
Hybrid - in -antiferromagnet heterostructures

Y. V. Bludov1, J. N. Gomes1, G. A. Farias3, J. Fernández-Rossier2,4, M. I. Vasilevskiy1,2, N. M. R. Peres1,2 1Department of , Center of Physics, and QuantaLab, University of Minho, Campus of Gualtar, 4710-057, Braga, Portugal 2QuantaLab,International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), Av. Mestre José Veiga, 4715-330 Braga, Portugal 3Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Caixa Postal 6030, Campus do Pici, 60455-900 Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil and 4Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Alicante, Carretera de San Vicente del Raspeig 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, España

We consider a hybrid structure formed by graphene and an insulating antiferromagnet, separated by a dielectric of thickness up to d ' 500 nm. When uncoupled, both graphene and the antiferro- magneic surface host their own modes the electromagnetic field with in the case of graphene, and with in the case of the antiferromagnet. We show that the hy- brid structure can host two new types of hybrid polariton modes. First, a surface magnon-plasmon polariton whose dispersion is radically changed by the carrier density of the graphene layer, includ- ing a change of sign in the group velocity. Second, a -magnon polariton formed as a linear superposition of graphene surface plasmon and the antiferromagnetic bare magnon. This polariton has a dispersion with two branches, formed by the anticrossing between the dispersive surface plasmon and the magnon. We discuss the potential these new modes have for combining , magnons, and plasmons to reach new functionalities.

I. INTRODUCTION The fabrication of nanostructures offers a new arena to explore hybrid systems with collective modes in the Plasmons, , , and magnons are typi- and charge sectors, that could result in a new type of cal examples of collective excitations in condensed mat- polariton, mixing spin and charge collective modes. Here ter systems. They all imply the presence of poles with we explore this possibility in a system that seems easy to fabricate with state of the art techniques. We consider frequencies Ωp in the spectrum of the response function that describes the interaction of the system with elec- the coupling of surface magnon polaritons of an uniax- tromagnetic . As a result, the propagation of elec- ial antiferromagnet (AF) to surface plasmon polaritons tromagnetic waves with frequency ω in a material that (SPPs) in graphene. hosts these collective modes is strongly modified, or even The antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR) frequency suppressed altogether, for ω ' Ωp. This general physical in insulating unixaxial antiferromagnets, that ultimately phenomenon is rationalized in terms of the formation of determines the magnon-polariton frequency, occurs in the new collective modes known as polaritons. THz range, well above the typical GHz range for ferro- mechanically, polaritons are described as hy- magnetic resonance and, importantly, within the spectral brid collective excitations that are linear superpositions range of graphene SPPs. The difference between AFMR of a collective excitation and a . Semi- and ferromagnetic resonance arises from the fact that the classically, they are described using Maxwell equations former is determined by the interplay of exchange and and constitutive relations that include the frequency de- anisotropy [1], whereas the latter is only given by mag- pendent response functions. In both instances, the un- netic anisotropy, which is much smaller in most cases. It derlying physical phenomenon is the emergence of a new has been shown [2, 3] that uniaxial AFs, such as FeF2, type of or excitation, with properties different from host both bulk and surface magnon polaritons (SMPs). those of the constituent collective mode and electromag- These surface polaritons decay exponentially as we move netic wave. away from the antiferromagnet-dielectric interface. Excitons, phonons, and plasmons, couple predomi- The formation of hybrid modes occurs when the un- nantly to the electric component of the electromagnetic coupled modes are degenerate. Therefore, the existence wave. In contrast, for magnon-polaritons, it is the mag- of an experimental knob to tune the frequency of the netic field that couples to the spins. Most of the work modes is very convenient. In the case of graphene, gat- so far has focused on polaritons that couple electromag- ing controls the carrier density, leading to a change of the netic waves with just one type of collective mode (exci- dispersion curve of SPPs. Therefore, here we consider a tons, phonons, plasmons, spin waves). Interestingly, the graphene sheet at a distance d from the surface of an in- same electromagnetic field would couple both to the spin sulating AF, as shown in Fig. 1. Since both graphene and charge sector in a system that hosts both spin and and the insulating AF host their own polariton modes, charge collective modes. The electromagnetic field of po- here we explore whether this hybrid artificial material laritons would thus provide a coupling channel between system hosts a new type of hybrid polariton that couples excitations that are normally un-coupled. graphene surface plasmons and AF magnons at the same 2

romagnet. Thus, we consider the semi-infinite AF, oc- cupying the half-space z < 0. The other half-space z > 0 is supposed to be occupied by the vacuum with the graphene monolayer, arranged at plane z = d paral- lel to the AF surface (see Fig. 1). The semi-infinite uniaxial antiferromagnet, such as FeF2 or MnF2[2, 3], is described by the permeablilty ten- sor   µa 0 −iµb µˆ(ω) =  0 1 0  . (1) iµb 0 µa

The off-diagonal component µb is finite in the presence of an external magnetic field H0, that permits to tune the antiferromagnetic resonance frequency. In addition, application of the latter provides tunability of the reso- nance. In this work we only consider the case H0 = 0, so that µb = 0 and [1]:

