(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-09-02
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'~TI'I, MEATS, " ••" I ............. Cit " ...." V, ,.od Ih,ourh Au,. II; VII 111 ••••11 II .11 ••••11 80,•. I 30: AI Ih.onh Il •••• , .......11 0." II, ••• '1 Cooler Ih,ou.h KI .o.d Ih.oa,h "'.v. 1M. Ll.II •••• II Cil ". c~me ",.11. 818.,'. 1 ••• aPi r ••' da,•• ,.. De.,. It. SUOAR, .Iamp Ii •••• Ih ....11 A ••. 11 ,., II .. PetitiQ pound.. 8lam, l1li .... a.,I. 1 111 ...,11 Dee. II lor • Fair au cooler. tlve P....... 8H018, bo." Ih,.. .,.,.. ". 11 ••,1 1, THE ~, Sand t ... vall. lad.,lallel,. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~:=N=E==C=EN==TS==============~===========~T~B·I=A=S=SO=C=IA=T=I=D=P=.=18=8========~==~==========~IO=VV~A~C~ITY~,~I~O~VV~A==:;==SUND~~A~Y~,~S~~~~~B~ER~2~,~1~9~45~============~~=======:TB:I~A:ss~0:cM~Tu~:pu::a:.===;YO~L~UME~~'~'~'====~~~~~ M e or urren.. I .------------------------.• .44 More Escape From Eldora Byrnes Vows TO~~:~~,~~~v;.e's Solemn Riles Despite Iowa State Guardsmen In Massachusetts Major Polilical • MANCHESTER, Mass (AP)~ On 'Missouri' EfJDORA (AP)- [n the third mass escape since Wedncsday While the Tokyo radio was broad noon, 44 hoys fl d the g'rouods of the E~dora state training sehool casting last night the arrIval of Jap (hanges Joseph C. Grew, former ambassa for boys last niglit, S)1('riff J. E. David~on suid, but in an hour dor to Japan, to General MacAr (linch VictoFy and a hllir all but 10 had b . n rounded up. thur's headquarters in Yokohama, 'I'he escape took pIa 'e liS Iowa state gull,rdsmen patrolled the Promises Developing Grew was unpackIng for a quiet school grounds. GUU1'dsmen in trucks and jeeps quickly 8ur· weeknd at this Bummer resort. Jap Representatives rounded the A"'ounds and cut of.( the cscape of many of the boys. Of Peace-Inclined Grew, recenUy resigned under Quietly Write 'Finis' 'rhe shet'iff said the boys were being returned from the athletic People's Government secr:etary of state, came here last field last night when thry broke I night for the weekend at the home To Long Pacific War WASHINGTON (AP) - Secre ot Mr. and Mrs. S. V. R. Crosby. at lurge after The Tokyo radio broadcast Wall . l\U OURI, Tokyo rli~~t~nft~~ilJ Y-12 Students tary of State Byrnes last night recorded by the FCC at San Fran promised revolutionary political bay, unday (AP) apaD SUr l:: o~ii~~~te~I':~~O~:'IRt~~e ~i~~~ I cIsco. r Ddered formally and uncon changes in Japan to allow the ditionally to th Alli today, Wedne. clay's riot and Illas~ es- eventual development, by the Jap cape of J7!J was listed at 35. Out by Noy. 1 restoring peacc to war-ra,'agcd All but 25 of the boys who fled anese people themselves, of a world. following the riot had been picked peacefully-incllned government. Bowles Lauds The lemn e remony, mark. up yesterday with two more of He said that "we expect" to see ing the first defeat in Japan '8 the fugitivcs caught at Estherville. Medical, Dental such a government emerge eventu 2,600·year-old mi - I gendary The riots and escapes followed the history, took place aboard this death of Ronald Miller, 17-year Men in Uniform Set ally but he sternly added in a 400 Murray Bill word slatement: with 12 old inmate, from what Hardin For Inactive Duty mighty battleship signa "We and our AHies shall be the ture . It required only 20 min· County Coroner E. H. Biersborn judges as to whether the govern Full Employment said was a "blow on the head." WASHINGTON (AP) - The utes to affix to tb article of ment which does emerge will or Needed to Balance surrender. The ceremony ended At Des Moines, meanw~i1e, Gov navy announced yesterday that will not contribute. to the peace ernor Robert. D. Blue enlarged his just as the sun burst through IDw about 8,500 navy V-12 students • and security of the world. We Budget, He Asserts hanging cl.ouds as a shining sym order for a sweeping investiga shall judge that government by its tion of Iowa penal institutions to taking medical, dental, theologi- EVICTED BY FIRST WAVE OF MARINES spearheali;nr our cccupaioion force&, Jap soldiers march Irom I bol to a ravaged world now done deeds, not by its words." I W ~HINGTON (AP) - PrIce with war. include study of the use of prison cal, pre-medical, pre-dental and' lort of Futtsu peninsula, one of Tokyo's outer defen ses. Unarmed, the Nip trOOllS leave with Only their Former Secretary Cordell Hull: Admlmstrator Chester Bowles as labor at state insane hospitals and pre-theologicai training will start personal belonrlngs. This lort now will house A.me rlcan marines if it Is not dismantled. Official