Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire

Redrow Homes Ltd

P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment

Document Control Job Number P20003 Document Version Final N:\Projects 2020\P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, File Reference Lancashire\7.Reports\TA Date November 2020 Client Redrow Homes Ltd Name Position Written By David Stoddart Associate Director Checked & Approved By David Schumacher Director

P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment


1 INTRODUCTION ...... 3 1.1 Purpose of Report ...... 3 1.2 Scope of Report ...... 3 2 TRANSPORT POLICY AND GUIDANCE ...... 5 2.1 Introduction ...... 5 2.2 National Planning Policy Framework ...... 5 2.3 Planning Practice Guidance ...... 6 2.4 Lancashire Local Transport Plan (2011-2021) ...... 7 2.5 Central Lancashire Core Strategy ...... 8 2.6 Chorley Local Plan (2012-2026) ...... 8 2.7 Manual for Streets ...... 9 2.8 LCC’s Creating Civilised Streets ...... 10 2.9 Summary ...... 10 3 EXISTING SITUATION ...... 11 3.1 Site Description ...... 11 3.2 Public Rights of Way ...... 12 3.3 Local Highway Network ...... 12 3.4 Existing Traffic Conditions ...... 14 3.5 Highway Safety Review ...... 15 4 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL ...... 19 4.1 Development Description ...... 19 4.2 Access Strategy ...... 19 4.3 Access for Commercial Vehicles & Internal Layout ...... 22 4.4 Stage 1 Road Safety Audit ...... 22 4.5 Parking ...... 24 4.6 Summary ...... 24 5 ACCESS BY SUSTAINABLE MODES ...... 27 5.1 Introduction to Sustainable Modes of Transport ...... 27 5.2 Access on Foot ...... 27 5.3 Access by Cycle ...... 28 5.4 Access by Bus ...... 29 5.5 Access by Rail ...... 30 5.6 Working from Home ...... 31 5.7 Travel Plan ...... 31 5.8 Summary ...... 31 6 IMPACT ASSESSMENT ...... 33

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6.1 Introduction ...... 33 6.2 Traffic Growth ...... 33 6.3 Vehicular Trip Generation ...... 34 6.4 Person Trip Rates ...... 34 6.5 Trip Distribution ...... 35 6.6 Impact Assessment ...... 36 6.7 Summary ...... 38 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ...... 39 7.1 Summary ...... 39 7.2 Conclusion ...... 40



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1.1 Purpose of Report

1.1.1 This report considers the highways and transportation implications associated with Redrow Homes Ltd’s (Redrow) proposal for a residential development comprising up to 80 dwellings located on land east of Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire.

1.1.2 This document has been prepared in accordance with the Government’s Planning Practice Guidance: Transport evidence bases in plan making (October 2014) and Travel Plans, transport assessments and statements in decision-taking (March 2014) as week as the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Guidance on Transport Assessment (GTA) (March 2007).

1.1.3 The conclusions and recommendations contained herein have been drawn based on information available and obtained in advance of the planning submission to which this report relates.

1.1.4 Reasonable checks have been carried out on any third-party information used in the preparation of this report but, nonetheless, Prime Transport Planning (Prime) accepts no liability for the accuracy or otherwise of this data.

1.1.5 Third-party rights are excluded for the use of information contained within this report.

1.2 Scope of Report

1.2.1 This report has been prepared in accordance with Transport evidence bases in plan making which replaced the DfT’s GTA in 2014. However, the new document is not a like-for-like replacement for GTA, providing no guidance on the production of Transport Assessments to accompany developments. The latest guidance instead helps local planning authorities assess strategic transport needs to reflect and, where appropriate, mitigate these in their Local Plan.

1.2.2 More relevant information is provided within the PPG under Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements in Decision-Taking however this also does not provide the level of detailed guidance that was contained within DfT’s GTA.

1.2.3 The lack of current detailed guidance places greater emphasis on agreeing the scope of a TA with the highway authority responsible for the location in which the development is proposed and in employing industry best-practice. Given that GTA was in place for 7-years, Prime believes that assessment in-line with the document still represents industry best-practice, particularly for aspects where the current guidance lacks the necessary detail to form a robust assessment.

1.2.4 Lancashire County Council (LCC) is the highway authority responsible for the highway network in Eccleston. An email based scoping exercise was undertaken with LCC, and an initial scoping note highlighting the proposed methodology was submitted to the Highways Officers at LCC on 21st August

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2020. LCC responded with their preapplication comments on 23rd September 2020. Following this, a virtual meeting was held on 1st October 2020 to discuss the comments in greater detail. Email based discussions continued following this to clarify some of the points raised at the meeting.

1.2.5 The original Scoping Note, LCC’s response and other correspondence regarding the scope of this TA is provided in Appendix A.

1.2.6 Following this introduction, the remainder of this report is structured as follows:

 Section 2 describes the relevant local and national transport policy and guidance;  Section 3 describes the existing situation in terms of the site, local highway network and traffic conditions in the vicinity of the site. A description of the existing safety of the local highway network in the vicinity of the site is also provided;  Section 4 details the development proposal including the access strategy and parking arrangements including details of a Stage 1 Road Safety Audit of the proposed access arrangement;  Section 5 details access to the site by sustainable modes of travel which includes walking, cycling and public transport;  Section 6 discusses the forecasting methodology, trip generation of the site and the ability of the proposed site access and various off-site junctions to accommodate the generated traffic; and  Section 7 concludes the findings of the Transport Assessment.

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2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 It is important that new developments conform to and complement national and local planning policy and therefore this section details the policies that are relevant to this development.

2.2 National Planning Policy Framework

2.2.1 The current National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published in February 2019 and sets out the Government’s current planning policies. At the core of NPPF is ‘a presumption in favour of sustainable development’ as detailed in paragraphs 10 and 11.

2.2.2 Section 9 of the NPPF, Promoting sustainable transport, outlines the important role that the planning system has in facilitating sustainable development. It states in paragraph 103 that:

‘Significant development should be focused on locations which are or can be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport modes. This can help to reduce congestion and emissions and improve air quality and public health.’

2.2.3 The document offers guidance for planning policies including:

 supporting appropriate mixes of land uses;  minimising the number and length of journeys;  actively involving local highway authorities, transport infrastructure providers and operators and neighbouring councils in order to align strategies and investments for supporting sustainable travel; and  providing high quality walking and cycling networks and associated supporting facilities such as cycle parking.

2.2.4 Paragraph 108 of the NPPF provides direction for the assessment of sites for development, stating:

‘…it should be ensured that:

a) appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been – taken up, given the type of development and its location;

b) safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all users; and

c) any significant impacts from the development on the transport network (in terms of capacity and congestion), or on highway safety, can be cost effectively mitigated to an acceptable degree.’

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2.2.5 In determining planning applications, paragraph 109 states that:

‘Development should only be prevented or refused on highways grounds if there would be an unacceptable impact on highway safety, or the residual cumulative impacts on the road network would be severe.’

2.2.6 Paragraph 110 continues:

‘Within this context, applications for development should:

a) give priority first to pedestrian and cycle movements, both within the scheme and with neighbouring areas; and second – so far as possible – to facilitating access to high quality public transport, with layouts that maximise the catchment area for bus or other public transport services, and appropriate facilities that encourage public transport use;

b) address the needs of people with disabilities and reduced mobility in relation to all modes of transport;

c) create places that are safe, secure and attractive – which minimise the scope for conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, avoid unnecessary street clutter, and respond to local character and design standards;

d) allow for the efficient delivery of goods, and access by service and emergency vehicles; and

e) be designed to enable charging of plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles in safe, accessible and convenient locations.’

2.2.7 In the context of PRoW connections and enhancement, point a) of paragraph 118 acknowledges improved public access to the countryside as being a benefit that should be encouraged.

2.2.8 Paragraph 111 highlights the need for planning applications for developments that will ‘generate significant amounts of movements’ to be accompanied by a Transport Assessment or Transport Statement and a Travel Plan so that the ‘likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed’.

2.3 Planning Practice Guidance

2.3.1 The theme of sustainable development runs throughout Planning Practice Guidance, with the detailed elements regarding transport being focussed in the following sections:

 Transport evidence bases in plan making and decision taking; and  Travel plans, transport assessments and statements in decision-taking.

2.3.2 Both sections of the Guidance provide significant amounts of detail on the information types and sources that are appropriate for helping Local Planning Authorities to take forward their Local Plan

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with an appropriate evidence base. The Guidance is also a useful reference for assessing schemes such as the development which this report accompanies.

2.4 Lancashire Local Transport Plan (2011-2021)

2.4.1 The Lancashire Local Transport Plan (LTP) discusses and states that between and 2011 and 2021, the ability for Lancashire residents to travel safely, punctually and conveniently between home and workplace, and between business and marketplace, will be greatly improved reflecting the investment of LCC and the priority to support sustainable economic growth.

2.4.2 LCC recognises the limitations and challenges which they could face during this implementation process. They highlight that cars remain the dominant force, with congestion and air quality issues because of this, with the M6 specifically mentioned. Bus trips are recognised as the most viable of travel in urban areas where there are denser concentrations of jobs and houses. However, existing bus networks do not provide adequate access to much of the employment base in Lancashire. Poor public transport accessibility, especially for people living in peripheral housing areas and for employment sites located on the edges of towns and in more rural areas, is recognised as a legacy of poor historic spatial planning.

2.4.3 The LTP highlights the importance of embodying the principles of good accessibility, on foot and by cycling as well as by public transport, in the future planning of both housing and employment development in Lancashire.

2.4.4 The plan sets out several transport goals, namely:

 Secure a strong economic future;  Safe and convenient access to services;  Improve accessibility, availability and affordability of transport;  Creative more attractive neighbourhoods;  Reduce carbon impact of Lancashire transport requirements;  Improve the safety of walking and cycling; and  Provide value for money and prioritise the maintenance and improvement of existing infrastructure.

2.4.5 These goals have then been utilised to produce 7 transport priorities:

 ‘Improve access into areas of economic growth and regeneration;  Reducing carbon emissions and its effects;  Providing better access to education and employment;  Maintaining our assets;  Improving people’s quality of life and wellbeing;  Provide safe, reliable, convenient and affordable transport alternatives to the car; and

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 Improving safety of our streets for our most vulnerable residents.’

2.4.6 The goals and priorities which have been developed aim to deliver tangible improvements over the life of the strategy.

2.5 Central Lancashire Core Strategy

2.5.1 The Central Lancashire Core Strategy (CS) was adopted in July 2012 following collaboration between Preston City Council, South Ribble Borough Council and Chorley Council as part of the Local Development Framework. Its purpose is to ‘help co-ordinate development in the area and contribute to boosting investment and employment’.

2.5.2 Two Strategic Objectives (SO) aim to encourage sustainable travel, as follows:

 SO 3 To reduce the need to travel, manage car use, promote more sustainable modes of transport and improve the road network to the north and south of Preston.  SO 4 To enable easier journeys into and out of Preston City Centre and east/west trips across South Ribble, improve movement around Chorley, as well as safeguard rural accessibility, especially for mobility impaired people.

2.5.3 Policy 3: Travel lists a service of measures to help encourage sustainable travel as follows:

 a) Reducing the need to travel;  b) Improving pedestrian facilities;  c) Improving opportunities by for cycling;  d) Improving public transport;  e) Enabling travellers to change their mode of travel on trips;  f) Encouraging car sharing;  g) Managing car use;  h) Improving the road network;  i) Enabling the use of alternative fuels for transport purposes.

2.6 Chorley Local Plan (2012-2026)

2.6.1 The Local Plan was adopted by Chorley Council (CC) in July 2015. The plan forms part of the statutory development for Chorley, and the role of said plan is twofold:

 ‘To identify the scale of development in each settlement and allocate sites to meet the development needs of Chorley over a 15 year period in order to achieve the vision for growth as outlined in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy.  To identify key local issues and provide a set of policies to manage change which will be used by decision makers to determine planning applications. These are known as Development Management (DM) Policies.’

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2.6.2 Increasing the accessibility of the borough (for homes, jobs, open space, recreation etc.) and influencing travel patterns to encourage alternatives to the car (to reduce emissions, congestion and poor air quality) are key aims of the Plan. Most journeys in Chorley are taken by car, causing increased congestion and pollution. Predictions for future car use indicate that this travel preference is likely to continue.

2.6.3 The Plan sets out the broad principles to tackle this by encouraging walking and cycling for shorter trips, and supporting bus and rail travel for longer journeys. Through the Local Plan, the Council seeks to ensure that the development or protection of land influences travel choices and improves accessibility.

2.6.4 Four sustainable travel policies have been devised to help achieve CS SO3 and SO4 and align with CS Policy 3. These policies are:

 Policy ST1: New Provision or Improvement of Footpaths, Cycleways, Bridleways and their associated facilities in existing networks and new development;  Policy ST2: Rail Facilities, Electrification and Improvement;  Policy ST3: Road Schemes and Development Access; and  Policy ST4: Parking Standards.

2.7 Manual for Streets

2.7.1 Manual for Streets (MfS) was published on behalf of the DfT and Communities and Local Government in March 2007 and provides advice for the design of residential streets in and Wales.

2.7.2 The focus of MfS is to demonstrate the:

‘benefits that flow from good design and assigns a higher priority to pedestrians and cyclists, setting out an approach to residential streets that recognises their role in creating places that work for all members of the community. MfS refocuses on the place function of residential streets, giving clear guidance on how to achieve well-designed streets and spaces that serve the community in a range of ways’ (MfS page 7).

2.7.3 The guidance addresses many common design principles and discusses detailed design issues, often presenting recommended design criteria. Some of the key principles of MfS include:

 The need to shift from focusing on designing for motor vehicles to designing streets around the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users which in turn enhances safety;  Good design can help to create and strengthen a sense of place and community;  Creating streets that are permeable and offer good quality connections to main destinations for all road users;  Inclusive design that recognises the needs of people of all ages and abilities; and  Cost-effective construction often by avoiding over-designing.

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2.7.4 In September 2010 a companion document Manual for Streets 2 - wider application of the principles (MfS2) was published. This document expands on some of the design principles of MfS and provides examples of places where designs based on these principles have been implemented.

2.8 LCC’s Creating Civilised Streets

2.8.1 LCC has its own highways design guidance for new developments, entitled Creating Civilised Streets (CCS), which was adopted in 2010 and is based on MfS. CCS provides guidance on the design of new residential streets and changes to existing street environments although the advice states that many of the key principles may be applicable to other locations such as mixed priority routes. The foreword adds the cautionary note that ‘It is the users’ responsibility to ensure the guidance is applied in an appropriate, sensible and reasonable manner’.

2.8.2 CSS shares many MfS principals but there are several subject areas on which it provides guidance that MfS does not. For instance, junction spacing for same side junctions should be based on the stopping sight distance (SSD) for the road. No guidance is provided on the spacing of opposite junctions.

2.9 Summary

2.9.1 This section has outlined national and local transport policies and guidance which are applicable to the development site. How the site conforms to and complements these policies and guidance will be discussed in the following sections of this report, where relevant.

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3.1 Site Description

3.1.1 The application site is currently undeveloped and in agricultural use. It is located to the west of the village of Eccleston, adjacent to the existing residential developments accessed via The Hawthorns and Banner Close to the east.

3.1.2 Doctors Lane forms the southern boundary of the site, residential properties accessed via the abovementioned The Hawthorns and Banner Close form the eastern boundary, a small field which is now subject to a planning application for 15 dwellings forms the northern boundary and Tincklers Lane and open countryside form the western boundary of the site.

3.1.3 Eccleston itself is within the county of Lancashire, located circa 10km to the west of Chorley, circa 16km to the south of Preston and circa 16km to the north-west of .

3.1.4 The location of the site in the context of Eccleston and local highway network is illustrated in Image 3.1.

Image 3.1: Site Location Plan

© OpenStreetMap contributors

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3.2 Public Rights of Way

3.2.1 Image 3.2, an extract from LCC’s Maps & Related Information Online (MARIO), shows the local public rights of way (PRoW).

Image 3.2: Local Public Rights of Way


3.2.2 The above image shows that there are no PRoW that pass through the site. There are however two footpaths (FP) that lead from Tincklers Lane west of the site. These are FP10 and FP3 which connect to each other further west and lead to FP11 which links Towngate to Syd Brook Lane.

3.2.3 There are no formal cycle routes in the vicinity of the village but the roads are relatively lightly trafficked making them naturally conducive to cycling.

3.3 Local Highway Network

Doctors Lane

3.3.1 Doctors Lane, as mentioned above, forms the southern boundary of the site and runs in a generally west to east alignment. To the west if forms a priority controlled junction with Tincklers Lane and to the east it forms a priority controlled crossroads with The Green.

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3.3.2 The road is single carriageway fronted mainly by residential properties but it also provides access to the Eccleston Health Centre and Eccleston Primary School both located to the east of the site, as well as Eccleston Cricket Club to the south of the site. The carriageway is circa 6m in width with footways circa 2m in width being provided on both sides of the carriageway east of the site.

3.3.3 The speed limit along Doctors Lane changes. The section of the road from Tincklers Lane to the eastern boundary of the site is subject to the National Speed Limit (60mph), this reduces to 30mph from the site frontage to Cricketers Green where it then reduces to 20mph up to its junction with The Green. This section of 20mph is enforced by speed cushions. Street lighting is provided from the eastern boundary of the site into the village centre.

3.3.4 It should be noted that a pair of bus stops are located on Doctors Lane near to Eccleston Primary School, however site notices suggest these stops are no longer in use. The nearest bus stops are therefore located on The Green near to its junction with Doctors Lane.

Tincklers Lane

3.3.5 There are two sections of Tincklers Lane in the vicinity of the site. One, classified as the C192, is essentially the continuation of Doctors Lane and connects the village to Mawdesley and on to the A59 via the B5246 further west. The second section, classified as the U700, forms the western boundary of the site and links Doctors Lane to Towngate at the northern edge of the settlement. This second section is subject to national speed limit between Doctors Lane and the north-west corner of the site where the speed limit reduces to 30mph further north.

Banner Close

3.3.6 This is a residential cul-de-sac circa 70m to 80m in length that provides access to a small number of houses that lie to the east of the site. It forms a priority controlled junction with Doctors Lane, it is circa 6m in width, has circa 2m wide footways in both verges, is subject to a 30mph speed limit and has street lighting. Highway boundary records indicate that the turning head toward the northern end of the cul-de -sac would appear to directly abut the site boundary.

The Hawthorns

3.3.7 This is another residential cul-de-sac that provides access to a large number of houses and also lies to the east of the site. It is circa 6m in width, has circa 2m wide footways in both verges and is subject to a 20mph speed limit as enforced by speed humps. Street lighting is also provided. There is a small cul-de-sac off the western section of The Hawthorns, and highway boundary records indicate that it appears to directly abut the proposed development site.

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3.4 Existing Traffic Conditions

Site Visit Observations

3.4.1 Several site visits have been undertaken at varying times of the day since January 2020. It was observed during the site visits that traffic flows along Tincklers Lane and Doctors Lane were fairly low. Flows along the B5250 Towngate/The Green were higher, as to be expected given its ‘B’ classification, although there were sufficient gaps in the flow to make turning out of site roads relatively easy with only minimal delay. No significant queues or delays were observed anywhere on the local highway network.

Traffic Surveys

3.4.2 During scoping discussions (Appendix A), LCC stated that they would not accept new traffic surveys in the form of turning counts given the influence that the coronavirus pandemic has had on travel patterns. However during the meeting on 1st October 2020, LCC did agree to the use of speed survey data for use in access design. This is consistent with the recent advice we have received from other highway authorities in England.

3.4.3 An automatic traffic count (ATC) was therefore undertaken at the approximate location of the proposed access on Doctors Lane for 7-days from Friday 9th October 2020. A summary of the recorded vehicle speeds are provided in Table 3.1. The raw survey data is provided in Appendix B.

Table 3.1: Speed Survey Results Summary

Speed (mph) Direction Average 85th %ile Eastbound 33.9 39.5 Westbound 34.0 40.1

3.4.4 The recorded average speeds are somewhat reassuring given that they were recorded on approach to and exit from the 30mph speed limit section of Doctors Lane. The 85th percentile speeds are circa 40mph and have been used in the proposed access design as detailed in Section 4.

3.4.5 Alternative data sources have been considered to quantify typical traffic flows. LCC have helpfully provided data for two locations below:

 C192 Tincklers Lane west of Tincklers Lane Cottage 02/05/14-15/05/14; and  C192 Doctors Lane outside of Eccleston Primary School 03/10/13-09/10/13.

3.4.6 A summary of the weekday average flows recorded is provided in Table 3.2. LCC’s raw survey data is included in Appendix B.

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Table 3.2: LCC Results Summary 2013 & 2014 – Traffic Flows 5-day Average

C192 Tincklers Lane May 2014 C192 Doctors Lane October 2013 Time Eastbound Westbound 2-way Eastbound Westbound 2-way 0800-0900 183 166 349 122 131 253 1700-1800 188 194 382 121 160 280

3.4.7 Whilst there is around 7-months between the dates of the two LCC surveys, there is a difference of around 100 vehicles during both peak hours. This is most likely due to some of the traffic using the U700 section of Tincklers Lane to the west of the site as well as the local residential side roads. LCC’s C192 Tincklers Lane data has been used in a junction capacity assessment of the proposed site access as a worst-case, despite around 100 of these trips being unlikely to pass the site access. This assessment is detailed in Section 6.

3.5 Highway Safety Review

3.5.1 Accident data has been obtained from LCC’s MARIO service and Crashmap in order to undertake a review of local highway safety. The former includes data for 2014-2017 only, so the latter source has been used for 2018 and 2019. The study area consists of Doctors Lane, The Green, Towngate and the C192 and U700 sections of Tincklers Lane as agreed with LCC (Appendix A).

3.5.2 An extract from MARIO which shows the extent of the study area and the accidents that were reported between 2014 and 2017 is provided as Image 3.3. The blue symbols show where motor vehicle and adult only accidents occurred while the green ones show where accidents involving a child, cyclist or pedestrian occurred. Further details of the accidents from MARIO are provided in Appendix C.

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Image 3.3: Accident Study Area – MARIO (2014-2017)


3.5.3 An extract from Crashmap showing the study area and the accidents that were reported in 2018 and 2019 is provided as Image 3.4. The amber symbols indicate where a slight accident occurred and the red symbols indicate where a serious accident occurred. The accidents reports purchased from Crashmap are provided in Appendix C.

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Image 3.4: Accident Study Area – Crashmap (2018-2019)


3.5.4 In total, there were 19 accidents within the study area in the 6-year period, 5 of which resulted in serious injuries, with the remaining 14 accidents resulting in slight injuries. The annual breakdown of numbers and type of classification is shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3: Summary of Reported Injury Accidents

Severity Year Total Slight Serious Fatal 2014 3 1 0 4 2015 5 1 0 6 2016 1 0 0 1 2017 3 0 0 3 2018 1 0 0 1 2019 1 3 0 4 Total 14 5 0 19 Severity % 74% 26% 0% 100%

3.5.5 There was a peak of 6 accidents in 2015 with 4 accidents occurring in both 2014 and 2019. There was a disproportionate number of 3 serious accidents in 2019 compared to 1 slight. No fatal accidents occurred.

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3.5.6 From consideration of the locations of accidents from Images 3.3 and 3.4, they were generally dispersed across the study area with the exception of a cluster of 6 accidents at the junction of Doctors Lane/The Green/Lawrence Lane. The majority of accidents occurred on the B5250.

3.5.7 The details of the accidents have been studied in order to identify any common causation factors, particularly any associated with highway layout. First, considering the serious accidents in detail, the one that occurred in 2014 involved a group of 3 cyclists who appear to have been hit by a car on the C192 section on Tincklers Lane on approach to Tincklers Bridge. The road narrows towards the bridge with the road also bending slightly, but for the car to hit 3 cyclists suggests that the car driver may have been at fault and possibly driving too fast. The serious accident in 2015 was on The Green arm of the Doctors Lane/The Green/Lawrence Lane crossroads and occurred when a car hit a child pedestrian.

3.5.8 The first serious accident in 2019 took place on a February evening at The Green’s junction with Red House Lane where an elderly pedestrian was hit by a car when the driver was in the act of turning left. It was dark at the time of the accident although streetlights were illuminated. The second occurred in April on Towngate to the south of The Fields, when an elderly driver hit a pedestrian who was reportedly standing in the carriageway. The third serious accident happened in December when a car collided with the rear of a stationary bus resulting in serious and slight injuries to two elderly passengers and slight injury to the car driver.

3.5.9 Of the cluster of accidents at the Doctors Lane/The Green/Lawrence Lane crossroads, in addition to the serious accident mentioned above, 1 was a collision between 2 cars on The Green, 1 was collision between a car and a light goods vehicle (LGV) on the Doctors Lane arm, 2 were collisions between a car and a bicycle on The Green and 1 was when a car hit a pedestrian. A speed camera is in place to the north of the junction.