2 2Ωs µa(ω) = 1 + 2 2 , (2) Ω0 − ω

p 2 Figure 1. Schematic drawing of the system considered in this Here, Ω0 = γµ0 2HaHe + Ha is the antiferromag- work: a graphene sheet is located at a distance d from the netic resonance frequency, that, unlike the case of uniax- surface of an antiferromagnet, characterized by a magnetic ial ferromagnets, depends not only on the anisotropy field permeability tensor µ(ω). Ha, but as well on the exchange field He, which makes Ω0 much larger than the usual ferromagnetic resonance frequencies. time. The is given by γ = e/(2m) where In this work we show that indeed the tunability of the e and m are the charge and mass of free , corre- electromagnetic properties of an antiferromagnetic insu- spondingly.√ The so called saturation frequency is given lator can be achieved by gating a graphene sheet (see by Ωs = γµ0 2HaMs, where Ms denotes the saturation Fig. 1). In particular, we find a smooth transition from magnetization of each sublattice. the conventional regime where the system has the en- A calculation of the permeability tensor for this sys- ergy propagation oriented along the same direction of the tem was performed long ago [1, 5–8]. Equation (2) can SMP’s wave vector to a regime where the flux is be obtained from a microscopic model Hamiltonian for opposite to the wavevector, i.e. the group velocity of the spins, using both the approximation and Kubo hybrid excitation is negative. If the dielectric layer be- formula for linear response to a transverse ac field of fre- tween graphene and the antiferromagnet has a negative quency ω and zero wavevector. Expression (2) is real, electric permittivity, as it happens in a polar crystal near ignoring thereby losses. These could be included by re- optical resonances, a metamaterial [4] with both placing ω by ω + iΓ, where Γ describes a scattering rate. negative  and µ can be achieved, thus exhibiting nega- The spectral range for which µa(ω) < 0 plays a very tive refraction. Such a tunable system allows to control special role, as it becomes evident below. The condition p 2 2 the direction of energy flow at the surface of the anti- µa(ω) < 0 is met for Ω0 < ω < Ω0 + 2Ωs. ferromagnet, thus providing a mechanism for directional propagation of the electromagnetic energy, without the need of an external magnetic field. B. Maxwell equations and boundary conditions

The electromagnetic waves in such a layered structure II. PROBLEM STATEMENT AND MAIN are governed by macroscopic Maxwell equations, EQUATIONS ∂D rotH = + J (2D)δ (z − d) (3) A. Antiferromagnetic permeability ∂t ∂B rotE = − (4) The main objective of this paper is to investigate how ∂t the presence of graphene in the vicinity of an antiferro- divD = ρ(2D)δ (z − d) (5) influences the spectrum of SMPs, and vice versa, how the SPPs in graphene are affected by the antifer- divB = 0, (6) 3 where delta-functions in Eqs.(3) and (5) describe the two- C. In plane propagation perpendicular to the dimensional nature of charges ρ(2D) and current J (2D) staggered magnetization in the graphene monolayer. Maxwell equations (3)–(6) can be solved separately in We consider first the case where the electromagnetic three spatial domains z < 0, 0 < z < d and z > d, which wave propagates in the direction x, perpendicular to the further in the paper will be denoted by j = 1, 2 and 3, direction of magnetization. This means that the problem correspondingly. In the framework of this formalism, the under consideration is uniform in the direction y (i.e. Maxwell equations have the form: ∂/∂y ≡ 0), and Maxwell equations (7)-(10) can be de- composed into two independent subsystems, which cor- respond to TE and TM polarizations. The TE-polarized (j) (j) wave includes the y-component of the electric field E as (j) ∂D rotH = , (7) well as x- and z-components of the magnetic field H(j), ∂t i.e. ∂B(j) rotE(j) = − , (8) ∂t (j) divD = 0, (9) (j) (j) E (x, z, t) = uyEy (x, z, t), (19) (j) divB = 0, (10) (j) (j) (j) H (x, z, t) = uxHx (x, z, t) + uzHz (x, z, t). (20) and media indices are added as superscripts to the elec- Here u and u are unit vectors in directions x and y, (j) (j) (j) (j) x y tric and magnetic fields E , H D , B . It is no- respectively. The second subsystem, describing the TM- table that charges and currents induced in graphene do polarized wave, possesses x- and z-components of the not enter explicitly Eqs. (7). These quantities are present electric field and y-component of the magnetic field, in boundary conditions, which couples the electromag- netic fields in media j = 2 and j = 3. The boundary H(j)(x, z, t) = u H(j)(x, z, t), (21) conditions at graphene plane take the explicit form: y y (j) (j) (j) E (x, z, t) = uxEx (x, z, t) + uzEz (x, z, t). (22)  (3) (2) uz × E − E = 0, (11) z=d Moreover, one can assume the temporal and spatial de-  (3) (2) (2D) pendencies of the electromagnetic fields as those of a uz × H − H = J , (12) z=d plane wave with frequency ω, travelling along the x-axis  (3) (2) (2D) (j) D − D · uz = ρ , (13) with wave-number k, that is, we can write E (x, z, t) = z=d (j) (j) (j)   E (z) exp(ikx − iωt), H (x, z, t) = H (z) exp(ikx − (3) (2) (j) B − B · uz = 0. (14) iωt). In this formalism the wave amplitudes E and z=d H(j) depend upon z-coordinate only. We now take into account the constitutive relations: Here uz is a unit vector in the direction z,”×” and ”·” mean vector and scalar products, respectively. The (j) (j) antiferromagnet is insulating, and therefore has no free D = ε0E exp(ikx − iωt), (23) charges and currents. In addition, we are assuming there (1) (1) B = µ0µˆH exp(ikx − iωt), (24) is no surface magnetization. As a result, the boundary (j6=1) (j6=1) conditions between media j = 1 and j = 2, at the surface B = µ0H exp(ikx − iωt). (25) of the antiferromagnet, can be written as: Such form of the constitutive relations describes the fact  (2) (1) that the dielectric permittivities of all three media are uz × E − E = 0, (15) z=0 equal to ε0, and the magnetic per-  (2) (1) meability tensor of antiferromagnetic medium (j = 1) is uz × H − H = 0, (16) z=0 equal to µ0µˆ.  (2) (1) Under all these assumptions, Maxwell equations (7) for D − D · uz = 0, (17) z=0 the TE-polarization take the form  (2) (1) B − B · uz = 0. (18) z=0 (j) dHx (j) (j) dz − ikHz = −iωε0Ey , (26) dE(j) In the following we look for the equations describing y (j) dz = −iωµ0 [µa (ω) δj,1 + (1 − δj,1)] Hx , (27) electromagnetic waves with the propagation vector k ly- (j) (j) ing in-plane. There are two cases, k parallel and perpen- ikEy = iωµ0 [µa (ω) δj,1 + (1 − δj,1)] Hz (28) dicular to the AF’s staggered magnetization Ms, that we take along y (see Fig. 1). where δj,1 is the Kronecker delta. Correspondingly, the 4

