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ft s The Bulletin is the Honolulu Paper with Ideas that win. For proot Count V! see Today's v 'it STEAMER TABLE OneVote Forf g; From San Francisco: 5 Korea . y. Apr. 30 . ..... Alameda May 17 :. 1 I.,, ; ' ' ',,,' For San Francisco: The EVENING BULLETIN if. Apr. 23 Sonoma t PACIFIC STATES TOUR. s Chlua Apr. SO Jl Rttt 5 From Vancouver: IN FRIOAVMAY 3, 1907. p Moana , . May 4 3 vrMNC liUJ V For Vancouver: This vote ic good until ? Manuka May 1 May 24, 1907. it. Si 3:30 O'CLOCK EDITION Vor,. IX .To. 3683 HONOLULU. TERRITORY OF HAWAII. FRIDAY. MAY 3. 1907 Fkioe 5 Cents TEST OF 'NEW LAWS SOON TO BEGIN Out Plans Are PAGE 3 To Test Frisco Tei By Grand Jury FOE CONTEST Barber's Are How Tied COUNT (Associated l'ress Special Cable) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 3. The telephone workers have gone CONSTRUE LAW TO SUIT THEMSELVES lie Mil License on strike and the service is badly crippled. I It is possible that the differences with the ironworkers will be sub- mitted to arbitration. The outcome with the car-me- n is doubtful. Governor Carter this morning re- s'ons which were obtained simply for ! Delegate Kalanianaole and Secre- The law relating to the payment of evasion of jury duty. "An illustra- ceived from Kailua copies of the An- tary Jack Atkinson are working to- the license fees to the counties will says, al report of the Grand Jury of the tion," he "is the commission day on plans for the entertainment not be the only one which will be sub- as agent to grant jected Third Circuit. The report is a warm marriage licenses of the Congressional party. They to the test of the courts. Tho by to Rudolph new license law is apparently also one and shows up the police of Kai- the Treasurer se- Mate that they hope to be able to doomed to run the legal gauntlet. in no light. on S. Domkovlcz. He boasts of the lua enviable The Grand lect the Honolulu reception commit- it is clause of pro- exemption and at the same time de- the the law which Jury finds that no arrests for drunk- tee some time during the day, al vides for a license for li- barbers which m clares he has not Issued a single enness are ever made, unless the per-K.'- though this had not been done up to causes the trouble. This is a new is' actually fighting or otherwise cense." 12:30 o'clock. proposition, and the tonsorial artists The Judge expresses apprecia- disturbing the peace. These arc the! his The Executive Committee for none of the city do not intend to submit to tion of the assistance given the it without a Dalit. instructions given to the police off.-- 1 at of the Islands are yet made out, recent term of by Attorney "I am very much surprised that such cers, thus practically ignoring the, court the though Maui and Hawaii have sent General's Department, represented an intelligent body as the legislature law or construing it to suit them in lists. These lists, however, Id pass by Deputy Attorney their oti such a law," said Frank selves. Minors and drunken persons General Sutton. will be revised by Cupid, and it is Pacheco, the proprietor of the barber- Mr. Sutton, who returned tills ere allowed to loiter around the sa-'o- piobable that changes will be made. shop' on Fort street between King and premises, no arrests of Morning from Kailua"; says that when Merchant street. and A long list of committeemen has "That, Standard Oil bill passed by Europeans the Grand Jury made its report, the "Under the United States constitu- these offenders have been made. come in from Maui, including an ex- police arrest- the Legislature will mean the addi- tion no license can be Imposed on a "Many of the saloons are conduct-i- d promptly went out and ecutive committee, but it appears tion of a lot, of ;;ood eapiinl to mechanic, and we under on premises ed an old white man who is always mine that where merchandise is that this list is not satisfactory to remarked a prominent, busi- class. They might us well try to lic- s(.ld. drunk. 3. ALLAHABAD, India, May 3. Se- - This condition is deplorable, all concerned. Secretary Atkinson ness man to a Bulletin reporter. ense John Hughes ami his car buildera. CANTON. May Fire here particularly in its injurious effects Yes, the will today caused explosion of pow- - n riots have taken received a letter this morning from "The Standard Oil people will lu- barbers certainly have the the a ious on youth, in iaw tested, and if the others won't - ' place in several cities of Punjab, the and, our opinion, is .'