3.5.10 A single slight accident occurred at the site frontage on Doctors Lane which was a collision between two cars in November 2014. The other slight accidents in the study area varied in their nature, with 3 involving motorcyclists coming off their vehicles on Towngate apparently without colliding with other vehicles, suggesting a loss of control, 1 being two cars colliding on The Green, 1 being a car hitting a cyclist on The Green, 1 a car hitting a pedestrian on The Green and 1 being a motorcyclist hitting a pedestrian on The Green. No accidents were reported on the U700 section of Tincklers Lane, none occurred at the Tincklers Lane/Towngate junction and none were reported on the local residential streets.

3.5.11 From consideration of the above, the majority, if not all of the accidents, would appear to be attributable to driver, rider, cyclists or pedestrian error. There is no evidence to suggest that the development proposals will exacerbate any existing highway safety issues.

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4.1 Development Description

4.1.1 Redrow is seeking outline planning permission for up to 80 dwellings on land to the east of Tincklers Lane, Eccleston. 30% of the dwellings will be designated as ‘affordable’. The nature of the application will mean that all matters will be reserved except for the main vehicular access.

4.1.2 Other documents submitted as part of the planning application will provide details relating to the composition of housing to be provided on-site and any areas of public open space. These documents should be available via the online CC planning portal.

4.1.3 An Illustrative Masterplan has been produced by Urban Green and forms part of the supporting documentation for the planning application. The Illustrative Masterplan shows an internal primary road which provides access to secondary streets and private driveways. The areas to be developed are fringed by green infrastructure.

4.2 Access Strategy

4.2.1 The proposed access arrangement is illustrated in Drawing P20003-001E in Appendix D and follows pre-application discussions with LCC.

Vehicular Access

4.2.2 Access is to be taken via a simple priority controlled (‘T’) junction roughly halfway along the Doctors Lane frontage with this being the predominant form of junction for residential side roads in the area. The access will conform with LCC’s design standards and have a 5.5m wide carriageway with 6m corner radii.

4.2.3 Care has been taken to preserve the oak tree to the east of the proposed access which has had an influence on the access location. In order to ensure that the access is in a safe location, visibility splays have been based on the observed 85th percentile speeds shown in Table 3.1, with the stopping sight distance (SSD) based on the MfS2 calculation as follows:

SSD = vt + v²/2(d+0.1a) where: v = speed (m/s) t = driver perception-reaction time (seconds) d = deceleration (m/s²) a = longitudinal gradient (%)

4.2.4 Table 10.1 in MfS2 provides a recommendation of variable SSD criteria. For speeds of 60kph (37mph) and below, a reaction time of 1.5s and deceleration rate of 0.45g (equivalent to 4.41m/s²) should be

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used; for speeds above 60kph, a reaction time of 2s and deceleration rate of 0.375g (3.68m/s²) (absolute), should be used.

4.2.5 The observed speeds have been input into the SSD calculation provided above, to derive required stopping sight distances, otherwise known as the ‘y’ distance, of 83m to the east and 81m to the west. Note that these are rounded-up distances to include vehicle bonnet length which is not necessary for visibility splays but presents robust lengths and were stated by LCC during pre-application discussions.

4.2.6 In-line with MfS and LCC guidance, an ‘x’ distance of 2.4m will be used, which ‘represents a reasonable maximum distance between the front of the car and the driver’s eye’ (MfS2 paragraph 10.5.6). Collectively the ‘x’ and ‘y’ distances are referred to as the visibility splays.

4.2.7 Visibility splays of 2.4m x 83m to the east and 2.4m x 81m to the west have been presented on the Proposed Access Strategy Drawing P20003-001E contained within Appendix D. It is important to note that the abovementioned visibility splays lie within the adopted highway. The access has been proposed in the location shown as it allows the visibility splay to be achieved without the need to remove the oak tree.

4.2.8 Realistically, traffic speeds on this section of Doctors Lane will naturally reduce with the development in place as drivers will be aware that they are entering a residential area, however to help reduce speeds and improve highway safety, Redrow are willing to fund a Traffic Regulation Order via Section 106 (S106) Agreement in order to extend the 30mph speed limit on Doctors Lane to the west of the junction with U700 Tincklers Lane as discussed with LCC during the pre-application stage. This, along with the suggested gateway/traffic calming features, are shown on Drawing P20003-001E (Appendix D). Details of street lighting will be provided at the reserved matters stage.

Access for Pedestrians and Cyclists

4.2.9 The pedestrian and cyclist access strategy has been carefully considered. It would be fairly commonplace for a development such as this to provide footway along the site frontage, as originally requested by LCC, however digging into the root protection area (RPA) of the oak tree to provide a footway would likely harm it, even if non-standard construction methods were used given the proportion of the RPA that would be affected. Therefore it is proposed to provide a footway internally to the site, set-back from the road, running east from the vehicular access to the point opposite the Cricket Club access, which avoids the RPA. An uncontrolled dropped kerb crossing with tactile paving is proposed at this point over Doctors Lane, providing connectivity with the cricket club and the existing southern footway provision. We believe that this is the most appropriate form of crossing given the relatively low traffic flows on Doctors Lane and limited demand for pedestrians to cross in this location, as discussed and agreed with LCC during the meeting on 1st October 2020.

4.2.10 LCC originally requested the extension of the existing footway provision on the southern side of Doctors Lane opposite the site, however arboricultural advice has suggested that the construction of

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said footway would harm the group of oak trees in the verge. This, in combination with the very limited demand for people to walk in that direction due to the lack of amenities, means that this should not be required and was agreed with LCC during the meeting on 1st October 2020.

4.2.11 The proposed section of northern footway along the eastern section of site frontage would then connect to the existing footway provision on Doctors Lane. The existing provision immediately adjacent to the site is narrow at approximately 0.7m-0.8m wide, however there is scope to widen the footway by utilising some of the adjoining carriageway width. Doctors Lane widens from 5.5m along the site frontage to circa 6m east of the site. Utilising some of this available highway and continuing the 5.5m carriageway width from the site frontage up to the Banner Close junction would enable the existing footway to be widened to circa 1.2m wide outside of the neighbouring property, over a length measuring approximately 16m. Whilst it recognised that this is below the preferred 2.0m width, 1.2m is the best which can be achieved within the available highway, without reducing the carriageway width below 5.5m, which is wide enough to allow two HGVs to pass. 1.2m is also regarded as a sufficient width for the passage of those with pushchairs, wheelchairs or mobility scooters. In the rare occurrences when there are pedestrians and those with mobility aids travelling in opposite directions, there will be ample opportunity for people to give-way to one another on the 2.0m section along the site frontage or at the Banner Close junction.

4.2.12 A pedestrian/cycle access will also be provided at The Hawthorns towards the north-east corner of the site, which is afforded circa 2m wide footways, streetlighting and traffic calmed roads. This connection offers a pleasant alternative through a residential estate to reach the village centre and local amenities, including the public open space in the centre of The Hawthornes.

4.2.13 An additional pedestrian/cycle connection can potentially be provided onto Tincklers Lane at the north-western corner of the site, at the request of LCC, which in turn provides greater access to the two PRoWs located to the west of Tincklers Lane. Whilst there is no existing footway provision along this section on Tincklers Lane, the PRoW are existing, and pedestrians will be able to walk in the verges either side of the road which is not uncommon for such rural settings and connection to rural PRoWs. To warn drivers of the presence of pedestrians and encourage slower speeds, ‘SLOW’ road markings and ‘Pedestrians in road ahead’ signage will be provided on the approaches to the proposed pedestrian/cycle link and the PRoWs, with the exact locations to be agreed at the detailed design stage.

4.2.14 The pedestrian connections will facilitate a pedestrian route through the site between the existing provision on Doctors Lane and The Hawthorns to the PRoWs to the west of the site. The enhanced connection to the PRoW network should facilitate greater access to the countryside in line with paragraph 118 of NPPF.

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4.3 Access for Commercial Vehicles & Internal Layout

4.3.1 To demonstrate that the main vehicular access will be safe and suitable to serve the site for larger vehicles, a swept path analysis using the industry approved AutoTrack software package has been undertaken for a typical non-commercial refuse collection vehicle (Phoenix 2 Duo P2-15W with Elite 6x4 chassis) which represents the largest vehicle (11.2m long) expected to regularly access the site. The swept path analysis has been illustrated in Drawing P20003-200 in Appendix D which demonstrates that the vehicle can safely access and egress the site in forward gear.

4.3.2 It is expected that the masterplan associated with any reserved matters application will include turning areas within the site for such vehicles.

4.3.3 The design speed of the access road will be 20mph. While the internal layout will be subject to a separate reserved matters application by the house builder, it is expected that it will be based on LCC’s Creating Civilised Streets and MfS design guidance meaning that the layout will focus on the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users, create a sense of place and community, create permeable streets offering good quality connections and will recognise the needs of people of all ages and abilities. All of these should be achieved without over-designing.

4.4 Stage 1 Road Safety Audit

4.4.1 In accordance with LCC requirements, a Stage 1 Road Safety Audit (RSA) of the proposed eastern access has been undertaken. Prime commissioned the independent consultant six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd (six:TEN) to undertake the audit. The RSA was undertaken by two Society of Road Safety Auditors qualified professionals who undertook a site visit as part of the RSA on 19th November 2020. The RSA was carried out based on the DMRB document GG 119 – Road Safety Audit.

4.4.2 The RSA was based on the proposed access arrangement shown in Drawing P20003-001E and the associated swept path analysis in Drawing P20003-002. Traffic flow data from LCC’s survey on C192 Tincklers Lane, the speed survey results and the accident data from MARIO and Crashmap were also provided to the auditors. The Stage 1 RSA is provided in Appendix E.

4.4.3 The RSA identified three issues which are detailed below along with a Designers’ Response provided to each of them:

RSA Item 1

Location: Doctors Lane adjacent to proposed access

Summary: Lack of street lighting for new junction arrangement

It was observed on site that the proposed junction is located outside the limits of the existing street lighting system on Doctors Lane. A lack of street lighting at the proposed junction where increased

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vehicle turning manoeuvres will take place may increase the risk of vehicular and/or vehicular/pedestrian collisions during the hours of darkness.


The existing street lighting system on Doctors Lane should be extended to include the proposed junction and the approaches to it.

Designers’ Response to Item 1

4.4.4 A street lighting design will be provided at the reserved matters stage.

RSA Item 2

Location: Proposed access on Doctors Lane

Summary: Excessive vehicular encroachment into opposing lanes when turning into and out of proposed access

The swept path analysis drawing provided to the audit team, shows that a refuse vehicle encroaches into opposing traffic lanes when carrying out turning manoeuvres into an out of the proposed access. Whilst it is recognised that some encroachment may occur, it is felt that the encroachment into opposing traffic lanes is excessive and may increase the risk of head-on or side-impact collisions.


The proposed junction arrangement should be amended to reduce the amount of vehicular encroachment into opposing lanes when carrying out turning manoeuvres into and out of the proposed access.

Designers’ Response to Item 2

4.4.5 The previous version of the design included 10m corner radii at the access to better accommodate such vehicles, however LCC specifically requested 6m corner radii therefore they were reduced to this. They can be increased should LCC prefer.

RSA Item 3

Location: Proposed uncontrolled pedestrian crossings on Banner Close

Summary: Existing landscaping/fencing within 3rd party land may obscure pedestrian/driver intervisibility

The intervisibility between pedestrians crossing Banner Lane at the proposed uncontrolled pedestrian crossings and drivers turning into Banner Close from Doctors Lane may be obscured by existing landscaping/fencing within 3rd party land on the corners of Banner Close. This reduction of

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intervisibility may increase the risk of pedestrian/vehicular collisions as crossing pedestrians fail to sufficiently appreciate approaching traffic and vice versa.

It is also noted that the proposed uncontrolled pedestrian crossings do not appear to be located on the pedestrian desire line for those wishing to cross Banner Close


The proposed pedestrian dropped crossings should be relocated if pedestrian/driver intervisibility is found to be obscured by the existing landscaping/fencing.

Designers’ Response to Item 3

4.4.6 The comment is noted. The uncontrolled crossing has been proposed in this location as it is at the point of the shortest distance for pedestrians to cross Banner Close. It can however be moved onto the radii at the detailed design stage.

4.5 Parking

4.5.1 Parking provision within the site will be the subject of a reserved matters application once the final housing mix is confirmed. The reserved matters application will be expected to be fully compliant with Chorley Council’s parking standards as contained in ‘Appendix A’ of the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026. Table 4.1 below is an extract from the parking standards.

Table 4.1: Extract from Chorley Council’s Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026

4.6 Summary

4.6.1 As described in this section, a vehicular only access will be taken via a simple priority controlled (‘T’) junction roughly halfway along the Doctors Lane frontage. Three separate pedestrian/cycle connections can potentially also be provided, one being at the south-east corner onto Doctors Lane, one at the north-east corner onto The Hawthorns and another at the north-west corner onto Tincklers Lane. The two eastern pedestrian access points to the north and south of the proposed development offer a choice of routes to the various local amenities within the village. The pedestrian accesses facilitate greater connectivity and access to the local PRoW network.

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4.6.2 The proposed access arrangement has been subject to an independent Stage 1 RSA which raised three minor issues which can be addressed at the detailed design stage.

4.6.3 The development proposals, particularly the vehicular, pedestrian and pedestrian/cycle only access would conform to national and local policy and guidance in terms of accessibility and access to the countryside. The design of the access road and additional pedestrian/cycle connections as described above comply with the standards set out in LCC’s Creating Civilised Streets and MfS. As such the design will also conform to and complement several local and national policies including Local Plan Policies ST1 and ST3, Core Strategy Objectives SO3 and SO4 as well as the goals and transport priorities of LCC’s LTP

4.6.4 The design reflects the MfS principles of inclusive design, shifting from focusing on designing for motor vehicles to designing streets around the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users, controlling speeds, not overdesigning and creating permeable streets. These principles in turn help the site to conform to NPPF guidance including paragraph 108 in terms of giving priority to pedestrian and cycle movements, ‘safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all users.’

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5.1 Introduction to Sustainable Modes of Transport

5.1.1 National and local transport planning policy centres on the importance of sustainable development, meaning that new developments should be located in areas where there is access to sustainable modes of travel, or where sustainable modes of travel can be introduced. The National Design Guide (2019) defines sustainable transport modes as:

‘Any efficient, safe and accessible means of transport with overall low impact on the environment, including walking and cycling, low and ultra low emission vehicles, car sharing and public transport.’

5.1.2 Walking, cycling and public transport are commonly regarded to be the most sustainable modes of transportation. This section of the report will describe how the site can be accessed by these modes.

5.2 Access on Foot

5.2.1 The site is located adjacent to existing residential areas and close to the centre of Eccleston. The proposed pedestrian accesses will connect to the existing lit footways on Doctors Lane and The Hawthorns all of which provide connection to the amenities of the village. The proposed uncontrolled crossing at the south-east corner of the site on Doctors Lane will provide a safe crossing point for any pedestrians wishing to cross here, such as those visiting the Cricket Club. The crossing facilities at the Banner Close junction, the Doctors Lane/Chaucer Close/Cricketers Green mini-roundabout, as well as the crossing points over Gillcroft and Marsden Close to the north of Doctors Lane will be upgraded with tactile paving. These locations are shown on Drawing P20003-300 in Appendix D.

5.2.2 Research has indicated that acceptable walking distances depend on a number of factors, including the quality of the development, the type of amenity offered, the surrounding area, and other local facilities. The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) document entitled Providing for Journeys on Foot (2000) suggests walking distances which are relevant to this application. These distances are shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: Suggested Acceptable Walking Distances

Commuting/School/ Elsewhere/Local Criteria Town Centres (m) Sightseeing (m) Services (m) Desirable 200 500 400 Acceptable 400 1000 800 Preferred Maximum 800 2000 1200 Source: CIHT Document ’Providing for Journeys on Foot’ (2000)

5.2.3 In order to highlight the site’s accessibility on foot, an indicative walking isochrone has been produced as shown in Figure 1 in Appendix E, which represents the site’s walking catchment with the CIHT’s

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‘Preferred Maximum’ distances of 1200m and 2000m for local service and commuting/school trips illustrated.

5.2.4 It can be seen from Figure 1 in Appendix E that the 1200m catchment encompasses much of the village and its day-to-day amenities including Eccleston Village Surgery, Hillcrest Veterinary Surgery, Eccleston Cricket Club, play park, Eccleston Millennium Green, St Mary the Virgin Church, several hot food takeaways, two car showrooms, petrol filling station with convenience store, off licence/convenience store, hairdresser/barber, optician as well as the fairly recent retail development containing a Sainsbury’s Local, pharmacy, Post Office, hair/beauty salons, café, florist, bakery and charity shop. The potential pedestrian connection at the north-west corner of the site could provide convenient access to FP10 and FP3 which may be popular for recreational walks and dog walking.

5.2.5 Similarly, when in consideration of the ‘Preferred Maximum’ 2000m commuting and education trip distance, several schools and places of employment are accessible. Some examples are Eccleston Primary School, St Mary’s Church of England School and Grove Park Industrial Estate, Grove Mill, multiple farms and numerous amenities in addition to the aforementioned ones which may offer employment opportunities over time.

5.2.6 Given the evidence presented in Figure 1 of Appendix E, walking can be considered to be a realistic and viable method of travel indicating that the site’s location is accessible via this sustainable mode.

5.3 Access by Cycle

5.3.1 It is widely recognised that cycling can offer an attractive alternative to short car trips, particularly those under 5km, but also as part of longer journeys by public transport.

5.3.2 The DfT’s Local Transport Note 2/08 Cycle Infrastructure Design states that:

‘The road is the most basic (and important) cycling facility available, and the preferred way of providing for cyclists is to create conditions on the carriageway where cyclists are content to use it, particularly in urban areas.’

5.3.3 A cycling isochrone showing the site’s catchment has also been produced using TRACC and is shown as Figure 2 in Appendix E. The figure illustrates 2000m and 5000m catchment ranges which equate to 10 minute and 25-minute journey times respectively which are based on the somewhat conservative or leisurely cycle speed of 12kph. Anecdotally, commuting cyclists are generally thought to travel at speeds between 15-20kph so a greater catchment may be more realistic.

5.3.4 All of the amenities which can be walked to from the site, as mentioned above, can similarly all be accessed through cycling. The additional distance with which cycling allows for means that the settlements of Mawdesley, Heskin, Ulnes Walton and Croston can all be cycled to, allowing future residents of the site to utilise the amenities/employment opportunities with which they provide. Croston train station can be cycled to, with Euxton Balshaw Lane train station only slightly exceeding

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this 5000m cycling distance. Rivington Business Centre and Charnock Services can also be accessed within this distance to the east of the site.

5.3.5 Figure 2 in Appendix E suggests that cycling will be a viable mode of travel for access to a number of local amenities, employment and educational opportunities.

5.3.6 The proposed site access point and dedicated pedestrian/cycle only accesses will complement the existing infrastructure and provide convenient routes that follow natural desire lines for future residents of the site. The improved connection to the local PRoW network will in turn facilitate greater access to the countryside.

5.4 Access by Bus

5.4.1 The nearest existing bus stops to the site are located on Towngate north of Tincklers Lane, around a 500m walk from the centre of the site, and on The Green south of Doctors Lane, around an 800m walk away. LCC, in their pre-app response, consider 800m as being an ideal waking distance for access to bus stops in an area such as this.

5.4.2 The northbound Towngate bus stop is marked, with this having a flagpole, as well as a bench nearby on the corner of the junction. The bus stops on The Green have flags and bus cages (carriageway markings) while the northbound stop benefits from a shelter and timetable information.

5.4.3 There is also a pair of bus stops on Doctors Lane outside Eccleston Primary School however these are currently served by the 810 school service only.

5.4.4 Table 5.2 summarises the services that can be accessed from the aforementioned bus stops, with the information correct as of October 2020. Timetable information for all the services mentioned above can be downloaded from

Table 5.2: Summary of Bus Services

Service Route Weekday Saturday

Wigan - Preston via Leyland, 0705 - 1858 0705 - 1858 Lostock Hall & Bamber Bridge 1 service/hr 1 service/hr 113 Preston - Wigan via Heskin, 0648 - 1932 0658 - 1932 Wrightington & Standish 1 service/hr 1 service/hr Ormskirk - Chorley via Charnock 0712 - 1942 0957 - 1947 Richard 1 service/2hr 1 service/2hr 337 Chorley - Ormskirk via 0708 - 1748 0753 - 1753 Mawdesley, Parbold & Burscough 1 service/2hr 1 service/2hr Southport - Chorley via Charnock 0745 - 1757 0757 - 1857 Richard 1 service/1hr-2hr 1 service/1hr-2hr 347 Chorley - Southport via 0853 - 1853 0853 - 1853 Mawdesley, Rufford & Crossens 1 service/1hr-2hr 1 service/1-2hr

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5.4.5 The 113 is the main service in the area providing hourly journeys between Wigan and Preston and settlements in between including Leyland, Lostock Hall, Bamber Bridge, Heskin, Wrightington and Standish. The journey time to Wigan takes less than 40-minutes. The services commence in the morning and continue into the evening.

5.4.6 The 337 provides services to Ormskirk and Chorley via Charnock Richard, Mawdesley, Parbold and Burscough every two hours from morning to evening. Journeys to Chorley take less than 25-minutes and journeys to Ormskirk take less than an hour.

5.4.7 The 347 provides serves to Southport and Chorley via Charnock Richard, Mawdesley, Rufford and Crossens every 1-2 hours. Journeys to Chorley take around 25-minutes while trips to Southport take around 55-minutes.

5.4.8 All of the above services operate Monday to Saturday and will offer viable options for commuting, retail and leisure use for many residents of the site. No services currently operate on a Sunday.

5.4.9 Six school services (766, 772, 783, 788, 810 and 812) also call at the stops, providing school day services to schools and colleges in Bretherton, Chorley, Croston, Buckshaw Village, Wrightington Bar and Appley Bridge. While these are school services, they are also available to adults.

5.4.10 The NPPF, at paragraph 110, states that developments should ‘so far as possible’, facilitate ‘access to high quality public transport’. The NPPF also acknowledges, at paragraph 103, that the opportunities to do so will vary between urban and rural locations. It is our opinion that the existing bus service provision in Eccleston is appropriate and reasonable for the size of development proposed. The development, by taking advantage of the existing footway connections to the abovementioned bus stops, does provide ‘appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes’ (paragraph 108 NPPF).

5.5 Access by Rail

5.5.1 As mentioned previously, Croston train station can be cycled to from the development site. This station can also be accessed through utilising the 113, 337 and 347 bus services, with the station itself providing alternative routes through to Preston and Ormskirk at an hourly frequency. Euxton Balshaw Lane train station may also appears to be within a reasonable cycling distance.

5.5.2 Wigan North Western and Wigan Wallgate train stations can be accessed through utilising the 113 bus service to Wigan bus station, followed by a short walk. These two stations provide connections through to Southport, Kirkby and Alderley Edge, as well as further afield destinations such as Leeds, Blackpool North, Glasgow Central, Euston and Windermere. In additional to cycling and travelling via bus, a car share trip or taxi journey to one of the local train stations can be considered to be a sustainable trip, particularly for longer distance journeys.

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5.6 Working from Home

5.6.1 It is expected that the developer will facilitate working from home by providing rooms or design features within each house to facilitate this along with broadband connections. It has been reported that facilities to work from home are key considerations for many new house-buyers as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and housebuilders are actively designing this into their new homes.

5.6.2 Working from home is highly sustainable as it does not generate vehicular traffic. Many employers, particularly of staff who have desk-based jobs, allow working from home and it has proven to be successful during the recent ‘lockdowns’. It is likely that many employers will continue this arrangement either full or part-time post-Covid-19.

5.7 Travel Plan

5.7.1 An Interim Travel Plan (TP) has been produced as part of the package of documents supporting the planning application. The document forms the start of an ongoing process to encourage and monitor the use of sustainable modes of travel. As many aspects of the TP will be applicable to this TA, a summary of the key points is as follows:

 Outlines the key local and national objectives of the TP process;  Sets initial targets for the reduction of single occupancy car driver trips;  Indicates potential measures that can be implemented to achieve these targets; and  Provides details of how the TP will be managed, monitored and reviewed.

5.8 Summary

5.8.1 This section of the report has demonstrated that the site is in a sustainable location where a range of local amenities and centres of employment and education are within nationally recognised acceptable walking and cycling distances. Croston and Euxton Balshaw Lane train stations can also be reached via bicycle.

5.8.2 The pedestrian and cycle connections to existing footways and to the local PRoW network, along with crossing improvements, should be of benefit to existing residents as well as residents of the proposed development.

5.8.3 The local bus services provide connections to the regional towns of Chorley, Leyland, Wigan, Ormskirk, and Southport and the city of Preston as well as smaller settlements such as Croston, Mawdesley, Charnock Richard and Standish. Connection can also be made via bus to rail services in Croston and Wigan. Many of the bus services operate during reasonable times to allow for commuting at traditional times of the day.