Maxwell equations for the TM-polarization read: Surface polariton type System Pol. Wavevector

Magnon AF TE k · Ms = 0 dE(j) x − ikE(j) = iωµ H(j), (29) Plasmon G TM isotropic dz z 0 y Magnon-plasmon AF+G TE k · Ms = 0 (j) dHy = iωε E(j), (30) Plasmon-magnon AF+G TM k × Ms = 0 dz 0 x (j) (j) Table I. Summary of the different surface polariton excitations ikH = −iωε0E , (31) y z discussed in this work. The type of the polariton indicates the It is crucial that Eqs. (26)–(28) for the TE-polarization elementary excitation coupled to the EM field, except for the third line where plasmons are not directly involved in the involve only the µxx = µzz components of the magnetic permeability tensor µˆ(ω) [see Eq. (1)]. As a consequence, hybrid wave. the magnetic medium is effectively isotropic with respect to the TE-polarized wave, when electromagnetic wave propagates along x-direction (perpendicular to the stag- of the magnetic permeability tensor (1), is effectively gered magnetization). At the same time, only yy compo- anisotropic with respect to the TE-polarized waves [see nent of the magnetic permeability tensor µˆ(ω) is present Eqs. (32)]. Furthermore, the AF medium influences the in the Maxwell equations for the TM-polarized wave (29), properties of the TM-polarized waves [see Eq. (35)]. which is equal to unity [see Eq. (1)]. Therefore, we would expect that the AF medium in the structure depicted in Fig. 1 would not exert any influence on the spectrum of III. UNCOUPLED MODES: SURFACE the TM-polarized wave. As we will see this is not exactly PLASMON-POLARITONS AND SURFACE MAGNON-POLARITONS the case near the resonance frequency Ω0. In this section we briefly revisit the properties of the D. In plane propagation parallel to the staggered SPPs in graphene, on one side, and the SMPs in the AF in magnetization the other, ignoring their mutual coupling. This provides a background to understand the nature of the new hybrid We now consider the propagation along the y direction, collective modes that arise in the combined graphene/AF parallel to the staggered magnetization. In this case the structure. We keep the discussion at a qualitative level. homogeneity of the system under consideration in the The quantitative theory presented in the next sections direction x (∂/∂x ≡ 0) also implies the separation of includes, as limiting cases, a theoretical description of Maxwell equations (7)-(10) into the TE subsystem: these excitations.

(j) dH A. Magnon–polaritons ikH(j) − y = −iωε E(j), (32) z dz 0 x dE(j) The case of bulk magnon-polaritons for a uniaxial an- x = iωµ H(j), (33) dz 0 y tiferromagnet was studied by [2]. It was found that only TE modes exist, with a dispersion relation that we derive − ikE(j) = iωµ [µ (ω) δ + (1 − δ )] H(j) (34) x 0 a j,1 j,1 z in the appendix A and is depicted in Fig.2 by dashed red and the TM subsystem: lines. The magnon–polariton dispersion is mathemati- cally identical to the case of Hopfield –polaritons in a . Magnon–polaritons come in two (j) dEy branches [acoustical ω (k) and optical ω (k)], both twice ikE(j) − = (35) a o z dz degenerate on account of the dimension of the symme- (j) try plane perpendicular to the easy axis. At frequen- = iωµ0 [µa (ω) δj,1 + (1 − δj,1)] H , (36) x cies far from the AFMR resonance, ω Ω these two (j) ≶ 0 dHx (j) branches are close to the photon dispersion curve ω = ck, = −iωε0Ey , (37) dz while in the frequency range ω . Ω0 the lowest, acoustic (j) (j) branch asymptotically approaches the AFRM frequency − ikHx = −iωε0Ez . (38) as k → ∞, i.e. ωa(∞) = Ω0. In the vicinity of the AFMR While obtaining these equation, we used the frequency two modes are separated by the frequency gap, 2 plane-wave spatio-temporal dependence of the field whose value is roughly given by ωo(0)−ωa(∞) ≈ Ωs/Ω0. E(j)(y, z, t) = E(j)(z) exp(iky − iωt), H(j)(y, z, t) = At the surface of AF, the collective excitations of H(j)(z) exp(iky − iωt), as well as the constitutive rela- spins, i.e. magnons can be coupled to an electomag- tions, similar to Eqs. (23) (except the dependence upon netic wave, forming surface magnon-polaritons (SMP). y-coordinate instead of x). As a result, the antiferro- The key property of SMPs [see the first line of Table I] is magnet, whose response involves components yy and zz that they are TE-polarized waves and it was first consid- 5

