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148778955.Pdf STUDIES ON THE COMPOUND EYE OF THE SATURNIID MOTHS* Nagao KOYAMA 伽ろ0,’ator7げ捌oJo‘1ッand EntOmO切ッ, Faca‘〃ッ0/Tentile徽t Sericultnt)’の COINTXENTS Introduction Materials and methods L External morphology ・ 1. General form 2. Colouvation 3・ Surface area 4. Size atld number of the facets II. Internal morphology 工. General strttcture of the compound eye 2・ Structure Qf the onユmatidiunt IIL Phyl°ge・y・f・peci・・b・・ed・・th・・t・u・t・・e・f the c。mp。und,ye 1・ SaMia eツη〃z彪Pryeri. and S. o翅漉彪ricini 2・Rh・di物f・yax 3・A・7thera・a y・m・m・i・a・d・A;ρ、,顧 4・C吻ul・ b・isdztalaliブ・nasi 5.砒砂・ρ1・吻。伽加 6・肋・…彦鋤・ 7・砺・’吻吻吻 8.Disc。、、i。。 IV・ Pigmellt migration , 1. Migration of the retinular pigment in Iight and in darkness 1・E・p・・im・・t i・the・ft・m… 2. E・p・,ime。t i。 th, f。ren。。。 3. Discussion II. Rhythmic migration of the retinu!ar piglllellt 1・ In the natural envitonnient 2・ In the continuous darkness under natural environment 3・111the・・n・t・・t envi・・1ユme・t 4・T・mp・・ature・・d,ythmi,ity 5. Discussion V・ Experiment on the pigment. migration 1・Spi「a 窒撃?@bl・cki・g 2・Tyii・9・p th・・egme・t 3. Decapit。ti。n 4・0誓esldρ・ye c・v・・三・9 5・T・mperat・・e a・d pigmel・t migrati。1ユ 6. Dlscusslon VI. Vision ・ Summary Literature cited xC°nt「ibuti°nN・・26f・・mtheL・b。・・…y・fE・t・m。1・9…dB三。1,)9,, F。,。1、y Qf T・xtile and Seri・・lture・Shin・h・U・i.ve・sity. 2。 N・g・・1く・・AM・ N°・5 IMRODUC∬ON F。,the c。mp1。ti。n.・f the re・ea・ch・・the c・mp…d・y…fth・m・ths°f 、。-cal1,d・Silk-、pi。ni。g w・・m・・, the a・th・・h・・rep・rt・d・・th・・t…t・・e and f。。。ti。n。f th。,yes i。 th・B・mbydd m・th・i・・1・di・g・everal・t・ai・・and mutants of the do諭e$tic silkworm(Bombyx mori)and the wild silkworm (B。mαendarinのill the previous paper(KoYAMA,1954)・ Th。 p,esent p・per d・a1・al・・with the st・u・t・・e a・d f…ti…fthe c°m縛 P。。nd,y。 i・the S・…1・iid m・th・・x・e・di・g t・・h・i・phyl・g…ti・i・・esti曽 gation in the group of Hetθrocerα・ B,f。,e g。i。落f・・ther, t1照・th・・d・・i・e・t・acl・n。w1・dg・hi・i・d・bt・ness t° Professor Dr. Nobumasa YAGI, Shinshu University,for his kindness in super・ 。i、i。8 the、t。dy a・d・e・i・w・f th・Q・igin・l m脚sc・ipt・Th・auth・・als° ,。p,esse・hi・he…yg・・ti・・d・t・P・・f・・s・・D・・T・i・hi Uc・・D…dP「° megs°「 D,.T。t、u。1。。。A、, H・kk・id・U・i・・rsity, wh・9・v・hi卿ery h・lpf・1・dvlces d。,i。g his st・y・t the U・i…sity・t・Mi・・R・ik・Y・M・・A・…dM・・Shige’ mit,。 T。NAI、A, wh。 assi・t・d th…perimel・t・th…gh th・i・vestig・ti・n・Sgme ,fth。m。t。,i。1,usedf。,th・・e・㈱rch w・・e ki・dlyse・t byD・・Y・・hi・hi・° UMEY。, M,。 Hi…hi Y・MAz・…、ML Hi・Q・hi T…DA・・d M・・S・d・y・K…uN°・ to whom his cordial thanks are dlle. MALTERIALS AND METffOD S S,ve1、 speci,,・f S・t…iid m・th・i・h・bit J・p・・i…ture a・h・・been 1isted in “lnsect Monograph of Japaバ (1950). Adding to these, Sα翅zα , 、ツ漁伽・nd鋤…脚卿h・v・b・e・b・ed・・tifi・i・11y f・・thei「 cQc。。。 h。,vest. Ail these・in・・peci・・as sh・w・b・1・w w・・e…d・・m・terials in this study. MATERIALS 1.Sα卿o卿吻PryePti BUTLER 2. Sainia cツnthiaγioini BUTLER 3. Rhodima fugax BUTLER 4. Antheraeαツα〃侶α〃iai Gu耳RIN 5。 Anth召raea力召rnyi Gu蛭RIN 6. Caligula boisduValiブonasi BUTLER 7, 1)客o砂oμooαブaPonicαBUTLER 8.Actias a)・temis BUTLER 9. 