5.8.4 The applicant is highly likely to facilitate working from home.

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5.8.5 Mentioned above is the fact that a TP has also been produced in support of the development which provides encouragement for potential residents of the site to use sustainable modes of transport. It is hoped that a combination of the site’s sustainable location and design and adoption of the TP will help to maximise the use of sustainable modes of transport.

5.8.6 A key theme of national and local transport planning policy is that development should be located where the need to travel will be minimised and the use of sustainable transport modes can be maximised. As detailed in Section 2 of this report, the NPPF states that ‘significant development should be focused on locations which are or can be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport modes’, as well as providing ‘safe and suitable’ access for all.

5.8.7 It is therefore felt that, in relation to Paragraph 108 of the NPPF, ‘appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been – taken up’. In line with NPPF paragraph 118, the development should also help to improve access to the countryside.

5.8.8 The development proposals will also conform to and complement several local policies including CC Local Plan policies ST1 and ST3 and Core Strategy Objectives SO3 and SO4 as well as the goals and transport priorities of LCC’s LTP.

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6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 This section of the report details the methodology used to predict the demand associated with the proposed development. It then provides an assessment of the impact that it is likely to have on the highway network, including an assessment of the proposed site access. This methodology was agreed with LCC Highways during the virtual meeting on 1st October.

6.2 Traffic Growth

6.2.1 In accordance with GTA the forecast year of assessment is 2025, which represents the year of application (2020) plus five years. It is expected that the site will be fully built-out and occupied by this forecast year.

6.2.2 As explained in Section 3.4, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant influence on traffic flows meaning that new surveys at the time of this assessment would likely return data that would not be typical of normal conditions. We have therefore used LCC’s 2014 survey data from the C192 Tincklers Lane to the west of the site, shown in Table 3.2, for a capacity assessment of the proposed site access. Despite that age of the data, the survey was undertaken was during neutral traffic conditions and we believe that there has been little change in local traffic flows since then. Furthermore, the flows in the survey location are likely to be higher than those passing the proposed site access location given that some of the recorded traffic will have travelled via the U700 (north-south) section of Tincklers Lane. Use of this data therefore represents a robust assessment.

6.2.3 The 2014 observed traffic flows have been factored to 2025 using the DfT software TEMPro (Trip End Model Presentation Program) version 7.2. This package allows access to data used in the National Trip End Model (NTEM) and can be used to ‘provide summaries of traffic growth using data from the National Transport Model (NTM)’ (

6.2.4 In order to derive local traffic growth factors, the ‘Chorley 011’ Mid Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) was selected. Trip end growth factors for car drivers were derived and adjusted by NTM dataset AF15 for ‘rural’ area types and ‘minor’ (non-‘A’) road types.

6.2.5 We are not aware of any recent major consented developments. We are aware of the now completed development at The Carrington Centre which was constructed post-2014, however the level of TEMPro growth applied covers the associated increase in traffic.

6.2.6 The resulting unadjusted TEMPro growth factors are shown in Table 6.1 below.

33 P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment

Table 6.1: Traffic Growth Factors 2014-2025

Peak AM PM Factor 1.1061 1.1046

6.2.7 The growth rates shown in Table 6.1 above have been applied to the 2014 Observed flows resulting in the 2025 Without Development (baseline) flows.

6.3 Vehicular Trip Generation

6.3.1 Trip rates derived from the industry standard TRICS database were presented to LCC during scoping discussions (Appendix A). Despite a robust site selection process being used to include sites with similar geographical characteristics to the development site, LCC indicated that they would prefer use of higher trip rates which have been accepted on other residential development in Chorley. Whilst the rates were much higher than what we have had accepted by other highway authorities on developments in similar location, we have agreed to using LCC’s suggested trip rates as they will make the assessment even more robust. It should also be noted that these trip rates have been applied to 100% of the development quantum despite the 30% affordable homes statistically being likely to generate less traffic than the open market houses. A summary of these trip rates and the resultant trip generation applied to 80 dwellings is shown in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2: LCC Trip Rates and Resultant Trip Generation

LCC Trip Rates Trip Generation Peak Arrivals Departures Totals Arrivals Departures Totals AM 0.140 0.445 0.585 11 36 47 PM 0.437 0.226 0.663 35 18 53

6.3.2 Using the LCC’s suggested trip rates, the site is forecast to generate 47 two-way trips in the AM peak hour and 53 two-way trips in the PM peak hour, which is less than one trip per minute at the busiest times of the day. These trips would occur at the site access before dissipating across the highway network. Using the more recently derived TRICS trip rates (Appendix A) suggest that the site will generate 38 two-way trips in the AM peak and 39 in the PM peak.

6.4 Person Trip Rates

6.4.1 The number of non-car trips likely to be generated by the site has been forecast using 2011 Census Method of Travel to Work (MTW) data. The three lower layer super output areas (LSOA) Chorley 011C, 011D and 011E have been selected as they are the most local output areas that include the site location and the built-up area of Eccleston in its entirety, with the trip ends for each method of travel downloaded from Nomis (

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6.4.2 Several of the transport mode categories have been manually removed from the data for reasons including the observed census trips being very low or zero (e.g. taxi and underground), or they will not generate a trip (i.e. not in employment and working from home).

6.4.3 As the vehicular trips were calculated using local trip rates, factors have been derived between them and the total census car driver trips (1,690). The factors equate to 2.8% for the AM peak and 3.1% for the PM peak. They have then been applied to the other census modes to forecast the likely number of multimodal trips generated by the site. A summary of these multimodal trips is shown in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3: Forecast Multimodal Person Trips

Method of Travel to Work Census Trips Total Mode % AM Trips PM Trips Train 26 1.3% 1 1 Bus, minibus or coach 29 1.4% 1 1 Motorcycle/ scooter 18 0.9% 1 1 Driving a car or van 1,690 82.6% 47 53 Passenger in a car or van 119 5.8% 3 4 Bicycle 46 2.2% 1 1 On foot 117 5.7% 3 4 All Modes 2,045 100.0% 57 65 Factors 2.8% 3.1%

6.4.4 Based on the results in Table 6.3, the site is forecast to generate 57 and 65 total people trips in the AM and PM peaks respectively. Following driving a car (82.6%) being the most frequent method of travel likely to be used by residents of the site, trips as a car passenger (5.8%) and walking (5.7%) are likely to be the joint second most popular modes, generating circa 3 trips in the AM peak and 4 trips in the PM peak. The other modes listed are likely to generate single trips in each peak hour. It is acknowledged that train trips are likely to require another mode as part of the journey. Promotion of the TP measures should hopefully result in a gradual reduction in private car trips and an increase in the other more sustainable modes.

6.5 Trip Distribution

6.5.1 Traffic generated by the development proposal has been distributed on to the highway network based on 2011 Census Method of Travel to Work (MTW) data for car drivers using the ‘Chorley 011’ MSOA, which includes the whole of Eccleston and the surrounding areas. Origin-destination pairs containing five trips or less were removed from the data, accounting for less than 20% of the total trips, to make the data more manageable and to eliminate less common and generally longer distance trips from the dataset.

6.5.2 The main commuter destinations/origins (urban areas, industrial estates, business parks etc.) within each workplace MSOA were identified and the most likely route from/to the site, referred to as the primary route, was derived using web-based route planning software (Google Maps). Whilst some destinations may have more than one suitable route available, the most efficient routes (based on

35 P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment

travel time and distance) have been chosen in order to concentrate the traffic on these routes within the exercise, forming a worst-case assessment.

6.5.3 Three routes through the study area have been identified and are shown in Table 6.4 with a summary of the development trips that will be distributed along each also shown. The distribution calculation is shown in Appendix F.

Table 6.4: Distribution Summary

Route AM Trips PM Trips Route Example Destination % Arrivals Departures Arrivals Departures The Green S Wigan 30.6% 3 11 11 6 Preston, Chorley Tincklers Ln N North 57.9% 7 21 20 10 Croston, Bretherton, Tincklers Ln S West Lancashire 11.5% 1 4 4 2 Total - 100.0% 11 36 35 18

6.5.4 These development trips have then been added to the 2025 Without Development traffic flows and to represent the ‘2025 With Development’ scenario. The flows at the site access are illustrated in the Traffic Flow Diagrams in Appendix G.

6.6 Impact Assessment

6.6.1 As can be seen from Table 6.4, over half of the trips are forecast to travel via the U700 section of Tincklers Lane onto Towngate, accounting for an increase of just 28 trips at the junction in the AM peak and 30 in the PM peak, equivalent to around one new trip every two minutes. Around 30% will travel via Doctors Lane then south on The Green, accounting for an increase of 14 AM and 17 PM trips at the Doctors Lane/The Green/Lawrence Lane crossroads. The remainder will travel south-west via the C192 section of Tincklers Lane, equivalent to an increase of just 5 and 6 trips in the respective peaks. This level of increase is likely to be less than the typical fluctuation in daily traffic flows.

6.6.2 GTA suggests an indicative threshold for junction capacity assessment as being 30 two-way trips, with this being a ‘useful point of reference from which to commence discussions’ though, ‘there is no suggestions that 30 two-way trips would, in themselves, cause a detrimental impact’. There are many considerations when it comes to the need for junction capacity assessment, with two important ones being a high level of existing traffic levels or evidence of existing delays and queues. Neither the Tincklers Lane/Towngate nor the Doctors Lane/The Green/Lawrence Lane junctions will experience an increase in traffic greater than 30 two-way trips as a result of the development.

6.6.3 The 30 trip threshold will be exceeded at the Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane junction with the development forecast to add 33 and 36 two-way trips to it in the respective peak hours, but given that both roads are lightly trafficked, the junction should easily be able to accommodate the

36 P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment

development traffic without any need for mitigation, thought the extension of the 30mph speed limit suggested should make it easier for turning traffic at the junction.

6.6.4 There is no evidence to suggest that that the development traffic will result in anything but a negligible impact.

Proposed Site Access Junction Capacity Assessments

6.6.5 To provide LCC with assurance that the proposed site access is sufficient to serve the development, a capacity assessment has been undertaken using the PICADY module of the industry standard software Junctions 9, developed by TRL Software.

6.6.6 When interpreting the results, the capacity of each arm or movement is calculated as the Ratio of Flow to Capacity (RFC) with 0.85 representing the practical capacity threshold of the arm and 1.00 representing the theoretical capacity threshold. It is above the practical capacity threshold where capacity problems begin to occur while exceeding the theoretical capacity means that arms are over capacity.

6.6.7 Modelled queues are shown in passenger car units (PCUs), this being equivalent to a distance of 5.75m which is the length of road space (car length plus gap length) that a typical car will occupy when queuing. The default assumption of 10% heavy vehicles has been used in order to add to the level of robustness of the assessment, although the actual proportions of heavy vehicles along Doctors Lane are much lower. Conservative geometric values have been used, again, to be robust.

6.6.8 All traffic flows have been input based on the ‘ONE HOUR’ (ODTAB) option which synthesises a ‘peak within a peak’ at the middle of the time period modelled and as such is considered the worst-case form of assessment in terms of impact.

6.6.9 All model report outputs are included in Appendix H. A summary of the results is provided in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5: Junction Capacity Assessment Results

AM PM Arm RFC Q (PCU) RFC Q (PCU) 2025 With Development Site Access 0.09 0.1 0.05 0.1 Doctors Lane (east) 0.01 0.0 0.03 0.0

6.6.10 The capacity assessment results for the site access junction show no operational problems, with a maximum RFC of 0.09. The proposed site access will therefore operate with a considerable level of spare capacity and is appropriate to serve the development.

37 P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment

6.7 Summary

6.7.1 This section has explained the traffic forecasting methodology and capacity assessment used to determine the suitability of the proposed site access and the surrounding highway network to accommodate the development proposal.

6.7.2 It has been demonstrated that traffic will dissipate across the local highway network and will result in an increase of no greater than one trip per minute at the key local junctions, a level of increase that is unlikely to be perceivable to road users and less than the typical daily fluctuation in traffic. It has also been demonstrated that the proposed site access will operate with a considerable level of spare capacity and is appropriate to serve the development.

6.7.3 The development proposals are unlikely to result in an ‘unacceptable impact on highway safety’ and the cumulative impact of the development can certainly not be considered ‘severe’ meaning that according to paragraph 109 of the NPPF, as described in Section 2 of this report, the development should not be refused on transport grounds.

38 P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment


7.1 Summary

7.1.1 This Transport Assessment (TA) accompanies the proposal for a residential development comprising up to 80 dwellings located on land to the east of Tincklers Lane, Chorley.

7.1.2 Access is proposed to be provided via a new priority controlled junction, the geometry for which being compliant with LCC’s Creating Civilised Streets and MfS. Visibility splays using the MfS2 stopping sight distance calculation, based on recorded 85th percentile speeds measured on Doctors Lane, are achievable from the access. The applicant is willing to fund the extension of the existing 30mph speed limit to the west of the Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane junction along with supporting gateway features to help encourage slower speeds on approach to this part of the settlement.

7.1.3 The proposed access arrangement has been examined in an independent Stage 1 Road Safety Audit, which found minor issues, each of which can be best addressed at the detailed design stage.

7.1.4 The main site access is to be supplemented by dedicated pedestrian/cycle connections onto Doctors Lane close to the south-east corner of the site, The Hawthorns close to the north-east corner and onto the U700 section of Tincklers Lane at the north-west corner of the site. The two connections to the east provide pleasant walking routes to the main amenities in the centre of the village, while the one to the west provides better access to the local PRoW network. Additional safety features will be provided on Tincklers Lane in the form of ‘SLOW’ road markings and ‘Pedestrians in road ahead’ signage. An uncontrolled crossing over Doctors Lane is proposed at the south-east pedestrian access which will facilitate connection to the Cricket Club. The existing footway on the northern side of Doctors Lane between the site and Banner Close will be widened.

7.1.5 A number of pedestrian crossing improvements in the form of dropped kerbs and tactile paving are proposed on Doctors Lane at the junctions with Cricketers Green/Chaucer Close, Gillcroft and Marsden Close.

7.1.6 The access strategy maximises access via sustainable modes and the proposal includes measures to encourage travel by non-car modes.

7.1.7 The location of the site has been shown to be sustainable when considering access to and from the site by modes of travel other than the private car, particularly walking, cycling and public transport. It has been demonstrated that the local primary schools, places of employment and other local amenities are within nationally acceptable walking and cycling distances.

7.1.8 The bus stops in the vicinity of the site provide connections to regular services to some of the main towns in the area as well as Preston. This would make bus travel a viable option for some of the residents of the site.

39 P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment

7.1.9 A Travel Plan has been submitted alongside this TA which expresses a commitment by the applicant to encouraging and promoting travel via sustainable modes from and to the development.

7.1.10 An assessment of the capacity of the proposed site access has been undertaken which confirms that the access will have ample capacity to accommodate the development. It has also been demonstrated that the development will have a minimal impact on the capacity of the local highway network.

7.1.11 A review of personal injury accidents that have occurred on the local highway network has been undertaken for the most recent five-year period that the data was available for. An analysis of those accidents showed that there does not appear to be a proliferation of accidents in the area suggesting that highway safety is not an issue that would preclude the development of the site.

7.2 Conclusion

7.2.1 It is concluded that the proposed development would not result in an ‘unacceptable impact on highway safety’ nor have a ‘severe’ impact on the operation of the highway network terms of capacity. The impact could best be described as negligible and it is our view that no off-site mitigation measures should be required.

7.2.2 As the proposal complies with local and national planning policy and guidance with respect to sustainable accessibility, safety and impact on the highway network, there are no highways or transportation related reasons why planning permission should not be granted. Should the highway authority have any concerns, we are happy to consult further with them.

40 P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment



This page has been left intentionally blank David Stoddart

From: David Stoddart Sent: 09 November 2020 11:51 To: Tay, William Cc: Robinson, Glenn; [email protected] Subject: RE: PRE-PLANNING APPLICATION RESPONSE - PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - LAND OPPOSITE ECCLESTON CRICKET GROUND, ECCLESTON.


Many thanks for coming back to me and providing the traffic data.

I also appreciate your suggestion of absolute ‘y’ distances potentially being acceptable, this should allow us to locate that access slightly further west than shown.

The 10m corner radii is proposed due to the width of Doctors Lane being likely to result in quite a bit of crossing over onto the opposite side of the access by refuse collection vehicles. There should also be very little pedestrian activity at the vehicular access. I’m happy to provide 6m radii but I’m almost certain it will be flagged by the RSA.

I am however a little confused by your thoughts on the uncontrolled crossing (dropped kerbs and tactile paving) over Doctors Lane. We discussed this in our video call. The location is not suitable for a push-button crossing or a zebra, and provision of a refuge island would result in significant tree loss. If we don’t put dropped kerbs and tactile paving there, people who want to walk to/from the cricket club are likely to choose to cross there anyway. The level of vehicle-pedestrian intervisibility in this location is reasonable. We could maybe remove the tactile paving and keep the drop-kerbs. Alternatively, we could potentially continue the speed cushions from the Cricketers Green mini-roundabout and put a raised crossing in? Or, is there a specific feature you are looking for?

Again, we discussed the verge provision at the Doctors Lane site frontage in the video call. There is no footway provision to the west to connect to, and footway provision would likely require the loss of the tree at the site frontage. The 2m wide verge proposed essentially safeguards the land so that a footway can be provided in the future should there ever be a development which comes forward to the west of the site.

We are not currently proposing to provide a 30mph speed limit on the U700 Tinklers Lane, the signage shown on the plan is for southbound traffic on Tincklers Lane, at it will be entering the 30mph zone on Doctors Lane at the junction. We could offer to fund a TRO to provide a 30mph speed limit on U700 Tincklers Lane provided you were comfortable that it was an appropriate speed that could be enforced by LCC and the police?

I’d appreciate your thoughts and clarification on the above at your earliest opportunity.

Kind regards


David Stoddart Associate Director Prime Transport Planning

DD: +44 (0)151 728 1864 M: +44(0) 7944 446528

From: Tay, William Sent: 09 November 2020 10:41



Sorry we could not get back to you earlier on this.

The proposed location of the site access and the visibility splays based on the 85th percentile speeds of 39.5mph and 40.1mph are acceptable in principle. The proposed 0.5m offset is also acceptable in principle.

However, as the splays of 2.4m x 99m and 2.4m x 102m are based on 'desirable' Y-distances, please note that for this location, we may be willing to accept splays of 2.4m x 81m and 2.4m x 83m based on 'absolute' Y-distances if this would help avoid the tree in the easterly direction from the previously proposed position of the site access, which seems more preferable. If this proves unworkable, then please check if from the current proposed position of the access, the splay of 2.4m x 81m can be achieved (avoiding the tree) without the need for the 0.5m offset. Please note that visibility at the entrance to the 3.5m wide pedestrian/cycle link may also be obscured by the tree. If this is an issue, then there is an option of providing the footway on the east side of the proposed site access as shared pedestrian/cycle access with measures to design out any threats from vehicles. To prevent the pedestrian/cycle link being mistaken for a vehicle access, additional measures must be introduced to exclude vehicular access, be it at the current proposed location or elsewhere.

The proposed 10m corner radii of the site access is unusually large for the proposed scale of residential development and should be reduced to 6.0m

The proposed dropped kerbs and tactile pavings opposite the entrance to the Cricket Ground is unacceptable as it would falsely lead pedestrians, particularly vulnerable pedestrians such as the blind and the partially sighted to step onto the live carriageway where there is no surface level crossing such as zebra, pedestrian refuge or any of those mentioned in paragraph 6.3.9 of the MfS. While dropped kerbs and tactile pavings would be accepted at vehicle crossings across the footway, they would not be accepted where they would encourage pedestrians to cross the road at inappropriate locations with no surface level crossings, where their safety would be endangered.

The proposed 2.0m wide footway along the site frontage should extend the full width of the site boundary and extended into the U700 Tincklers Lane for at least 20m to ensure the safety of pedestrians who may be present at the junction. Therefore, the 2.0m wide verge proposed to be retained between the U700 Tincklers Lane and the site access would be unacceptable.

The entire U700 Tincklers Lane is currently subject to the national speed limit. Therefore, if as shown on plan, the section on the approach to the PROW-FP3 from north up to its junction with the C192 Tincklers Lane is to be made 30mph, this would require a TRO for speed limit change similar to the one to be implemented on Doctors Lane.

As requested, I have attached the LCC Highways Traffic Surveys carried out on Doctors Lane (2013) and the C192 Tincklers Lane (2014). The survey locations are indicated by the green triangles shown on the attached plan.

We hope the above is of help. Please let us know if you require any further assistance.


William Tay Engineer – Highways Development Support Highways and Transportation Lancashire County Council Tel: 01772 53 5213 Mobile: 07817 29 8072

2 Web:


Glenn / William,

Good to talk with you a few weeks ago. Following our discussions, we undertook a speed survey on Doctors Lane in the vicinity of the proposed access location. The results of the speed survey are attached. As you will see, the 85th percentile speeds were close to 40mph in each direction. This has resulted in us having to move the access slightly further west than the version we previously presented you with. In order to keep the access as central as possible, we are proposing a 0.5m offset from the kerb edge in the eastern direction (left hand splay on exit) to avoid the tree. We have agreed similar offsets with other highway authorities and I would hope it would be acceptable in this instance as it is in the non-critical direction and is less than the width of a cyclist so all road users would be clearly visible.

I would be most grateful for your thoughts on the access arrangement.

Also, during our meeting, you mentioned that you have some traffic flows for the C192 Tinklers Lane west of the settlement. Whilst the flows are dated, we can potentially still make use of them. Please can you send me these flows if still available.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


David Stoddart Associate Director Prime Transport Planning

DD: +44 (0)151 728 1864 M: +44(0) 7944 446528

From: Tay, William Sent: 28 September 2020 15:00 To: David Stoddart Cc: Robinson, Glenn ; David Schumacher ; '[email protected]' Subject: FW: PRE-PLANNING APPLICATION RESPONSE - PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - LAND OPPOSITE ECCLESTON CRICKET GROUND, ECCLESTON.

Thanks David.

Yes, MS Teams is ok and we are happy for our trip rates to be used.

William Tay Engineer – Highways Development Support Highways and Transportation Lancashire County Council 3 Tel: 01772 53 5213 Mobile: 07817 29 8072 Web:

From: David Stoddart Sent: 28 September 2020 14:56 To: Tay, William Cc: Robinson, Glenn ; David Schumacher ; '[email protected]' Subject: RE: PRE-PLANNING APPLICATION RESPONSE - PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - LAND OPPOSITE ECCLESTON CRICKET GROUND, ECCLESTON.

Hi William,

Thanks for getting back to me promptly. 11.30am this Thursday works well for Sally and myself. I will arrange a meeting and invite both Glenn and yourself. I presume you are ok if we use MS Teams?

I am guessing the trip rates you have provided are from quite a few years ago (I’d guess at over 10 years) as they are very high compared to more recent TRICS runs which produce much lower rates. However, if the rates you have suggested will be more acceptable to yourselves and hopefully members, then we will agree to use them in this instance, given that the site is relatively small in traffic generation terms.

I have updated our distribution with the revised trip rates as it will aid our discussions on Thursday. Please see attached map.

Kind regards


David Stoddart Associate Director Prime Transport Planning

DD: +44 (0)151 728 1864 M: +44(0) 7944 446528

From: Tay, William Sent: 28 September 2020 13:37 To: David Stoddart Cc: Robinson, Glenn ; David Schumacher ; '[email protected]' Subject: RE: PRE-PLANNING APPLICATION RESPONSE - PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - LAND OPPOSITE ECCLESTON CRICKET GROUND, ECCLESTON.


Thanks for your email.

I can confirm that we would be available for the meeting on Thursday, 1 October 2020 at 11:30.

With regard to the trip rates, it is acknowledged the highway network in this area is generally 'quite'. However, there is need to ensure peak hour trips to be generated by the development do not adversely impact the operation of the surrounding highway network.

4 Therefore, while your proposed trip rates seem acceptable, they are lower than trip rates previously agreed by LCC Highways for similar developments in the Chorley area. It is therefore considered that the following trip rates are used to assess the level of anticipated traffic demand of the development.

Arrivals Departures AM 0.140 0.445 PM 0.437 0.226


William Tay Engineer – Highways Development Support Highways and Transportation Lancashire County Council Tel: 01772 53 5213 Mobile: 07817 29 8072 Web:

From: David Stoddart Sent: 25 September 2020 14:01 To: Tay, William Cc: David Schumacher ; Robinson, Glenn ; LHS Developer Support ; Sally Riley Subject: RE: PRE-PLANNING APPLICATION RESPONSE - PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - LAND OPPOSITE ECCLESTON CRICKET GROUND, ECCLESTON.


Thanks for providing your response. There are a number of points raised which warrant further discussion. I would therefore like to take Glenn up on the offer of a Teams/Zoom call as soon as possible. Sally from Redrow (cc’d) would like to attend.

Our availability for the next two weeks is as follows:

 Monday 28th September after 10.30am;  Tuesday 29th September PM;  Wednesday 30th September all day after 9.30am;  Thursday 1st October after 11am;  Friday 2nd October 11am;  Monday 5th October all day after 9.30am; or  Tuesday 6th October 11am.

