
Company Sep 25, 2021

Supervisory Board of AG

Shareholder representatives Dr. Diplom-Kaufmann; Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dr. Hans Michel Piëch Lawyer in private practice Hans-Peter Porsche Engineer Dr. Ferdinand Oliver Porsche Member of the Board of Management of Familie Porsche AG Beteiligungsgesellschaft Dr. Hans Peter Schützinger Member of the Board of Management of GmbH Hans Dieter Pötsch Chairman of the Board of Management of Porsche Automobil Holding SE; Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AG Dr. Arno Antlitz Member of the Volkswagen AG Board of Management – Functional Responsibility Finance Dr. Christian Dahlheim Director Group Sales Volkswagen AG Thomas Schmall-von Westerholt Member of the Volkswagen AG Board of Management – Functional Responsibility Technology Hiltrud Werner

Page 1 of 2 Member of the Executive Board of Volkswagen AG Integrity and Legal division; Functional Responsibility Integrity and Legal

Employee representatives Werner Weresch Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board; Chairman of the Works Council Zuffenhausen / Ludwigsburg / Sachsenheim; Chairman of the General and Group Works Councils of Porsche AG Harald Buck Member of the Works Council Zuffenhausen; Member of the General and Group Works Councils of Porsche Wolfgang von Dühren International VIP and Special Sales Porsche AG N.N. ... Akan Isik Member of the Works Council Zuffenhausen; Member of Group Works Council of Porsche AG Nora Leser Trade Union Secretary of IG Metall – Administration Office Knut Lofski Chairman of the Works Council Porsche Leipzig; Member of the Group Works Council of Porsche AG Stefan Schaumburg Trade Union Secretary of IG Metall – Responsible Manager for Tariff Policy Carsten Schumacher Chairman of the Works Council Weissach; Member of the General and Group Works Councils of Porsche AG Jordana Vogiatzi Manager responsible for Members and Finances of the IG Metall Union, Stuttgart

As of: 5/2021

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