Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 49(2) 1982
I , , _ / ,' "T '- "/-_ J, . _. Volume 49 Jrily 1982;} Nufnber,2 \~-.\ .•'.' ''•-,- -• ;- - S "• . v-T /7, ' V. >= v.-"' " - . f "-< "'• '-.' '" J; PROCEEDINGS -. .-.•, • "*-. -. The Helmifltliological Society Washington :- ' ; "- ' A^siBmiohnua/ /ourna/ of research devofedVfp ^He/miiithoibgy and , a// branches of Parasi'fology in part by the ; r r;Brqytpn H.yRansom Memorial /Trust Fond TA'&'- -s^^>~J ••..''/'""', ':vSj ''--//;i -^v Subscription ^$18X)0 a Volume; Foreign, $19.00 AMIN, ,OwARr M. Adult Trematodes (Digenea) from Lake'Fishes ;6f Southeastern;Wisconsin, A with a Key to;Species ofvthe Genus Crleptdottomu/rt firwm, 1900 in-North America '_'.C-_~i-, 196- '•}AMIN, OMAR M. Two larval Trematodes'^Strigeoide^y^f fishes iri/Southeastern Wiscpnsin .:._ 207 AIMIN, OMARM. Description of Larval Acanthoctphajus parksidei Amin, 1975 (Acanthocephala: I A Echinorhynchidae) from Its iSopod Intermediate Host—i'.i.—_i.;—;-__-..-_-__-.—J....... 235 AMIN, PAIARM."and DONAL G.'My/ER. 'Paracreptbtrematina\timi gen.;et sp. inov. (Digenea: -. v Allocreadiidae) frohi-the Mudminnow, Umbra limi '.:'-._.2i_i-..__.^^.^i.., _— -____i_xS185 BAKER, M.i R. ,'On Two'Nevy Nie;matode Parasites (TnchOstrongyloidea: Molineidae) from f— , Amphibians;and Reptiles (...^d.-. -—._..-l.H— --^_./——.—.—.j- ^::l.._.___i__ 252 CAMPBELL, RONALD A:, STEVEN J- CORREIA, AND ;RIGHA»PTL. HAEPRJGH., A ,New Mbnor : • \ ^genean/and Cestode from'jthe Deep-Sea Fish, Macrourus berglax Lacepede, ;1802,' from jHe Flemish 'Cap off Newfoundland -u—— :.^..——u—^—-—^—y——i——~--———::-—:^ 169 vCAMPBELL, .RoNALp A. AND JOHN V.-^GARTNER, JR. "'Pistarta eutypharyifgis gen.\et sp. 'n.' , (', (Ceystoda: Pseudophyllidea)_from/;the Bathypelagic Gulper .Eel, ~Eurypharynx-pelecanoides ^.Vaillant, 1882, withiComments on Host arid Parasite Ecology -.:^-_r-::--—i—---_—L——I.
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