Also, I note you did not comment on our trip rates or distribution. Please can you confirm if they are acceptable.

Kind regards


David Stoddart Associate Director Prime Transport Planning

DD: +44 (0)151 728 1864 M: +44(0) 7944 446528 5

From: Tay, William Sent: 23 September 2020 13:20 To: David Stoddart Cc: David Schumacher ; Robinson, Glenn ; LHS Developer Support Subject: PRE-PLANNING APPLICATION RESPONSE - PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - LAND OPPOSITE ECCLESTON CRICKET GROUND, ECCLESTON.


Please find attached, the response to your recent pre-planning application enquiry.

I must apologise for the delay in responding.


William Tay Engineer – Highways Development Support Highways and Transportation Lancashire County Council Tel: 01772 53 5213 Mobile: 07817 29 8072 Web:


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Prime Transport Planning Tel 0781729 8072 9 Hurricane Court, Email [email protected] Liverpool International Business Park Your ref 60485 - 00603282 Estuary Boulevard, Our ref HDC/AW/D9/20/5200214786 Liverpool, L24 8RL Date 23/09/2020

FAO: David Stoddart & David Schumacher.

Dear Sir/Madam,

TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 Pre - Planning Application: 60485 - 00603282 Proposed residential development of up to 85 dwellings. Land opposite Eccleston Cricket Ground, Doctors Lane, Eccleston.

I refer to your enquiry dated 21 August 2020 in respect of the above pre-planning application. This note provides LCC Highways Development Support Teams Pre Application advice on the proposals as submitted.

The advice is given in good faith and without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application, which will be subject to public consultation and ultimately decided by the local planning authority. No advice given can prejudge or guarantee quite how the local planning authority may decide any particular case.

The Council's advice is current on the date it is given. Whilst every attempt will be made to identify reasonably foreseeable future influences the Council cannot guarantee that its advice will take these into account. This may extend to matters such as changes in planning policy or planning precedent. The advice in any event will expire 12 months after the date on which it is given.

The advice is given based on the following submitted documents.  Location Plan referenced, LC-01 dated 20.08.20  Indicative access plan referenced, P20003-001A dated 21 Jan 2020  Scoping Check List dated 21/08/20

While this pre-application advice does not form part of the local planning authorities planning process, it is likely that the advice will form the basis of a formal response to the local planning authority if an application is subsequently submitted.


The local highway network includes the C192 Doctors Lane, B5250 The Green, B5250 Towngate, U700 Tincklers Lane and the C192 Tincklers Lane.

The proposed site is fronted to the south by Doctors Lane and lies directly opposite the Eccleston Cricket Ground. It is edged to the east by residential houses of The Hawthorns and Banner Close and bounded to the west partly by the U700 Tincklers

Phil Durnell Director of Highways and Transport, Lancashire County Council PO Box 100 · County Hall · Preston · PR1 0LD

Lane and two residential houses separated by grass fields. The site is bounded to the north by an agricultural field.

Doctors Lane is a classified urban single 2-way road extending from The Green in the east to the C192 and U700 Tincklers Lane in the west. Its section from The Green up to approximately 30m west of the mini-roundabout at its junction with Chaucers Close and Cricketers Green is within a 20 mile per hour zone, but from this point up to approximately 35m west of Banner Close, there is a 30mph speed limit restriction. From the end of the 30mph speed limit restriction towards west, the rest of Doctors Lane is subject to the national speed limit similarly to the C192 and U700 Tincklers Lane which are also subject to the national speed limit.

As Doctors Lane is one of the secondary distributor roads that deliver traffic from collector roads in the west to the wider Eccleston, it is important that the impact of the proposed development and all other emerging developments in the area do not compromise reliability and safety in the movement of people and goods by any mode on any part of the network.

The proposed development will have significant transport and related environmental impacts, therefore in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), a detailed Transport Assessment (TA) and a Framework Travel Plan (FTP) will be required. The assessment should take account of the cumulative impact of the proposed and other committed developments in the area including an assessment of vehicular capacity on the highway network in the vicinity of the site in order to establish the potential impacts from the development as well as likely mitigation measures that may be required to sustain the development.

The specific elements to be included in the Transport Assessment (TA) are as follows.

Section A - Access Strategy Section B - Traffic Figures and Traffic Forecasts to include the following. a) Traffic Counts, Traffic Growth and Assessment Years b) Trip Rates c) Distribution d) Committed Development e) Planned and Development Led Network Changes f) Junction Operational Assessments B1 Accident Analysis B2 Provision for Equestrian, Pedestrian & Cycling, PROW B3 Public Transport Accessibility and Provision B4 Travel Plan Section C - Internal Site Layout, Parking Standards/Parking Provision and SUDS Section D - S278 Works Section E - Planning Obligations (s106 Planning Contributions)

Proposed development

The proposal is for residential development of up to 85 dwellings on the site described above. It is expected that an application for outline planning permission will be submitted in due course.


A - Access strategy

The submitted indicative access plan shows that the site would be accessed from Doctors Lane via a new 5.5m wide access with 6.0m corner radii. This would be acceptable, however, given the need for the access to be safe and suitable for all people, the following will be required.

 It should be demonstrated on any proposed plan that visibility splays of 2.4m x 90m in the east and 2.4m x 215m in the west directions of Doctors Lane and the C192 Tincklers Lane can be achieved. The stopping sight distances (SSDs) are based on the current prevailing speed limits of Doctors Lane, but the SSDs can be based on the 85th percentile speed of the road, which would require a speed survey to be conducted.  Swept path analysis will be required to demonstrate that large refuse and service vehicles can safely access and egress the proposed site access. Any proposed turning head within the development should be tracked to ensure they are adequate in size to be used by such large vehicles.  The proposed development will lead to increased pedestrian movements towards east of Doctors Lane as this is the obvious desire line including parents and children walking to the Eccleston Primary School. The footway on the south side of Doctors Lane currently ends at the entrance to the Cricket Ground, while that on the north side ends approximately 25m west of Banner Close. To accommodate the increased movements and ensure safe access for pedestrians, the applicant will be required to extend the footways on both sides of Doctors Lane from where they currently end in the east to at least 20m into both the C192 and U700 Tincklers Lane. The width of the extended footways should be 2.0m.  As there is currently no safe crossing point on the section of Doctors Lane fronting the site, it would be essential that provision is made for a surface level crossing to assist pedestrians to safely cross over the road. As the carriageway width and conditions in the road will determine the most relevant surface level crossing to be provided, LCC Highways will accept any of the level crossings specified in paragraph 6.3.9 of the Manual for Streets (MfS), except Uncontrolled Crossing and Informal Crossings as in the first and second bullet points of the paragraph which are not considered suitable for this location.  The site access and any proposed surface level crossing will be subject to stage 1 road safety audit once an 'in principle' design layout has been agreed. Any schemes agreed 'in principle' may be subject to change as part of detailed design under a s278 agreement.

B - Traffic figures and forecasts

a) Traffic counts, traffic growth and assessment years

Any traffic surveys conducted should take into account existing road closures and should preferably be conducted during school term times. The surveys should take into consideration and record any impacts that may arise from events that may compromise the outcome of the surveys. Traffic counts to be undertaken should also

3 record average queue lengths at appropriate intervals during peak periods. The period of the traffic surveys should be sufficient to clearly identify the AM and PM peak hours.

The assessment years should include the base, as the year of submission and the future year as 10 years beyond the base. The future year background traffic figures should be subject to TEMPRO/NTM growth factors.

It should however be noted that Traffic counts are currently at low levels as a result of measures taken by Government to tackle COVID-19. As such, LCC Highways is not requesting that new traffic counts be undertaken and is not accepting new traffic data collected after 23rd March 2020. The Traffic data is being continuously monitored at a few sites within Lancashire. This and other sites will be used to determine when new traffic data will be acceptable in Lancashire. Once LCC is satisfied that traffic levels have normalised, new traffic data will be accepted. Until LCC starts accepting new traffic survey data, any survey data during this period is likely to be flawed and if used will be at the applicant's own risk.

The assessment should quantify the impact of the proposed development on the highway network/transport system by providing an estimate of the person trips (for all modes) that are likely to be generated by the development. In preparing trip estimates, the travel characteristics of the proposed development should be established, and this should be based on a multi-modal assessment that identifies the number of person trips by mode and time period.

b) Trip rates

The trip rates are to be agreed with LCC as the highway authority and should be in line with those rates agreed for major developments within Central Lancashire.

c) Distribution

Traffic distribution derived from journey to work Census data in line with agreed distribution for previously approved development would be considered acceptable.

d) Committed developments

To ensure robust assessment, the applicant should include all committed and 'live' applications within a 'cumulative' development scenario. Developments that are yet to commence, currently being built, part operational and those completed but unoccupied should be included in the assessment. Some committed developments could be addressed by the use of Traffic Growth. It should be possible to obtain information on the committed developments from the Local Planning Authority.

e) Planned and development led network changes

In addition to the committed developments, network/infrastructure issues and potential changes should be taken into consideration. This makes the forecasting of appropriate future assessment traffic figures for the assessment of development proposals in this particular area complex. This is due to a wide range of factors that influence the forecasts and leads to a greater level of uncertainty than might otherwise be expected in an area.


The scale of committed and emerging developments can lead to a complex position with regard to reaching agreement on an acceptable Transport Assessment and interpretation of the results. However, what is clear is given the levels of uncertainty a robust approach should be followed. LCC Highways would be happy to have further discussion on the scenarios required within a future TA when the developer has had an opportunity to consider this further.

f) Junction operational assessments

The following junctions should be assessed in detail with regard to capacity/modelling.  Doctors Lane / Proposed site access  Doctors Lane / C192 Tincklers Lane / U700 Tincklers Lane  Doctors Lane / The Green / Lawrence Lane  Towngate / U700 Tincklers Lane

B1 - Accident analysis:

The most recent five year accident record of the local network, including Doctors Lane, The Green, Towngate, the C192 and U700 Tincklers Lane should be reviewed in the submitted TA to identify any areas of concern and that may be exacerbated by the proposed development with proposals for mitigating such accidents.

B2 - Provision for equestrian, pedestrian & cycling; and PROWs

The footways required to facilitate safe access are those to be extended frontage the site on both sides of Doctors Lane as explained above including the surface level crossing facility and it is noted that the 2.0m wide footways will be extended on both sides of the site access into the proposed development. To prevent any barrier to movement for sustainable modes, the streets within the proposed development should have 2.0m wide footways on both sides and as high quality provisions in and out of the development for pedestrians and cyclist are extremely important, the proposed pedestrian/cycle link from the development to The Hawthorns will be acceptable. The width of the link should be 3.5m.

There are currently two Public Rights of Way (PROWs) (FP3 and FP10)) towards west of the site from the U700 Tincklers Lane. Footpath (FP3) is a divergent footway currently maintained by LCC Highways and both footpaths are in good maintenance state and seems to be widely used by walkers via FP11 to Sydbrook Lane and vice versa. For improved accessibility therefore, it is considered the applicant provides a 2.0m wide footpath at the north west corner of the site at the location of the existing field access to facilitate access for pedestrians to FP3. It is appreciated there is no footway along the U700 Tincklers Lane between the existing field access and the entrance to FP3, however this distance is less than 100m and pedestrians who will use the footpath will be low, therefore, it is not envisaged there would be any major potential risks to pedestrians due to lack of footway on the U700 Tincklers Lane.

There are currently no on or off road cycle routes in the vicinity of the site.


B3 - Public transport accessibility and provision

There are no public service buses on Doctors Lane and the U700 Tincklers Lane. The bus 810 which uses these routes is a school service that conveys children to the Eccleston Primary School. However public bus services are available on The Green at stops near its junction with Doctors Lane where bus 113 provides hourly day services to Preston and Wigan from Mondays to Fridays and on Saturdays. Public services are also provided at these stops by buses 337 and 347 at two-hourly intervals during the day to Chorley and Ormskirk; and Chorley and Southport from Mondays to Fridays and on Saturdays. Five different school services are also provided from these stops.

The acceptable walking distance from the centre of the proposed development to a bus stop in this area should ideally be 800m, but although the distance to the nearest bus stops south of The Green/Doctors Lane is above this distance, it is noted that they are within the preferred maximum distance of 1200m and the frequency of services provided at the stops is also capable of delivering the shift required for public transport to serve as sustainable alternative to cars. It is therefore considered the implementation of the footway extension on Doctors Lane is crucial to assisting in achieving this goal as there would be safe access available for pedestrians to walk to the bus stops.

The nearest railway station to the site is the Croston Station to the north west, but which is outside the preferred maximum commuting distance.

B4 - Framework Travel Plan

The Transport Assessment should include a Framework Travel Plan which should include the following key features as minimum in order to meet LCC's submission criteria.  Commitment and timescale for the appointment of a Travel Plan Coordinator at least 1 month prior to first occupation and the position retained for at least 5 years.  Commitment and timescale to undertake travel surveys within 3 months of business commencing.  Commitment and timescale for developing a Full Travel Plan within 3 months of 1st travel survey.  Details of cycling, pedestrian and public transport links to and within the site.  Details of provision of secure cycle storage.  Outline objectives and targets.  List of any proposed measures to be introduced particularly any to be implemented prior to the development of the Full Travel Plan.  Details of arrangements for monitoring and review of the Travel Plan for a period of at least 5 years.

A Full Travel Plan and its implementation will be appropriate for this development following the grant of planning permission. The Full Travel Plan will be required after first travel survey following the occupation of the development. When submitted, the Full Travel Plan will need to meet LCC's submission criteria and include the following.


 Contact details of a named Travel Plan Co-ordinator.  Results from travel survey.  Details of existing cycling, pedestrian and public transport infrastructure  Details of the provision of cycle parking.  Objectives.  SMART Targets for non-car modes of travel, taking into account the baseline data from the survey.  Action plan of measures to be introduced and appropriate funding.  Details of arrangements for monitoring and review of the Travel Plan for a period of at least 5 years. . Based on the scale of proposed development, LCC would request s106 contribution of £6,000 to provide the following range of services in connection with the Travel Plan.  Appraise the Travel Plan submitted to the Council pursuant to the Planning Permission and provide constructive feedback.  Oversee the progression from Framework to Full Travel Plan in line with agreed timescales.  Monitor the development, implementation and review of the Travel Plan for a period of up to 5 years.

The Trigger point for the s106 contributions will be prior to commencement of development to enable suitable support to be provided early in the process.

C - Internal site layout, parking standards/parking provision and SUDS

The following comments are advisory at this stage with regards to the future highway adoption under a section 38 agreement with Lancashire County Council. The applicant is advised to consider these comments at the early stages of developing site proposals particularly where they wish to offer the roads for adoption. Where the recommendations below are not considered at the early planning stages this may lead to abortive design work, delays and necessary changes if future layouts submitted are not in line with LCC Highways adoptable standards.

The applicant should note the following: (a) An adequate number of parking spaces must be provided for the proposed development in line with Local Authority standards. Failure to provide adequate parking can result in excessive parking on street, parking on footways and verges with resulting safety, amenity and maintenance issues. Integral garages must have internal dimensions of 3m x 6m or they will not be considered part of the parking provision for any future reserve matters application.

(b) The internal site layout should support the principles of 'Manual for Streets' and LCC's Creating Civilised Streets with all access roads designed as self-enforcing 20mph roads without the need for vertical deflection. The layout should be suitable for adoption at a later stage - should this be the intension of the applicant and ensure appropriate access for servicing, delivery and waste collection to all properties. All access roads should include footways and/or service strips as appropriate with turning heads provided to LCC adoptable standards or proven by swept path.


(c) The provision of trees within the adopted highway can create issues for the local highway authority. LCC as the highway authority would not wish to take on significant maintenance issues created by such proposals (in terms of root systems that may damage the carriageway and safety issues resulting from impact to necessary visibility splays, issues created by falling leaves and impact on street lighting etc.). The provision of any trees, shrubs or plants must therefore be agreed at the detailed design stage for their suitability, type and location. Planting will not be permitted where this would reduce visibility splays.

(d) All internal access issues will need to be overcome to satisfy highway adoption and in line with recent government policy the development must provide electric vehicle charging infrastructure at appropriate locations.

Where the recommendations above are not implemented the roads may not be suitable for adoption and they will remain private. The adoptable layout must comply with the Lancashire County Council Specification for Estate Roads 2011 edition.

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDs)

LCC are now the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), as such LCC Flood Risk Assessment Team will provide detailed comments during the planning process under a separate response. In general, LCC will seek to limit the use of culverts where alternative sustainable solutions can be found.

The application should consider the requirements likely to be asked for in support of a SuDs drainage scheme, if deemed necessary. These considerations may significantly affect the site layout/design to include for the likes of swales, storage ponds etc. to control run off rates in accordance with SuDs guidance.

With regard to drainage systems within the highway, where the applicant is proposing to offer the highways for adoption, the applicant is advised to begin early discussions between the section 38 officers at Lancashire County Council, the Lead Local Flood Authority at Lancashire County Council and United Utilities as advised in the Department of Transport Advice Note "Highway Adoptions – The adoption of roads into the public highway (1980 Highways Act)", published in April 2017.

Any proposed sustainable drainage systems under the adoptable highway will only be considered acceptable where they are adopted by United Utilities under the powers of the Water Industry Act 1991 or they only retain highway surface water. The applicant is advised that highway surface water drainage system must not be used for the storage of any flood waters from the adoptable United Utility surface water system or any private surface water drainage system.

D - S278 works

It will be expected that appropriate s278 works will be required and controlled by conditions if the LPA were minded to approve the proposal. Section 278 agreements (s278) of the Highways Act 1980 are appropriate where improvements are required in the public highway, paid for by the developer (costs to include design fees, safety

8 audits, amendments to street lighting and traffic signalling equipment and all other risks associated with highway improvements required by the development so that public funds are not used in the provision of these features).

Any highway improvement schemes agreed 'in principle' will be subject to detailed design. The Trigger points for all s278 works will be before commencement of development unless otherwise agreed with LCC and the LPA. Some of the s278 works anticipated based on the indicative proposal submitted are:

 Provision of 2.0m wide footways on both sides of Doctors Lane along the site frontage to the extents described above to include dropped crossings and tactile pavings at the site access, the entrances to the Cricket Ground and Banner Close.  Provision of dropped kerbs and tactile pavings at all pedestrian crossing points of the mini-roundabout at Doctors Lane/Chaucers Close/Cricketers Green including the two existing pedestrian refuges.  Extension of the 30mph speed limit from its current end near Banner Close to the C192 Tincklers Lane approximately 30m west of its junction with the U700 Tincklers Lane including the necessary Traffic Regulation Order and signage.  Provision of Street lighting within the extended 30mph speed limit section of Doctors Lane and the C192 Tincklers Lane.  Provision of a surface level crossing as may be proposed by the applicant on Doctors Lane at a suitable location to be agreed with LCC Highways.  Any necessary improvements on Doctors Lane between Banner Close and the U700 Tincklers Lane to enable the proposed development to 'fit' in.

E - Planning Obligations (s106 Planning Contributions)

Funding for improvements for sustainable movements in the area will be expected to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority and the Local Highway Authority. The developer will be expected to confirm commitment to s106 works, which may include:  Public Transport service improvements  Cycle and pedestrian improvements  Travel Plan support contribution etc.

I hope the above is of assistance. If you require any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,



SCOPING CHECKLIST FOR: Up to 85 dwellings on land to the north of Doctors Lane, Eccleston

HIGHWAY AUTHORITY: Lancashire County Council (LCC) DATE PREPARED: 21/08/20

Ref Item Intention LHA Comments 1 Level of planning approval Outline – all matters reserved except for means of access. sought? e.g. outline, full. 2 Size and description of Up to 85 dwellings on land located to the north of Doctors Lane, Eccleston. The red development proposals line boundary of the site is shown in Appendix I. 3 Description of existing land Existing farmland, no trips generated by the existing site. uses, existing trip distribution 4 Does the development N/A involve the relocation of an existing use? 5 What transport based Transport Assessment and Framework Travel Plan. Alternatively a sustainable supporting documents will be transport measures section could be added to the Transport Assessment rather produced? than a Travel Plan given that the application is outline, as we have agreed on similar sites in Lancashire. 6 Are traffic surveys of the ATC data to be collected on Doctors Lane in the vicinity of the proposed site existing conditions available access. or required? This will be used in the assessment of the capacity of the proposed site access and in the derivation of appropriate visibility splays for the site access. Given restrictions on data collection due to Covid-19, comments on the above are welcomed. Information on the availability of any other data in the vicinity of the site are also welcomed.

7 Details of any other Please confirm if any other developments/allocations should be considered. developments to be taken into account. 8 Details of any adjacent Please advise if there are any highway improvement schemes that need to be highway improvement taken account of. proposals by others

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SCOPING CHECKLIST FOR: Up to 85 dwellings on land to the north of Doctors Lane, Eccleston

HIGHWAY AUTHORITY: Lancashire County Council (LCC) DATE PREPARED: 21/08/20

9 When are the critical periods Weekday AM and PM peaks derived from surveys mentioned above. for assessments? 10 When would the site be fully 2025 (assumed) - 5 years post submission of the planning application. operational? 11 What are the assessment The surveys to be undertaken will provide 2020 base flows, with 2025 (with and years? without development) proposed as the assessment year.

12 Traffic growth factors? This Transport Assessment will use TEMPRO growth manually adjusted with any committed development that may be identified (referenced in Point 7) to remove double counting from the planning assumptions. NTM adjustments will be applied (2020-2025).

13 How will vehicular trip Average vehicular trip rates have been derived from the TRICS 7.7.2 database for generation be derived for the 100% houses privately owned. TRICS output attached in Appendix II. proposal? Trip Generation Time Arrivals Departures Totals 08:00-09:00 10 30 40 17:00-18:00 28 14 42

Please confirm acceptance of the above trip generation for the purposes of the assessment. 14 How will non-car mode trip Method of Travel to Work information has been used from 2011 Census data, generation be derived for the alongside the TRICS derived trips, to determine the likely number of non-car proposal? movements generated by the development.

15 Would traffic from adjacent All trips as outlined within the Section 13 table are to be treated as 100% newly sites be attracted to the site? generated. Pass-by traffic? 16 What is the assumed trip Distribution has been based upon Method of Travel to Work information derived distribution? from 2011 Census data and Google Maps suggested routing. The raw data together with a summary of the distribution of the newly generated trips can be seen in Appendix III.

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SCOPING CHECKLIST FOR: Up to 85 dwellings on land to the north of Doctors Lane, Eccleston

HIGHWAY AUTHORITY: Lancashire County Council (LCC) DATE PREPARED: 21/08/20

17 What is the extent of the This will concentrate on: accident study area to be  Doctors Lane from Tincklers Lane to The Green. considered?  Tincklers Lane from Doctors Lane to Towngate. We proposed to use accident data from MARIO supplemented by Crashmap. 18 Capacity tests required for Based on information contained within Appendix III the capacity assessment will the proposed and following focus on the site access only. There will not be any assessment of the impact of existing junctions the scheme proposals on the capacity of any off-site junctions given that the forecast trip numbers are less than the traditional 30 two-way trip threshold for capacity assessment. 19 Are adjacent junctions or N/A links likely to become overloaded? 20 Is a new or modified highway A new site access is proposed off Doctors Lane as depicted in Drawing P20002- access likely? 001A in Appendix IV. This shows a 5.5m carriageway and 2 x 2m footways being provided together with 6m radii. A footway will provided along the site frontage connecting the site access with the existing pedestrian infrastructure to the east. Note, it is intended to undertake an ATC survey in the vicinity of the proposed access. The speed data collected will be used to help in the derivation of the visibility splays or to help justify the extension of the 30mph speed limit mentioned above. Comments welcome on suggested access arrangements at an early stage. Please confirm if a Stage 1 RSA is required. 21 What are the visibility Visibility splays of 2.4m x 90m in accordance with DMRB @ 30mph are shown on requirements? the above mentioned drawings. This reflects the extension of the 30mph speed Are those requirements met? limit across the site frontage to reflect the changing nature of Doctors Lane in this location. This will be subject to a separate TRO process which will be funded by the applicant.

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SCOPING CHECKLIST FOR: Up to 85 dwellings on land to the north of Doctors Lane, Eccleston

HIGHWAY AUTHORITY: Lancashire County Council (LCC) DATE PREPARED: 21/08/20

22 What level of car parking is As this is an outline application, levels of car parking will be dealt with as part of the required? Reserved Matters process.

23 Are special provisions To be reviewed as part of the Transport Assessment. required for cyclists, pedestrians, those with a disability or public transport?

24 What planning policy should  NPPF; the development comply with?  MfS/MfS2;  LCC LTP 2011 – 2021; and  Chorley Local Plan 2012 - 2026; and Please advise if any more documents should be taken into account.