since they are characterized by both a longer lifetime and a higher degree of field confinement [10, 11]. If graphene layer is deposited on a polar substrate, the electromag- netic field of graphene SPPs can interact with optical phonons in the substrate, thus forming hybrid modes called surface plasmon-phonon-polaritons [12–16]. Here, we also expect hybrid polaritons invloving two physically distinct elementary excitations in the materials involved. This mode will be called surface plasmon-magnon po- lariton (SPMP) and its properties are summarized in the forth line of Table I. The study of this mode will be considered in detail in Sec. V. However, the system considered in the present work is different from sur- face plasmon-phonon-polaritons in one important aspect. The two materials combined in our system, if taken sep- arately, support surface waves whose polarizations are orthogonal to each other. From Table I, it is apparent that graphene SPPs are TM modes whereas AF’s surface magnon–polaritons are TE modes. Therefore, in order to study the polaritons of the hybrid system, we need to consider both TM and Figure 2. Schematic dispersion relation of surface (blue TE modes. line) and bulk (red dashed lines) magnon-polaritons in the system without graphene, EF = 0, and with the AF param- eters Ωs = 0.5Ω0. The black dashed line corresponds to the p 2 2 vacuum line ω = kc, while frequencies Ω0, Ω0 + Ωs, IV. SURFACE MAGNON-PLASMON p 2 2 POLARITONS and Ω0 + 2Ωs are depicted by horizontal dash-and-dotted black lines (from bottom to top, respectively). A. General equations for TE modes ered by Camley e Mills [2] (see also Ref. [9]). One of the In this Section we shall demonstrate that interaction first reported [3] observations of SMPs was in the anti- between magnons and free charges in graphene via elec- ferromagnet FeF2 using the technique of attenuated total tromagnetic radiation modifies the spectrum of SMP. reflection. The same method first used to observe SPPs Boundary condition on graphene (12) couples the in- in metallic-dielectric interfaces. These surface magnon– plane components of the electric and magnetic fields; polaritons [depicted by blue solid line in Fig. 2] only exist in the case opf TE modes it involves transverse plas- for ck > Ω0, as we show below [see subsection IV B]. mons in graphene. For such plasmons, the current is In Sec. IV we study how the interaction between elec- perpendicular to the wavevector, the charge density is tromagnetic field of SMP at vacuum/AF interface and kept constant[17] and they do not interact with the elec- forced charge-carrier oscillations in graphene modify the tromagnetic radiation directly. However, in the hybrid SMP spectrum. The resulting hybrid mode will be re- structure considered here they can interact indirectly, ferred to as surface magnon-plasmon polariton and its through the AF whose magnons do couple to the TE- fundamental properties are summarized in the third line polarized radiation. Such hybrid evanescent waves will of Table I. be called surface magnon–plasmon–polaritons (SMPP). They propagate along the direction perpendicular to the staggered magnetization in the antiferromagnet. B. Graphene surface plasmon-polaritons It should be noticed that the frequency range of the an- tiferromagnetic resonance lies in the THz spectral region, Graphene SPPs can be understood as solutions of the where interband transitions in graphene play no role. Maxwell equations that describe an electromagnetic wave Therefore, we consider the optical response of graphene propagating along a conductive graphene sheet. The elec- described by a Drude formula without losses:[18] tromagnetic field is strongly confined in the neighbour- 2 hood of the graphene, with evanescent off-plane tails. 2e EF Graphene SPPs are TM-polarized and their dispersion σ(ω) = i , (39) h ~ω curve, ω(k) < ck, can be tuned by controlling the carrier density. Fundamental properties of SPPs in graphene are with EF being the Fermi energy of doped graphene. This briefly summarized in the second line of Table I. equation is valid as long as the Fermi energy is much Compared to the SPPs at the surface of noble met- larger than kBT (kB is the Boltzmann constant and T als, the graphene polaritons have significant advantages the temperature). 6

The propagation of TE-polarized waves is governed by of these two modes. In terms of hyperbolic functions and the Maxwell equations in the form (26)–(28). Substitu- amplitudes of electric field at boundaries z = 0 and z = d, tion of Eqs. (27) and (28) into Eq. (26) results into the this solution can be represented as Helmholtz equation, (2) (2) (2) Ey (z) = Ey (0)FS(d2 − z2) + Ey (d)FS(z2), (49) h (j) (2) (2) 2 Hx (z) = ηx Ey (0)FC (d2 − z2) (50) d Ey 2 (j) − + k Ey dz2 (2) i 2 −Ey (d)FC (z2) , (51) ω (j) = 2 [µa (ω) δj,1 + (1 − δj,1)] Ey , (40) (2) h (2) (2) i c Hz (z) = ηz Ey (0)FS(d2 − z2) + Ey (d)FS(z2) , whose solution in semi-infinite media j = 1 and j = 3 (52) can be expressed as where we have defined

(1) (1) (1) Ey (z) = Ey (0) exp(β z), (41) sinh(z2) cosh(z2) (3) (3) h (2) i FS(z2) ≡ , FC (z2) ≡ , (53) Ey (z) = Ey (d) exp −β (z − d) , (42) sinh(d2) sinh(d2) β(2) k (1) (3) ηx ≡ , ηz = . (54) with Ey (0) and Ey (d) being the values of electric field iωµ0 ωµ0 at the surface of the antiferromagnet and graphene, re- spectively, and For the particular case of TE-polarized wave (and plane wave temporal and spatial dependencies, men- (1) p 2 2 2 β = k − ω µa (ω) /c , (43) tioned above), first and second relations in the boundary conditions (11) and (16) are expressed as β(2) = pk2 − ω2/c2. (44)

