December 2010

Central European Pastoral the Greek Orthodox Church in a suburb of Athens. All participants got an heartful wel- Seminar in 2010 in Prague come and could work in a friendly and stim- At the outskirbs of Prague, in Průhonice, ulant atmosphere. Main subjects of the took place for the eight time the Central program have been Christian scouts’ spe- European Pastoral Seminar. From the 30th cial responsibility for creation – nature and of September to the 3rd of October partic- environment – and necessary efforts to ipants from Poland, Hungary, Czech Re- bridge young people in their daily life to public, Slovenia, Slovakia and Germany their Church communities. Important im- worked on issues of better communica- pulse was given by Most Reverend Joseph, tion, exchange of projects and pastoral Metropolitan of Prikonissos on Christianity materials, status in ICC, efficient struc- and the Environment, by Professor Dr. Mar- tures of the preparatory team and on the ios Bezgos from the University of Athens on themes/issues of the next annual Semi- the principles and conditions of “continous nars. In 2011 the Seminar will take place dialogue” and by the Roman Catholic in Warsaw, Poland. ICCS World Seminar in Curitiba Bishop of Athens Msgr. Nikolaos Foskolos on “How youth will return to the Churches”. An highlight of all was the baptism of Va- (Brazil) Unfortunately the encounter was missing clav, son of Vaclava and Vojtech the protestant participants. Dabrowski, the chairman of Catholic From 07th to 09th January 2011, just Scouting in Junak, Czech Republic, during before the World Scout Conference, there a Holy Mass where all the participants will be held an ICCS World Seminar were present. under the title : "You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Math. 5). Our challenge in Scouting for Family, Church, Community and Social Life“. Key-note speakers will ne Mgr. Marco Aurelio Poli, Bishop of Santa Rosa in Argentine, and Fr. Jonathan How from England, both experienced with practise and ideas of scouting. Details on ICCS web site: www.cics.org ICCS invited for the 3rd Ecumenical En- counter in 2012 in Münster (Germany) or in Assisi (Italy). The main subject of the The General secretary Baldur Hermans program in 2012 will be our “mission for participated in the Seminar. We like to Barcelona he got a tremendous welcome peace” as Christians. renew his congratulations also through by the people, obviously also by many The documentation of the first Ecumenical this Circular Letter. scouts. Jordi Bonet, former General Sec- Encounter 2008 is available at the ICCS retary of ICCS from 1977 to 1981, and Headquarters in a new Cahiers, Apuntes, Chief Architect in this time of the Cathe- Jordi Bonet handed over the key Notes, Hefte n. 9 at the price of 5 Euro. dral Sagrada Familia, the great Project of The document is in English, French, Ger- to the Benedict XVI Antoni Gaudi, handed over the key of the man and Spanish. During His Pastoral journey to Spain from Cathedral to the Pope who consecrated the 6th to 7th November, Pope Benedict XVI vis- Church. Sagrada Familia became by that ited Santiago de Compostela and a pontifical Basilica. Encounters at home Barcelona. As well in Santiago as in The Secretary General got the opportunity nd 2 Ecumenical Event in Athens to meet scouts from the Japan Catholic Conference of Scouting, on the 15th of Au- From the 15th to the 17th of October the sec- gust in Neviges (Germany) . Since many ond Ecumenical Encounter took place in years the Japanese scouts and the big Athens (Greece). In 2008 ICCS started with local scout group at Neviges (DPSG) are the first Ecumenical Encounter in the World cultivating a friendship in an active way. Scout Movement, in Aylesford, near Can- terbury, UK. DESMOS (The Conference of At the same time the the Catholic German Orthodox Scout Groups and Associations) Scout Associationof St. Georg (DPSG) in the had invited for the second Encounter. The Rhür area had organized a big international Meeting took place in an Orthodox scout camp in Essen due to the fact that Monastery and Conference Centre place of Essen is in 2010 “European City of Culture”. During this camp the Secretary General Committee was enriched by a visit to anni di scoutismo in Italia - Lo scoutismo: could have friendly and informative talks Mount Nebo where Moses had a look on cento anni, ma ancora giovane”. with our friends, the Catholic Scouts from the Promise Land, to the Baptism site Amongst other experts who made an inter- Jordan and from Palestine. where Jesus was baptised by St. John. The