25 Are there any other special Please advise. circumstances relevant to this proposal?


4 of 4 P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment



This page has been left intentionally blank Eccleston ATC, Doctors Lane

Direction: Eastbound

Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Eastbound Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 600

Fri 9 Oct 1228 39.9 34.7 5.8 2 7 5 20 169 451 395 136 33 6 3 1 500 Fri 9 Oct Sat 10 Oct 1038 39.8 34.6 5.9 1 7 10 22 121 409 323 103 31 9 2 0 Sat 10 Oct Sun 11 Oct 908 39.2 32.5 7.7 4 32 44 30 149 310 241 72 15 6 4 1 400 Sun 11 Oct Mon 12 Oct 1129 39.5 34.5 5.4 1 5 3 14 166 435 375 98 24 6 2 0 300 Tue 13 Oct 1146 39.4 33.8 6.0 1 13 21 26 155 480 317 105 20 6 2 0 Mon 12 Oct 200 Wed 14 Oct 1153 39.2 33.9 5.8 1 17 10 15 169 472 356 84 23 4 2 0 Tue 13 Oct 100 Thu 15 Oct 1205 39.2 33.6 6.0 2 14 18 23 204 488 330 95 22 6 3 0 Wed 14 Oct 5 Day Ave. 1172 39.4 34.1 5.8 1 11 11 20 173 465 355 104 24 6 2 0 0 Thu 15 Oct 7 Day Ave. 1115 39.5 33.9 6.1 2 14 16 21 162 435 334 99 24 6 3 0 Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Westbound

Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Westbound Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 500 450 Fri 9 Oct 1223 40.3 34.9 6.2 1 5 11 20 177 448 371 124 38 23 4 1 Fri 9 Oct Sat 10 Oct 956 40.8 34.4 6.9 4 12 11 15 170 319 265 107 36 13 2 2 400 350 Sat 10 Oct Sun 11 Oct 860 40.5 33.4 7.9 2 20 43 17 147 293 200 92 29 9 7 1 300 Sun 11 Oct Mon 12 Oct 1057 40.1 34.5 6.1 3 6 8 16 168 384 310 120 28 11 3 0 250 Tue 13 Oct 1086 39.5 33.5 6.4 3 8 21 30 197 429 262 101 22 10 3 0 200 Mon 12 Oct 150 Wed 14 Oct 1165 39.7 33.9 6.3 1 9 18 35 199 436 309 115 29 12 2 0 Tue 13 Oct 100 Thu 15 Oct 1241 39.8 33.6 6.6 0 12 28 40 230 452 307 118 37 13 4 0 50 Wed 14 Oct 5 Day Ave. 1154 39.9 34.1 6.3 2 8 17 28 194 430 312 116 31 14 3 0 0 Thu 15 Oct 7 Day Ave. 1084 40.1 34.0 6.6 2 10 20 25 184 394 289 111 31 13 4 1 Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Total Flow

Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Total Flow Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 1000 900 Fri 9 Oct 2451 40.0 34.8 6.0 3 12 16 40 346 899 766 260 71 29 7 2 Fri 9 Oct Sat 10 Oct 1994 40.1 34.5 6.4 5 19 21 37 291 728 588 210 67 22 4 2 800 700 Sat 10 Oct Sun 11 Oct 1768 39.7 32.9 7.8 6 52 87 47 296 603 441 164 44 15 11 2 600 Sun 11 Oct Mon 12 Oct 2186 39.7 34.5 5.8 4 11 11 30 334 819 685 218 52 17 5 0 500 Tue 13 Oct 2232 39.4 33.6 6.2 4 21 42 56 352 909 579 206 42 16 5 0 400 Mon 12 Oct 300 Wed 14 Oct 2318 39.4 33.9 6.1 2 26 28 50 368 908 665 199 52 16 4 0 Tue 13 Oct 200 Thu 15 Oct 2446 39.5 33.6 6.4 2 26 46 63 434 940 637 213 59 19 7 0 100 Wed 14 Oct 5 Day Ave. 2327 39.6 34.1 6.1 3 19 29 48 367 895 666 219 55 19 6 0 0 Thu 15 Oct 7 Day Ave. 2199 39.7 34.0 6.4 4 24 36 46 346 829 623 210 55 19 6 1 Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 360 TSL Ltd Eccleston ATC, Doctors Lane

Direction: Eastbound

Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 Fri 9 Oct 165 39.0 33.4 6.2 1126267339114200 Sat 10 Oct 206 39.2 33.7 5.8 0154328458183010 Sun 11 Oct 155 38.8 32.2 7.6 0 5 11 5 21 58 42 10 1110 Mon 12 Oct 133 38.7 33.8 4.8 011020604272000 Tue 13 Oct 144 38.6 33.1 5.7 0342147140100000 Wed 14 Oct 150 38.4 32.8 6.7 071321664443010 Thu 15 Oct 151 38.6 32.5 5.8 0245315938120000 5 Day Ave. 149 38.7 33.1 5.9 032322664192000 7 Day Ave. 158 38.8 33.1 6.1 0344246743102000

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Westbound

Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 Fri 9 Oct 180 40.8 34.5 6.2 0024316845207300 Sat 10 Oct 176 38.4 32.4 6.0 0423476641103000 Sun 11 Oct 176 38.6 30.8 7.9 0 8 19 4 36 51 44 13 1000 Mon 12 Oct 142 38.2 32.8 6.0 015322722881110 Tue 13 Oct 135 38.6 32.9 5.7 101433513483000 Wed 14 Oct 145 38.5 32.7 5.7 031432554091000 Thu 15 Oct 171 38.7 31.9 7.0 0498356533125000 5 Day Ave. 155 39.0 33.0 6.1 0245316236113100 7 Day Ave. 161 38.8 32.6 6.4 0364346138113100

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Total Flow

Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 Fri 9 Oct 345 39.7 34.0 6.2 1 1 4 10 57 141 84 31 11 5 0 0 Sat 10 Oct 382 38.9 33.1 5.9 05777915099286010 Sun 11 Oct 331 38.7 31.4 7.8 0 13 30 9 57 109 86 23 2110 Mon 12 Oct 275 38.5 33.3 5.5 02634213270153110 Tue 13 Oct 279 38.6 33.0 5.7 13564712274183000 Wed 14 Oct 295 38.4 32.7 6.2 0 10 2 7 53 121 84 13 4010 Thu 15 Oct 322 38.6 32.2 6.5 0 6 13 13 66 124 71 24 5000 5 Day Ave. 303 38.8 33.0 6.0 04685312877205100 7 Day Ave. 318 38.8 32.8 6.3 0 6 10 8 57 128 81 22 5110

360 TSL Ltd Eccleston ATC, Doctors Lane

Direction: Eastbound

Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 Fri 9 Oct 226 39.6 34.8 5.1 0111298581243100 Sat 10 Oct 200 39.3 34.0 5.8 0226238956173200 Sun 11 Oct 203 37.5 31.1 6.9 097555773990110 Mon 12 Oct 194 38.4 33.3 4.5 0004408651121000 Tue 13 Oct 192 38.4 32.3 6.4 0656347850103000 Wed 14 Oct 204 38.5 32.9 5.9 0254409046133010 Thu 15 Oct 215 38.2 32.4 5.9 0 4 3 10 41 94 48 12 2100 5 Day Ave. 206 38.6 33.1 5.6 0335378755142000 7 Day Ave. 205 38.6 33.0 5.8 0335378653142100

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Westbound

Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 Fri 9 Oct 190 39.7 34.8 6.2 0215226868165201 Sat 10 Oct 172 39.9 33.6 6.4 0136336539195010 Sun 11 Oct 171 40.6 32.6 7.7 1465376723196300 Mon 12 Oct 155 38.7 33.4 4.9 000237614393000 Tue 13 Oct 173 39.3 33.6 6.4 0127336842124310 Wed 14 Oct 195 38.8 32.6 6.1 0189357846162000 Thu 15 Oct 208 39.7 32.9 6.5 0239507837251210 5 Day Ave. 184 39.2 33.5 6.0 0136357147163100 7 Day Ave. 181 39.5 33.4 6.3 0236356943174100

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Total Flow

Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 Fri 9 Oct 416 39.7 34.8 5.6 032651153149408301 Sat 10 Oct 372 39.5 33.8 6.0 0 3 5 12 56 154 95 36 8210 Sun 11 Oct 374 38.6 31.8 7.3 1 13 13 10 92 144 62 28 6410 Mon 12 Oct 349 38.5 33.3 4.7 00067714794214000 Tue 13 Oct 365 38.8 32.9 6.5 0 7 7 13 67 146 92 22 7310 Wed 14 Oct 399 38.6 32.7 6.0 0 3 13 13 75 168 92 29 5010 Thu 15 Oct 423 38.9 32.7 6.2 0 6 6 19 91 172 85 37 3310 5 Day Ave. 390 38.9 33.3 5.8 0 4 6 11 72 157 102 30 5210 7 Day Ave. 385 38.9 33.2 6.0 0 5 7 11 73 155 96 30 6210

360 TSL Ltd Eccleston ATC, Doctors Lane

Direction: Eastbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 2 27.5 14.1 001000100000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 0 - - 000000000000 03:00 0 - - 000000000000 04:00 1 27.5 - 000010000000 05:00 5 43.8 37.5 7.1 000011030000 06:00 27 41.6 35.1 6.1 000149832000 07:00 49 39.9 33.9 5.4 000210161470000 08:00 80 38.9 33.8 5.1 000214352243000 09:00 83 42.0 36.4 6.0 00007322895020 10:00 75 39.6 33.4 7.1 111114311663100 11:00 90 38.6 33.3 5.5 001512422351100 12:00 92 40.1 35.4 4.6 0000113235131000 13:00 80 40.5 34.6 5.9 0102113023103000 14:00 109 39.3 34.0 5.4 0111193937101000 15:00 117 39.9 35.6 4.6 0000104644142100 16:00 123 39.6 35.2 4.5 0002104848132000 17:00 113 39.8 33.6 7.0 1411154431133000 18:00 71 41.5 35.5 5.6 0001131627113000 19:00 44 43.4 36.9 7.0 00017814111110 20:00 32 45.3 37.1 8.1 0000661413101 21:00 16 38.3 33.4 4.6 000119410000 22:00 13 40.3 35.6 6.6 000025410100 23:00 6 40.5 35.0 5.2 000012210000

Total 2H(10-12) 165 39.0 33.4 6.2 1126267339114200 2H(14-16) 226 39.6 34.8 5.1 0111298581243100 12H(7-19) 1082 39.8 34.6 5.6 2 7 4 17 146 411 348 115 27 3 2 0 24H(0-24) 1228 39.9 34.7 5.8 2 7 5 20 169 451 395 136 33 6 3 1

AM Peak 11:00 05:00 05:00 00:00 10:00 10:00 00:00 11:00 08:00 11:00 09:00 09:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 00:00 90 43.8 37.5 14.1 111514422895120

PM Peak 16:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 17:00 17:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 16:00 15:00 13:00 15:00 19:00 20:00 123 45.3 37.1 8.1 1412194848143111

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Westbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 1 52.5 - 000000000100 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 1 57.5 - 000000000010 03:00 1 32.5 - 000001000000 04:00 3 37.8 34.2 2.9 000002100000 05:00 9 38.3 32.5 5.6 000122400000 06:00 18 39.3 34.2 4.5 000038520000 07:00 98 42.6 35.9 5.7 0000133626166100 08:00 101 39.3 34.7 5.6 02019403972100 09:00 69 39.9 33.9 5.7 001114261782000 10:00 92 40.1 34.2 6.3 001316372193200 11:00 88 41.3 34.9 6.1 0011153124114100 12:00 93 38.6 33.8 4.3 000017412951000 13:00 88 39.4 34.5 6.2 001116332751400 14:00 98 39.5 34.9 6.5 010115343654101 15:00 92 39.9 34.6 6.0 011473432111100 16:00 120 39.5 33.9 6.2 1024203940104000 17:00 88 41.4 36.0 5.4 0000112733142010 18:00 66 42.8 35.2 8.0 01218241592310 19:00 41 49.6 37.7 8.4 0010414862600 20:00 32 40.5 34.5 6.8 0002512822100 21:00 10 42.5 36.5 5.7 000013411000 22:00 12 51.0 39.2 10.9 001012231110 23:00 2 32.5 0.0 000002000000

Total 2H(10-12) 180 40.8 34.5 6.2 0024316845207300 2H(14-16) 190 39.7 34.8 6.2 0215226868165201 12H(7-19) 1093 39.9 34.7 6.0 1 5 9 17 161 402 339 110 32 14 2 1 24H(0-24) 1223 40.3 34.9 6.2 1 5 11 20 177 448 371 124 38 23 4 1

AM Peak 08:00 07:00 02:00 10:00 00:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 08:00 08:00 07:00 07:00 10:00 02:00 00:00 101 42.6 57.5 6.3 0213164039166210

PM Peak 16:00 22:00 22:00 22:00 16:00 14:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 12:00 16:00 17:00 14:00 19:00 17:00 14:00 120 51.0 39.2 10.9 1124204140144611

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Total Flow

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 3 52.8 35.8 17.6 001000100100 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 1 57.5 - 000000000010 03:00 1 32.5 - 000001000000 04:00 4 37.0 32.5 4.1 000012100000 05:00 14 41.5 34.3 6.4 000133430000 06:00 45 40.3 34.7 5.5 00017171352000 07:00 147 41.7 35.3 5.7 0002235240236100 08:00 181 39.2 34.3 5.4 0203237561115100 09:00 152 40.9 35.3 5.9 0011215845177020 10:00 167 39.9 33.8 6.6 1124306837156300 11:00 178 39.6 34.1 5.8 0026277347165200 12:00 185 39.4 34.6 4.5 0000287364182000 13:00 168 39.8 34.5 6.1 0113276350154400 14:00 207 39.4 34.4 5.9 0212347373155101 15:00 209 39.9 35.2 5.3 0114178076253200 16:00 243 39.6 34.5 5.5 1026308788236000 17:00 201 40.5 34.6 6.4 1411267164275010 18:00 137 42.1 35.4 6.9 0122214042205310 19:00 85 44.5 37.3 7.7 0011112222173710 20:00 64 42.3 35.8 7.6 000211182235201 21:00 26 39.4 34.6 5.1 0001212821000 22:00 25 46.3 37.3 9.0 001037641210 23:00 8 39.5 34.4 4.6 000014210000

Total 2H(10-12) 345 39.7 34.0 6.2 1 1 4 10 57 141 84 31 11 5 0 0 2H(14-16) 416 39.7 34.8 5.6 032651153149408301 12H(7-19) 2175 39.9 34.6 5.8 3 12 13 34 307 813 687 225 59 17 4 1 24H(0-24) 2451 40.0 34.8 6.0 3 12 16 40 346 899 766 260 71 29 7 2

AM Peak 08:00 00:00 02:00 00:00 10:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 08:00 08:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 00:00 181 52.8 57.5 17.6 1226307561237320

PM Peak 16:00 22:00 19:00 22:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 16:00 14:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 19:00 17:00 14:00 243 46.3 37.3 9.0 1426348788276711

360 TSL Ltd Eccleston ATC, Doctors Lane

Direction: Eastbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 6 45.5 34.2 9.3 000112011000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 2 47.5 0.0 000000002000 03:00 0 - - 000000000000 04:00 2 42.5 7.1 000000101000 05:00 4 42.0 35.0 6.5 000011110000 06:00 8 38.8 33.8 5.8 000111500000 07:00 19 42.2 36.7 4.8 000024850000 08:00 31 42.9 35.4 7.6 01102101043000 09:00 73 41.5 35.6 5.9 010172426104000 10:00 90 39.9 34.1 5.9 0121133327121000 11:00 116 38.6 33.4 5.8 003319513162010 12:00 87 39.6 34.8 4.9 001110313491000 13:00 106 39.1 34.0 5.1 000413512774000 14:00 99 39.7 34.6 5.7 011284430102100 15:00 101 38.8 33.3 5.7 011415452671100 16:00 77 41.5 35.2 6.9 00139292183210 17:00 69 40.4 35.2 5.4 01006282392000 18:00 47 39.0 33.0 6.6 11009171540000 19:00 35 39.9 37.2 5.9 00001121711300 20:00 31 42.3 36.5 5.7 00002121132100 21:00 14 42.3 36.1 5.0 000008321000 22:00 13 40.3 35.6 7.2 000114510100 23:00 8 43.0 36.9 5.6 000012230000

Total 2H(10-12) 206 39.2 33.7 5.8 0154328458183010 2H(14-16) 200 39.3 34.0 5.8 0226238956173200 12H(7-19) 915 39.7 34.4 5.8 1 7 10 19 113 367 278 91 23 4 2 0 24H(0-24) 1038 39.8 34.6 5.9 1 7 10 22 121 409 323 103 31 9 2 0

AM Peak 11:00 00:00 02:00 00:00 00:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 00:00 11:00 00:00 116 45.5 47.5 9.3 0133195131124010

PM Peak 13:00 23:00 19:00 22:00 18:00 14:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 19:00 16:00 12:00 106 43.0 37.2 7.2 1114155134104310

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Westbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 1 37.5 - 000000100000 01:00 1 37.5 - 000000100000 02:00 1 42.5 - 000000010000 03:00 2 42.5 7.1 000000101000 04:00 3 37.8 32.5 5.0 000011100000 05:00 2 35.0 10.6 000010010000 06:00 9 39.7 36.4 5.5 000012501000 07:00 38 46.6 37.6 7.4 00103111057100 08:00 47 40.0 34.7 7.2 10107121951100 09:00 63 42.0 35.8 5.9 01005232194000 10:00 86 38.6 33.3 5.1 010118362451000 11:00 90 38.1 31.5 6.6 032229301752000 12:00 90 40.3 34.8 7.0 0101192728101201 13:00 99 38.8 33.1 7.0 122021372841300 14:00 85 39.5 33.6 5.7 010217351992000 15:00 87 40.5 33.7 6.9 0034163020103010 16:00 67 41.5 35.0 6.3 0101121822103000 17:00 58 41.7 35.1 7.6 200151919100200 18:00 48 43.0 35.0 7.6 00137151083010 19:00 29 40.7 33.2 8.1 021048950000 20:00 27 49.9 40.0 8.5 000018752301 21:00 8 49.5 39.4 9.2 000013012100 22:00 12 45.5 37.1 6.9 000023322000 23:00 3 43.9 39.2 5.8 000001020000

Total 2H(10-12) 176 38.4 32.4 6.0 0423476641103000 2H(14-16) 172 39.9 33.6 6.4 0136336539195010 12H(7-19) 858 40.1 34.1 6.8 4 10 10 15 159 293 237 90 28 9 2 1 24H(0-24) 956 40.8 34.4 6.9 4 12 11 15 170 319 265 107 36 13 2 2

AM Peak 11:00 07:00 02:00 05:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 07:00 07:00 00:00 00:00 90 46.6 42.5 10.6 132229362497100

PM Peak 13:00 20:00 20:00 21:00 17:00 13:00 15:00 15:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 12:00 15:00 13:00 15:00 12:00 99 49.9 40.0 9.2 2234213728103311

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Total Flow

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 7 44.8 34.6 8.6 000112111000 01:00 1 37.5 - 000000100000 02:00 3 48.9 45.8 2.9 000000012000 03:00 2 42.5 7.1 000000101000 04:00 5 46.3 36.5 7.4 000011201000 05:00 6 42.8 35.0 6.9 000021120000 06:00 17 39.2 35.1 5.6 0001231001000 07:00 57 44.7 37.3 6.6 001051518107100 08:00 78 41.3 35.0 7.3 11209222994100 09:00 136 41.7 35.7 5.9 0201124747198000 10:00 176 39.3 33.7 5.6 0222316951172000 11:00 206 38.4 32.5 6.2 0355488148114010 12:00 177 39.8 34.8 6.0 0112295862192201 13:00 205 38.9 33.6 6.1 1224348855115300 14:00 184 39.6 34.1 5.7 0214257949194100 15:00 188 39.4 33.5 6.3 0148317546174110 16:00 144 41.5 35.1 6.6 0114214743186210 17:00 127 41.0 35.1 6.5 2101114742192200 18:00 95 40.7 34.0 7.2 1113163225123010 19:00 64 40.3 35.4 7.2 02105202661300 20:00 58 45.4 38.1 7.3 00003201884401 21:00 22 46.2 37.3 6.8 0000111333100 22:00 25 43.8 36.3 7.0 000137832100 23:00 11 43.4 37.5 5.5 000013250000

Total 2H(10-12) 382 38.9 33.1 5.9 05777915099286010 2H(14-16) 372 39.5 33.8 6.0 0 3 5 12 56 154 95 36 8210 12H(7-19) 1773 39.8 34.2 6.3 5 17 20 34 272 660 515 181 51 13 4 1 24H(0-24) 1994 40.1 34.5 6.4 5 19 21 37 291 728 588 210 67 22 4 2

AM Peak 11:00 02:00 02:00 00:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 09:00 07:00 11:00 00:00 206 48.9 45.8 8.6 1355488151198110

PM Peak 13:00 21:00 20:00 20:00 17:00 13:00 15:00 15:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 15:00 12:00 205 46.2 38.1 7.3 2248348862196411

360 TSL Ltd Eccleston ATC, Doctors Lane

Direction: Eastbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 1 22.5 - 000100000000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 1 32.5 - 000001000000 03:00 0 - - 000000000000 04:00 2 35.0 3.5 000001100000 05:00 1 32.5 - 000001000000 06:00 3 39.3 37.5 0.0 000000300000 07:00 9 39.6 35.8 7.9 000103400100 08:00 17 42.4 35.4 7.5 001113731000 09:00 41 41.5 34.5 8.8 0231191761100 10:00 60 38.9 32.6 7.2 04036231950000 11:00 95 38.6 31.9 7.8 0 1 11 2 15 35 23 51110 12:00 110 38.1 29.8 8.7 2 7 12 5 14 40 22 71000 13:00 93 39.4 32.2 7.7 117319272483000 14:00 113 38.1 32.4 5.7 004033432660010 15:00 90 36.3 29.5 7.9 093522341330100 16:00 89 38.2 31.1 7.3 143419322060000 17:00 75 39.4 34.4 6.0 01037302661010 18:00 41 44.9 36.2 8.7 0200781085100 19:00 30 41.9 37.5 6.2 0000271540110 20:00 18 38.3 33.3 4.6 000136800000 21:00 9 49.1 40.6 14.2 010002032001 22:00 8 42.0 36.9 4.2 000003320000 23:00 2 32.5 0.0 000002000000

Total 2H(10-12) 155 38.8 32.2 7.6 0 5 11 5 21 58 42 10 1110 2H(14-16) 203 37.5 31.1 6.9 097555773990110 12H(7-19) 833 39.0 32.1 7.7 4 31 44 28 144 287 211 63 13 5 3 0 24H(0-24) 908 39.2 32.5 7.7 4 32 44 30 149 310 241 72 15 6 4 1

AM Peak 11:00 08:00 06:00 09:00 00:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 09:00 08:00 07:00 11:00 00:00 95 42.4 37.5 8.8 0 4 11 3 15 35 23 61110

PM Peak 14:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 12:00 15:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 13:00 18:00 15:00 14:00 21:00 113 49.1 40.6 14.2 2 9 12 5 33 43 26 85111

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Westbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 0 - - 000000000000 01:00 2 48.8 23.0 000001000001 02:00 0 - - 000000000000 03:00 1 42.5 - 000000010000 04:00 3 42.8 39.2 2.9 000000210000 05:00 0 - - 000000000000 06:00 6 37.8 31.7 5.8 000112200000 07:00 22 42.1 34.8 7.2 001039440100 08:00 28 39.4 32.3 8.3 0050371021000 09:00 50 39.5 33.5 6.3 00309171551000 10:00 98 38.7 30.8 7.7 0 2 13 2 23 27 22 81000 11:00 78 38.5 30.8 8.1 066213242250000 12:00 106 38.6 32.2 7.5 047117402961010 13:00 96 39.1 33.0 7.1 031319362471110 14:00 86 40.8 32.8 7.2 1124192915132000 15:00 85 40.2 32.5 8.1 03411838864300 16:00 66 41.7 35.6 5.9 0000102418120110 17:00 47 47.0 36.8 9.3 0111417865220 18:00 38 44.4 36.2 8.6 10023101164010 19:00 20 43.3 36.8 5.7 000027461000 20:00 13 47.6 38.3 9.1 000032322010 21:00 8 48.5 42.5 6.0 000001214000 22:00 6 50.5 43.3 7.4 000001112100 23:00 1 32.5 - 000001000000

Total 2H(10-12) 176 38.6 30.8 7.9 0 8 19 4 36 51 44 13 1000 2H(14-16) 171 40.6 32.6 7.7 1465376723196300 12H(7-19) 800 39.8 33.0 7.7 2 20 43 16 141 278 186 80 20 8 6 0 24H(0-24) 860 40.5 33.4 7.9 2 20 43 17 147 293 200 92 29 9 7 1

AM Peak 10:00 04:00 01:00 01:00 00:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 08:00 07:00 00:00 01:00 98 42.8 48.8 23.0 0 6 13 2 23 27 22 81101