〆lyria tat¢ゴaPonica LEECH No、5 COMPOUND EYE OF THE SATURNIID MOTHS 21 M田1亙OPS In para11el with the external observation the compQtmd eyes of living moths were studied histologically by means of paraffin and carbowax methods, but some.of them were researched by the dissection of the tissue which was fixed with 70%alcohol a1ユd 35%fortnatlin mixture, A。Paraffin Met「 ?盾 1. Fixing ill Carnoy,s solution. 2.Inbedding in paraffin with m.p.60--62°C. 3.Stai1ユing w三th Heidenhein’s iron hematoxylin and Delafield,s hemato- xylin. 4.Depigmentation with Grenacher,s solution. It was not used for the observation of pigment migration. 5.Thickness Qf$ectioning,10-20μ. B.Carbowax Method ユ、Fixing h170%alcohQI and 35%formalin mixture or Bouin,s solutiQn. 2.Irlbedding in polyethylene glyco1(‘‘carbowax,, compouild) with molecular weight of,1,500-一……・2hour 〃 , 1,500十4,000…… 2hour 〃 ,4,000 …………… 3hOUir 3.Thickness of sectioni・ng,20μ. In.both cases no softening reagent was used. The methods of the ・xperime・t・nd・P・・ati・・will be m・・ti・ned i・t聯espective ch・blter. 1.EXT廻RNAL MORPHOLOGY 1・ GelieraLl Form (PhQtQ 1,2) The compound eye is of ovoidal fofm when seen from王ateral and cresce就 from front. In the horizontal section of the eye the curvature is steepened ⑩wards the posterior, The extemal shape has a close similarity to that of the Bombycid m◎th。 The size of the compoUnd eye seems to correlate positively to that of the body irl every species. The size of the eye is the largest in 、4.ッ⑳tcamai 〈vertical length,2.90mm:horizontal one,2.65mm), and the smallest ill A. tatiブaponica(vertical,、工.80mm:horizontal,1,33mm), while A. o吻痴s (vertica1,2.38mm :horizontal,1,90mm)stands between the above two species(Table 1). The ratio between the vertical alid the horizontal lengths is 1,1-1.4;the largest(1。35)in /1. aアtemis, the smallest(1.09)in A. yamamai. The 22 Nagao KoYAMA No.5 Table 1. Size of the compound eyes @.Ve「tical !HorizontaIlength(A)i length(B)1 Spec・es Ratio (AIB) sα〃魔αcツnthia Pryeri 2.38mm . 1.90mm 1.25 s. cアnthia 7icini 2。15 ; 1.79 1,20 Rhodinia fUflax 1.95 1.50 1.30 !1η’heアaeaツα〃la〃lai 2.90 2.65 1,09 /1. Pernツi 2.85 1 2,45 1,16 2.06 2 1.76 Ca〃gula boisdarvali /onasi 1.17 1ワictyoPlocaノαρω2ゴ6α 2.60 1 2.20 1.18 /1c〃α∫ a7temis 1.80 1.33 1.35 Aaria tauブaPonica 2,45 1 2.08 1.18 1 vertical radius is 1.25-1.35mm and the horizontal one is 1.104.15mm, the former being larger than the latter. 2.Colouration The colour of the compound eye Iooks brownish purple in the daytime in Samia moths whose central pupils can clearly be seen(Fig.1 L,c)and in the other species the central pupi1(Photo 1) L t) exposes darker colouration than the former (Fig.1L,a). ta a b shows pale blue. The glows in Samia and Antheraea moths turn wllite purple older(Fig.1 D,d). 3。Surface Area The surface area of the whole compound eye is considered to indicate the capacity of light Fig.1Extemal apPearance ’ of the colnpound eye pe「ceptlon as has been measured by the L:Light adapted author in the case of the Bombycid moth D:Da「k adapted (KoYAMA,1954). 