In the considered framework we assume, for simplicity, E(3) (d) = E(2) (d) , (55) that both the antiferromagnet and graphene are lossless y y (3) (2) (2) media, which means that both the in-plane wavevector k Hx (d) − Hx (d) = σ(ω)Ey (d) , (56) and frequency ω have real and positive values. Moreover, E(2) (0) = E(1) (0) , (57) since we are interested in studying the surface wave, β(1) y y (2) (2) (1) and β are also real and characterize the inverse pen- Hx (0) − Hx (0) = 0. (58) etration length of the evanescent fields. The respective signs of the exponents in Eqs. (41) and (42) were chosen It should be pointed out that boundary condition (56) to satisfy the boundary conditions at z = ±∞ [namely, was obtained by using the two-dimensional current in (2D) (1) (3) graphene J expressed via the graphene conductivity Ey (−∞) = Ey (∞) = 0], which describe the absence of modes, growing exponentially towards |z| → ∞. and electric field as The respective magnetic fields in media j = 1 and (2D) (2) J = uyσ (ω) E (d) exp (ikx − iωt) . (59) j = 3 can be obtained by substituting Eqs. (41) and (42) y into Eqs. (27) and (28), and expressing the fields as Substitution of Eqs. (45) and (51) into boundary condi- tions (56) results into the homogeneous linear system of equations: β(1) (1) (1) z1 Hx (z) = − Ey (0) e , (45) −β(2) ! (2) ! ! iωµ0µa (ω) M11 E (d) 0 sinh(d2) y = , (60) k −β(2) (2) (1) (1) z1 M22 Ey (0) 0 Hz (z) = Ey (0) e , (46) sinh(d2) ωµ0µa (ω) β(2) where H(3) (z) = E(3) (d) e−(z2−d2), (47) x iωµ y β(2) 0 M ≡ β(2) + − iωµ σ (ω) , (61) k 11 0 (3) (3) −(z2−d2) tanh(d2) Hz (z) = Ey (d) e , (48) ωµ0 β(2) β(1) M22≡ + . (62) (j) tanh(d2) µa (ω) where we have adopted the notation zj ≡ β z, dj ≡ β(j)d with j = 1, 2. Non trivial solutions of Eq. (60) occur when the deter- For the spacer layer j = 2 that separates graphene and minant of the matrix vanishes: the AF’s surface, 0 < z < d, there are no restrictions on 2 the presence of exponentially growing or decaying modes.  β(2)  M11M22 − = 0 (63) As a result, the solution is composed as the superposition sinh(d2) 7

For a given value of k, this equation can be satisfied by Expectedly, the SMP’s spectrum appears in the gap several values of ων (k) that define the different polariton between two branches of the TM-polarized bulk magnon- modes in the system, which are distinguished by the in- polariton dispersion relation, dex ν. In the following we discuss these polariton modes in two cases. First, we take the d → ∞ limit, where β(1) = 0, (68) there is no coupling between graphene and the AF’s sur- face. This permits to recover an expression for the surface which is depicted in Fig. 2 by red dashed lines (see Ap- magnon-polariton [2]. Later we shall also take the limit pendix A). where β(2)d is small, for which the presence of graphene modifies the SMP properties. C. Dressing: the finite β(2)d < 1 case

B. No dressing: the d → ∞ limit We now discuss the influence of graphene on the prop- erties of the SMP. This happens when the distance be- (2) In the case of infinite distance d → ∞ between the an- tween antiferromagnet and graphene is such that β d is tiferromagnet surface and graphene monolayer, the dis- not very large and the Fermi energy in graphene is not persion relation (63) transforms into at the Dirac point, EF 6= 0. In this case the spectrum of SMPs is strongly modified owing to the influence of h i  β(1)  free charges in graphene on the electromagnetic field of 2β(2) − iωµ σ (ω) β(2) + = 0. (64) the SMP, supported by the surface of the AF. The SMP 0 µ (ω) a spectrum (63) for relatively small distance d = 500 nm is The term in the first braces of Eq. (64) is always positive depicted in Fig. 3(a) for different values of the Fermi en- owing to the positiveness of the imaginary part of Drude ergy. Thus, for finite doping of the graphene, the dressed conductivity (39)[19], while setting equal to zero the sec- SMP spectrum has a starting-point with the frequency ond term in braces in (64) yields the dispersion relation ω > Ω0, lying on the light line. An increase of the Fermi of the SMP existing at single interface between vacuum energy EF results into the shift of the starting-point of and antiferromagnet[7]. the spectrum towards higher frequencies. An expression Since both β(1) and β(2), defined in Eqs.(43), are for the starting-point frequency positive, Eq.(64) only has solutions when µa (ω) < 0, " 2 2 2 Ω0a − 2b 2Ωs + Ω0 i.e. in the aforementioned frequency range Ω0 ≤ ω ≤ ωi = p 2 2 2 (a − b) Ω0 + 2Ωs. The simultaneous positiveness of the ar- (1) (2) 1/2 guments of β and β in that range takes place when p 4 2 2 2 2 # Ω0a + 8abΩs (2Ωs + Ω0) k ≥ ω/c, i.e., at the right of the "light line" ω = ck (which + > Ω0, (69) is depicted in Fig. 2 by black dashed line). SMP’s disper- 2 (a − b) sion relation (64) after some algebra can be expressed in the explicit form can be obtained explicitly from the dispersion relation (63) by putting the condition β(2) = 0. In Eq. (69)  2 2 2 2 Ω0 2 2 a = [1 + 4αEF d/(~c)] , b = 8 [αEF /(~Ωs)] , and α = ω = Ω + + c k 2 s 2 e /(4πε0~c) is the fine-structure constant. It is apparent that results are independent of the sign of E , i.e., for s 1/2 (65) F  2 2 graphene with extra or holes. 2 2 Ω0 2 2 2 − c k − + Ωs (Ω0 + Ωs) , In the k → ∞ limit, the spectrum tends to ω = 2 p 2 2 Ω0 + Ωs. Therefore, as EF is ramped up and the spectrum is pushed up in frequency at the smallest al- which is depicted in Fig. 2 by solid blue line. The SMP’s lowed values of k, so that the starting SMPP’s fre- spectrum starts on the light line at frequency ω = Ω 0 quency becomes larger than that limiting frequency (ωi > and wavevector k = Ω0/c. In the vicinity of this point, p 2 2 Ω0 + Ωs), their group velocity vg = dω/dk has to the dispersion relation is described approximately by the be negative. This happens at experimentally attain- relation able dopings of the graphene. For EF = 0.01 eV and 2 EF = 0.03 eV, orange and green lines in Fig. 3(c), respec- 2Ωs ω ≈ Ω0 + 2 2 (ck − Ω0) . (66) tively, vg < 0 in a range of high values of k. For higher Ω0 + 2Ωs values of EF [ EF = 0.4 eV, red line in Fig. 3(c)] vg < 0 At large wavevectors, k → ∞, the SMP’s spectrum for all values of k. p 2 2 This result is distinct from the zero Fermi energy case, asymptotically approaches the frequency ω = Ω0 + Ωs as where SMPP’s group velocity [slope of the dispersion curve, ω(k), depicted by solid blue line in Fig. 3(a)] is q  Ω2  positive in all range of frequencies and wavevectors. It is ω ≈ Ω2 + Ω2 1 − s . (67) s 0 4c2k2 possible to see, that the group velocity is much smaller 8