PM Peak 12:00 22:00 22:00 17:00 14:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 17:00 15:00 17:00 12:00 106 50.5 43.3 9.3 1474194029135320

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Total Flow

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 1 22.5 - 000100000000 01:00 2 48.8 23.0 000001000001 02:00 1 32.5 - 000001000000 03:00 1 42.5 - 000000010000 04:00 5 41.3 37.5 3.5 000001310000 05:00 1 32.5 - 000001000000 06:00 9 38.7 33.6 5.5 000112500000 07:00 31 41.7 35.1 7.3 0011312840200 08:00 45 40.3 33.5 8.1 00614101752000 09:00 91 40.2 33.9 7.5 0261102632112100 10:00 158 38.8 31.5 7.5 0 6 13 5 29 50 41 13 1000 11:00 173 38.6 31.4 8.0 0 7 17 4 28 59 45 10 1110 12:00 216 38.4 31.0 8.2 2 11 19 6 31 80 51 13 2010 13:00 189 39.2 32.6 7.4 1486386348154110 14:00 199 39.0 32.6 6.4 1164527241192010 15:00 175 37.8 31.0 8.1 0 12 7 6 40 72 21 94400 16:00 155 39.6 33.0 7.1 1434295638180110 17:00 122 42.0 35.3 7.5 0214114734126230 18:00 79 44.7 36.2 8.6 1202101821149110 19:00 50 42.8 37.2 5.9 000041419101110 20:00 31 40.9 35.4 7.2 0001681122010 21:00 17 48.7 41.5 10.9 010003246001 22:00 14 47.3 39.6 6.4 000004432100 23:00 3 34.3 32.5 0.0 000003000000

Total 2H(10-12) 331 38.7 31.4 7.8 0 13 30 9 57 109 86 23 2110 2H(14-16) 374 38.6 31.8 7.3 1 13 13 10 92 144 62 28 6410 12H(7-19) 1633 39.4 32.5 7.7 6 51 87 44 285 565 397 143 33 13 9 0 24H(0-24) 1768 39.7 32.9 7.8 6 52 87 47 296 603 441 164 44 15 11 2

AM Peak 11:00 07:00 01:00 01:00 00:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 08:00 07:00 11:00 01:00 173 41.7 48.8 23.0 0 7 17 5 29 59 45 13 2211

PM Peak 12:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 12:00 15:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 18:00 15:00 17:00 21:00 216 48.7 41.5 10.9 2 12 19 6 52 80 51 19 9431

360 TSL Ltd Eccleston ATC, Doctors Lane

Direction: Eastbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 1 37.5 - 000000100000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 0 - - 000000000000 03:00 3 47.8 35.8 12.6 000100101000 04:00 2 30.0 10.6 000100100000 05:00 4 37.0 30.0 6.5 000111100000 06:00 20 45.0 36.5 5.8 000019613000 07:00 61 40.0 34.8 5.3 000112162381000 08:00 95 40.0 34.9 5.5 0100153134113000 09:00 85 38.8 34.1 4.1 000014353150000 10:00 73 38.9 34.0 5.2 010011322342000 11:00 60 38.4 33.6 4.4 00109281930000 12:00 90 39.7 34.2 5.5 0012153327110100 13:00 68 39.0 34.3 4.6 00028272641000 14:00 81 38.4 33.2 4.7 000215411661000 15:00 113 38.4 33.3 4.5 000225453560000 16:00 97 39.4 34.4 5.0 010012442992000 17:00 95 40.3 35.4 6.4 120072941122100 18:00 76 39.3 34.4 4.9 00028352370100 19:00 54 41.1 35.6 6.6 00108162044010 20:00 25 44.3 37.1 7.3 000055751200 21:00 10 41.3 36.5 3.9 000004420000 22:00 10 48.8 39.5 8.6 000004302010 23:00 6 50.5 41.7 6.6 000000401100

Total 2H(10-12) 133 38.7 33.8 4.8 011020604272000 2H(14-16) 194 38.4 33.3 4.5 0004408651121000 12H(7-19) 994 39.3 34.2 5.1 1 5 2 11 151 396 327 86 12 3 0 0 24H(0-24) 1129 39.5 34.5 5.4 1 5 3 14 166 435 375 98 24 6 2 0

AM Peak 08:00 03:00 00:00 03:00 00:00 08:00 11:00 03:00 08:00 09:00 08:00 08:00 06:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 95 47.8 37.5 12.6 0111153534113000

PM Peak 15:00 23:00 23:00 22:00 17:00 17:00 12:00 12:00 15:00 15:00 17:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 19:00 12:00 113 50.5 41.7 8.6 1212254541124210

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Westbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 0 - - 000000000000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 1 17.5 - 001000000000 03:00 1 37.5 - 000000100000 04:00 4 47.0 36.3 8.5 000011101000 05:00 4 42.0 35.0 8.7 000100210000 06:00 24 39.0 33.3 7.2 0001710302100 07:00 104 42.2 36.3 6.8 111182445174110 08:00 98 39.1 33.9 5.3 010316333771000 09:00 82 39.3 34.0 5.4 01118392381000 10:00 65 38.1 32.6 6.1 012111341050100 11:00 77 38.2 33.0 6.0 003211381831010 12:00 70 41.0 34.1 5.2 0000153210121000 13:00 57 42.0 36.0 5.3 000161720112000 14:00 64 38.9 33.3 5.0 000215241760000 15:00 91 38.5 33.5 4.8 000022372633000 16:00 80 39.8 35.3 4.8 0000112731100100 17:00 85 42.9 36.0 6.8 200072727166000 18:00 64 41.5 34.2 7.9 020212221481210 19:00 42 42.1 35.0 7.1 000111101242200 20:00 21 43.2 37.0 5.9 000042861000 21:00 11 40.9 34.3 5.1 000025220000 22:00 8 44.0 36.9 6.2 000012311000 23:00 4 54.0 51.3 2.5 000000001300

Total 2H(10-12) 142 38.2 32.8 6.0 015322722881110 2H(14-16) 155 38.7 33.4 4.9 000237614393000 12H(7-19) 937 39.9 34.4 6.0 3 6 7 13 142 354 278 106 20 5 3 0 24H(0-24) 1057 40.1 34.5 6.1 3 6 8 16 168 384 310 120 28 11 3 0

AM Peak 07:00 04:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 07:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 09:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 06:00 07:00 00:00 104 47.0 37.5 8.7 1133163945174110

PM Peak 15:00 23:00 23:00 18:00 17:00 18:00 12:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:00 23:00 18:00 12:00 91 54.0 51.3 7.9 2202223731166310

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Total Flow

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 1 37.5 - 000000100000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 1 17.5 - 001000000000 03:00 4 47.0 36.3 10.3 000100201000 04:00 6 45.5 34.2 8.8 000111201000 05:00 8 39.7 32.5 7.6 000211310000 06:00 44 42.0 34.8 6.7 0001819915100 07:00 165 41.5 35.7 6.3 1112204068255110 08:00 193 39.5 34.4 5.4 0203316471184000 09:00 167 39.0 34.1 4.7 0111227454131000 10:00 138 38.7 33.3 5.7 022122663392100 11:00 137 38.3 33.3 5.4 004220663761010 12:00 160 40.2 34.2 5.4 0012306537231100 13:00 125 39.9 35.1 5.0 0003144446153000 14:00 145 38.7 33.3 4.8 0004306533121000 15:00 204 38.5 33.4 4.6 000247826193000 16:00 177 39.6 34.8 4.9 0100237160192100 17:00 180 41.8 35.7 6.6 3200145668288100 18:00 140 39.9 34.3 6.4 0204205737151310 19:00 96 41.6 35.4 6.8 001119263286210 20:00 46 43.7 37.1 6.7 00009715112200 21:00 21 41.1 35.4 4.6 000029640000 22:00 18 47.2 38.3 7.5 000016613010 23:00 10 53.1 45.5 7.1 000000402400

Total 2H(10-12) 275 38.5 33.3 5.5 02634213270153110 2H(14-16) 349 38.5 33.3 4.7 00067714794214000 12H(7-19) 1931 39.5 34.3 5.5 4 11 9 24 293 750 605 192 32 8 3 0 24H(0-24) 2186 39.7 34.5 5.8 4 11 11 30 334 819 685 218 52 17 5 0

AM Peak 08:00 03:00 00:00 03:00 07:00 08:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 09:00 08:00 07:00 06:00 06:00 07:00 00:00 193 47.0 37.5 10.3 1243317471255110

PM Peak 15:00 23:00 23:00 22:00 17:00 17:00 12:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 23:00 18:00 12:00 204 53.1 45.5 7.5 3214478268288410

360 TSL Ltd Eccleston ATC, Doctors Lane

Direction: Eastbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 2 37.5 7.1 000001010000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 0 - - 000000000000 03:00 0 - - 000000000000 04:00 0 - - 000000000000 05:00 1 32.5 - 000001000000 06:00 17 41.8 36.0 5.5 000114740000 07:00 65 40.7 34.7 5.5 000113202092000 08:00 93 40.5 35.7 5.8 100083237104100 09:00 77 39.3 34.1 5.2 00118411763000 10:00 69 38.7 33.2 5.9 01317312150000 11:00 75 38.4 33.1 5.5 02117401950000 12:00 74 38.8 33.2 5.1 001312341770000 13:00 85 39.4 34.4 6.2 01316343162100 14:00 81 38.8 32.7 6.9 033015292533000 15:00 111 38.1 32.0 6.1 032619492570000 16:00 112 39.0 33.8 5.3 003212552992000 17:00 101 40.4 34.2 6.9 0115153726121210 18:00 79 38.9 33.7 5.6 001214322360010 19:00 51 41.0 33.4 7.1 012012161172000 20:00 22 39.8 34.3 5.7 000227830000 21:00 21 41.4 33.0 7.2 0100411131000 22:00 8 52.0 40.0 8.9 000004020200 23:00 2 32.5 0.0 000002000000

Total 2H(10-12) 144 38.6 33.1 5.7 0342147140100000 2H(14-16) 192 38.4 32.3 6.4 0656347850103000 12H(7-19) 1022 39.2 33.7 5.9 1 11 19 23 136 434 290 85 17 4 2 0 24H(0-24) 1146 39.4 33.8 6.0 1 13 21 26 155 480 317 105 20 6 2 0

AM Peak 08:00 06:00 00:00 00:00 08:00 11:00 10:00 06:00 07:00 09:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 00:00 00:00 93 41.8 37.5 7.1 1231134137104100

PM Peak 16:00 22:00 22:00 22:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 13:00 17:00 14:00 17:00 17:00 12:00 112 52.0 40.0 8.9 0336195531123210

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Westbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 2 32.5 7.1 000010100000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 1 32.5 - 000001000000 03:00 0 - - 000000000000 04:00 2 37.5 7.1 000001010000 05:00 4 47.0 37.5 9.1 000011011000 06:00 21 42.4 35.1 5.8 000056460000 07:00 104 40.5 35.0 5.4 002164929142100 08:00 105 39.7 34.2 5.5 0013164229121100 09:00 67 39.0 31.7 7.2 113414221570000 10:00 66 39.2 33.6 5.9 001214231943000 11:00 69 37.9 32.1 5.5 100219281540000 12:00 69 37.6 32.4 5.2 010117341141000 13:00 81 39.5 33.4 6.2 011218292073000 14:00 85 39.4 34.2 6.4 001314332453110 15:00 88 39.1 33.0 6.5 011419351871200 16:00 105 39.3 33.8 6.4 011514452774010 17:00 84 39.1 31.9 7.5 134216282190000 18:00 61 40.6 33.3 7.2 003115211171200 19:00 33 41.3 34.0 8.4 0030414640110 20:00 18 37.9 33.9 4.5 0000211401000 21:00 12 39.4 35.8 3.9 000013710000 22:00 7 52.4 41.1 9.4 000003101200 23:00 2 35.0 10.6 000010010000

Total 2H(10-12) 135 38.6 32.9 5.7 101433513483000 2H(14-16) 173 39.3 33.6 6.4 0127336842124310 12H(7-19) 984 39.3 33.3 6.3 3 8 18 30 182 389 239 87 19 7 2 0 24H(0-24) 1086 39.5 33.5 6.4 3 8 21 30 197 429 262 101 22 10 3 0

AM Peak 08:00 05:00 04:00 05:00 09:00 09:00 09:00 09:00 11:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 10:00 07:00 00:00 00:00 105 47.0 37.5 9.1 1134194929143100

PM Peak 16:00 22:00 22:00 23:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 12:00 105 52.4 41.1 10.6 134519452794210

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Total Flow

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 4 42.0 35.0 6.5 000011110000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 1 32.5 - 000001000000 03:00 0 - - 000000000000 04:00 2 37.5 7.1 000001010000 05:00 5 46.3 36.5 8.2 000012011000 06:00 38 42.2 35.5 5.6 000161011100000 07:00 169 40.6 34.9 5.4 0022196949234100 08:00 198 39.9 34.9 5.7 1013247466225200 09:00 144 39.1 33.0 6.3 1145226332133000 10:00 135 39.0 33.4 5.9 014321544093000 11:00 144 38.1 32.6 5.5 121326683490000 12:00 143 38.3 32.8 5.1 0114296828111000 13:00 166 39.4 33.9 6.2 0243246351135100 14:00 166 39.1 33.5 6.7 034329624986110 15:00 199 38.5 32.5 6.2 0 4 3 10 38 84 43 14 1200 16:00 217 39.1 33.8 5.8 01472610056166010 17:00 185 39.7 33.2 7.2 1457316547211210 18:00 140 39.4 33.5 6.3 0043295334131210 19:00 84 41.1 33.6 7.6 0150163017112110 20:00 40 39.2 34.1 5.1 00024181231000 21:00 33 40.1 34.0 6.3 0100514841000 22:00 15 52.2 40.5 8.8 000007121400 23:00 4 42.0 33.8 6.3 000012010000

Total 2H(10-12) 279 38.6 33.0 5.7 13564712274183000 2H(14-16) 365 38.8 32.9 6.5 0 7 7 13 67 146 92 22 7310 12H(7-19) 2006 39.3 33.5 6.1 4 19 37 53 318 823 529 172 36 11 4 0 24H(0-24) 2232 39.4 33.6 6.2 4 21 42 56 352 909 579 206 42 16 5 0

AM Peak 08:00 05:00 04:00 05:00 08:00 11:00 09:00 09:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 07:00 08:00 08:00 00:00 00:00 198 46.3 37.5 8.2 1245267466235200

PM Peak 16:00 22:00 22:00 22:00 17:00 15:00 17:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 14:00 22:00 14:00 12:00 217 52.2 40.5 8.8 1 4 5 10 38 100 56 21 6410

360 TSL Ltd Eccleston ATC, Doctors Lane

Direction: Eastbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 2 35.0 3.5 000001100000 01:00 1 47.5 - 000000001000 02:00 0 - - 000000000000 03:00 2 30.0 3.5 000011000000 04:00 0 - - 000000000000 05:00 5 46.3 36.5 10.8 000110021000 06:00 18 39.6 36.1 4.5 000016911000 07:00 59 40.7 34.5 5.9 000113191681100 08:00 86 39.7 35.2 4.4 0000112836110000 09:00 70 40.3 35.4 5.7 01104272683000 10:00 76 37.9 32.1 6.9 041114322210010 11:00 74 38.8 33.4 6.4 03027342233000 12:00 78 39.9 34.7 5.6 011163226101000 13:00 80 38.2 33.0 4.8 010017391760000 14:00 88 38.3 32.4 6.0 013219381852000 15:00 116 38.7 33.2 5.8 012221522881010 16:00 118 38.5 33.8 4.8 011214494731000 17:00 112 39.0 34.6 5.3 020012444652100 18:00 77 38.9 33.5 5.4 011014332161000 19:00 40 40.0 33.6 7.9 11023171033000 20:00 30 38.4 33.0 4.8 0001712820000 21:00 10 42.5 34.0 6.7 000034111000 22:00 9 51.6 40.8 8.3 000003211200 23:00 2 30.0 3.5 000011000000

Total 2H(10-12) 150 38.4 32.8 6.7 071321664443010 2H(14-16) 204 38.5 32.9 5.9 0254409046133010 12H(7-19) 1034 39.0 33.8 5.6 0 16 10 11 152 427 325 74 15 2 2 0 24H(0-24) 1153 39.2 33.9 5.8 1 17 10 15 169 472 356 84 23 4 2 0

AM Peak 08:00 05:00 01:00 05:00 00:00 10:00 09:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 09:00 07:00 10:00 00:00 86 46.3 47.5 10.8 0412143436113110

PM Peak 16:00 22:00 22:00 22:00 19:00 17:00 14:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 12:00 19:00 22:00 15:00 12:00 118 51.6 40.8 8.3 1232215247103210

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Westbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 1 47.5 - 000000001000 01:00 1 22.5 - 000100000000 02:00 0 - - 000000000000 03:00 0 - - 000000000000 04:00 3 52.8 37.5 13.2 000011000100 05:00 3 42.8 32.5 10.0 000101010000 06:00 25 43.5 36.3 6.7 000049461100 07:00 98 41.8 34.8 6.1 0021173225183000 08:00 107 40.0 34.6 5.8 0021154132131200 09:00 88 41.8 34.4 7.4 0122172919132210 10:00 81 38.5 32.5 6.0 020321262441000 11:00 64 38.6 33.0 5.5 011111291650000 12:00 84 38.9 33.9 5.4 001211412152100 13:00 90 37.9 32.2 6.3 021617372312100 14:00 86 38.4 31.8 6.5 005617371272000 15:00 109 38.9 33.2 5.7 013318413490000 16:00 108 41.4 35.7 5.9 0000183337143210 17:00 88 39.5 33.6 7.2 111515253054100 18:00 57 40.3 34.2 6.4 01027251371100 19:00 37 39.8 34.8 5.2 00006151132000 20:00 17 39.3 34.6 5.9 000038402000 21:00 8 44.0 36.3 7.4 000102311000 22:00 7 44.9 37.5 7.1 000012121000 23:00 3 42.8 35.8 5.8 000002010000

Total 2H(10-12) 145 38.5 32.7 5.7 031432554091000 2H(14-16) 195 38.8 32.6 6.1 0189357846162000 12H(7-19) 1060 39.6 33.7 6.3 1 9 18 32 184 396 286 101 21 10 2 0 24H(0-24) 1165 39.7 33.9 6.3 1 9 18 35 199 436 309 115 29 12 2 0

AM Peak 08:00 04:00 00:00 04:00 00:00 10:00 07:00 10:00 10:00 08:00 08:00 07:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 00:00 107 52.8 47.5 13.2 0223214132183210

PM Peak 15:00 22:00 22:00 21:00 17:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 15:00 12:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 16:00 12:00 109 44.9 37.5 7.4 1256184137144210

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Total Flow

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 3 47.8 39.2 7.6 000001101000 01:00 2 35.0 17.7 000100001000 02:00 0 - - 000000000000 03:00 2 30.0 3.5 000011000000 04:00 3 52.8 37.5 13.2 000011000100 05:00 8 44.7 35.0 10.0 000211031000 06:00 43 42.5 36.2 5.8 00005151372100 07:00 157 41.4 34.7 6.0 0022305141264100 08:00 193 39.9 34.9 5.2 0021266968241200 09:00 158 41.3 34.8 6.7 0232215645215210 10:00 157 38.2 32.3 6.4 061435584651010 11:00 138 38.7 33.2 6.0 041318633883000 12:00 162 39.4 34.3 5.5 0123177347153100 13:00 170 38.1 32.6 5.7 031634764072100 14:00 174 38.3 32.1 6.2 0188367530124000 15:00 225 38.8 33.2 5.7 0255399362171010 16:00 226 39.4 34.7 5.4 0112328284174210 17:00 200 39.2 34.1 6.2 1315276976106200 18:00 134 39.4 33.8 5.8 0212215834132100 19:00 77 39.9 34.2 6.7 11029322165000 20:00 47 38.7 33.6 5.2 000110201222000 21:00 18 43.3 35.0 6.9 000136422000 22:00 16 49.0 39.4 7.7 000015332200 23:00 5 41.3 33.5 5.5 000013010000

Total 2H(10-12) 295 38.4 32.7 6.2 0 10 2 7 53 121 84 13 4010 2H(14-16) 399 38.6 32.7 6.0 0 3 13 13 75 168 92 29 5010 12H(7-19) 2094 39.3 33.8 6.0 1 25 28 43 336 823 611 175 36 12 4 0 24H(0-24) 2318 39.4 33.9 6.1 2 26 28 50 368 908 665 199 52 16 4 0

AM Peak 08:00 04:00 00:00 01:00 00:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 08:00 08:00 07:00 09:00 08:00 09:00 00:00 193 52.8 39.2 17.7 0634356968265210

PM Peak 16:00 22:00 22:00 22:00 17:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 12:00 226 49.0 39.4 7.7 1388399384176210

360 TSL Ltd Eccleston ATC, Doctors Lane

Direction: Eastbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 2 37.5 7.1 000001010000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 0 - - 000000000000 03:00 0 - - 000000000000 04:00 0 - - 000000000000 05:00 3 43.9 40.8 2.9 000000120000 06:00 20 41.7 36.5 4.5 000009731000 07:00 53 39.7 35.0 6.2 00115221742010 08:00 94 40.0 35.0 4.7 000274229131000 09:00 70 39.9 35.4 6.2 01105272654100 10:00 59 38.6 32.2 6.1 011315201450000 11:00 92 38.6 32.8 5.7 013216392470000 12:00 77 38.9 33.9 5.2 011010342551000 13:00 92 38.7 32.2 6.6 024122351972000 14:00 90 38.6 33.5 5.4 010312442351100 15:00 125 37.9 31.6 6.2 033729502571000 16:00 126 39.0 33.3 6.1 112225473693000 17:00 132 38.2 33.2 5.2 010128652772010 18:00 63 38.7 32.2 7.3 111119211340200 19:00 50 39.6 35.7 6.2 00007172030210 20:00 30 40.6 36.2 4.7 0000381441000 21:00 17 44.3 36.6 7.5 001015442000 22:00 8 39.8 34.4 10.0 010002401000 23:00 2 37.5 0.0 000000200000

Total 2H(10-12) 151 38.6 32.5 5.8 0245315938120000 2H(14-16) 215 38.2 32.4 5.9 0 4 3 10 41 94 48 12 2100 12H(7-19) 1073 38.9 33.2 6.0 2 13 17 23 193 446 278 78 17 4 2 0 24H(0-24) 1205 39.2 33.6 6.0 2 14 18 23 204 488 330 95 22 6 3 0

AM Peak 08:00 05:00 05:00 00:00 00:00 09:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 09:00 09:00 07:00 00:00 94 43.9 40.8 7.1 0133164229134110

PM Peak 17:00 21:00 23:00 22:00 16:00 15:00 13:00 15:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 12:00 132 44.3 37.5 10.0 134729653693210

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Westbound

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 2 35.0 3.5 000001100000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 1 42.5 - 000000010000 03:00 2 35.0 3.5 000001100000 04:00 3 37.8 30.8 5.8 000020100000 05:00 8 48.0 35.0 12.2 010013003000 06:00 22 38.4 33.6 5.8 000068700100 07:00 83 42.0 35.4 5.7 0010113122144000 08:00 122 40.3 34.6 6.0 0102204634143200 09:00 77 39.2 33.5 6.9 014013282351200 10:00 98 38.7 31.4 7.3 035427341474000 11:00 73 38.7 32.5 6.6 01448311951000 12:00 97 39.9 34.5 7.1 004411323283210 13:00 108 38.0 31.9 6.2 030726422343000 14:00 95 41.3 33.7 7.7 0223222721141210 15:00 113 38.1 32.3 5.2 0016285116110000 16:00 102 41.7 35.1 6.2 0013163032145100 17:00 89 39.5 33.8 6.9 005213322663200 18:00 71 38.4 32.9 5.6 001414291832000 19:00 35 42.8 35.2 6.6 0001515652100 20:00 22 43.4 36.8 7.1 000037641010 21:00 11 41.8 34.8 9.0 000043210010 22:00 6 45.5 40.0 5.2 000001221000 23:00 1 37.5 - 000000100000

Total 2H(10-12) 171 38.7 31.9 7.0 0498356533125000 2H(14-16) 208 39.7 32.9 6.5 0239507837251210 12H(7-19) 1128 39.6 33.5 6.6 0 11 28 39 209 413 280 105 30 11 2 0 24H(0-24) 1241 39.8 33.6 6.6 0 12 28 40 230 452 307 118 37 13 4 0

AM Peak 08:00 05:00 02:00 05:00 00:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 08:00 08:00 07:00 07:00 08:00 00:00 00:00 122 48.0 42.5 12.2 0354274634144200

PM Peak 15:00 22:00 22:00 21:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 13:00 15:00 15:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 113 45.5 40.0 9.0 0357285132145210