vention, the former Secretary General of participants of the Committee celebrated ICCS, Gualtiero Zanolini spoke about the Publications in the Liturgy at this place and reflected their World Scout and the World Guide Move- mission as Catholics in Scouting. ment facing the new challenges of society; the pipeline Mario Sica, member of the Brotherhood After the last Saint George, spoke about the roots of Ital- “Cahiers/Apuntes ian scouting: facts and personalities, and /Notes/ Hefte” n. 9 our Secretary General, Baldur Hermans, (Documents from gave his perspectives on the Catholic the 1st Ecumenical Scouting in the world – lights and shadows. Encounter) as next A documentary publication of this Sympo- publications are sium has been announced. foreseen: • A small booklet European Seminar Council in “songs of faith” that can be used in the liturgy and Mondorf (Luxemburg) prayers of our conferences and en- The representatives of the ICCS Member counters; Organizations in the Europe Mediterranean • The documentation of the most impor- Region will meet in the Annual Seminar tant texts (speeches) and interventions Council in Mondorf (Luxembourg) from 18th of experts from the Peace Seminar to 21st November 2010. 2007 in Santiago de Compostela and For the Seminar the working theme will be: from the World Seminar of ICCS in Jeju “Seeking Unity in Diversity”. The Council Island (Korea) in 2008; will have elections for the Regional Secre- • Religious and ethical basis texts for re- tary and for members of the ICCS E-M flections in workshops, encounters and Committee. seminars; Mass celebration near the Jordan River • Models and saints for scouts; A special encounter with the Bishop of Camp of Living Stones 2010 in • “Catholic Scouting under the fascist Amman, Mgr. Selim Sayegh, gave the Cairo regime (a history book)”. Deadline for chance to be informed about the difficult The good tradi- manuscripts, extended to May 2011. conditions of Christian communities in the tion of the Middle East. The Bishop expressed his big camps of Living affection to Scouting, especially to ICCS. A discovery mission to Syria Stones, organ- He declared to make a special intervention ized by ICCS E- The General Secretary, Baldur Hermans, at the Bishops’ Synod of the Middle East in M and the ICCG and Father Wissam Mansour, National Rome in favour of supporting the Catholic in Europe and in Chaplain of the Catholic Scouts in Jordan, Scouts. He wanted to point out the pastoral st th the Middle East, made from the 21 to 26 of August a trip chances by scouting in the parishes. to Syria to find out where catholic scout will be contin- Thanks to our Jordanian friends for their groups are existing , how they deal with ued by new great hospitality. th the national scout association of Syria and Camp from 27 what kind of contacts and relations they December 2010 st foster between themselves. Traditionally A Symposium at the Catholic to 1 January ICCS has cultivated only friendly contacts University of LUMSA in Rome - 2011 in Cairo to the Catholic groups in the area of (Egypt) with the Aleppo. It was discovered that more than 100 years of Scouting in Italy challenging title: “The earth in heritage”. 30 groups of Catholic Scouts are existing On the program are meetings with dif- in Syria, but the groups are corresponding ferent caritative Associations and differ- with the different rites of Catholics in ent religious representatives. Special Syria. The “Syria Mission” will have a con- attention will be given to discover tinouation in 2011. monastery life and a Pilgrimage hike to the Monastery Mount Saint Catherine. ICCS Steering Committee Meeting Information: [email protected] or go to www.iccs-em.org in Amman (Jordan) With the outstanding support of the Kenya Moot Catholic Scouts of Jordan, the Steering Committee of ICCS, representing the There has not been an official participation World Secretariat and the ICCS Regional by ICCS-World or by the ICCS-African Re- Leaderships took place in Amman (Jor- gion. Unlike the World Jamboree, the In- dan). The Steering Committee had to work On the 10th of November 2010 by occa- terreligious Forum was not asked by the on the issues given by the Statutes of sion of celebrating 100 years of Scouting organizers for beeing present in the pro- ICCS and gave strong attention to the in Italy the Catholic University LUMSA in gram of the World Moot. ICCS gave up to ICCS projects, the next World Seminar in Rome and the “Centro Studi ed Esperienze start a special program by financial rea- Curitiba, the World Council in 2011, fi- scout “Baden Powell” Firenze” had