V u • /■ K I ’ MONDAY, MAY 19.1947 The Weather Avcnife Dally Circulation Forecast of C« S- WoUthor ^ a g e t w e l v e 1 0 anrlyifBtfr Eit^nitto l|fralb F o r Um Month of AprU. tt 47 Shower* and aeattorod thoador- Community Y director. Jio* ha* shower* eadlNg thl* orealfig M- Mia, Lawrtnea K. Naff and aon, gone a long way In tha right dl> 9,298 lowed ^ rlearing later toalghtj Lawrence. Jr., who tave made Elected to State Offices Gives Address lection. Aa far aa 1 am concerned Motabor oC'tho Audit Wednesday geaomlly flglr. About Town thdlr home In Mancheeter I believe the town now la getting Bw o m oC Clfcaiatteas . Mra. Neff's parents. Mr. and Mrs. .piore for Ita money than before. For Summer Sewing •V. tlie men of the Ea«t O'Mtw- Robert E. Carney of 71 Garden Before K. of C. "Yet money doea not go as far Manch9»ter— A CUy o f tillage Charm ^ r v Methodist church win cook rtre^t, for the past lew yeaxa. left as H once did. As an example It Bcfutifol Quality PRICE POUR CENTS ■ad a church suj)per Mon- thU noon for their home In Chica­ cost more than 1200 to move the (Cl adoortMag oe Fago !•) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY. MAY 20. 1917 (TWELVE PAGES) • » , Msy 3$, at 6:80 p. >n., to go. Mrs. Neff and her aon came to Charles Hurlbiirt Deliv­ bBjcksto^.at the north end field. VOL, LXVI„ NO. 196 Which the pubUc is Invited. TOe Manchester when Mr. Neff WM So you c^n sec recreation U an ■isnu include* chicken a is King inducted Into the service. ers Talk on Rerrealion ' cx]>en8ive buatnesa. 36” Striped Chambray ■ad ether c<x>^ thinss. At Banquet \ I ‘Tn regard tn Memorial field I Sanforised Ahruok Town Motor*, tnc.. 45 Weat Cen­ s-5 ’ km rnot too fa i^ ia r . with the Nobody Was Hurt Greeks Attack ■ AH Maritime Ser\ice officers In ter street, now have on display in UI.1I1.S the c. I unoecatand a very Soft shades of pink, aqua, area are Invited to attend a their ahowroom the-new Fraser Recreation la a peculiar, hual- fine long-range 'pfogrkm ha* been blue, and tan with wplta Democrats Renew 82,000 Reduction Memorial service Thursdsy mom- ••ManhatUn” cualom-bullt aedan. neaa. Men do It becauae they >;Mt worked out, however. Thgre la no •tripe. .. ( Liaison Group ta r at Fort Trumbull, New Lon- This is the car that received the to do IL" Recreation Dlrectbt doubt that the town needs more New York Designers award In facilities. I only hope that the peo­ for U. 8. MariUme Service Charlea Hurlburt told members of ■naonnel. graduates of the offl- April. ple of Manchester will give us w"hat Attack on Lease; the Knights of Columbila and in­ we'ask for and thert see that they For Activities esr# school at Fort Trumbull, who vited gueata at the banquet for the lost their lives in the war. The Chester Hughes, s freshman st get dollar for dollar value. If there 79)^ y**- Of Navy Strength memtwra of Ita basketball amd ■OTTice. at n a. nl. wUl b« Doane College, Crete. Nebraska, are any areas not up to snuff 1 at the granite memorial shart. bowling teams and members of the would like to hear almut them. I Charge Albanian, Yugo­ and the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. ly council's bowling league at the "No one halt a comer on recrea-1 Cotter Set Down Hughes of Manchester. slav and Bulgarian Of­ Mary C. Keeney Tent. No. 14. Knighta of Columbus home Satur­ tlon. Whether public or private I awarded a scholarship froni/lhe day evening. The banquet was each has » jf>b to do," j DUVeW. will meet tomorrow fve- Wheeler Scholarrhlp Fund, ^ was sponsored by the At'hletlc commit­ ficers With Inlerfer- ■lag at 47 Maple street. A memo- announced last week. Thesp^wards Other speakers on'tpe program Jjem ^ic n«or L«d. A tom ic Bomb Seen Slash Result ftal service for deceased members tee, the members of which acted were: Deputy Grand K'ftlght John enee to Aid Reds were base<l on fa c to rs ^ scholar­ as waiters for the turkey dinner Tierney, Grand Knight Joseph L. er Ruled Out of Or* will be a part of the program, and ship. lesdersblp, and^tltenshlp. 1 r — — ------------------------------- — --------------------------- !— r , -— / plans will be made for the observ- prepared by Charles O'Bright. 'Picaut, District Depjity BernaM 1 ^41 "The Knights of Colummi* de­ M. Fogarty. Chairman John 0 ’N>tll | der; Conway Accuses Bulletin! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Navy Marin<in i^ w m of Decoration Day. A penny John y. f*ml)orton of Chestnut Monopoly Hit Face* Trial ■octtpn and social will folloa-, with serve commendation for their ac- of the Athletic committee, John ' t ^1 Minority of Seeking lAke Succe**, N. Y., May Senate Gels Havp to ^ sc lia rg e 7 0 ^ street, ohalrmgn of the Physical A. Karl Hnoiv James E. Rllintt, Jr. tlvltlea in the things with which Sullivan. Luke D. Phillips and i JO.—i.ei—The United State* , pofreshmenta served by Mia* Pau- Education anff Health commltWe 86-Inch Bates )bie Beebe and Mrs. Rena Smith. I am acquainted," the speaker said. Howard Murphy of Murphy'.s boWl- j To ‘Delay and Delay’ By Red Envoy today aecu«ed three Soviet 0 0 0 a n d ^ ^ , 0 0 0 R im ' of the Harl/ord County Y.M.C.A., Earl Snow, aon of Mr. and Mra. "The confining of your athletic ac­ Ing alleys. Francis Gill, tressurer Plain and satellite *taten In the Balkan* Tax Cut Bill will maks''^hts report at tbs .10th te. HcKigc of Manchester, waa tivities to your members Is s very Legislation in House fleorge E. Snow, of 19t( Woodbrldge nihner-up for the Best Master of the Athletic committee, acted Printed of defying the authnrlly of *|»pctivelyX lV oina8 Aa* annual .Convention and dinner, to- wlsegtand. Your bowding activities, as toastmaster. the United Nntlon* by refu*al . mon:»W afternoon and evening at atreet. waa appointed State Scribe Couhgllor award. Gromyko See* Only *FFtft w Opposing 11 After the presentation of the especially, seem to fit tile need of - state Capitol, Hartford, to cooperate wftli a II.N. bor­ Democrats to Hold Up RUDY JOHNSON th y Congregational church In and Japiea E. Elllnt, Jr., aon of " J many of your members. der watch group pooled In Bteky Hill The buMnesa session Mr. and Mra. Jamea E. Elliot of Plaque,\lhc Horwrary Legion "Many seem to think a man has Broadcloth May 20.—(>P)—A renewal of Temporary Control by Per Cent Cut iK, Ap« EWdileal Contraetor "Honor I>kgree waa conferred upon northern Greece. Referring to Delaying Motion to ^11 op<'D at 4:45. The meal will Rumnill atreet waa apjmlnted State to be big. strong and rohuet to Sanforized .Shrunk .the Democratic minority’s at­ Any Nation; Sees Such .\lbnnla, Yiigo«l*vla and Bul­ propriatioiis; Dlsap* Master Elerlriciaii ^ be served by the Lodles Benevolent Senior Steward at the 17th annual "Dad" Frederick Palmer of New take part In recreation. That Is Await I dinger Return Haven and ^Dad" Aug^iat Dennlcr. Soft as silk. Gorgeous colors In tack on the Republican ad­ garia, U. S, Ik'piity Delegate Work done a t once—No w altl^ Society of tbe Congregstlonsl Slate tJonclave of the order of not so. At present 1 am organiz­ LECLERC ministration’s handling of Monopoly as Illusion Hemchet V, Johnson Mild "it ^ ^irove* Taking C h a n el church. A number from this srea DeMolay. held at Weat Haven, on ,Sr. of Hartfokfl. This honor la the ing a horseshoe pitching league for dusty rose, matse, white, tan, I* enllrely InndmUonble for Washlngt^p, May 20 -W>)—'The Saturday. Cheater M. Kcrrla waa higheat DeMoIiiy Honor which can men of 50 years or older. Funeral Home copen blue, aqua, and Bonita the lease of a Hartford build­ Telephone 802R" expect to attend New York, May 20—(d7—Andrei the Security'council to accept tax cut bill h<)^ded for the Senate i elected chairman of the State Ad- 1k> bestowed upon any Individual Cater TPn Young And Old red. Also new patterns In ing precipitated- a partisan their refusal to cooperate." Washington, May 20.— Reservatlona for the supper vlaory Board. Mr. Snow la at prea- for outstanding aeVvlce to human­ I "Y’our basketball and softball 28 Main Street st.);ipos and florals. A. Gromyko, ysSR delegate to the floor today where the tlme-for- —Uep. Albert Thomas (D., ent the Scribe of John Mather Phone 5269 controversy in the House to­ which the Sew’lng Circle of Con­ ity. I teams and your bowling team in day which ended with Rep. United Nations; Security council, Lake Succesa, N. Y.. May 20 (/Cl artton dlvlaioo W so cloae that Tex.L said today the Navy cordia Lutheran church is serving Chapter. Order of DeMolay and The suite of officer*, which In­ the Weat Side Rec League arc said last night that an atomic wea­ Demorrata chose to hold up a de­ larine Corps will have to Wednesday evening at alx o'clock Mr. Ferrla la an advlaor of the local vested the degree are hjembera of what may be termed your varslt.- John P. 0>Mer of Hartford, the ,—The Greek government charged WE DO ALL KINDS Deriiocratlc floor leader, being pons monopoly by any one country today that Albanian.
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