Environmental Report for the Comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Impacts for the National Energy Programme (For the 2010–2030 Period)
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Cesta Andreja Bitenca 68, Ljubljana tel: 01 5187222, 01 5187223 GSM: 041 688928 www.aquarius-lj.si fax: 01 5187224 041 845639 [email protected] Environmental Report for the Comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Impacts for the National Energy Programme (for the 2010–2030 period) Ljubljana, June 2011 Project title: Environmental Report for the Comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Impacts for the National Energy Programme for the 2010–2030 Period No. of the contract: AQUARIUS-10-5506-IN Production date: September 2010, amendments: October 2010, November 2010, March 2011, April 2011, May 2011, June 2011 Task No.: 1238-10 OP Client: Republic of Slovenia Ministry of the Economy Kotnikova 5 1000 Ljubljana Contractor: AQUARIUS d.o.o., Ljubljana Cesta Andreja Bitenca 68 1000 Ljubljana Director: Martin Žerdin, MSc and BSc in Biology) Responsible holder: Martin Žerdin, MSc and (BSc in Biology) Associates: Leonida Šot Pavlovič, BSc (Biology) Lea Trnovšek, BSc (Biology) Katja Vrabič, BSc (Geology) Mojca Vrbajnščak, BSc (Biology) Barbara Jerman, BSc (Geography), Professor of History Urška Bregar, BSc (Forest Engineering) Subcontractors: SIPPO, svetovanje in projektiranje na področju okolja, d.o.o. Vegova ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana Radovan Tavzes, MSc and BSc in Physics Prostorsko načrtovanje Aleš Mlakar s.p. Pokopališka ulica 5 1000 Ljubljana Aleš Mlakar, PhD, landscape architecture engineer Nika Cigoj, landscape architecture engineer Responsibilities by segment (aspects) of the environment: Segments: Natural and biotic diversity Responsible production Martin Žerdin, MSc and BSc in biology manager: Associates: Leonida Šot Pavlovič, BA (Biology) Lea Trnovšek, BA (Biology) Katja Vrabič, BA (Geology) Mojca Vrbajnščak, BA (Biology) Barbara Jerman, BBSc (Geography), Professor of History Urška Bregar, BA (Forest Egineering) Segments: Natural resources Air Waters Climatic factors Health Material assets Responsible production Radovan Tavzes, MSc and BSc in Physics manager: Segments: Cultural heritage Landscape Responsible production Aleš Mlakar, PhD, landscape architecture engineer manager: Associates: Nika Cigoj, landscape architecture engineer TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Summary 8 1.1 Review of the Impacts of NEP Sub-Programmes on Individual Aspects of the Environment 8 1.2 Evaluation of the Impacts of NEP Scenarios 27 1.3 Assessment of the Environmental Acceptability of NEP Scenarios 27 1.4 Cross-Border Impact 28 1.5 Inclusion of the Measures of the Renewable Energy Sources Action Plan in the Assessment of Environmental Impacts 29 2 Introduction 30 2.1 Important Reasons for the Preparation of the NEP Proposal 30 2.2 Key Facts about the NEP 32 2.3 Objectives of NEP Sub-Programmes and Description of Measures 33 2.4 Components of the Environmental Report 36 2.5 Determination of the Scope of the Environmental Report 36 2.6 Legislative Background for the CEIA 36 2.7 Further Treatment of the Environmental Report 38 2.8 Scope of the Environmental Report 38 2.9 Sources Used 40 2.10 Acceptability Assessment of NEP Impacts on Protected Areas 43 3 Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology 44 3.1 Approach to the Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment 44 3.2 Public Announcement and the Determination of the Scope of the Comprehensive Assessment 44 3.3 Definition of Potential Impacts 45 3.4 Data on the Baseline State of the Environment 46 3.5 Definition of Energy Development Scenarios 46 3.6 Definition of Environmental Objectives 46 3.7 Assessment Methodology 46 3.8 Reporting 61 3.9 NEP Implementation and the Monitoring of Its Environmental Impacts 62 3.10 Consultation 62 3.11 Assumptions for the Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment 64 4 Legislative Framework and Association with Other Programmes 65 4.1 Introduction 65 4.2 Relationship between the CEIA and the Spatial Siting of Energy Measures 65 4.3 Observation of Other Policies, Plans, Programmes and Environmental Objectives 67 4.4 Legislative Framework that Was Observed 69 Aquarius, d. o. o., Ljubljana 5 Description and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts 74 5.1 Introduction 74 5.2 Tables with Descriptions of Environmental Impacts 74 5.3 Evaluation of Environmental Impacts 75 6 Environmental Objectives 82 6.1 Definition of Environmental Objectives 83 7 State of the Environment 86 7.1 Presentation of the Existing State of the Environment 86 10.4 Local energy supply sub-programme 236 10.5 Sub-programme of combined heat and power generation using NG 237 10.6 Electricity generation sub-programme 238 10.7 Transmission of electricity sub-programme 278 10.8 Electricity distribution grid sub-programme 290 10.9 Natural gas supply sub-programme 292 10.10 Liquid fuel