A. Equations for TM modes

We now consider the case of TM-polarization, for which the graphene layer is able to sustain SPPs, os- cillations of charge-carrier density in graphene coupled to the electromagnetic radiation[21, 22]. We anticipate our main finding: in the AF-graphene coupled structure, the graphene SPP is hybridized with the AF magnon, resulting in a polariton spectrum with 2 branches, that reflects the emergence of a hybrid collective mode that combines graphene plasmons with AF magnons. We shall call these hybrid excitations surface plasmon–magnon– polaritons (SPMPs). We address the case where the electromagnetic field is TM polarized and wave propagates along the y-axis, i.e. parallel to the staggerred magnetization. In this situa- tion the electromagnetic field is defined by the Maxwell equations in the form of Eqs. (35). Their solutions in the AF region can be expressed as

Figure 3. (a) Surface magnon–plasmon–polariton (SMPP) ωε H(1) (z) = −i 0 E(1) (0) exp(z ), (70) spectrum in the AF/graphene structure for Fermi energy val- x β(1) y 1 ues E = 0 (solid blue line), 0.01 eV (solid orange line), F (1) (1) 0.03 eV (solid green line), and 0.4 eV (solid red line). Black Ey (z) = Ey (0) exp(z1), (71) dashed line stands for the light line in vacuum, ω = ck; (b) (1) k (1) Spatial distributions of the SMPP electric field for the modes E (z) = −i E (0) exp(z1), (72) z β(1) y with ck/Ω0 = 1.46 and 0.01 eV (orange line A), 0.03 eV (green line B), and 0.4 eV (red line C). These modes are indicated The solutions in the spacer region j = 2 can be written in panel (a) by the respective letters A, B and C. The re- up as: gion occupied by the antiferromagnet is shadowed in panel (b) and the position of graphene is shown by vertical bold (2) iωε0 h (2) (2) i black solid line; (c) Group velocity, vg = dω/dk (in dimen- H (z) = E (0)F (d − z ) − E (d)F (z ) , x (2) y C 2 2 y C 2 sionless units vg/c) of the SMPP modes with EF = 0.01 eV β (orange line), 0.03 eV (green line), and 0.4 eV (red line). In (73) all panels the fields and magnetization of the antiferromagnet (2) (2) (2) Ey (z) = Ey (0)FS(d2 − z2) + Ey (d)FS(z2), (74) are µ0Ha = 0.787 T, µ0He = 55.3 T, and µ0Ms = 0.756 T, ik h i for the antiferromagnet MnF2 [20]. The spacer between the E(2)(z) = E(2)(0)F (d − z ) − E(2)(d)F (z ) . antiferromagnet and graphene has thickness d = 500 nm. The z β(2) y C 2 2 y C 2 magnitude of the fields was chosen arbitrarily for convenient (75) visualization of their profiles. Finally, the solutions in the j = 3 region, above graphene, read:

ωε (3) 0 (3) −(z2−d2) Hx (z) = i Ex (d)e , (76) than the speed of light in vacuum, c. Even more, in β(2) short-wavelength limit ck/Ω 30 the group velocity is (3) (3) −(z2−d2) 0 & Ey (z) = Ey (d) e , (77) less than 10−5c, i.e. SMPPs are slow waves. k E(3) (z) = i E(3) (d) e−(z2−d2). (78) z (2) y Examples of spatial profiles of SMPP modes are shown β in Fig. 3(b). As can be seen from the figure, in the Here β(1) and β(2) are defined in Eqs. (43). case of TE-polarized wave Ey(0) > Ey(d), so the field Using the same boundary condition equations as those is mainly concentrated nearby of the antiferromagnet in Eqs. (55)-(58) adapted for the TM polarization we ob- surface. From the comparison of lines A, B, and C in tain the linear homogeneous system of equations in the Fig. 3(b) it is possible to conclude that higher graphene form doping level leads to a stronger localization of the elec- −1 ! (2) ! ! (2) M12 E (d) 0 tromagnetic field in the vicinity of the antiferromagnet β sinh(d2) y 1 (2) = , (79) M21 (2) Ey (0) 0 surface. β sinh(d2) 9 where

1 1 M = + , (80) 12 (2) (1) β tanh(d2) β 1 1 σ (ω) M = + − . (81) 21 (2) (2) β β tanh(d2) iωε0 Consequently, the dispersion relation can be repre- sented as 1 M21M12 − = 0 . (82) (2)2 2 β sinh (d2)