360 TSL Ltd

Direction: Total Flow

Hour Total 85th Mean Standard Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Beginning Volume Percentile Average Deviation <10mph 10<15 15<20 20<25 25<30 30<35 35<40 40<45 45<50 50<55 55<60 >=60 00:00 4 42.0 36.3 4.8 000002110000 01:00 0 - - 000000000000 02:00 1 42.5 - 000000010000 03:00 2 35.0 3.5 000001100000 04:00 3 37.8 30.8 5.8 000020100000 05:00 11 47.3 36.6 10.7 010013123000 06:00 42 39.5 35.0 5.3 00006171431100 07:00 136 41.3 35.2 5.9 0021165339186010 08:00 216 40.1 34.8 5.4 0104278863274200 09:00 147 39.6 34.4 6.6 0250185549105300 10:00 157 38.7 31.7 6.9 0467425428124000 11:00 165 38.6 32.7 6.1 0276247043121000 12:00 174 39.5 34.2 6.4 0154216657134210 13:00 200 38.3 32.1 6.4 0548487742115000 14:00 185 39.7 33.6 6.7 0326347144192310 15:00 238 38.0 31.9 5.7 0 3 4 13 57 101 41 18 1000 16:00 228 39.8 34.1 6.2 1135417768238100 17:00 221 38.9 33.4 6.0 0153419753135210 18:00 134 38.5 32.5 6.4 112533503172200 19:00 85 40.8 35.5 6.3 000112322682310 20:00 52 42.0 36.4 5.8 00006152082010 21:00 28 43.8 35.9 8.1 001058652010 22:00 14 44.8 36.8 8.5 010003622000 23:00 3 39.3 37.5 0.0 000000300000

Total 2H(10-12) 322 38.6 32.2 6.5 0 6 13 13 66 124 71 24 5000 2H(14-16) 423 38.9 32.7 6.2 0 6 6 19 91 172 85 37 3310 12H(7-19) 2201 39.3 33.4 6.3 2 24 45 62 402 859 558 183 47 15 4 0 24H(0-24) 2446 39.5 33.6 6.4 2 26 46 63 434 940 637 213 59 19 7 0

AM Peak 08:00 05:00 02:00 05:00 00:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 07:00 09:00 07:00 00:00 216 47.3 42.5 10.7 0477428863276310

PM Peak 15:00 22:00 23:00 22:00 16:00 13:00 12:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 12:00 238 44.8 37.5 8.5 1 5 5 13 57 101 68 23 8310

360 TSL Ltd Location: C192 Tincklers Lane, W of Doctors Lane, Eccleston Grid Ref: 351146.613 416834.886 Dates: 02/05/14-15/05/14 Direction Eastbound

Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Time 02/05/2014 03/05/2014 04/05/2014 05/05/2014 06/05/2014 07/05/2014 08/05/2014 09/05/2014 10/05/2014 11/05/2014 12/05/2014 13/05/2014 14/05/2014 15/05/2014 5 Day Av 7 Day Av 00:00 3 18 33 20 2513910544158 01:00 1793013169302013 02:00 1421011141401112 03:00 2433231021302022 04:00 1011111214231111 05:00 6 11 5 5 13 8 5 10 6 9 12 7 11 8 9 8 06:00 34 6 5 4 36 45 38 37 10 4 39 32 40 37 34 26 07:00 115 24 14 21 123 126 126 120 28 16 123 147 128 138 117 89 08:00 187 63 25 30 198 204 188 224 61 27 198 205 201 192 183 143 09:00 159 105 56 58 157 148 153 171 95 55 130 147 154 175 145 126 10:00 125 165 101 95 120 128 136 119 127 83 112 120 110 118 118 119 11:00 133 161 137 139 118 119 125 109 170 132 133 129 120 122 125 132 12:00 153 144 127 138 131 141 127 141 178 142 138 124 146 151 139 142 13:00 145 170 123 134 130 134 143 135 138 144 144 115 149 124 135 138 14:00 137 132 152 141 118 129 117 150 139 152 107 116 130 130 128 132 15:00 174 134 138 131 167 157 164 153 123 137 138 146 165 140 154 148 16:00 200 164 138 122 204 218 198 186 136 112 194 193 230 214 196 179 17:00 198 124 103 123 173 205 197 193 120 111 184 225 197 184 188 167 18:00 148 100 69 87 128 143 129 147 82 74 164 127 142 126 134 119 19:00 112 87 80 72 97 100 105 89 86 57 77 96 132 128 101 94 20:00 64 65 63 39 56 55 72 73 41 41 54 82 104 82 68 64 21:00 43 73 59 32 35 39 62 51 27 29 48 58 52 57 48 48 22:00 39 32 45 17 22 15 24 31 25 15 29 23 30 30 26 27 23:00 49 51 51 9 19 8 21 22 16 4 17 18 15 26 20 23

0700 - 1900 1874 1486 1183 1219 1767 1852 1803 1848 1397 1185 1765 1794 1872 1814 1761 1633 0600 - 2200 2127 1717 1390 1366 1991 2091 2080 2098 1561 1316 1983 2062 2200 2118 2012 1864 0600 - 0000 2215 1800 1486 1392 2032 2114 2125 2151 1602 1335 2029 2103 2245 2174 2058 1915 0000 - 0000 2229 1844 1539 1425 2050 2133 2137 2168 1630 1369 2058 2117 2266 2185 2077 1939 08:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 AM Peak 187 165 137 139 198 204 188 224 170 132 198 205 201 192 183 143 16:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 PM Peak 200 170 152 141 204 218 198 193 178 152 194 225 230 214 196 179

Location: C192 Tincklers Lane, W of Doctors Lane, Eccleston Grid Ref: 351146.613 416834.886 Dates: 02/05/14-15/05/14 Direction Westbound

Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Time 02/05/2014 03/05/2014 04/05/2014 05/05/2014 06/05/2014 07/05/2014 08/05/2014 09/05/2014 10/05/2014 11/05/2014 12/05/2014 13/05/2014 14/05/2014 15/05/2014 5 Day Av 7 Day Av 00:00 8 21 19 21 19489189386810 01:00 2 11 9 4 132176512324 02:00 1584210155231123 03:00 0342221143302012 04:00 3283315324412133 05:00 43345574562681065 06:00 22 12 5 7 26 22 26 24 11 1 26 35 21 28 24 19 07:00 101 28 12 21 128 89 93 114 20 19 127 131 114 124 104 80 08:00 175 77 38 33 185 199 178 165 52 39 195 170 184 177 166 133 09:00 146 86 70 51 146 161 149 134 99 54 140 162 173 158 142 124 10:00 114 137 100 92 108 127 96 122 124 107 90 115 121 132 112 113 11:00 129 149 126 110 117 99 124 116 138 117 102 111 106 130 114 120 12:00 131 139 146 130 132 114 139 147 147 131 118 119 139 125 129 133 13:00 166 130 111 137 125 116 136 116 126 91 113 106 147 130 129 125 14:00 144 150 102 116 122 129 134 116 116 115 131 135 119 113 126 124 15:00 169 122 121 94 144 152 147 172 128 107 157 151 152 153 149 141 16:00 218 152 109 116 159 171 173 204 121 104 181 168 181 169 174 159 17:00 200 128 100 105 206 200 205 190 119 100 197 215 214 207 194 170 18:00 143 96 80 71 142 127 143 148 98 68 166 162 148 153 140 125 19:00 121 109 77 53 101 108 118 109 62 52 89 82 117 106 100 93 20:00 91 69 64 49 42 61 66 84 42 36 53 80 53 69 65 61 21:00 46 62 54 27 51 47 43 36 32 35 45 54 45 51 45 45 22:00 36 37 36 16 29 31 34 30 27 15 29 29 33 31 30 30 23:00 38 30 37 6 17 7 10 15 20 7 13 6 8 21 14 17

0700 - 1900 1836 1394 1115 1076 1714 1684 1717 1744 1288 1052 1717 1745 1798 1771 1680 1547 0600 - 2200 2116 1646 1315 1212 1934 1922 1970 1997 1435 1176 1930 1996 2034 2025 1914 1765 0600 - 0000 2190 1713 1388 1234 1980 1960 2014 2042 1482 1198 1972 2031 2075 2077 1958 1811 0000 - 0000 2208 1758 1439 1272 1994 1981 2033 2060 1514 1240 1997 2045 2098 2098 1979 1838 08:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 AM Peak 175 149 126 110 185 199 178 165 138 117 195 170 184 177 166 133 16:00 16:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 16:00 12:00 12:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 PM Peak 218 152 146 137 206 200 205 204 147 131 197 215 214 207 194 170 Location: C192 Doctors Lane, E of Gillcroft at LC5, Eccleston Grid Ref: 351923 416997 Dates: 03/10/13-09/10/13 Direction Eastbound

Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Time 03/10/2013 04/10/2013 05/10/2013 06/10/2013 07/10/2013 08/10/2013 09/10/2013 5 Day 7 Day 00:00 2 2 11 10 2 3 2 2 5 01:00 1 2 3 5 4 0 1 2 2 02:00 0 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 03:00 2 1 1 4 1 0 0 1 1 04:00 3 1 3 5 2 4 1 2 3 05:00 6 7 6 6 9 4 7 7 6 06:00 33 30 6 6 26 28 30 29 23 07:00 72 76 21 18 86 83 93 82 64 08:00 123 122 58 23 113 123 130 122 99 09:00 115 118 95 63 114 122 122 118 107 10:00 88 98 116 94 89 83 87 89 94 11:00 89 93 130 102 109 74 95 92 99 12:00 114 113 100 93 86 96 95 101 100 13:00 112 102 116 103 105 93 95 101 104 14:00 86 96 85 96 77 92 96 89 90 15:00 132 117 88 91 98 104 94 109 103 16:00 133 123 91 109 127 117 136 127 119 17:00 106 122 92 97 114 132 129 121 113 18:00 77 111 90 62 106 85 99 96 90 19:00 75 72 65 34 72 75 66 72 66 20:00 48 50 45 31 41 29 39 41 40 21:00 25 29 27 27 16 22 28 24 25 22:00 14 22 29 20 18 15 16 17 19 23:00 7 22 20 5 15 18 9 14 14

0700 - 1900 1247 1291 1082 951 1224 1204 1271 1247 1181 0600 - 2200 1428 1472 1225 1049 1379 1358 1434 1414 1335 0600 - 0000 1449 1516 1274 1074 1412 1391 1459 1445 1368 0000 - 0000 1463 1530 1301 1106 1432 1403 1472 1460 1387 08:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 09:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 09:00 AM Peak 123 122 130 102 114 123 130 122 107 16:00 16:00 13:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 PM Peak 133 123 116 109 127 132 136 127 119

Location: C192 Doctors Lane, E of Gillcroft at LC5, Eccleston Grid Ref: 351923 416997 Dates: 03/10/13-09/10/13 Direction Westbound

Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Time 03/10/2013 04/10/2013 05/10/2013 06/10/2013 07/10/2013 08/10/2013 09/10/2013 5 Day 7 Day 00:00 3 3 8 11 1 5 1 3 5 01:00 1 4 7 9 1 0 3 2 4 02:00 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 03:00 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 0 1 04:00 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 1 05:00 5 5 3 3 6 9 5 6 5 06:00 20 18 8 5 11 17 15 16 13 07:00 65 67 25 20 68 75 66 68 55 08:00 132 138 57 35 132 124 130 131 107 09:00 135 119 83 58 125 118 103 120 106 10:00 93 85 138 105 80 92 104 91 100 11:00 116 119 133 95 112 85 102 107 109 12:00 113 98 135 112 105 104 89 102 108 13:00 99 106 104 104 118 81 105 102 102 14:00 104 114 90 109 104 89 100 102 101 15:00 137 172 83 93 128 150 154 148 131 16:00 130 139 104 107 126 125 170 138 129 17:00 134 185 102 94 157 175 147 160 142 18:00 126 116 94 63 131 125 135 127 113 19:00 78 90 66 61 63 84 83 80 75 20:00 61 48 48 31 59 47 50 53 49 21:00 33 42 26 22 38 30 44 37 34 22:00 30 27 27 11 22 25 15 24 22 23:00 9 24 22 11 6 12 9 12 13

0700 - 1900 1384 1458 1148 995 1386 1343 1405 1395 1303 0600 - 2200 1576 1656 1296 1114 1557 1521 1597 1581 1474 0600 - 0000 1615 1707 1345 1136 1585 1558 1621 1617 1510 0000 - 0000 1625 1720 1367 1168 1597 1574 1632 1630 1526 09:00 08:00 10:00 10:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 11:00 AM Peak 135 138 138 105 132 124 130 131 109 15:00 17:00 12:00 12:00 17:00 17:00 16:00 17:00 17:00 PM Peak 137 185 135 112 157 175 170 160 142 P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment



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Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 350844, 416515 Date 19/01/2014 09:50 Severity Serious Vehicles Involved 4 Casualties 1 Road C192 Tincklers Lane Junction Distance 250 Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building Vehicle Types Pedal Cycle; Car; Pedal Cycle; Pedal Cycle;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Serious Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 351422, 416940 Date 28/11/2014 08:46 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 2 Casualties 1 Road C192 Doctors Lane Junction Distance Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building Vehicle Types Car; Car;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 351524, 417800 Date 09/06/2015 21:10 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 1 Casualties 1 Road B5250 Towngate Junction Distance Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building Vehicle Types Motorcycle over 50cc and up to 125cc;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 351525, 417612 Date 26/03/2017 09:34 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 1 Casualties 1 Road B5250 Towngate Junction Distance 100 Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building Manor House Farm Vehicle Types Motorcycle over 500cc;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 351672, 417375 Date 29/10/2014 20:05 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 1 Casualties 1 Road B5250 Towngate Junction Distance Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building Vehicle Types Motorcycle over 50cc and up to 125cc; Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 352031, 417091 Date 25/10/2014 10:30 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 2 Casualties 2 Road B5250 The Green Junction Distance 2 Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building 173 Vehicle Types Car; Car;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger 2 Vehicle or pillion passenger Slight Front seat passenger Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 352040, 417066 Date 27/01/2015 16:45 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 2 Casualties 1 Road C192 Doctors Lane Junction Distance Weather Fine with high winds Nearest Building Car; Goods vehicle 3.5 tonnes maximum gross Vehicle Types weight (mgw) and under;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 352046, 417067 Date 09/02/2018 16:18 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 2 Casualties 1 Road B5250 The Green Junction Distance Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building Vehicle Types Car; Pedal Cycle;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 352053, 417056 Date 26/02/2015 16:50 Severity Serious Vehicles Involved 1 Casualties 2 Road B5250 The Green Junction Distance 25 Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building 186 Vehicle Types Car;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger 2 Pedestrian Serious Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 352165, 416823 Date 22/04/2017 13:13 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 2 Casualties 2 Road B5250 The Green Junction Distance Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building Vehicle Types Car; Car;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger 2 Vehicle or pillion passenger Slight Front seat passenger Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 352192, 416756 Date 18/07/2015 10:15 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 1 Casualties 1 Road B5250 The Green Junction Distance Weather Raining without high winds Nearest Building Junction Red House Lane Vehicle Types Bus or coach (17 or more passenger seats);

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Vehicle or pillion passenger Slight Not a car passengers Seated passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 352231, 416627 Date 22/04/2017 16:45 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 2 Casualties 1 Road B5250 The Green Junction Distance Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building Vehicle Types Pedal Cycle; Car;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 352260, 416577 Date 23/11/2016 09:00 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 1 Casualties 1 Road B5 The Green Junction Distance 30 Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building St Mary'S Primary School Vehicle Types Car;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Pedestrian Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger

Location Eccleston, Chorley Grid ref 352344, 416542 Date 17/03/2015 07:15 Severity Slight Vehicles Involved 1 Casualties 2 Road B5250 The Green Junction Distance Weather Fine without high winds Nearest Building Vehicle Types Motorcycle over 500cc;

Casualty Details ID TYPE SEVERITY CAR PASSENGER BUS PASSENGER 1 Driver or rider Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger 2 Pedestrian Slight Not a car passengers Not a bus or coach passenger No Crash Date: Friday, February 09, 2018 Time of Crash: 4:18:00 PM Crash Reference: 201804SC18073

Highest Injury Severity: Slight Road Number: U0 Number of Casualties: 1

Highway Authority: Lancashire Number of Vehicles: 2

Local Authority: Chorley Borough OS Grid Reference: 352040 417070

Weather Description: Fine without high winds

Road Surface Description: Dry

Speed Limit: 30

Light Conditions: Daylight: regardless of presence of streetlights

Carriageway Hazards: None

Junction Detail: Crossroads

Junction Pedestrian Crossing: No physical crossing facility within 50 metres

Road Type: Single carriageway

Junction Control: Give way or uncontrolled

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Page 1 of 2 10/16/2020 9:47:04 AM No Vehicles involved Vehicle Vehicle Type Vehicle Driver Driver Age Vehicle Maneouvre First Point of Journey Hit Object - On Hit Object - Off Ref Age Gender Band Impact Purpose Carriageway Carriageway 1 Car (excluding private 6 Male 66 - 75 Vehicle proceeding normally along the Front Journey as None None hire) carriageway, not on a bend part of work 2 Pedal cycle -1 Male 46 - 55 Vehicle proceeding normally along the Front Commuting None None carriageway, not on a bend to/from work


Vehicle Ref Casualty Ref Injury Severity Casualty Class Gender Age Band Pedestrian Location Pedestrian Movement 2 1 Slight Driver or rider Male 46 - 55 Unknown or other Unknown or other

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Page 2 of 2 10/16/2020 9:47:04 AM No Crash Date: Wednesday, February 06, 2019 Time of Crash: 6:15:00 PM Crash Reference: 2019040829508

Highest Injury Severity: Serious Road Number: B5250 Number of Casualties: 1

Highway Authority: Lancashire Number of Vehicles: 1

Local Authority: Chorley Borough OS Grid Reference: 352186 416755

Weather Description: Fine without high winds

Road Surface Description: Dry

Speed Limit: 30

Light Conditions: Darkness: street lights present and lit

Carriageway Hazards: None

Junction Detail: T or staggered junction

Junction Pedestrian Crossing: No physical crossing facility within 50 metres

Road Type: Single carriageway

Junction Control: Give way or uncontrolled

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Page 1 of 2 10/16/2020 9:48:19 AM No Vehicles involved Vehicle Vehicle Type Vehicle Driver Driver Age Vehicle Maneouvre First Point of Journey Hit Object - On Hit Object - Off Ref Age Gender Band Impact Purpose Carriageway Carriageway 1 Car (excluding private 2 Female 36 - 45 Vehicle is in the act of turning left Nearside Commuting None None hire) to/from work


Vehicle Ref Casualty Ref Injury Severity Casualty Class Gender Age Band Pedestrian Location Pedestrian Movement 1 1 Serious Pedestrian Female 66 - 75 In carriageway, crossing elsewhere Crossing from driver's nearside

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Page 2 of 2 10/16/2020 9:48:19 AM No Crash Date: Saturday, April 20, 2019 Time of Crash: 9:42:00 AM Crash Reference: 2019040851023

Highest Injury Severity: Serious Road Number: B5250 Number of Casualties: 1

Highway Authority: Lancashire Number of Vehicles: 1

Local Authority: Chorley Borough OS Grid Reference: 351972 417189

Weather Description: Fine without high winds

Road Surface Description: Dry

Speed Limit: 30

Light Conditions: Daylight: regardless of presence of streetlights

Carriageway Hazards: None

Junction Detail: Not at or within 20 metres of junction

Junction Pedestrian Crossing: No physical crossing facility within 50 metres

Road Type: Single carriageway

Junction Control: Not Applicable

For more information about the data please visit: To subscribe to unlimited reports using CrashMap Pro visit

Page 1 of 2 10/16/2020 9:45:42 AM No Vehicles involved Vehicle Vehicle Type Vehicle Driver Driver Age Vehicle Maneouvre First Point of Journey Hit Object - On Hit Object - Off Ref Age Gender Band Impact Purpose Carriageway Carriageway 1 Car (excluding private 1 Female Over 75 Vehicle proceeding normally along the Front Other None None hire) carriageway, not on a bend


Vehicle Ref Casualty Ref Injury Severity Casualty Class Gender Age Band Pedestrian Location Pedestrian Movement 1 1 Serious Pedestrian Male 26 - 35 In carriageway, not crossing In carriageway, stationary - not crossing (standing or playing)

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Page 2 of 2 10/16/2020 9:45:42 AM No Crash Date: Tuesday, September 03, 2019 Time of Crash: 4:58:00 PM Crash Reference: 2019040874332

Highest Injury Severity: Slight Road Number: B5250 Number of Casualties: 1

Highway Authority: Lancashire Number of Vehicles: 1

Local Authority: Chorley Borough OS Grid Reference: 352058 417073

Weather Description: Fine without high winds

Road Surface Description: Dry

Speed Limit: 30

Light Conditions: Daylight: regardless of presence of streetlights

Carriageway Hazards: None

Junction Detail: Crossroads

Junction Pedestrian Crossing: No physical crossing facility within 50 metres

Road Type: Single carriageway

Junction Control: Give way or uncontrolled

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Page 1 of 2 10/16/2020 9:47:43 AM No Vehicles involved Vehicle Vehicle Type Vehicle Driver Driver Age Vehicle Maneouvre First Point of Journey Hit Object - On Hit Object - Off Ref Age Gender Band Impact Purpose Carriageway Carriageway 1 Car (excluding private 7 Male 16 - 20 Vehicle proceeding normally along the Nearside Other None None hire) carriageway, not on a bend


Vehicle Ref Casualty Ref Injury Severity Casualty Class Gender Age Band Pedestrian Location Pedestrian Movement 1 1 Slight Pedestrian Male 46 - 55 In carriageway, crossing elsewhere Unknown or other

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Page 2 of 2 10/16/2020 9:47:43 AM No Crash Date: Monday, December 30, 2019 Time of Crash: 11:59:00 AM Crash Reference: 2019040914343

Highest Injury Severity: Serious Road Number: B5250 Number of Casualties: 3

Highway Authority: Lancashire Number of Vehicles: 2

Local Authority: Chorley Borough OS Grid Reference: 352229 416635

Weather Description: Fine without high winds

Road Surface Description: Dry

Speed Limit: 30

Light Conditions: Daylight: regardless of presence of streetlights

Carriageway Hazards: None

Junction Detail: Not at or within 20 metres of junction

Junction Pedestrian Crossing: No physical crossing facility within 50 metres

Road Type: Single carriageway

Junction Control: Not Applicable

For more information about the data please visit: To subscribe to unlimited reports using CrashMap Pro visit

Page 1 of 2 10/16/2020 9:48:46 AM No Vehicles involved Vehicle Vehicle Type Vehicle Driver Driver Age Vehicle Maneouvre First Point of Journey Hit Object - On Hit Object - Off Ref Age Gender Band Impact Purpose Carriageway Carriageway 1 Car (excluding private 12 Female 21 - 25 Vehicle proceeding normally along the Front Commuting None None hire) carriageway, not on a bend to/from work 2 Bus or coach (17+ 5 Male 56 - 65 Vehicle is parked in the carriageway Back Journey as None None passenger seats) part of work


Vehicle Ref Casualty Ref Injury Severity Casualty Class Gender Age Band Pedestrian Location Pedestrian Movement 1 1 Slight Driver or rider Female 21 - 25 Unknown or other Unknown or other 2 2 Serious Vehicle or pillion Female 66 - 75 Unknown or other Unknown or other passenger 2 3 Slight Vehicle or pillion Female 66 - 75 Unknown or other Unknown or other passenger

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This page has been left intentionally blank P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment



This page has been left intentionally blank Rowan

KEY NTS 1c 75

Access Dimensions 1b TINCKLERS FOLD

SITE BOUNDARY Hedgerow Cottage 1a Track 1

2.4m x 83m VISIBILITY SPLAY 6m 6 1

Pond 4 (BASED ON ABSOLUTE Y-DISTANCES radius - Moorcroft FOR 85%ILE SPEEDS OF 40.1mph) Potential pedestrian/ Glendale 2.4m x 81m VISIBILITY SPLAY 5.5m cycle connection (BASED ON ABSOLUTE Y-DISTANCES carriageway





21.0m Issues FP 3 TINCKLERS LANE

Issues 8




2 Play Area

Hope Cottage El Sub Sta 108





96 52

FP 10 97 Proposed 'SLOW' markings and 'Pedestrians in road

GRASS pedestrian/ cycle

DENSE ahead' signage proposed on Tinklers LaneVEGETATION connections86 on approaches to pededstrian/cycle Tincklers connection and PROWs. Exact locations to House

be agreed at the detailed design stage WINDOW A 85

DENSE VEGETATION Pond 16 Drain Proposed El Sub Sta 10 Access Location 6






23.4m 80 23.6m 82 DOCTOR'S LANE

















6 Footway predominantly provided BANNER CLOSE internally with 2m wide section along

GRASS site frontage to facilitate pedestrian 1 connectivity to existing eastern provision Proposed uncontrolled dropped kerb crossing with tactile paving2 providing 2m wide verge to connectivity with cricket club be retained TINCKLERS LANE

5.5m Provision of dropped kerb crossing with tactile paving SURVEYED BUILDING EXTENTS WHERE POSSIBLE OUTSIDE SURVEY AREA GRASS GAP IN FENCE GRASS provided over Banner Close




TARMAC SURVEYED OVERHEAD 77 CABLES WHERE POSSIBLE OUTSIDE SURVEY AREA Rayner Propose widening of existing narrow EXISTING BUILDING section of footway to circa 1.2m whilst SURVEYED BUILDING EXTENTS WHERE POSSIBLE OUTSIDE House SURVEY AREA maintaining 5.5m width of carriageway

Propose extension of existing 30mph speed limit across site frontage to reflect changing nature of road in line with development



Status Title Drawing No


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1.67 4.815 1.385 Phoenix 2 Duo (P2-15W with Elite 6x4 chassis) Overall Length 11.200m Overall Width 2.530m Overall Body Height 3.751m Min Body Ground Clearance 0.304m Track Width 2.500m Lock to Lock Time 4.00s Kerb to Kerb Turning Radius 9.500m 23.4m 23.4m






23.4m 23.4m






Project Drawn by Issue date VB 18 NOV 2020

* * * * TINCKLERS LANE, ECCLESTON, LANCASHIRE Scale(s) Rev Date By Revision notes 1:500 @ A3 Status Title Drawing No


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Project Drawn by Issue date VB 18 NOV 2020


This page has been left intentionally blank P20003 – Tincklers Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire Transport Assessment



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six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd




24th November 2020

six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd Unit 17 Lea Green Business Park Eurolink, St Helens Merseyside WA9 4TR t 0151 424 7680 m 07985 283074 e [email protected]

six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Rev: Issue Status: Prepared by/Date: Checked by/Date: Approved by/Date:

0 DRAFT Jon Preston Tristan Brooks 24 November 2020 24 November 2020 1 FINAL Jon Preston Tristan Brooks Jon Preston 24 November 2020 24 November 2020 24 November 2020

Report Title: Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston Proposed Access Strategy Stage 1 Road Safety Audit Date: 24 November 2020

Document Reference & 610/2020/162/01 Rev 1 Revision: Prepared by: Six Ten Highways & Traffic Ltd

On behalf of: Prime Transport Planning

Disclaimer note

The client has confirmed that it is entering into the agreement under which this report is being prepared on its own behalf and not on behalf of, or for the benefit of any other party and has agreed that in any event of any claim arising out of or in connection with that agreement and/or the report itself it shall be entitled to recover from six:TEN Highways & Traffic Limited only the losses, if any, it has itself suffered.