United "The very survival of the human serted yesterday that the so-caUed All through this d ram tic other institutions. re t urOing. to mac· t·Ive d u.Tto Nov. 1, States marine corps photo via navy____________________________________ radio. _ race now depends upon its ability full employment blll and t.he pro 20 minutes, only those aboard tin! Investigation of the use of such battleshIp knew ot what wu The remaining 25,500 students in to build a system of organized re- gram necessary to make It eftec labor will be one of many phases lations among men and among na- live "provide the only practical transpiring because the Missouri of the inquiry to be made by per the V-12 program either will grad- tlons in which our newly-found hope of a balanced federal bud- has no broadcasting facilities. son or persons from outside the uate or continue their training in Prisoners Tell powers, will be made to serve the ge.t" But recordIngs were rushed to \ Drive .10 End stale, Blue said. He added, how- college as apprentice seamen on Congress ends of human welfare." "With an national production of the nearby communications ship ever, that it has not been deter- active duty. F'ormer Secretary E. R. Stetlin- 200 billions dollars worth of goods Ancon, and the solemn words ot mined yet who will make the in MacArthur beglnnig the ceremony Disposition of all students in the ius Jr., designated as chief Ameri- and services annually, a regularly vestigation. Of Jap (ruelty Drafl Weakens can delegate to the United Nations: balanced budget should be readily -"We are gathered here, repre The four companies of the state program will be made by June, Convenes sentatives of the major warring "The destructive force Of modern obtainable with relatively moder guard patrolling the grounds here 1946. Recite More Instances methods of warfare Which has ate taxes," Bowles saId In a state powers"-were flashed around the were making open display of such The navy previously announced 14 Committeemen Say been made so terribly evident by ment presented to the senate world. equipment as machine guns. They that V.12 training at 69 of the Of Beatings, But No Sept. 5th the atomic bomb, makes It all too banking committee. The hour for whIch all were called out when nine more They Favor Keeping clear that civilization cannot sur- "But who would assume," · he 124 colleges and universities with Mass Exterminations llberty·lovlnr lanIU the world boys escaped thc institution. vive another war.... the world asked, "tl)at with a national pro over had awaited for lonr and District Judge Dean W. Piesen V-12 an naval reserve officer Selective Service By SPENCER DAVIS By DOUGLAS B. qORNELL cannot permit the new (United duction of, say only 110 billion terrible years was at hand-V-J said at Eldora yesterday a Hardin Nations) organization to fall. dollars and with 20 million tnen training units would end Nov. 1. TOKYO BAY, Sunday (AP) WASHINGTON (APl-An of· WASHINGTON (AP)-A poll of da, was here. county grand jury would begin an Every citizen at the world must walking the streets In searcb of Yet at the hour of triumph, the Trainini will continue at 42 Liberated Allied prisoners of war licinl call went out yesterday for the house military commlttce extensIve investigation into the today recited more instances of accept personal responsibility . for jobs, we could raise the neces world was sobered by the know training school situation n ext NROTC units and 13 V-12 units the reconvening Wcdnesday of a showed yesterday that a campaign beatings, hunger and humilia congress aiready storing up plenty Its success ..." sary funds to meet our federal ledge of the price which civiliza Tuesday. He said he had issued in the program and at 10 newly Former Undersecretary Joseph commitments within the bounds tion-including tigerish attacks by of hot oratory and trouble for the for immediate end of the dra(t has tion paId to achieve thIs day, and the order for the grand jury in established NROTC units. C. Grew: "Another war is literally of practical taxation?" Japanese women on helpless fliers administration. lost its steam. that theme rang through the mes vestigation upon the request of About 5,700 medical and 1,450 unthinkable, for in such a war we Asserting the bill merely states sages of America's commanders, dental students will remain on ac -but there was no indication of The big job, of course, will be to Fourteen committee members County Attorney D. W. Dickinson. eli berate, German-scale mass ex would have to visualize' thc wlp- a national pollcy and calls for a "Our first thoughts ot course Lieut.