B. Undressed SPP: the d → ∞ limit

For infinite separation d → ∞ between the graphene monolayer and the antiferromagnet the dispersion rela- tion becomes:  2 σ (ω)  1 1  − + = 0. (83) (2) (2) (1) β iωε0 β β Setting equal to zero the first term in brackets in Eq. (83) yields the dispersion relation of the SPPs in a free– standing graphene monolayer, Figure 4. (a,b) Dispersion relations of TM-polarized SPMP r ω2 2iω in the graphene-antiferromagnet structure with EF = 0.03 eV β(2) = k2 − = 0 . (84) c2 σ(ω) [solid blue lines in panel (a)], EF = 0.1 eV [solid orange lines in panel (b)], and EF = 0.3 eV [solid green lines in panel (b)]. For comparison, the SPP dispersion relation in bare This dispersion curve is shown in Fig.4(a) for EF = 0.03 eV by solid pink line (this small Fermi energy is chosen for graphene layer (with EF = 0.03 eV) is shown in panel (a) by solid pink line and the dashed black line corresponds to the clarity of the figure). At low frequencies the dispersion bare photon, ω = ck, while the horizontal dash-and-dotted relation (84) can be expressed as line corresponds to the AFMR frequency, ω = Ω0. (c) Spatial 2 profiles of the electric fields, corresponding to SPMP modes ~ 3 with EF = 0.03 eV and ck/Ω0 = 1.18 (green line A and orange ω = ck − 2 2 (ck) . (85) 8α EF line C) and ck/Ω0 = 2.0 (blue line B and black line D). AF region is shadowed and graphene is at z = 0. The field pro- As a consequence, the dispersion curve (85) appears files are normalized to have the same magnitude on graphene. slightly below the light line. (d) Group velocity vg = dω/dk (in dimensionless units vg/c) The second term in brackets in Eq. (83) is always pos- of the SPMP low-frequency [ω−(k), solid lines] and high- itive, so that it does not provide additional modes. This frequency [ω+(k), dashed lines] modes with EF = 0.03 eV situation, however changes when d is finite. (blue lines), EF = 0.1 eV (orange lines), and EF = 0.4 eV (green lines). Other parameters of the structure are the same as those in Fig. 3. C. SPP dressed by the antiferromagnet

We now consider the effect of a finite value of d in point of the spectrum at AFMR frequency, i.e. ω+(k+) = Eq. (82). We plot the spectrum of this hybrid modes – Ω0 [point C in Fig 4(a)]. SPMPs [solid blue lines in Fig. 4]. We find that it consists The strong enhancement of the of the of two branches ω−(k) and ω+(k) with an anti-crossing SPP at the bare (non-polaritonic) AFMR frequency is a between them [see inset in Fig. 4], which takes place distinctive feature of the SPMPs, which are hybrid mode in the vicinity of the AFMR frequency, ω = Ω0. Away formed by the SPPs and the bare magnons. The magni- tude of the SPMP mode is quantified by: from the AFMR frequency ω ≶ Ω0, both modes follow the dispersion of the graphene SPP [like points A and D in Fig 4(a)]. In the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic 1. Absence of the energy gap between two branches, resonance the lower mode approaches asymptotically the since ω = Ω0 is both the maximum energy of the AFMR frequency Ω0 as k → ∞ [alike point B in Fig 4(a), lower branch, and the minimum point of the upper i.e., ω−(∞) = Ω0], and the other one has the starting branch; 10

2. Presence of the infinite gap in momentum space at 1. They are a mixture of spin excitations (magnon), AFMR frequency Ω0 = ω+(k+) = ω−(∞). This charged excitations (plasmon) and electromagnetic can be inferred by group velocities of upper and field (photon). The first term in the names that we lower branches, shown in Fig. 4(d); attributed to these hybrid polaritons indicate the condensed matter excitation that primarily inter- 3. The asymmetry of the decay of the Ey component cats with the field; it also determines its polariza- at two sides of the graphene sheet. tion (TE or TM).

The electromagnetic field is, for all modes, predomi- 2. They are extremely non-local, as they reside simul- nantly concentrated nearby the graphene layer. The dis- taneously at the graphene and the AF surface. As tribution of the electric field depends strongly on the mo- a rule of thumb, the electromagnetic coupling be- mentum k and the SPMP branch. In Fig. 4(c) we show tween these two layers survives as long as their sep- Ey(z), in units of Ey(d), for 4 different SPMP modes, la- aration d is smaller than the wavelength of the EM belled with A,B,C and D, shown in Fig. 4(a). Modes A field at the relevant frequencies. Therefore, it sur- and D lie away from the anti-crossing of the branches and vives to distances way above above 500 nanometers. have a marked surface-plasmon character: their decay is the same at both sides (z < d and z > d) of graphene, 3. Their properties can be tuned by changing the car- and their profile almost does not change at the AF surface rier density in graphene. (z = 0). In contrast, modes B and C with frequencies nearby the AFMR frequency are asymmetric and change The recently discovered two-dimensional magnetic ma- radically at the AF surface. terials [23–27] and the fabrication of Van der Waals The evolution of the group velocity of the two branches heterostructures integrating 2D magnetic crystals with as a function of k, for three values of EF , shown in Fig. graphene and other non-magnetic 2D crystals [28–34] 4(d), shows very clearly that the hybrid SPMP modes opens up the possibility of observing the same effects dis- are combining the dispersive graphene SPP with a non- cussed in this work but in the context of van der Waals dispersive mode with ω = Ω0. As the carrier density in heterostructures. If the antiferromagnet is also - graphene is varied, and thereby EF , SPMP dispersion is lic, then for frequencies below the frequency, we changed, and as a result, so is the value of k at which the would have a system exhibiting both negative permit- anticrossing takes place. tivity and permeability functions. This material would present intrinsic negative refraction. In addition, the proximity of a graphene layer could be used for tuning VI. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS the electromagnetic properties of the material. The prospects opened by 2D materials allow to envi- In this work we have investigated the electromagnetic sion many different arrangement of these systems leading properties of an antiferromagnetic in the prox- to a new class of metamaterials with tunable electromag- imity of a graphene sheet. We have found two new types netic properties promoted by the existence of magnetic of hybrid polaritons that combine the electromagnetic order. field with the magnetization in the magnetic material and the free carrier response of Dirac electrons in graphene: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. A TE-polarized surface magnon-plasmon polariton (SMPP), propagating perpendicular to the direc- Y. B., M. V. and N. M. R. P. acknowledge sup- tion of staggerred magnetization in the AF. The port from the European Commission through the project group velocity of this mode becomes negative as "Graphene- Driven Revolutions in ICT and Beyond" |EF | is ramped up, resulting in a collective mode (Ref. No. 785219), and the Portuguese Foundation in the AF surface whose propagation direction can for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework be steered upon gating the graphene layer, located of the Strategic Financing UID/FIS/04650/2013. Ad- at a distance of a few hundred nanometers away. ditionally, N. M. R. P. acknowledges COMPETE2020, 2. A TM-polarized surface plasmon-magnon polari- PORTUGAL2020, FEDER and the Portuguese Founda- ton (SPMP), propagating along the staggerred tion for Science and Technology (FCT) through project magnetization direction, which hybdridizes the PTDC/FIS-NAN/3668/2013 and FEDER and the por- surface-plasmon polariton in graphene and the bare tuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) magnons at the AF. through project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028114. G. A. Farias acknowledge support from the Conselho Nacional In both instances, a quantized theory of this new po- de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) laritons implies a new type of hybrid collective modes of Brazil. J. F.-R. acknowledge financial support that combine of surface plasmons in graphene, magnons from FCT for the P2020-PTDC/FIS-NAN/4662/2014, in the antiferromagnets and the photon field. These new the P2020-PTDC/FIS-NAN/3668/2014 and the UTAP- collective excitations have very exotic properties: EXPL/NTec/0046/2017 projects, as well as Generali- 11 tat Valenciana funding Prometeo2017/139 and MINECO owing the Eq.(A3). The components of the respective Spain (Grant No. MAT2016-78625-C2). electric field can be defined from Eq. (A1) s µ0µa (ω) Appendix A: Transverse bulk waves E = H (A9) ε0 × [−u cos ϕ cos θ + u sin θ − u sin ϕ cos θ] . Let us imagine that antiferromagnetic medium charac- x y z terized by the magnetic permeability tensor (1) occupies Notice that in this representation the electric field is per- all the space −∞ < z < ∞. In this case wave propa- pendicular to magnetic field, E ⊥ H, what follows from gation is governed by Maxwell equations (7), which solu- the scalar product E · H = 0. tions we will seek in the form of travelling waves E(r, t) = Eq. (68) have two solution for ω – acoustic ωa and op- E exp(ikr−iωt), H(r, t) = H exp(ikr−iωt), propagating tical ωo modes in arbitrary direction k with amplitudes of electromag- netic field E, H. Under this assumption, jointly with r q 2 2 2 2 the constitutive relations D(r, t) = ε0E exp(ikr − iωt), ωa = f(k) − f(k) − c k Ω0, B(r, t) = µ µˆ (ω) H exp(ikr−iωt) Maxwell equations (7) 0 r q will be rewritten as 2 2 2 2 ωo = f(k) + f(k) − c k Ω0,