急b島鼎雛辮σ1 The su・・ace a・ea v…es acc・・d・・g…h・ d:The eye exposing a species as shown ill Table 2 and its appro一 翻sl。gl:翻h盗溜n xim…v・1…are・・dered as succeedi・gl・・ moth, 10.0-11.5mm2 ill A.yamamai(the Iargest}: No.5 COMPOUND EYE OF THE SATURNIID MOTHS 23 8.5-9.5mm2 in A, pernpti:6.5-8.5mm2 in D.ブαρo吻αand /4. artemis’:5.5- 6.5mm2 in S. cptnthia pryeri:4。0-5,0mm2 in S. cynthia ricini ’ ・and α boisdecvaliブo%αsゴ:2.5-3,5mm2 in R.ノuStax and A. tau/aponica(the smallest)。 The area of each species is wider than that of the hybrid between different strains of Bombyx mori which has the widest area(about 2。5m鳳2)among the Bom、bycid mQth eyes(KoYAMA,1954)・ The significant difference between the sample means was tested in 5% 1evel of significance and the results are as follows; .male>female, exceptヱ).ブ砂o耽α, in which the difference is not significant. ∠4,ツα〃zamai>!1. Perフayi A.pernツi>S.cツnthia riciフzi L).ブaPonica>S.0ツnthia Prツeri>S.のηnthia γ∫C擁譜αδ0ぎS4卿α1諾 ブonasi> R.ノugax .4.Pernyi>A. artemis>C. boisdzavaliブonasi The population varience of A,ブaponica differs much from those of the Qther species. The fact that the$urfface area in the male is wider than that in the female, as observed in Chilo simpleκ(YAGI,1938), Bombycidae(KoYAMA,1954) and other moths, seems to show a close relation to the higher activity of the maie than that of the female. Table 2. Surface area of the cQmpound eyes Species Female Male @ ( lmm’) @ (mm2) t Sα〃zia cynthia」Prニソeri 5. OO8~ 5.816 5,824戸} 6.728 S,cンnth.ia ricini l 3.757~ 4.995 4.717~ 5、597 - i Rhodiniaノ㍑9ακ 2.162N 3.260 3.053{一・4.009 Antheraeaンamam{箆 8.852~11.142 :1.O.789戸》12,697 A.カeアnPti 7.817{一・9.145 8.963~10.491 Caligula boiscluvaliゴonasi 3,163~4,457 4。056- 5,226 DictyoPlocaブaカonica i;i鱗ii旨iii三i;ll /{ctias aアt’召解is 護σ7勿如¢‘ブaPonica (in 95 910 reliabi!ity) 4.S肱e and N㎜ber o価e Facets The faρets generally show a shape of regular hexagor1, which becomes irregularly apPrQaching to the peripheral part。 The diameter of the facets varies according to the species as 30.5-31.5 24 iNagao KOYAMA . No°5 μ in S。 oツ螂雇αricini, ノ1. pernyi’, 0. boisduvali/onasi and 1)・joPonicα : 29.5-30,5μ in ∠4.ッα〃mmai and A。 arte〃zis : 27.5-28、5μ. in S. o夕%渉乃ゴσ カry.eri and 1~,ノzaaax :25.0μ in A. tauブaponicα,脚hich has shorter value than/that of the Bombycid moth,s(27-28μ). It is assumed that the size of the facets has llo correlatioll to that of the co!皿pound eyes・ The significant test of difference between、 the means of the samples, was carried out in 1%level of significance and the following results were obtained. no11-significant, between male and femaie, excepting 8, cynthia pryeプゴ and A.αrtemis, in which male>female, non-significant, am・ng A.yamamai,ん砂卿, C. boisdutiali卿αsゴand /1.a7te彫is R.