A New Synonymy in the Horsefly Genus Hybomitra (Diptera: Tabanidae)

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A New Synonymy in the Horsefly Genus Hybomitra (Diptera: Tabanidae) a new synonymy in the horsefly genus HYBOMITRA (diptera: tabanidae) Theo Zeegers The taxonomy and nomenclature of Hybomitra solstitialis is critically revised. Based on a re-examination of the type, H. solstitialis is found to be identical with the species currently known as H. ciureai syn. nov. Since the 1950s the name H. solstitalis has been misinterpreted in European literature. This concept, introduced by Lyneborg, is shown to be a light coloured variety of H. bimaculata. introduction The horseflies (family Tabanidae) are a median The discovery by Lyneborg (15) of the impor- sized family (about 170 species in Europe, Chvála tance of the shape of the subgenital plate, espe- et al. (172)) of median to very large flies (6- cially in the H. bimaculata-group, was a major 25 mm). Females are notorious for sucking blood breakthrough in the taxonomy of the genus on both humans and livestock. In the palearctic Hybomitra. Unfortunately, he distinguished too region, the tribe Tabanini of the subfamily Taban- many species due to underestimating of the inae is the most abundant group of horseflies. colour variation. This was largely corrected by In the palearctic region the horsefly genera are Chvála et al. (172), introducing a system that has well defined. Identification of species is often been followed since (Moucha 176, Olsufjev 177, difficult due to variability in coloration and Trojan 17, Timmer 10, Chvála 1, Zeegers paucity of structural features. Identification is & Van Haaren 2000, Stubbs & Drake 2001, especially challenging in the genus Hybomitra Portillo 2002). Enderlein, 122, characterized by the presence of an ocellar tubercle on the vertex. 2 mm Figure 1-2. Holotype of Tabanus solstitialis, 1. dorsal, 2. frontal. Source mnhn. Figuur 1-2. Holotype van Tabanus solstitialis, 1. dorsaal, 2. frontaal. Bron mnhn. zeegers ‒ a new synonymy in HYBOMITRA hybomitra bimaculata-group the tip is black, in complete agreement with the The Hybomitra bimaculata-species group is char- original description. The notopleural lobe is com- acterized by the narrow and tapering frons in pletely yellow. These features and the coloration the female (length / width index 1 : 4.5 or larger), of the abdomen demonstrate that the holotype wrinkled lower callus, relatively stout second belongs to the species currently known as H. ciureai segment of the palpus and red tibiae. The male (Séguy, 137) syn. nov., which was originally has long hairs on the first antennal segment and described as a variety of H. solstitialis. The old usually a bunch of long hairs on the vertex, which name by Meigen has priority. The interpretation are bent forwards at their tip. The H. bimaculata- of Schiner (162) of H. solstitialis is consistent group is represented in the western Palearctic with Meigen (120). by four well-known and widespread species: H. bimaculata (Macquart, 126), H. distinguenda A history of mistakes (Verrall, 10), H. muhlfeldi (Brauer, 10) and It is remarkable to see how H. solstitialis (Meigen, the species generally known as H. ciureai (Séguy, 120), well established by Schiner (162), Brauer 137). H. muhlfeldi is often spelled muehlfeldi, (10) and Verrall (10), got confused in history. however, muhlfeldi is the correct spelling according Verrall (10) based his interpretation on a study to art. 27 of the Code. To this group also belong of the type. He questioned whether his interpre- two cryptic and rarely reported species: H. solsti- tation was identical with that of the continental tialis (Meigen, 120) sensu Lyneborg (15) and authors. From this question, Lyneborg (15) H. ukrainica (Olsufjev, 152). I will argue that jumped to the conclusion that Meigens species Lyneborg (15) misinterpreted H. solstitialis. had been misinterpreted by Schiner (162), with- out studying the type or presenting any real Since in this group vernacular names are actually evidence for this opinion. To fix this supposed more stable than scientific names, for conveni- misidentification, he proposed H. schineri as a ence of the reader I add both English and Dutch new name for H. solstitialis sensu Schiner, for vernacular names, following Stubbs & Drake which later the name H. ciureai (Séguy, 137) (2001) and Zeegers & van Haaren (2000), respec- proved to be available. Following Lyneborgs lead, tively. Leclercq (166) did study the type and rightly concluded it was not a light form of H. bimaculata. He failed, however, to observe that it was con- Hybomitra solstitialis (Meigen, 1820) specific with H. ciureai. nec Lyneborg (1959) k: Levels Yellow-horned Horsefly Hybomitra solstitialis sensu Lyneborg 1959 n: Rosse knobbeldaas nec Meigen (1820) = ciureai (Séguy, 137) syn. nov. = schineri Lyneborg, 15 k: Scarce-Forest Horsefly n: Bastaardknobbeldaas Meigen (120) described Tabanus solstitialis with = bimaculata (Macquart, 126) the following characterization (in translation) ‘antenna completely reddish yellow, only black Lyneborg (15) believed a fifth species to be at the tip’. The holotype, female, is still present present in the material of the H. bimaculata- in Muséum national d’histoire naturelle in Paris group from both England and Denmark. Accord- (mnhn), catalogue number e 450 (fig. 1-2). It ing to him, it was characterized by the pleura belongs to the H. bimaculata-group and the first with light hairs only, first antennal segment three antennal segments are totally orange and orange covered with grey, dark notopleural lobe, 0 neeranse anisishe meeeingen 50 ‒ 201 female with short subgenital plate and male biogéographique des Tabanidae (Diptera) Paléarc- without enlarged upper eye facets. The last three tiques. Volume ii, Tabaninae. – Institut royal des features are shared with H. bimaculata and also sciences naturelles de Belgique Mémoires, deuxième the second is sometimes seen in H. bimaculata. série, 0: 1-237. Therefore, Zeegers & van Haaren (2000) focused Lyneborg, L. 15. A revision of the Danish species completely on the light hairs on the pleura of Hybomitra End. (Diptera, Tabanidae). With (and fore femur) to separate H. solstitialis sensu description of five new species. – Entomologiske Lyneborg from H. bimaculata. I have learned Meddelelser 2: 7-150. since, that both light-haired and intermediate Meigen, J.W. 120. Systematische Beschreibung der forms are rare in western Europe, but more bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insecten, common to the east, in for instance Finland vol. 2. – Aachen. (Kahanpää et al. 2014) and that there are many Moucha, J. 176. Horse-flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) intermediate individuals. It is probably no coinci- of the World, Synoptic Catalogue. – Acta ento- dence that H. solstitialis sensu Lyneborg was not mologica Musei nationalis Pragae, Supplement 7: accepted by two eastern authors: Olsufjev (177) 1-31. and Trojan (17). Also Portillo (2002) considered Olsufjev N.G. 177. Slepni, semejctvo Tabanidae. H. solstitialis sensu Lyneborg and H. bimaculata Fauna sssr, Nasekomye dvukrylye, Tom 7, vyp. 2. to be synonymous. Given all evidence presented – Akademiya Nauk sssr, zoologicheskij instityt, above, I have to agree. Hybomitra solstitialis sensu Leningrad. Lyneborg (15) is a light colour variation of Portillo, M. 2002. Diptera, Tabanidae. – Museo H. bimaculata. Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. [Fauna Ibérica 1] 162 acknowledgements Schiner, J.R. Fauna Austriaca, Die Fliegen. I. Theil. – Verlag von Carl Gerold’s Sohn, Wien. I thank the Musée national d’histoire naturelle in Stubbs, A. & M. Drake 2001. British Soldierflies and Paris for publishing photos of Meigens types on their allies. – British Entomological and Natural their website. History Society, Reading. Timmer, J. 10. De dazen (Diptera, Tabanidae) van references de Benelux-landen. – Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging, Hoogwoud. [Weten- Brauer, F. 10. Die Zweiflügler des kaiserlichen schappelijke Mededeling 13] Museums zu Wien I. – Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Trojan, P. 17. Tabanidae, ślepaki (Insecta: Diptera). Akademia der mathematischen naturwissenschaft- – Państowe wydawnictwo naukowe, Warszawa. lichen Wissenschaften, Wien 42: 105-216. [Fauna Polski ] Chvála, M. 1. Family Tabanidae. – In: Á. Soós & Verrall, G.H. 10. Stratiomyidae and succeeding L. Papp eds., Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, families of the Diptera Brachycera of Great Britain. volume 5: Athericidae - Asilidae. Akadémiai Kiadó, – Gurney & Jackson, London. [British Flies 5] Budapest: 7- 171. Zeegers, Th. & T. van Haaren 2000. Dazen en dazen- Chvála, M., L. Lyneborg & J. Moucha 172. The horse larven. – knnv Uitgeverij Wetenschappelijke flies of Europe (Diptera, Tabanidae). – Entomo- Mededelingen 225: 1-114. logical Society of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. Kahanpää, J., K. Winqvist & Th. Zeegers 2014. Checklist of the ‘lower Brachycera’ of Finland: Tabanomorpha, Asilomorpha and associated families (Diptera). – Zookeys 441: 165-11. Leclercq, M. 166. Révision systématique et zeegers ‒ a new synonymy in HYBOMITRA 1 samenvatting Een nieuwe synonymie in het dazengenus Hybomitra (Diptera: Tabanidae) De taxonomie en nomenclatuur van Hybomitra solstitialis is kritisch gereviseerd. Bij herbeschouwing van het type van H. solstitialis bleek deze identiek met H. ciureai syn. nov. Sinds de jaren 150 is de naam H. solstitalis verkeerd geïnterpreteerd in de Europese literatuur. Het concept zoals geïntroduceerd door Lyneborg blijkt een licht gekleurde variëteit van H. bimaculata. Th. Zeegers eis Kenniscentrum Insecten [email protected] 2 neeranse anisishe meeeingen 50 ‒ 201.
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