Index of Oregon USGS 7.5' Topographic Maps 1949 to 2009 All current and older versions of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5’ topographic maps are scanned and freely available online and for download through USGS websites TopoView and the National Map Download Client: MapView. The UO Map Library has a paper collection of past and current Oregon USGS 7.5’ topographic maps (scale 1:24,000). Except for the most recent edition these are kept in a locked area. Contact
[email protected] or 541-346-3051 to access maps in the locked area. The most recent printed edition is kept in the USGS topographic map cases in the open map area, first floor Knight Library. These are available any time the Library is open. Explanatory notes: Quadrangle name USGS topographic map quadrangles are typically named after the most prominent place/feature on the quadrangle. OQ: after the name if map shows underlying aerial photography (orthophotoquad). Basemap Date P: after the basemap year for provisional sheets. Print type 2 copies: The Library has at least two copies with identical dates. 1 with woodland (green ink layer) and 1 without. Woodland: The Library has only copies with the green woodland tint layer printed. Ozalid: orthophotoquad is printed on ozalid paper. Litho: orthophotoquad is a lithographic print. Photographic: orthophotoquad is printed on photographic paper. Advance Sheet: "T" maps compiled at 1:24,000-scale at the same time the 1:62,500- scale maps were published. Notes PR: Photorevised (followed by the year of the most recent photorevision) PI: Photoinspected (followed by the year of the most recent photoinspection) R: Revised MR: Minor Revisions CRG: Shows the Columbia River Gorge, National Scenic Area's boundaries.