Summer Birds of the Fremont National Forest, Oregon

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Summer Birds of the Fremont National Forest, Oregon THE AUK A QUARTERLYJOURN AL' ORNITHOLOGY VOL. 62 A•'RIL, 1945 No. 2 SUMMER BIRDS OF THE FREMONT NATIONAL FOREST, OREGON BY THOMAS H. MCALLISTER, JR. AND DAVID B. MARSHALL Plate 9 TH•S report is an accountof observationsof bird life made while the authorswere employed by the United StatesForest Serviceon the Fre- mont National Forest from May 31 to September2, 1943. We do not considerthis to be a complete report of the birds inhabiting the Fre- mont Forest during the summer,since there were many areas which we never visited. Also, due to our work, we could only devote a very small part of our time to this pleasant pursuit, for we were on duty continuouslythe whole summer, except for several Sundays, and we had no choice as to areas. We hope, however, that there is informa- tion that will be of value and interest to others visiting this little- known region. Fremont National Forest is situated in south-centralOregon, with its westernedge in Klamath County and the rest in Lake County. Roughly, it lies south of Lapinc between the Dalles California and Fremont highways, with the California border forming its southern boundary. The forest is divided into four ranger districts. In the north there is the Silver Lake District, to the south of this the Paisley District, then to the southwestthe Bly District, and to the southeast the WarnerDistrict. The 'southernarea on the Bly Districtis th• most mountainous and receives the most moisture. The eastern area of the Silver Lake District is the most arid region, being level and frequently interspersedwith rock and sageflats. The Warner Dis- trict is brokenby GooseLake Valley, runningnorth and souththrough Lakeview. The easternmostpart of the forest appearsagain as a large tongue, formed by the Warner Mountains. All along the easternedge there is a minglingof the forest and the high desert. The 177 THE AUK, VOL. 62 PLATE9 FRISMONTNATIONAL FOREST, ORtSGON.--(Upper figs.) HAGERMOUNTAIN. (Mid- dlefig.) TYPICALSCENE NEAR A WATERCOURSE;QUAKING ASPEN AND WILLOWIN FOREGROUNDAND WHITE FIR AND YELLOW PINE IN BACKGROUND.(Lo•oer fig., 'U.S. Forest Service Photo') TYPICAL STAND OF YELLOW PINE. 178 McALLis•r•R& MaRShaLL, Birds of Fremont National Forest ].April['Auk altitude varies from 4,000 to 8,000 feet. The region is mostly in the Transition Life Zone, although there are areas in the C•nadian and Upper Sonoran life zones. As a whole, Fremont Forest is untouched by man and has been left in its natural state. There are only a few areas that have been logged, and these only by selective logging. Except for the towns of Bly and Silver Lake, the areas in which we were stationed were many miles from human habitation. Generally speaking, the northern part of the forest is comprised of vast stands of western yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa),while the southernpart is of mixed westernyellow pine and white fir (Abiessp.). In the northwesterncorner, around Teatable Mountain and Sugarpine Mountain, a few sugar pines (Pinus lambertiana) are found. At higher elevations,white fir and lodgepolepine (Pinus contorta)are common, along with a few western white pine (Pinus monticola)and incense cedar (Libocedrusdecurrens). On the eastern side of the Silver Lake District, around Teatable Mountain, the soil is composed of pumice and, as a result, the lodgepolepine forms large stands at lower elevations. The predominatingcover of the forest floor is snow brush (Ceanothusvelutinus) and manzanita (Arctostaphylossp.). Lakes, streams, springs and other watercourses are surrounded by quaking aspens (Populus tremuloides)and also various forms of wil- lows (Salix sp.). A great part of the area surroundingthe forest and even parts within the forest contain desert and sagebrushareas. In theseareas there are many formsof sage(A rtemisia)and rabbit brush (Chrysothamnus). Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis)is scat- tered along the edgesof these sage lands. Mammal life is quite abundant throughout the region. Rocky Mountain mule deer (Odocoileushemionus macrotes) were seen where- ever we went. Prong-hornedantelope (Antilocapraamericana oregona) and Oregonjack rabbits (Lelyuscalifornicus wallawalla) were found in the open or desert regions. Mountain coyotes (Canis latrans lestes) often serenadedus at night. The yellow-hairedporcupines (Erethizon epixanthum epixanthum) made a general nuisance of themselves around our stations as did also the golden-mantledground squirrel (Callospermophiluschrysodeirus chrysodeirus) and the western bushy- tailed wood rat (Neotoma cinerea occidentalis). We also found Sierra chickarees (Sciurus douglasii albolimbatus)and pale yellow-bellied marmots (Marmotafiaviventris avara). One California badger (Tax- idea taxusneglecta) and one Oregoncougar (Fells concolororegonensis) were also seen by us. McAllister was stationed in the Silver Lake Ranger District and Marshall in the Bly Ranger District. During the first part of June Vol.1945 62'[J McA•,Lis•r•R& MARSH•d&, Birds of Fremont National Forest 179 we wereboth