(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-05-02
IIIAT8, 'ATI, T••• , •••• lU At ......h ., .....Fe' •••• ""'"• ,aOC'IIIED rOODl,.a. III •• ".'1, O' II.... '. XI ".11.. 8UOAa, II_I< , ... • ta.. , sa nll411 I •• 'In ,...... IHOES, He" thr••• Clearing ..... ,. I, I ............,..Mel' . OA80LINI!, 16-A e •••••• , ••• I., f •• r ,aI' •••••• II"', ....-r , Co.' ••• IOWA: CIearina' In afternoon. Co, ".U. ,.. ,... ..U.... rUIL OIL, ,.rI.. ••• ••••• ,10 II". co.,... ••.•. .... laol ,..... ,.rI•• THE DAILY IOWAN Wa.rmer• , ••• aa. IIvl , •••• n John_ Iowa City'. Morning ~ew.pap., n Ilnder DSPitauOJ • ~ FIVE CENTS "1m &a8OClIAftD ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1945 VOLUMEDl NUMBER 186 nou~ • e e e aZls al 1 ea. • Birihplace An Able, R:thless Commande,- • • • 14,000 Nazis Karl Doenilz Of Hiller Falls Admiral Doemtz, New Fuehrer of NaZI ReIch Surrender New Fuehrer Br THB ASSOCIATBD puss taining command of the submarine the Mediterranean he led his sub trip to the East Indies. When he Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz warfare. marine into an allied port through returned the high command told Admiral Pledges Third Army Drives who was reported by the Hamburg "Kill, kill, kill!" he was re mine fields and with one torpedo him he had proved his ability in Soviets Smash To Trap Germans radio last night to have succeeded ported to have told these U-boat sank "a valuable navy repair past work as a submarine com For ReichschanceUery Continued War ship." For this he received the mander and he was put in charge In Czechoslovakia Adolf Hitler as head of Nazi Ger crews. "That is your duty to the In Heart of Berlin Against 'Bolshevism' many is an able, ruthless com fatherland and der fuehrer.
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