ノugax>A. tauブOnαsi S.Cツn〃zia 7♂6劾ゴ>S. cPtnthia Prツeri>/1, tau ブaPonica D・ブaPonica>4・ artemis--A・ yaMαmai>S・cynthia>A・・tau/aPonica The diameter of A. tauブaponica is shorter than that of狐y other spe・ cies except A.P召rn二yi, C. boisduvali and ∠4. artemis・ The area of a facet(Table 3)was calculateCt as 550-650μ2 in most of the species, except S, cynthia pγye7i, R. fugax (50〔}μ2)and A. tau ブaf》onica (400μ2),the areas of the last twQ species being little differeut from BD〃zbycidae (400-500μ2). The number of the fac骨ts in a compoulld eye(Table 3)was computated as in the followirlg approximately;18,000 in A. yamaf%ai,14,000 in A. pernyi, 11,500-12,500 in S. cツnthia pryeri, 1),」αPonica and /1。 artemis, 7,500 in S, cynthia riciπi 6,000-7,000 in R. fu≦7ax, C. bois4ut/ali /onasi and A.tatiブαρ0フ¢歪0α。 Table 3. Si’ze and n’umber of the facets Species Si箔e Number per unit Dia組eter Number ≠窒?=@(1rnM2) ♀ 26.6N27.7μ
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    P1: FXZ November 6, 2000 13:46 Annual Reviews AR119-16 Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2001. 46:471–510 Copyright c 2001 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved THE EVOLUTION OF COLOR VISION IN INSECTS Adriana D. Briscoe1 and Lars Chittka2 1Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721; e-mail: [email protected] 2Zoologie II, Biozentrum, 97074 Wurzburg,¨ Germany; e-mail: [email protected] Key Words adaptation, constraint, phylogeny, visual ecology, visual pigments ■ Abstract We review the physiological, molecular, and neural mechanisms of insect color vision. Phylogenetic and molecular analyses reveal that the basic bauplan, UV-blue-green-trichromacy, appears to date back to the Devonian ancestor of all ptery- gote insects. There are variations on this theme, however. These concern the number of color receptor types, their differential expression across the retina, and their fine tuning along the wavelength scale. In a few cases (but not in many others), these differences can be linked to visual ecology. Other insects have virtually identical sets of color receptors despite strong differences in lifestyle. Instead of the adaptionism that has dominated visual ecology in the past, we propose that chance evolutionary processes, history, and constraints should be considered. In addition to phylogenetic analyses designed to explore these factors, we suggest quantifying variance between individuals and populations and using fitness measurements to test the adaptive value of traits identified in insect color vision systems. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................ 472 VISUAL PIGMENTS AND THEIR SPECTRAL SENSITIVITY ..............472 DIVERSITY OF VISUAL PIGMENTS, PHYLOGENY, AND ADAPTATION ....478 PHOTORECEPTOR ARRAYS, VISUAL ECOLOGY, AND DEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS ..................................485 MOLECULAR PHYLOGENY OF INSECT VISUAL PIGMENTS .............487 EVIDENCE FOR VARIANCE BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS OF THE SAME SPECIES ...............................................
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