stationedin brushcamps, where we piledslash. McAllis- ter was at Cabin Springs and Marshall at Fishhole Mountain. In the third weekMcAllister was sent out on the SycanMarsh as a guard for road equipment. From June 23 to June 26 we both took our guard training together at Dog Lake. After this, Marshall spent severaldays on maintenancework out of Finley Corrals. McAllister on June 28 and Marshall on July 1 were both sent to lookouts, where we spent the rest of the summer as lookout firemen. Followingare descriptions6f the localitieswhich we workedmost extensively: Bly, Section 3, Township37 South, Range 14 East. Elevation, 4,356 feet. June 3 to 9, August 6 (Albert Marshall), September2. A small loggingtown with marshlandon the east side, and surrounded by sagebrush,western juniper and occasionalwestern yellow pine. Bly is not within the boundariesof the forest, but is headquarters for the Bly Ranger District. SilverLake, Section 22, Township32 South,Range 14 East. Eleva- tion, 4,347feet. May 31, June 10 to 14, June 19 to 23, June27 and 28, September2 and 3. A smalltown, now practicallydeserted. On the north side of it beginsthe Paulina Marsh, and on all other sidesit is surroundedby sageand rims. Like Bly, it is not withinthe boundariesof the forest but is headquartersfor the Silver Lake RangerDistrict. The rangerstation is a milesouthwest of the town, and Silver Creek,which is linedwith largequaking aspen groves, runs by it. DogLake, Section 22, Township40 South,Range 17 East. Eleva- tion, around6,000 feet. June 7 and June23 to 26. A largelake threemiles long and one-fourth mile wide. The southend is mostly marshland.Timber: western yellow pine and white fir, with quaking aspenand willows surroundingthe lake. TeatableMountain, Section 23, Township 27 South,Range 10 East. Elevation,around 6,500 feet. June1 to June10. Teatableis shaped likea mesa,for it is surroundedonall sidesby highrims and on top formsa largeplateau. Onemile to the southwestis CabinSprings. Timber:western yellow pine, sugar pine and lodgepole pine. FishholeMountain, Section 20, Township28 South,Range 16 East. Elevation,around 6,550 feet. June8 to 23. The areacovered here -wasbetween Lapham Reservoirand the top of FishholeMountain. It is very interestingcountry in that there are many small lakes scatteredthroughout the area surroundedby quakingaspens. ' West- ern yellowpine and white fir coverthe areaalong with someincense cedar. Also, someof the higher slopeshave standsof the curl-leaf mountainmahogany ( Cerocarpusledifolius). 180 McAI,I,IS•r•R & Ma•S•A•,•,, Birds of Fremont National Forest tA•ril[Auk Sycan Marsh, Township 32 and 31 South, Range 14 East. Eleva- tion, 4,973 feet. June 15 to 18. A large marsh of about 9,000 acres. On the west it is boundedby large westernyellow pine standsand on the east by sageflats. Finley Corrals, Section 13, Township 38 South, Range 16 East. Elevation, around 6,000 feet. June 28 to July 1. Timber: western yellow pine, lodgepolepine, white fir, willows and quaking aspen. ColemanPoint, formerly known as Green Mountain, Section' 16, Township36 South, Range 17 East. Elevation: 7,000feet. July 1 to August 31. Situated on the north end of Coleman Rim, Coleman Point is nine miles southeastof Gearhart Mountain. Unlike many lookout stations, this station is surrounded by heavy timber. This provided a great deal of bird life. Sierra Hermit Thrushes,Ruby- crownedKinglets, Western Tanagers,Cassin's Purple Finches,Town- send's Solitaires and Warner Mountain Fox Sparrowsprovided the greatest bird chorusin the morning and eveningsthat one could hear anywhere. White fir is the most abundant tree; althoughthe western yellow pine almost equalsit in abundance. There are alsooccasional lodgepole pine, western white pine and incense cedar. Snow brush (Ceanothusvelutinus) coversthe grounds around the station. The lookout house is perched on the highest point, from which DeadhorseRim, Slide Mountain, the desert beyond Paisley, Round Mountain, Abert Rim, Drake's Peak, Shoestring Butte, Crane Moun- tain and Cougar Peak can be seen. Over all this area only two signs of man can be seen, a road far in the distance and another lookout station over ten miles away. Snow banks are found near the station into July. From Eagle Spring, which is to the west of the lookout, a branch of Deer Creek starts. Green grass,false hellebore(Veratrum sp., probably viride), and quaking aspen trees surround the spring and creek. One-half mile to the southeast of Coleman Point is the head of Spring Creek. It is in a wide canyon with the same cover as Eagle Spring but with the addition of many willowsand sage. This is one of the great places for bird life around Coleman Point, but unfortunately Marshall was able to spend only several hours at this beautiful spot. ttager Mountain, Section25, Township 29 South, Range 14 East. Elevation, 7,614 feet. June 28 to September 1. A large mountain rising alone above the surroundingforest, eight miles south of Silver Lake. The slopesare coveredwith westernyellow pine, and at higher elevationsit mingles with white fir. At timberline, on the north side, is a small grove of western white pine.
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