organ- sons. The Chaplain of the ICCS-EM Region, nances and communication. The Steering ized a Symposium under the title: “Cento Father Rui Silva, from Portugal, partici- pated and could celebrate the Mass with ences at previous World Jamborees we es- Gordon Stiefel passed away Catholic participants of the Moot! A spe- timate that approximately twelve thousand cial thank to him! Catholics will attend the Jamboree and Gordon Stiefel died unexpectedly on Au- many may wish [at some time or other] to gust 13. He was being treated for cancer. ICCS involvement at the World attend one or more of the Masses. Gordon was a long time member of the Mass for Participants: As the Jamboree NCCS from Chicago. Many of you came to Scout Jamboree in Sweden takes place over two weekends we will be know him at the 2007 Centenary Jam- providing mass Mass for participants. We boree in the UK where he was a great help will have daily Mass in the ‘ICCS Abbey’ at the ICCS Stand and in other ways too. church at 5:30pm on each day for those His humour and scouting spirit will long be who wish to attend. remembered. He leaves behind his wife Tina and two children. Contingent Masses: It has become a tra- dition for contingents from associations We send with sympathy our condolences who have a majority of Catholic members and will pray for him and his family. to attend and participate at both single and combined ‘contingent Mass’ during The Scouts in their time at Jamborees. the WYD-2011 Member association of ICCS, or contingents who would like to use the ICCS Abbey in Madrid Church or who would like some support The Catholic In eight months time the 22nd World with faith activities during the Jamboree are scouts want to Scout Jamboree will be held in Sweden. asked to contact Fr: Guido Hugen through participate ac- ICCS will provide a programme area as our ICCS Simply the Spirit web site: tively in the part of the faith and belief zone which we http://www.iccs-em.org World Youth Day, share with our other faith partners. At the and offer to our UK Jamboree in 2007 many people young people a visited the zone and found us by Stamp of Saint unique experi- error, this time we would like you Francis by the ence. to come and visit your ICCS faith Vatican Post area. For this reason, from the Movi - Our objectives are to help Young On the 15th of November mien to Scout Ca- People and Adults: due to the approval of the tó lico in Spain, in collaboration with the Franciscan Order 800 years • Identify ways of developing Official Organization of the WYD and the ago the Vatican Post has their relationship with God ICCS, we offer you the opportunity of living emitted a very nice stamp it intensely as scout. • Recognise the benefit of having with the portrait of Saint a personal relationship with God Francis. The price of the • You can stay at the WYD International • State Scouting values, demon- stamp is Euro 0,65. There Scout Camp in Madrid, with other thou- strate their commitment to are 10 stamps in a sheet. sands of pilgrims. them and accept them as a Saint Francis is the Patron • You can live the previous days partici- code of conduct for life of cub-scouts. pating in scout activities in the different • Discover how faith and beliefs Spanish dioceses. impact on individual lives Reminder: 1st ICCS Jamboree in • You can be WYD Volonteer giving a • Articulate their own faith / belief Thailand service and contributing to the success • Respect the faith and belief of others of the event. We will have seven (7) areas of involve- For further information, visit the web site: ment at the World Scout Jamboree: http://scoutswyd.es/ or contact the address: [email protected] 1. ICCS programme area - faith and be- lief zone 2. Liturgical Activities Card. Paul Josef Cordes 3. The Spirit of Taize Emeritus 4. ICCS stand at the World Scout Centre Pope Benedict XVI accepted the demand 5. The Sanctuary - ‘a quiet place for of renunciation by the reason of age of Leaders and visitors’ Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes. Cardinal 6. Join-in-Jamboree - 'Simply Scouting Cordes, a German, has been the Secre- – Simply the Spirit’ tary form 1980 to 1995 vice-president of the Pontifical Council of the Laity. In this 7. Day Visitors Activities time he proposed and called Baldur Her- In our ICCS programme area we shall work- mans and after him, Jacques Carton from shops and activities where participants and France, both at this time Regional Secre- visitors can spend time learning something taries of ICCS E-M as consulters of the new in an atmosphere of peace and tran- Pontifical