Probing Sequence-Level Instructions for Gene Expression May Taha

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Probing Sequence-Level Instructions for Gene Expression May Taha Probing sequence-level instructions for gene expression May Taha To cite this version: May Taha. Probing sequence-level instructions for gene expression. General Mathematics [math.GM]. Université Montpellier, 2018. English. NNT : 2018MONTT096. tel-02073052 HAL Id: tel-02073052 Submitted on 19 Mar 2019 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. THESE POUR OBTENIR LE GRADE DE DOCTEUR DE L’UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER En Mathématique appliquées et application des mathématiques École doctorale : CBS2 – Sciences chimiques et Biologiques pour la santé Unités de recherche : Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier (IGMM – UMR 5535) Institut Montpelliérain Alexandre Grothendieck (IMAG – UMR 5194) Probing sequence-level instructions for gene expression Présentée par May TAHA Le 28 Novembre 2018 Sous la direction de Charles-Henri Lecellier et Jean Michel Marin Devant le jury composé de Dr. Julien CHIQUET, Chargé de recherche, AgroParisTech/INRA MIA, Paris Rapporteur Dr. Mohamed ELATI, Professeur, Université de Lille Rapporteur Dr. Stéphane ROBIN, Directeur de recherche, AgroParisTech/INRA MIA, Paris Examinateur Dr. Nathalie VILLA-VIALANEIX, Chargé de recherche, Université de Toulouse 1 Examinateur Dr. Charles-Henri LECELLIER, Chargé de recherche, CNRS, Montpellier Directeur de thèse Dr. Jean Michel MARIN, Professeur, Université Montpellier Co-directeur de thèse fffff It always seems impossible, until it’s done. − Nilson Mandela In the honor of my father, hope you are as proud as I am. Acknowledgements After an intensive period of three and a half years, today is the day. Writing this note is the finishing touch of my dissertation. It has been a period of intense learning, not only on a scientific but also on a personal level. Writing this dissertation had a significant impact on me. I want to reflect on the people who have supported and helped me so much throughout this period. Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my directors, Charles-Henri Lecellier and Jean Michel Marin and my supervisors Laurent Bréhélin and Sophie Lébre. Charles, first thanks for the effort you made in explaining everything clearly and just, you helped in making biology fun for me. I am grateful for the encouragement, sound advice, and many good ideas, especially throughout my thesis-writing period. Your enthusiasm for science inspires me. More importantly, I am glad for the times you made me challenge my self. For you Jean-Michel, thank you for constant support, availability and constructive suggestions, which were determinant for the accomplishment of the work presented in this thesis. I admire your knowledge, your wisdom and your sense of humor, you made all our meeting very joyful and meaningful. Laurent and Sophie, this work would not be accom- plished without your vast contributions. You invested your time in me and in the project, and you were here until the last sentence of this report was written. I cannot thank you enough for the hard work you made with me to accomplish this project and to finish a very well written and organized report. Finally, thank you all, especially Sophie, for the moral support when things were not that easy for me. Beside my supervisors and co-supervisors, I would like to thank the rest of my thesis committee: Julien Chiquet and Mohamed Elati who did me the honor of reading this thesis i despite their busy schedule. Moreover, a special thank to Stéphane Robin and Nathalie Villa who accepted to be a part of this jury without hesitating. I would also like to thank Jacques Colinge who with Julien followed me from the beginning. Your remarks and propositions during my thesis committees helped me go forward and had a massive impact on this project. Finally, I would like to thank the école doctorale CBS2 for funding my thesis project for three years as well as for the continuous help in administrative procedures. More generally, I would like to thank all the members of IGMM, especially the EBL and RBL, the members of IMAG especially the EPS team and all the members of the IBC group. Being in three different labs, with very different aspects, between biology, maths and its applications (statistics, informatics) helped me to widen my knowledge in different domains. I would like to thank Fran çois David Collin for all the help he gave with my project on deep learning. Thank you for the scientific discussions about the models as well as for always saving the day when it comes to the GPU and installations. I want also to thank every person with whom I had a scientific discussion, and for those who gave remarks and potential solutions during my presentations, every single idea counts. To Christophe and Raphel, thank you for the lovely time we shared in the office, and for the endless discussion about what is better R or Python. Note that now I feel confused after using both. To Fabienne, Mathias, Pierre, Etienne, Amani, and Baraa, it would not be the same without you. Thank you for making me laugh all the time, for the moral support especially during this last phase of writing and especially Mathias thanks for all the appropriate Arabic words you shared with me, you made me feel like home. During these three years, it was not only science, but I was also fortunate to make long life friends. First of all, to the one whom I do not think that I would be here without her support, to you Chloé. I think you know, without saying, the considerable effect you made just being by my side. If I start to count why I am grateful to you, I need another PhD report, but I will try to summarize. You were and still huge moral support, we laughed and cried together, we complained about everything and drank martinis (this is why we are friends). I appreciate making me feel like home with your family and here a special ap- preciation to your mother who is a blessing. Finally, I am grateful just for everything and ii especially for tasting all my crazy new receipts. Second, to Tiffany, my sweet little lovely girl, you were always there even when I was in the worst possible situation, you spread your love and support. Thank you for every message, every significant gift, for all the pandas in my room, thank you for being you. Adham, I do not know what to say, you have it all, my Lebanese partner in the team and in food at lunch. I love how smart and funny you are. I do not want to imagine the lab without you, without your social Mondays and almost weekend Fridays, without your jokes (always inappropriate) and your laugh. You are an extraordinary person, and I think you will be a very successful man in the future. I love you. Besides the friends I made in the lab, I also have a second big Lebanese family, and I wish I do not forget anyone. For, Mazen, Nathalie, Costy, Jessica, Emiline, Bob, Johny, Joseph, Charbel, Mohamed (and antar for sure), Faten, Chadi, Hani, and Mahmoud in Montpellier, thank for making from Montpellier something like home. Every one of you knows how much I love and appreciate him and how much I am grateful for every piece of support you ever gave me. The Lebanese community does not stop in Montpellier, for those who are far by distance, are close by heart and mind, Ihsan, Hikmat, Josephine, Joanna, Sophie, Sally, and Hassan M. Besides, even though it has been 4 years that I left, I still have terrific friends that sup- ported me all over the road. For Mohamad H, Hussein A., Rana H., Said, Mariam and for Zeinab for the spelling corrections, a huge appreciation. Finally, to you, Idrisso, not only you support me infinitely, but you show me every day how much you are proud of me. You tolerated my bad mood and my growl for months while writing the report, you helped me in every single way to accomplish my work, and you always push me to be a better person. I, in my turn, am very proud you and very grateful that you are a huge part of my life. I wish you success in your life, and I am confident that you will accomplish all your dreams. I thought about what to say to Yara for as long as I have been writing this thesis. It is hard to express what I would like you to know. I kept this particular paragraph for you just before my family because for me you are one of them. For three years, everyone thought that we are blood-related, or that we knew each other a long time ago. The truth is even though we have opposite personalities, we always understand and support each iii other. Being thankful is not enough for you. We are a true friend, and a great support system, you yell at me when I act crazy or because I cry a lot, you eat very unhealthy food with me when I am sad, and finally for criticizing, every single day, my ingenuity of being a messy person. I want to tell you that I believe in you and I believe you are one of the most successful, organized, organized and organized women I ever met after my mother.
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