. N. S. Williams of Maui, in which pin immediately on im- der magazine. Hundreds were in extensive come in with me, I in direct violation of the hiw. intend to have it iured. Twenty-on- e bodies have thus 'iheve me the result of a widespread the writer stated that he understood provements amounting to from $S0,-00- 0. "Saloons, done myself." ugitaticn against the Europeans. particularly in Kailua tnat a committee of several hundred to $100,000. This is only the far been recovered. Mid Kainaliu, are flagrantly disre- neuibers had been appointed by start, and there's every reason why garding law in 48 SAVED FROM SHIP SCRATCHING FOR JURORS the allowing drunken some one without due authorization, our people should expect, more, be- I to PLYMOUTH, May 3. Forty-eig- ersons remain in their places of Mid he wanted ft understood that cause Standard Oil; usually does SAN FRAKC13C0, Cal., May 3. business, throughout survivors cf the steamer Silver-lip- , Another has been sometimes the Maui was going to appoint its own things right, wi :i 11 once gets start- venire summoned night, carousing and shouting, d la which was bunted in the Bay of tc secure jurors for the Ruef committees and would not recognize ed. J think you will find that it, will trial. Unhing the neighborhood, Biscay, landed h:;e today. Five per- and the any other. He stated that himself nieiv its money among the citizen Ill police haive made no attempt to I II sons perished in the fire. ACTS AS GOVERNOR flllliR and C. li. Wells had been appointed ( !ass of contractors and workmen, abate this nuisance. a committee to draw up a report to end that is more than some of our Genzo Moramoto, the man in the SANTA FE, New Mexico, May 3. "The illicit selling of liquor is be- be presented to a meeting of the cit- trial marriage case, was this morning TUGAR Secretary Reynolds is Acting Gover- 'oeal people do tound guiliy by ing carried on in every district in izens, which would be called as soon of adultery a jury in SAN FRANCISCO, Cal, May 2. nor of the Territory pending the ar- "I believe that the loss of rents Dole's court: was sentenced this circuit, but no nrests have been as a be from Judge, and BEETS: 88 analysis, 9s, 6d. Par- rival of Governor wireless should received from the Territorial warehouse will to three months in Oaliu jail. Tho Curry. made for this offense." informing ity, 3.99 cents. Previous quotation, Secretary Jack Atkinson be more than made up by the in-- ci woman, Asayama, pleaded guilty re- The Grand Jury also a rec-- 9s. 5 makes them as to the time of arrival of the eased income from advanced prop- cently and is now serving a jail sen- "ill ommendation regarding jury duty Congressional party and the" number erty values resulting from the Stan- tence. The This is In If and exemptions therefrom. Under matter of the division of taxes ot its members. The Secretary sent Oil enterprise. the case which the woman ilA! dard on arriving from Japan, was, according the law, notaries public, agents to i.nd license fees, which was the cause him a message this morning, stating property of "The in the vicinity to prearranged plans, married to a fel- grant marriage licenses, pound mas-tci- s, of party would on the trouble between the Governor that the arrive the the new structures has been assessed low countryman. Hut she apparently (special policemen, foresters, on of 8th, - - tug and the Legislature on the last night Bufo.'d the morning the i,t something like $750. an acre. On took hi. a v.- y :i "i'll. and within 24 The nav Iroquois roturned from (H') land appraisers, members of the of the legislative session, will prob- and that it consists of liti men and the basis of what the Standard Oil hours concluded tluu J.. .I'.'.a'I care her .i Marc, Islands, where she underwer., ., thorough overhauling, last Children from the Free Kindergar- Hoards of Registration, probationary ably be brought, before the courts at 8 women. to pay, assessed will lor the bargain. So she ran away wall had the value night at (i'clock. She made a fine tens and the lower grades of the publii ('fleers and a host of other officers an early date, it will be up to the Meantime, Honolulu is anxiously go to another Japanese, Moramoto, and May Day something near $5,500. down and a day re K'.hools celebrated today a exempt from jury duty. to bring al- married him. But the stern law does trip arrived full tire Counties the action, awaiting the announcement of the "Now that Is worth while from the she was expected.