Council for the Laity. In 1995 quillity. Please check again your availability for Card. Cordes became President of the We shall provide a wide range of Liturgical participating in this extraordinary event. Pontifical Council Cor Unum. In 2007 Activities designed to assist all Catholics For this look at the announcement in the Pope Benedict XVI made him Cardinal. present at the Jamboree in fulfilling their previous Circular Letter and on the ICCS Thanks for his attention to Scouting he religious obligations. Based on our experi- web site and the Jamboree site…… always has shown. A new Chaplain for the Inter- Peace Light of Bethlehem America Region For the first time the Palestinian Catholic Fr. Joseph Weber from St.Louis, Mis- Scouts of St John the Baptist have repro- souri, USA, has been appointed as new Ec- duced a star from olive wood with a can- clesiastical Assistant of the Inter-America dle like the star in the Grotto of Nativity in Region of ICCS in October 2010. He fol- Bethlehem. It is a well done artistic prod- lows Fr. Donald Hummel. uct and is sold in packages for 5 Euro each inclusive shipping. This year this activity Fr. Joseph Weber has been an active mem- starts a little bit late but it will have con- ber of the National Catholic Committee on tinuation in the following years. The in- Scouting (NCCS) in United States and has come from this activity is for getting an served as Chair of the Chaplains Committee own National Camp Site which they need for NCCS. very much. You cand send your order to: We send him a heartily welcome and good Saed Shomali (Palestinian Catholic Scouts) wishes for his spiritual and pastoral work in e-mail: [email protected]. Or ICCS. by phone: 00972545824373.

Secretariat Members changed Reopening of the Catolic Scout their base Centre in Nazareth processes of Beatification and Sanctification José Antonio Warletta and Fr. Imad Twal, in Rome, has voted with unanimity on the The Nazareth Scout Center wants to fol- Members of the World Secretariat of ICCS, heroism of virtues of Fr. Jacques Sevin. low through on this. It want to provide you changed their places of living and working. This is an important step on his way for Be- plenty of room to prepare people to play José Antonio Warletta, Brother of the atification. Fr. Jacques Sevin, a Jesuit, is co- their part in todays world, to develop and Congregation of the La Salle, has got a new founder of the Scouts de France and use ceative ideas to make a difference in location by his Institute. He is now working initiator of the International Catholic Con- this world and to do so in an atmosphere in communication in Dos Hermanas, near ference of Scouting, which was in his time of friendship and companionship.Visit their Seville, Spain. the International Office of Catholic Scouts, web site: Fr. Imad Twal got a scholarship at the Uni- sited in Paris. Finally Fr. Jacques Sevin is http://nazareth-scoutcenter.org versity of Liverpool and he is studying now the founder of the Congregation of the for a PHD. Both will stay in the World Sec- Saint Croix de Jerusalem. There is still a retariat and support the activities of ICCS. strong relationship between ICCS and the Sisters of this Congregation which have the Our former World Chaplain General House in Boran (France). Jesuits, Catholic Scouts and the Sisters of Father John Reynolds died the congregation Saint Croix de Jerusalem are looking forward for Fr. Sevin’s Beatifi- In the very last moment we got the infor- cation. We ask you for your prayers. mation that the former World Ecclesiasti- call Assistant (World Chaplain) of ICCS from 1983 to 1989 died already on the 13th of December 2009. A good time now to think of him and to prax for him who passed away one year ago. We will give a ICCS (Attention: they have written center in the wider portrait of John Reynolds in our next address; you have to use this spelling) Circular Letter. We lost a great priest and Headquarters in Rome: friend in Scouting! R.i.p! Mrs. Francesca De Laura Gathogo Ngugi passed away Secretary The process of beatification of Fr. Our friend Gathogo Ngugi, former execu- Piazza Pasquale Paoli, 18 tive member of the World Scout Bureau Jeacques Sevin on a good way I – 00186 Roma Africa Regional Office and Director of last summer's historic World Scout Moot in rd On the 23 of October the Theological As- Tel: + Kenya, died recently as a consequence of a sembly of the Congregation for the Causes Fax: + car crash in Nairobi. He was 56 years old. of Saints, which is responsible for the [email protected] http://www.cics.org May he rest in peace.