Rodeo/Ec Rider on Horse Reluctant to Come out Chute; Rider Sat There
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rodeo/ec rider on horse reluctant to come out chute; rider sat there leaning back with his spin's over the point of the horse’s shoulders, an expectant look in his eyes—waiting for the initial buck—pulling back on the rein—when suddenly the horse careened over backward on top of him..* when the horse rolled ofer, 1 rider j.ay there... running his h inds over his groin—rush to surround him—’’let me tell you how to load me”—took him off A/ Time. ^ollins, Philip The cowboy? his characteristics, his equipment and his past in the development of the west NY: Scribners, 1922) (cited in McGregor dissn) 311 bronc riding: splitting long cracks through the air. —^ 310—get bucked off: chase a cloud 3OO horse that "leaves the ground while headed at one compass point and to land while headed at another”: pitching fence-cornered bucking in a single direction: doing straight work "twistingots body into a flexible crescent the horns of which were swinging alternately to right and left: sun—fishing —"end for end" bucking, or swapping ends —circle buck: long-evenly timed leaps in a circle, "the horse leaning toward the center," making the rider giddy, Reversal of course and centrifugal force dizzies the rider. rodeo/ec 37-8 horses’ bucking styles: sunfishing—turning rear as running forward power(?)—jump high; come down with all 4 legs stiff, back arched, ±± gives an auwful jolt spinning—rotate and kick; some horses always spin to right; occasionally smarrt horse will switch and become left turner high kicking—(typical) standing on front legs, kicking high head fighting horse—while bucking will throw head back in rider* s lap M m •SL&> l JU"VyWJ5jULrv V 197—types of bucking: fast short jolts by horse that barely leaves the ground, or slower, more deliberate shocks by those that jump. —leaving the chute, most dangerous is horse "that crouches back into a sitting squat,(then) springs forward with a leap on his first move." —or a horse can come out on a dead run, before “diggings in" to throw rider. —"The horse that comes out with a straight leap and hits the ground with his forefeet increases the contestant’s misery by adding the extra flourish of kicking with the hind feet. The wild and fierce kicking at the highest point of the leap and the shock of the kicking beast striking the ground cause one of the toughest and roughest rides which bring down many a contestant." 200—riders sometimes "places chewing gum on ths instep or in the arch of his boots to help him keep his stirrups." 203—horse names: Ham What Am; Hootchie Kootchie; Rock and Rye; Mary’s Lamb; 32 Below; Board and Room; Prison Bars (%ct(yvr~*K A*OIM\ ^/inA^Ji C AI\OJ^^ c- '/>^a-Aa*®^^ ■rodeo cowboys shout derisively, ’’Merry Christmasi" dlAA&jcfl I AACTOLAV 3*6 & cc-^Wy ^o/ovvj A / c smjtd t&U+Ai id& ^ 1 ‘^vs\^JL<_ ct. d&atu&tL ptrA>Wt«?»T^ <3^\J-uvo^.w C Sfc oL^jyj^j ‘ C^i£A/\ /JUT ^!U/» l£c C cn^-W-t| " ’ c^Ajy-^Jk. ^oJUi f c&^SLjAi\ C£\SLQ /^QV<LXW^ A^ct~ '/o cx7v-e,^ m^.