sub-programme 297 11 Evaluation of impacts and comparison of NEP scenarios 300 11.1 Evaluation of impacts 300 11.2 Results of evaluation of impacts 311 12 Monitoring of impacts and recommendations for further implementation of measures 6 13 Sources 10 TABLE OF APPENDICES TEXTUAL APPENDICES: Appendix 1: Decision on the Implementation of the Comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Impacts of the National Energy Programme for the 2010–2030 Period Appendix 2: Report on the Determination of the Scope of the Comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Impacts of NEP for the 2010–2030 Period Appendix 3: Important Strategies, Programmes and Plans Appendix 4: Potential Environmental Impacts Appendix 5: NEP Sub-programmes – Determination of Environmental Impacts (Jožef Stefan Institute, May 2011) Aquarius, d. o. o., Ljubljana GRAPHIC APPENDICES Appendix 1: Presentation of Actual Soil Use Appendix 2: Representation of Surface Watercourses and Water Protection Areas Appendix 3: Representation of Natura 2000 sites and the IBA Areas Appendix 4: Representation of Protected Areas Appendix 5: Representation of EPO and Valuable Natural Features Appendix 6: Representation of Cultural Heritage Units Appendix 7: Representation of the Areas of Outstanding Landscape and Landscape Areas with Distinctive Features on the National Level Appendix 8: Representation of Protective Forests and Forest Reserves Appendix 9: Representation of Areas with Expected Valuable Natural Features Appendix 10: Presentation of Interventions (Measures) Treated in the Report Aquarius, d. o. o., Ljubljana ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS EE AP Energy Efficiency Action Plan RER AP Renewable Energy Resources Action Plan GPP AP Green Public Procurement Action Plan EARS Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia CCS carbon dioxide capture and geological storage CEIA comprehensive environmental impact assessment PSPP pumped storage power plant DH district heating WBDH wood biomass district heating NMRMP National Mineral Resource Management Programme EMR electromagnetic radiation EC European Council LFO light fuel oil EA Energy Act SMARS Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia HPP hydroelectric power plant NPP nuclear power plant WBI wood biomass boiler WB wood biomass LCA life cycle assessment of GHG emission LEA local energy agency LEC local energy concept ME Ministry of Economy sHPP small hydroelectric power plant MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food MESP Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning NEP National Energy Programme NSPRD National Strategic Plan for Rural Development 2007-2013 WMP Water Management Plan NMVOC non-methane volatile organic compounds OP BIOW Operational programme on elimination of wastes with objective to reduce the quantity of biodegradable disposal wastes OP ETID Operational programme of environmental and transport infrastructure development 2007-2013 OP GHG Operational programme for limiting greenhouse gas emissions until 2012 OPNEC Operational programme for complying with national emission ceilings for atmospheric pollutants - Revision on Operational programme for complying with national emission ceilings for atmospheric pollutants from 2005 RES renewable energy sources RDP Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Slovenia 2007-2013 VCM Velenje Coal Mine EIA environmental impact assessment for activities affecting the environment ReNEP Resolution on the National Energy Programme ReNFP Resolution on the National Forest Programme RCH Register of cultural heritage THM Trbovlje – Hrastnik Mine DS distribution substation EDSO electricity distribution system operator SOIEDN System operation instructions for electricity distribution network TSO transmission system operator SDSS Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia CHP combined heat and power (generation) SORS Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia GHG greenhouse gas LPG liquefied petroleum gas EUE efficient use of energy NG natural gas Aquarius, d. o. o., Ljubljana Environmental Report for the Comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Impacts for the National Energy Programme 1 Summary Upon the preparation of the National Energy Programme (NEP), a comprehensive environmental impact assessment procedure (CEIA) needs to be carried out in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act, and – within the scope of the CEIA – the procedure for assessment of the acceptability of the impacts on protected areas caused by the plans, in accordance with the Nature Conservation Act. The purpose of both these assessments, which are laid down by law is to prevent or, at least, significantly reduce activities that can have significant adverse impacts or consequences on the environment and protected areas, whereby the principles of sustainable development, comprehensiveness and prevention are realised. Within the environmental impact assessment procedure, impacts