a provision of Title IX of only black students were suspended or ex­ Wednesday, May 22, 1974 the Clvll Rights Act of 1972. The provision pelled in the aftermath of the April unrest. requires that colleges which accept federal those who run the publlc schools of Win­ Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ aid spend as much money on their athletic chester are "discriminating" on the basis of dent, the Richmond News Leader of programs and fac111t1es for women as they race. If federal cash were not involved, such Tuesday, May 7, 1974, published a pro­ spend for men. Failure to comply could mean a charge would be correctly dismissed as vocative editorial entitled "Federal Aid a cut-off of federal funds to the transgress­ merely a mischievous allegation. Means Federal * * * ." It deals with the ing colleges and universities. (In fl.sea.I 1972, (3) And during the past year, both Gov­ controls which the Federal Government the Department of Health, Education, and ernors Holton a.nd Godwin have haggled with Welfare-the conduit for federal aid to ed­ HEW a.bout "desegregation" of Virginia's 1s putting on the States and localities ucation-provided $4.1 bllllon to American of public colleges and universities. The Gov­ through the Department Health, Edu­ colleges and universities.) Walter Byers, the ernors have argued that Vlrglnla already is cation, and Welfare. executive director of the NCAA, has informed complying with 1964 Civil Rights Act provi­ The editorial concludes by stating: · the NCAA's 775 member institutions that sions pertaining to higher education. HEW So it goes. Further proof, if further proof "this regulation will dismantle the structure has argued that, well, maybe Virginia ts were needed, that federal aid means of intercollegiate athletics in this country. complying and maybe Virglnia is not com­ federal control. Right now, we do have a crlsls." So, as the plying, but until HEW decides, Virginia result of a regulation Intended to eradicate would be well advised-for lnstance--to in­ How accurate that editorial is, Mr. "sex discrimination" from the nation·s col­ crease the numbers of blacks at predomi­ President. leges, the federal government possibly will nantly white schools, greatly increase the The more the States and localities ac­ put intercollegiate athletics at many colleges number of whites at predominantly black cept Federal funds, the more Federal out of business. schools, hire more black teachers at predomi­ funds are appropriated to them, the more (2) As a result of unrest at Handley High nantly white schools, etc., and file progress Federal control goes along with it. School in Winchester during the week of reports with HEW every six months. HEW April 15, school authorities in Winchester euphemistically describes its position as I ask unanimous consent to have this suspended or expelled 15 students-all of editorial printed in the Extensions of Re­ them black. And abracadabra, within 10 days "conciliatory.'' That ls about as subtle as marks. those school authorities found themselves a mailed fist. The implied threat that has There being no objection, the editorial "consulting" with two representatives from run through these year-long dealings with was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, HEW. The alleged purpose of the visitation? HEW is that lf Virginia does not knuckle as follows: To determine whether the school authori­ under to HEW's demands, HEW will halt ties had "discriminated" in their suspensions the flow of mlllions of dollars of federal aid FEDERAL Am MEANS FEDERAL * * • and expulsions. If the HEW representatives to Virginia public education. Early in the debate about federal aid to detected such discrimination, they wlll de­ So it goes. Further proof, if further proof education, it became a cltche of the anti­ mand corrective action; lf corrective action were needed, that federal a.id means . statist argument that "federal aid means ls not Initiated, HEW will cut off federal cash federal control. May 22, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16209 STATEMENT OF THE GREATER WIL­ DETENTE AND THE UNITED STATES frontation between the two social systems MINGTON DEVELOPMENT COUN­ (Pravda, June 29, 1972). CIL BEFORE THE CIVIL AERONAU­ The Soviet accommodation with the TICS BOARD HEARING SEPTEM­ HON. ROBERT PRICE United States in our desire to ease the BER 25, 1973, CONCERNING THE OF TEXAS tensions should not be considered as a PETITION OF EASTERN AIRLINES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sudden and fundamental change in pol­ AND ALLEGHENY AIRLINES TO icy which can be applied with any de­ SUSPEND SERVICE AT GREATER Wednesday, May 22, 1974 gree of predictability or consistency.
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