k × H = −ωε0E, (A1) with k × E = ωµ0µˆ (ω) H, (A2) 2 2 2 ik · E = 0, (A3) c k + Ω0 2 f(k) = + Ωs. (A10) ik · µˆ (ω) H = 0. (A4) 2 Notice that in this Appendix we omit index j for brevity. This is dissimilar to the case of a metal described by a If we apply operator k× to Eq. (A1) and use Eq. (A2), Drude optical response, where only one transverse bulk we have mode exists. Spectra of these two bulk TM-polarized magnon-polariton modes are depicted in Fig. 2 by dashed k × (k × H) = k (k · H) − k2H red lines. The spectrum of the acoustic mode starts at ω 2 zero frequency and in at long-wavelength limit k → 0 is = − µˆ (ω) H. (A5) c described by the approximate expression as For the transverse waves the wavevector k should be or- s Ω2 thogonal to the magnetic field H, i.e. (k · H) = 0. Fur- 0 ωa ≈ kc 2 2 . (A11) ther this wave will be referred to as TM-polarized bulk Ω0 + 2Ωs polariton. Simultaneously with Eq. (A4) this condition In short-wavelength limit k → ∞ the dispersion curve of can be satisfied only if Hy ≡ 0. In this case the Helmholtz acoustic mode asymptotically approaches the frequency equation (A5) for components of the magnetic field Hx Ω0 as and Hz will be rewritten as Ω Ω2 ω ≈ Ω − 0 s . (A12)  ω 2  a 0 (ck)2 k2 − µ (ω) H = 0 = β H , (A6) c x 1 x It should be underlined that the spectrum of the acoustic  2  2 ω  k − µ (ω) Hz = 0 = β1Hz. (A7) mode is located at the right of the light line ω = ck c (depicted by dashed black line in Fig. 3). This fact means that velocity of the acoustic mode, ω /k is smaller For nonzero amplitudes this system of equation will a than the velocity of light in vacuum c for all values of the have solution only when condition β = 0 is met, thus 1 wavevector k. Eq. (68) determines the dispersion relation of bulk waves. The optical mode spectrum starts at the frequency If the wavevector is represented in spherical coordinates pΩ2 + 2Ω2, and in the limit k → 0 its approximate dis- as 0 s persion relation can be represented as ω k = pµ (ω)(u cos ϕ sin θ + u cos θ x y q 2 2 2 c 2 2 c k Ωs ωo ≈ Ω + 2Ωs + , (A13) +uz sin ϕ sin θ) , (A8) 0 2 2 3/2 (Ω0 + 2Ωs) the respective components of the magnetic field will be while in the limit k → ∞ the optical mode’s approximate H = H (−ux sin ϕ + uz cos ϕ). In these equations θ is dispersion relation is the polar angle between the y-axis and wavevector, and ϕ is the azimuthal angle in plane xz. The electric field Ω2 ω ≈ kc + s . (A14) is also perpendicular to the direction of the propagation o ck 12

Thus, at large values of wavevector k, the optical mode light line. spectrum asymptotically approaches light line ω = ck. It is interesting that no bulk magnon polariton mode p 2 2 Contrary to the acoustic mode, the optical one is charac- exists in the frequency range Ω0 < ω < Ω0 + 2Ωs – terized by phase velocity larger than the velocity of light between the highest frequency of the acoustic mode and in vacuum c, and its spectrum is located at the left of the lowest frequency of the optical mode. Notice, that this gap is characterized by the negative values of µa(ω) < 0.

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