This report therefore is for the private and confidential use of the client for whom it was prepared solely for the purposes requested by the client. It should not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by any third party for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of six:TEN Highways & Traffic Limited.

six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit






















six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit


1.1 This report is a preliminary design Stage 1 Road Safety Audit (RSA) carried out on the proposed access strategy for a new residential development at Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston, at the request of Prime Transport Planning, who are the Design Organisation and supplied the audit brief. The local highway authority is Lancashire County Council who have approved the audit team to carry out Road Safety Audits on their highway network.

1.2 The RSA team, staff members from six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd, present at the RSA were:

Jon Preston MCIHT MSoRSA Audit Team Leader

Tristan Brooks Bsc (Hons), MBA, CMILT, MCIHT, MSoRSA, HE RSA Cert of Comp Audit Team Member

1.3 We confirm that no member of the Audit Team has been involved with the design process.

1.4 A site visit was carried out on the 19th November 2020 between 14:55hrs and 15:25hrs. The weather during the site visit was overcast and the carriageway surface was damp.

1.5 Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane in the vicinity of the proposed highway works is currently subject to a derestricted speed and is not street lit.

1.5 The RSA brief issued to the team comprised various elements listed at Appendix Two.

1.6 The terms of reference of the RSA are as described in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges GG119 – Road Safety Audit. The RSA team has examined and reported only the road safety issues of the scheme as presented and has not examined or verified the compliance of the design to any other criteria.

1.7 A plan showing the location of the road safety problems raised in this report is included at Appendix Three.


The proposed highway works are associated with the construction of a new residential development which in summary includes:

• Provision of major/minor priority controlled T-junction on Doctors Lane; • Widening of the existing footway on Doctors Lane between the proposed pedestrian/cycle access to the development and Banner Close; • Provision of uncontrolled pedestrian crossings on Doctors Lane and Banner Close; • Pedestrian/cycle access to the development via Doctors Lane, Tincklers Lane and The Hawthorns; • Additional traffic signs and road markings on Tincklers Lane relating to the pedestrian/cyclist movements; and • Relocation of the existing 30mph/Derestricted speed limit terminal point on Doctors Lane to the west of Tincklers Lane.


six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit


3.1 Personal injury collision data for the five-year period (2015-2019) was obtained from and the location plan is shown in Appendix Five.

3.2 There has been one recorded personal injury collision on the highway network in the vicinity of the proposed works during the five-year period.

3.3 The collision occurred on Doctors Lane to the east of Banner Close in January 2015 (it is assumed that the collision location has been plotted incorrectly).

3.4 The collision involved two vehicles and resulted in one casualty whose injuries were classed as slight in severity.


4.1 Existing and forecast traffic flow data were provided to the audit team and are shown in Appendix Six.

4.2 Existing traffic speed data obtained in October 2020 was provided to the audit team which shows the 85th percentile speeds on Doctors Lane were 39.5mph eastbound and 40.1mph westbound.


six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit


5.1 Location: Doctors Lane adjacent to proposed access


Summary: Lack of street lighting for new junction arrangement It was observed on site that the proposed junction is located outside the limits of the existing street lighting system on Doctors Lane. A lack of street lighting at the proposed junction where increased vehicle turning manoeuvres will take place may increase the risk of vehicular and/or vehicular/pedestrian collisions during the hours of darkness.

Recommendation The existing street lighting system on Doctors Lane should be extended to include the proposed junction and the approaches to it.

5.2 Location: Proposed access on Doctors Lane


Summary: Excessive vehicular encroachment into opposing lanes when turning into and out of proposed access The swept path analysis drawing provided to the audit team, shows that a refuse vehicle encroaches into opposing traffic lanes when carrying out turning manoeuvres into an out of the proposed access. Whilst it is recognised that some encroachment may occur, it is felt that the encroachment into opposing traffic lanes is excessive and may increase the risk of head- on or side-impact collisions.

Recommendation The proposed junction arrangement should be amended to reduce the amount of vehicular encroachment into opposing lanes when carrying out turning manoeuvres into and out of the proposed access.


six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit

5.3 Location: Proposed uncontrolled pedestrian crossings on Banner Close


Summary: Existing landscaping/fencing within 3rd party land may obscure pedestrian/driver intervisibility The intervisibility between pedestrians crossing Banner Lane at the proposed uncontrolled pedestrian crossings and drivers turning into Banner Close from Doctors Lane may be obscured by existing landscaping/fencing within 3rd party land on the corners of Banner Close. This reduction of intervisibility may increase the risk of pedestrian/vehicular collisions as crossing pedestrians fail to sufficiently appreciate approaching traffic and vice versa.

It is also noted that the proposed uncontrolled pedestrian crossings do not appear to be located on the pedestrian desire line for those wishing to cross Banner Close

Recommendation The proposed pedestrian dropped crossings should be relocated if pedestrian/driver intervisibility is found to be obscured by the existing landscaping/fencing.


six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit



We certify that the audit has been carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in DMRB GG119.


Jon Preston MCIHT MSoRSA

Director Signed:

six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd Date: 24 November 2020


Tristan Brooks Bsc (Hons), MBA, CMILT, MCIHT, MSoRSA, HE RSA Cert of Comp

Traffic & Road Safety Engineer Signed:

six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd Date: 24 November 2020


six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit



• P20003-001 E Proposed Access Strategy • P20003-200 Swept Path Analysis • 3605177 Eccleston ATC Data • Eccleston Traffic Flow Diagrams • 5 year (2014 – 2019) Personal Collision Data from


six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit







six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit



9.1 Doctors Lane looking east towards proposed access

9.2 Doctors Lane looking west towards proposed access 9

six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit




six:TEN Highways & Traffic Ltd

Tincklers Lane/Doctors Lane, Eccleston - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit




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This page has been left intentionally blank Contains Ordnance Survey data (C) Crown copyright and database right (2020)

Project Drawn by Issue date AM 24 JAN 2020

* * * * TINCKLERS LANE, ECCLESTON Scale(s) Rev Date By Revision notes NTS Status Title Drawing No


This page has been left intentionally blank Contains Ordnance Survey data (C) Crown copyright and database right (2020)

Project Drawn by Issue date AM 24 JAN 2020 * * * * TINCKLERS LANE, ECCLESTON Scale(s) Rev Date By Revision notes NTS Status Title Drawing No


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This page has been left intentionally blank Trip Distribution Based on 2011 Census MTW Data for Local MSOA

MSOA Trips MSOA Name Local Area Pri. Route Pri % Sec. Route Sec % Total % Notes E02002620 11 Blackburn with Darwen 006 Blackburn town centre Tinklers Ln N 0.56% 0.56% E02002621 6 Blackburn with Darwen 007 Blackburn east of town centre Tinklers Ln N 0.31% 0.31% E02002625 12 Blackburn with Darwen 011 Blackburn SE, Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital, Walker Ind Park Whinny Heights Tinklers Ln N 0.61% 0.61% E02000990 11 Bolton 007 Horwich, Middlebrook Tinklers Ln N 0.28% The Green S 0.28% 0.56% 50/50 E02000997 7 Bolton 014 The Parklands, Horwich Parkway Tinklers Ln N 0.18% The Green S 0.18% 0.36% 50/50 E02000999 16 Bolton 016 Bolton town centre Tinklers Ln N 0.41% The Green S 0.41% 0.82% 50/50 E02001005 7 Bolton 022 Bolton east and south of town centre Tinklers Ln N 0.18% The Green S 0.18% 0.36% 50/50 E02001012 7 Bolton 029 Farnworth W, Royal Bolton Hospital Tinklers Ln N 0.18% The Green S 0.18% 0.36% 50/50 E02005191 12 Chorley 003 Clayton-le-Woods, Clayton Green Tinklers Ln N 0.61% 0.61% E02005192 27 Chorley 004 Whittle le Woods, Buckshaw Village E Tinklers Ln N 1.38% 1.38% E02005193 48 Chorley 005 Euxton Tinklers Ln N 2.45% 2.45% E02005194 75 Chorley 006 Chorley N, Chorley N Business Park, Strawberry Fields & Chorley Digital Hub Tinklers Ln N 3.82% 3.82% E02005195 117 Chorley 007 Croston, Bretherton Tinklers Ln S 5.96% 5.96% E02005196 86 Chorley 008 Chorley NW, Buckshaw Parkway, Buckshaw Village S Tinklers Ln N 4.38% 4.38% E02005197 43 Chorley 009 Cowling, Chorley E Tinklers Ln N 1.10% The Green S 1.10% 2.19% 50/50 E02005198 105 Chorley 010 Chorley Town Centre, Chorley Moor Tinklers Ln N 5.35% 5.35% E02005199 187 Chorley 011 Charnock Richard, Eccleston The Green S 9.53% 9.53% E02005200 16 Chorley 012 Eaves Green, Moor Rd Chorley SW The Green S 0.82% 0.82% E02005201 61 Chorley 013 Coppull The Green S 3.11% 3.11% E02005202 21 Chorley 014 Adlington, Heath Charnock The Green S 1.07% 1.07% E02005203 6 Fylde 001 Great Plumpton, Weeton, Singleton, Elswick Tinklers Ln N 0.31% 0.31% E02005205 13 Fylde 003 Kirkham Trading Park, HMP Kirkham, Newton With Scales Tinklers Ln N 0.66% 0.66% E02005209 33 Fylde 007 Warton, Freckleton Tinklers Ln N 1.68% 1.68% E02001331 6 Knowsley 005 Knowsley Village, Knowsley Safari Park, Knowsley Industrial Park, Knowsley Business Park The Green S 0.31% 0.31% E02006902 7 Manchester 054 Tinklers Ln N 0.36% 0.36% E02005256 42 Preston 004 Pittman Way Industrial Estate, Asda Fulwood, Royal Preston Hospital, Longsands Tinklers Ln N 2.14% 2.14% E02005258 9 Preston 006 Preston College, Corpus Christi & Archbishop Temple Schools, Army Cadet Force, Golf Club Tinklers Ln N 0.46% 0.46% E02005259 7 Preston 007 Deepdale Shopping Park, Red Scar Business Park N, Rough Hey Rd Ind Est, Fulwood Barracks Tinklers Ln N 0.36% 0.36% E02005261 12 Preston 009 Red Scar Business Park S, Roman Way Ind Est, Ribbleton, Sir Tom Finney High School Tinklers Ln N 0.61% 0.61% E02005262 19 Preston 010 Preston Marina, Ashton & Lea, Cottam S Tinklers Ln N 0.97% 0.97% E02005263 7 Preston 011 Deepdale, Plungington E Tinklers Ln N 0.36% 0.36% E02005264 19 Preston 012 City centre NW, Plungington W, UCLan W Tinklers Ln N 0.97% 0.97% E02005266 7 Preston 014 City centre NE, Ribbleton Ln, HMP Tinklers Ln N 0.36% 0.36% E02005267 7 Preston 015 City centre N, UCLan E, Police Station, St Paul's Rd/Kent St Ind areas Tinklers Ln N 0.36% 0.36% E02005269 72 Preston 017 City centre Tinklers Ln N 3.67% 3.67% E02005277 27 Ribble Valley 008 BAE Systems Samlesbury, Salesbury, Mellor, Copster Green, Langho E Tinklers Ln N 1.38% 1.38% E02001184 6 Salford 028 Salford Quays Tinklers Ln N 0.15% The Green S 0.15% 0.31% 50/50 E02001432 6 Sefton 004 Southport central and north Tinklers Ln N 0.31% 0.31% E02001436 7 Sefton 008 Kew Tinklers Ln S 0.36% 0.36% E02005287 6 South Ribble 001 Penwortham N Tinklers Ln N 0.31% 0.31% E02005290 7 South Ribble 004 Capitol Centre, Walton-le-Dale, Holland Tinklers Ln N 0.36% 0.36% E02005293 27 South Ribble 007 Bamber Bridge W, Cuerden Way Tinklers Ln N 1.38% 1.38% E02005294 83 South Ribble 008 Bamber Bridge E, Walton Summit Centre Tinklers Ln N 4.23% 4.23% E02005295 10 South Ribble 009 Lostock Hall E Tinklers Ln N 0.51% 0.51% E02005296 10 South Ribble 010 New Longton, Hutton Tinklers Ln N 0.51% 0.51% E02005298 72 South Ribble 012 Farington, Farington Moss Tinklers Ln N 3.67% 3.67% E02005299 55 South Ribble 013 Layland N Tinklers Ln N 2.80% 2.80% E02005300 50 South Ribble 014 Moss Side W, Moss Side Ind Est Tinklers Ln N 2.55% 2.55% E02005301 41 South Ribble 015 Leyland central & W Tinklers Ln N 2.09% 2.09% E02005302 33 South Ribble 016 Leyland E, Buckshaw Village W Tinklers Ln N 1.68% 1.68% E02005303 16 South Ribble 017 Leyland W Tinklers Ln N 0.82% 0.82% E02001406 6 St. Helens 001 Rainford Tinklers Ln S 0.31% 0.31% E02001410 6 St. Helens 005 Haydock industrial areas The Green S 0.31% 0.31% E02001261 6 Trafford 003 Trafford Park, OT football ground Tinklers Ln N 0.15% The Green S 0.15% 0.31% 50/50 E02002593 10 Warrington 004 Birchwood Business Park The Green S 0.51% 0.51% E02002598 7 Warrington 009 Gemini, Kingswood, Whittle Hall The Green S 0.36% 0.36% E02002603 7 Warrington 014 Woolston The Green S 0.36% 0.36% E02005305 12 West Lancashire 002 Rufford, Banks, Mere Brow Tinklers Ln S 0.61% 0.61% E02005307 13 West Lancashire 004 Burscough Tinklers Ln S 0.66% 0.66% E02005308 57 West Lancashire 005 Parbold, Appley Bridge, Wrightington The Green S 1.45% Tinklers Ln S 1.45% 2.90% 75/25 E02005310 16 West Lancashire 007 Ormskirk Tinklers Ln S 0.82% 0.82% E02005312 8 West Lancashire 009 Skelmersdale N Tinklers Ln S 0.41% 0.41% E02005313 10 West Lancashire 010 Skelmersdale central Tinklers Ln S 0.51% 0.51% E02005318 18 West Lancashire 015 Upholland, West Pimbo Industrial Estate Tinklers Ln S 0.46% The Green S 0.46% 0.92% 50/50 E02001288 39 Wigan 002 Standish The Green S 1.99% 1.99% E02001292 18 Wigan 006 Wigan N (Marylebone, Bottling Wood) The Green S 0.92% 0.92% E02001294 26 Wigan 008 Wigan Central & NW The Green S 1.32% 1.32% E02001296 12 Wigan 010 Challenge Way Industrial Estate, Marsh Green, Robin Park The Green S 0.61% 0.61% E02001297 22 Wigan 011 Kitt Green, Heinz The Green S 1.12% 1.12% E02001298 22 Wigan 012 Ince-in-Makerfield, Westwood Business Park, Makerfield Way The Green S 1.12% 1.12% E02001300 6 Wigan 014 Pemberton, Lamberhead Green The Green S 0.31% 0.31% E02001301 23 Wigan 015 Wigan SW, Robin Park, Newtown, The Green S 1.17% 1.17% E02001307 6 Wigan 021 Highfield, Weatlea Industrial Estate The Green S 0.31% 0.31% E02001316 7 Wigan 030 Leigh The Green S 0.36% 0.36% E02001318 9 Wigan 032 Bryn, South Lancashire Industrial Estate The Green S 0.46% 0.46% 1963 95.47% 4.53% 100%

Route Pri % Sec % Total % The Green N 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% The Green S 27.5% 3.1% 30.6% Tinklers Ln N 57.9% 0.0% 57.9% Tinklers Ln S 10.1% 1.5% 11.5% Total 95.5% 4.5% 100.0%

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This page has been left intentionally blank Project: Land East of Tincklers Lane, Eccleston Notes: Flows are average weekday peak hour flows derived from LCC ATC On C192 Tincklers Lane All flows are in vehicles AM peak in black PM peak in red

2014 Observed Site Access Site

188 183

Doctors Lane

166 194

2025 Without Development Site Access Site

208 202

Doctors Lane

184 214

Distribution Site Access Site

0.69 0.31

0.69 0.31

0.69 0.69

Doctors Lane 0.31 0.31

2025 With Development Site Access Site

12 6

25 11

24 8

208 202

Doctors Lane 3 11

184 214

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This page has been left intentionally blank Generated on 15/11/2020 12:00:00 using Junctions 9 (

Junctions 9 PICADY 9 - Priority Intersection Module Version: © Copyright TRL Limited, 2019 For sales and distribution information, program advice and maintenance, contact TRL: +44 (0)1344 379777 [email protected] The users of this computer program for the solution of an engineering problem are in no way relieved of their responsibility for the correctness of the solution

Filename: Eccleston Site Access.j9 Path: N:\Projects 2020\P20003 - Doctors Lane, Eccleston, Lancashire (PO617695)\6.Technical\Models Report generation date: 15/11/2020 11:59:36

»(Default Analysis Set) - With Development 2025, AM »(Default Analysis Set) - With Development 2025, PM

File summary

File Description

Title Doctors Lane Site Access Location Eccleston Site number 1 Date 15/11/2020 Version Status Final Identifier Client Redrow Jobnumber P20003 Enumerator D Stoddart Description Checked by D.Stoddart

Units Distance units Speed units Traffic units input Traffic units results Flow units Average delay units Total delay units Rate of delay units m kph PCU PCU perHour s -Min perMin

Analysis Options Calculate Queue Percentiles Calculate residual capacity RFC Threshold Average Delay threshold (s) Queue threshold (PCU) 0.85 36.00 20.00

Demand Set Summary ID Scenario name Time Period name Traffic profile type Start time (HH:mm) Finish time (HH:mm) Time segment length (min) D1 With Development 2025 AM ONE HOUR 07:45 09:15 15 D2 With Development 2025 PM ONE HOUR 16:45 18:15 15

Analysis Set Details ID Name Network flow scaling factor (%) A1 (Default Analysis Set) 100.000

1 Generated on 15/11/2020 12:00:00 using Junctions 9 (

(Default Analysis Set) - With Development 2025, AM

Data Errors and Warnings No errors or warnings

Junction Network

Junctions Junction Name Junction type Major road direction Use circulating lanes Junction Delay (s) Junction LOS 1 Mell Road/Site Access T-Junction Two-way 0.88 A

Junction Network Options Driving side Lighting Left Normal/unknown


Arms Arm Name Description Arm type A Doctors Lane (west) Major B Site Access Minor C Doctors Lane (east) Major

Major Arm Geometry Width of carriageway Has kerbed central Has right turn Visibility for right turn Blocking queue Arm Blocks? (m) reserve bay (m) (PCU) C - Doctors Lane (east) 6.00 70.0 ü 0.00 Geometries for Arm C are measured opposite Arm B. Geometries for Arm A (if relevant) are measured opposite Arm D.

Minor Arm Geometry Arm Minor arm type Lane width (m) Visibility to left (m) Visibility to right (m) B - Site Access One lane 2.75 15 15

Slope / Intercept / Capacity

Priority Intersection Slopes and Intercepts Slope Slope Slope Slope Intercept Stream for for for for (PCU/hr) A-B A-C C-A C-B B-A 478 0.087 0.220 0.138 0.314 B-C 618 0.095 0.239 - - C-B 615 0.238 0.238 - -

The slopes and intercepts shown above do NOT include any corrections or adjustments. Streams may be combined, in which case capacity will be adjusted. Values are shown for the first time segment only; they may differ for subsequent time segments.

Traffic Demand

Demand Set Details ID Scenario name Time Period name Traffic profile type Start time (HH:mm) Finish time (HH:mm) Time segment length (min) D1 With Development 2025 AM ONE HOUR 07:45 09:15 15

2 Generated on 15/11/2020 12:00:00 using Junctions 9 (

Default vehicle mix Vehicle mix source PCU Factor for a HV (PCU) ü HV Percentages 2.00

Demand overview (Traffic) Arm Linked arm Use O-D data Average Demand (PCU/hr) Scaling Factor (%) A - Doctors Lane (west) ü 210 100.000 B - Site Access ü 36 100.000 C - Doctors Lane (east) ü 187 100.000

Origin-Destination Data Demand (PCU/hr) To A - Doctors Lane (west) B - Site Access C - Doctors Lane (east) A - Doctors Lane (west) 0 8 202 From B - Site Access 25 0 11 C - Doctors Lane (east) 184 3 0

Vehicle Mix Heavy Vehicle Percentages To A - Doctors Lane (west) B - Site Access C - Doctors Lane (east) A - Doctors Lane (west) 10 10 10 From B - Site Access 10 10 10 C - Doctors Lane (east) 10 10 10


Results Summary for whole modelled period Stream Max RFC Max Delay (s) Max Queue (PCU) Max LOS B-AC 0.09 9.94 0.1 A C-AB 0.01 5.93 0.0 A C-A A-B A-C

3 Generated on 15/11/2020 12:00:00 using Junctions 9 (

(Default Analysis Set) - With Development 2025, PM

Data Errors and Warnings No errors or warnings

Junction Network

Junctions Junction Name Junction type Major road direction Use circulating lanes Junction Delay (s) Junction LOS 1 Mell Road/Site Access T-Junction Two-way 0.56 A

Junction Network Options Driving side Lighting Left Normal/unknown

Traffic Demand

Demand Set Details ID Scenario name Time Period name Traffic profile type Start time (HH:mm) Finish time (HH:mm) Time segment length (min) D2 With Development 2025 PM ONE HOUR 16:45 18:15 15

Default vehicle mix Vehicle mix source PCU Factor for a HV (PCU) ü HV Percentages 2.00

Demand overview (Traffic) Arm Linked arm Use O-D data Average Demand (PCU/hr) Scaling Factor (%) A - Doctors Lane (west) ü 232 100.000 B - Site Access ü 18 100.000 C - Doctors Lane (east) ü 225 100.000

Origin-Destination Data Demand (PCU/hr) To A - Doctors Lane (west) B - Site Access C - Doctors Lane (east) A - Doctors Lane (west) 0 24 208 From B - Site Access 12 0 6 C - Doctors Lane (east) 214 11 0

Vehicle Mix Heavy Vehicle Percentages To A - Doctors Lane (west) B - Site Access C - Doctors Lane (east) A - Doctors Lane (west) 10 10 10 From B - Site Access 10 10 10 C - Doctors Lane (east) 10 10 10

4 Generated on 15/11/2020 12:00:00 using Junctions 9 (


Results Summary for whole modelled period Stream Max RFC Max Delay (s) Max Queue (PCU) Max LOS B-AC 0.05 9.59 0.1 A C-AB 0.03 5.90 0.0 A C-A A-B A-C


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