(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-09-02
'~TI'I, MEATS, " ••" I ............. Cit " ...." V, ,.od Ih,ourh Au,. II; VII 111 ••••11 II .11 ••••11 80,•. I 30: AI Ih.onh Il •••• , .......11 0." II, ••• '1 Cooler Ih,ou.h KI .o.d Ih.oa,h "'.v. 1M. Ll.II •••• II Cil ". c~me ",.11. 818.,'. 1 ••• aPi r ••' da,•• ,.. De.,. It. SUOAR, .Iamp Ii •••• Ih ....11 A ••. 11 ,., II .. PetitiQ pound.. 8lam, l1li .... a.,I. 1 111 ...,11 Dee. II lor • Fair au cooler. tlve P....... 8H018, bo." Ih,.. .,.,.. ". 11 ••,1 1, THE ~, Sand t ... vall. lad.,lallel,. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~:=N=E==C=EN==TS==============~===========~T~B·I=A=S=SO=C=IA=T=I=D=P=.=18=8========~==~==========~IO=VV~A~C~ITY~,~I~O~VV~A==:;==SUND~~A~Y~,~S~~~~~B~ER~2~,~1~9~45~============~~=======:TB:I~A:ss~0:cM~Tu~:pu::a:.===;YO~L~UME~~'~'~'====~~~~~ M e or urren.. I .------------------------.• .44 More Escape From Eldora Byrnes Vows TO~~:~~,~~~v;.e's Solemn Riles Despite Iowa State Guardsmen In Massachusetts Major Polilical • MANCHESTER, Mass (AP)~ On 'Missouri' EfJDORA (AP)- [n the third mass escape since Wedncsday While the Tokyo radio was broad noon, 44 hoys fl d the g'rouods of the E~dora state training sehool casting last night the arrIval of Jap (hanges Joseph C. Grew, former ambassa for boys last niglit, S)1('riff J. E. David~on suid, but in an hour dor to Japan, to General MacAr (linch VictoFy and a hllir all but 10 had b . n rounded up. thur's headquarters in Yokohama, 'I'he escape took pIa 'e liS Iowa state gull,rdsmen patrolled the Promises Developing Grew was unpackIng for a quiet school grounds.
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