(A. Us C&&y ” 0^ ^fcl Ir'X G^( Aj^Xi^- \\nj>A'd 'tfa tWJ Co. Jki. 1A /KhOj^C 3 2 l^dUfi- ^VscrcA> ^ ao^- "i (J* ^ ^Sp -J^ ^ - ^T1QJLSL_ <_$T >_x^) J 'c% * . A CUJ2J A4AC I £ AIXSL^N ^xAx/if4k-« U'vJb-^ ^CM. ^ 6-tj (Sin^^J\ t^vAOj-'U&C C CA»~ ^ b$-&'U v X>ffuStr*jbtfc_ A^MJ\ txTVXA^M** /IOUOUIIL (AjOloH 4»iJtiL*N7 b9*&A*dh^ o-^ /\*p 0*17 tremor thru corral poles Jick is sitting on (up thru his hip pockets) as bronc bangs at the chute. % /\CtdUo l***f4. * c~ & ^iguLj/k AJ&\AA^ ®^^UKCX. e- JLHT*( ^SSJA kotfaci uw- /rJLt'f AOujQ {/AJOW* _ ~ o^Ui-M 0~M(t *Jk*smJkr "foulA'^ So OAM. owwu&wu • c^erud &j loM p*J*je»f*JL J* s> (.OMr- uX.Quio&jfc’s <vt«~v^ A V.oUi S (*Jc£f 0<J ) 6*>SS /IwatjLQ ka.Xd jiAofkZA 0$tM * fvsu-a i ' t°^A^ 'fu* ur «l A*/0U . f? July: Red Kesler-produced rodeo really wasn’t very good; slow-moving, and the bucking horses pretty predictable$ the wild cow milking interminable, with woeful roping. The rodeo grounds, the trees of the town, the day, all are attractive enough in Choteau that they may be the real reason people turn out as they do. ~ d/KOrf LcrUA /UAAA^ - XZMM. MSL/ICC**\ rf+JUA < c C 'A o^*ci(/yu4; Cc*rtd S aau<ut a- ^JUAV CL. > /'“f* Cu*vv L*«JI©K H “7 Cou» *6L*O cyLjjtc//vJlAk AJLAA £6<i ouvi OK Cjtuj % t*4^uv*ra WMMqf lo CL/S S' /U&Ufi rodeo lingo cards from Choteau Acantha transferred to "Oral Histories & Archival Sources" category in Lingo filebox 4 - pXtSMJL, \ ^Julf \A\ CAftiA ‘ J |>^V w, ^ 7^ . A / AA>. A A A A A AAA . u I\A AT 10*K /t*OM C A£1«U-| /* <A'facJu* . i. , AicrtA**M4, A A>.* f Aft/j ^OuJb ’ h*^o( oww ^ 4/U\ ^fcl+fj yvc/» (Aj CAf^Hol A1A «A<. ? ^A-» 6A*. 0k_ CO&LL kx*H| "* CCAoWtj^ ojf W <JU2XM ( WjcnA^A^ 0* /u^ Ua ; Tu| ^AtityuWO' ^ 'tkfclK^ ■~” kfiTUUL#k<A*-M WCM«|WCM* (^AV CM CM "i o/vCf<ywf -r-J O^SLAAG^ - ^ IKAALA f pjL*^4x- (/tii** ^ AV fc-*4 ' l^CM,o^U^ "J A»tLMX#^ W-uuu (w+*Mf IX^'/W-A* ^y. 0'S, CJM*MJ*^. « JLAXM£/\CTOAAO jvWf/ij >( CJ>^U " /A#- AA^A-k ‘* kcu( fX)Mr <AA^ H crjj- ~ AAC*4A .* k*^“ (AJU ©^ \ptw»<*4 C*4ft lv<AAM r^f^fi f &a*\ fo * CJOMA/'S •* UjiAA* • y*» (/1»*M»fl..4 - I ^ CTA/** 1 ^" UAMiLj ] dUvit ^vo-jjUXj A*^ JAO*** kcAAJU kotrt^* That seemed to me to credit Earl Zane with more thinking capacity than he *d ever shown. Earl was a year or so older than Alec, and his brother Arly was a year ahead of me in school, andss so far as I ■if' •“**- could see/ the^r-ffere living verification;that tte human head is mostly bone. Because of their dad's business I guess they di§~-l understand^ horses. But hell, other horses und er st and) horseg. H 'S/vfirtlUa J* S&HS~AjyXjJi V-^ 0kA'*^ QyA I^W jvtouyl *5«v****' %a flcKju^ A*M/K ^ UJyC Afct* ud'-o - * eowWtf /*A.t*4pi 1 A<rdx* y*oA*«v ACMJUA. ^ ll^Ao’rf Ob* •^A^ACAit'j U/MMl^-Kf •{£*-*“ ^JVv^A ©|f* t*A ^HAU-J, /Oor*w Ufrot H / ktfWU (a*. LMM «^| flbAU\Ok crj Ut^G f\SiJ*At ~ Jotfljj sr*J+A * C ^oA/i /f+J*A*4 d tUtjW 0®^ #**d2V A * 0* A< iro^cfi^ j Ju J /ivv u I)IA4 f^ t *^ ^ T*f<». fcMT^ /V^A^i^WNAbA (oj * pJuJL*.^ k«JL| - /WVI-U A* I ‘tjl u* A» JjUA XO^AMA^ u/^U/iuij «j( "tJs&Mr OuMUAA^ou^ fto^M «* io lj( vj 0*7'} C^r*vt< <A/\AJL~ ~ ( Jsrt. \rvt^ i o-t i-fciu* ju«ot *| oiuuJtM — ii S *C t\**t X A>v^tfw#A| 1 • O, S.-“ ~ A JK % - /*AAAA $A*M. (O AM* 4^ AA*MA^ Orm^ftU1 - — /KWUA-I. kJL />O*IL 4++c( 7 — y+*^Jj AAJuuyu. ^ Vff. uJ( * £ j Cxn^^dL ^/ALUA^ JLAA /yU&^J- ^ <ASL*CM*J .A. O'! ; ^ /WUK • erwv . .